This document contains a series of questions and suggested answers about a person named Bryan. It provides details about Bryan's name, age, marital status, occupation, place of residence, family members, their ages and occupations. For question k, the suggested answer is about Bryan's best friend Ximena rather than about the occupations of his family members.
This document contains a series of questions and suggested answers about a person named Bryan. It provides details about Bryan's name, age, marital status, occupation, place of residence, family members, their ages and occupations. For question k, the suggested answer is about Bryan's best friend Ximena rather than about the occupations of his family members.
This document contains a series of questions and suggested answers about a person named Bryan. It provides details about Bryan's name, age, marital status, occupation, place of residence, family members, their ages and occupations. For question k, the suggested answer is about Bryan's best friend Ximena rather than about the occupations of his family members.
This document contains a series of questions and suggested answers about a person named Bryan. It provides details about Bryan's name, age, marital status, occupation, place of residence, family members, their ages and occupations. For question k, the suggested answer is about Bryan's best friend Ximena rather than about the occupations of his family members.
b. How do you spell it? B-R-Y-A-N c. Where are you from? I am from Colombia d. How old are you? I am 28 years old. e. What is your material status? I am single f. What is your occupation? I am a portfolio assistant g. Where do you live? I live in Bogotá D.C. h. Who are the members of your family? My family consists of my dad, my mom, my sister, my nephew and my brother. i. How old are they? My dad is 58 years old, my mother is 53 years old, my sister is 31 years old, my nephew is 7 years old and my brother is 34 years old. j. What are their ocupations? My dad is independent, my mother is a housewife, my sister is an assistant file, my nephew is a student and my watchful brother. k. Who are their occupations? My best friend is Ximena, she is very outgoing.