Chemistry 114A - : Biochemical Structure and Function
Chemistry 114A - : Biochemical Structure and Function
Chemistry 114A - : Biochemical Structure and Function
Biochemical Structure
and Function
Chapter 2: Water
Water is an Essential Component of Life
H2 O
Donor group
Weakly acidic
Acceptor group
Weakly basic
Donor group
Weakly acidic
Acceptor group
Weakly basic
~5-20 kJ mol-1
The Irregular Structure of Water - Fluidity
1 3 ~78
Dielectric Constant
Vacuum Solvent Water
Amphiphiles - molecules have both polar (or charged) and nonpolar segments
simultaneously hydrophilic and hydrophobic
Amphipiles – Mixed Polar and Nonpolar Segments
Hydrophobic “bonds”
Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure
• The fluid inside cells and surrounding cells in multicellular organisms is full of dissolved
• water's physical properties, the colligative properties, that depend on the concentration of
dissolved substances (e.g., lowering freezing point or raising boiling point)
• The osmotic pressure of a solution is the pressure that must be applied to the solution to
equalize the flow of water across the membrane in both directions
Dialysis: Diffusion of Solutes
• The molecules move randomly, or diffuse, until the concentration of the solute is the
same on both sides of the membrane
• The size and type of membrane dictates which solutes move - dialysis
• What is the relationship between polarity and hydrophobicity?