The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

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The Emerging Risk

of Virtual Societal
Social Manipulation in a Changing
Information Environment

Michael J. Mazarr, Ryan Michael Bauer, Abigail Casey,

Sarah Anita Heintz, Luke J. Matthews

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ISBN: 978-1-9774-0272-1

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This analysis is part of a larger study on techniques of social manipula-

tion and was motivated by recent Russian efforts to manipulate West-
ern information environments. This study focuses on the future of
social manipulation efforts and involved a survey of multiple, overlap-
ping information-related technologies and their potential for manipu-
lation. It describes the emerging phenomenon of virtual societal warfare
and suggests avenues for Western democracies to respond.
The research was sponsored by the Office of Net Assessment,
Office of the Secretary of Defense, and conducted within the Inter-
national Security and Defense Policy Center of the RAND National
Defense Research Institute, a federally funded research and develop-
ment center sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the
Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Navy, the Marine
Corps, the defense agencies, and the defense Intelligence Community.
For more information on the RAND International Security and
Defense Policy Center, see
isdp.html or contact the director (contact information is provided on
the webpage).


Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Table.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi

A New Form of Conflict. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Definitions and Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Approach and Methodology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The Evolving Infosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Broader Social Trends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Trends in the Infosphere: Knowledge and Awareness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Networked Dynamics and the Viral Spread of Information.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Sensationalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fragmentation of Information Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Concentration of Information Platforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
The Role of Echo Chambers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Role of Influencers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
The Trolling Ethic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The Rule of Data.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Summary: A Changing Information Environment for Advanced
Democracies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

vi The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Insights from Social Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Attitudes and Attitude Change.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
When Attitudes Change: Criteria for Attitude Shift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Correcting Disinformation: Beyond the Backfire Effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Factors Influencing Social Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
The Nature of Attitudes and the Shifting Infosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Emerging Technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Precision Targeting of Influence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Artificial Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Algorithmic Decisionmaking.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Virtual and Augmented Reality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Internet of Things.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Voice-Enabled Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Video and Audio Fakery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Surveillance Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Conclusion: A Rapidly Changing Infosphere.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
A Note About Methodology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
The General Future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
A Future of Virtual and Invented Reality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
The End of a Shared Picture of the World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Information Aggression and Manipulation in the Death of Reality. . . . . . . 112

Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
The General Future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
A Fragmented Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
The Wars of the Silos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
A Burgeoning Landscape of Cyberharassment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Information-Based Aggression and the Silo Future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Contents vii

Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
The General Future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
The Cloud of Knowing.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Interactive Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
The Cloud Knows Where You Have Been—and What You Think. . . . . . . 140
Ruled by Algorithm: Surrendering to the POPE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Vulnerabilities and Risks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Information Aggression in an Algorithmic Future.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
A New Form of Conflict: Virtual Societal Warfare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Dealing with the Threat of Virtual Societal Aggression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Designing a Response: An Initial Agenda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

4.1. Emerging Technologies of Social Manipulation and

Virtual Societal Aggression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


The year 2016 and beyond saw an explosion of interest in issues of

disinformation, propaganda, information manipulation and fakery,
“fake news,” “Truth Decay,” and related trends—a broad phenomenon
that can be termed hostile social manipulation. In this study, we define
this concept as the purposeful, systematic generation and dissemination of
information to produce harmful social, political, and economic outcomes
in a target country by affecting beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Examples
of this rising challenge include Russian efforts to influence elections
and sow discord in the West through propaganda and disinformation;
the role of social media platforms such as Facebook in spreading such
misinformation; and burgeoning Chinese programs to shape regional
narratives and gain political leverage in specific countries. U.S. intelli-
gence services have concluded that Russia employed such techniques to
influence the 2016 election, and Moscow continues to employ them—
sometimes brazenly despite U.S. warnings—in the United States and
As significant as these developments have been, they may only
represent the beginning of what an aggressive nation can accomplish
with techniques and technologies designed to disrupt and shape the
information environment of a target country. This report’s primary
conclusion is that, as significant as social manipulation efforts have
already been, the United States and other democracies have only
glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of what these approaches may someday
be able to achieve.

xii The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

The intersection of multiple emerging technologies, from arti-

ficial intelligence to virtual reality and personalized messaging, is
creating the potential for aggressors to change people’s fundamental
social reality. Two well-known information-related threats are classic
cyberattacks on major infrastructure sites and internet-enabled disin-
formation, but this report calls attention to the burgeoning landscape
in between—areas of the emerging information-based foundation of
society that are vulnerable to persistent disruption and manipulation.
Especially with the rise of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) and algo-
rithmic and big-data–driven decisionmaking, advanced societies are
becoming perilously dependent on networks of information and data
gathering, exchange, communication, analysis, and decisionmaking.
These risks are especially significant today because of the changing
nature of the infosphere (the information environment governing post-
modern democracies), which is characterized, among other trends, by
the fragmentation of authority, the rise of silos of belief, and a persistent
“trolling” ethic of cynical and aggressive harassment in the name of an
amorphous social dissent.
As much as it feels to citizens of advanced economies that we
already live in an information society, we have in fact seen only the
first hints of this transformation. And that transition will open unprec-
edented opportunities for hostile rivals—state or nonstate—to reach
into those societies and cause disruption, delay, inefficiency, and active
harm. It will open the door to a form of virtual societal aggression that
will make countries more persistently vulnerable than they have been
for generations. Such virtual aggression will force a rethinking of the
character of national security and steps taken to protect it.
Traditional forms of information-based social manipulation have
focused on disseminating narratives—through, for example, propa-
ganda, public diplomacy, and social media posts—to affect beliefs.
Classic hostile cyberattacks have often used information networks as
a highway to attack physical targets, such as banks, power stations,
or centrifuges. The evolution of advanced information environments
is rapidly creating a third category of possible aggression: efforts to
manipulate or disrupt the information foundations of the effective
functioning of economic and social systems. Aggressors will increas-
Summary xiii

ingly have the opportunity, not merely to spread disinformation or

favorable narratives or damage physical infrastructure, but to skew and
damage the functioning of the massive databases, algorithms, and net-
works of computerized, computer-enhanced, or computer-dependent
things on which modern societies will utterly depend.
What we are calling virtual societal warfare can involve any com-
bination of a broad range of techniques, including the following:

• deploying classic propaganda, influence, and disinformation

operations through multiple channels, including social media
• generating massive amounts of highly plausible fabricated video
and audio material to reduce confidence in shared reality
• discrediting key mediating institutions that are capable of distin-
guishing between true and false information
• corrupting or manipulating the databases on which major com-
ponents of the economy increasingly rely
• manipulating or degrading systems of algorithmic decisionmak-
ing, both to impair day-to-day government and corporate opera-
tions and to intensify loss of faith in institutions, as well as increase
social grievances and polarization
• using the vulnerabilities inherent in the connections among the
exploding IoT to create disruption and damage
• hijacking virtual and augmented reality systems to create disrup-
tion or mental anguish or to strengthen certain narratives
• inserting commands into chatbot-style interactive systems to gen-
erate inefficiencies and in some cases personal frustration and

In many cases, the primary goal of such aggression may not be

physical harm so much as confusion and an accelerating loss of confi-
dence in the operation of major social institutions. And the emergence
of information-dependent societies will broaden and deepen the array
of social manipulation techniques available to attackers, allowing them
to seek highly tailored combinations of physical damage and changes
in attitudes. The role of trust is a consistent theme in this analysis:
Attacks on the effective operation of information systems strike directly
xiv The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

at levels of social trust, creating the sense that the institutions and pro-
cesses of advanced societies cannot be trusted and generating a sense of
persistent insecurity and anxiety.
To shed light on how these techniques might evolve, RAND
researchers built on a first-phase analysis from this project that focused
on Russian and Chinese efforts at hostile social manipulation. This
project was not yet aimed at solutions, but rather understanding—i.e.,
comprehending the character of the emerging challenge. It was designed
to set the stage for more-detailed discussion of potential responses to
the threat. But one lesson of this phase of research is that many of these
trends, technologies, and capabilities remain poorly understood, and
some possible responses have potentially dramatic implications for the
operation of the information environment, the character of free speech,
and other issues. It would be dangerous to begin promulgating possible
solutions without rigorous analysis of their likely consequences. This
report is designed to set the stage for such work by first analyzing the
scope and nature of the problem.
To understand the risk of virtual societal warfare, we surveyed
evidence in a range of categories to sketch out some initial contours
of how these techniques might evolve in the future. We grounded the
assessment in (1) detailed research on trends in the changing char-
acter of the information environment in the United States and other
advanced democracies; (2) the insights of social science research on
attitudes and beliefs; and (3) developments in relevant emerging tech-
nologies that bear on the practices of hostile social manipulation and
its more elaborate and dangerous cousin, virtual societal warfare (terms
which are defined further in Chapter One). In all three cases, we gath-
ered data on established research findings and existing trends.
Chapter Two offers our analysis of the characteristics of the
infosphere—the context in which such hostile techniques will be
employed. Chapter Three derives insights from social science, survey-
ing what research into beliefs and attitudes suggests about the forms
of social manipulation likely to be most effective. Chapter Four exam-
ines current developments in several technologies, from artificial intel-
ligence to virtual reality and the IoT, that could play a role in future
manipulation campaigns.
Summary xv

A second primary approach taken in this analysis was to employ a

scenario planning methodology to describe the possible shape of social
manipulation futures. In Chapters Five through Seven, we sketch
out—based on the findings of the research on trends and realities, the
insights of the previous study on Russian and Chinese social manipu-
lation strategies, and other research—three scenarios for how social
manipulation could affect advanced societies over the next decade.
The three are not mutually exclusive; each one emphasizes a different
theme, but elements of all three are likely to combine to characterize
an actual future. In each case we cite extensive research to support dif-
ferent assumptions of the scenarios, and in each case we describe ways
in which aggressive social manipulators could use the aspects of that
scenario to gain advantage.
The analysis suggests that virtual societal warfare is likely to
have many essential characteristics, which together reflect the essential
nature and character of this new form of warfare. A full understand-
ing of these characteristics will only emerge over time, but this analy-
sis points to an initial set of characteristics that can help define this
emerging challenge. They include the following:

• National security will increasingly rely on a resilient infosphere

and, even more fundamentally, a strong “social topography.” The
elements of a resilient infosphere are not well understood, but
they likely include classic forms of information security as well
as strong mediating institutions and a population continuously
inoculated against the techniques of social manipulation.
• The barrier between public and private endeavors and responsibili-
ties is blurring; national security will rely on the cooperation of pri-
vate actors as much as public investments. The technologies and
techniques of this form of conflict are increasingly available to a
wide range of actors. Private power in this realm matches and, in
some cases, exceeds public power.
• Conflict will increasingly be waged between and among networks.
We see this pattern already in, for example, the complex, interna-
tional network of hackers, activists, and informal propagandists
being employed by Russia as part of its information campaigns,
xvi The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

and in China’s use of Chinese citizens and ethnic Chinese abroad

to further its control over key narratives. State actors are likely to
develop such networks to avoid attribution and strengthen their
virtual societal warfare capabilities against retaliation. It will be
much more difficult to understand, maintain an accurate portrait
of, and hit back against a shadowy global network.

These are only three initial suggestions of the sorts of principles

that will govern conflict in the virtual societal realm. More research is
urgently required to understand this realm more fully and to begin to
understand the sorts of responses that will protect democratic societies
against its worst effects. Chapter Eight concludes by pointing to several
initial avenues of response to enhance democratic resilience in the face
of this growing risk. These include the following:

• Invest in research and understanding. A consistent theme in many

of our conversations and analyses for this study has been the limits
of our awareness: the true character of the evolving infosphere
and its likely directions, key causal dynamics in that evolution,
how populations react to various forms of social manipulation,
and what the most effective answers might be. What are the main
hallmarks of a resilient infosphere and a robust social topography?
What metrics can we use to assess whether we are attaining those
• Begin building forms of inoculation and resilience against the worst
forms of information-based social manipulation. Campaigns should
not limit themselves to countering outside claims after they occur,
but rather take steps in advance to create resilience against such
claims and campaigns. Forewarning may be more effective than
post hoc treatment of established narratives.
• Take seriously the leading role played by social media today and
the precedent-setting character of many of the information control
debates playing out in that realm. Governments should increas-
ingly look to actions that can incentivize social media platforms
to solve the problems themselves to the greatest degree possible. In
the process, governments should identify four to five things that
Summary xvii

the platforms can do over the next two to three years to make a
dent in the problem.
• Make investments designed to erect new, broadly trusted informa-
tional mediating institutions that can help Americans make sense of
events. Governments (as well as private foundations and activists)
can also prompt trial-and-error work among information compa-
nies, such as internet browsers (especially those willing to take the
lead in new approaches), to experiment with revised algorithms,
new browser extensions, and rating and ranking different sites
and sources to see what works. The goal would be to send sig-
nals that would contribute to the overall inoculation effect being
sought by government policy. A major source of the challenges
today is the decline of any respected, trusted intermediary sources
that the public can rely on to get a sense of whether what they are
seeing is accurate. Apart from basic fact-checking organizations,
experimenting with different varieties of such revised intermedi-
ary institutions could help mitigate the effect of virtual societal
• Begin working toward international norms constraining the use of
virtual societal aggression. The biggest risk of virtual societal war-
fare may be that it represents an insidious, gradual degradation of
the territorial integrity norm that has largely prevailed since 1945
and helped to keep the peace among countries. To the extent that
nations begin attacking one another in virtual but highly damag-
ing ways, the prevailing consensus on territorial nonaggression
could collapse, leading eventually to large-scale armed adventur-
ism. As with other forms of aggression, deterrence can contribute
strongly to defense, but so can international norms that help tie
the status and prestige of countries to their respect for fundamen-
tal principles.
• Better understand the workings and vulnerabilities of emerging tech-
nologies, especially artificial intelligence–driven information chan-
nels, virtual and augmented reality, and algorithmic decisionmak-
ing. If the United States and other democracies are not careful,
advances in the private application of these technologies will race
ahead of policy and even understanding, creating intense vulner-
xviii The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

abilities for democratic societies. The dangers of virtual societal

warfare and the specific emerging dependence of democratic soci-
eties and advanced economies on such information applications
point to the need for research on their potential implications and
steps democracies can take to protect themselves.

These categories represent only a broad sketch of the sort of

response likely to be required for democracies to armor themselves
against the potential threat of virtual societal warfare. These emerging
forms of aggression represent a significant danger to advanced democ-
racies, a form of national security threat that has not been seen before.
Especially in the nuclear age, and in an era when a general global con-
sensus has prevailed against outright territorial aggression, large-scale
invasions have become mostly a thing of the past. But while armies can
be deterred, gradual, low-level hostile manipulation of the infosphere
and larger social topography of nations may be the new frontier of
aggression. The potential for virtual societal warfare is certainly emerg-
ing. The only question today is whether democracies band together to
control and defend themselves against this threat.

The authors would like to thank the Office of Net Assessment for its
support and guidance of the project. We extend our sincere thanks to
the management of the RAND International Security and Defense
Policy Center—Seth Jones (for the beginning of the project), Christine
Wormuth (for its latter phases), Mike McNerney, and Rich Girven—
for their help in managing the project and developing the reports.
We would like to thank formal peer reviewers Miriam Matthews of
RAND and Adam Segal of the Council on Foreign Relations for their
very helpful reviews. The authors also received informal comments on
earlier drafts from Tim Hwang and Philip Smith, and we are very
grateful for their assistance.


AI artificial intelligence
AR augmented reality
CGI computer-generated imagery
EVM Eulerian Video Magnification
GAN generative adversarial network
GPS Global Positioning System
HD high definition
IIWAM information/influence warfare and manipulation
IoT Internet of Things
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
PFR pervasive facial recognition
POPE principle of passive election
PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder
RFID radio-frequency identification
VR virtual reality


A New Form of Conflict

The year 2016 and beyond saw an explosion of interest in a phenom-

enon that can be termed hostile social manipulation. Examples of this
rising challenge include Russian efforts to influence elections and sow
discord in the West through propaganda and disinformation; the role
of social media platforms such as Facebook in spreading such misinfor-
mation; and burgeoning Chinese programs to shape regional narratives
and gain political leverage in specific countries.1 Experts in the field,
as well as members of Congress and senior U.S. officials, have increas-
ingly warned of the pernicious effects of such tactics on U.S. democ-
racy and the stability of European societies.
As part of this project, we defined the challenge of hostile social
manipulation and specifically traced the activities of Russia and China
in this sphere. We define the concept as the purposeful, systematic gen-
eration and dissemination of information to produce harmful social, politi-
cal, and economic outcomes in a target country by affecting beliefs, atti-
tudes, and behavior. With this report, we turn the focus of study to the
future. We examine potential future scenarios for the technologies and
techniques behind social manipulation and offer some initial thoughts
about their possible implications for democracy.
Our research suggests that, as significant as social manipulation
efforts have already been, the United States and other democracies
have only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of what these approaches
may someday be able to achieve. The intersection of multiple emerging

1 Nicholas Thompson and Fred Vogelstein, “Facebook’s Two Years of Hell,” Wired,
March 2018.

2 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

technologies—targeted marketing based on vast databases of informa-

tion on specific individuals, virtual and augmented reality, manufac-
tured video and audio, and several others—is increasingly creating the
potential for aggressors to change peoples’ fundamental social reality.
These risks are especially significant today because of the changing
nature of the infosphere, or information environment governing post-
modern democracies. The infosphere is characterized by, among other
trends, the fragmentation of authority, the rise of silos of belief, and a
persistent “trolling” ethic of cynical and aggressive harassment in the
name of an amorphous social dissent.
It would be wrong to project in a linear sense all the trends that
are under way today, and this analysis has not done so. There is reason
to believe that a reaction to these trends—in the form of, to take just
two examples, increasingly prominent fact-checking organizations and
a demand for social media platforms to emphasize reliability measures
when posting information—is already under way. But as this report
will make clear, many of the leading trends in the infosphere are worry-
ing, and the potential effects of emerging technologies are very danger-
ous. In ways not yet fully understood, advanced societies are becoming
perilously dependent on vulnerable networks of information and data
gathering, exchange, communication, analysis, and decisionmaking.
Advanced algorithms are increasingly assessing data on issues
from shopping patterns and human health to personality factors and
hiring, making forecasts and decisions with critical ramifications for
people’s lives. The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) will have over
a trillion connected devices within a decade—smart homes, cars, fac-
tories, wearable sensors, and many other forms of data-gathering that
communicate with one another and guide much of the day-to-day
operation of advanced societies. Many people will come to interact
with the world—in video games, entertainment choices, work, and
social media—through virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)
devices that allow them to tweak the character of the world they “want”
to see.
Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities will be integrated into
all of these applications, allowing nonhuman systems to increasingly
process—and understand—large data sets and recommend or make
A New Form of Conflict 3

key decisions. AI-driven “players” have already defeated top-ranked

human players in checkers, chess, Go, and poker. It is only a matter of
time before AI decisionmakers take over significant components of the
diagnosis of disease, or the hiring of staff at large companies.
For decades, social scientists have argued that advanced democra-
cies have been shifting from an industrial era to an information econ-
omy, grounded more in the production and exchange of information
than physical goods.2 Recent shifts in the infosphere and trends in
emerging technologies make clear that this larger transition has in fact
only begun, and we have only begun to glimpse its implications. The
emergence of much more information-centric societies—where fun-
damental day-to-day choices about health, economic equality, hiring,
consumer behavior, and much else are shaped and, in some cases, deter-
mined by systems of automated information processing—will turbo-
charge the results of this transition and its impact on people’s lives.
As much as it feels to citizens of advanced economies that we
already live in an information society, we have in fact seen only the first
stages of this transformation. And that transition will open unprec-
edented opportunities for hostile rivals—state or nonstate—to reach
into those societies and cause disruption, delay, inefficiency, and active
harm. It risks opening the door to virtual societal aggression that will
make countries more persistently vulnerable than they have been for
generations. In the process, such virtual aggression may force a rethink-
ing of the character of national security and steps taken to protect it.
The information security expert Bruce Schneier has issued some
of the most urgent warnings about the vulnerabilities of the emerging
infosphere, and in particular the marriage of software vulnerability,
an emerging IoT in which billions of devices are linked into complex
networks, and advanced algorithms that increasingly make complex
decisions on behalf of society. Risks, he argues, “are becoming cata-
strophic” as billions upon billions of things come to have computer

2 One of the classic accounts is Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, New York:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
4 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

brains—including refrigerators, cars, homes, prisoner sentencing sys-

tems, and medical diagnosis processes.3
This report joins a range of other RAND work in investigating
the larger context for a phenomenon known as Truth Decay, the sub-
ject of a centerpiece RAND analysis. That report defined Truth Decay
as the declining role of facts and analysis in American life, character-
ized by the following four components:

• increasing disagreement about facts and analytical interpretations

of facts and data
• a blurring of the line between opinion and fact
• the increasing relative volume, and resulting influence, of opinion
and personal experience over fact
• declining trust in formerly respected sources of factual informa-

From the standpoint of this study, Truth Decay as defined in that

work constitutes one of the leading trends in the larger infosphere—
trends that are rendering postmodern democracies vulnerable to hos-
tile social manipulation. This vulnerability highlights a critical rela-
tionship: Aggressive techniques of social manipulation build on and
take advantage of—but usually cannot create—social and informa-
tional trends in democracies. Truth Decay and associated trends in
the infosphere, as well as parallel social trends such as rising inequality
and declining faith in elites, are the essential problem. Hostile social
manipulation is a technique employed by state or nonstate actors to
harm democracies and plays upon the changing character of society
and information.
In pursuing social manipulation, aggressors could have a range
of objectives. They could seek to change attitudes within target
countries—though, as the review of literature on social science find-

3 Bruce Schneier, Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected
World, New York: W. W. Norton, 2018, p. 78.
4 Jennifer Kavanagh and Michael D. Rich, Truth Decay: An Initial Exploration of the
Diminishing Role of Facts and Analysis in American Public Life, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND
Corporation, RR-2314-RC, 2018, pp. x–xi.
A New Form of Conflict 5

ings will suggest, forced attitude change is among the most demand-
ing goals of any such strategy. They could seek to take existing atti-
tudes and push them toward more extreme ends of the spectrum, or
they could seek to normalize and support groups with extreme views.
They could try to catalyze existing impulses into action, as when social
media posts have managed to generate actual protests or rallies that
would not have occurred otherwise. They could seek to disrupt the
activities and effectiveness of an information-based economy, imposing
economic costs in the process.
To be sure, the causal link between social manipulation and
outcomes—beliefs or behavior—is not always straight or linear. A
society’s foundation of attitudes, beliefs, and behavior patterns is not
subject to easy, direct manipulation. Changing attitudes is hard, and
research suggests that the link between attitudes and behavior can be
weak.5 Our other research suggests that while manipulation campaigns
can sometimes produce significant measurable outputs, such as num-
bers of tweets or posts, the actual outcomes, such as changes in attitudes
or behaviors, are much tougher to find. There is no simple relation-
ship between social manipulation programs and results in the target

Definitions and Concepts

In this study, we use the term infosphere to refer to the ongoing social
process of information production, dissemination, and perception in
a society.6 A society’s infosphere is, most simply, its information envi-

5 See, for example, Joshua J. Guyer and Leandre R. Fabrigar, “Attitudes and Behavior,” in
James Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol. II, 2nd
ed., New York: Elsevier, 2015.
6 For a similar definition, see John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, The Emergence of Noo-
politik: Toward an American Information Strategy, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corpora-
tion, MR-1033-OSD, 1999, pp. 11–12, 16–17. For a U.S. Department of Defense defini-
tion of the “information environment,” see U.S. Department of Defense, Joint Publication
1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Washington, D.C.,
November 2010.
6 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

ronment. The concept encompasses broadcast and print media; social

media; government messaging and propaganda; the internet and all
networks of communication and broadcasting that it carries; all the
channels of information production that feed those outlets; and the
ways in which individuals interact with information. It is the terrain in
which campaigns of hostile social manipulation unfold.
Recent dialogues on the problem of information shaping and
manipulation have employed a blizzard of terms to describe what is
going on: misinformation, disinformation, Truth Decay, propaganda,
and others. For this study, we chose a term designed to refer to the
specific idea of intentional efforts by hostile actors to use information
channels to do harm to the United States or other democracies. We
therefore initially employed the term hostile social manipulation, which
we define as the purposeful, systematic generation and dissemination
of information to produce harmful social, political, and economic out-
comes in a target country by affecting beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.
(This term, and other closely related ones, are defined in the box on
p. 7.)
One critical distinguishing factor is that hostile social manipula-
tion targets beliefs and attitudes, not physical assets or military forces.
Nonetheless, the intent of such manipulation is aggressive: The user
of hostile social manipulation seeks to do damage to the target state
or use the information campaign to allow it to undertake aggressive,
hostile actions.
One distinction to be drawn is between hostile social manipu-
lation and what are generally understood as classic cyberattacks. In
fact, there is a significant overlap between the two, with much of hos-
tile social manipulation made possible by cyber techniques.7 When an

7 This approach is very close in spirit to the concept of information/influence warfare and
manipulation (IIWAM) offered by Herbert Lin and Jackie Kerr. They define IIWAM as
“the deliberate use of information by one party on an adversary to confuse, mislead, and
ultimately to influence the choices and decisions that the adversary makes.” It is thus a
“hostile non-kinetic activity” whose targets are “the adversary’s perceptions.” Their concept
of IIWAM is therefore distinct from classic cyberaggression because attacks in the IIWAM
realm focus on “damaging knowledge, truth, and confidence, rather than physical or digital
artifacts. . . . IIWAM seeks to inject fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and doubt into the adversary’s
decision making processes.” Yet they still recognize that many IIWAM attacks will be made
A New Form of Conflict 7

Key Terms
• Infosphere. The ongoing process of producing, disseminating, and perceiv-
ing information in a society, including media, data-based algorithmic pro-
cesses, and information exchange in networks.
• Hostile social manipulation. The purposeful, systematic generation and
dissemination of information to produce harmful social, political, and
economic outcomes in a target country by affecting beliefs, attitudes, and
behavior. Tends to focus on manipulating beliefs, perceptions, and facts.
• Virtual societal warfare. The most elaborate or extreme form of hostile
social manipulation that encompasses that term or concept but implies
a more broad-based effort to disrupt and manipulate the information
networks of a society. Can include mechanisms to degrade or manipulate
outcomes from electronic networks, algorithmic decisionmaking, and
virtual and augmented reality. The concept refers to a gradual, persistent
approach to such goals.
• Cyber infrastructure attack. Efforts to use malware or other forms of
cyberaggression to cause catastrophic damage to major economic or social
infrastructure to create significant physical damage, harm to individuals, or
social disruption and chaos.

aggressor breaks into government databases to steal information that

becomes the basis of a harassment campaign or propaganda effort, it
has employed cyber means to fuel what is essentially an effort at social
manipulation. The use of automated bots to spread disruptive tweets or
to post fabricated information on Facebook also employs information
manipulation tools for such ends. The primary distinction between the
two categories, then, is not in the means but the ends: When an aggres-
sor is using cyber means to achieve physical damage to such things as
energy or water infrastructure, the attack will have effects on attitudes,
but those effects are not its main purpose. Such classic cyberattacks
would be outside the bounds of what we are terming hostile social

possible by cyber intrusions of one sort or another, and so they also use the term “cyber-
enabled IIWAM.” See Herbert Lin and Jackie Kerr, On Cyber-Enabled Information/Influence
Warfare and Manipulation, working paper, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Center for Interna-
tional Security and Cooperation, August 13, 2017, pp. 5–7.
8 Attacks on information security can be used for a wide range of purposes, but a major
national security focus has been on the use of cyber tools to infiltrate, disrupt, and poten-
tially cause severe damage to critical infrastructure in a society. For one treatment of these
risks, see Richard A. Clarke, Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to
Do About It, New York: Ecco, 2010.
8 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Yet drawing these boundaries is becoming even more difficult as

emerging technologies work to further blur them. This difficulty stems
from the infosphere increasingly serving as the foundation of most
economic and social activity, including decisionmaking, in advanced
democracies. Algorithms are increasingly employed to make key judg-
ments and choices—for example, about the risk of disease, the right
treatment for illnesses, optimal financial investments, and even appro-
priate sentences for crimes. The IoT is increasingly linking “smart”
cars, appliances, watches, and much else into an interacting network
that shares data and anticipates needs.
A primary finding of this research is that, as a result of such
trends, the very meaning of manipulating a society’s infosphere is
changing. Traditional forms of information-based social manipulation
have focused on disseminating narratives through propaganda, public
diplomacy, social media posts, and so forth, to affect beliefs. Classic
hostile cyberattacks have often used information networks as a highway
to attack physical targets, such as banks, power stations, or centrifuges.
The evolution of advanced infospheres is rapidly creating a third cat-
egory of possible aggression: Efforts to manipulate or disrupt the infor-
mation foundations of social functioning. Aggressors will increasingly
have the opportunity not merely to spread disinformation or favorable
narratives or damage physical infrastructure, but to skew and damage
the functioning of the massive databases, algorithms, and networks on
which modern societies will utterly depend. These actions outline the
related concept or category of virtual societal warfare defined above,
and it is the primary focus of this study—a form of information-based
aggression that includes but goes well beyond what has been under-
stood as social manipulation.
These trends increasingly erase the distinction between vari-
ous forms of information aggression. If an aggressor can tweak the
algorithm being used to diagnose cancer in thousands of hospitals, it
could disrupt treatment and reduce faith in the medical institutions in
a country (as well as perhaps contributing to the early death of some
patients). If it can subtly change the information being broadcast to
food stores by smart refrigerators, it could create frustration on the part
of customers and perhaps wasted food, and thus economic inefficiency.
A New Form of Conflict 9

These examples still involve the use of information channels to

disrupt ultimately physical activities, and thus are perhaps closer to
what we have understood as cyberattacks rather than disinformation.
But in many cases an aggressor’s primary goal might not be physical
harm so much as confusion and an accelerating loss of confidence in
the operation of major social institutions. Ultimately, as in all warfare,
the target is the adversary’s will; attacks on physical targets are merely
a means to that end. And the emergence of information-dependent
societies will broaden and deepen the spectrum of social manipulation
techniques available to attackers, allowing them to seek highly tailored
combinations of physical damage and changes in attitudes. For the
most part, we find the priority will be on attitudinal effects, because
direct and devastating physical attacks (the cyber infrastructure cat-
egory defined above) are more likely to prompt retaliation and because
the enemy’s beliefs are the grand prize.
Neal Pollard, Adam Segal, and Matthew Devost have written on
the same distinction and emphasized a theme critical to the intent of
hostile social manipulation: trust. Classic worries about cyberattacks
have focused on what they term “the ‘bytes and blood’ scenario” of
efforts to cause extreme physical damage. While that risk remains seri-
ous, they write, “so far, cyber conflict has taken a different path,” gen-
erally seeking “to subvert the integrity of political, social and economic
systems,” aiming to “undermine trust in institutions through manipu-
lation, distortion, and disruption.” Such attacks “have a much lower
threshold, are harder to detect and deter, and can cascade through
interconnected systems.”9
This notion of a gradual, persistent form of aggression is central
to the concept of virtual societal aggression. Using such techniques,
attackers can conceal and scale an attack to make it unclear that some-
thing intentional is going on. To the victim, it will look like natural
flaws and inefficiencies in highly complex systems. But the effect will
be to both degrade the effectiveness (and perhaps economic perfor-
mance) of the target state and further reduce faith in major institu-

9 Neal A. Pollard, Adam Segal, and Matthew G. Devost, “Trust War: Dangerous Trends
in Cyber Conflict,” War on the Rocks, January 16, 2018.
10 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

tions. Indeed, the role of trust is a consistent theme in this analysis. As

sociologist Anthony Giddens and other scholars have argued, massive,
highly complex, technology-dependent societies already have a trust
problem: They demand that their citizens place trust for their security
and prosperity into technological networks whose operation they do
not understand and cannot control.10 Attacks on the effective opera-
tion of information systems strike directly at this vulnerability, creat-
ing the sense that their workings cannot be trusted and generating an
underlying sense of persistent insecurity and anxiety.
This report, then, broadens the focus of analysis beyond propa-
ganda, disinformation, targeted marketing, social media campaigns,
and other more direct and discrete efforts to shape beliefs and narra-
tives. We include efforts to disrupt and skew the operation of informa-
tion processes on which advanced democracies will depend to affect
public attitudes about their government, their society, and themselves.
And the concept includes the notion that such efforts represent broad-
based campaigns across multiple informational tools, which together
amount to a coordinated and systematic, rather than ad hoc and issue-
specific, effort.
Many different actors could employ such techniques, not only
states. Given the declining cost, scalability, and replicability of many
information manipulation techniques, as well as the growing poten-
tial for AI-driven programs to produce malware, bots, or other armies
of manipulation tools in seconds, this threat clearly includes nonstate
actors. This analysis primarily focused on the changing vulnerabilities
rather than the authors of the techniques, but it is important to keep in
mind that such tools will be widely available.

Approach and Methodology

The future of phenomena as complex as hostile social manipulation

and virtual societal warfare is impossible to forecast with any accuracy.

10 See, for example, Anthony Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge, United
Kingdom: Polity, 1990.
A New Form of Conflict 11

To shed light on how these techniques might evolve, this analysis took
two primary approaches. First, we grounded the assessment in detailed
research on three foundational issues: (1) trends in the changing char-
acter of the infosphere in the United States and other advanced democ-
racies; (2) the insights of social science research on attitudes and beliefs;
and (3) developments in relevant emerging technologies that bear on
the practice of social manipulation. In all three cases, we gathered data
on established research findings and existing trends. We also asked
how they were likely to play out over the next five to ten years.
Chapter Two offers our analysis of the characteristics of the
emerging infosphere, that is, the nature of the information environ-
ment in which social manipulation will play out, and its implications
for the future of such techniques. Chapter Three derives insights from
social science, surveying what research into beliefs and attitudes sug-
gests about the forms of social manipulation likely to be most effective.
Chapter Four examines current developments in several technologies,
from AI to VR and the IoT, that could play a role in future manipula-
tion campaigns.
The second primary approach taken in this analysis was to
employ a scenario planning methodology to describe the possible shape
of social manipulation futures. In Chapters Five through Seven, we
sketch out three scenarios for how social manipulation could affect
advanced societies over the next decade, based on the findings of the
research on trends and realities, the insights of the parallel study on
Russian and Chinese social manipulation strategies, and other research.
The three are not mutually exclusive; each one emphasizes a different
theme, but elements of all three are likely to combine to characterize
an actual future. In each case, we cite extensive research to support
different assumptions of the scenarios, and we describe ways in which
aggressive social manipulators could use the aspects of that scenario to
gain advantage.
Finally, Chapter Eight offers overall findings and lessons from the

The Evolving Infosphere

Techniques of social manipulation are not evolving in a vacuum. They

are emerging within a rapidly changing ecosystem of information in
developed democracies. This context for information generation, shar-
ing, and consumption is unprecedented in its diversity, extent, frag-
mentation, and reach. The problem that the United States is trying to
deal with may be as much about this changing ecosystem as it is about
purposeful manipulation.1 In this section, we briefly survey several
aspects of the changing ecosystem.
As the RAND study on Truth Decay has cataloged, previous eras
of U.S. history have seen astonishing levels of “yellow journalism,” fab-
ricated stories, viral disinformation, and other “information pollution”
that would appear to have affected at least as big a proportion of the
population as is affected today.2 But the current infosphere may be very
different from its equivalent in those earlier periods, largely as a result
of some of the major trends related to the information environment.
The sections below outline a few of the major trends that emerged in
our research. Together they create an infosphere with both significant
new vulnerabilities and a much greater potential to shape public beliefs
and understanding—for good or ill.

1 This argument is made in Stephan Lewandowsky, Ullrich K. H. Ecker, and John Cook,
“Beyond Misinformation: Understanding and Coping with the ‘Post-Truth’ Era,” Journal of
Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2017.
2 Kavanagh and Rich, 2018, pp. 41–78.

14 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Broader Social Trends

We first briefly surveyed several trends in areas beyond the infosphere

that help set the context for it. The characteristics of the emerging
infosphere described below interact with, and are in many ways exacer-
bated by, several broader trends in the society and politics of the United
States and most of the West. These trends are critical to informational
development because campaigns of social manipulation generally rely
on the broader social context for their effectiveness. Social manipula-
tion can rarely create broad-based perceptions in a society on its own.
It can, however, piggyback on emerging social and attitudinal trends
to its advantage.
The most comprehensive and important trend is the emergence of
social institutions of massive scale and reach that challenge citizens’ abil-
ity to understand or control their operation and which pose an inherent
problem of trust. Giddens has examined the role of “expert systems”
in postmodern societies, in situations already characterized by a frag-
mentation of authority, an increased pace of change, and a diffusing
of the sense of territorial identity. Large, technological societies have a
need for “systems of technical accomplishment or professional exper-
tise that organize large areas of the material and social environments
in which we live today.” They are abstract systems that people must
rely on for their daily lives, but over which they have little control
and about which they have little knowledge.3 Such institutions can
include everything from massive corporations for which people work
or with which they interact, to global information networks and plat-
forms, to enormous government bureaucracies. These institutions are
the beyond–human-scale organizational constructs that have become
the basis of advanced societies. The very nature of postmodern, highly
technology-dependent society creates sources of anxiety that can be
played upon by social manipulation campaigns.

3 Giddens, 1990, pp. 27, 83–100.

The Evolving Infosphere 15

This form of alienation attacks people’s sense of agency, their per-

ception of control over their actions and the consequences.4 As Michael
Specter has argued in his study of “denialism,” there is a rising sense
that “we are ceding control of our lives to technology, particularly to
highly sophisticated technology we can barely understand, and that we
are doing so at a speed that seems to accelerate every year.”5 Many of
the other developments listed below are a function of this overarching
trend: the tendency of massive, complex, impersonal social institutions
to shake people’s trust in social authority.
As many scholars have argued, this trend represents a threat to
what Giddens and others have termed ontological security. This refers
to a fundamental feeling of confidence in one’s identity, as reflected in
the stability of events and patterns in one’s life. It is critically dependent
on interpersonal relations and a sense that events are congruent with
one’s sense of self. Some have argued that states depend on the onto-
logical security of their citizens for their stability.6 Information-based
aggression is in part an effort to attack this rising vulnerability and fur-
ther undermine people’s trust in social institutions, their interpersonal
exchanges, and the stability and reliability of the facts and narratives
surrounding them.
A related trend is the decline of faith in institutions that played a
role in sustaining generally agreed social truths.7 This is demonstrated, in
one critical example, in terms of Americans’ faith in the media itself: A
2016 Gallup poll found that Americans’ trust in mass media had sunk
to an unprecedented low.8 But it is also demonstrated more broadly,

4 James W. Moore, “What Is the Sense of Agency and Why Does It Matter?” Frontiers in
Psychology, Vol. 7, Article 1272, August 2016.
5 Michael Specter, Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms
the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives, New York: Penguin Press, 2009, p. 33.
6 Jennifer
Mitzen, “Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and the Security
Dilemma,” European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2006.
7 Nathaniel Persily, “Can Democracy Survive the Internet?” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 28,
No. 2, April 2017, p. 64.
8 Art Swift, “Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low,” Gallup, September 14,
2016. See Kavanagh and Rich, 2018, pp. 33–35, 108–109.
16 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

with the number of Americans expressing a “great deal” or “quite a lot”

of confidence in institutions such as Congress, big business, the pres-
idency, organized labor, and the medical establishment sinking well
below 20 percent.9
Changes in the sources of news and other information have some-
thing to do with these trends. Through much of U.S. history, the lead-
ing sources of news and content had a financial interest in being cred-
ible and conveying accurate information. With news aggregators today,
whether Facebook, Twitter, or HuffPost, that is no longer the case: At
least until recently, they have explicitly rejected the idea that they are
responsible for the content on their platforms. They are connection
aggregators, not content providers—a distinction enshrined in Section
230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which absolved
aggregator platforms of legal responsibility for the content that appears
on their site.10 (Several social media platforms are now modifying this
stance, taking more focused efforts to combat disinformation and
extreme views, but none appear to be ready to surrender the funda-
mental legal status of Section 230.)11 That distinction changes the
financial incentives and leaves less motivation for the platforms to take
steps on their own. The scholar Cass Sunstein phrases this trend as
the decline of “general-interest intermediaries”: the wide-scope, gener-
ally shared news broadcasts and newspapers that span many topics and
The declining faith in important social institutions is part of
a third social trend, the even broader weakening in measures of social
capital in the United States.13 Authors such as Robert Putnam, Amitai
Etzioni, and William Galston have cataloged the decline of civic par-

9 For one series of data, see Gallup, In Depth: Topics A to Z: Confidence in Institutions, 2018.

10 United States Code, Title 47, Section 230, Protection for Private Blocking and Screening
of Offensive Material, January 3, 2012.
Jonathan Vanian, “Facebook, Twitter Take New Steps to Combat Fake News and
Manipulation,” Fortune, January 20, 2018.
12 Cass R. Sunstein, #Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media, Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2017, p. 20.
13 Lewandowsky, Ecker, and Cook, 2017, p. 357.
The Evolving Infosphere 17

ticipation and other measures of public social capital.14 Measures of

social trust have been falling for some time, as have public levels of
commitment to shared well-being goals, such as environmental health
and social safety net guarantees. This trend is closely linked to the
parallel fragmentation of a shared infosphere and the rise of mutually
suspicious echo chambers.
A fourth trend is the rise in partisan polarization in the United
States (and indeed throughout much of the Western world). Such par-
tisan bias strongly shapes the way people see information, for all the
reasons that social science would predict. The effect of information-
based aggression on social divisions is greater in a polarized context
than it would be in a more nonpartisan one.15 This trend is now well
documented, but its relation to social media—and indeed the broader
information context—remains somewhat unclear. As Levi Boxell,
Matthew Gentzkow, and Jesse Shapiro have documented, polarization
is just as great, and often greater, among older Americans less likely to
be heavily engaged in social media. Polarization, they point out, was
already on the rise before the emergence of social media.16 Alterna-
tive factors such as partisan cable news and economic status may be
more closely correlated with its growth than social media campaigns.17
Once established, however, such polarization provides fertile ground
for social manipulation.
Fifth and partly as a product of the other trends, the West has
witnessed the rise of populist movements that reflect deep dissatisfac-
tion with the economic and cultural conditions of many developed

14 RobertPutnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New
York: Simon and Schuster, 2001.
15 Amanda Taub, “The Real Story About Fake News Is Partisanship,” New York Times,
January 11, 2017.
16 Levi Boxell, Matthew Gentzkow, and Jesse M. Shapiro, “Greater Internet Use Is Not
Associated with Faster Growth in Political Polarization Among U.S. Demographic Groups,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, No. 40, October 2017a.
17 Gregory J. Martin and Ali Yurukoglu, “Bias in Cable News: Persuasion and Polarization,”
American Economic Review, Vol. 107, No. 9, 2017. See also Levi Boxell, Matthew Gentzkow,
and Jesse M. Shapiro, “Is Media Driving Americans Apart?” New York Times, December 6,
18 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

societies.18 This widespread phenomenon has fueled the rise of both

right- and left-wing extremist parties throughout Europe and seems set
to continue for some time. It has exacerbated the polarization of U.S.
and European politics, underwritten new bouts of protectionism and
xenophobia, and called into question the credibility of Western politi-
cal institutions.
Campaigns of social manipulation and virtual societal aggression
are taking place, therefore, within a turbulent political and socioeco-
nomic context. Virtual aggression against societies has a significant
effect to the degree that it can play on existing vulnerabilities in societ-
ies. Our colleague Rand Waltzman has proposed the idea of “cognitive
vulnerability,” and the current context generates a significant degree
of such vulnerability.19 The changing character of the infospheres of
advanced democracies can therefore serve to exacerbate (or mitigate)
these more fundamental social trends.

Trends in the Infosphere: Knowledge and Awareness

Even as these general social trends create avenues for information-based

aggression, such aggression can also take advantage of emerging reali-
ties in the character of the infosphere itself. The sections that follow
examine eight such realities, including

• networked dynamics and the role of viral spread of information

• broad-based sensationalism in news and other media

18 The literature on the populist wave in the West is vast, including numerous books and
reports and hundreds of news accounts. For broad assessments, see John B. Judis, The Popu-
list Explosion, New York: Columbia Global Reports, 2016; and Jan-Werner Müller, What
Is Populism? Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. For an examination
of the economic versus cultural arguments for the populist wave, see Ronald Inglehart and
Pippa Norris, Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural
Backlash, faculty research working paper, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Kennedy School,
RWP16-026, August 2016.
19 Rand Waltzman, “The Weaponization of Information: The Need for Cognitive Secu-
rity,” testimony presented before the Senate Armed Forces Committee, Subcommittee on
Cybersecurity, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, CT-473, April 27, 2017, p. 3.
The Evolving Infosphere 19

• fragmentation of the infosphere

• concentration of information platforms
• the effect of self-reinforcing echo chambers
• the role of influencers
• the emergence of a “trolling ethic” on the internet
• the explosive growth of data collection on individuals and groups.

In some cases, the current status of the infosphere is not demon-

strably different from the past. But developments in several of these
areas—notably fragmentation, echo chambers, and the trolling ethic—
have characteristics that sharply distinguish the current and emerging
information context from previous ones.
One question goes to the essential information baseline for these
trends: the issue of whether the public is any more misinformed than
in previous eras.20 “Misperceptions appear to be widespread, on issues
ranging from the economy to foreign policy.”21 Several studies have
offered stark criticisms of U.S. college graduates for not gaining suf-
ficient critical thinking or baseline knowledge.22 Some research on
the content of major newspapers between the late 1970s and the late
1990s, for example, found a growing emphasis on entertainment, opin-
ion, and sensationalism and a reduced focus on pure fact. Newspaper
subscriptions are giving way to cable news viewership, and many shows
on such networks emphasize argument, dispute, and, in some cases,
partisan spin over facts.23
But the real question is whether misinformation is worse than
before, and most of the available evidence suggests it is not. Instead,

20 On the general issue of ignorance, see Jason Brennan, “Trump Won Because Voters Are
Ignorant, Literally,” Foreign Policy, November 10, 2016; Jared Meyer, “The Ignorant Voter,”
Forbes, June 27, 2016; and Andrew Romano, “How Ignorant Are Americans?” Newsweek,
March 20, 2011.
21 D. J. Flynn, Brendan Nyhan, and Jason Reifler, “The Nature and Origins of Mispercep-
tions: Understanding False and Unsupported Beliefs About Politics,” Political Psychology,
Vol. 38, Supp. 1, 2017, p. 129. They also cite other literature on this point.
22 Tom Nichols, “Our Graduates Are Rubes,” Chronicle of Higher Education, January 15,
23 Kavanagh and Rich, 2018, pp. 106–107.
20 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

the evidence suggests a general public in a democracy typically sustains

many misimpressions about many phenomena. One Pew Research
Center study, for example, suggested that between 1989 and 2007 the
overall degree of public awareness of issues—such as trade policy, the
names of top political leaders, and the party balance in Congress—
had changed little. Some issues showed a slight decline, others a slight
increase.24 The study found persistent patterns in information distri-
bution, such as the existence of a “most knowledgeable third” of the
public who seek out information more than others and end up better
informed. Education remained the “single best predictor of knowledge.”
Respect for factual accuracy has not disappeared; people still
value seriousness and expertise. One United Kingdom poll found that
85 percent of respondents want their news sources to consult experts.
Nearly 90 percent of Americans believe that it is important to get the
facts right.25 Even studies that show a significant effect of “motivated
reasoning”—the tendency of people to seek out and credit informa-
tion that agrees with their established views—is counteracted to some
degree by an “accuracy motivation.”26
In the process, these trends can affect people’s perceptions and
ultimately behavior at several distinct levels. The term attitudes is
widely used but refers to a specific sort of construct: people’s evalua-
tions of things, such as ideas, issues, events, and other people. But the
changing character of the infosphere can affect other levels of percep-
tion and understanding as well, including the type of knowledge they
hold and the behaviors they view as appropriate. It is indeed one of the

24 Pew Research Center, Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and
Information Revolutions, Washington, D.C., April 15, 2007, p. 1.
25 Bruce Wharton, “Remarks on ‘Public Diplomacy in a Post-Truth Society,’” in Shawn
Powers and Markos Kounalakis, eds., Can Public Diplomacy Survive the Internet? Washing-
ton, D.C.: U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2017, p. 8.
26 A classic treatment is Ziva Kunda, “The Case for Motivated Reasoning,” Psychological
Bulletin, Vol. 108, No. 3, November 1990. See also Nicholas Epley and Thomas Gilovich,
“The Mechanics of Motivated Reasoning,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 30, No. 3,
2016; and David P. Redlawsk, “Hot Cognition or Cool Consideration? Testing the Effects
of Motivated Reasoning on Political Decision Making,” Journal of Politics, Vol. 64, No. 4,
The Evolving Infosphere 21

both exciting and perilous aspects of a comprehensive, deeply embed-

ded infosphere that it can affect so many psychological domains at the
same time, and that its manipulation can shape knowledge, attitudes,
and behavior.
But the basic level of information held by democratic publics is
only part of the equation shaping the character of any infosphere. The
sections below outline several leading characteristics of the information
environment that appears to be emerging.

Networked Dynamics and the Viral Spread of Information

A central component of the infosphere is its increasingly networked,

interdependent character: an essential property of “interrelatedness”
that creates both opportunities and significant vulnerabilities.27 This
networked quality includes exchanges of information, with claims
and narratives being spread rapidly through dense networks on social
media and other channels, as well as the increasing interconnectedness
of databases and networks. These exchanges range from the emerg-
ing IoT to databases of information on consumers collected by various
apps and companies owned by the same larger technology firm.
One implication of this interlinkage is the potential for viral
spread of ideas, information, or narratives. The problem of “virality”—
understanding which reports go viral and which do not—remains
poorly understood.28 A few suggestive research findings point to sev-
eral characteristics that help information “go viral,” but there is not
yet any comprehensive theory that can anticipate such outcomes in all
circumstances. Research has suggested, for example, that identifiable
influential people in a network will play a disproportionate role in the
spread of information, and some research has begun to identify the

27 This is the central thesis of Albert-László Barabási, Linked: How Everything Is Connected
to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life, New York: Basic
Books, 2014, p. 5.
28 Sunstein, 2017, pp. 102–103, cites cases to suggest that the reasons for informational
cascades remain unclear, and the actual shared information (such as songs) that goes viral is
fairly random.
22 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

spread patterns and characteristics of viral news.29 Beyond that, how-

ever, it is not well understood what makes a given story go viral. Only
a tiny proportion of stories will do so, and it appears that the list will
be arbitrary, involving a significant level of chance.30
Recent research does point to one other characteristic of stories
that tend to go viral: They tend to be novel and fascinating. Fabri-
cated or exaggerated news items can play to this factor to increase
their spread. “Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper
and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information in
the study,” the authors of one study concluded. In some cases, it took
truthful stories six times as long as false ones to reach 1,500 people;
falsehoods were 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than truth-
ful stories.31 Yet the study also had an interesting implication: These
qualities of virality apply to human reactions, not automatic ones. Bot-
nets tended to diffuse truth and falsehood in equal amounts, perhaps
because they were not reacting to novelty elements in the stories.
These factors point to one undeniable aspect of this phenom-
enon: Viral spread or cascading of information is a phenomenon of

29 See, for example, Justin Cheng, Lada Adamic, P. Alex Dow, Jon Michael Kleinberg,
and Jure Leskovec, “Can Cascades Be Predicted?” Twenty-Third International World Wide
Web Conference, Conference Proceedings, Seoul: Association for Computing Machinery, 2014.
For a broader treatment, see Lee Daniel Kravetz, Strange Contagion, New York: Harper-
Collins, 2017, who emphasizes the role of social connections in sparking viral spread. The
marketing professor Jonah Berger has studied the issue and proposed six essential character-
istics of virality: social currency (facts that people want to share because they look cool and
in-the-know); triggering stimuli; the use of emotional appeals; popular attention; facts that
have practical value to people; and facts that are embedded in narratives or stories; Jonah
Berger, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013.
30 One massive study of viral patterns on Twitter, for example, found that although more-
influential users were more associated with the viral spread of stories or hashtags, in fact
virality remained a relatively unpredictable phenomenon, meaning that the only effective
strategy to spread information was simply to target as many influencers as possible and hope
for the best. See Eytan Bakshy, Jake M. Hofman, Winter A. Mason, and Duncan J. Watts,
“Everyone’s an Influencer: Quantifying Influence on Twitter,” Fourth ACM International
Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Conference Proceedings, Hong Kong: Association
for Computing Machinery, 2011.
31 Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy, and Sinan Aral, “The Spread of True and False News
Online,” Science, Vol. 359, No. 6380, 2018, p. 1146.
The Evolving Infosphere 23

social influence. People are following what other people are saying,
doing, and “liking.” The specific reasons why one story, meme, gif, or
song goes viral as opposed to another may be mysterious, but the basic
mechanism is not: It is a form of social proof effect. One implication
is that such cascades can be triggered by early and significant endorse-
ments, especially from socially influential actors. Either way, cascades
can either start or run aground very quickly, pointing again to a critical
first-mover advantage in the social manipulation space.32
Information is not the only thing that can spread through digi-
tized networks. A 2012 Facebook study of almost 700,000 users found
that “moods are contagious.” By changing the balance of positive and
negative stories going into people’s news feeds, Facebook was able to
shift their moods in measurable ways, and produce resulting behaviors,
such as higher numbers of negative posts, from those people. “Emo-
tional states,” the study concludes, “can be transferred to others.”33


A major trend in the news media and the infosphere more broadly in
the last three decades has been a measurable increase in the degree of
sensationalism in the content and style of reporting. The general prob-
lem of sensationalism is not new—today’s trend mirrors earlier periods,
such as the infamous age of yellow journalism at the end of the 19th
century.34 Moreover, while there is a strong anecdotal sense of the rise
of sensationalism, few studies have tried to measure its growth over
the last decade. Nonetheless, evidence from a range of sources suggests
that mainstream and niche information sources are increasingly rely-
ing on sensational accounts to attract attention.
Part of the engine of growing sensationalism is that many web-
sites are purpose-built to generate sensationalistic content in order to

32 Sunstein, 2017, pp. 111–114.

33 Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and
Threatens Democracy, New York: Broadway Books, 2016, p. 184.
34 Kavanagh and Rich, 2018, pp. 42–50.
24 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

draw the greatest number of viewers, which is the essential business

model of the sites. Gawker is a leading example: the political activist
Eli Pariser describes the “Big Board” of site traffic that hovers over the
room of content creators. The essential requirement for Gawker writers
is to generate traffic and make the Big Board; content is secondary, if
not irrelevant.35 Even traditional news media, in order to retain readers
and viewers in an era of extreme content, have become more sensation-
alist in the form and content of their stories.36
Other research suggests the extremist bias even of sites that do
not produce their own content, such as YouTube. Its playlist algorithm
was found to disproportionately “lead users to channels that feature
conspiracy theories, partisan viewpoints and misleading videos.”37 This
bias appears to be a result of an algorithm that prioritizes keeping users
watching, and will thus search for videos to recommend that have high
interest, which can be a product of sensationalism.
The YouTube results reflect a larger trend related to connected-
ness, in the sense that virality now plays a major role in determining
what content gets recommended.38 The primary goal of media out-
lets is to sustain viewership. That means pushing articles that others
have viewed, shared, or recommended the most, and those are often
the most sensational, attention-grabbing articles. The result is a self-
reinforcing process that pushes media outlets in the direction of more-

35 Eli Pariser, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You, New York: Penguin
Press, 2011, p. 69.
36 See, for example, P. H. Vettehen and M. Kleemans, “Proving the Obvious? What Sensa-
tionalism Contributes to the Time Spent on News Video,” Electronic News, Vol. 12, No. 2,
2018; and D. K. Thussu, News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Infotainment, London:
SAGE Publications, 2007.
37 Jack Nicas, “How YouTube Drives People to the Internet’s Darkest Corners,” Wall Street
Journal, February 7, 2018.
38 Bharat N. Anand, “The U.S. Media’s Problems Are Much Bigger than Fake News and
Filter Bubbles,” Harvard Business Review, January 5, 2017.
The Evolving Infosphere 25

sensationalist, often extreme content.39 These effects may be especially

notable on social media.40
One implication of the trend toward sensational coverage is what
has been termed the “pessimism syndrome.”41 Partly fueled by media
coverage that is overwhelmingly negative—coverage that is now exac-
erbated by the one-sided messages of many echo chambers—many
people have come to believe that the condition and trends of important
social indicators (on such topics as unemployment, immigration, and
crime) are far worse than is the case. This coverage constitutes a gen-
eralized form of misinformation, one biased toward a negative view of
major trends and social realities. Some analysis suggests that the nega-
tive bias in political news reporting remains very significant and con-
tributes to the decline of faith in major institutions.42 The results, once
again, are levels of grievance and frustration that could be employed by
social manipulation strategies.

Fragmentation of Information Sources

In his history of the broadcast and information industries, The Atten-

tion Merchants, writer and professor Tim Wu stresses a fundamental
trend of fragmentation in the sources of information reaching Ameri-
cans.43 This fragmentation reflects a notable change from the era of
peak attention between the 1950s and 1970s, when a few television
networks (and within them, specific shows) dominated the infosphere.
As Wu documents, the most dominant shows (such as I Love Lucy)

39 Anand, 2017.
40 Robert Kozinets, “How Social Media Fires People’s Passions—and Builds Extremist
Divisions,” The Conversation, November 13, 2017.
41 Michael J. Mazarr, “The Pessimism Syndrome,” Washington Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 3,
42 See Tom Stafford, “Psychology: Why Bad News Dominates the Headlines,” BBC,
July 29, 2014.
43 Tim Wu, The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads, New York:
Vintage Books, 2016.
26 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

grabbed over 70 percent of the watching public, and some unusual

events (like Elvis Presley’s appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show) gar-
nered more than an 80 percent share. In both entertainment and news,
most Americans watched many of the same things. Beginning with the
emphasis on “clusters” of variation among the population in the late
1970s, especially in the famous PRIZM marketing model that created
forty specific “sub-nations” within the United States, the fragmenta-
tion of the audience began in ways accelerated by the internet, leading
to today’s incredibly diverse broadcasting environment of dozens of
channels and millions of blogs, websites, and social media feeds, and
the accompanying microtargeting of tiny niche segments.
The resulting fragmentation is arguably the single most important
structural change reflected in the current infosphere. Americans (and
citizens of all advanced, open societies) today have essentially unlim-
ited options for getting news, information, and awareness, from dozens
of cable channels and radio stations; a wide selection of print sources
with online presences; and hundreds of websites, blogs, and podcasts.
The resulting confusion arguably makes it far more difficult for any
society to sustain common narratives or public understandings. It also
empowers the sort of echo chambers that will be discussed in the next
section, allowing people an unprecedented ability to tailor their incom-
ing information to reinforce their established beliefs.
The challenge is more fundamental than merely making sense of
competing news stories: It relates to the evolving nature of advanced
societies. Giddens has argued that “The condition of post-modernity
is distinguished by an evaporating of the ‘grand narrative’—an over-
arching ‘story line’ by means of which we are placed in history as
beings having a definitive past and a predictable future.”44 In a frag-
mented media space, there is no grand narrative to bring coherence to
daily events.
Two-thirds of Americans now report in surveys that they get at
least some of their news from social media—including older Ameri-
cans, where some of the most significant recent gains have been mea-
sured. They continue to get news and information from multiple other

44 Giddens, 1990, p. 2.
The Evolving Infosphere 27

sources: local television, cable television stations, network news, radio,

and (least of all) print newspapers.45 Online news consumption in gen-
eral, distributed among dozens or hundreds of sites, is catching up to
television news viewing: In an August 2017 poll, 43 percent of Ameri-
cans said they “often” got news online, compared with 50 percent from
television. The gap had closed from almost 20 percent just a year earlier
and looks likely to continue narrowing. Those online sources include
some significant degree of social media viewing: In the same survey,
two-thirds of Americans reported getting “some” news from social
media.46 A 2018 survey found that 20 percent of Americans “often” get
news from social media and 27 percent “sometimes” do.47 The result
is a complex web of information sources that lacks the uniformity of
earlier eras.
Some research suggests that the confusion of conflicting messages
does have one advantage: It may offer a safeguard against social manip-
ulation.48 When people are exposed to a lone source of information,
meaningful influence on beliefs is possible. But in an atmosphere of
contested truths, it becomes much more difficult. Few Americans trust
news they get from online sources—just 5 percent have “a lot of” trust
in information—and this lack of trust, in theory, ought to provide
some filter against the easy effect of such information on attitudes.49
Obviously, however, there is a dilemma here: Fragmentation may
make it harder for a manipulator to create a single alternative reality,
but it also undermines the shared social institutions of information and

45 Elisa Shearer and Jeffrey Gottfried, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2017,” Pew
Research Center, September 7, 2017.
46 Kristen Bialik and Katerina Eva Matsa, “Key Trends in Social and Digital News Media,”
Pew Research Center, October 4, 2017.
47 Katarina Eva Matsa and Elisa Shearer, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2018,”
Pew Research Center, September 10, 2018.
48 Research has found that while “single-source” or single-issue information or massively
tilted information environments can have significant effects on attitudes and behavior, these
effects drop off quickly once the ground is meaningfully contested or blurred among many
different issues; Anthony R. Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson, Age of Propaganda: The Everyday
Use and Abuse of Persuasion, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2001, pp. 29–30, 83–84.
49 Bialik and Matsa, 2017.
28 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

awareness that once provided the leading bulwark against disinforma-

tion and social manipulation. The challenge for the future is to build a
complex mosaic of smaller information intermediaries within an envi-
ronment that will remain largely fragmented.

Concentration of Information Platforms

As people have access to dozens of new channels of information and

data, the basic social media platforms over which so much information
is now exchanged—as well as associated systems and platforms for data
management and information processing—are now concentrated in
five enormous corporations: Apple, Google (or Alphabet, as the parent
company is known), Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft. Each of these
firms owns many related companies: Google, for example, owns You-
Tube, the navigation app Waze, and the smart home product company
Nest; Facebook owns dozens of companies, including the virtual real-
ity firm Oculus. They have such immense capital reserves that they
can typically buy up start-up competitors and preserve their market
position. As of November 2017, the market value of these five compa-
nies alone made up over 40 percent of the Nasdaq stock index.50
The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo has dubbed this set of tech-
nology companies the “frightful five,” a reference to their immense
social power.51 Because of the way they dominate specific platform
services—online retaining, for example, or social networking—they
offer services that are basically unavoidable. And, in some cases, their
business models generate network effects, suggesting that the more
people who use the platforms, the more indispensable they become to
others, drawing in even more users.
These same firms are developing the AI-driven, voice-activated
concierges (such as Siri and Alexa) that will become increasingly ubiq-

50 Conor Sen, “The ‘Big Five’ Could Destroy the Tech Ecosystem,” Bloomberg, Novem-
ber 15, 2017.
51 Farhad Manjoo, “Tech’s ‘Frightful 5’ Will Dominate Digital Life for Foreseeable Future,”
New York Times, January 20, 2016.
The Evolving Infosphere 29

uitous means of interacting with technology. They are already col-

lecting significant data on users—sometimes, apparently, without the
users’ awareness. The responses they provide to questions, especially
when posed as requests for advice, should not be expected to be objec-
tive: They will reflect the best advantage of the business model of the
platform developing them.
This emerging reality is affecting end users in a number of ways.
Perhaps the most significant effect is that a handful of big firms are
developing massive, interconnected databases of information on Amer-
icans (and others). This information accumulation allows these plat-
forms to study and forecast behavior and attitudes in unprecedented
ways and helps advertisers target consumers with pinpoint accuracy.
These databases are also vulnerable to theft and manipulation as part
of large-scale information manipulation campaigns.
The broad reach of these platforms also provides them with sig-
nificant influence over attitudes.52 This degree of influence is partly a
product of the platforms’ ability to segment their user base and appeal
to highly individualized elements, sometimes even specific individuals,
based on the information they possess about them. To the extent that
these platforms and their multiple interfaces play a dominant role in
shaping public perceptions, they will attain an unprecedented degree
of influence.

The Role of Echo Chambers

Related to the trend of a fragmented infosphere is the rise of echo cham-

bers: self-defined silos of information and belief that constrain people’s
awareness and information search, allowing only information that sup-
ports their existing beliefs to get through. Settings within social media
platforms or on search engines allow users to tailor and filter the infor-
mation they see in ways not available to earlier generations, and the
algorithms of some of those platforms have the same effect, using the

52 National Public Radio, “How 5 Tech Giants Have Become More Like Governments
Than Companies,” Fresh Air, October 26, 2017.
30 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

“if you liked that, you are likely to enjoy this” rule of providing content
that fits established patterns. The result would be to reinforce those
beliefs and perhaps spur them to greater degrees of extremism.
Research on this trend is mixed, suggesting that, at least so far,
the measurable effect of echo chambers may not be as great as some
reports have suggested. Nonetheless, there is sufficient evidence that
the trend has the potential to constrain people’s information searches
and openness to contrary views that it should be taken seriously.
Several recent studies have found evidence that exposure to the
chaotic, often ideologically segmented menu of options online increases
affinity for existing ideological views and in effect allows people to
wall themselves off from contrary views.53 Other work shows, not sur-
prisingly, that political bloggers tend to link to ideologically similar
blogs.54 Sunstein has marshaled extensive research to claim that echo
chambers are an urgent threat to democracy.55 Another study points to
the risk of “stratamentation,” a situation in which the politically active
few are locked in silos resistant to contrary information, whereas the
majority of the population consume very little political news.56 One
study examined efforts to create specially skewed search engines that
favored one political party in their search results, much as an echo
chamber would; they found voting preferences affected by as much as
20 percent.57
Pariser has written of the ultimate form of an echo chamber: An
entirely personalized information bubble for each person online, built
from the immense data about their preferences that are now available.

53 One study that demonstrated ideological convergence online is Diana C. Mutz and Paul
S. Martin, “Facilitating Communication Across Lines of Political Difference: The Role of
Mass Media,” American Political Science Review, Vol. 95, No. 1, 2001.
54 Lada Adamic and Natalie Glance, “The Political Blogosphere and the 2004 U.S. Elec-
tion: Divided They Blog,” paper presented at the Second Annual Workshop on the Weblog-
ging Ecosystem, Chiba, Japan: Association for Computing Machinery, 2005.
55 Sunstein, 2017.
56 W.Lance Bennett and Shanto Iyengar, “A New Era of Minimal Effects? The Changing
Foundations of Political Communication,” Journal of Communication, Vol. 58, No. 4, 2008.
57 O’Neil, 2016, p. 184.
The Evolving Infosphere 31

“Your identity shapes your media” in such a situation, he argues, “and

your media then shapes what you believe and what you care about.”
Clicking, searching and shopping generate more data that can be used
to sharpen the tailoring of information, in effect hardening the walls
of the information bubble. “You become trapped in a you loop, and if
your identity is misrepresented, strange patterns begin to emerge, like
reverb from an amplifier.” And as he explains, the combination of big
data and AI is creating a potential to generate such singular bubbles
at lightning speed: “The faster the system learns from you, the more
likely it is that you can get trapped in a kind of identity cascade . . . in
which a small initial action” brands you as a particular sort of person,
and intensifies the resulting echo chamber.58
The internet is not alone in having these effects and may not even
be the most important cause of them. Partisan television networks have
had this effect: Viewers of Fox News and MSNBC have become more
ideologically polarized over time. Using social identity theory, one set
of researchers showed that dislike between political poles had increased
significantly in the United States, partly because of highly negative
advertising.59 Another study found that people are more interested
in a headline if it is associated with an ideologically aligned network.
Research suggests that Twitter users more commonly interact with
those of similar views, that people are drawn to headlines with stories
that support their views, and that Facebook users are much more likely
to click on or “like” information that confirms their views.60
Sunstein also points to a worrying line of social science research
that indicates the possible result of echo chambers: work on a phe-
nomenon that has become known as group polarization. It was long
believed that putting people into groups to discuss issues would temper
opinions. However, multiple studies have found that groups tend to
produce more-extreme attitudes than the individuals held beforehand,
compared with attitudes expressed by individuals before group dia-

58 Pariser, 2011, pp. 125–127.

59 Shanto Iyengar, Guarav Sood, and Yphtach Lelkes, “Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Iden-
tity Perspective on Polarization,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 76, No. 3, 2012.
60 Sunstein, 2017, pp. 61, 64–65, 81, 114–115, 119–126.
32 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

logues.61 This finding is true even of groups that are not ideologically
consistent, but echo chambers of such people could be expected to have
an even greater effect in this regard. Indeed, Sunstein quotes research
indicating that group polarization effects are materializing online.
One important study confirms these effects. Researchers
attempted to examine how the existence of a fragmented informa-
tion context offering the possibility of extreme and polarized views
would affect information search and resulting “affective polarization”:
the degree to which members of opposing political groups are viewed
in a harshly negative light. They found that, indeed, “discretionary
information search”—the ability to seek out polarized, confirming evi-
dence in a highly fragmented information environment—has the effect
of increasing such affective polarization by as much as 15 percentage
points.62 A related study found that access to broadband internet, and
thus a wider array of potential information sources (including highly
polarized ones), increases affective polarization.63 Another study found
that Facebook friends tend to highlight news stories and other infor-
mation that reinforce existing beliefs of self-selected groups.64
Yet even with such evidence, the findings of research on echo
chambers remain highly conflicted. Much research, as Sunstein indi-
cates, suggests that many people “dislike echo chambers. . . . [M]any
members of the public are keenly interested in seeing perspectives that
diverge from their own.”65 One extensive study, by economists Gentz-

61 Sunstein, 2017, pp. 68–69, 77–78. For one review of the literature, see Daniel J. Isenberg,
“Group Polarization: A Critical Review and Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, Vol. 50, No. 6, 1986.
62 Richard R. Lau, David J. Andersen, Tessa M. Ditonto, Mona S. Kleinberg, and David
P. Redlawsk, “Effect of Media Environment Diversity and Advertising Tone on Information
Search, Selective Exposure, and Affective Polarization,” Political Behavior, Vol. 39, No. 1,
63 Yphtach Lelkes, Guarav Sood, and Shanto Iyengar, “The Hostile Audience: The Effect
of Access to Broadband Internet on Partisan Affect,” American Journal of Political Science,
Vol. 61, No. 1, 2017.
64 Eytan Bakshy, Solomon Messing, and Lada Adamic, “Exposure to Ideologically Diverse
News and Opinion on Facebook,” Science, Vol. 348, No. 6329, 2015.
65 Sunstein, 2017, p. 5.
The Evolving Infosphere 33

kow and Shapiro, aimed to measure the degree to which people only
visit websites they agree with, or their “isolation index.” (Conservatives
who spent all their time at Fox News would have an isolation index
of 100.) Their surveys found that self-identified conservatives have an
average isolation index online of 60.6 percent and self-identified liber-
als of 53.1 percent.66 Another study found people’s online news con-
sumption displaying “a remarkable degree of balance.”67 A major study
of the browsing habits of 50,000 individuals found that patterns did
reflect ideological gaps, but that these gaps were mostly a product of
habitual visits to established mainstream media sites. In fact, general
browsing brought them into contact with more rather than fewer dif-
fering views than offline news consumption.68
Recent polling by the Pew Research Center offers several perspec-
tives on the issue of echo chambers. One survey indicates that people
use multiple social media sites for their news, suggesting that they may
not be trapped in silos.69 Another poll found that only 9 percent of
social media users said they “often discuss, comment or post about pol-
itics of government,” indicating that online environments are mostly
nonpolitical in nature and thus might have mild effects on political
views. The same survey found that most people report their social
media friend groups contain people of differing viewpoints.70
An important 2013 study found little evidence of “defensive
avoidance” online—that is, the pattern of avoiding sites with content
that disagrees with the person’s political beliefs. People who visited
ideologically identified sites were more likely to visit mainstream sites

66 Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse M. Shapiro, “Ideological Segregation Online and Offline,”
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 126, No. 4, 2011.
67 Andrew M. Guess, Media Choice and Moderation: Evidence from Online Tracking Data,
job market paper, New York: New York University, September 6, 2016.
Seth Flaxman, Sharad Goel, and Justin M. Rao, “Filter Bubbles, Echo Chambers, and
Online News Consumption,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 80, No. S1, 2016.
Elizabeth Grieco, “More Americans Are Turning to Multiple Social Media Sites for
News,” Pew Research Center, November 2, 2017.
70 Maeve Duggan and Aaron Smith, “The Political Environment on Social Media,” Pew
Research Center, October 25, 2016, p. 7.
34 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

and even “ideologically discrepant” ones.71 Some research suggests that

while people do tend to look for information that agrees with their
beliefs, there is little evidence that people actively avoid information
contrary to their views.72 Other studies find that people who go online
looking for political information tend to be more ideologically extreme
than those who rely mostly on broadcast and mainstream media.73
This makes sense—politically active people would be in the market for
information and take more steps to gather it—but it also means that
findings showing a greater polarization of online users may be showing
a symptom, not the cause. Two scholars who have done extensive work
on the issue conclude that “the best evidence so far, based on actual
reader behavior, suggests that ideological segregation on the Internet
is limited.” Moreover, they stress that the risk of segregation on the
internet is a relatively recent threat, and there could be many policy
responses that would attenuate it over time.74
Yet the sum of this evidence does point to the very real danger
of increasingly isolated polarized groups gathering self-confirming evi-
dence from a fragmented information environment. As three scholars
have summarized the rising infosphere: “We are now facing a situation
in which a large share of the populace is living in an epistemic space
that has abandoned conventional criteria of evidence, internal consis-
tency, and fact-seeking.” They continue:

71 R. Kelly Garrett, Dustin Carnahan, and Emily K. Lynch, “A Turn Toward Avoidance?
Selective Exposure to Online Political Information, 2004–2008,” Political Behavior, Vol. 35,
No. 1, 2013, pp. 113–134.
72 R. Kelly Garrett, “Echo Chambers Online?: Politically Motivated Selective Exposure
Among Internet News Users,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 14, No. 2,
2009a. See also R. Kelly Garrett, “Politically Motivated Reinforcement Seeking: Reframing
the Selective Exposure Debate,” Journal of Communication, Vol. 59, No. 4, 2009b.
73 Norman H. Nie, Darwin W. Miller III, Saar Golde, Daniel M. Butler, and Kenneth
Winneg, “The World Wide Web and the U.S. Political News Market,” American Journal of
Political Science, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2010.
74 R. Kelly Garrett and Paul Resnick, “Resisting Political Fragmentation on the Internet,”
Daedalus, Vol. 140, No. 4, Fall 2011.
The Evolving Infosphere 35

An obvious hallmark of a post-truth world is that it empowers

people to choose their own reality, where facts and objective evi-
dence are trumped by existing beliefs and prejudices. This can
be amplified by leaders who model deception and delusion as
adequate means to garner support. In this world, lying is not
only accepted, it is rewarded. Falsifying reality is no longer about
changing people’s beliefs, it is about asserting power.75

The resulting pattern of self-segregated groups able to arm them-

selves with information that supports their views, and those groups
becoming increasingly extreme and polarized in their views, is one
of the leading dangers of the emerging information context. As we
will see, it is also the foundation on which hostile social manipulation
efforts have strongly relied to date.

The Role of Influencers

Related to the idea of silos is the broader concept of influencers: people

or small groups that function as key nodes in information networks
and exercise disproportionate influence over information flows and
what is believed and circulated. Research suggests that a small propor-
tion of people in any social media or other informational network will
account for a significant component of information sharing.
The critical question is how patterns of interactions emerge—
what influences the clustering or grouping that occurs in large net-
worked patterns. Those clusters in social networks often take place
around influential individuals or groups or sources of information that
are often termed influencers. Albert-László Barabási has termed the
resulting actors connectors and hubs. Connectors—which he defines
as “nodes with an anomalously large number of links”—in networks
serve to “create trends and fashions, make important deals, spread fads,
or help launch a restaurant.” Especially influential doctors, for exam-
ple, are responsible for a disproportionate degree of thinking in their
field. Within the online world, research suggests that a relatively small

75 Lewandowsky, Ecker, and Cook, 2017, pp. 360–361.

36 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

number of hubs, such as Amazon and Yahoo, play the same function.
Pages linked to only a few other places for all purposes “do not exist”;
only through massive sharing over hubs does news spread virally.76
One possible result of a number of these intersecting trends is
that social media, where information flows are more dependent on self-
selected echo chambers and shaped by influencers, reflects a far higher
dosage of disinformation than general news consumption. One 2018
study of European news consumption, for example, found that news
sites built around fabricated or exaggerated claims garnered only a tiny
proportion of the attention of “real” news sites. No false news site had
a monthly reach of over 3.5 percent of the population, and most were
far lower, compared with between 22 percent and 51 percent reach
for major newspaper sites. Yet on Facebook, the total interaction mea-
sures “generated by a small number of false news outlets matched or
exceeded that produced by the most popular news brands.”77

The Trolling Ethic

Another characteristic of the infosphere is the prevalence of what can be

called a trolling ethic on the part of hundreds of thousands or even mil-
lions of internet users. This term describes the effort to use exaggerated
or invented stories, satirical memes, and sometimes vicious attacks to
disrupt the conventional dialogue online, create mischief, and intensify
argumentation. It is an ironic and insolent mindset determined to use
the sensationalism of the media environment for humorous, disruptive,
and aggressive purposes. In some ways, trolls represent the apotheosis
of related trends on the modern internet, such as sensationalism and

76 Barabási, 2014, pp. 56–58; the reference to doctor hubs of influence is on p. 129.
77 Richard Fletcher, Alessio Cornia, Lucas Graves, and Rasmus Kleis Neilsen, Measuring
the Reach of “Fake News” and Online Disinformation in Europe, Oxford, United Kingdom:
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, February 2018.
The Evolving Infosphere 37

echo chambers. They are, as the scholar Whitney Phillips has put it,
“the grimacing poster children for the socially networked world.”78
The defining web collective for the trolling ethic is the site 4chan,
and in particular its infamous “/b/” board, ground zero for a roiling
series of ironic, hostile, and parodic commentary on issues, websites,
and individuals. Between 2008 and 2010, 4chan became a massive
web presence, receiving over 8 million daily page views, 200 million
visitors a month, and 400,000 daily posts.79
Trolls have now engaged in a series of famous campaigns and
attacks. In more purely ironic and humorous ways, they have staged
ongoing campaigns of harassment against what they perceive to be silly
and pointless web humor sites. The hacker collective “Anonymous” has
roots in the troll movement in particular in the 4chan community,
but eventually split off to become a more active presence in the “real
world,” organizing formal protests as well as continuing a series of dis-
ruptive hacks and trolling campaigns. They have attacked such targets
as random online forums and corporations.
In more sinister terms, trolls have banded together to launch the
most heinous forms of cyberbullying against individuals they perceive
“not to get it” and to oppose trolling ethics. In one of the more sin-
ister examples of the process, internet trolls began a practice of “RIP
trolling” in which they posted brutal and often obscene comments to
memorial sites on Facebook or other locations, even attacking the fam-
ilies of children who had died in tragic ways.
Such attacks would seem incomprehensible, but as Whitney Phil-
lips has pointed out, one of the most important aspects of the trolling
movement is its “emotional dissociation.” Many trolls undertake hostile
attacks online precisely because they make a sharp distinction between
virtual and real selves. Many, Phillips reports from her research, are in
real life quiet, thoughtful, and respectful individuals who insist they
would never engage in face-to-face attacks in the way they do online.

78 Whitney Phillips, This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Mapping the Relationship
Between Online Trolling and Mainstream Culture, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2015, p. 8;
cf. also pp. 5–6.
79 Phillips, 2015, pp. 55–56.
38 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

They “insist that their troll selves and their offline (‘real’) selves are
subject to totally different sets of rules.”80
The distinction may be morally objectionable, but it allows trolls
to justify dramatically different behavior online. And such practices
are in fact closely related to a wider online practice of dissociation and
playing with sensational content to garner attention. The idea of “click-
bait” is just a step away from “trollbait”; the idea in both cases is to gen-
erate content that attracts attention rather than offering any meaning-
ful substance. In both cases, the pattern is in part alienated individuals
or groups attacking what they perceive to be the “conventional” ethics
and institutions of the system.
Such trolling and harassment have gone global and have been
used by many international actors, both state and nonstate, for coercive
purposes. Haroon Ullah catalogs ways in which extremists have cre-
ated fake videos to undermine the credibility of political leaders, as well
as promotional videos for the radical lifestyle. He depicts the modern
battle with extremism as dominated by information channels, many of
which employ trolling tactics to harass and discredit those opposed to
the extremist message.81

The Rule of Data

Finally, the infosphere is increasingly characterized by the accumula-

tion and manipulation of massive databases used to drive everything
from marketing algorithms, to health care decisions, to educational
choices. These databases are becoming the basis for AI and the increas-
ingly algorithmic decisionmaking in many fields.
Many companies are assembling vast troves of data on individ-
ual Americans. Facebook boasts that it can target more than 1,300
unique categories. Amazon’s Alexa collects information on purchases
but also, because it is active in people’s homes, “when you wake up,

80 Phillips, 2015, pp. 33–35.

81 Haroon K. Ullah, Digital World War: Islamists, Extremists, and the Fight for Cyber
Supremacy, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2017, pp. ix–xv.
The Evolving Infosphere 39

what you watch, read, listen to, ask for, and eat.” Based on data col-
lected from personal phones, advertisers know “what times of day you
usually browse, watch videos, answer e-mail, travel to the office—and
what travel routes you take.” They know what sorts of hotels people
stay in on travel and what parts of the world they’re interested in visit-
ing. Such data can fuel AI-driven marketing: Armed with such precise
preference information, “[m]achines will craft ads, just as machines
will drive cars.”82
“With little notice or fanfare,” Pariser has argued, “the digital
world is fundamentally changing. What was once an anonymous
medium where anyone could be anyone . . . is now a tool for solicit-
ing and analyzing our personal data.”83 Every time someone makes a
travel reservation, looks up a word in an online dictionary, searches for
anything, makes a social media post, buys something online, or con-
ducts any activity whatsoever, companies are vacuuming up thousands
of pieces of information and assembling portraits of individuals. This
information gathering is the defining business model of most leading
internet companies, and specialist firms such as Acxiom and Cam-
bridge Analytica are compiling thousands of discrete pieces of infor-
mation about every American. This information can include names
of family and friends, loan history and purchase history, credit card
balances, pet ownership, and just about every other measurable charac-
teristic of individuals. Using such databases, private companies will be
able to monitor and predict life patterns, from our daily routine to our
purchasing preferences.84
Stolen data can become an important element of the toolkit of
social manipulators. A leading example is the theft of information from
the Office of Personnel Management, which could be used to black-
mail Americans. The alleged Chinese intrusion netted personnel files,
digital fingerprints, Social Security numbers, and much else. In a tradi-
tional cyberattack, an aggressor could use the information to “lock out

82 Ken Auletta, “How the Math Men Overthrew the Mad Men,” New Yorker, May 21, 2018.

83 Pariser, 2011, p. 6.
84 StaceyHigginbotham, “IBM Is Bringing in Watson to Conquer the Internet of Things,”
Fortune, December 15, 2015.
40 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

medical records, wipe away financial information, manipulate social

media, and spread lies and half-truths about personal misconduct.”
The attacker could harass friends and relatives and even send death
threats via Twitter.85 But in a more gradual form of social manipula-
tion, an attacker could do hundreds of these things a month to create
just enough confusion, frustration, and anxiety to add more sand into
the gears of a rival society, without ever reaching the degree of manipu-
lation that would count as a large-scale cyberattack.

Summary: A Changing Information Environment for

Advanced Democracies

These trends point to several ways in which the emerging infosphere

could be vulnerable to advanced social manipulation campaigns. The
trends depict an emerging information environment that is

• fragmented and decentralized, subject to a significant degree of

the echo chamber effect and lacking grand narratives that unify
social perceptions and give people a sense of grounding and
belonging in a political community
• increasingly networked and interlinked and dependent on the
platforms provided by a handful of major technology firms sitting
on vast troves of data about individual Americans, which together
create an increasing degree of systemic risk
• characterized by significant degrees of sensational news and hos-
tile trolling and harassment of participants in social media.

The result could be an infosphere that is increasingly disaggre-

gated in ways that undermine social coherence, interconnected in ways
that create networked vulnerabilities, and extreme and sensational in
ways that persistently skew public perceptions and depress ontologi-
cal security, trust in the future, and social institutions. Even before

85 Ian Brown, “Imagining a Cyber Surprise: How Might China Use Stolen OPM Records
to Target Trust?” War on the Rocks, May 22, 2018.
The Evolving Infosphere 41

we consider active, hostile measures taken from outside to manipulate

a country’s infosphere, the evidence suggests that baseline trends are
already generating an information environment likely to have corrosive
effects on democratic institutions and social stability. The problem, in
other words, is one of the changing infosphere first and foremost, and
only secondarily measures of social manipulation.

Insights from Social Science

To this point, we have reviewed the character of the emerging informa-

tion environment and the potential implications for the weaponization
of this evolving infosphere. To get a better understanding of the basis
for and effects of social manipulation, we also surveyed several fields
of research that bear on the issue. An obvious case in point is cognitive
and social psychology. What does it have to say about the effective-
ness of social manipulation, and what can be done to counter social
manipulation’s effectiveness?
The analysis in this chapter builds on a prior RAND study on
Russian disinformation techniques by Christopher Paul and Miriam
Matthews. That study reviewed major findings of social science litera-
ture on attitudes, persuasion, and belief systems to lay the groundwork
for assessing the approaches used by Russian propagandists.1 The goal
of this chapter is the same, with a somewhat broader focus: to under-
stand what established findings in social science might imply about the
future of social manipulation.
The key lesson of this field is a basic aspect of epistemology:
Knowledge and understanding are interpretive acts. Human beings are
constantly making sense of the facts they encounter. The most impor-
tant aspect of those facts is not their “objective” validity, but what
people make of them. This constant process is in turn a product of the
larger phenomenon of cognitive miserism. People are bombarded with

1 Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews, “The Russian ‘Firehose of Falsehood’ Pro-
paganda Model: Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It,” Santa Monica, Calif.:
RAND Corporation, PE-198-OSD, 2016.

44 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

far more information than they can process. They are constantly in the
market for shortcuts: ways to make sense of the incoming flood, espe-
cially by judging the validity of specific facts. People use various such
techniques, including fitting incoming information into established
worldviews, accepting information from sources they believe to be reli-
able, and “going with the crowd.” These shortcuts limit the potential
effectiveness of social manipulation campaigns: Efforts to break people
away from preestablished beliefs they are seeking to bolster can be very
Indeed, motivated reasoning—using information to support con-
clusions we have already reached rather than objectively evaluating it—
is fundamental to human ways of thinking.2 Research suggests that
there is an accuracy motivation—people want to be in possession of
“true” information—but that motivation is constantly at war with a
countervailing impulse to sustain and reinforce existing viewpoints,
which is in many circumstances the stronger motivation.3 The result is
an ongoing habit of “bounded rationality” and misperception that can
sometimes be intentionally manipulated.
This foundational nature of human cognition produces argu-
ably the most important entry point for social manipulation: Belief
and expectation create the lens through which people perceive events
and facts. Belief is, in many ways and on most occasions, more power-
ful than facts.4 This provides a potential social manipulator with raw
material, in the form of the belief systems of subgroups within a pop-
ulation, to shape with all the tools and techniques described above.
There is, as we will see, a certain degree of accuracy motivation on the
part of many people much of the time. But it is highly contingent, and
in some groups at some times it can entirely give way to preconceptions

2 A fundamental resource on motivated reasoning is Kunda, 1990. For a connection to

misinformation, see John Cook, Ullrich K. H. Ecker, and Stephan Lewandowsky, “Neu-
tralizing Misinformation Through Inoculation: Exposing Misleading Argumentation Tech-
niques Reduces Their Influence,” PLOS One, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2017, p. 2.
3 Flynn, Nyhan, and Reifler, 2017, pp. 131–135.
4 Elizabeth Kolbert, “Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds,” New Yorker, February 27,
2017; Troy Campbell and Justin Friesen, “Why People ‘Fly from Facts,’” Scientific American,
March 3, 2015.
Insights from Social Science 45

and biases, cognitive faults that skilled social manipulators can employ
to achieve their goals.

Attitudes and Attitude Change

An attitude is an individual’s association between a given object, topic,

or person and his or her “summary evaluation” of that thing.5 The
most important aspect of an attitude is the evaluative judgment, i.e.,
whether a person generally feels positively or negatively toward the sub-
ject. There are related bodies of literature on attitude change in social
psychology, political science, and advertising, all of which draw heavily
from cognitive psychology.6
Deeply held personal attitudes, especially about political ideology
and similar issues, are “remarkably” resistant to change.7 Once a person
internalizes information and forms a belief, it is difficult to change his

5 Gregory R. Maio and Geoffrey Haddock, The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change,
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, 2009, p. 4. For more on the “attitude” concept
in social psychology, see Richard E. Petty, Russell H. Fazio, and Pablo Briñol, eds., Attitudes:
Insights from the New Implicit Measures, New York: Psychology Press, 2008.
6 Much of social psychology of the early to mid–20th century was focused on the study of
attitudes and, more specifically, defining and measuring them; Herbert C. Kelman, “Atti-
tudes Are Alive and Well and Gainfully Employed in the Sphere of Action,” American Psy-
chologist, Vol. 29, No. 5, 1974. One of the first studies of attitudes was Gordon Allport’s
1935 work in which he defined attitude as “a mental and neural state of readiness organized
through experience, and exerting a directive influence upon the individual’s response to all
objects and situations which it is related”; Gordon Allport, “Attitudes,” in Carl Murchison,
ed., A Handbook of Social Psychology, Worcester, Mass.: Clark University Press, 1935, p. 798;
referenced in Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell, Propaganda and Persuasion, 3rd ed.,
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, 1999, pp. 166–167.
7 This consensus emerged after a series of studies in the 1970s demonstrated the resil-
iency of fixed attitudes to change even after subjects were presented with new informa-
tion. Researchers concluded that “once formed, impressions are remarkably resilient”; Lee
D. Ross, Mark R. Lepper, Fritz Strack, and Julia Steinmetz, “Social Explanation and Social
Expectation: Effects of Real and Hypothetical Explanations on Subjective Likelihood,” Jour-
nal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 35, No. 11, 1977; Charles G. Lord, Lee D. Ross,
and Mark R. Lepper, “Biased Assimilation and Attitude Polarization: The Effects of Prior
Theories on Subsequently Considered Evidence,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
Vol. 37, No. 11, 1979. See also Pratkanis and Aronson, 2001, pp. 40–47.
46 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

or her mind, even if the information creating the belief is erroneous

and is later corrected.8 This is sometimes termed belief perseverance,
and it is especially pronounced when the attitude is important to an
individual’s identity or social position.9 Numerous studies have found
that the introduction of factual information can sometimes change
an individual’s policy preferences, but the effectiveness of providing
new information on attitude change is not consistent.10 In general,
information that challenges an individual’s beliefs is unwelcome and
can prompt compensatory responses, such as actively suppressing that
unwanted information, especially when those beliefs are strongly held.
Research on persuasion also suggests that, to be successful, per-
suaders must (1) reach the intended audience; (2) craft the message
in such a way that it is understandable to the intended audience; and
(3) ensure that the message will not be distorted en route. These are
all potential pitfalls of social manipulation before the message even
reaches the individual, where it will be distorted through that indi-
vidual’s internal prisms.
Research suggests that even fixed attitudes, perhaps fostered by
motivated reasoning, can be changed by some degree of contrary infor-
mation. One study found that motivated reasoners can correct actively
held mistaken views. But the amount of information required is signif-
icant, and the risk of the backfire effect remains. The study found that
initial efforts to correct mistaken views indeed produced a backfire

8 Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, Misinformation and Fact-Checking: Research Findings
from Social Science, Washington, D.C.: New America, February 2012, p. 3; Rohini Ahluwa-
lia, “Examination of Psychological Processes Underlying Resistance to Persuasion,” Journal
of Consumer Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2000.
9 See Jonathan Haidt, “Moral Psychology for the Twenty-First Century,” Journal of Moral
Education, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2013; Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber, The Enigma of Reason,
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2017; and Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach,
The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone, New York: Riverhead Books, 2017.
10 Nyhan and Reifler (2012, pp. 8–10) provide an overview of several studies from the
1990s to 2012 that measure whether the introduction of new information can change an
individual’s opinion on a certain policy. Important variables include the importance of the
policy position to a person’s worldview, how strongly they believe in that position or policy,
and the source providing the new information. This will be further discussed in the next
Insights from Social Science 47

effect of strengthening those views, which persisted until nearly 15 per-

cent of the total information received ran counter to the reasoner’s
beliefs. But the effect at that point only leveled off: Motivated reason-
ers did not begin to actively question their commitments until nearly
30 percent of available information ran in the opposite direction.11
Yet hostile social manipulation need not always run up against
well-established attitudes. If the receiving population does not have
fixed attitudes about a given issue—whether the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) should defend the Baltics, for example—new
information may be able to shape emergent beliefs in ways it could not
with fixed attitudes. This is especially true if the social manipulators
employ framing techniques to shape the context in which people see
the issue. This distinction helps to clarify a possible difference between
persuasion aimed at advertising consumer products and that aimed at
political attitudes: Attitudes governing devotion to a specific product
may be far less intensely held than political attitudes. On the other
hand, some political attitudes are more strongly held than others, sug-
gesting some room for influence.
Moreover, there is indeed some tantalizing evidence that informa-
tion acquired through social media can have an actual effect of chang-
ing attitudes. In one recent Pew Research Center poll, some 20 percent
of Americans claimed they have changed their mind about a political
issue, and 17 percent changed their mind about a political candidate,

11 David P. Redlawsk, Andrew J. W. Civettini, and Karen M. Emmerson, “The Affective

Tipping Point: Do Motivated Reasoners Ever ‘Get It’?” Political Psychology, Vol. 31, No. 4,
2010, p. 583. This effect shows up even in online forums devoted to helping people criti-
cally assess their own views. A recent study that analyzed thousands of discussion threads
on ChangeMyView, an online forum on Reddit of more than 200,000 members that allows
users to present their opinions and invite others to try to change their minds, found that
using the ChangeMyView platform provided researchers the opportunity to observe real-life
attempts to change others’ fixed (and likely strongly held) attitudes on contentious political
and social issues. The researchers found that even though this community was composed of
people who were relatively open-minded (demonstrated by their choosing to participate in
this forum), in the majority of cases (70 percent) originally held opinions did not change;
Chenhao Tan, Vlad Niculae, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Lilian Lee, “Winning
Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-Faith Online Discus-
sions,” 25th International World Wide Web Conference, Conference Proceedings, Montreal,
Canada: International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, April 2016.
48 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

because of something they saw on social media. “Still,” a report on the

poll concluded,

it is important to note that the majority of social media users are

not swayed by what they see in their networks. Some 82 percent
of social media users say they never modified their views on a par-
ticular candidate—and 79 percent say they have never changed
their views on a social or political issue—because of something
they saw on social media.12

Causing a change in even 10 percent of citizens could have dra-

matic political effects. If the numbers are accurate, they may suggest
more potential for influence than many other studies have proposed.

When Attitudes Change: Criteria for Attitude Shift

Although fixed attitudes are resistant to change, research has shown

that new information can have a greater impact on an individual’s atti-
tudes under several conditions, outlined below. These factors provide
the basis for much of modern persuasion theory.13 These are, in effect,
criteria for susceptibility, i.e., times when listeners will be most suscep-
tible to the messages they are receiving.
When attitudes do change, that change can either be temporary
or permanent, depending on the issue, the context, and the basis for
the attitude change. Existing research suggests that information is
more likely to affect attitudes and then, in some cases, behavior in sev-
eral specific circumstances, outlined in the following sections.

12 Duggan and Smith, 2016, pp. 18–19.

13 As Pratkanis and Aronson, 2001, p. 51, summarize the basic rules, persuasion works by
establishing the ground in advance (“pre-persuasion”), using credible sources, developing a
compelling narrative or message, and targeting emotions as much as or instead of reasoning.
See also Jowett and O’Donnell, 1999, pp. 164–168.
Insights from Social Science 49

When the Information Is Repeated

Human beings have a tendency to believe information is true after
repeated exposure to it (often known as the illusory truth effect or the
frequency-validity relationship), after it has become so familiar as to be
easily available.14 Messages that are familiar will generally be subjected
to less scrutiny than unfamiliar messages.15 One study even found
that hearing the same opinion multiple times from the same person
can result in the erroneous impression that it is a widely held opinion,
which makes people more receptive to it.16

When the Information Comes from Multiple Sources

Information, facts, or claims appear stronger when restated by multi-
ple sources. Social science research suggests that “[p]eople assume that
information from multiple sources is likely to be based on different per-
spectives and is thus worth greater consideration.”17 It stands to reason
that the engagement of multiple sources would convey the common-
sense reaction on the part of the receiver that the information must be
accurate. This reaction can be true even within echo chambers, with
multiple sources of the same partisan or ideological persuasion working
together to reinforce the apparent validity of a message.

14 Nyhan and Reifler, 2012, p. 16. Ian Skurnik, Carolyn Yoon, Denise C. Park, and Nor-
bert Schwarz, “How Warnings About False Claims Become Recommendations,” Journal of
Consumer Research, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2005. The impact of the illusory truth effect has been
documented in both political and consumer behavior. While it was initially believed that the
effect only occurred when individuals were highly uncertain about a subject or statement,
the same study demonstrated that repetition of a statement makes it easier to cognitively
process, which makes it seem more plausible, even when people are knowledgeable about a
subject; Lisa K. Fazio, Nadia M. Brashier, B. Keith Payne, and Elizabeth J. Marsh, “Knowl-
edge Does Not Protect Against Illusory Truth,” Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 144,
No. 5, 2015.
15 MattChessen, “Understanding the Psychology Behind Computational Propaganda,” in
Shawn Powers and Markos Kounalakis, eds., Can Public Diplomacy Survive the Internet?
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2017a, p. 21.
16 Kimberlee Weaver, Stephen M. Garcia, Norbert Schwarz, and Dale T. Miller, “Inferring
the Popularity of an Opinion from Its Familiarity: A Repetitive Voice Can Sound Like a
Chorus,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 92, No. 5, 2007.
17 Paul and Matthews, 2016, p. 3.
50 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

When Other Members of an Individual’s Social Group18 Demonstrate

People assess that it is appropriate to believe or act in a certain way
when they perceive that people comparable to them are also believing
or acting in the same way.19 A 2012 study of how online political mobi-
lization messaging influences behavior found that messages including
social “cues” from a person’s Facebook network were more effective
than messages that only included information.20 Other research has
found that urban legends were transmitted more readily when they
contained socially meaningful information even than when they con-
tained information bearing on survival.21
More broadly, one of the most prominent related effects in social
science research is the social proof effect: the idea that people are more
highly influenced by peer groups. This effect is grounded in the fact
that it is often more economical to learn social cues from observing
others’ behavior than to re-create them through individual experience.
The result is a powerful effect of group influence, conformism, and
social cueing. One implication of this phenomenon is that people tend
to become more extreme in their views through exposure to groups
holding similar beliefs. A constant diet of reinforcing opinion tends
to move people further along the spectrum of belief to more polarized
and extreme positions. Research on viral spread demonstrates that such
social proof effects are a dominant explanatory variable. One study of
“get out the vote” messages on Facebook found that the effectiveness

18 Social group can include one’s virtual network and physical social group; social group can
also be expanded to mean one’s political party. On this point of the importance of “social
proof,” see, for example, Flynn, Nyhan, and Reifler, 2017, p. 136.
19 RobertCialdini, Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, New York:
Simon and Schuster, 2016, pp. 192–208.
20 Robert M. Bond, Christopher J. Fariss, Jason J. Jones, Adam D. I. Kramer, Cameron
Marlow, Jaime E. Settle, and James H. Fowler, “A 61-Million-Person Experiment in Social
Influence and Political Mobilization,” Nature, Vol. 489, 2012.
21 Joseph M. Stubbersfield, Jamshid J. Tehrani, and Emma G. Flynn, “Serial Killers, Spi-
ders and Cybersex: Social and Survival Information Bias in the Transmission of Urban Leg-
ends,” British Journal of Psychology, Vol. 106, No. 2, 2015.
Insights from Social Science 51

rose significantly when paired with images of friends who had already

When the Incoming Information Fits in with an Individual’s

Preexisting Beliefs and Worldview
According to the closely related psychological theories of confirma-
tion bias and motivated reasoning, people’s evaluations of new infor-
mation are shaped by their beliefs, hopes, and fears. People tend to
seek out or favor information and arguments that confirm their exist-
ing views, and criticize those that do not.23 When incoming informa-
tion aligns with what people want to believe, they are more likely to
believe it.24 People interpret scientific evidence, for example, as more
persuasive when it is consistent with their preexisting opinions.25 Some

22 These dynamics are described in Alex Pentland, Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread—
The Lessons from a New Science, New York: Penguin Press, 2014, pp. 50–61, 64–65.
23 Lord, Ross, and Lepper, 1979; Kari Edwards and Edward E. Smith, “A Disconfirmation
Bias in the Evaluation of Arguments,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 71,
No. 1, 1996; Charles S. Taber and Milton Lodge, “Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation
of Political Beliefs,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2006; Stephan
Lewandowsky, Ullrich K. H. Ecker, Colleen M. Seifert, Norbert Schwarz, and John Cook,
“Misinformation and Its Correction: Continued Influence and Successful Debiasing,” Psy-
chological Science in the Public Interest, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2012, p. 112; Brendan Nyhan and
Jason Reifler, “The Roles of Information Deficits and Identity Threat in the Prevalence of
Misperceptions,” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2018. A series of studies
in 2005 and 2006 found that when misinformed people were presented with corrections
in news stories that contradicted their political predispositions, they rarely changed their
minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs (Nyhan and Reifler,
2012, p. 10). A similar 2007 study examined whether providing misled people with correct
information about the proportion of immigrants in the U.S. population would affect their
views on immigration. It did not. See John Sides and Jack Citrin, How Large the Huddled
Masses? The Causes and Consequences of Public Misperceptions About Immigrant Populations,
paper presented at the 65th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science
Association, Chicago, 2007.
24 Nyhan and Reifler, 2012.
25 Geoffrey D. Munro and Peter H. Ditto, “Biased Assimilation, Attitude Polarization, and
Affect in Reactions to Stereotype-Relevant Scientific Information,” Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1997. As Paul Lazarsfeld and his colleagues found in
their assessment of U.S. voters, people often seek out opinion leaders who reinforce their
preexisting ideas when forming opinions. In the authors’ words, “exposure is always selective;
52 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

studies suggest that confirmation bias has a physiological component:

People experience a rush of dopamine when processing information
that supports their beliefs,26 and one study suggests that specific neural
mechanisms are involved in rejecting information contrary to estab-
lished beliefs.27 Interestingly, this effect is not reliably counteracted by
being well informed: Some studies have shown that it is in fact the best-
informed people about a particular issue that hold most tightly to their
established beliefs.28 There is evidence that, at some point, even people
engaged in motivated reasoning confront enough contrary information
that they must revise their attitude toward a specific issue, but that
threshold can be very high.29

When the Information Is Embedded in an Existing, Wider Narrative

that Lends Coherence and Persuasiveness to the Specific Story30
People search for frameworks to make sense of events, and general
narratives that connect a number of developments with a causal logic
provide one way of meeting that need. When individual facts are pre-
sented outside the scope of such narratives, they have less sticking

. . . a positive relationship exists between the people’s opinions and what they chose to listen
to or read;” Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet, The People’s Choice: How
the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign, New York: Duell, Sloan, and
Pearce, 1948; referenced in Jowett and O’Donnell, 1999, p. 172. Frank Biocca, “Viewers’
Mental Models of Political Messages: Toward a Theory of the Semantic Processing of Televi-
sion,” in Frank Biocca, ed., Television and Political Advertising, Vol. I: Psychological Processes,
Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991, p. 29; referenced in George C. Edwards
III, On Deaf Ears: The Limits of the Bully Pulpit, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
2006, p. 208.
26 Jack Gorman and Sara Gorman, Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts That Will
Save Us, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
27 Jonas T. Kaplan, Sarah I. Gimbel, and Sam Harris, “Neural Correlates of Maintain-
ing One’s Political Beliefs in the Face of Counterevidence,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, Arti-
cle 39589, 2016.
28 John M. Carey, Brendan Nyhan, Benjamin Valentino, and Mingnan Liu, “An Inflated
View of the Facts? How Preferences and Predispositions Shape Conspiracy Beliefs About the
Deflategate Scandal,” Research and Politics, Vol. 3, No. 3, July-September 2016.
29 Redlawsk, Civettini, and Emmerson, 2010.
30 Lewandowsky et al., 2012, pp. 112–113.
Insights from Social Science 53

power. Using such narratives as scaffolding for specific misinformation

can be highly effective, however, especially when such narratives line
up with people’s preexisting beliefs.

When an Individual Is Feeling Secure, in Control, and Not

The more threatened or vulnerable people feel, the less open they are
to new information.31 Threat can refer to a perceived threat to one’s
identity (abstract) or a perceived threat to one’s well-being (tangible—
for example, perceiving a threat posed by refugees). According to one
study, the greater the perceived threat to an individual’s identity posed
by a challenge to a certain attitude, the more likely that individual
is to double down on his or her position and even “proselytize” the
belief being challenged.32 The less threatened or attacked people feel,
the more receptive they will be to new information. Yet other research
shows that when people feel a lack of control over a situation, they may
“compensate with strategies that lead to greater acceptance of misper-
ceptions,” which could include being more open to information that
feeds into their fear and provides an explanation for it, even if that
explanation is outlandish.33 Indeed, there is strong research that fear is
an especially potent catalyst of attitude change.34

31 Nyhan and Reifler, 2018.

32 David Gal and Derek D. Rucker, “When in Doubt, Shout! Paradoxical Influences of
Doubt on Proselytizing,” Psychological Science, Vol. 21, No. 11, 2010, pp. 1701–1707. See also
Nyhan and Reifler, 2012, p. 11.
33 Nyhan and Reifler, 2012, p. 17. In a paper published in Science in 2008, two manage-
ment professors found that inducing a lack of control in participants increased their ten-
dency to see patterns where there were none, including perceiving the presence of conspiracy
theories; Jennifer Whitson and Adam Galinsky, “Lacking Control Increases Illusory Pattern
Perception,” Science, Vol. 322, No. 5898, 2008.
34 Research conducted by Witte (1992) identified certain conditions under which fear
appeals were most persuasive. She found that for fear appeals to be persuasive, they needed
to both communicate the threatening information to the audience and suggest a means
by which to reduce or eliminate the threat; Kim Witte, “Putting the Fear Back into Fear
Appeals: The Extended Parallel Process Model,” Communication Monographs, Vol. 59, No.
4, 1992, referenced in Jowett and O’Donnell, 1999, p. 174. In her later work with Mike
Allen, Witte found that “strong fear appeals and high-efficacy messages produce the greatest
54 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

When an Individual Trusts the Source Providing the Information and

Perceives It to Be Credible
Source credibility is an important factor in determining receptivity to
new information.35 Rather than evaluating a story directly, people often
use trust as a shortcut and look to see if someone credible believes it.
They rely on that person’s judgment to fill in the gaps in their knowl-
edge.36 In a related sense, when the information is coming from some-
one people perceive as similar to themselves, they are more likely to
believe it (this argument draws on the psychological concept of implicit
egotism, which asserts that people have an unconscious preference for
things we associate with ourselves).37

When Negative Information and Language Is Employed

Interestingly, multiple studies seem to indicate that negative infor-
mation and language is more persuasive and has more staying power
than positive information and language. There is evidence indicating

behavior change, whereas strong fear appeals with low-efficacy messages produce the great-
est levels of defensive-responses.” See Kim Witte and Mike Allen, “A Meta-Analysis of Fear
Appeals: Implications for Effective Public Health Campaigns,” Health Education and Behav-
ior, Vol. 27, No. 5, 2000, p. 591.
35 Pratkanis and Aronson, 2001, pp. 121–153.
36 James Druckman, “On the Limits of Framing Effects: Who Can Frame?” Journal of Poli-
tics, Vol. 63, No. 4, 2001; Lewandowsky et al., 2012, p. 113. In a study examining the impact
of message origin on the likelihood that a consumer will believe an advertisement’s claim,
the credibility of a source correlated with its ability to persuade; Shailendra Pratap Jain and
Steven S. Posavac, “Prepurchase Attribute Verifiability, Source Credibility, and Persuasion,”
Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2001. Consumers were more likely to believe
claims if the source was viewed as trustworthy or had experience with the product. Surveys
show that an alarming number of Americans still believe that vaccines are dangerous, even
though this theory was discredited years ago (Nyhan and Reifler, 2012, p. 7).
37 Chessen, 2017a. There is even research to support that someone is more likely to believe
information coming from someone with an easily pronounceable name (according to the
individual consuming the information); Eryn J. Newman, Mevagh Sanson, Emily K. Miller,
Adele Quigley-McBride, Jeffrey L. Foster, Daniel M. Bernstein, and Maryanne Garry,
“People with Easier to Pronounce Names Promote Truthiness of Claims,” PLOS One, Vol. 9,
No. 2, 2014; and that people are more likely to be persuaded to adopt a position by someone
they find physically attractive; Alice H. Eagly and Shelly Chaiken, “An Attribution Analysis
of the Effect of Communicator Characteristics on Opinion Change: The Case of Commu-
nicator Attractiveness,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1975.
Insights from Social Science 55

that belief perseverance and belief echoes are stronger with negative
information.38 One possible interpretation of some of these findings
is that a critical dynamic in misinformation campaigns is the relation-
ship between forewarning and the first mover advantage. If the defender
can inoculate enough people with the right preventive techniques and
information, it can deprive the information aggressor of the ability to
implant a narrative that becomes very difficult to dislodge. A central
finding is that social connections matter: People will trust information
from trusted sources, rather than placing their trust in some abstract
conception of accuracy or “truth.” One Nielsen survey, for example,
found that 83 percent of online users trust recommendations from
family and friends, compared with other studies that show collapsing
levels of trust in formal media institutions.39
This research would suggest a few basic conclusions for the util-
ity of hostile social manipulation. Such campaigns will be more effec-
tive by working within established beliefs rather than trying to change
them—to spark extreme actions by people of strong views, for example.
They will be more effective if they can employ social proof as the basis
of credibility. They will be successful if they use easy-to-grasp, graphi-
cally based presentations of information.40 And they will have greater
success the more they can repeat their message or restate the claimed
facts, achieving a presumed credibility through repetition.

Correcting Disinformation: Beyond the Backfire Effect

What we know from the social science analysis of attitudes and atti-
tude change suggests that efforts to affect large-scale attitudes will be

38 Michael D. Cobb, Brendan Nyhan, and Jason Reifler, “Beliefs Don’t Always Persevere:
How Political Figures Are Punished When Positive Information About Them Is Discred-
ited,” Political Psychology, Vol. 34, No. 3, June 2013; Emily Thorson, “Belief Echoes: The
Persistent Effects of Corrected Misinformation,” Political Communication, Vol. 33, No. 3,
39 Todd C. Helmus and Elizabeth Bodine-Baron, “Empowering ISIS Opponents on Twit-
ter,” Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, PE-227-RC, 2017, p. 2.
40 Lewandowsky, Ecker, and Cook, 2017, pp. 355–356.
56 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

less effective than more-targeted interventions that operate within spe-

cific echo chambers and attempt to use existing beliefs and seemingly
credible sources of information to exacerbate social divisions. The dif-
ficulty in changing attitudes can also apply on the other side of the
policy ledger, through efforts to correct misinformation or disinforma-
tion once it has been absorbed in a population.
Correcting such invalid beliefs can be extraordinarily difficult.
Some studies, consistent with the general social science finding that
people cling to existing beliefs, suggest that efforts to correct misim-
pressions simply do not work.41 Corrections and attempts to change
someone’s mind can, in some cases, be counterproductive and reinforce
confidence in the original attitude.42 In some cases, the restatement of

41 Lewandowsky et al., 2012, pp. 113–116; Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, “Does Cor-
recting Myths About the Flu Vaccine Work? An Experimental Evaluation of the Effects of
Corrective Information,” Vaccine, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2015b; Nyhan and Reifler survey some of
the relevant literature in “Displacing Misinformation About Events: An Experimental Test
of Causal Connections,” Journal of Experimental Political Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2015a, p. 81;
see also Flynn, Nyhan, and Reifler, 2017, pp. 130–131.
42 There is a significant body of research to support this phenomenon: Lakoff (2014) posits
that when we negate a frame, we evoke the frame, further embedding the undesirable asso-
ciation in an individual’s mind; George Lakoff, “Mapping the Brain’s Metaphor Circuitry:
Metaphorical Thought in Everyday Reason,” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol. 8, Arti-
cle 958, 2014. Tormala and Petty (2002, 2004) demonstrated that when people resist per-
suasive attacks, they can become more certain of their initial attitudes; Zakary L. Tormala
and Richard E. Petty, “What Doesn’t Kill Me Makes Me Stronger: The Effects of Resisting
Persuasion on Attitude Certainty,” Journal of Personal and Social Psychology, Vol. 83, No. 6,
2002; Zakary L. Tormala and Richard E. Petty, “Source Credibility and Attitude Certainty:
A Metacognitive Analysis of Resistance to Persuasion,” Journal of Consumer Psychology,
Vol. 14, No. 4, 2004. Nyhan and Reifler (2012) argue that corrections can fail due to such
factors as motivated reasoning and limitations of memory and cognition, as well as identity
factors, such as race and ethnicity. One study found that when “confronted with informa-
tion compellingly debunking a preexisting belief, only a minute proportion of people—2%
of participants in one study—explicitly acknowledged their beliefs were mistaken.” Most
instead “displayed some form of motivated reasoning by counterarguing against the refuta-
tion.” See John Cook, Ullrich K. H. Ecker, and Stephan Lewandowsky, “Misinformation
and How to Correct It,” in Robert Scott and Stephan Kosslyn, eds., Emerging Trends in the
Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2015, p. 22. See also Tan
et al., 2016. Belief perseverance appears to be more pronounced when negative information
is corrected than when positive information is corrected; Cobb, Nyhan, and Reifler, 2013.
Insights from Social Science 57

the incorrect information necessary to counteract it has turned out to

be more influential than the subsequent correction.43
The strength of this backfire effect, however, has come under sig-
nificant scrutiny. Some researchers have been unable to replicate the
findings of the original studies, and some of those involved in the
first backfire effect work have in effect recanted the generalizability of
that effect. It turns out that trying to correct a misimpression does not
always strengthen the original belief. Such efforts might have that effect
in narrow circumstances, but it is possible to correct invalid informa-
tion when done in the right way.44 The broader truth about motivated
reasoning remains strongly validated: People tend to adhere to preex-
isting beliefs even in the face of contrary evidence. It is just that trying
to correct those beliefs does not necessarily deepen their commitment.
More recent evidence, therefore, suggests that this backfire effect
may be specific to certain circumstances, and that fact-checking
and debunking can have meaningful positive effects in combating
misinformation if properly designed. (One study found that a criti-
cal criterion for the success of debunking efforts is the detail of the

Research shows that once a piece of information is encoded, which happens quickly, it
has lingering effects on subsequent attitudes and reasoning even if the person receives new
information and changes his or her mind (Nyhan and Reifler, 2012, pp. 12–14). People tend
to continue to rely on outdated information even when it has been successfully retracted
or corrected. Dr. Emily Thorson calls this phenomenon belief echoes, and has conducted
several studies that demonstrate how exposure to a piece of negative information can influ-
ence attitudes, even if a correction is provided immediately, an individual fully accepts that
correction, and that individual’s political leanings predispose him or her to want to believe
that correction. Thorson’s research challenges the implicit assumption of well-intentioned
fact-checkers that “correction will eliminate the misinformation’s effect on attitudes,” and
suggests that even completely baseless accusations or criticism of an individual may result
in “substantial reputational damage” (Thorson, 2016, p. 476). On the effects of beliefs on
presidential elections, see also Edwards, 2006.
43 Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, “When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of Politi-
cal Misperceptions,” Political Behavior, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2010; Lewandowsky et al., 2012, pp.
44 A superb summary of the debate over the backfire effect is Daniel Engber, “LOL Some-
thing Matters,” Slate, January 3, 2018.
58 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

countermessage.45) But it does appear that “the process of correcting

misinformation is complex and remains incompletely understood.”46
This flip side of many of the criteria governing the role of efforts
to achieve attitude change suggests several parallel criteria for success-
fully displacing incorrect information, as follows:

• Corrections should be preceded by warnings and inoculations (early

warnings to target populations that they are being deceived).47 Stud-
ies seem consistent that groups of people who have been fore-
warned about the potential for misinformation are more on guard
for it and do not allow it to become as embedded as when they
are not warned.
• The effort needs a counternarrative: A causal explanation that sets
the corrective information in the context of a persuasive explana-
tion for events.48 Efforts to counter misinformation cannot merely
deny individual facts. These contests of fact and interpretation
pose one narrative against another. The response must contest
individual claims from the context of a more comprehensive story.
• Retractions must be repeated.49 In line with the importance of rep-
etition of facts, denials of misinformation have to be consistent
and repeated.
• Reputational effects or other social costs should be brought to bear.
There is some evidence that when political leaders were con-
fronted by the potential that clinging to misinformation would

45 Man-pui Sally Chan, Christopher R. Jones, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, and Dolores Albar-
racín, “Debunking: A Meta-Analysis of the Psychological Efficacy of Messages Countering
Misinformation,” Psychological Science, Vol. 28, No. 11, 2017.
46 Chan et al., 2017.
47 Cook, Ecker, and Lewandowsky, 2015, p. 6; Pratkanis and Aronson, 2001, pp. 332–334;
Lewandowsky et al., 2012, p. 116; Cook, Ecker, and Lewandowsky, 2017.
48 Nyhan and Reifler, 2015a, pp. 83, 90; Lewandowsky et al., 2012, pp. 117–118.
49 Cook, Ecker, and Lewandowsky, 2015, p. 6; Lewandowsky et al., 2012, pp. 116–117.
Insights from Social Science 59

generate public opposition or “naming and shaming,” they mod-

erated their behavior.50

One proposed route to countering disinformation points to

the potential value of media literacy programs.51 These have been
employed with some success in several countries. The optimal design
and empirical effects of such programs needs more research, but the
limited impact of the backfire effect and the beginnings of some suc-
cess in these programs does indicate that enhancing public awareness
of disinformation can be one part of an effective response.

Factors Influencing Social Trust

As noted in the introduction to this chapter, the theme of trust is fun-

damental to an understanding of the implications of information soci-
eties and the risk of social manipulation. Campaigns of hostile manip-
ulation are often targeted at trust in ways designed to undermine
citizens’ ontological security, faith in their social institutions, and the
perceived reliability of facts. Social science research has examined the
factors that tend to support or undermine social trust.
The literature is careful to distinguish different forms of trust,
each of which could be the target of hostile social manipulation. A
commonly discussed form is trust in social institutions, measured by
recurrent public surveys. Another form is sometimes referred to as gen-
eralized interpersonal trust, which goes beyond faith in institutions to a
residual degree of trust in the interpersonal interactions people conduct
in society. Trust in political institutions and processes is sometimes

50 Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, “The Effect of Fact-Checking on Elites: A Field
Experiment on U.S. State Legislators,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 59, No. 3,
51 There is a growing literature on this issue. See, for example, Monica Bulger and Pat-
rick Davison, The Promises, Challenges, and Futures of Media Literacy, New York: Data and
Society Research Institute, February 2018; and Jennifer Fleming, “Media Literacy, News
Literacy, or News Appreciation? A Case Study of the News Literacy Program at Stony Brook
University,” Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Vol. 69, No. 2, 2014.
60 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

measured separately. In this brief section, we are interested in factors

that influence levels of trust across these various types, though some
factors are more relevant to one or more of the categories than others.52
One variable that seems associated with social trust across nations
is fairness, in terms of procedural rules, application of rules and laws,
and perceived fairness in outcomes. Radically unfair income distribu-
tion would violate this criterion.53
Other research suggests that the closely related issues of equal-
ity of opportunity and equality of economic outcomes are also asso-
ciated with elevated levels of social trust.54 High levels of corruption
that impede equality of opportunity would constitute a direct assault
on these avenues to social trust, as would, again, significant and rising
levels of economic inequality. Research suggests a possible catch-22
in responding to such situations, from the standpoint of trust: Once
trust has begun to collapse, a society becomes fragmented in ways that
obstruct the exact sort of universalistic remedies to shore up perceived
fairness that would be required to restore trust.
Somewhat related to the issue of fairness, there is some evidence
that people’s degree of confidence in the performance of social insti-
tutions affects their levels of institutional and broader social trust.55
When the institutions of governance are perceived to be ineffective,

52 Though the evidence is mixed, there is some research support for the idea that these vari-
ous versions of trust are linked—i.e., that low generalized social trust is associated with low
trust in institutions. See Sonja Zmerli and Ken Newton, “Social Trust and Attitudes Toward
Democracy,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 4, 2008. See also Chan S. Suh, Paul Y.
Chang, and Yisook Lim, “Spill-Up and Spill-Over of Trust: An Extended Test of Cultural
and Institutional Theories of Trust in South Korea,” Sociological Forum, Vol. 27, No. 2,
53 Jong-sung You, “Social Trust: Fairness Matters More Than Homogeneity,” Political Psy-
chology, Vol. 33, No. 5, 2012.
54 BoRothstein and Eric M. Uslaner, “All for All: Equality, Corruption, and Social Trust,”
World Politics, Vol. 58, No. 1, 2005.
55 Natalia Letki, “Investigating the Roots of Civic Morality: Trust, Social Capital, and
Institutional Performance,” Political Behavior, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2006; Blaine G. Robbins,
“Institutional Quality and Generalized Trust: A Nonrecursive Causal Model,” Social Indica-
tors Research, Vol. 107, No. 2, 2012.
Insights from Social Science 61

this may affect not only people’s faith in those institutions, but also
their degree of social trust more broadly.
The nature of social ties and networks appears to affect levels
of trust. Some research suggests that the quality of people’s informal
social contacts influences their degree of generalized social trust.56
When people have well-developed informal networks that provide a
sense of reliable social contacts, they gain greater faith in their ability
to trust more broadly.
Comparative and cross-cultural research reveals that strong dif-
ferences in levels of trust emerge between societies. In some Scandina-
vian countries, well over half of people respond in surveys that other
people can generally be trusted, whereas in some low-trust countries
(such as Brazil and Turkey) the figure hovers near the single digits.57
Other research suggest that these differing levels of trust may even
persist across generations, among the children and grandchildren of
immigrants from these various regions.58 Some research has therefore
suggested that there is a cultural or ethnic component to social trust.
From an individual perspective, a person’s life experiences have a
significant effect on their degree of social trust.59 People learn to trust
(or not to trust) in part through the accumulation of their experiences,
including both experience with out-groups and educational and par-
enting lessons.60
Social science research also points to strong evidence for the
importance of social trust, and thus the significant dangers that could

56 JenniferL. Glanville, Matthew A. Andersson, and Pamela Paxton, “Do Social Connec-
tions Create Trust? An Examination Using New Longitudinal Data,” Social Forces, Vol. 92,
No. 2, 2013.
57 Rothstein and Uslaner, 2005, p. 42.
58 EricM. Uslaner, “Where You Stand Depends upon Where Your Grandparents Sat: The
Inheritability of Generalized Trust,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 4, 2008.
59 Jian Huang, Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink, and Wim Groot, “College Education
and Social Trust: An Evidence-Based Study on the Causal Mechanisms,” Social Indicators
Research, Vol. 104, No. 2, 2011.
60 Jennifer
L. Glanville and Pamela Paxton, “How Do We Learn to Trust? A Confirmatory
Tetrad Analysis of the Sources of Generalized Trust,” Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 70,
No. 3, 2007.
62 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

arise if hostile social manipulation succeeds in undermining it. High

levels of interpersonal and institutional trust appear to be an essential
fuel for effectiveness of social institutions, contributing to such out-
comes as effective governance, civic engagement, social cooperation on
issues of shared concern, efficient economic transactions, higher eco-
nomic growth, and much more.61 In lower-trust situations, many more
details of transactions must be spelled out, both economically and
politically.62 A reduction in trust could thus fuel intensified bureaucra-
tization, regulatory overreach, and political ossification.
One risk for societies is that social manipulation strategies would
be designed to build on natural trends in the infosphere to replace
generalized trust, essential to greasing the operations of a society as a
whole, with particularized trust, that is, trusting only one’s in-group.
An emphasis on particularized trust over generalized trust may be a
cardinal risk of an era of social segmentation combined with informa-
tional echo chambers. Many of the recent Russian efforts to foment
class, racial, and other divisions in the United States, for example, by
stepping in to aid both sides in a dispute, have exactly this effect of ele-
vating the particular over the general. The long-term consequences for
advanced societies, if such a trend were to accelerate, could be severe.

The Nature of Attitudes and the Shifting Infosphere

This summary of social science research on the role of information

attitudes, attitude change, and persuasion suggests several overarch-
ing themes. Broadly speaking, core attitudes and beliefs are difficult
to change, especially when they deal with foundational political or
ideological issues. Influences from people’s social networks and other
trusted sources tend to have more effect than those from random or

61 Francis Fukuyama, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity, New York:
Free Press, 1995. See also Stephen Knack and Philip Keefer, “Does Social Capital Have an
Economic Payoff? A Cross-Country Investigation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 112,
No. 4, 1997.
62 Christian Bjørnskov and Stefan Voigt, “Constitutional Verbosity and Social Trust,”
Public Choice, Vol. 161, No. 1/2, 2014.
Insights from Social Science 63

unknown sources. Information that is consistently repeated in large

volume from multiple sources has more effect than claims by single
sources. Once information has been accepted and internalized, it
becomes difficult to displace.
Placing these themes alongside the trends in the infosphere dis-
cussed in Chapter Two produces several potential lessons. The role of
echo chambers, or silos of belief, looms especially large: When people
are operating in self-selected groups of perceived ideological fellows,
they are more likely to accept what they hear uncritically. This frag-
mentation points to a potential risk of a spiral of echo chamber beliefs,
with people becoming more entrenched in their silos over time. In a
more fragmented, subjective information environment, credibility—
essential to the acceptance of messages in some cases—becomes more
difficult to establish. At the same time, the technologies of automated
information dissemination now make it easier for individuals or small
groups to achieve the “firehose” of claims from seemingly multiple
sources that can enhance the acceptance of their claims.
This brief survey also places special emphasis on the role of social
trust as well as the potential impact of hostile social manipulation and
the more elaborate and dangerous practice of virtual societal aggres-
sion in undermining it. Many characteristics of a corrupted infosphere
directly attack the foundations of social trust, such as faith in medi-
ating institutions in society. Some take advantage of areas within
personal networks, in which trust is likely to be strongest, to spread
We now turn to a survey of technologies that will help to shape
the future of information-based aggression. The report then compares
all three foundations for understanding that future—the characteris-
tics of the evolving infosphere, the relationship of information to atti-
tudes and beliefs, and emerging technologies—to draw general lessons
in the form of three scenarios depicting the ways in which these trends
could unfold.

Emerging Technologies

To understand the ways in which information-based aggression, includ-

ing the current approaches to hostile social manipulation and the more
elaborate potential for virtual societal warfare, could evolve in coming
years, it is important to understand trends in key areas of technology
related to this tool of statecraft. So far, social manipulation largely has
reflected the marriage of simple cyberintrusions (to steal compromis-
ing information or gain access to key networks) with updated versions
of propaganda and disinformation, such as social media advertising
and the use of bots to spread viral messages. Increasingly, however,
developments in the data-driven foundations of advanced societies and
in cutting-edge AI and VR technologies could dramatically broaden
the scope of available social manipulation techniques. The full range of
these tools could pose an unprecedented danger of remote disruption
of the workings of open societies.
Table 4.1 summarizes the technologies discussed in this chap-
ter. In particular, these technologies open up the third realm of cyber-
enabled information aggression mentioned in Chapter One. Much of
the concern about cyberattacks has focused on interventions that cause
physical damage (to critical infrastructure, for example). Most social
manipulation to date has focused on updated versions of propaganda
combined with some degree of political warfare—i.e., direct interven-
tion to shape political outcomes. Increasingly, hostile social manipu-
lation will be able to target the information foundations of digitized
societies: the databases, algorithms, networked devices, and artificial

66 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Table 4.1
Emerging Technologies of Social Manipulation and Virtual Societal

Technology Description

Precision targeting of Techniques of targeting messages, often but not

influence always through social media platforms, to very specific
subgroups or, increasingly, even individuals

AI Computer-based simulation of human thinking and

behavior—for the purpose of this study, with the goal of
gathering, evaluating, or manipulating information

Algorithmic The use of algorithms to process data and produce

decisionmaking automated recommendations or decisions

VR and AR Systems that provide partial or complete artificial

environments for users

IoT Interlinked network of devices providing mutual

awareness and sharing data

Voice-enabled interfaces Systems that allow users to request information or direct

actions through voice commands

Blockchain and distributed Ledger-based, grassroots systems for exchanging money

finance systems or information

Video and audio fakery Programs capable of generating highly realistic

fabricated video and audio

Surveillance systems Technologies, such as facial recognition, allowing

moment-to-moment tracking of social activities

intelligence programs that will dominate the day-to-day operation of

the society.
When conducted at massive scale with the intent to bring a soci-
ety to its knees, these attacks would fall into the category of kinetic,
physical cyberwarfare. But when undertaken gradually, piecemeal, and
without attribution or even always awareness, such campaigns could
degrade the target society’s stability, confidence in its institutions, and
morale of its people. Emerging technologies combined with the charac-
ter of a digitized society create dramatic new risks of disruption of open
societies, by state or nonstate actors.
Emerging Technologies 67

Precision Targeting of Influence

One relatively simple area of technological advance involves the further

development of precision marketing techniques. Within a decade, those
techniques will be significantly advanced, making possible much more
consistent and targeted isolation of specific individuals with highly
customized messages. These techniques will be employed primarily
through social media platforms of various stripes, but also increasingly
through other means of reaching individuals whose online behavior
generates trails of data through their cellphones, their web browsers,
and their shopping habits.
Advancements in “neurohacking,” for example, will facilitate new
capabilities in “neuromarketing,” which targets people by manipulat-
ing their wants and desires through marketing and advertising that
appeals to their mental state and emotional inclinations in real time.
Facial recognition analysis technology will be able to gauge the emo-
tions of several million users in multiple countries; emotion metric
algorithms will be able to aggregate and interpret those emotions from
facial recognition software.1 Artificial agents linked to facial recogni-
tion systems and algorithms that can engage with people virtually will
also become commonplace marketing tools and data collection mecha-
nisms by 2035.2 These techniques will empower targeted marketing
on a moment-by-moment basis, reaching people at various moments of
the day and during different sorts of activities, such as shopping, web
browsing, or speaking on the phone.
By synthesizing active user inputs (such as user preferences, habits,
behaviors, demonstrated interests, and other patterns revealed by the
IoT) with facial and emotional recognition technology, and with emo-
tional cues and sentiments derived from text conversations and social
media activity, brands will be able to employ more optimized and

1 Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Zdenka Prokopova,

and Petr Silhavy, eds., Artificial Intelligence Trends in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the
6th Computer Science On-Line Conference 2017 (CSOC2017), Vol. I, Cham, Switzerland:
Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 377.
2 LieslYearsley, “We Need to Talk About the Power of AI to Manipulate Humans,” MIT
Technology Review, June 5, 2017.
68 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

timely advertisements that appeal to an individual’s mood-associated

characteristics (which can be physical, behavioral, or spatial-temporal
in nature).3 The result will be a continued evolution of these tools, not
merely targeting appeals by certain fixed demographic, attitudinal, or
behavioral profiles, but also by changeable conditions such as mood,
what people are being exposed to at a given time, health, level of tired-
ness, and much more. Sophisticated, AI-driven algorithms could allow
the development of ultrasensitive marketing models to direct appeals
to reach specific individuals at a specific time most likely to produce
the desired effect.

Artificial Intelligence

AI will be a primary facilitator of innovation over the next 10 to

15 years, affecting every industry as well as the nature of private indi-
viduals’ daily activity in their physical environments and cyberspace.
In this summary, we do not seek to explain or survey the full range of
AI applications, but merely to provide a few examples of how AI could
power the next generation of information-related social manipulation.
It is possible, moreover, to exaggerate the degree of AI penetration into
major economies, or what AI could accomplish in the hands of a social
manipulator; its practical, real-world applications have been developing
only gradually so far. In evaluating the implications for social manipu-
lation and virtual societal aggression, therefore, it is important not to
exaggerate the speed of AI advances or applications in the next decade.4
Nonetheless, they are likely to be significant.
Simply put, AI involves the use of computing to simulate intel-
ligent responses to inputs and processing of information, in such areas
as pattern and speech recognition, strategic choice, visual perception,

3 CY Yam, “Emotion Detection and Recognition from Text Using Deep Learning,” Micro-
soft Developer Blog, November 29, 2015.
4 The distinction between short-term and long-term applications is made in Michael C.
Horowitz, “Artificial Intelligence, International Competition, and the Balance of Power,”
Texas National Security Review, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 2018, pp. 41–42.
Emerging Technologies 69

and translation. “Artificial intelligence is the field of study devoted to

making machines intelligent. Intelligence measures a system’s ability to
determine the best course of action to achieve its goals in a wide range
of environments.”5 Machine learning is the application of algorithms or
other processing instructions to evaluate and manipulate data, where
the machine can iterate its performance and “learn” patterns and strat-
egies to improve over time by processing numerous examples.
AI systems have demonstrated a growing aptitude to beat humans
at games of mounting complexity, such as checkers, chess, Go, and
even poker, a game in which players have only incomplete information.
The first AI poker champion, called Libratus, defeated leading human
players in 2017. The machine-learning potential of AI was demon-
strated in the context of the game Go: A second-generation AI system,
AlphaGo Zero, played 4.9 million games against itself in the span of
three days, and became sufficiently competent that it then defeated the
first-generation program, AlphaGo, 100 straight times.6
Recent studies point to a number of possible developments in
AI in the next decade.7 These developments include the use of algo-
rithms that can process large data sets with only a single pass, or that
can run on the data in unsupervised processing efforts. Machine-
learning processes that simulate neural networks, developed through
“deep learning,” have and will continue to accelerate advancements
in object and activity recognition in images and videos, and sensory
perception in audio, speech, and natural language processing. When
integrated with behavioral psychology, AI will begin to enable robots,
artificial agents, and programs to learn by “experience-driven sequen-
tial decision-making.” AI applications have already advanced natu-
ral language processing linked to speech recognition capabilities and
will continue to do so, likely enabling enhanced oral communication

5 Paul Scharre and Michael C. Horowitz, Artificial Intelligence: What Every Policymaker
Needs to Know, Washington, D.C.: Center for a New American Security, June 2018, p. 4.
6 Scharre and Horowitz, 2018, p. 8.
7 Peter Stone et al., Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030: One Hundred Year Study on Arti-
ficial Intelligence, Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, September 2016, pp. 14–17.
70 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

between humans and artificial agents or systems and real-time transla-

tion of mainstream languages.
In the related field of robotics, AI is already catalyzing a long-
term push to humanize robots and produce robotic entities capable of
many simple human work tasks, which will involve a synthesis of new
technologies and capabilities in AI, IoT, and video and audio produc-
tion. We are at the same place with robotics today that we were with
the internet 20 years ago.8 Over the next 20 years, robots are likely to
begin displacing some human employees in the elderly caretaker, home
services, and transportation industries, as well as the classroom and
workplace, with sensory perception, object recognition, spatial reason-
ing and dexterity, contextual understanding, emotional understand-
ing, and mimicry capabilities. This process will only be under way
within the next five to ten years, though various studies suggest that
up to half of the workforce could be displaced by robotic replacements
within 20 to 30 years.9
In a more near-term way, AI integration with economic and social
computing is likely to allow for automated systems with advanced
algorithms to gauge, record, analyze, and predict social and economic
choices and preferences of individuals based on their activity (both
online and, increasingly, offline via wearable or implantable devices;
increased use of the IoT; surveillance and “sousveillance”; and their
friends’, coworkers’, and family’s activity). The first elements of this
trend are already in place in the AI-driven advertising platforms of
large technology companies.
For the time being, AI is most relevant to tasks with mountains of
available data and clear criteria for judging success. The primary limi-
tation of current AI applications is that they remain heavily task- and
context-dependent, not able to generalize their analytical processes. An
interesting and growing challenge for AI, especially when processes
involve deep learning, is that programmers cannot be sure of why
AI makes the choices that it does. In some cases, AI has “gamed the

8 Alec Ross, The Industries of the Future, New York: Simon and Schuster, 2016, p. 28.
9 Darrell M. West, “Will Robots and AI Take Your Job? The Economic and Political Con-
sequences of Automation,” Brookings Institution, April 18, 2018.
Emerging Technologies 71

system” to achieve certain outcomes, such as by forcing pauses or rule

changes in games to persistently “win.”10 These unpredictable strategies
of AI-driven processes may limit its applicability in some areas, such
as medical technology. If an AI-driven diagnostic or treatment process
were to try such end runs, it could produce dangerous results.
Through these and other advances, AI will have applications in
hundreds of industries and areas. Of most relevance to the areas of
social manipulation and virtual societal aggression are the ways in
which AI could be able to power the automated creation of digital con-
tent and highly accurate virtual interactive experiences that mimic real
life. AI is already beginning to spawn primitive automated content in
the form of simple cartoons, but over time AI-driven computation will
be able to generate, and populate social media with, thousands of mes-
sages and audio or video files.
A second application of AI relevant to social manipulation is
lifelike interactive platforms, often known as chatbots or “conversa-
tional AI.”11 In its current form, this technology is driving the multiple
interactive assistants on the market today, such as Alexa and Siri, but
they remain largely question-and-response engines. To the extent that
AI can create systems able to interact with users in a way that closely
mimics actual human conversations and that can be replicated at scale
at very little cost (one example under development is Google Duplex,
discussed below), the entire social media arena, and wider infosphere,
would be transformed. AI-driven platforms are likely to develop broader
abilities. One AI system recently demonstrated an ability to engage in
arguments by assembling parts of arguments people have made and
specific facts.12 Such conversational or interactive AI begin to suggest
the risks of the technology: They could easily power hostile chatbots
and seemingly human interactions in social media. Indeed, some of
the major obstacles to the integration of AI into hard-edged national
security applications, such as the need to provide for complex system

10 Scharre and Horowitz, 2018, p. 12.

11 James Vlahos, “Fighting Words,” Wired, March 2018.
12 WillKnight, “This AI Program Could Beat You in an Argument—But It Doesn’t Know
What It’s Saying,” MIT Technology Review, June 19, 2018b.
72 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

integration of AI-driven capabilities with others, do not exist for infor-

mational applications.13 In the national security realm, AI could be
applied piecemeal, used for specific purposes as they become feasible.
Another information-based risk is that some AI applications, like
most digital processes, are hackable. As two scholars argued in a recent
paper, “Malicious actors who deliberately seek to subvert AI systems
can potentially manipulate these AI safety problems, creating a new
category of risks.” The study points out that bad actors could corrupt
the data on which AI calculations depend or introduce new rules for
the algorithms to follow; in some cases, hackers have introduced “fool-
ing images” that skewed the recognition processes the AI system was
applying to image databases. Or they could “feed the system data that
causes it to learn incorrect behaviors.”14

Algorithmic Decisionmaking

Another emerging area of computing technology relevant to social

manipulation is the use of algorithms to process information and make
decisions, forecasts or estimates. Such algorithms are most advanced in
certain search, marketing, and social media platforms today. In their
basic forms, they are simply scripts that involve instructions of what to
do when the program encounters a given situation or pattern.15 Google
makes extensive use of algorithms to shape search results based on prior

13 Fora discussion of these obstacles see Horowitz, 2018, p. 44. See also M. L. Cummings,
Heather M. Roff, Kenneth Cukier, Jacob Parakilas, and Hannah Bryce, Artificial Intelligence
and International Affairs: Disruption Anticipated, London: Chatham House, 2018, p. v.
14 Scharre and Horowitz, 2018, pp. 14–15.
15 Algorithmic solutions can be used as the foundation for AI applications, but simple algo-
rithms are not AI. As one definition puts it, “An algorithm is a set of instructions—a preset,
rigid, coded recipe that gets executed when it encounters a trigger. AI on the other hand—
which is an extremely broad term covering a myriad of AI specializations and subsets—is a
group of algorithms that can modify its algorithms and create new algorithms in response
to learned inputs and data as opposed to relying solely on the inputs it was designed to rec-
ognize as triggers”; Kaya Ismail, “AI vs. Algorithms: What’s the Difference?” CMS Wire,
October 26, 2018.
Emerging Technologies 73

patterns. Amazon employs them to make suggestions of other products

that customers might be interested in buying.
Increasingly, however, algorithms are being used to generate
optimal outcome decisions in many areas of social life. They are also
already “being used to determine who makes parole, who’s approved
for a loan, and who gets hired for a job.”16 Frank Pasquale, in a study
of algorithmic decisionmaking in multiple fields, concludes that the
internet and banking sectors use these tools extensively. He argues that

[t]he conclusions they come to—about the productivity of

employees, or the relevance of websites, or the attractiveness of
investments—are determined by complex formulas designed by
legions of engineers and guarded by a phalanx of lawyers.

Pasquale concludes simply that “authority is increasingly expressed

As Cathy O’Neil has put it, the emerging pattern is that

oceans of behavioral data . . . will feed straight into artificial

intelligence systems. And these will remain, to human eyes, black
boxes. . . . These automatic programs will increasingly determine
how we are treated by the other machines, the ones that choose
the ads we see, set prices for us, line us up for a dermatologist
appointment, or map our routes. They will be highly efficient,
seemingly arbitrary, and utterly unaccountable.18

And they will be vulnerable to many forms of manipulation.

One area in which such decisionmaking is already beginning
to have an effect is in medicine. One doctor recently argued that the
emerging reality is that “the patient in the hospital bed is just the icon,

16 Will Knight, “The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI,” MIT Technology Review, April 11,
2017. See also Kartik Hosanagar and Vivian Jair, “We Need Transparency in Algorithms,
But Too Much Can Backfire,” Harvard Business Review, July 25, 2018.
17 Frank Pasquale, The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and
Information, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015, pp. 6, 8. See also Schneier,
2018, pp. 82–87.
18 O’Neil, 2016, p. 173.
74 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

a place holder for the real patient who is not in the bed but in the
computer. That virtual entity gets all our attention.” He cites stud-
ies showing that doctors already spend more than twice as much time
reviewing electronic medical records as they do in personal contact
with patients.19 Over time, this system will advance to the use of algo-
rithms to make decisions independently of doctors. Mount Sinai Hos-
pital in New York has used algorithmic analysis to process data in
patient records and forecast disease.20 Medical chatbots are becoming
more common and have the potential to become the default interface
between many people, especially those at the lower end of the socioeco-
nomic spectrum, and the medical community.21
These tools pose several risks. First, to the extent that deep learn-
ing processes allow computers to discover patterns on their own, their
programmers simply do not know how the algorithms actually work.22
The result is that algorithmic decisionmaking “in human resources,
health, and banking, just to name a few,” is “quickly establishing broad
norms that exert upon us something very close to the power of law. If
a bank’s model of a high-risk borrower, for example, is applied to you,
the world will treat you as just that, a deadbeat—even if you’re horribly
misunderstood.”23 People will be rejected for loans and jobs for reasons
they do not understand; more broadly, the societal pattern that could
result might become a “rule of scores.”24 One example is the area of
hiring, where personality tests are now being used in “60 to 70 percent
of prospective workers in the United States.”25

19 Abraham Verghese, “How Tech Can Turn Doctors into Clerical Workers,” New York
Times Magazine, May 16, 2018.
20 Knight, 2017.
21 Douglas Heaven, “Dr. Bot Will See You Now,” MIT Technology Review, November/
December 2018, p. 22.
22 Knight, 2017.
23 O’Neil, 2016, pp. 29, 51.
24 Pasquale, 2015, p. 191.
25 O’Neil, 2016, p. 108.
Emerging Technologies 75

Another major risk is that the databases behind these tools, as

well as the algorithms themselves, are typically proprietary. Companies
hold the available information about how they work and do not share
the basis of the results. This environment creates issues of fairness and
lack of governance, as well as magnifying the overall problem of trust
that is so central to a digitized, data-fueled era. People will not know
the true basis on which decisions affecting their lives are being made,
creating a risk of rising grievances.26
Finally, as with all coded information processes, these algorithms
are at least theoretically hackable. States or individuals intent on causing
disruption, frustration, and anxiety could go into a company’s hiring
algorithm, a bank’s loan-approval algorithm, or a university’s admis-
sions algorithm and tweak it slightly, not enough to generate imme-
diate evidence of tampering (especially if the algorithm is the partly
opaque result of machine learning), but enough to produce results
that seem random and unfair. Hackers could attempt to manipulate
the data being used to train algorithms in the developmental phase.27
Already advertisers and some others have experimented with gaming
search engine algorithms indirectly by discovering their patterns and
posting or designing material to take advantage of them. Future hacks
may be far more direct and malicious.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Another area of emerging technology is the field of VR and AR. Vari-

ous forms of both are coming on line even now: AR applications for
cellphones are emerging, for example, that add various features to the
world as “seen” through the phone’s camera, as well as rapidly accel-
erated technologies for VR headsets. Though the technologies have
been in development for decades, recent surveys of business leaders
and technologists in the field suggest that they may be on the brink of

26 Pasquale, 2015, p. 25.

27 Kira Radinsky, “Your Algorithms Are Not Safe from Hackers,” Harvard Business Review,
January 5, 2016.
76 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

becoming mainstream.28 One recent PwC study suggested a technol-

ogy field on the verge of an explosion, projecting that there will be over
55 million VR headsets in active use in the United States by 2022.29
Possible uses of AR and VR are legion. Many are pure entertain-
ment, such as more immersive experiences for movies, music, and video
games. But developers are also at work on VR applications to allow
people to work in collaborative networks; eventually, some proportion
of the workforce is likely to use VR headsets to “be” in a working envi-
ronment virtually.30 VR can be used for design purposes and exten-
sively in education, allowing users to “walk” through imagined spaces
(such as a house design) or historical ones (such as ancient Rome).
Such technologies can empower a new field of highly targeted
marketing that markets an experience rather than a specific product,
service, or brand. Integrating new capabilities in AI, VR, and AR (such
as smart glasses and lenses) will deliver users a new immersive realm
that bridges the digital and real worlds and can be tailored to a person’s
individual preferences, interests, mood, surroundings, and psychologi-
cal desires.31
The potential for aggressive social manipulation of VR and AR
is obvious, though may not be straightforward. Studies have already
warned that emerging VR systems could be vulnerable to hacks.32
Hackers could insert additional details into VR environments designed
to create stress or skew the results and produce frustration.33 They

Alex Aharanov, “What Is the Future of Augmented and Virtual Reality?” Jabil Blog,
March 27, 2018.
29 Ashley Rodriguez, “In Five Years, VR Could Be as Big in the US as Netflix,” Quartz,
June 6, 2018.
30 Peter Rubin, “You’ll Go to Work in Virtual Reality,” Wired, June 2018, p. 61.
31 Jayson DeMers, “7 New Technologies Shaping Online Marketing for the Better (We
Hope),” Forbes, August 15, 2016.
32 Alfred Ng, “VR Systems Oculus Rift, HTC Vive May Be Vulnerable to Hacks,” CNET,
April 17, 2018.
33 Andrew J. Andrasik, Hacking Humans: The Evolving Paradigm with Virtual Reality, SANS
Institute, Information Security Reading Room, November 2017. See also Eric E. Sabelman
and Roger Lam, “The Real-Life Dangers of Augmented Reality,” IEEE Spectrum, June 23,
Emerging Technologies 77

could find ways to send messages subliminally, seeding users with cer-
tain views or disruptions. Broadly speaking, VR and AR offer whole
virtual worlds that manipulators can hack and modify to achieve their
desired goals.

Internet of Things

The IoT refers to the increasingly dense interactive network of smart

technologies in our homes, on (and in) our bodies, and in the physical
environment. Within a decade, most newly manufactured objects will
be able to transmit or receive data, including cars, home appliances,
wearable devices, and even people: the first implantable smartphone
is projected to be commercially available by 2030 and will be able to
transmit real-time biological information, as well as provide communi-
cations and internet functions familiar to us today.34
The IoT will become one of the primary data generators, pro-
viding information on every aspect of human and machine activity,
behavior, life patterns, preferences, communications, relationships, and
locations. The applications and examples are nearly endless: smart food
networks linking refrigerators, cabinets, stores, and producers; smart
cities integrating sensor data on automobiles, pedestrians, weather,
and more; precision agriculture, including livestock monitoring; smart
energy management tying together thermostats, energy grids, weather
forecasts, and more; and industrial IoT deployments in manufactur-
ing. Human beings will be increasingly tied into these networks, with
wearable devices, implanted sensors, and environmental sensors feed-
ing reams of data about our location, heart rate, temperature, pulse,
emotional state, and much more.
“Smart city” technologies being developed today are likely to run
on a series of IoT-connected sensors that record, interpret, respond
to, and predict activity in real time in urban transportation, security,

34 Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, Deep Shift: Technology
Tipping Points and Social Impact, Cologny, Switzerland: World Economic Forum, 2015, p. 8.
78 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

energy, public health, and critical infrastructure.35 Smart lights (street

lights and traffic signals equipped with motion sensors and receptors)
will turn on or off, red or green, or adjust to report delays or issues to
IoT-linked cars and pedestrians. Similar IoT sensory capabilities linked
to parking meters and parking lots will alert IoT-linked cars to open
Smart vehicles will eventually include self-driving cars, though
even before fully driverless cars and trucks become common, vehicles
linked to the IoT will be able to detect, diagnose, report, and even-
tually self-repair mechanical problems; call 911 and solicit emergency
response units when accidents occur; synchronize Global Positioning
System (GPS) capabilities with smart city sensory systems and other
vehicles to optimize driving time, route, and parking; and connect to
personal IoT networks at home and the office to alert other devices to
turn on or off in anticipation of a person’s next movement or activ-
ity. Meanwhile, smart cameras will provide omnipresent and real-time
video surveillance and new emergency response capabilities.
Estimates suggest that by 2030 there will be over a trillion sensors
connected to the IoT, accounting for half of all internet traffic to and
from homes.36 The overall market for IoT-enabled devices may exceed
$1 trillion in that same time frame, with an additional $750 billion
spent on IoT connectivity modules. The emergence of this dense net-
work will also propel the expansion of new network technologies that
increase bandwidth: Continuous and high-quality streaming access
will become a requisite function and standard technology in homes,
offices, and public spaces to support the IoT.37
There is sometimes a tendency to think of the IoT as primarily
linking devices in the home or businesses, but it will also increasingly
integrate human beings, including their wearable or implanted sensors.
IoT “mindshare technologies” are being developed to connect people to
their devices, as well as their devices to other devices, by facilitating and

35 Codrin Arsene, “IoT Ideas That Will Soon Revolutionize Our World in 8 Ways,”
Y Media Labs, November 24, 2016.
36 Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, 2015, pp. 7–8.
37 Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, 2015, p. 7.
Emerging Technologies 79

managing their data exchanges and communications. A person’s blood

pressure sensor will be linked to his or her refrigerator, smart toilet,
and environmental sensors of mood and stress; the latter can be tied
to virtual personal assistants to guide the suggestion of entertainment.
The emergence of an IoT obviously carries enormous potential
for both classic cyberaggression and social manipulation. Schneier has
written of the security vulnerabilities inherent in the fact that “every-
thing is becoming a computer.” He argues that the United States and
other advanced economies are “reaching a fundamental shift that is due
to scale and scope . . . . Everything is becoming one complex hyper-
connected system in which, even if things don’t interoperate, they’re on
the same network and affect each other.”38 He catalogs dozens of such
interconnection vulnerabilities, such as attackers getting into people’s
Gmail accounts through their refrigerators; ransomware being inserted
into the software controlling home thermostats, effectively holding the
dwelling hostage; and using insecure systems to access hotel electronic
door keys. Schneier explains that one problem is that the imperfect
but critical practice of information security monitoring, updating, and
patching characteristics of the software industry will not be followed
by manufacturers for whom software is an appendage—toilets, cars,
home security systems—leading to far greater vulnerabilities even than
in traditional software.
In more extreme forms of attack, aggressors could seek to bring
down major components of the IoT, undermining the networks of
information, sensing, decisionmaking, and supply that it will come to
represent.39 But in more nuanced forms of social manipulation, states
or nonstate actors could merely seek to introduce wide-ranging disrup-
tion and inefficiencies, as well as work to undermine trust in social
systems. They could change the settings on sensors or distribution
channels, making people get the wrong sort of groceries or home sup-
plies. In more sinister versions, aggressors could alter the medical data

38 Schneier, 2018, pp. 3, 7.

39 On the risks of both large-scale digital infrastructure and IoT attack, see Justin Sherman
and Deb Crawford, “Securing America’s Connected Infrastructure Can’t Wait,” War on the
Rocks, December 4, 2018.
80 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

being collected so that algorithms in the system make incorrect diag-

noses of illnesses and prescribe or supply incorrect medicines. They
could change settings in traffic systems or automated cars to reduce
rather than increase the efficiency of traffic patterns, or cause accidents
and even deaths. They could change settings or issue destructive com-
mands to research robots in laboratories or personal homes around the
world.40 Examples of attacks already include hacking of self-driving
cars, malware that took control of internet-enabled cameras, and many
The IoT is gradually coming to represent a dense network of sens-
ing, information exchange, and decisionmaking that will provide the
essential data collection and networking scaffolding of advanced soci-
eties. As such, it will represent one of the most elaborate opportunities
for social manipulators seeking the ability to undermine trust and faith
in social institutions and degrade people’s larger sense of ontological

Voice-Enabled Interfaces

The explosive growth of voice-activated assistants—such as the Amazon

Echo (Alexa), Google Home, Apple Siri, and SONOS One—is chang-
ing the way people interact with the technologies around them. Espe-
cially when paired with increasingly effective AI capable of human-
like interactions and even conversations, these voice-activated systems
will become the default means by which people search for information,
direct the operations of the surrounding IoT, and even make decisions.
While they are in some sense merely a subset of other technological
categories, they will become such a critical gateway between citizens
and the larger infosphere that their implications—and vulnerabilities
to manipulation—should be understood on their own terms.

Will Knight, “Hordes of Research Robots Could Be Hijacked for Fun and Sabotage,”
MIT Technology Review, July 24, 2018c.
41 Adam Segal, The Hacked World Order: How Nations Fight, Trade, Maneuver, and Manip-
ulate in the Digital Age, New York: PublicAffairs, 2016, pp. 99–101.
Emerging Technologies 81

Recent estimates suggest that voice-powered speakers will reach

more than half of U.S. households by 2022, with over 175 million
such speakers in operation. But voice-activated assistants will mostly be
deployed in other systems: Some five billion such assistant interfaces will
be operative worldwide by 2022, mostly working through cellphones.
In the United States alone, the total number of such assistant-powered
devices is expected to roughly double between 2017 and 2022, reach-
ing 870 million, or more than two for every American.42
Such interactive systems depend on voice recognition technology,
and it has been developing as rapidly as the physical interfaces. A major
challenge has been to develop systems capable of easily understand-
ing “natural language”: the often-idiosyncratic ways in which people
phrase common ideas or requests. Nonetheless, voice recognition soft-
ware can now operate with less than a 5 percent error rate.43
The interactive engine—essentially, the voice on the other end of
the conversation with a voice-activated assistant—is being powered by
increasingly sophisticated AI that is becoming more and more adept at
sounding like an actual human interlocutor. (This is the same family
of AI applications that will increasingly be used to power advanced
chatbots, such as interactive therapeutic systems.) One example of such
an emerging technology is Google Duplex, a natural-language system
powered by AI and being developed to power telephone and other
audio interactions. It is capable of carrying out interactive conversa-
tions with tremendous degrees of apparent human-voice accuracy in
closed domains, such as setting appointments.44
There remain strict limits to the effectiveness of such technol-
ogies. Several companies have been trying to develop an AI-driven
chatbot capable of the seemingly prosaic task of scheduling a meet-

42 Sarah Perez, “Voice-Enabled Smart Speakers to Reach 55% of U.S. Households by 2022,
Says Report,” TechCrunch, November 8, 2017. See also J. Walter Thompson Intelligence,
Speak Easy, New York, June 2017.
43 Clark Boyd, “The Past, Present and Future of Speech Recognition Technology,” The
Startup, January 10, 2018.
44 See Yaniv Leviathan, “Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World
Tasks Over the Phone,” Google AI Blog, May 8, 2018.
82 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

ing, and the task has proven exceedingly difficult, with AI unable to
distinguish basic common-sense implications of people’s requests.45
A standing technology challenge to create a chatbot that can fool a
panel of human judges—by making them believe they are interact-
ing with a real person—has not yet come especially close to success.
Yet people report significant degrees of emotional attachment even to
the relatively primitive chatbots that exist today, and chatbots already
dispense medical and legal advice and serve as the initial gateway to
many customer service interactions.46 As the technology improves, it
will be paired with voice-enabled interfaces to create a fundamentally
new interactive experience.
Increasingly, these systems are achieving the ability to sense peo-
ple’s emotional states. Amazon is developing voice analysis capabili-
ties to allow its Alexa concierge to understand the speaker’s emotional
state. SONOS has “filed a patent for technology that could customize
playlists based on the emotion in [a listener’s] voice or biometric data
obtained from a wearable device, like perspiration or heart rate, all
cross-referenced” with the listener’s music history.47
Over time, these portals are likely to shift from a distinct cat-
egory of curious (and often inaccurate) computerized ask-and-response
technologies to become the basic portal through which people conduct
most of their interactions with the larger technology systems around
them. (Industry leaders have begun to refer to this trend as the creation
of “ambient computing.”48) Many activities, including dictating term
papers, making internet searches, ordering take-out, setting thermo-
stats, dictating the parameters of diet (and the orders sent to grocery
stores), and having dialogues about medical diagnoses, will take place

45 John H. Richardson, “AI Chatbots Try to Schedule Meetings—Without Enraging Us,”

Wired, May 24, 2018.
46 See, for example, Arielle Pardes, “What My Personal Chat Bot Is Teaching Me About
AI’s Future,” Wired, November 12, 2017.
47 NitashaTiku, “We’ll Share Our Emotional State as Willingly as We Share Our Photos,”
Wired, June 2018, p. 55.
48 PaulCutsinger, “Mark Cuban: Voice, Ambient Computing Are the Future. Developers
Should Get in Now,” Amazon Alexa Blog, March 25, 2019.
Emerging Technologies 83

through this portal. The essential interactive medium between people

and technology, in other words, is in the process of shifting from digi-
tal input (typing, point-and-click, and touch screens) to verbal.
The rise of voice-enabled interfaces will create multiple oppor-
tunities for hostile actors to intervene in the process and create social
disruptions. They could simply degrade the effectiveness of software
driving the AI interface, generating frustration on the part of the user.
In more sinister scenarios, manipulators—with scalable interventions,
themselves powered by AI—could hijack the interfaces and have them
deliver responses that range from inaccurate (an invalid response to
a simple information query), to disruptive (giving incorrect informa-
tion about the location of a restaurant), to actively hostile (persistently
judgmental or dismissive responses to queries). To the extent that social
manipulators could gain even partial control of this emerging voice-
enabled “ambient computing” environment, they will be able to shape
a society’s default interactive channels with the technologies that domi-
nate its lives.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Systems

Distributed ledger technology will emerge as the primary technol-

ogy for tracking when, how, and with what or whom devices com-
municate, interact, or transact. It will enable automated peer-to-peer,
device-to-device contractual behavior and provide the platform for
trustworthy digital infrastructure.49 A blockchain is a decentralized,
distributed, and mutually verified ledger that could reflect many sorts
of exchanges: money (such as Bitcoin), equity certificates, or instruc-
tions, for example. The goal is to “drastically reduce the cost of trust
by means of a radical, decentralized approach to accounting—and, by
extension, create a new way to structure economic organizations.”50

49 “Blockchain and the Internet of Things: The IoT Blockchain Opportunity and Chal-
lenge,” i-SCOOP, September 2016 (updated February 2018).
50 Michael J. Casey and Paul Vigna, “In Blockchain We Trust,” MIT Technology Review,
April 9, 2018.
84 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

The real value in current digital and cryptocurrencies, such as

Bitcoin, is not actually the currency but the idea of a public ledger
that logs all transactions with decentralized regulation and involves no
central bank, nation-state, or any central institutional control of any
kind.51 By 2030, monitored blockchains (enhanced by AI algorithmic
monitoring and analysis systems) will provide the basis for financial
oversight, tracking, reporting, and surveillance. Nearly three-fourths
of respondents to a 2015 survey of information and communications
technology executives and experts said they expected that, by 2025,
tax will have been collected “for the first time by a government via a
blockchain.”52 If such systems work as intended, they ought to reduce
the potential for social manipulation of shared ledgers of information:
Because of the intense cryptography and especially the ongoing mutual
verification by distributed users, it ought to be very difficult for hackers
to alter blockchain records.
But blockchain technology also opens the door to an increasing
virtualization of economic value in society, which could render nations
much more vulnerable to outside tampering with their infospheres.
Blockchain technology creates the potential for digital assets: uniquely
identifiable, noncopyable assets that exist only in digital form, such as
Bitcoin. Any form of value can theoretically be digitized by such tech-
nologies. Yet if we follow the rule that anything that is programmable
is also hackable, the potential for hostile social manipulators to find
ways past the cryptography and distributed controls of a blockchain to
alter these instructions must be taken very seriously.

Video and Audio Fakery

A critical area of emerging technology that can complement current

efforts at social manipulation, particularly in spreading misinforma-
tion or disinformation, is the capability to generate audio and video

51 Ross, 2017, pp. 98–103; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society,
2015, p. 24.
52 Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, 2015, p. 26.
Emerging Technologies 85

images that represent false events as real. It is easy to imagine the

potential for such technologies to fuel next-generation manipulation
campaigns: distributed audio of private statements of national lead-
ers; video of explosive events designed to prompt public outrage; or
audio and video designed to remove the culpability of an aggressor by
providing alternative versions of events (such as a video that “proved”
Chinese vessels had not rammed a fishing boat of another claimant in
the South China Sea). We stand at the cusp of an era when it will be
extremely difficult for average people to distinguish what is real from
what is invented in the audio and video information they encounter.

Fabricated Audio
Computer-generated audio is not a new phenomenon. There are a wide
variety of services, from online translators to applications on mobile
phones, that provide computer-generated audio by linking a collection
of short recorded speech fragments to create a sentence.53
Digital voices like these however, are currently limited by the
sentence fragments memorized and the absence of natural tendencies
found in speech, such as emotion and sentence flow, often leading
the voice to sound a bit synthetic.54 This limitation makes discerning
between the audio of a real person versus that produced by a com-
puter simpler. In comparison, audio generation technology that is cur-
rently being developed works differently, using recent breakthroughs
in neural networks to learn and mimic the properties of human speech
in an effort to create a more natural-sounding voice.55 In addition to
improving the overall quality of computer-generated speech, technol-
ogy is under development to replicate any given individual’s voice from
scratch, which could be used to make anyone say anything that the
manipulators want. One example of this software is being developed
by Adobe, which in 2016 presented a technology demo of a software
called VoCo. Referred to as the Photoshop of audio, the software

53 “Fake News: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” The Economist, July 1, 2017.
54 “Fake News: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” 2017.
55 Avi Selk, “This Audio Clip of a Robot as Trump May Prelude a Future of Fake Human
Voices,” Washington Post, May 3, 2017.
86 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

demonstrated the capability to delete words from an audio recording

or add words by entering new text, which the software then gener-
ated by mimicking the speaker.56 According to one of the developers,
the software requires a 20-minute recording to be able to understand
the makeup of the voice, after which it can replicate and modify the
recording.57 Though there is no time estimate for when the company
may release the technology, the software demonstrated the capability
to modify audio, and journalists in the field expect this capability only
to improve.
The firm Lyrebird is developing similar capabilities. Lyrebird’s
software uses artificial neural networks to learn “the pronunciations of
characters, phonemes, and words in any voice by listening to hours of
spoken audio. From there it can generate completely new sentences and
even add different intonations and emotions.”58 But whereas Adobe’s
VoCo requires 20 minutes of audio, Lyrebird’s system can adapt to any
voice based only on one-minute samples after learning how to generate
speech.59 As far as time estimates, Lyrebird states that its technology
will likely become widespread within a few years, as it plans to make
the software available to anyone.60
In some cases, the time estimate may be even shorter. VivoText, a
voice-replicating firm based in Israel, has developed applications that
allow users to “select the emphasis, speed and level of happiness or sad-
ness with which individual words and phrases are produced,” and also
to clone any voice and use it to say anything the user wants.61 This
effort would enhance the ability to capture the emotional component
of voice that current computer-generated audio critically lacks. Google,

56 “Let’s Get Experimental: Behind the Adobe MAX Sneaks,” Adobe Blog, November 4,
57 Adobe Inc., “#VoCo. Adobe MAX 2016 (Sneak Peeks),” November 4, 2016.
58 Bahar Gholipour, “New AI Tech Can Mimic Any Voice,” Scientific American, May 2,
59 Gholipour, 2017.
60 Lyrebird, “With Great Innovation Comes Great Responsibility,” undated.
61 “Imitating People’s Speech Patterns Precisely Could Bring Trouble,” The Economist,
April 20, 2017. See VivoText’s website for more detail on its emerging products.
Emerging Technologies 87

among other large technology companies, is also working on software

to enhance the quality of its audio service, which, according to recent
tests, is rated considerably similar to human speech.62
Companies, including Lyrebird, have indicated that the intention
of their software is to be used for such services as personal AI assistants
and speech synthesis for people with disabilities, but have acknowl-
edged that their software could potentially have negative applications.63
At a time when public trust in information is at risk, the potential for
sources that retain inherent trustworthiness, such as audio recordings,
to become unreliable could have significant implications. For example,
given the availability of audio recordings for a number of prominent
political figures, these advancements could make putting words in the
mouth of a leader as easy as feeding a computer recordings and then
telling the software what that person should say. How convincing will
these computer-generated audio files be? According to a 2017 interview
with Gregory Allen, an adjunct fellow at the Center for a New Amer-
ican Security, in one to two years, technology will allow computer-
generated audio to be able to fool the untrained ear, and in five to ten
years, technology will enable audio forgeries “to evade certain types of
forensic analysis.”64
Adobe, among others, has noted its interest in developing digital
solutions, such as watermarking, to help identify audio manipulations,
though it is unclear how long the forensics and verification process
would take. Overall, the advancement of these technologies could shift
the balance from technology favoring the documentation of the truth
to favoring the fabrication, making the risk of encountering a false
audio clip the new reality.65

Aäron van den Oord, Tom Walters, and Trevor Strohman, “WaveNet Launches in the
Google Assistant,” DeepMind Blog, October 4, 2017.
63 Gholipour, 2017.
64 Rob Price, “AI and CGI Will Transform Information Warfare, Boost Hoaxes, and Esca-
late Revenge Porn,” Business Insider, August 12, 2017.
65 Gholipour, 2017.
88 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Fabricated Video: The Rise of “Deep Fakes”

Generating or editing pictures is a feature that technology has been
capable of for several years. The social content website Reddit, for
example, hosts friendly competitions to see which users can create the
best picture using image manipulation software. The ability to gener-
ate high-quality realistic photos or videos, however, has been a more
challenging obstacle. Recently, software tools have been introduced
that are playing an essential role in overcoming this challenge.66 One
such tool is known as generative adversarial networks (GANs), which
work by integrating a competitive function into software, with one
network seeking to generate an item, such as an image or video, while
the other network judges the item to determine whether it looks real.67
As the first network continues to adapt to fool the adversarial network,
the software learns how to better create more realistic images or vid-
eos.68 With these types of machine-learning tools, Allen asserts, “In
the near future, it will be possible even for amateurs to generate photo-
realistic HD [high definition] video, audio, and document forgeries—
at scale.”69
In the case of images, GANs in combination with other tools
have demonstrated that generating realistic images is not only possible
but will dramatically improve over the next several years. For example,
a machine-learning artist at Google has been able to “generate images
of imagined faces with a resolution of 768 pixels a side, more than
twice as big as anything previously achieved.”70 In October 2017, a

66 Lee Ferran, “Beware the Coming Crisis of ‘Deep Fake News,’” RealClearLife, July 27,
2018. See also the discussion at the Heritage Foundation, “Deep Fakes: A Looming Chal-
lenge for Privacy, Democracy, and National Security,” panel discussion, Washington, D.C.,
July 19, 2018.
67 “Fake News: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” 2017. See also Ferran, 2018.
68 Faizan Shaikh, “Introductory Guide to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and
Their Promise!” Analytics Vidhya, June 15, 2017.
69 Greg Allen and Taniel Chan, Artificial Intelligence and National Security, Cambridge,
Mass.: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, July
2017, p. 29. See also Will Knight, “These Incredibly Realistic Fake Faces Show How Algo-
rithms Can Now Mess with Us,” MIT Technology Review, December 14, 2018e.
70 “Fake News: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” 2017.
Emerging Technologies 89

graphic processing unit company called NVIDIA demonstrated the

capability to generate HD images of people and objects by using GANs
to train software on a database of image samples.71 Though some of the
generated images were distorted, the company was able to create high-
quality images of people and items, such as vehicles, rooms, and entire
buildings, leading the research team to believe that generating highly
realistic photos is within reach.72
Researchers have also recently been able to develop small but
photo-realistic images by converting text descriptions into images.
The software is able to produce a variety of images based on sentence
descriptions, such as “The small bird has a red head with feathers that
fade from red to gray from head to tail” and “A group of people stand-
ing around and posing for a picture.”73 Future developments will seek
to improve the resolution and size to generate full HD images, which,
according to Jeff Clune, an assistant professor of computer science at
the University of Wyoming who works on generating images using
neural networks, “is likely on the order of years, not decades.”74
Though the capability to create computer-generated images is
further along than video production, there have been several recent
developments that indicate generating realistic videos could be possible
soon. One example of these developments is the software produced by
U.S. and German researchers that, in combination with a common
webcam, can allow a user to change the facial movement of any person

71 Tero Karras, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine, and Jaakko Lehtinen, “Progressive Growing of
GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation,” Sixth International Conference on
Learning Representations, Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, Canada, 2018; Hillary Grigo-
nis, “A.I. Creates Some of the Most Realistic Computer-Generated Images of People Yet,”
Digital Trends, October 30, 2017.
72 Karras et al., 2018.
73 Han Zhang, Tao Xu, Hongsheng Li, Shaoting Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaolei Huang,
and Dimitris Metaxas, “StackGAN: Text to Photo-Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked
Generative Adversarial Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Con-
ference Proceedings, Venice, Italy: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, October
2017, pp. 8–14.
74 James Vincent, “Artificial Intelligence Is Going to Make It Easier Than Ever to Fake
Images and Video,” The Verge, December 20, 2016.
90 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

in a recorded video in real time.75 Using this software, a recording of

a prominent figure’s facial expressions can be modified in real time to
match a user’s facial expressions, producing a new video in which the
prominent figure appears to be mouthing whatever the user wants.76
Another example is the software being developed by research-
ers at the University of Washington that seeks to convert audio clips
into realistic video by training software to generate matching mouth
shapes on a speaker.77 The software currently is designed to learn the
speech patterns of one person at a time, but the team identified future
developments, including helping the software widen its capability to
recognize speech patterns and doing so with less data.78 In addition,
there have been technological developments to generate videos from
text commands, such as “swimming in a swimming pool” or “playing
golf.”79 For now, the capability is limited in the duration, resolution,
and motion that a generated video can produce, but future steps include
generating human pose and skeleton features to improve the quality of
human activity in generated videos.80 The potential for achieving this
capability is certainly possible in the next ten to 15 years, as there is
already some preliminary research on how to address these two steps.81

75 Adario
Strange, “Face-Tracking Software Lets You Make Anyone Say Anything in Real
Time,” Mashable, March 20, 2016.
76 Jutus Thies, Michael Zollhöfer, Marc Stamminger, Christian Theobalt, and Matthias
Nießner, “Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos,” IEEE
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas,
Nev.: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016.
77 Jennifer Langston, “Lip-Syncing Obama: New Tools Turn Audio Clips into Realistic
Video,” UW News, July 11, 2017.
78 Langston, 2017.
79 Yitong Li, Martin Renqiang Min, Dinghan Shen, David Carlson, and Lawrence Carin,
“Video Generation from Text,” Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, La.: Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence, February 2018, pp. 3–6.
80 Li et al., 2018, pp. 5–8.
81 Haoye Cai, Chunyan Bai, Yu-Wing Tai, and Chi-Keung Tang, “Deep Video Generation,
Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences,” European Conference on Computer
Vision 2018, Conference Proceedings, Munich, Germany, September 2018, p. 8.
Emerging Technologies 91

It is not difficult to imagine how the ability to generate realistic

images or videos could pose dangerous consequences. As technology
improves the quality of this production, it will likely become more dif-
ficult to discern real events from doctored or artificial ones, particu-
larly if combined with the advancements in audio software. The result
could be footage of prominent figures saying and doing whatever a par-
ticular person would want, eroding social trust in information.82 Ian
Goodfellow, the research scientist who introduced GANs, asserts that
creating very convincing YouTube fakes could be possible by 2020.83
In addition to creating information, these advancements could create
an atmosphere in which audio, images, or videos of real events can be
claimed to be doctored fakes. “What I think we’ll see, in a couple of
years,” predicts Matt Turek, project manager of a Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) effort on media forensics, “is the
synthesis of events that didn’t happen. Multiple images and videos
taken from different perspectives will be constructed in such a way
that they look like they come from different cameras.”84
Moreover, the bar may not be as high as completely realistic and
accurate images. Many videos and images online are already muddy
or distorted, sometimes as the result of a need to compress file sizes.
The performance of these systems may not actually need to improve
to crystal-clear synthesis in order to convince many viewers of their
product’s authenticity.
Over time, computer-generated imagery (CGI) and similar tech-
nologies with the potential to create fairly realistic moving images will
penetrate consumer markets, allowing for widespread use of hyper-
realistic computer-generated imaging and video production by private
companies and individuals. Bots with advanced AI capabilities will
resemble human beings (physically and visually) on social media plat-

82 Vincent, 2016.
83 “Fake News: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” 2017.
84 Quoted in Joshua Rothman, “Afterimage,” New Yorker, November 12, 2018, p. 40.
92 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

forms and VR and AR spaces well enough that we will not be able to
distinguish real from CGI beings.85

Surveillance Systems

Almost every new technology linked to the cloud or IoT will be able
to serve some kind of surveillance or “sousveillance” purpose by some-
time between 2030 and 2035. (Sousveillance refers to the capturing
of activity from “below,” in such ways as capturing data on people’s
internet habits, recording their movements through cellphone loca-
tions, recording of audio by home-based sound-activated assistants,
and more.) Visibility and oversight of a person’s or group’s activity will
necessarily involve monitoring their movements, communications,
transactions, and behaviors. Indeed, what is arising is a sort of ambient
surveillance system in which vast troves of data are being gathered and
processed and theoretically available to governments and other actors,
in ways theoretically designed for helpful or commercial purposes but
which nonetheless reflect a degree of data collection on individuals
that would have been unthinkable for even the most authoritarian gov-
ernment just a generation ago. At the same time, the advance of AI is
creating a demand for ever-increasing data collection to provide the
essential fuel for training these systems, producing additional finan-
cial incentives for vacuuming up huge swaths of information about
By 2030, motion-magnifying and microscope software (called
Eulerian Video Magnification [EVM]) will be standard in surveillance
and smartphone cameras and video recordings; these tools reveal details
that would otherwise be invisible (e.g., tiny movements in eye muscles,
blood flow, microscopic movements in seemingly stable objects). There
will also be at least 1 billion drones on earth, most of which will carry

85 Jesus Diaz, “The Weird, Wild Future of CGI,” Fast Company, October 19, 2017.
Emerging Technologies 93

surveillance equipment and have the ability to receive and transmit

Most nanotechnologies will come from advanced life sciences
(e.g., surgical precision tools and cellular-level technology). The push
to create smaller devices with precision capabilities and HD imaging
and video will aid similar efforts in future surveillance hardware. The
smallest surveillance drones today are roughly the size of a small insect
and still in early development.87
The role of sousveillance is growing rapidly. Recent debates about
the information collected by Google and Facebook on individuals is
only the beginning of a much larger discussion of the sousveillance
challenge. Within ten to 15 years, 90 percent of the global population
will have an internet presence; 80 percent will have free and unlimited
data; over 50 percent of internet services to homes will be through
appliances and home devices linked to the IoT; 1 trillion devices will be
linked to the IoT; and surveillance will be a matter of access to devices
and networks, as well as big-data management, mining, and analysis.88
Wearable devices and implants that judge health and emotional states
will provide a remarkable degree of fidelity in reporting people’s mood
and outlook.89
Already, concerns are rising about how hackers and aggressors
can employ stolen data from the rising ambient surveillance system. In
such instances as the theft of Office of Personnel Management records,
Cambridge Analytica’s acquisition of friend and contact data through
Facebook, and other cases of database theft and hacking, states and
organizations have used access to such data for coercive purposes or
competitive advantage. That potential avenue to effective social manip-
ulation will only grow as the process of ambient surveillance deepens.

86 Hao-Yu Wu, Michael Rubinstein, Eugene Shih, John Guttag, Frédo Durand, and Wil-
liam Freeman, “Eulerian Video Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes in the World,”
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2012.
87 Gareth Evans, “Robotic Insects Add Whole New Meaning to ‘Fly-on-the-Wall’ Surveil-
lance,” Army Technology, March 16, 2015.
88 Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, 2015, p. 7.
89 Tiku, 2018, p. 55.
94 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Example techniques include several already well established—such as

new versions of “doxfare” (stealing documents with personal or confi-
dential information and using them for blackmail purposes and other
ways of interfering in another state’s political process),90 as well as
direct political manipulation through increasingly powerful inferential
models of preference—but also new approaches that employ collected
data on location, mood, behavior, friends, connections, and much else
to power strategies of social disruption and degradation of trust.

Conclusion: A Rapidly Changing Infosphere

This complex and, in many ways, interlinked suite of technologies

holds the potential to accelerate the transformation of the infosphere
in advanced economies. It would be too simplistic to project current
trends in the spread or capabilities of these technologies, or to assume
that their effects will be linear. For example, video fakery need not
create a future in which no one has a clear sense of whether anything
he or she sees is real or not; the Internet of Things could provide a sort
of networked resilience as much as or more than new vulnerabilities;
and governments—even autocratic ones—might be forced to limit the
employment of surveillance systems. Assuming worst-case, dystopian
outcomes from the continued emergence of these technologies would
be as wrong as assuming the most optimistic results.
Nonetheless, this brief review does make clear the significant and
arguably growing risks to the stability and coherence of advanced soci-
eties from the potential for outside actors to manipulate, disrupt, and
commandeer these technologies and systems. These technologies also
contain built-in potential to change the character of the infosphere
itself, even absent intentional manipulation, in ways damaging to
social cohesion and democratic governance: accelerating the decline
of a shared reality, strengthening systems of institutional dominance

90 Ido Kilovaty, “Doxfare: Politically Motivated Leaks and the Future of the Norm on Non-
Intervention in the Era of Weaponized Information,” Harvard National Security Journal,
Vol. 9, No. 1, 2018.
Emerging Technologies 95

over individuals, and exacerbating the sense of alienation on the part

of average citizens. Perhaps the dominant lesson to be taken from this
review is that the United States and many other nations confront a
transitional moment. The collective effect of these technologies could
be transformational, and societies and governments are likely to con-
front the requirement to be increasingly self-conscious and directive in
their efforts to shape their effects.
The following three chapters provide some context for that
requirement by offering three potential scenarios for the evolution of
these technologies and the potential they offer for hostile social manip-
ulation. Each scenario describes the opportunities and hopes that give
rise to the trends it imagines, but each is admittedly designed to high-
light risks. They are not offered as forecasts; the emphasis is specifically
on ways in which the combined effect of these advances can pose dan-
gers, and real outcomes are likely to reflect a somewhat different range
of influences. Nonetheless, each of these scenarios is entirely plausible,
given the character of emerging technologies.

Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario)

A Note About Methodology

To investigate possible scenarios for how hostile social manipulation

could unfold, we relied on the trends and data surveyed in the past
three chapters: research on the evolving landscape of the infosphere;
social science findings on attitudes, attitude change, persuasion, and
social trust; and the evolving character of specific technologies. These
scenarios are designed to illustrate three possible futures for the role
of information in society, which we refer to as the infosphere. In each
case, we describe how information-based aggression could use the ele-
ments of each scenario to attack democracy.1
We term these narratives “futures” because they are general
descriptions of a world that could emerge rather than specific, event-
driven scenarios. Chapters Five, Six, and Seven each describe one of
these futures through an initial summary of the future, one or more
sections on specific elements of that future, and a concluding section
describing the risks of social manipulation in that environment. Each
chapter includes some discussion of the technological, social, and polit-
ical factors that contribute to the future. The futures are dramatized
and include many invented potential future developments, but events
are grounded firmly in research on current trends. Their purpose is in

1 For a description of the ways in which multiple autocratic regimes are using these tech-
nologies for domestic and international influence, see Juan Pablo Cardenal, Jacek Kucharc-
zyk, Grigorij Mesežnikov, and Gabriela Pleschová, Sharp Power: Rising Authoritarian Influ-
ence, Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for Democracy, December 2017.

98 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

part to bring to life a series of images about the unfolding future of the
infospheres of advanced democracies in narrative ways.
These futures are not predictions. In outlining them, we are not
suggesting that the specific combination of factors reflected in any one
of these futures is likely to emerge as described. They are illustrative and
suggestive, designed to provoke discussion about the potential future
trajectory of hostile social manipulation and virtual societal warfare.
But each is deeply grounded in research on the changing infosphere,
the social science of influence and trust, and the character of emerg-
ing technologies. The scenarios are designed to illustrate three possible
dangers inherent in emerging technologies. There are some contrary
trends under way—such as the growing, if still incomplete, efforts by
social media platforms to counteract fabricated information—that are
likely to moderate some of these outcomes. But the scenarios described
below remain plausible given emerging technologies and if the govern-
ments and institutions in many nations do not actively work to shape
the character of the evolving infosphere.
Furthermore, these three futures are not presented as mutually
exclusive possible outcomes. Each is built around a single leading vari-
able drawn from trends in the infosphere: One focuses on the decline
of any firm and objective sense of the distinction between real facts
and events and fabricated or incorrect ones; one focuses on the rise of
echo chambers and the collapse into a fragmented information real-
ity of self-reinforcing silos of belief and information; and one focuses
on the growing role of algorithmic decisionmaking. Any actual future
is likely to involve some degree of all of these main drivers, and they
overlap to some degree; a world of information silos is also a world in
which the objective sense of reality has faded. By focusing on each in
turn, the futures allow us to investigate various aspects of an emerging
infosphere in detail.
Finally, we have proposed that these futures could arrive between
the years 2023 and 2028. The dates chosen are somewhat arbitrary,
though they have been assigned these dates based on how close the
infosphere appears to be, in terms of technology and structure, to these
futures. But the dates are not meant as predictive.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 99

The General Future

“Reality” died in 2023.

It is perhaps audacious to attach a specific date to such a gradual
and ambiguous process. Yet many developments that year, two seem-
ingly long and eventful years ago now, suggest that it will be seen as the
threshold of a new post-truth, post-fact, post-reality era in human life.
The very notion of an objective, singular, identifiable reality is already
being mocked in many corners of society and referred to as a charming
What, precisely, happened in 2023 to justify this bold claim? Sev-
eral things, each of which reflected the apotheosis of trends that had
been maturing for a decade or more. The first and most encompass-
ing of these developments comprised the essential feature of the infor-
mation environment as we now know it: Simply put, the ability to
manufacture seemingly tangible reality from scratch has now become
In some ways, this is the natural outcome of the empirical trends
toward a “postmodern” reality that had been expected for decades, in
which the meaning and significance of events are not universal and
agreed upon but contingent and debated. The trend had roots in some
creative and hopeful efforts to break down narrow and conventional
ways of thinking and to provide individuals with an unprecedented
opportunity for expression. The fundamental motive and much of the
effect of these trends—the right to have a subjective take on events—it
must be remembered, has been empowering. It has emerged in ways
closely intertwined with the broader trajectory toward the empower-
ment of the individual against constraints and oppression, whether
from governments or social consensus. Many of what are now described
as reality-bending (or reality-destroying) expressions, including several
modern schools of artistic expression, the gradual decay of societal con-
straints on thought and certain forms of behavior, and reality-mixing
forms of entertainment, have grown out of this more fundamental
expression of the individual perspective against the universal.
But as the critics of postmodern ideas have long warned, it has
proved difficult to slow the momentum of this subjectification of
100 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

human perception. When no one dominant narrative or conventional

wisdom can be true or valid, it is now clear, to some, how any general-
ized truth claim can aspire to such a status. Technologies and outlooks
that allowed individuals to offer a unique voice on events soon offered
that opening to millions of individuals. Reality became personalized
as much as shared, a trend accelerated by some major institutions in
society, including businesses, which sought to claim their own right to
interpret events.
From a longer-term perspective, in fact, the general trend was
nothing new, because the substitution of metaphorical for verbatim
truth has a long history. During the 20th century, the literalness of
painting gave way to abstraction and expressionist interpretation of life
rather than direct representation. Nonfiction writing and journalism
came to embody new forms that stretched the veracity of the facts.
The concept of a verifiable, authentic memoir gave way, at least for a
time, to forgeries passed off as legitimate; the devotion to historical
accuracy in “biopics” gave way to artistic license. Many of the most
popular television shows built drama out of stage-managed claims of
verisimilitude—i.e., “reality” shows constructed from narrative-driven
This most fundamental trend had its roots in decades of corpo-
rate efforts to manipulate facts and reality. Arguably the source code
for all such efforts was the tobacco lobby’s efforts to destroy faith in
scientific research suggesting that smoking caused cancer. The indus-
try launched a massive effort with all the hallmarks of past programs:
attacking the legitimacy of scientists and institutions behind the
research; hiring friendly scientists to generate countervailing research,
much of it fatally biased; paying for massive public relations campaigns
to shape public opinion; and recruiting famous sports stars and televi-
sion personalities to endorse its message.2 The goal was to frame the
issue and shape the narrative, controlling how at least a significant
minority of the population understood the issue.

2 For a comprehensive assessment of a number of these campaigns, see Ari Rabin-Havt,

Lies, Incorporated: The World of Post-Truth Politics, New York: Anchor Books, 2016.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 101

In this sense, more of human life has come to reflect the artis-
tic, the created, and the imagined rather than the literally “true”—the
Hollywoodization of life, in a much more ontological sense rather than
the cultural sense that was once imagined.3 (It was Picasso who said
that “[a]rt is not truth; art is a lie that enables us to recognize truth.”4
He could not have imagined how seriously many in the entertainment
business would take that sentiment.) The story of the late 20th and
early 21st centuries was already one of a declining barrier between true
and fake, real and unreal. Several powerful technologies have now
accelerated that blending in dramatic ways.
These emerging patterns have been fueled in part by an uncom-
fortable but unavoidable truth: Human beings favor comfort and plea-
sure over facts. “Only to a limited extent does man want truth,” Fried-
rich Nietzsche argued in a prescient forecast of the current trends in
reality-bending. “He desires the pleasant, life-preserving consequences
of truth; to pure knowledge without consequences he is indifferent, to
potentially harmful and destructive truths he is even hostile.” Human
consciousness, Nietzsche believed, is “an apparatus for abstraction and
simplification—designed not for knowledge but for gaining control of
Over the last few decades, corporations, news media, and the
entertainment industry increasingly have decided to accept and work
within this basic aspect of human nature rather than fight it. They
are giving people what they want, and at a time of social disruption,
slowing growth, rising inequality, and alienation in the face of increas-
ingly impenetrable institutions, what they want is perceived, more
often than not, to be sensational, extreme, and targeted against some
sort of out-group that allows the audience to deepen its sense of social

3 Stacy Schiff, “The Interactive Truth,” New York Times, June 15, 2005.
4 David Shields, Reality Hunger: A Manifesto, New York: Knopf, 2010, pp. 14, 32, 34–35,
5 Friedrich Nietzsche, On Truth and Untruth: Selected Writings, trans. and ed. Taylor
Carman, New York: Harper Perennial, 2010, pp. 24, 121.
102 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

An important contributing trend to this future has been the con-

tinued, and indeed accelerating, collapse of institutions and authorities
that mediate reality. The first event in 2023, coming just a few days
into the new year, was the announcement that Facebook had acquired
the New York Times. It was generally viewed as an act of charity and
social responsibility; rocked by a series of scandals, consistent attacks
from skeptical populist hackers, and the decline of several nonpublish-
ing ventures that had been keeping the parent company alive, the Times
had announced in 2021 that it was headed for eventual bankruptcy
without significant new investments. (General newspaper revenue has
been falling 4 percent to 5 percent a year since about 2010.6) Face-
book billed the act as a continuation of its efforts, begun in 2017, to
combat fabricated or biased information on its platforms. Though the
company and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, quickly insisted on their
devotion to investigative journalism—much as Jeff Bezos had done
when acquiring the Washington Post—they also announced a host of
plans to fully digitalize (or virtualize) the Times and integrate it into
Facebook’s user-driven interface. “Your Facebook News Feed will now
be—literally—the New York Times,” Zuckerberg proudly announced.
“They will be one and the same.”
The problem, of course, is that Facebook planned to filter the result-
ing feed to a significant degree through the same algorithm-governed
model that decided what people would “want” to read. Its business
model relied on clicks and preferences, not telling people what they
“should” know. Readers can still access the Times in its entirety
through direct browsing, but many do not take the time. The result
has been to fragment one of the few remaining national-level shared
channels of collective awareness. The Times—the “paper of record”
for the nation—was now nothing more than a brand name attached
to a completely user-driven algorithm. Reporters would still work in
newsrooms generating stories, some of them “investigative” reports.
But who read them would be contingent upon preferences. This devel-

6 Regina Joseph, “A Peek into the Future: A Stealth Revolution by Influence’s New Mas-
ters,” in Weston Aviles and Sarah Canna, eds., White Paper on Influence in an Age of Rising
Connectedness, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense, August 2017, p. 11.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 103

opment represented another step in the continued decline of trusted

intervening institutions, which can provide some baseline of essential
fact claims, in the public media.
The trend has affected far more institutions than just the media.
Another prominent target of the rising skepticism toward authorities is
academia. Conservatives in the United States had long viewed universi-
ties as bastions of liberalism, and this perception intensified in the past
several years as a few schools, supporting speech-constraining ideas of
identity politics, fought for the right to fire professors for expressing
supposedly offensive views that conservatives found to be perfectly rea-
sonable. At the same time, the reliability of social scientific research in
higher education has been called into question by a persistent “repli-
cation crisis,” a term for the fact that many high-profile “findings” in
social science research simply cannot be replicated. The result has been
to cast doubt on any new study. By 2022–2023, polls were finding that
only 15 percent to 20 percent of Americans had “high confidence” that
universities were upholding their mission as “places for the objective
pursuit of truth.”
That trend is part of a larger one: the rise of anti-intellectualism.7
Faith in all manner of experts and expertise has plummeted. Polls in
2018–2020 showed “faith in experts” dropping into the single digits,
and the numbers have recovered only slightly since then. Many people
now view the very idea of objective knowledge as elitist.8 Increasingly,
the idea of “expertise” has given way to a perception that “everyone has
their viewpoint,” the Nietzschean idea that perspective is everything.9
Broadly speaking, these challenges to faith in facts and knowl-
edge are a symptom of something more profound: A sense that collec-
tive institutions of governance and social capital have proven unequal
to the task of managing postmodern life. They are too big, too imper-
sonal, too bureaucratic to be trusted. Postmodern society has become
so complex that no one can understand even a fraction of it, and the
resulting unease is reflected back at public institutions as a form of

7 Tom Nichols, “How America Lost Faith in Expertise,” Foreign Affairs, March-April 2017b.

8 Lewandowsky, Ecker, and Cook, 2017, p. 354.

9 Lewandowsky, Ecker, and Cook, 2017, p. 356.
104 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

frustration and, in some cases, anger. Trust is based in a sense of safety

and some level of shared truth,10 and as those things have ebbed, levels
of social trust have declined, as well. More accurately, the divergence
between trust in local things (neighbors, businesses, and school boards)
and national or international institutions has exploded. Measurable
levels of anxiety in the United States have been on a steady rise since
the early 2000s.

A Future of Virtual and Invented Reality

The death of reality has been midwifed by the explosion, over the past
five to seven years, of astonishing developments in a critical area of
technology: lifelike audio and video and the associated technologies
of fakery that continue to blur the boundaries between “true” (verifi-
able) and invented content.11 People have been making replicas and
fake content for decades, but the difference now is that these fakes,
whether images, audio clips, or videos, are of such high fidelity that
they make it almost impossible for anyone to verify their authenticity
without time-consuming and, in some cases, very extensive investiga-
tion.12 The same technologies, combined with advanced robotics and
AI, are just beginning to cross the line into the long-awaited future
of humanlike robots, though even now that threshold remains to be
crossed in a meaningful way.
The first to come along was simple image creation. The very term
“Photoshop” became a universal term to denote the faking or modifi-
cation of a still image. In 2025, the programs, some driven by machine-
learning processes, are so good that would-be fakers can assemble
images—by voice command—of just about anything they want.13 As
long ago as 2015, the website Reddit was hosting competitions in image

10 See the discussion by Simon Sinek in National Public Radio, “Trust and Consequences,”
TED Radio Hour, May 15, 2015.
11 “Fake News: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” 2017.
12 Kevin Roose, “Here Come the Fake Videos, Too,” New York Times, March 4, 2018.
13 Vincent, 2016; Karras et al., 2018; Grigonis, 2017; Zhang et al., 2017.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 105

manipulation, giving awards for the most impressive ability to create

fake reality in a still photo. By 2018, the most advanced artificial image
creation programs, using competitive AI programs to build and then
test the veracity of pictures, were generating high-resolution images of
entirely fictional people that were completely indistinguishable from
real photos.14 The fidelity of the images now matches the resolution of
high-end digital cameras from 2018.
People can now create images from scratch of whatever they like,
integrating elements from as many other images as they need. Firms
that specialized in stock images quickly got into the act: People inter-
ested in manufacturing images can buy massive databases of manipu-
latable files, and simply call up whatever components they like and
assemble them into the finished image they intend. And the process
can easily be automated: AI married to image generation programs can
be used to produce as many images of whatever kind the user needs.
Thousands of prank and serious imposter photos have already
begun to flood the internet. Some of the images are historical, such as
the infamous fake circulated in 2021 that appeared to be a shot, taken
by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) surveillance, of John F. Ken-
nedy in an intimate setting with Marilyn Monroe. Others are clearly
designed to discredit, such as images of national leaders with prosti-
tutes, using drugs, or abusing their children.
Another well-established area is digital audio, because the tech-
nology has been under development the longest and is the easiest,
technologically, to mimic.15 Adobe’s VoCo system was one of the best
known but has been joined by a dozen other programs, such as Lyre-
bird and VivoText.16 All a user needs is a high-quality audio recording
of as much as 20 minutes—or as few as one or two—of the target
individual, and they can create a digital replica of the voice that can
be programmed to say anything the user likes. The result can only

14 Cade Metz and Keith Collins, “How an AI ‘Cat-and-Mouse Game’ Generates Believable
Fake Photos,” New York Times, January 2, 2018.
15 Selk, 2017.
16 “Let’s Get Experimental: Behind the Adobe MAX Sneaks,” 2016; Adobe Inc., 2016;
“Imitating People’s Speech Patterns Precisely Could Bring Trouble,” 2017.
106 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

be distinguished from a “real” recording with complex analysis of the

digital files.17
One of the best known of these audio platforms is Lyrebird.18 It
became famous in 2019, when three high school students used it to
create a parallel State of the Union Address from the U.S. president—
complete with background applause and sound effects from a virtual
congressional audience—and posted it on various blogs. The posts gar-
nered 35 million views within a week, and later surveys suggested that
between 30 percent and 40 percent of the Americans who heard these
fakes believed they were listening to the real speech.
By 2020, digital audio manufacture was joined by high-quality
digital video. The origins of the field lay in digital capture technolo-
gies, such as the ones used in Hollywood in such films as Avatar and
Planet of the Apes, which transformed an actor’s expressions into a digi-
tally created character. Important work was also done by the video
gaming industry, which sought increasingly realistic representations of
character and setting. Researchers, such as those at the University of
Southern California’s Mixed Reality Lab, and CGI studios used the
technology to create digital representations of actual people, and then
made the resulting program flexible enough to say and do anything
they wanted.
Even by 2017, primitive versions of the technology had been used
to create obviously fake—but still shockingly good—virtual versions
of several national leaders.19 By 2020, several programs began to incor-
porate a reliable function through which users could simply key in
words or phrases (“cat jumping on box”), and the system would gener-
ate high-quality digital video describing such a scene.20
Increasingly, the field of virtual image, audio, and video creation is
being driven by machine learning in the form of GANs, which involve,
essentially, programming one AI system to hunt for fakes, and forcing

17 Price, 2017.
18 Gholipour, 2017; Lyrebird, undated.
19 Strange, 2016; Thies et al., 2016; Langston, 2017.
20 Li et al., 2018; Cai et al., 2018.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 107

a second program to try to spoof it.21 The action-reaction iteration in

such systems vastly exceeds the speed with which human program-
mers could enhance the fidelity of manufactured video. By 2021, such
efforts had crossed the threshold of generating images that over 95 per-
cent of people could not visually distinguish from reality. The GAN
systems have surpassed the task of fooling human perception and are
exclusively working to spoof high-quality digital forensics, which they
can do in many cases. Because of such advances, all that aspiring digi-
tal fakers need is an hour or two of video of their intended target, and
they can use one of the major commercial programs on the market to
create a digital representation that can be manipulated at will—and
dropped, Zelig-like, into existing scenes.22
Some of the results have been benign. The fact that people can
now pay a fee to engage in a personal conversation with Margot Robbie
any time they like by having a video chat with a digital replica that
converses naturally, with the proceeds of the fee donated to charity, is
merely a curiosity. The first time the mobile hologram of James Franco
appeared next to customers at a Target, calling them by name and
speaking in personal terms by accessing massive online databases about
them, it seemed magical and spurred a spike in sales; within a few
months, people largely ignored such obvious salesmanship. A host of
young filmmakers have been empowered by the ability to create whole
movies essentially in their basements, generating and manipulating
characters at will—the digital video equivalent of electronic music.
Other applications of these seemingly magical technologies,
however, have been designed to create harm and chaos, substituting
invented realities for real ones. People can now generate seemingly per-
suasive evidence for any claim they want to make: historical conspiracy
theories, attacks on the credibility of political leaders, or occurrences of
world events. Global warming skeptics circulate video “proving” that
the ice caps are not melting. Human rights activists, lacking real evi-
dence, have generated fake audio and video of mass genocide to spark
popular outrage. The issue in many cases is that it is not as though

21 Metz and Collins, 2018; Shaikh, 2017.

22 See the discussion of fakes in Simon Adler, “Breaking News,” Radiolab, July 27, 2017.
108 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

there is no identifiable reality to establish, but that a third or more of

Americans on many issues simply have a much stronger appetite for a
skewed reality that agrees with their expectations than for “reality” per
se, and that new technologies have empowered motivated reasoning in
unprecedented ways.
One of the most sinister plots emerged in 2024, with the massive,
coordinated effort—believed to have been masterminded by a foreign
government—to release “evidence” that the 9/11 attacks had indeed
been a U.S. government plot, as long claimed by conspiracy theorists.
The faked evidence included top-secret U.S. Department of Defense
memos, audio recordings of then–Secretary of Defense Donald Rums-
feld “talking” about the plot with Vice President Richard Cheney, video
footage of the supposed missile that hit the Pentagon, and much more.
Dubbed “the Pentagon Papers of 9/11” by several alt-right websites,
the flood of information has continued with more supposed releases
to keep the issue percolating. Despite the fact that websites devoted to
unmasking such fakes immediately applied fake-detection software to
debunk the claims, polls suggest that a third of Americans now either
believe the claims or have “serious questions” about who launched the
A related problem is that the creation of such digital fakes has now
been automated. Content creators have used AI to generate automated
content for years,23 but the marriage of much more capable AI and
world-class digital manufacture techniques has sparked an explosion of
images, audio, and video that is completely artificially generated. Most
electronic music is now created by AI without the involvement of any
human beings—no musicians, producers, or singers—and increasingly
the pattern is spreading to orchestral, pop, and rock genres.24 Most
television commercials are created that way, without any human actors;

23 Matt Chessen, The MADCOM Future, Washington, D.C.: Atlantic Council, 2017b.
24 Jazz listeners held out for years, rejecting the artificiality inherent in the digital genera-
tion of music, until 2023, with the release of “Waterfront Lullaby,” an album of avant-garde
jazz first attributed to a human group called “The Fusion Collective” and quickly declared
by The Jazz Review to be “a new classic, the greatest expression of the genre in a decade if not
more—and yet more proof, if anyone needs it, that we need human intuition, craft, and, yes,
soul behind the creation of true jazz.” When “The Fusion Collective” was revealed to be a
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 109

all print ads are AI-generated. In 2024, the first theatrically released
major motion picture emerged that had been created entirely inside
a computer. Appropriately enough, it was a science fiction tale about
a future society dependent on a massive central information nervous
system. It starred a combination of images of real actors (the rights to
which were purchased) and several entirely fictional digital creations.
It cost about $18 million to make—ten cents on the dollar to the cost
of actual, physical films.25
Efforts to counter these technologies, and to re-establish a stron-
ger sense that people can distinguish real images from fake, have been
under way for some years. The U.S. Department of Defense sponsored
work that used AI to help assess images and call out fabricated video.26
These systems provided some degree of accuracy in catching early-
generation video fabrications by using simple rules of thumb, such as
searching for videos in which the people do not blink. But forgers,
some state-sponsored, have moved well past earlier versions of easily
detectable fakery to far more sophisticated, AI-supported techniques.
And while existing software filters could theoretically help determine
accuracy, most people simply do not use them, and faked video and
audio files that agree with the pre-established beliefs of segments of
the population are widely accepted even though easily debunked. The
pattern with such fakes thus has continued the trend established with
basic facts: Invalid claims that could and should be countered through
straightforward correction can still persuade significant proportions of
the population.
These technologies of image, audio, and visual fakery have evolved
in parallel and have largely now merged, with dramatic advances in

new Amazon-sponsored, jazz-manufacturing AI program called Marsalis, many jazz listen-

ers shrugged and bought its next album. It came out 96 hours after “Waterfront Lullaby.”
25 One of the invented “actors” who appeared in the film, Aiden Williams, quickly became
one of the highest-paid celebrity endorsers, appearing in over 40 commercials in the year
after the film’s release.
26 Will Knight, “The US Military Is Funding an Effort to Catch Deepfakes and Other AI
Trickery,” MIT Technology Review, May 23, 2018a; Will Knight, “The Defense Department
Has Produced the First Tools for Catching Deep Fakes,” MIT Technology Review, August 7,
110 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

two related areas: VR and AR. In emerging AR applications, for exam-

ple, as people pass through their daily life, their perceptions of things
are curated in unprecedented ways. Everything, including the appear-
ance and contents of their office, the appearance of people they pass
in the street, and the advertising in the surrounding environment, has
become customizable and customized.27 Such continual modification
of the perceived quality of objects has tended to weaken the hold of a
shared social experience. In many ways that we have taken for granted
for essentially all of human social existence, such a shared objective
experience will no longer exist. People will see the world quite literally
through a set of self-programmed filters.
People now experience everything brought to them as essentially
real. It began with AR-powered entertainment characters and news
stories,28 and continued with a thousand examples of companies, orga-
nizations, and individuals offering every manner of image to populate
a person’s smartphone display or AR headset.
Finally, growing applications of robotics also help blur the bound-
ary between the real and the artificial. AI- or human-driven online
bots or physical robots comprise a significant new market for therapy,
in-home care, and other interactive applications, and these also soak
up more information about massive numbers of people. Five years ago,
a firm called CareCoach began deploying avatars to monitor elderly
patients in home care settings. The avatars are driven, in this firm’s
case, by carefully hired and well-trained human operators. The sys-
tems can monitor someone all day and be aware of dozens of pieces
of information, building strong personal bonds with the customers.
Many of them have come to view the little puppies or other avatars as
close friends and take them on hikes or boating trips to continue the
conversation.29 The line between human and artificial relationships is
becoming increasingly unclear.

27 David Pierce, “Enjoy Your New Virtual Office,” Wired, February 2018, p. 43.
28 Graham Roberts, “Augmented Reality: How We’ll Bring the News into Your Home,”
New York Times, February 1, 2018.
29 Lauren Smiley, “Something to Watch Over Me,” Wired, January 2018.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 111

The End of a Shared Picture of the World

The result of all this has been the decline of public adherence to any-
thing like a generally accepted set of facts on major social issues.
Not all “facts” are disappearing or have become irrelevant. Cer-
tain prosaic, scientifically based, and personally attested facts persist.
Bacteria are still understood to cause infections and are treated with
antibiotics. Engineers are still able to calculate the support require-
ments for a new home or bridge.
Yet even in the realm of supposedly scientific assessments of truth,
more and more issues are contended. The debates over climate change
and vaccines are perhaps the leading examples, with most Americans
no longer confident of any meaningful reality in either area outside the
perceptions of their echo chambers. This trend has spread to other issues
on which there ought to be some basis of objective agreement, such as
the level of crime in society, the health threat posed by recreational
drugs, and the reliability of treatments for various diseases. In these
and other cases, shadowy campaigns have employed multiple means of
disinformation and fakery to undermine any potential for consensus.
The result has been to paralyze government policy responses.
The challenge is even more intense for major social and political
issues that are in contention, as the basis of objective information that
people can use to resolve and render judgments about them is called
into question. The real trend is therefore more specific than the death
of truth: The problem now appears to be that the meaning of major
social issues and events is becoming increasingly indeterminate. Whether
on questions about vaccinations, climate change, crime, the effects of
certain economic policies, or a hundred other issues, it is increasingly
impossible to settle on any agreed-upon truths to support general judg-
ments among the body politic.
As much as a decline in concern for truth, the era represents an
explosion of the sort of cynical, hard-edged irony that has long been
resident in the 4chan community and other online communities that
refuse to take anything seriously. Increasingly, the online aesthetic is
one of parody, pranksterism, and a comprehensive spirit of noncon-
formist mockery designed to tear down established values and insti-
112 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

tutions.30 The worst sins in such communities are to accept anything

at face value, to take the establishment’s word for anything, or to take
any value or tradition seriously. The character of the era has gone well
beyond the death of truth to something more: the death of significance
or shared meaning under the assault of the relentlessly ironic.
Indeed, the very value of honesty as a social norm has come under
increasing stress, as the information environment seems so determined
to discount its significance. The “hacker’s creed,” Wired magazine
suggested back in 2018, has long been that “[e]nlightened cheating is
the highest form of gameplay.” Disobedience trumps compliance as
a value.31 This emerging belief system has become more and more
common, especially in technical and information-related fields.
The first glimmers of a rebellion against these trends have been
under way for decades, as people thirst for authenticity and begin to
express a rebellion against the invented fakery of a post-reality world.
Already by the 1980s, significant strains in U.S. literature reflected
a disquiet with people who, “bombarded by mall culture and mass
media,” come to believe that “they have ‘McLives’ rather than lives.”32
The desire for signs of the authentic—for craft-based businesses, rural
living and log homes, living “off the grid,” natural and organic food,
and much more—is now a significant theme, especially among younger
Americans. But it has not arrested the basic trends in information char-
acteristics of the new era.

Information Aggression and Manipulation in the Death

of Reality

As these trends and realities have emerged, specific forms of

information-based aggression have come to characterize the “death of

30 Fora discussion of the trend as of 2017, see Angela Nagle, Kill All Normies: Online Cul-
ture Wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right, Winchester, United Kingdom:
Zero Books, 2017, especially pp. 5–7 and 28–29.
31 Virginia Heffernan, “Twilight of the Hackers,” Wired, February 2018, p. 14.
32 Shields, 2010, p. 25.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 113

reality.” Most notably, the accelerating “breakdown of a shared public

reality,” as one commentator put it as far back as 2018,33 has created
opportunities for manipulators to work within this increasingly vir-
tual, imagined, postmodern landscape to create perceptions among
specific sectors of the population. And they have had more effective
tools with which to do so, with the ability to manufacture audio, video,
still images, and VR programs that depict just about anything they
want with great fidelity. Manipulating code is no longer about screw-
ing up the operation of a computer system; it is about tweaking the
nature of the reality people encounter.
By about 2021–2022, it had become commonplace for signifi-
cant numbers of provocative images, videos, and audio “recordings”
to fly around the political landscape of advanced democracies in the
weeks before elections or referenda. Politicians were “seen” accepting
bribes or having affairs, heard insulting major groups of the popu-
lation, and shown in collusion with figures from organized crime or
hostile foreign powers. Political leaders, “reputable” news sources, and
others have worked hard to counteract these attacks, but their efforts
are always incomplete and sometimes too late to make a difference:
Skilled manipulators know how to time their attacks on the cusp of
an election or vote. In many cases, politicians have been discredited by
such attacks; several elections have clearly been affected.
At the same time, manipulators have been working hard to pre-
empt the responses to these attacks by destroying the potential for a
shared social reality in the target countries. To counteract the effects
of fact-checking websites and other “objective,” web-based sources of
information, they have been using AI to produce dynamically gener-
ated content to overwhelm the objective information on the web. They
also have been actively shaping online resources, such as Wikipedia
pages, and directly hacking some of the objective sites to plant the false
stories. (In an infamous case, the Financial Times webpage carried a
planted, entirely fabricated story about a British politician’s financial

33 John A. Gans., Jr., “Governing Fantasyland,” Survival, Vol. 60, No. 3, June-July 2018,
p. 200.
114 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

misdeeds. It was up for two days before the politician got wind of it
and brought it to the attention of the paper’s editors.)
Efforts to shape perceived reality through social media have
been turbocharged in recent years. AI-driven bots now dominate the
competition on these platforms; they can detect countervailing posts
and argue in response in ways largely indistinguishable from human
beings. Combined with massive data theft and the establishment of
Facebook- or Google-sized databases on individual Americans (and to
a lesser extent Europeans) by hostile powers, an information aggressor
in Moscow or Beijing can now target ads, messages, and information as
precisely as any platform company. Recent reports suggest that China
has devoted tens of thousands of highly trained, social media–savvy,
English-speaking trolls to a persistent, ongoing campaign with specific
goals in terms of shifting perceptions and achieving specific behavioral
outcomes in the U.S. public.
Often the goals of such campaigns are not to make people
believe a certain narrative as much as to feed existing belief systems
and prompt alienation, outrage, and conflict. Aggressors are fab-
ricating videos designed to appeal to the most paranoid instincts of
fringe groups and to harden political polarization generally. Republi-
cans receive a constant dose of videos showing Democratic politicians
saying and doing awful things; Democrats receive similar videos of
Republican politicians.
Beyond simply affecting information accuracy and flow, infor-
mation aggressors are increasingly experimenting with ways to grab
control of parts of the increasingly created reality that confronts
Americans in their daily lives. There are verified cases of manipulators
hacking into chatbots that serve military posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) patients and giving counterproductive advice. In a few cases,
it appears that sophisticated hackers have begun to alter VR streams,
slightly changing the events in videogames being played on VR head-
sets; hacking into VR-hosted workplace discussions to implant provoc-
ative audio; or adding disturbing images to the AR apps on cellphones.
An increasingly common tactic appears to be the insertion of sublimi-
nal messages into any VR or AR streams they can access.
Future 1: The Death of Reality (2025 Scenario) 115

The effects of this persistent assault on reality are only beginning

to be felt, but already they appear to be worsening the challenging
aspects of the infosphere that were already problematic for democracy.
So many advanced democracies have become obsessed with shoring
up the “real” that they have little time or energy left for productive
policymaking. These attacks are deepening the polarization of demo-
cratic societies in ways that make the creation of a new bipartisan con-
sensus on reform and change almost impossible.
What has turned out to be especially pernicious is the habit of
discrediting individuals or groups who rise up to help improve this
situation. When new fact-checking groups crop up, a dozen reports
will emerge that they are tied to some unsavory criminal, funded by
partisan donations, or generally corrupt. Any politicians who stand up
for factual accuracy receive particularly brutal virtual assaults.
In some cases, in the United States, the effectiveness of such
attacks has been aided and abetted by the long-term process of gerry­
mandering and polarization of representation districts and states.
Many representatives now rely, especially in the primaries, dispro-
portionately on narrow slices of the population to remain in office.
Manipulators can affect the perceptions of those slices more effectively
than a population as a whole. The effect is not unlike a political party
that becomes dominated by one ideological subgroup and has a general
chilling effect on political action, with most leaders simply unwilling
to stick their necks out.
Most generally, these attacks are having the effect of further erod-
ing social trust, the essential glue that keeps advanced societies of all
sorts, democratic and otherwise, working efficiently. The mediating
institutions of social reality, from the media to government, had already
experienced a significant decline in trust by 2018. Now the very idea
of a trusted objective reality is in real jeopardy. There is evidence that
this trend is cascading through other elements of social trust, as would
be expected when a constant flow of fabricated attacks is churning
through a society that are designed to ruin trust in specific individu-
als and institutions. Over the last decade, long-term trends serving to
weaken the sense of an objective, verifiable reality have accelerated,
under the influence of a range of technologies that have deeply affected
116 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

the infosphere of the United States and other developed economies.

Some of the reasons for the trend and the justification for individual
technologies are hopeful and creative, but the effect has been perilous
for social coherence and democratic stability in a number of countries.
And as the trend has accelerated, it has become less and less clear how it
can be reversed or even moderated. The “death of reality” seems to be
a self-reinforcing process; with each passing year, reaffirming a shared
vision of facts and events seems less and less plausible.

Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario)

The General Future

It is 2024, and people have retreated ever further into closed, mutually
suspicious information environments. Multiple groups of people in the
same country are now essentially living in different realities.
Over time, the ability and inclination of people to closet them-
selves off into tightly self-referential communities of knowledge has
only accelerated. The outlets that served as sources of shared fact and
meaning, such as network news, major daily newspapers, and a bipar-
tisan core of political leaders, have continued to give way to more dis-
crete, bespoke, and often partisan sources of information. This shift
has been partly a function of changing economics and the continued
atrophying of respected information filters. In one recent example of
this trend, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos declared that the newspa-
per’s business model was “irretrievable” and he could not continue to
subsidize its operations with tens of millions of dollars per year. The
paper’s staff has developed a plan to transition to an exclusively online
format and to shrink the size of the reporting staff, resulting in fewer
stories and a stream of just one or two investigative reports per month.
But the paper’s editors also made a fateful decision that reflects
the spirit of the age: After several years of a largely failed appeal to a
general readership, this famed major daily newspaper is now billing
itself as the “essential guide for the thoughtful progressive.” It is explic-
itly appealing to a specific demographic, trying to make itself the dom-
inant player in one mega-silo rather than drawing people together from
various belief groupings. This practice is now the norm for content cre-

118 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

ators of every variety. The name of the game is to find a silo and domi-
nate it—with a product, a channel of information, or a perspective—
rather than gain broad appeal.
These trends and this future began with the best of intentions.
People were seeking out those with similar interests for discussion and
shared ideas, whether regarding their hobby, their profession, or issues
of concern. They sought to align with those who had similar ideas in
order to marshal action on issues of shared importance. Such virtual
communities have proved important in shoring up people’s sense of
belonging and ontological security in an era of massive, often homoge-
nized societies, which carry the risk of submerging individual identities
in abstract patterns and trends. By allowing people to seek out simi-
lar individuals, social media platforms and other forms of engagement
offered an important psychological reassurance.
They also offered another form of empowering individual expres-
sion. With these capabilities, people could leapfrog the constraints
of their immediate surroundings and connect with people of similar
belief, experience, preference, or other shared identities or views. Those
facing bias or repression could connect with others in a comparable sit-
uation and be strengthened and supported. People whose beliefs have
been repressed by their community could find support through these
The siloization of the information space is, in part, the natural
consequence of an era of individualization. Marketing campaigns
are now almost entirely personalized; the ads one person gets, even
down to their specific claims, are customized based on thousands of
data points available to the advertisers. The idea of appealing to broad
swaths of the population in one massive appeal now seems as primitive
as a 1950s cigarette advertisement. Marketers today are pushing but-
tons on AI-driven engines that scoop up troves of information from
databases and reach out to small groups or specific individuals with
highly tailored messages.
But the challenge, as with many trends associated with the
modern infosphere, has been to keep such a capability from running
out of control and being expressed in ways that are socially destructive
rather than individually empowering. The fragmentation of the mar-
Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario) 119

ketplace characteristic of marketing to narrow groups has now been

joined by a fragmentation across society, in political, social, and infor-
mational terms.
In terms of information access for individuals, it has simply become
an accepted way of life for people to operate within self-defined groups.
These can be professional, ideological, ethnic, or otherwise, but the
essential guideposts of people’s identities are now the distinctive echo
chambers to which they belong. People wear clothes, put stickers on
their cars, and otherwise self-identify with signifiers of these silos. The
habit of operating in subgroups, with much less affiliation to the larger
society, is by now firmly established.
The same technologies have provided avenues—for those with
the time and appetite—to break out of their silos even more funda-
mentally than in the past. This has long been an opportunity resident
in the internet and more comprehensive infosphere. People have an
immense menu of opinions, approaches, and beliefs to sample from.
But the overall result has nonetheless been a gradual fragmentation of
people’s information diet, and this appears to have catalyzed interven-
ing psychological needs and reactions that cause at least some propor-
tion of society to seek refuge ever deeper into limited silos of belief.
Some social media platforms, for example, have adopted suggestions
to intentionally expose people to attitudes from outside their algorith-
mically established preferences via their news feeds. And while some
percentage of users take them up on the offer, experience suggests that
between 30 percent and 60 percent (depending on the subgroup and
the timing) do not; they simply ignore headlines that run obviously
against the essential beliefs of their silo.

A Fragmented Society

The existence of information silos builds on more profound social and

economic trends, notably the division of society into more distinct and
less permeable class, regional, and, in some cases, ethnic and racial seg-
ments. This division is the natural extension of the political polariza-
tion that has been growing in the country, supercharged by informa-
120 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

tion silos that allow citizens to believe essentially whatever they want to
believe and constantly discredit those who believe anything else. The
emergence of these powerful information bubbles has deepened the
polarization that was already under way and that made it impossible to
enact any meaningful reforms.
In 2023, as just one example, the latest in a series of entitlement
program reforms—designed to address the ballooning federal deficit
and debt—collapsed before it even came to the floor of the House
or Senate for a vote, irrevocably shattered by the competing grass-
roots campaigns of a handful of social media information entrepre-
neurs spreading wild rumors and conspiracy theories within carefully
selected silos about what the legislation would produce. Fundraising
for charity is increasingly based on silos (asking for donations to help
others in such narrowly defined groups), which are not always related
to ethnicity, race, nationality, profession, or interests, but increasingly
appeal to a person’s identity as the member of a specific group. National
bipartisan consensus on major policy issues has been, in a sense, over-
taken by social events: It simply no longer exists, or can exist, in any
measurable way. Political leaders hopeful of making national progress
on any issue must now knit together bits and pieces of agreement from
dozens of silos.
A common theme governing many of these silos is that the slices
of information pouring into people’s realities have become highly sen-
sationalistic: violent, full of sexual content, and built on gossip and
innuendo. Over time, information marketers have discovered the pre-
cise human information appetites that most attract attention. Different
forms of information and content are tastier than others to the human
brain; we have a neurobiological predilection for the extreme and the
titillating.1 Some people have become trapped in self-reinforcing silos
of such content, and thousands have suffered significant emotional
trauma and psychological injuries as a result. Therapeutic treatment
centers for the “information traumatized” have sprung up across the

1 Pariser, 2011, p. 14.

Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario) 121

The idea of what might be called a unified social experience has

become passé. A popular term among the young for older Americans is
“totalists,” referring to people with a nostalgic desire for experiencing
universal forms of information, experience, and truth. People attending
the same concert now have dramatically different experiences, courtesy
of the AR goggles they can purchase to add light shows, advertise-
ments, and even guest artists. More significantly, there is no longer a
single set of “news” to which all Americans are exposed. Newspapers
are now almost entirely digital, and the feeds have become as algorith-
mically directed as web searches or Netflix recommendations. Major
papers gather data on what readers are likely to want to see and feed
them those stories first. The same has become true of television news
broadcasts, which are now often “hosted” by AI-driven VR avatars that
can be programmed to give specific viewers the news that will draw
their attention.2
One associated problem is that people do not think they are in
closed realities. Polls consistently show that people assume they are
accessing a wide range of information, and they discount the degree
to which their interaction with the world takes place with blinders on.
They do not appreciate how cut off they are from a wide range of
In this emerging reality, herd behavior turns out to be more
common within fragmented silos of social interaction than in society
as a whole. Human beings are subject to panics and herd behavior in
general, but the larger and more diverse the social entity, the more
dampeners theoretically exist to constrain the herd rush in a certain
direction. Within an ideologically, nationally, ethnically, racially, or
politically homogenous silo, however, the dynamics of herding have
proven to be extreme and inevitable.

2 Pariser, 2011, p. 45.

122 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

The Wars of the Silos

Over time, these increasingly suspicious silos, along with broader social
trends of fragmentation and ideological polarization, have produced
an increasingly hostile series of aggressive actions between opposing
groups. These actions have included trolling, cyberbullying, iden-
tity theft, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and floods
of emails and prompts that overwhelm a computer or system. These
wars—though among virtual communities—pit states against states,
states against nonstate actors, and networks of nonstate groups against
similar networks. Billionaires fund information to reinforce the beliefs
of particular silos, and they help launch information wars—sometimes
aimed at persuasion, often morphing into vicious cyberbullying—on
The wars also focus on debates over facts. Conservative groups
skeptical of global warming funnel a constant stream of often mis-
leading information into receptive bubbles, as do some progressive
groups that are anti-vaccine or anti–genetically modified organisms
(GMOs). Wealthy individuals or political action committees can
simply decide that they want to believe something and, if that claim
roughly agrees with preexisting ideological convictions, they can gen-
erate information—usually a mix of real and fabricated—to foment
such beliefs.
Because of the fragmentation of the infosphere, these campaigns
have limits and can never achieve majority support. But the nature of
a fragmented society is such that they do not have to. A major lesson
of the last two decades is that, in a highly polarized situation in which
two political parties are in a gridlock, mobilizing even 30 percent of
the population against a major policy idea is enough to kill it. This is
especially true if most of that 30 percent lies within the base constitu-
encies of the two parties, and thus strike special fear into the hearts
of elected officials worried about primary challenges. In the past,
when such minorities opposed policy ideas—civil rights reforms, for
example—a larger bipartisan majority was available to override the
political obstruction. That is no longer the case.
Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario) 123

And this result has now been locked into place by the reality
of information bubbles. There does not seem to be any prospect of
re-creating a broad bipartisan majority on any issue, because no broad
collection of Americans can be assembled for anything. Information
professionals, whether corporate marketers, campaign managers, or
issue entrepreneurs, have in fact given up trying. They are now entirely
in the segmentation and specialization business. The problem for
democracy is that this business works very well to persuade small num-
bers of people of something that fits into their preconceptions, but it is
self-cancelling when it comes to building large-scale social consensus.
An accompanying trend is the fragmentation of expert commu-
nities, or epistemic communities, that had played some role in draw-
ing together scientific knowledge. There are well-established, compet-
ing subgroups in most expert fields that regularly attack one another
through social media, wars that are spilling over into academic journals
and other forums. In some cases, the visions seem relatively arbitrary;
they are not all ideological, and some subgroups seem to form around
specific personalities or academic theories. Increasingly, the focus of
academic activity is to discredit competing academic silos; specific
departments are associated with one or another silo, as they previously
had been associated with a school of thought.
There are parallel silos at the global level. Some autocratic states
have had success sustaining national-level narratives with at least some
residual appeal amid the fragmentation—far more so than democratic
societies. Major autocracies are making use of these trends by trying
to create and then wall off massive echo chambers that equate to their
national or ethnic populations, including their diasporas. One way
they are exporting their narratives is by forcing conditions on foreign
companies and organizations for the right to engage with them. Even
by 2018, for example, China had forced over 500 academic journals to
blot out a handful of selected words—including “Tiananmen,” “Dalai
Lama,” and “Tibet”—from their articles.3 (The online versions of the

3 China’s censorship efforts in this area are recounted in Evan Osnos, “Making China
Great Again,” New Yorker, January 8, 2018.
124 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

articles now come complete with retractions, as if they are declassified

government documents.)

A Burgeoning Landscape of Cyberharassment

One trend closely associated with the growth of echo chambers has been
the explosion of the trolling ethic: widespread cyberharassment that
characterizes the “wars of the silos.” Despite growing efforts by several
social media platforms, websites, and governments, the infosphere has
become, in this reality, a notably crueler and more intimidating place.4
Cyberharassment and bullying have their roots partly in the mas-
sive trolling community that emerged a decade ago, on sites where
angry, ironic bands of self-styled mischief-makers gathered to launch
massive campaigns against any target that sparked their ire. One of
the most infamous campaigns was Gamergate, in which women in the
gaming community were subject to vicious, misogynistic, and some-
times brutally threatening online attacks.5 These communities of cyber
storm troops have both fragmented and metastasized, and the web is
increasingly a place of anarchic wars of all-against-all in which waves of
cyberattack are met with equally comprehensive ripostes.
A decade ago, conducting such an attack was a laborious act of
cybercraftsmanship. Each step had to be hand coded. Today, such
attacks are driven by AI engines custom-built to destroy people’s lives
using cyber means. These attack bots have a repertoire of thousands
of potential actions to take and align an initial strategy with a target’s
seeming vulnerabilities, using various algorithmic guidance. They then
track responses, such as public statements by or about the targets, evi-
dence of actions they have taken, and the changing shape of available
data about them, and escalate or tailor the ongoing campaign to what

4 To be clear, cyberharassment and bullying were likely to become significant components

of any potential future information scenarios; they are inherent to a shared infosphere. But
in an era of highly fragmented and often warring subcomponents, the echo chamber future
has proven especially vulnerable to an explosion of these practices.
5 Nagle, 2017, pp. 15–17, 24–25, 35.
Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario) 125

they see. All it takes now is for an official in one of the cyberaggres-
sor countries to push a button, and a life is effectively destroyed. And
because of the sophistication in spoofing and other means of conceal-
ment, AI-conducted cyberattacks are exceptionally difficult to trace.
Many of these attacks increasingly make use of the IoT as an
avenue for harassment. An especially prominent commentator on one
side of a silo war may come home to find that the WiFi-connected ther-
mostat has been reprogrammed to overheat his or her house, or that the
smart refrigerator has ordered a hundred gallons of milk. More sinister
attacks have gone after the health of the targets, manipulating the set-
tings of their web-enabled pacemaker or insulin pump and modifying
the algorithm at their doctor’s office that processes test results.
The result is an era in which the price for speaking up online—
and, in especially virulent silo wars, the price of merely viewing certain
content—can be very high. The danger of such information aggression
has had a widespread chilling effect on public dialogue.
As an ultimate response, small groups of people who had been
targeted began to join the “Off the Net” communities. Known col-
lectively as “Off the Netters,” these people had decided to back out
of the public online world. While they made extensive use of cutting-
edge technologies, such as renewable power and robotic medicine, they
cut themselves off entirely from networked information systems: social
media, the big five technology companies, smart homes, and the inter-
net itself.6 They established local banks, hospitals, grocery stores (an
innovation that had not been seen since the Amazon Food Warehouse
revolution of the early 2020s), all of which were entirely off-line. No
data is collected on anyone in digital form except medical records,
essential for effective diagnostics, and those are housed in air-gapped
servers protected by high-level security. Several of these communities
(which have now grown to contain more than 8 million residents in the
United States and an equal number in Europe) began reaching out to

6 One irony of this development is that Off the Net communities at first had to reassemble
construction firms that knew how to build a “dumb” home, without a high-speed nervous
system of information pipes to connect and run every electronic system. Smart homes had
become so ubiquitous that most construction companies had forgotten how to build any-
thing else.
126 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

victims of massive cyberharassment campaigns, offering them a place

of refuge where they can leave their corrupted public personas behind.
Part of the challenge in dealing with such attacks is that even
today, a decade into the practice of cyberharassment, law enforcement
authorities seldom give cyberharassment a high priority or have the
technical skills to do much about it. To most local police, such an
attack will typically seem like an abstract case for which they have no
real expertise. National-level law enforcement, meanwhile—in addi-
tion to being overwhelmed these days with cases of extremists, radicals,
militias, and other direct violent threats—typically has certain thresh-
olds for being involved in a case. There are now so many national-level
cyber threats that attacks on individuals generally go uninvestigated,
unless the targets have the resources to hire a cyber detection and deter-
rence agency for themselves.
Such firms have become one of the fastest-growing components
of the tech world. They represent a combination of antivirus software,
private detective agency, home security company, and mafia protection
racket. For a significant annual fee, tied to the “targetable ratio” of the
potential customer (how likely they are to run afoul of some foreign
government), these firms offer an insurance policy against cyberharass-
ment. If and when it occurs, they will try to determine the source; send
out notifications to friends, family, and coworkers; fix data corrupted
in the attack; shut down fake sites and posts; and fight back, taking
offensive action against any networks that seem to be responsible for
the attack. Some of the rougher-edged firms even employ former spe-
cial forces soldiers in a handful of countries to visit hackers and deliver
the message with a personal touch.
This pattern of harassment also extends to organizations. North
Korea set a modern precedent for such strategies with its attacks on
Sony Pictures in 2014 and its parallel attack to undermine a British
documentary about North Korean kidnapping. North Korea man-
aged to scare away potential investors in the film.7 Such strategies are
commonplace today, and major U.S. and European media compa-

7 David E. Sanger, David D. Kirkpatrick, and Nicole Perlroth, “The World Once Laughed
at North Korean Cyberpower. No More,” New York Times, October 15, 2017.
Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario) 127

nies generally refuse any project that they believe will offend any of
the world’s major cyberpowers. China has employed trolls and bots
to crush any discussion online of unwelcome topics, including Tibet.
These attacks have included direct harassment as well as the equivalent
of denial-of-service attacks used to flood certain discussions.8
In a world of blurring boundaries between public and private
actors, national governments do not have to undertake such campaigns
of harassment directly. In many cases they can merely turn loose script
kiddies: people willing to act as online proxies for the aggressive social
manipulator. The larger echo chambers online have associated “mili-
tias” whose job it is to police countervailing opinions and launch coun-
terattacks in response to any aggression against the silo of belief. Such
retaliatory attacks have sometimes been empowered with innovative
funding techniques. Hostile actors have crowdfunded the efforts, with
Russian state agencies, for example, crowdsourcing “patriotic” Rus-
sians (and others around the world anxious to degrade U.S. power) to
pay coders to attack U.S. targets.9
Another leading trend in these aggressive practices has been their
growing precision through efforts to target specific foreign individuals
marked as threats to the regimes. Many of these efforts take the form
of classic cyberbullying, online harassment, and identity theft, includ-
ing compromising targets’ personal information, taking out loans or
credit cards in their name, and sending threatening messages to home
and work email accounts. But some campaigns have gone well beyond
those prosaic approaches to many other forms of cyberharassment: cre-
ating false websites with allegedly compromising information; generat-
ing faked videos using high-grade digital mimicry programs that alleg-
edly show the targets stealing, killing, or in intimate contexts; hacking
official databases to corrupt the targets’ tax or police records; sending
critical emails to dozens of friends and colleagues; and hacking targets’

8 Segal, 2016, p. 215.

9 This strategy is already in evidence; see Hannes Grassegger and Mikael Krogerus,
“Weaken from Within,” New Republic, November 2, 2017.
128 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

social media pages to post offensive material supposedly in their name.10

The attacks also combine real-world actions with cyberstrikes, such as
planting drugs in a target’s apartment and then notifying the police or
having couriers deliver seemingly handwritten notes. But everything
is done remotely. They even send crude and self-incriminating emails
seemingly from the target, using spoofing techniques to conceal the
origins of the messages.

Information-Based Aggression and the Silo Future

The emergence of a more fragmented infosphere of dominant echo

chambers has proved to be an enormous boon to information-based
One obvious technique has been to identify silos of especially
extreme, grievance-fueled, and paranoid belief and amp the mem-
bers up to violent levels of social discontent. There have been multiple
examples already of local protests, some of which have turned violent,
spurred by fabricated (or exaggerated) information pumped into these
groups. These attacks have also been fueled by the acquisition of colos-
sal databases of individualized data on Americans by foreign powers,
in some cases directly stolen from social media platforms or market-
ing firms or painstakingly built from dozens of specific data thefts. It
is said that there is a group of social scientists in Moscow with a more
precisely tuned understanding of U.S. social dynamics than any politi-
cal scientist in the United States, but this is only a rumor.
In the process, information aggressors are taking advantage of
natural herd behaviors in large groups, which are even more consistent
among echo chambers than among the population at large. Manipu-
lators expertly target the influencers in specific social networks who
dominate one silo or echo chamber and trigger cascades of discussion

10 Many of these examples are drawn from the case described in Brooke Jarvis, “Me Living
Was How I Was Going to Beat Him,” Wired, December 2017. It cites one statistic that by
2016 over 10 million Americans reported that they had been threatened with, or had experi-
enced, the unauthorized sharing of explicit images online.
Future 2: Silos of Belief (2024 Scenario) 129

and belief—and, if they are lucky, fury and resentment—based on

sometimes fabricated, sometimes simply exaggerated stories.
In the process, information aggressors are also seeking to exac-
erbate the siloization of U.S. society by spreading stories (sometimes
real, sometimes not) that intensify mutual suspicions. Echo chambers
around liberal scientific themes will get a steady stream of informa-
tion about the evils of conservative scientists manning countervailing
silos, and populist echo chambers will be bombarded with information
about how daily events reflect the conspiratorial “deep state” in action;
anyone speaking for one of a dozen alternative echo chambers should
not be trusted. These trends were well under way in the infosphere, and
they provided excellent raw material for manipulators to work with.
Campaigns of societal aggression are also turning the increasingly
AI-driven, automated aspects of the information environment against
democracies. One important tool now being used by hostile powers
and groups is the corruption of the algorithms that targeted marketers
use to access information bubbles.11 In some cases, they will direct very
partisan, hostile messages to the opposite side of the spectrum to cause
anger and hostility. They will hack newspaper algorithms to push spe-
cific sets of stories onto people that either are favorable to the aggres-
sor’s point of view or simply cause anxiety.
This future is evolving rapidly and in ways clearly injurious to
social and democratic stability. The degree of siloization of the U.S.
public (and the publics of other advanced democracies) is mixed; some
are much more deeply embedded in exclusive echo chambers than
others, and the effect on shared perceptions is not uniform. But the
general trend has been an acceleration and deepening of these devel-
opments and, in particular, the rise of increasing hostility and out-
right informational conflict among the silos. Where it is headed, and
whether countertrends will emerge soon, remains unclear.

11 Danah Boyd, “Your Data Is Being Manipulated,” Data and Society, Points, October 4,

Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms

(2026 Scenario)

The General Future

In the decade leading up to 2026, vast amounts of personalized infor-

mation about everyone have been integrated into huge databases across
the IoT, social media, medicine, law, employment, and a dozen other
fields. Increasingly, both public and private organizations are employ-
ing algorithmic decisionmaking to make sense of this flood of informa-
tion. The process began with algorithms to determine internet search
results and make suggestions to consumers based on their browsing
and purchasing histories—the “if you liked that, you will love this”
model. But now the use of algorithmic decisionmaking has exploded
into a dozen different fields. Algorithms today decide, or at least make
powerful initial recommendations for decisions, on the treatment of
disease (and the point at which continued treatment is no longer jus-
tified), sentencing for criminals, hiring of employees, deployment of
law enforcement units across cities, and much more. Those algorithms
build on the essential foundation of an algorithmic era: the oceans of
data available on citizens, or what might be called a cloud of knowing.
In so many ways, algorithmic decisionmaking has improved
human life. It has offered unprecedented forecasting accuracy regard-
ing a range of illnesses and medical conditions, allowing, in some
cases, prompt treatment and cures. It has empowered targeted polic-
ing in some cities with measurable effects on crime rates. It has, in
some specific instances, introduced a new degree of objectivity into
sentencing, reducing the sentences faced by some new offenders for

132 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

specific categories of crimes and producing what has been broadly

viewed as enhanced justice in those areas. It has measurably improved
the efficiency of thousands of businesses, including in their energy
usage, which has contributed to the important goal of reducing carbon
But the rush to deploy such algorithms has taken place piecemeal,
without much oversight or discussion of their social implications. And
despite their favorable potential, they are vulnerable to social manipu-
lation and indicative of a larger trend toward machine-driven decision-
making with complex implications that are not well understood.

The Cloud of Knowing

Over the last several years, progress in several information-related tech-

nologies, such as big data, the IoT, AI, and more, have accelerated and
converged around one emerging reality: the intense, shared awareness
of massive amounts of data about every individual human being in the
developed world (and the more globally integrated elements of devel-
oping world populations as well). The total amount of data in these
systems has continued to double roughly every two years,1 generating
requirements (and markets) for massive new cloud-based data host-
ing services, AI-driven search and manipulation functions, and other
means of hosting and manipulating these mind-boggling amounts of
For years now, every person has been leaving a “digital exhaust”2
of choices, preferences, habits, personal information, relationships,
purchases, and much more. For a decade or more, every person’s every
move online has been tracked, cataloged, and assessed, in large part
using tracking “cookies” sent to the user’s browser by various sites. Peo-

1 International Data Cooperation, “Executive Summary: Data Growth, Business Oppor-

tunities, and the IT Imperatives,” in The Digital Universe of Opportunities: Rich Data and the
Increasing Value of the Internet of Things, Framingham, Mass., April 2014.
2 The term comes from Dale Neef, Digital Exhaust, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson FT
Press, 2014. See also National Public Radio, “Big Data Revolution,” TED Radio Hour, Sep-
tember 9, 2016.
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 133

ple’s choices of movies, their web searches, their inputs to online dic-
tionaries, and their tweets and social media comments have generated a
fantastic amount of data. By 2016, Acxiom, Cambridge Analytica, and
similar firms had collected between 1,000 and 5,000 individual pieces
of information about every American.3 With the advent of the IoT,
that stream exploded and became increasingly interlinked. Billions of
devices are now connected to shared data systems, and they are getting
progressively smaller, with many smart sensors now smaller than the
human eye can see. Some estimates suggest that the 500 billion IoT
devices in place already account for nearly $3 trillion in world gross
domestic product (GDP).4
Ubiquitous sensing and data collection now gathers information
on a million distinct subjects, including how quickly people drink their
milk, as sensed by their smart refrigerator; the quality of their per-
sonal waste, as assessed by their smart toilet; what they say as children,
as recorded and archived by their smart toys;5 how long they linger
on stories about female U.S. novelists as opposed to male British film
stars, as reported by their news subscriptions on their iPad; the precise
measurements of their body as well as a hundred data points (many
personality-related) that help virtual fashion assistants choose the right
wardrobe for them;6 and the ideas they express in their social media
posts, as tracked, collated, and analyzed by AI-driven bots. Every day,
terabytes of such data join the troves of personal information available
on public and easily hackable databases, including the finest details of
their medical, psychological, and educational histories, all now stored
together to allow machine-learning analytics targeted at well-being,
with their daily mood and location (and persistent location history)
tracked by their new FitBit Emote or other mobile fitness-tracking

3 Pariser, 2011, pp. 6–7.

4 Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, 2015, p. 8.
5 Erik Silfversten, “A Smart Toy Could Have Personal Details for Life, Not Just for Christ-
mas,” RAND Blog, December 2017; Norwegian Consumer Council, #Toyfail: An Analysis of
Consumer and Privacy Issues in Three Internet-Connected Toys, Oslo, December 2016.
6 Drew Harwell, “Companies Race to Gather a Newly Prized Currency: Our Body Mea-
surements,” Washington Post, January 16, 2018.
134 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

device. By 2021, almost 250 million such wearable devices were being
sold every year.7
The Cloud (the term people are now using as a shorthand descrip-
tion of the mass of data hanging over their lives and crowding into
every choice and opportunity) knows whether your children are on
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication, what
their latest grades were, and the relationship between the two (and
the relationship of each to a thousand other variables). It knows what
their teachers think about them to a far greater degree than what their
parents know. It knows who your friends are, knows about their habits
and preferences, and knows how to use those data to predict your
behavior, to a fine statistical probability. It knows the language you
use when writing—favorite words and phrases, common grammati-
cal errors, etc.—and what this says about your personality and prefer-
ences. It knows where you have driven your car, as gathered by GPS-
enabled sensors (now standard in essentially every new vehicle sold in
the United States) and communicated through the auto company, and,
as a result, can make strong inferences about your behavior.8 (Regular
trips to the liquor store tell the system one thing; a sudden spate of
stops at an urgent care center would tell it something else.) Through
persistent surveillance and facial recognition, it knows what mood you
are in and, in some cases, can approximate what you are thinking.
Increasingly, in fact, every item in society, whether financial,
social, or political, is less important for what it is than for the data it
gathers and transmits. Automobiles now have 200 to 300 times more
lines of code than the original space shuttle.9 A child’s toy has the
processing power of early supercomputers. Dolls, iPads, exercise equip-
ment, diabetic sensors, and much more are most valuable for what
they tell The Cloud—and those who seek to profit from it—about
their users. Companies are selling the physical items as loss leaders

7 Patrick Tucker, “Strava’s Just the Start: The US Military’s Losing War Against Data
Leakage,” Defense One, January 31, 2018.
8 Peter Holley, “Big Brother on Wheels: Why Your Car Company May Know More About
You Than Your Spouse,” Washington Post, January 15, 2018.
9 The number in 2018 was 200 times greater (Holley, 2018).
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 135

to get customers into a permanent information relationship. And this

information, coursing in unbelievably massive torrents through various
information networks, is generally weakly protected and available to
just about any enterprising hacker willing to dip a prospecting pan into
the flowing streams of data.
Through about 2020, these trends continued to generate a debate
about privacy. That term has now largely dropped from the public
dialogue. The standing assumption—apart from a small but growing
number of “Off the Netters,” people forming high-tech but “data-free”
communities in remote areas—is that everything you do, say, believe,
or buy (if it is not consciously hidden from the array of sensors and
bots surrounding us) is now captured into The Cloud. The goal is no
longer to fight this reality but to navigate within it and make the best
use of it possible.
There is no longer any such thing as a “private self” disconnected
from The Cloud. There is only a collective self, a massive collection
of data that exists as a virtual representation of our actual selves and
drives a million AI-authored actions every day.10 And this collection
is increasingly orchestrated by a massive and interlinked spiderweb of
The reality became unavoidable partly because of a continued
trend of massive growth by the core tech companies of the emerging
era: Alphabet (Google), Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft.11
Their growth was fueled by an accelerating cycle of profits, grabbing
up innovating firms, research and development to generate new capa-
bilities, and rising market share (and thus more profits). Any new firm
or constellation of firms that sought to challenge them in any mean-
ingful area, such as medical data, content provision, or smart home
networks, has been crushed or bought. They became the inverse of
what was expected from the high-tech era: large rather than small, with

10 On the growth of neural networks capable of data analysis, see Cade Metz, “Finally,
Neural Networks That Actually Work,” Wired, April 21, 2015.
11 China has a parallel set of firms—AliBaba, Baidu, Tencent, and others—but they have
become largely walled off from the outside internet. Their reach beyond China is confined
to secondary networks that are air-gapped from the core mainland networks and serve the
ethnic Chinese diaspora throughout Asia.
136 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

central control rather than grassroots authority. The latest estimate is

that these five companies control something like 85 percent of all the
elements, such as databases, companies, and technologies, of the inter-
linked big-data world.

Interactive Data

Through about 2019–2020, this data remained a largely issue-specific

collection of facts that could be purchased by marketers or politicians
or used by websites to drive sales. Amazon used what people bought
and looked at to predict future interest and push sales, Google con-
tinued to perfect its search engine algorithms for targeted marketing,
and a drug company could buy data on people’s medical histories to
sell its product. But over the last two years, sparked by a surge in AI
capabilities and tech company mergers, The Cloud has become much
more interlinked and vastly smarter. It now anticipates, evaluates, and
guesses with astonishing accuracy, at least about a certain category of
individual and collective actions most subject to algorithmic prediction.
With a few keystrokes, one of the data engineers overseeing elements
of The Cloud (though with the explosion of machine-learning–driven
AI, the idea of “oversight” is becoming less and less meaningful) can
get a highly accurate impression of many things about any individual:
where they have been and where they are planning to go—and where
they are likely to go; what they have bought; and, to a 70–80 percent
probability, what they will buy over the coming month. The origins
of this knowledge lie in the algorithms developed by such firms as
Netflix, which have long been able to predict how well someone would
like a given movie, within a roughly 10 percent margin of error.12
At the same time, The Cloud no longer waits on conscious human
intervention to undertake such analysis or make such choices. It is home
to millions of purpose-built algorithms that anticipate human behavior
with growing accuracy, in many cases applied and continually refined
by more than a billion AI-driven bots that constantly assess the data

12 Pariser, 2011, p. 8.
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 137

and then take actions to advance preprogrammed goals. With the IoT
and other networked aspects of a broadly unified cloud, the messages,
ads, tracing functions, and other contact points of this process follow
users from device to device, site to site, and place to place. The Cloud
observes and responds to actions without anyone being involved. In
many important respects, it is a driverless network. “The algorithms
that orchestrate our ads are starting to orchestrate our lives,” Pariser
wrote in 2011.13 Today, in 2026, the effect is ubiquitous.
And The Cloud increasingly operates in real time. Long gone
are the days when someone’s digital exhaust was laboriously gathered
into databases that could be weeks or even months old. Now, people
interact with a dozen instantaneous information-gathering sensors:
watches, implants, built-in cameras and microphones, social media
platforms, and more.14 Radio-frequency identification (RFID) devices
have been implanted in just about all meaningful items you purchase,
allowing them to be tracked when they pass within range of any RFID
sensor—of which there are now billions spread throughout the coun-
try. Even your possessions are generating digital exhaust.15 The result is
a constantly updated sense of behavior and preferences that produces
messages (such as ads) and is then iterated based on the reactions to
those messages.
As a result, interactive platforms and systems have had to become
far more responsive and nimbler. By 2019, basic personalized ad sys-
tems had arrived in stores, consisting of video banners and speakers
that would offer specific products and discounts to specific individuals
as they walked by, sometimes broadcast on their AR headsets (or gener-
ated as AR cartoons in the images captured by their smartphones). At
first, though, they were single, inflexible messages. Within 18 months,
that gave way to an agile, responsive engagement: The system would
throw out an ad, gauge the emotional and biophysical response, see if

13 Pariser, 2011, p. 9.
14 By 2021, a third of Americans had accepted tiny implants in their forearms designed
to convey health data to medical professionals, but which also offered marketers
second-by-second readings of emotional reactions to advertisements and products.
15 Pariser, 2011, p. 198.
138 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

the person was slowing to look or think, and then adapt the message.16
It could lower the price, toss in one of a number of “nudges” (grounded
in behavioral economics insights) judged to be effective with this indi-
vidual, offer a message from a virtual avatar of a famous person, or
more. The Cloud had empowered the world to interact with people on
a constant basis in a highly personalized way.
Part of the problem, though—the significance of which few
anticipated early on—is that even the designers of the algorithms often
do not quite know why they spit out the results they do. This was clear
enough at the beginning: Google coders, authors of some of the most
sophisticated search algorithms on the planet, could build the equa-
tion and watch the data come in, but, at a certain point, there were so
many variables involved that they could no longer follow the causal
links to the outputs. They simply could not explain why their algo-
rithmic machines generated the results they did. This mystery was less
important when, for example, they could not explain the precise results
of an internet search. In 2026, with algorithms generating conclusive
social choices on everything from health care decisions to mortgage
approvals and criminal sentences, people are starting to object to the
standard-issue answer that “the numbers don’t lie.” Nobody knows,
frankly, whether they are lying or not. All anyone knows are the high-
level associational patterns that seem to prove the algorithms are work-
ing. But no one can know for sure whether any specific case—such as
an output that recommends heart surgery instead of medication or a
ten-year sentence instead of five—is an outlier.
One surprising source of data has come from the explosion of
chatbots over the last decade. One of the first to gain widespread use
and reaction was Microsoft’s Tay, which served as a powerful warning
of the risks of interactive machine learning. Trolls decided to corrupt
the system and flooded it with comments in the voice of Nazi sympa-
thizers, and Tay, “learning” from its interactions, began to repeat back
those comments to many unsuspecting users. Subsequent efforts have
become much more reliable and realistic: A Chinese version (Xiaoice,
also from Microsoft) quickly followed, and by 2016 was producing

16 Silhavy et al., 2017, p. 377.

Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 139

remarkably well-received dialogues, prompting some users to declare

their love for the bot.17 Generating powerful connective tissue between
human beings and chatbots was easier than many had assumed.
Over the last two years on Facebook, through tailor-made phone
apps or just online, chatbots have become the 2020s equivalent of
the app craze of a decade ago. Thousands have emerged, each with
a slightly different focus and all grounded in AI engines of varying
sophistication. Many are counselors, programmed with hordes of
clinical psychologists’ wisdom. Some are trainers: Set up your EVM-
enabled phone to watch you play basketball (or work out or ride a bike),
and then discuss the results with your AI coach, which has evaluated
the video for tendencies and problems. Some are religious advisors or
life coaches. Some are educational and act as experts in any of a thou-
sand subjects. Some are just friends, available in any race, gender, eth-
nicity, religion, personality, age, or any other variation you might want.
(There are a wide variety of artificial romantic partners, for those so
inclined.) Some are historical figures and others are avatars of present-
day celebrities, athletes, or politicians.
Early versions of the chatbots were strictly textual: enter a message,
get an AI-driven reply. Often, they were just good for a lark, to laugh at
some of the silly responses the first-generation AI engines dreamed up.
Very quickly, however, thanks to iterated improvement and machine
learning, developers had generated avatars and then highly realistic
embodiments of human forms that “say” the responses dictated by the
AI engine. Now there is a huge range of chatbots, including a few old
text ones, many audio ones, and an increasing number of high-fidelity
video versions, which are so lifelike that, when encountered through
Skype or another online portal, most users simply refuse to believe that
they are not interacting with an actual person.

17 See Hannah Devlin, “Human-Robot Interactions Take Step Forward with ‘Emotional’
Chatbot,” The Guardian, May 5, 2017; Liz Tracy, “In Contrast to Tay, Microsoft’s Chinese
Chatbot, Xiaolce, Is Actually Pleasant,” Inverse, March 26, 2016; and Taylor Soper, “Why
People in China Love Microsoft’s Xiaoice Virtual Companion, and What It Says About Arti-
ficial Intelligence,” GeekWire, November 25, 2015.
140 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

The Cloud Knows Where You Have Been—and What You


What users often do not realize, even though the dense user agree-
ments make it clear, is that everything they say or do when engaging a
chatbot is being recorded, processed, and evaluated for use by other ele-
ments of the IoT and The Cloud. Their opinions, thoughts, reactions
to ideas raised by the chatbot, offhand comments, and even what they
might be doing (doodling, knitting, multitasking with a phone, etc.)
while talking to the bot are recorded. Selling “engagement time” on
chatbots is now a huge market. A company might buy 30 seconds on a
cooking education bot you use, direct it to suggest to you a particular
product, sense your reaction, modify and iterate, and then track your
later purchases to see if you buy it.
In some locations, The Cloud has come to include an ongoing
record of recent events, which some have taken to calling a “digital
past.” A combination of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, pri-
vate security cameras that have agreed to be linked into The Cloud,
and a web of constantly circling drones maintain an ongoing video
portrait of a given city, generating a form of persistent surveillance.
When a crime happens, police can go back to the digital record for
that moment and then work backward, discovering the route of the
criminals before the crime, or forward, tracing their movements.18 Law
enforcement departments across the country, partly funded by gen-
erous donations from law-and-order–focused wealthy philanthropists,
are building a shared database of photos of everyone they arrest, which
can be used in concert with pervasive facial recognition (PFR) to locate
That backward-looking capability has been linked to real-time
surveillance in the form of PFR systems. In most urban areas today,
people who do not intentionally evade detection will be constantly
scanned by high-resolution facial recognition technologies capable of

18 Such a system has already been used to track insurgents in Iraq and has been deployed on
a trial basis in Dayton, Ohio. See “Eye in the Sky,” Radiolab, June 18, 2015.
19 Pariser, 2011, pp. 194–195.
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 141

over 90 percent accuracy with less than a second of exposure time.

Scanners can assign digital “ankle bracelets” to suspected individuals,
and the system will track their movements on a constant basis.20 Police
in most major cities are now equipped with sunglasses with cameras
that conduct a constant facial recognition search of passing citizens,
looking for hits on suspected criminals.21 When the system hits on a
wanted individual, automatic signals are sent to tracker drones, which
race to the location to detain the individual until police can arrive. In
some cities, when habitual jaywalkers are sensed approaching an inter-
section, their phone beeps with a texted warning; people using public
bathrooms who grab large amounts of toilet paper or paper towels get
a similar note.
These broad-based surveillance systems have been joined by EVM
technologies, which can sense the tiniest details in scenes captured by
the cameras. These details can include everything from the twitches of
a person’s eye muscles, to changes in blood flow through veins sensed
through the skin, to the tiniest shifts in solid objects.22 People who
seem to be trying to evade the recognition system—with distractions,
such as sunglasses, hats, and beards—are routinely stopped for identity
checks. Where such persistent surveillance is in place, no one can be
confident that he or she can move around without being sensed. But
the surveillance is often billed as helpful: Our iPads and Kindle readers
now sense our reactions to every idea in every book we read.23

20 For a description of the technologies being developed as of 2018 by the Chinese firm
SenseTime, see Osnos, 2018. The jaywalking and toilet paper examples that follow are
drawn from this account.
21 Zheping Huang, “Chinese Police Are Wearing Sunglasses That Can Recognize Faces,”
Defense One, February 9, 2018.
22 Wu et al., 2012.
23 Suggested in Yuval Noah Harari, “Big Data, Google, and the End of Free Will,” Finan-
cial Times, August 26, 2016.
142 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Ruled by Algorithm: Surrendering to the POPE

The system’s Orwellian implications have been softened by reports of

dozens of helpful and even lifesaving applications. Lost children have
been recovered in minutes. Abducted children have been rescued: Par-
ents can set a range warning on their children, so that if the system
detects them moving more than a mile from home or school without
prearrangement by the family, police are dispatched. Suicides have been
prevented. Oncoming strokes have been diagnosed by EVM cameras
and AI engines, with ambulances sent to arrive just before the stroke
occurred. In more prosaic ways, stores can detect the preferences of
passing customers to offer discounts, and marketers can promote prod-
ucts with surgical precision.
In the smart home of 2026, someone walking around in a bad
mood is likely to be approached by his PFR- and EVM-guided, AI-
driven virtual concierge (the vastly smarter and more human descen-
dants of Siri, Alexa, and other crude, first-generation interactive
systems).24 “You seem to be bummed today, Jeremy,” it might say, then:

How about I order your favorite Chinese dish? I can have it here
in 23 minutes, and there’s still a Duvel beer left in the back of the
fridge. The money you set aside for food this week still has $50
left, plenty for the order. Or I can suggest eight approved recipes
you could put together with the food you have in the house, and
we can walk through them together while I play some nice jazz
in the kitchen.

The Cloud would be constantly gathering the results of millions

of such interactions, parsing the resulting data for relationships and
hints to iterate its performance.
In the same very fine-tuned and intuitive way a spouse might
become attuned to his or her partner’s facial expressions, able to read
mood and preferences in ways that go well beyond verbal communica-
tion, The Cloud can perform a reasonable facsimile of such attunement.

24 A brief description of several emerging “digital counselors” is Signe Brewster, “I Spent a

Week Living with Chatbots—Did All That Self-Help Help?” Wired, January 4, 2018.
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 143

The critical implication—already much in evidence a decade

ago but now increasingly ubiquitous—is the fact that algorithms now
make thousands of social decisions previously left to human judgment.
Today, when a teenager is arrested for the first time on a minor
charge, it is an algorithm—not a judge—that will decide his or her
punishment. When someone arrives at an emergency room, sensors
will gather thousands of pieces of data, marry them to the individual’s
medical record on file, and then algorithms will direct the hospital
staff on treatment. Algorithms, combined with AI-driven, VR inter-
active chatbots, have replaced therapists in many cases of lower-level
therapeutic treatment. They are deciding how much of a city’s wel-
fare budget to spend on what programs and where to place foster chil-
dren. They are determining the answers to mortgage applications and
increasingly predicting who, at ages 22–25, will be financially respon-
sible at ages 40–50 and therefore should be granted access to special
financial programs.25
Equipped with this burgeoning range of capabilities, the activities
of The Cloud have come to reflect a basic idea known as the “principle
of passive election,” or POPE.26 If the AI programs can provide an
accurate sense of what you are likely to do, need, or think regarding
various issues,27 why go through the trouble of making such a deci-
sion through conscious effort? (“Just do what the POPE says,” people
say.) The simplest example is shopping: The grocery store as we once
knew it has become a thing of the past, replaced with vast warehouses

25 On the general trend and its risks, see Danah Boyd, “Beyond the Rhetoric of Algorithmic
Solutionism,” Data and Society: Points, January 11, 2018.
26 This concept emerged in part from the writings on behavioral economics and the analysis
of how best to “nudge” people to make “more-accurate” decisions. Scholars writing in this
field cataloged human “irrationalities”—consciously choosing to earn less interest than they
might, for example—and sought to “correct” these anomalies with hints or implicit influ-
ence. A prominent example was in altering the default options on certain elective choices—
saving for retirement, for example. This principle of determining objectively more efficient
outcomes and presuming human choice to match them has now become generalized and
superempowered by The Cloud.
27 Scott Magids, Alan Zorfas, and Daniel Leemon, “The New Science of Customer Emo-
tions,” Harvard Business Review, November 2015.
144 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

run by Amazon. Big data showed that most people’s weekly food pur-
chases were 73 percent standard, so why waste the time of driving to a
19th-century grocery store and going through the same annoying pro-
cess every week? Smart refrigerators and preference algorithms, which
generate experimental purchases on the same “if you liked that, you
will love this” principle of Amazon’s website, make people’s choices
for them. Consumers can always override the system, but few do, and
surveys suggest that 90 percent of customers are satisfied with the deci-
sions The Cloud makes for them.
Around 2016, the scholar Yuval Noah Harari began calling this
mindset “Dataism.” “Given enough biometric data and computing
power,” he explained, “this all-encompassing system could understand
humans much better than we understand ourselves. Once that hap-
pens, humans will lose their authority, and humanist practices such as
democratic elections will become as obsolete as rain dances and flint
knives.”28 This loss of authority has now essentially occurred, with a
combination of sensors capable of gathering millions of discrete bio-
chemical, neurological, behavioral, and attitudinal data points on a
second-by-second basis and translating them into algorithmically based
preferences. The Dataists can rightly argue that on most choices, the
system does, as Harari worried, “understand my feelings much better
than I can,” and therefore makes objectively more-accurate decisions.29
As long as a decade ago, for example, it was established that algorithms
could make better judgments about people’s personalities, based on
their digital exhaust, than humans could.30
The POPE has been extended to other categories of purchases,
such as clothing, cars, and even houses. The Cloud often knows what
you want better than you do, in that it is a more objective evaluator of
preferences than your own bias-fueled decision engine. The principle
was long established in online dating sites, which have now become

28 Harari, 2016.
29 Harari, 2016.
30 Wu Youyou, Michael Kosinski, and David Stilwell, “Computer-Based Personality Judg-
ments Are More Accurate Than Those Made by Humans,” Proceedings of the National Acad-
emy of Sciences, Vol. 112, No. 4, 2015.
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 145

radically more accurate and effective. Almost no one would hazard

connecting with a possible mate against their advice: The numbers just
do not add up. now boasts a 37 percent “eventually marry”
figure for its “high-confidence” matches; data suggest that only 2 per-
cent of people who manually chose their dating partners end up in an
extended relationship.
The scholar Alex Pentland called one version of the resulting sci-
ence “social physics”: a “quantitative social science that describes reli-
able, mathematical connections between information and idea flow
on the one hand and people’s behavior on the other.” The ambitions
of the new science, as Pentland phrased them, were immodest: “Let
us imagine,” he hypothesized, “the ability to place an imaging cham-
ber around an entire community and then to record and display every
facet and dimension of behavior, communication, and social interac-
tion among its members.”31 He had in mind using data-driven forecasts
of human social behavior to design more–energy-efficient communi-
ties, smoother transportation flows, more-stable financial markets, and
more-effective medical interventions.
All of this has come to pass in 2026, even very nearly the degree
of data collection envisioned in his “imaging chamber” future. But
his anticipated applications have emerged as part of something much
bigger: the application of social physics to a growing number of human
The principle extends to areas well beyond economic choices. The
Cloud, expressed in the form of the POPE, instructs school principals
on which kids to pair with which teachers. It, not the coach or offensive
coordinator, comes into the National Football League (NFL) quarter-
back’s earpiece to suggest the next play. Based on emotional reactions,
it tells radio stations what songs to play next. It tells police forces where
to deploy their beat cops to get the best crime-prevention results. In a
first hint of the “predictive policing” described in such science-fiction
films as Minority Report, The Cloud can identify a small number of
people who have a greater-than-95-percent chance of committing a
major crime in the next week. Such people are now routinely picked up

31 Pentland, 2014, pp. 4, 9.

146 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

and warned, though society has not yet agreed to any actual punish-
ments for precrime intentions.32
Innovative scholars and programmers are now beginning to toy
with extending the POPE into politics. For the most part, the politi-
cal institutions of the developed world have continued to operate as
they were in the pre-Cloud days. (People increasingly refer to primi-
tive, time-consuming, and inefficient deliberative judgment on proba-
bilistic issues as “BTC [Before The Cloud] Junk.”) Politicians employ
all manner of sophisticated AI-driven advertising techniques, but the
essential structures and processes of legislatures and executives have
remained unchanged. The biggest difference has been in what decisions
are being made: One effect of an intelligent, data- and AI-driven cloud
has been to narrow dramatically the space for politics. The Cloud has
rendered a hundred social issues as technical probability challenges,
including education, law enforcement, poverty reduction, and energy
security. In so many areas, the POPE has replaced conscious, dialogue-
driven public choice as the way society applies resources and makes
judgments. And because the results are good—and measurable—
people are generally fine with this outcome.
Now there are proposals to essentially trade out the remaining
openly political decisions for the POPE. The Cloud can know, to a
high degree of probability, what people’s choices, behaviors, thoughts,
expressed ideas, and implied beliefs suggest they will want in a social
system. And it can build algorithms to create the optimal satisfac-
tion of the highest number of such preferences. It has the potential
to become, in effect, an AI-driven automated version of the rational-
ization of interests that the Founding Fathers believed would happen
through clash and compromise. All of that rationalization can happen
inside an equation, without the costs, distractions, tensions, and some-
times outright conflict of an open political process. It presents the same
choice, in the end, as when buying groceries: If The Cloud knows what

32 In less-open countries, such as Russia and China, the situation is very different. The gov-
ernments are rumored to have set their threshold for warnings at a 60 percent likelihood of
committing crimes, and they arrest and imprison anyone with a likelihood over 90 percent.
Those thresholds are for traditional crimes; for political disloyalty, the thresholds are much
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 147

people will end up preferring, why not empower it to take the actions
necessary to fulfill that preference?

Vulnerabilities and Risks

There have been glitches and there are risks, to be sure. Any large data
network is hackable, and profit-driven hackers have used every possible
angle to siphon resources off The Cloud. They steal FaceCoins and
AlphaCash; reroute driverless electric trucks full of groceries to black
market distribution points; and grab personal data and use it, as they
have for decades, to fuel identity theft. An especially significant trend
has been the use of supercharged ransomware attacks to lock down
major pieces of the interlinked Cloud (typically things tied into the
IoT), forcing either individual users or major corporations to pay mas-
sive amounts to unlock the information.
By and large, though, the system has proved more resilient than
many feared. This resilience has been a product of two things. First,
the very denseness and interconnectedness of the network turn out to
make it less vulnerable. There are very few single points of failure and
many backup systems and capabilities. Second, the most powerful AI
advances are proprietary to the big five firms, and they are deployed
to protect the stability of The Cloud. They anticipate, sense, and hunt
down various efforts to undermine or steal from it. The result is noth-
ing like perfect but has been largely good enough.
Another risk or popular vulnerability of The Cloud has been the
sense that it increasingly reflects a series of constraints on individual
freedom. Citizens of advanced democracies have increasingly begun to
see aspects of this algorithmic reality as sinister, slightly muted versions
of China’s infamous “social credit score”: a cruelly simplified number
that reflects a person’s reliability in economic and political terms.33
Even in the United States, access to key social goods, including loans
and jobs, as well as the best schools, doctors, and hospitals, is deter-

33 For a description of how the social credit score is working, see Mara Hvistendahl, “Inside
China’s Vast New Experiment in Social Ranking,” Wired, December 14, 2017.
148 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

mined by numeric representations of people’s lifelong behavior, stored

in databases whose operations are typically blocked to public scrutiny.
People are denied homes, employment, and admission to college for
reasons they do not understand. The public outcry against this trend
is growing and reflects a major vulnerability of this algorithmic deci-
sionmaking reality.
This trend reflects larger challenges with The Cloud’s relation-
ship to the populations it serves. One such challenge is the symbiosis
between the system and its criminals and saboteurs. A few extreme
neo-anarchist hackers style themselves as modern-day Unabombers,
believing that the entire Cloud-based system is wicked and must be
brought down. Mostly, however, the smarter hackers know that their
success depends on functioning networks. They are self-conscious about
their basic goal: to skim enough off the top to enrich themselves with-
out threatening the basic integrity of The Cloud.
There have been hundreds of documented cases in which a new
piece of profit-seeking malware began metastasizing through The
Cloud in unexpected and dangerous ways, and then cybersecurity
firms received mysterious instructions about how to best disable the
worms. The relationship between security officials and hackers has
taken on some of the characteristics of U.S.-Soviet relations in the
late Cold War: hostile but governed by a dense network of formal and
informal rules and norms and stabilized by some degree of personal
relationships (even if often virtual to protect real identities) and a sig-
nificant degree of mutual respect.
Still, a growing number of people, concerned about the fundamen-
tal absence of any shred of privacy, have taken to employing online ava-
tars as their Cloud-based personae, while leaving many aspects of their
real selves secret. These avatars have come to be known as “Echoes.”
Such an avatar reflects certain characteristics of the real person, in
order not to generate a massive flow of totally useless ads, offers, and
information, but is distinct in key ways: thus, an “echo” of the real
person. The dark web is full of sites that sell fully fleshed-out Echoes
embedded in primary databases and complete with personal informa-
tion (e.g., birth certificates, tax returns, and school transcripts); long-
term records of browsing and purchases; a fictitious address and whole
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 149

residence history; family histories added to ancestry websites; and even

fabricated appearances—faces generated with image-generation soft-
ware and hacked into facial recognition databases to make it appear as
if this invented “person” had been walking around various cities.
By far the biggest risk, however, is that such technologies, result-
ing in the automation of choice, have created a faceless hive mind that
divides Americans into favored and disfavored groups across a wide
range of issues. The technology is boosting inequality because it can
only look at how past performance ought to guide future outcomes.
It cannot account for the accidental, the change of trajectory, or the
potential for change, nor can it account for outliers that do not match
established patterns. The result has been to harden social divisions in
a world of automated choice, in which it has seemingly become even
more difficult to escape one’s accumulated reputation.

Information Aggression in an Algorithmic Future

The primary means of information-based aggression in this future

has been the direct manipulation of the digitized decision levers of
society. This emerging reality allows a far more sinister, indirect form
of aggression than simple disinformation or cyberattack: Rather than
interventions designed to use malware to corrupt systems, attackers are
increasingly hoping to hack the algorithms governing much of human
life. The goal is to make tiny tweaks, which would not be noticed for
weeks or months, that skew outcomes in damaging ways and throw
sand into the gears of the operation, exacerbating social frustrations
and affecting attitudes.
Recent years have seen a cascade of “tuning the algo” attacks in
sectors such as health care, human resources, internet searches, justice,
and social media platforms.34 It is believed that thousands of such mod-
ifications have taken place, though so far information security firms

34 Hackers who specialize in such attacks have become known as “tuners.” There are sites
on the dark web specifically devoted to this practice, where tuners share techniques, vulner-
abilities of algorithmic systems, and success stories.
150 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

have proven only several dozen, including a change to the program-

ming of a hiring algorithm that sought to exclude several minority can-
didates from consideration; a tweak to the code of a cancer-screening
algorithm that produced thousands of false-positive diagnoses; changes
to an algorithm used to predict recidivism among first-time offenders,
which began recommending long sentences to those with a high poten-
tial for reform and much shorter sentences for those likely to commit
new crimes.
These campaigns have been undertaken by state and nonstate
actors alike. Indeed, because of concerns about attribution, it is very
uncommon for agencies directly affiliated with nation states to attack
other states directly with such techniques. There is simply no need to
do so: States now have at their disposal a tremendous array of nonstate
militias, hacker collectives, patriotic cyber teams, profit-seeking cyber
privateers, and crowdsourcing and similar techniques to inspire pri-
vate actors without directing them. Most manipulation of algorithms
that has been discovered traces back to such private actors; a handful
have been arrested but most go unpunished. These opportunities have
offered a way for powers hostile to the United States to knit together
a global network of social manipulators, tens of thousands of people
around the world dedicated to constraining U.S. power and who
receive training, inspiration, and sometimes direction from quasi-state
One result of this wave of attacks has been to depress public con-
fidence in algorithmic decisionmaking as a rule. Because so many of
these systems have been hacked, the accuracy of most others has been
brought into question. Such lack of faith is exacerbated by the “black
box” character of so many algorithms: In cases where decisionmak-
ing processes have been developed through deep learning, the program
itself has evolved the underlying relationships, and the programmers
do not even know why it comes to some of its conclusions. In other
cases, the workings of even well-understood algorithms are held as pro-
prietary trade secrets, fueling conspiracy theories about their actual
terms. It has not taken much outside hostile manipulation to spark a
generalized loss of confidence in these programs.
Future 3: The Rise of the Algorithms (2026 Scenario) 151

The result of this range of attacks has been to further compro-

mise social trust, specifically in the nature of decisionmaking that has
become so characteristic of advanced democracies. For years, citizens
have seen more and more of their lives taken over by algorithms; now,
they are increasingly certain that these programs are regularly com-
promised and manipulated by hostile actors, whether domestic or for-
eign. Given the nature of the infosphere in this reality, these trends
are having devastating effects on the level of social and institutional
trust and causing rising grievances against the essential characteristics
of postmodern advanced democracy.

The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

The three futures described in the preceding chapters point to one

overarching truth about the emerging infosphere and the associated
risk of information-based aggression: Many current trends are pro-
ducing unprecedented vulnerabilities in the information environ-
ment of advanced democracies. This is the summary implication to
be drawn from the combined implications of accelerating trends in
the infosphere, the lessons of social science about attitudes and trust,
and the potential of a range of fast-developing technologies that relate
to information manipulation. Advanced democracies are increasingly
dependent on a foundation of databases and information processing,
much of it automated, for their daily activities and the fate and well-
being of their citizens. But in ways well beyond traditional scenarios
of cyberattack against physical targets, hostile actors, whether state or
nonstate, will have growing opportunities to disrupt and corrupt these
information foundations in coming years.
Free societies are, at their core, “information-processing
mechanisms.”1 Their economic markets and political processes rely on
the effective, secure handling and evaluation of various forms of infor-
mation. Social trust, as we have seen, depends on accurate perceptions
of other people and social institutions. The nature of these process-
ing systems, however, is changing along with the infosphere. Although
free societies have long been information-processing mechanisms in a
broad and conceptual sense, they are increasingly becoming so in quite

1 Braden R. Allenby, “The Age of Weaponized Narrative, or, Where Have You Gone,
Walter Cronkite?” Issues in Science and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 4, Summer 2017, p. 68.

154 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

literal, often automated, and sometimes entirely mysterious ways. The

character of the emerging infosphere is challenging enough to social
trust and stability even before hostile actors reach into the gears to dis-
turb the operation of these mechanisms.
Other major powers clearly view the manipulation of the infor-
mation environment as a leading strategy for national competition.
A 2011 statement of Russian cyber doctrine, to take just one exam-
ple, calls for efforts to attack “information systems, processes, and
resources” but also to undermine the adversary’s “political, economic,
and social system” and generate “massive brainwashing of the popula-
tion for destabilizing the society and the state.”2 Gradually expand-
ing techniques of aggression against the information foundations of
democracies could be viewed as a major competitive advantage.
Beyond direct intervention in the societies of competitors for the
purpose of disruption, illiberal regimes increasingly reach beyond their
borders to influence, coerce, and intimidate populations worldwide,
including claimed citizens, cultural fellows, or simply anyone who
becomes of interest as either a friend or adversary. Critics of Russia,
China, Iran, and other countries now face routine physical harassment
and, in many cases, abduction and disappearance anywhere in the
world.3 The capability to reach into other societies through their info-
sphere offers an unprecedented ability for illiberal states to universalize
their tactics of surveillance and intimidation in unprecedented ways.
Although this study has focused on informational mechanisms
of coercion and manipulation, such attacks on a country’s infosphere
could be increasingly combined with more-physical or more-kinetic
techniques that nonetheless stop short of what would be considered
outright aggression. An obvious example is traditional clandestine tar-
geting of specific individuals, such as regime opponents—as in the
alleged Russian use of chemical and biological weapons in Europe in
recent years. Other examples may soon include the use of autonomous

2 Quoted in Segal, 2016, p. 112.

3 See Osnos, 2018.
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 155

systems the size of insects (or eventually even smaller) in direct, drone-
based attacks highly targeted to individuals or locations.4

A New Form of Conflict: Virtual Societal Warfare

As we indicated in Chapter One, our research quickly suggested the

need for a more encompassing and suggestive term for the emerg-
ing reality than hostile social manipulation. What is emerging is more
encompassing than that term. States and nonstate actors increasingly
possess the ability to reach into other societies and cause significant
disruption short of major warfare or even any kinetic actions at all,
as such actions would, for example, satisfy the definitions of armed
conflict in the Charter of the United Nations. And yet the potential
activities go well beyond the narrow confines of propaganda, targeted
marketing, or other persuasive aspects of social manipulation.
We propose the term virtual societal warfare to capture the
emerging reality. This warfare involves the use of largely nonkinetic,
information-based aggression to attack the social stability of rival
nations. It is virtual because, for the most part, these strategies do not
employ direct physical violence or destruction. (This concept, there-
fore, excludes both direct military attack as well as large-scale cyber­
attacks designed to wreak havoc on a nation’s physical infrastructure
and cause actual damage.) It is societal because both the targets and
the participants in such campaigns stretch across society, and because
the goal is to undermine the efficient functioning, levels of trust, and
ultimately the very stability of the target society. And it is warfare
because, in its potentially more elaborate forms, it represents an activ-
ity designed to achieve supremacy over rival nations, not merely to gain
relative advantage in an ongoing competition but to gain decisive vic-
tory in ways that leave the target nation subject to the attacker’s will.
As the preceding chapters have suggested, virtual societal warfare
can take many forms in the context of the character of the emerging

4 Evans, 2015.
156 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

infosphere. It can involve any combination of the following techniques,

among others:

• deploying classic propaganda, influence, and disinformation oper-

ations through multiple channels, including social media, though
given what we know from social science research about attitude
and attitude change, these operations are likely to take the form
of targeting subsections of the population to intensify divisions
and polarization rather than attempting to shift or create new
beliefs wholesale in a population
• generating massive amounts of highly plausible fabricated video
and audio material to reduce the confidence in shared reality
• discrediting key mediating institutions that are capable of distin-
guishing between true and false information
• corrupting or manipulating the databases on which major com-
ponents of the economy increasingly rely
• manipulating or degrading systems of algorithmic decisionmak-
ing, both to impair day-to-day government and corporate opera-
tions and to intensify loss of faith in institutions as well as social
grievances and polarization
• hijacking VR and AR systems to create disruption or mental
anguish or to strengthen certain narratives
• inserting commands into chatbot-style interactive systems to gen-
erate inefficiencies and, in some cases, personal frustration and

In fully comprehensive virtual societal warfare, these informa-

tional components could be joined by other tools and techniques.
These could include direct political warfare and clandestine operations
designed to produce active fifth columns in a target country, perhaps
drawn from the diaspora or ethnically connected community of the
state using the above techniques. They could include the use of more-
kinetic cyberattacks, including targeted assassinations of opponents or
individuals of great importance to the adversary through microscopic
drones or personalized biological weapons and many other forms of
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 157

Virtual societal warfare is likely to have many essential character-

istics, which together reflect the essential nature and character of this
new form of warfare. A full understanding of these will only emerge
over time, but this analysis points to an initial set of characteristics that
can help to define and comprehend this emerging challenge. They are
described in the following sections.
National security will increasingly rely on a resilient infosphere and,
even more fundamentally, on a strong social topography. The elements of
a resilient infosphere are not well understood, but they likely include
classic forms of information security as well as strong mediating insti-
tutions and a population strongly inoculated against the techniques
of social manipulation. The United States and many other advanced
democracies have made some strides in information security but are
nowhere close to real resilience. No significant efforts have been made
to create a population and information environment resilient against
efforts to shape and build destructive narratives. Increasingly, there
may be a need for sources of information response alongside informa-
tion security for some forms of information attack: Who will someone
go to, for example, when they have become convinced that their thera-
peutic chatbot has been hijacked?
Pentland’s notion of “social physics”—the relationships among
elements of individual behavior and social capital and the way they
relate to one another—offers one of the best conceptualizations of
the terrain of virtual societal warfare. The scholar and practitioner of
information science Tim Hwang has explained the issue as a challenge
in assessing and managing the social topography of a nation and its con-
tours and vulnerabilities.5 Understanding this topography by mapping
its strengths, weaknesses, emerging danger areas, and sources of resil-
ience is likely to become an increasing preoccupation of democracies.
But we have no sense of even where to begin or which office or agency
in such a society should be responsible for the task.
The barrier between public and private endeavors and responsibili-
ties is blurring; national security will rely on the cooperation of private

5 Tim Hwang, Maneuver and Manipulation: On the Military Strategy of Online Information
Warfare, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2019.
158 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

actors as much as public investments. As noted in previous chapters, the

technologies and techniques of this form of conflict are increasingly
available to a wide range of actors. That will become even more true as
AI allows for the automated deployment of propaganda and interactive
bots. Private power in this realm matches and, in some cases, exceeds
public power.
As a result, responses to this challenge are also increasingly depen-
dent on the role of the private sector. “More and more of America’s
public conversation is happening in privately owned spaces, where no
one knows who is doing what to influence whom.”6 Public and private
institutions will need to cooperate in deep and ongoing ways to pre-
serve the security of advanced democracies.
The result, Benjamin Wittes and Gabriella Blum suggest in
their compelling analysis of the changing nature of conflict, is a grad-
ual “migration in law, practice, and custom of important security
functions—surveillance, analysis, interception, and even protection of
the coastline—from government to private actors.” This is happening
“because of an underlying shift in actual control over the architec-
ture through which attacks and other security threats take place and
through which vulnerability to attacks expresses itself. It used to be that
to attack America, one had to land troops on her shores or fly airplanes
over her territories.” Now, by contrast, “one can attack America—or
any country—in a variety of ways while interacting only with architec-
ture owned and operated by private parties of various sorts.”7
These developments will weaken the traditional role of the state
as the provider of territorial security. This role is its most fundamen-
tal obligation, but one that it will increasingly be unable to fulfill in a
world of virtual societal aggression in which the channels of belligerence
cannot be defended by armies but must be defended by corporations,
social media platforms, and major news outlets. These developments
are especially problematic for open societies, which have traditionally

6 Henry Farrell, “American Democracy Is an Easy Target,” Foreign Policy, January 17,
7 Benjamin Wittes and Gabriella Blum, The Future of Violence: Robots and Germs, Hackers
and Drones, New York: Basic Books, 2015, pp. 79–80.
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 159

erected a strong barrier between the public and the private, and could
offer advantages to governments that blend such elements of society,
such as China.
Conflict will increasingly be waged between and among networks.
Wittes and Blum have described one implication of trends related to
virtual societal warfare as a “many to many” pattern of security interac-
tions. Every nation, company, group, and individual can threaten any
other, they write. “We are thus in a moment unlike any other in the
history of the world, one in which distance does not protect you and in
which you are at once a figure of great power and great vulnerability.”8
The result is war of networks against networks. “States will increas-
ingly fight future wars using a multitude of partner organizations.”9
This pattern is emerging, for example, in the complex, international
network of hackers, activists, and informal propagandists being
employed by Russia as part of its information campaigns and in Chi-
na’s use of Chinese citizens and ethnic Chinese abroad to further its
control over key narratives. State actors are likely to develop such net-
works to avoid attribution and also strengthen their virtual societal
warfare capabilities against retaliation: It will be much more difficult
to understand, maintain an accurate portrait of, and hit back against a
shadowy global network.
Already today, another implication of this networked model of
conflict is becoming apparent: the rise of what has been called a “pri-
vateering” approach to key security functions. “Privateers funded their
own operations and made money by keeping the ‘prizes’ they seized,”
Wittes and Blum explain. “Precisely because of this decentralization,
privateering became a tool for mustering private capital, private energy,
and private risk in the service of public military objectives.” This model
is emerging not only in the use of private information security firms to
sustain the health of a nation’s information networks, but in the model
of hackers using ransomware and other techniques to profit from their

8 Wittes and Blum, 2015, p. 120.

9 Wittes and Blum, 2015, p. 120.
160 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

activities. One accompanying risk of such a model is of vigilantism in

the name of national security.10
In the process of such decentralization, government monopoly on
security function is giving way to “a distributed defensive function.”
This idea

cuts against centuries of developed understanding of how soci-

eties most effectively organize themselves against external and
internal threats. They do not generally do it by diffusing power
through a multiplicity of actors—much less a multiplicity of pri-
vate actors, accountable to an even greater multiplicity of share-
holders (including foreign shareholders).11

Private actors become inextricably linked with the security func-

tions of government. This model looks less like national security than
public health and safety, “which routinely involves distributing obliga-
tions to a diverse array of actors who do not think of themselves as in
the business of health and safety.”12 Makers of cars, candy, and alcohol
are regulated and incentivized to take actions that add up to public
health and safety; more and more, social media platforms, traditional
media outlets, entertainment companies, internet providers, univer-
sities, and other institutions will have to be incentivized to create a
robust infosphere and social topography.
This distributed network model is likely to complicate efforts
to control and regulate this new form of conflict. The existence of
the growing ability of individuals, many of whom operate as private
and independent actors, to do harm will make it far more difficult to
enforce norms.
These are only three initial suggestions of the sorts of principles
that will govern conflict in the virtual societal realm. More research is
urgently required to understand this realm more fully and to begin to

10 Wittes and Blum, 2015, pp. 84, 87.

11 Wittes and Blum, 2015, p. 83.
12 Wittes and Blum, 2015, pp. 81, 83–84.
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 161

understand the sorts of responses that will protect democratic societies

against its worst effects.

Dealing with the Threat of Virtual Societal Aggression

This analysis focused on the future of hostile social manipulation and,

in the process, has made the case to take seriously the broader risk of
virtual societal aggression. This phase of work was not designed to
develop a detailed agenda of policy recommendations and has not done
so. However, it does point in a handful of obvious directions for the
broad categories of response that advanced democracies, including and
particularly the United States, must begin to assess to deal with the
dangers outlined here.
The challenge of virtual societal warfare is a much bigger social
problem than merely the activities of foreign actors. Preexisting social
problems are being amplified rather than new ones being generated
from whole cloth. The degree of polarization and social tension in
the United States provides avenues for others to have influence they
could not have without it. But those massive, foundational social
issues cannot be resolved by policies aimed merely at their symptom,
which is the manipulation and disruption of countries’ infospheres.
The foundational causes must be addressed, which constitutes a much
tougher—and often more controversial—task.
Democracies undertaking such a task will need to decide what
success looks like in virtual societal warfare. Success cannot be defined
by the absence of falsehoods in the public debate or near-perfect public
awareness: Such things have never existed, and democracies function
perfectly well without them. It cannot be the absence of any form of
hacking of the emerging technologies of AI, VR, or AR. The difficult
questions now are how much destabilization democratic infospheres
can take and where the lines must be drawn. These will inevitably be
qualitative judgments. Broadly speaking, the goal is likely to be some
sort of equilibrium in which influences on individuals are balanced and
techniques of identifying and mitigating disinformation are effective.
162 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

One insight that must inform any policy response is that we

simply do not know very much right now, including about the causal
dynamics behind this larger challenge, the ways it might unfold, or
the responses likely to make the biggest difference. Although the prob-
lem is urgent, it may still pay to go slow in formulating responses. We
should not assume we have it figured out or know the right actions to
As just one example, the active regulation of fabricated or inaccu-
rate reports as a route to protecting the resilience of infospheres carries
many dangers, as well as practical problems. History suggests one obvi-
ous risk: Once established, the ability to regulate facts will be abused,
employed by whomever is in power at the time to discourage inconve-
nient truths. Such activities might be strongly supported by a signifi-
cant chunk of the electorate: Recent polls suggest, for example, that
many Americans surveyed responded that they would approve of shut-
ting down news outlets that broadcast “biased or inaccurate” reports.13
It is not clear, of course, who would make such judgments: While
some reports are outright fabrications, what is biased or inaccurate in
a broader sense is often in the eye of the beholder. Newspapers often
rely on anonymous sources, and thus would be unable to prove that a
given report was valid. By that standard, an enforcement body might
well have refused the Washington Post the right to publish its Watergate
stories; according to the White House, they were fabrications. Much
of what the Russian broadcast network RT was doing before the 2016
election, for example, was only highlighting stories that appeared on
the Breitbart News Network or other alt-right U.S. news organizations.
Efforts to obstruct the publication of demonstrably “fake” news
also miss much of the point of disinformation. Propagandists under-
stand the dangers of being caught in outright fabrications and often
can avoid them easily enough. Skilled disinformation specialists gather
together a blizzard of suspicious facts and half-truths into a larger nar-
rative that may be misleading, but it is not always built on factually

13 FlemmingRose and Jacob Mchangama, “History Proves How Dangerous It Is to Have

the Government Regulate Fake News,” Washington Post, October 3, 2017.
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 163

incorrect assertions. The ultimate challenge is the difficulty of distin-

guishing between legitimate and “illegitimate” speech.
These issues, and the growing threat posed by virtual societal
warfare, demand that we have a new dialogue about the nature and
limits of free speech. In fact, we are already having it, whether we want
to admit it or not: When platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, agree
that certain forms of racist or harassing posts must come down, there is
clearly an implicit standard of balance rather than an absolutist stance
that all speech must be allowed. But the slopes here are very slippery.
What about right-wing nationalist viewpoints: Should they be allowed?
If so, why not hateful, violence-promoting extremist messages? Resolv-
ing these questions will demand some of the most careful and nuanced
discussions yet attempted about the character and limits of free speech.

Designing a Response: An Initial Agenda

As such long-term discussions are under way, there are several steps
that the United States and other democracies could take to shore up
their resilience against these threats. A major challenge is determining
how to organize the response to such threats within the U.S. govern-
ment. There is no obvious home for “infosphere security.” The ques-
tion of institutional structures is beyond the scope of this analysis but
must be addressed alongside the substantive reforms that can help mit-
igate these risks. Some of these reforms are outlined in the following

Invest in Research and Understanding

A consistent theme in many of our conversations and analyses for this
study has been the limits of our awareness, including about the true
character of the evolving infosphere, its likely directions, key causal
dynamics in that process, how populations react to various forms of
social manipulation, and what the most effective answers might be.
What are the main hallmarks of a resilient infosphere and robust social
topography? What metrics can we use to assess whether we are attain-
ing those goals?
164 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Democratic governments, social media companies, and other

companies and foundations deeply engaged in the role of information
in advanced societies should redouble their investment in conceptual-
izing, funding, promoting, and assisting with such research, even when
their findings may be uncomfortable for a specific approach to gover-
nance or business model.
In the process, researchers are likely to need better access to many
databases, algorithms, and other essential mechanisms of information
storage and flow now kept secret. We largely have in mind propri-
etary models employed by the social media platforms that dominate
key elements of the infosphere. It is understandable that companies
have a vested interest in maintaining control of such information. But
with the proper controls, such as nondisclosure agreements, they could
“open their books” to researchers sufficiently to gain a better under-
standing of the sources of threat and risk.

Begin Building Forms of Inoculation and Resilience Against the

Worst Forms of Information-Based Social Manipulation
Campaigns should not limit themselves to countering outside claims
after they occur but should also take steps in advance to create resil-
ience against such claims and campaigns. Forewarning may be more
effective than post hoc treatment of established narratives.14 One study
examined the means for inoculating the public against misinformation
about climate change. It found that credible scientific consensus mes-
sages lose their efficacy when they are undermined by misinformation.
But when the consensus is presented as a form of inoculation, it can
remain resilient against subsequent misinformation.15
Efforts in the direction of societal inoculation can involve public
and media training to increase the resilience of populations—or, as
one source suggests, “systematically rebuild analytical skills across
the American population and invest in the media to ensure that it is

14 Paul and Matthews, 2016, pp. 9–10.

15 Sander van der Linden, Anthony Leiserowitz, Seth Rosenthal, and Edward Maibach,
“Inoculating the Public Against Misinformation About Climate Change,” Global Challenges,
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2017.
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 165

driven by truth, not clicks.”16 The Ukrainian and Finnish governments

have experimented with programs in critical thinking and informa-
tion consumption with some success; global democracies can share best
practices as their experiments unfold. The effectiveness of large-scale
public training remains open to doubt, but there are hopeful anecdotal
examples—such as IREX’s “Learn to Discern” program—that have
achieved measurable improvements in the target population’s ability to
distinguish disinformation.17
In pursuing this goal, democratic governments can begin to
inspire, fund, and support a range of private organizations that can play
the role of the “white blood cells” of a democratic infosphere. This line
of defense would represent trial and error attempts to respond to social
manipulation campaigns, with citizen social scientists conducting hun-
dreds of experiments and working off the results to hone ideas. One
lesson of efforts to combat radical messages online is that governments
in general, and the U.S. government in particular, have little credibility
in such campaigns. The effort must be centered around more-credible
independent actors online. The United States, therefore, needs its own
“influencers campaign,” designed to empower and support influential
actors in social media to generate counter-disinformation messaging.18
Some of this campaign can be devoted to monitoring and assess-
ment: Disinformation flows follow different patterns than accurate
information. It will be quickly and massively hyped by a relatively few
sites, whereas typical valid news follows a more gradual viral pattern. It
is therefore possible to develop markers for such campaigns, detect dis-
information, and potentially counter it early in its lifespan. Attribution
research is improving; the way Facebook was able to trace Russian bots
has to be turned into a general capability and deployed more broadly.
Other distributed efforts can be devoted to fact-checking or
to providing a “rapid response team” to fight disinformation on a

16 Nina Jankowicz, “The Only Way to Defend Against Russia’s Information War,” New
York Times, September 25, 2017.
17 For information on this program, see IREX, Learn to Discern (L2D)—Media Literacy
Training, undated.
18 Helmus and Bodine-Baron, 2017, pp. 2–3.
166 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

moment-to-moment basis. Such distributed efforts can focus on tag-

ging stories based on the credibility of the source, as well as other quali-
ties that give the reader an instant sense of the validity of the claim.
This categorization will not always work: In particular, with certain
self-defined echo chambers, such credibility reports may not make a
difference and could even be counterproductive. For most consumers
of information, however, they could help to give a sense of whether a
report can be trusted.

Take Seriously the Leading Role Played by Social Media Today, and
the Precedent-Setting Character of Many of the Information Control
Debates Playing Out in That Realm
Governments should increasingly look to actions that can incentivize
social media platforms to solve the problems themselves to the great-
est degree possible. In the process, governments should identify four to
five things that the platforms can do over the next two to three years
to make a dent in the problem.
Many social media companies are beginning to move in this
direction, though perhaps more slowly than the risks warrant. Face-
book is adding a button on news feed links that will connect to the
Wikipedia site for the organization that published or posted that news
story. The idea is to give users an ability to quickly get a sense of the
credibility of the source.19 Facebook has also established a set of out-
side fact checking organizations to identify articles that might be mis-
information. It considered revisions to the algorithm that would have
systematically downgraded articles hitting certain tripwires for sensing
fabricated information—but then backed off when tests showed that
it would disproportionately hit conservative sites. It then experimented
with both user-driven and algorithmic responses (using keywords and
phrases to identify them), eventually settling on the latter because it

19 Josh Constine, “Facebook Tries Fighting Fake News with Publisher Info Button on
Links,” TechCrunch, October 5, 2017.
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 167

performed better in practice and because concerns had been expressed

about the political bias of human curators of news.20

Make Investments Designed to Erect New, Broadly Trusted

Informational Mediating Institutions That Can Help Americans Make
Sense of Events
Governments (as well as private foundations and activists) can also
prompt trial-and-error work among information companies, such
as internet browsers (especially those willing to take the lead in new
approaches), to experiment with revised algorithms, new browser
extensions, and rating and ranking different sites and sources to see
what works. The goal would be to send signals that would contribute
to the overall inoculation effect being sought by government policy.
A major source of the challenges today is the decline of any respected
and trusted intermediary sources that the public can rely on to get a
sense of whether what they are seeing is accurate. Apart from basic
fact-checking organizations, experimenting with different varieties of
revised intermediary institutions could help mitigate the effect of vir-
tual societal aggression.
One example of such thinking would be to investigate the role
of influencers in social media networks to better understand how they
work and how the government (or philanthropic or analytical organi-
zations) could empower them or build new ones to shape the flow of
information. One finding of recent research is that influential hubs in
social networks have a disproportionate responsibility for what infor-
mation gets to what people. To the extent that such influencers could
be persuaded to become sources of accuracy rather than disinforma-
tion, they could become a new sort of mediating information institu-
tion for the networked age.

20 Josh Constine, “Facebook Chose to Fight Fake News with AI, Not Just User Reports,”
TechCrunch, November 14, 2016.
168 The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare

Begin Working Toward International Norms Constraining the Use of

Virtual Societal Aggression
The biggest risk of virtual societal warfare may be that it represents
an insidious, gradual degradation of the territorial integrity norm that
has largely prevailed since 1945 and helped to keep the peace among
countries. To the extent that nations begin attacking one another in
virtual but highly damaging ways, the prevailing consensus on ter-
ritorial nonaggression could collapse, leading eventually to large-scale
armed adventurism. As with other forms of aggression, deterrence can
contribute strongly to defense, but so can international norms that help
tie the status and prestige of countries to their respect for fundamental
Most leading participants in potential virtual conflicts are not in
a position to agree to such formal norms at the moment. Partly this is
true because of rising competitive mistrust among the United States,
China, and Russia, and even (in the arena of information security)
the European Union’s lack of faith in U.S. approaches to these issues.
Partly it is true because we simply do not yet know enough about these
challenges to spell out effective rules of the road. The United States
can, however, take at least two initial steps: (1) make clear its interest in
such norms and (2) begin funding and actively participating in schol-
arly discussions on what such a normative architecture might look like.

Better Understand the Workings and Vulnerabilities of Emerging

Technologies, Especially AI-Driven Information Channels, Virtual
and Augmented Reality, and Algorithmic Decisionmaking
If the United States and other democracies are not careful, advances in
the private application of these technologies will race ahead of policy
and even understanding, creating intense vulnerabilities for demo-
cratic societies. The dangers of virtual societal warfare and the specific
emerging dependence of democratic societies and advanced economies
on such information applications point to the need for research on
their potential implications and steps democracies can take to protect
These categories represent only a broad sketch of the sorts of
response likely to be required for democracies to armor themselves
The Emerging Risk of Virtual Societal Warfare 169

against the potential threat of virtual societal warfare, at least in terms

of its informational aspects. These emerging forms of aggression repre-
sent a significant danger to advanced democracies, a national security
threat that has not been seen before. Especially in the nuclear age, and
in an era when a general global consensus has prevailed against out-
right territorial aggression, large-scale invasions have become mostly a
thing of the past.
But while armies can be deterred, gradual, low-level hostile
manipulation of the infosphere and larger social topography of nations
may be the new frontier of aggression. The futures outlined in Chap-
ters Five, Six, and Seven suggest strongly that emerging technologies
and techniques mean that the potential for virtual societal warfare is
almost certainly emerging. The only question today is whether democ-
racies will band together to control and defend themselves against this
threat. The categories summarized in this last chapter represent part of
an initial agenda to do both.

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The evolution of advanced information environments is rapidly creating a new
category of possible cyberaggression that involves efforts to manipulate or
disrupt the information foundations of the effective functioning of economic
and social systems. RAND researchers are calling this growing threat virtual
societal warfare in an analysis of its characteristics and implications for the future.
To understand the risk of virtual societal warfare, the authors surveyed evidence in
a range of categories to sketch out some initial contours of how these techniques
might evolve in the future. They grounded the assessment in (1) detailed research
on trends in the changing character of the information environment in the United
States and other advanced democracies; (2) the insights of social science research
on attitudes and beliefs; and (3) developments in relevant emerging technologies
that bear on the practices of hostile social manipulation and its more elaborate
and dangerous cousin, virtual societal warfare. The authors then provide three
scenarios for how social manipulation could affect advanced societies over the
next decade. The analysis suggests an initial set of characteristics that can help
define the emerging challenge of virtual societal warfare, including that national
security will increasingly rely on a resilient information environment and a strong
social topography, and that conflict will increasingly be waged between and
among networks. Although more research is urgently required, the authors
conclude by pointing to several initial avenues of response to enhance democratic
resilience in the face of this growing risk, including by building forms of
inoculation and resilience against the worst forms of information-based social
manipulation and by better understanding the workings and vulnerabilities of
emerging technologies.


ISBN-10 1-9774-0272-0
ISBN-13 978-1-9774-0272-1

RR-2714-OSD 9 781977 402721

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