Corrosion Rate Assigmnt

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Corrosion, Corrosion Rate

Analysis Of Steel (Case

When most metals come into contact with certain substances in the air or water,
they undergo a chemical change which decreases the integrity of the metal. This
process is called corrosion. Oxygen, sulfur, salt, and other materials can all lead to

When a metal corrodes or deteriorates, it cannot hold the same loads as it did
before corrosion began. At a certain point, corrosion can lead to dangerous
conditions. The metal used in bridges, railroad tracks, and buildings are all subject to
corrosion. Because of this, it is important to monitor and manage corrosion to avoid
structural collapse.

The Rate of Corrosion

The rate of corrosion is the speed at which any given metal deteriorates in a specific
environment. The rate, or speed, is dependent upon environmental conditions as
well as the type, and condition, of the metal.

Corrosion rates in the US are normally calculated using mpy (Mils per year). In other
words, the corrosion rate is based on the number of millimeters (thousandths of an
inch) it penetrates each year.

In order to calculate the rate of corrosion, the following information must be


 Weight loss (the decrease in metal weight during the reference time period)
 Density (density of the metal)
 Area (total initial surface area of the metal piece)
 Time (the length of the reference time period)
Converting Corrosion Rates
 To convert the corrosion rate between the mils per year and the metric
equivalent millimeter per year (mm/y), you can use the following equation:
 1 mpy = 0.0254 mm/y = 25.4 microm/y
 To calculate the corrosion rate from metal loss:
 mm /y = 87.6 x (W / DAT)
 where:
 W = weight loss in milligrams
D = metal density in g /cm3
A = area of sample in cm2
T = time of exposure of the metal sample in hours

Why Corrosion Rates

Corrosion rates determine the lifespan of metal-based structures. This reality
dictates the choice of metals used for different purposes, and in different
environments. It also determines the maintenance requirements for
structures: a metal structure in a wet environment may require more frequent
maintenance than a similar structure in a drier location. Maintenance
schedules are developed based on the types of calculations described above.

Corrosion Rate Analysis Of

Approximately 85% of all steel produced is carbon steel and therefore susceptible to
natural oxidation and galvanic corrosion. The rate of corrosion is well understood in
typical atmospheric conditions, but for the design engineer, the precise localized or
micro-environment conditions must be well understood for him/her to have confidence in
the ultimate durability of the design. Other micro-environments include exposure to
fresh and salt water (in or very near) or in soil.

Corrosion of carbon steel and even alloy steels in micro-environments can be very
complex. For example, the pH, moisture content, and chloride level are just three of the
variables determining the corrosion rate of galvanized steel in soil.

Corrosion charts are difficult to develop because of the many variables present in any
given micro-environment. For example, corrosion in water must consider factors such
as oxygen content, the extent of agitation, wave action, temperature, chloride levels and
more. This makes developing a chart predictive of corrosion rates for any specific
location extensive and sometimes costly, and why many corrosion rate charts exist, but
only for unique locations and conditions.

Here is a little more detail about steel corrosion rates in various environments.

The most common exposure environment for metallic corrosion is atmospheric. As
steel, copper, magnesium, aluminum, et al are exposed to the atmosphere, they react
with free flowing air and moisture to develop oxides. The performance of
atmospherically exposed metals depends on five main factors: temperature, humidity,
rainfall, sulfur dioxide (pollution) concentration in the air, and air salinity. None of these
factors can be singled out as the main contributor to corrosion. Extensive studies have
been conducted on these metals and a predictable corrosion rate for each is available.

Corrosion of carbon steel occurs when the relative humidity of the air is 70% to 80%
and the air temperature is above 32 F. Corrosion rates may be accelerated by air
impurities that dissolve in condensed water or rain water and by dust and dirt settling on
the metal surface.

General corrosion rates of carbon steel in different atmospheres are provided in the
following table. It should be noted corrosion rates in micro-environments can greatly
exceed the corrosion rates given in the table.

The (uniform) corrosion rate of steel in different atmospheres:

Rular > 4-6

Urban > 30-70

Industrial> 40-160

Marine > 60-170

Marine (Water)
A less common environment for metal is submerged in or exposed to water. Moisture is
highly corrosive to most metals including steel, aluminum, and zinc. There are many
different types of water (pure water, natural fresh water, potable water (treated drinking
water), and seawater) and each has different mechanisms that determine the corrosion
rate. The parameters that affect corrosion of metals in water include pH level, oxygen
content, water temperature, agitation, the presence of inhibitors, and tide conditions.

Onshore areas of marine corrosion include docks, harbors, naval yards, where
sacrificial anodes providing cathodic protection may be employed, as well as protective
coatings such as marine paints and galvanizing. Offshore oil and gas platforms are
exposed to particularly aggressive corrosion from sea salt spray and immersion.

Depending on the nature of the product being carried, exposure conditions, operating
conditions (24/7 v. sporadic), and commitment to maintenance, pipeline corrosion may
mean a useful life of one year or more than 50. In North America the cost of pipeline
corrosion is approximately $9 billion annually with 10% apportioned to cost of failure,
38% to capital requirements, and 52% to operations and maintenance.Although
technology and monitoring equipment investment has increased significantly in the past
few years, including risk assessment and pipeline integrity management programs,
several high profile failures brings into question the effectiveness of such commitment to

One of the challenges to pipeline corrosion is ot typically starts on the inside of the pipe,
making detection difficult. Pervasive within the pipeline industry is the mentality to wait
until a failure occurs to fix it. This is because the cost to implement effective inspection
such as “ smart pigs” is very high. This myopic strategy may save money in the near
term, but surely has a higher cost to the environment and future capital requirements

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