Test Programming An ATE For Diagnosis - 2015
Test Programming An ATE For Diagnosis - 2015
Test Programming An ATE For Diagnosis - 2015
Heng Zhao
Auburn, Alabama
June 1, 2015
Approved by
Vishwani D. Agrawal, Chair, James J. Danaher Professor of Electrical & Computer Eng.
Victor P. Nelson, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Adit D. Singh, James B. Davis Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
If we need to test a circuit, we will give the circuit some input logic vectors. Then we
will observe its output. A fault is said to be detected by a test pattern if the output for that
test pattern is different from the expected output. A defect is an error caused in a device
during the manufacturing process. The logic values observed at primary outputs of a device
under test (DUT) upon application of a test pattern t are called the output of that test pattern.
The output of a test pattern, when testing a fault-free device that works exactly as designed,
is called the expected output of that test pattern. However, a large circuit may needs too
many vectors to test, which would take lot of time and money. In this way, we may spend
much more money in testing than in making the circuit. So if we reduce the number of test
As we know, even though the circuits were made from the same model, the circuits
which made actually are still different. Testing them with the same vectors will not an
efficacious way. The circuits in different situation, should use different vectors and in
different sequence. The algorithm, diagnostic tree, will help to choose the vectors and
shorter the time. If the vectors fail in this circuit, the diagnostic tree will give another vector,
however, if the vectors success in the circuit, it will get a different vector to test. After the
algorithm has been finished, we need to use it to see how it works. In this way, we should
simulate a benchmark circuit and test it with diagnostic tree in the ATE machine. The ATE
machine can test the circuit and we can see its processing in the Flow Edit.
I would like to thank so many people who helped me. First and the most, I am grateful
to Prof. Vishwani D. Agrawal for all his support. Without his help, I can’t finish the thesis. In
his office, I got many ideas about the thesis. His suggestion about using the ATE machine
I am also thankful to Prof. Adit D. Singh and Prof. Victor P. Nelson for being on my
advisory committee. I have learned a lot from their class about VLSI testing and Computer
Aid Design.
I would also like to thank my family first, they support me to study in Auburn from China.
Furthermore, thanks my friends, Zhao Yang, BaoHu Li , Chaoyi She, JiaLin Ding, Kupeng Zeng,
Table of Contents
Abstract......................................................................................................................................................... ii
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Algorithms ....................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Results ..................................................................................................................................... 22
6 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 29
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1
There are many circuits made with mistakes. Even though a high proportion of them
are good circuits, we still need to test all of them. Therefore, a short time of testing is
desirable. There are various ways to reduce the test time. Some people try to use fewer test
vectors to test the circuit, but still have high fault coverage. There are other methods too to
shorten the test time. In this project, reducing the number of test application clock cycles is
the main objective which helps shorten the time of test. Application of an algorithm, called
Chapter 2 introduces various concepts that help understand the proposed work.
Chapter 3 gives a brief study of the previous work. Chapter 4 explains the algorithm used in
this project. Chapter 5 describes simulation and results with the ATE machine. Chapter 6
gives the conclusion of the project and suggests future work which may be done to optimize
the algorithm.
Chapter 2
A stuck-at fault is a particular fault model used by fault simulators and automatic test
pattern generation (ATPG) tools to mimic a manufacturing defect within an integrated circuit.
Individual signals and pins are assumed to be stuck at logical ‘1’, ‘0’ or ‘X’. In this project, I
will detect the single stuck-at fault. It assumes that only one line or node in the digital circuit
is stuck [12]. Sometimes it will be stuck at logic high, and sometimes it will be stuck at logic
low. As this fault model will be easy simulate and detect in an FPGA board, my circuit will
The diagnostic test is applied after the circuit has failed. With the diagnostic test, we
As we know, for large circuits, there will be a huge data storage and the task of
matching the test result will waste a lot of time. Therefore, if we can choose test vectors, we
can save time. Diagnostic tree is an algorithm which is provided in the book, Essentials of
Electronic Testing [12]. It is just like a decision tree. For a circuit under test, it will decide
which vectors should be used to test. We can also call this tree fault tree. It is a top down,
deductive failure analysis of the state of the system, with Boolean logic to combine a series
of vectors. Tests are applied one at a time, and after each application a partial diagnosis is
obtained. The diagnostic tree will help to choose the next vector based on the outcome of the
previous test. The diagnostic tree can be learned and optimized. This process of top-down
An automatic test equipment (ATE) is a system that applies tests to a device under
test (DUT), also referred to as unit under test (UUT), and makes a pass or fail decision. ATE
can be a simple computer control, or a complex system, and contains dozens of sophisticated
testing instruments (real or simulated electronic test equipment) to test complex electronic
packaged parts or chips. ATE is widely used in electronics manufacturing after production of
electronic components and systems. ATE can also be used to test electrical equipment and
automotive electronic modules. It is used for radar and other applications of wireless
synchronization of one or more signal source and capture tools. Historically, custom design
of the controller, pin electronics, and signal generators has been used for ATE systems. The
device under test (DUT) is physically connected to the ATE through a custom interface
adapter or “fixture”. ATE computer uses modern computer language (such as C, C + +, Java
2.5 Advantest T2000
software platform for test, and supports a variety of industrial standards such as STIL and
STDF. It has powerful GUI tools for debugging and development of test programs.
Tessent FastScan software system simplifies the process of producing compact high
coverage tests. It can used for almost all types of designs, which makes it common solution
for ATPG. Comprehensive testing at full speed is vital to ensure high quality detection.
Tessent Fastscan tests transitions at full speed, multiple detections, time perception, as well
The benchmark circuits are a set of logic circuits. These help in development and
evaluation of test methodology. They are available in various formats (bench, Verilog, VHDL)
2.8 OTPL
The OTPL test-plan is written in the official T2000 programming language – Open
C++, and then complied into Microsoft Windows Dynamic Link Library file (DLL).
2.9 ATPG
The ATPG, which means Automatic Test Pattern Generation, is a method to derive tests
to distinguish between the correct circuit behavior and the faulty circuit behavior caused by
defects. The ATPG requires that the real defects are represented by fault models. The number
of modeled faults that is detected and the number of generated patterns will influence the
Chapter 3
Prior Work
This chapter discusses previous work done that relates to the problems solved in this
A stuck-at fault is a fault model used by fault simulation and automatic test pattern
signals and pins are assumed to be stuck at Logical '1', '0' and 'X'.
Figure 3.1 shows a logical way to create a stuck-at-0 signal with a ‘not’ gate (~) and
Similarly, to create a stuck-at-1 signal, we change the ‘and’ gate to an ‘or’ gate (+).
change the circuit which we emulate, we may waste a lot of time in reloading the circuit onto
3.2 Using Multiplexers to Emulate Stuck-at Faults
With the FPGA board XC3S200A, I can emulate stuck-at faults by adding multiplexers
at faulty nodes. At a target node a multiplexer is inserted with one input connected to the
original gate output and the second input connected to the stuck-at-1 or 0 fault being
emulated. As shown in Figure 3.2, the select signal (Errsig) is used to choose between the
In the ModelSim, I simulated a circuit with the mux. When the Errsig signal is set to
However, when we set the Errsig to 0, the PBo_0 has the same wave with signal ss,
which keeps 1 all the time. In this way, we can simulate a stuck-at-fault in the FPGA board.
Chapter 4
In the book, Essentials of Electronic Testing, there is a diagnostic tree with four test
With the diagnostic tree, the process of diagnostic can terminate before all tests are
applied, just like the fault 𝑎0 can be detected with two vector, 𝑇2 and 𝑇4 . In this diagnostic
tree, it is bounded by the total number of tests, but in my diagnostic tree with eleven tests,
as the book says that can be less than the total number, I use nine tests.
As we know, the diagnostic tree can be arranged in several ways. One approach is to
reduce the depth. We start with the set of all faults as “suspects.” Tests are ordered such that
the passing of each test will reduce the suspect set by the greatest amount. This may
sometimes increase the depth of the tree on the side of failing tests. The overall depth can be
reduced by dividing the fault set into equal halves by each test.
In this way, I tried my best to divide faults into two equal halves. Then we get the
theoretical lower bound on the length of the diagnosis. Figure 4.2 shows the tree.
Figure 4.2 Diagnostic tree for 74182 benchmark circuit.
Chapter 5
Simulation and Result
A diagnostic test is applied after the circuit has failed. We can use the diagnostic tree
to test the circuit and try to find out the faulty part and replace it. In the diagnostic test, we
need the fault dictionary for the circuit to create the diagnostic tree.
In my project, I use an example circuit to simulate faults and generate tests. The carry
look-ahead (CLA) realization of the carry function is used by each of the 74X-series circuits
modeled here. Given carry-in (C_n), generate (G) and propagate (P) signals, the circuit
produces three carry out signals, plus two P and G signals used to cascade with another CLA
The Advantest T2000 tester uses its own proprietary software for the execution and
analysis of test programs. The objective of the project is to simulate faults or errors on the
field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) that are analogous to random defects that can occur
on a chip during the micro fabrication process. A Xilinx board XC3S200A will be utilized in
this project. The Advantest Tester is capable of applying these patterns to the FPGA serially
and has software already loaded that is meant to detect timing errors and faults of the DUT.
With the Xilinx ISE Project Navigator, a download circuit file written in Verilog generates a
bit file. At the same time, a ucf file is also needed to help ISE to create a port for the circuit
for it to be tested by an ATE machine. Then the Mercury Programmer downloads the bit file
onto the FPGA board. The Advantest T2000 tester is capable of programming the FPGA board
with a bit configuration file that is converted to pattern list coded in the OTPL language.
In order to create the fault dictionary, in the first step, I need to use FastScan with the
command “set fault type stuck at faults –all” to generate vectors to test the circuit. After
FastScan generated eleven patterns, I reloaded each pattern into FastScan to find out all
faults that the pattern could detect. In this way, I got the data shown next.
Figure 5.3 File generated by FastScan.
As we know, in the file, the code DS means that the vector can detect the fault. UO
redundant fault. In the dictionary, there are two types of entries, one and zero, which mean
detectable and not detectable. In this way, each pattern which includes DS will be examined
Figure 5.4 Faults that can be detect by vector T0.
So, we can see that each pattern has its own single stuck at faults which can be
detected, just like a dictionary. Then, I make a large dictionary which contains all eleven test
vectors. There are seventy-five faults in the dictionary. But there are some equivalent faults,
Figure 5.6 Fault dictionary for 74182 circuit.
5.1 Results
In the ATE machine, the Flow edit can simulate the diagnostic tree. In the .tpl file,
which is the file for the test-plan, we design the tree. The DLL version of the test-plan is
loaded by the user into the T2000 System Controller, which performs a check of the
programmed tester settings, and then copies the test-plan and all pattern files into each of
An OTPL test plan is made up of several files that specify the conditions and execution
sequence of a set of tests to be applied to a DUT. These conditions can include setting the
levels and timing for the DUT pins, and the vectors to be applied as part of the functional
pattern. The eleven vectors are put in eleven pattern files. Each time, the circuit fails on a
the end, the bin tool will tell us which faulty part it is.
After the configuration has all been done for the machine, I first test the fault free
Figure 5.7 Fault free circuit in Flow edit.
At first, I tried the traditional way to test the circuit, that is, apply all eleven vectors
to the circuit. The faulty part under test here is ‘/PB[3] stuck-at-1’. Then I see the result in
the Flow edit display of Figure 5.8, showing vector (red) it fails and vectors it passes (green).
Then I put the circuit into the test plan which is the diagnostic tree and I got the result
of Figure 5.9 in the bin tool, which identifies the fault that the ‘/PB[3] stuck-at-1’, with only
four vectors. In this way, we can reduce more than half of the time to find the faulty part. I
also tried the fault ‘PB[0] stuck-at-0’ and ‘PB[0] stuck-at-1’, it get the result which I expected.
Then I tried some multiple stuck-at-faults. Many of them were identified as the fault
/CNY stuck-at-0. However, for the multiple fault, PB[0] and GB[0] both stuck-at-1, the result
of the diagnostic tree is ‘/CNX stuck-at-0’. I also tried some fault which change a gate. For
example, ‘AND PB0GB01gate (PB0GB01, PB[0], GB[0], GB[1]);’ changed to ‘OR PB0GB01gate
(PB0GB01, PB[0], GB[0], GB[1])’, and the diagnostic tree gave the ‘/CNY stuck-at-0’ as the
Figure 5.10 Multiple-stuck-at fault (most common result).
Figure 5.11 Multiple-stuck-at fault (special result).
Chapter 6
In comparison to the traditional way, we find that the diagnostic tree helps save a lot
of time in VLSI testing. The diagnostic tree can be built in many ways for the same circuit.
Making it as a binary tree is the most efficient way to optimize the test. With the mux-select,
we can emulate stuck-at-faults on the FPGA board. The successful ATE experiment with the
FPGA board helped us to apply the algorithm in real diagnosis. The Flow Edit tool of T2000
makes displays the diagnostic tree visually. We can see how the vectors fail or pass.
fault /CNY stuck-at-0 from the diagnostic tree, is that these faults produce failures at all the
test vectors. In the diagnostic tree, if all vectors can detect the fault, it will be diagnosed as
the fault /CNY stuck-at-0 in the primary output. In this way, we can find a method for
optimizing the diagnostic tree. When a faulty part has a multiple-stuck-at-fault, we can use
FastScan to generate several vectors which are used to detect the multiple-stuck-at-fault. In
other words, additional vectors are generated so that every fault of interest has a unique
signature (test syndrome) in the fault dictionary. The vector which we use to detect the fault,
generated by FastScan, is the most important data to help optimize the diagnostic tree. Thus,
the diagnostic tree can be enhanced to detect many other faults, as we add vectors to create
the tree.
We can combine all the diagnostic trees into one huge tree. Just connect the other
fault of diagnostic tree with the port twenty-four, which means /CNY stuck-at-0. Because as
we get this fault, we know that all the vector just fail, then we can start from this vector, to
go to another fault of diagnostic tree. If that tree goes to a port which means all vectors failed,
Furthermore, we can use a full-response fault dictionary to solve the problem about
We consider a circuit with two outputs, o1 and o2. This circuit may have a multiple-
stuck-at-fault. Suppose f1 through f8 are the faults which are detected by vectors t1 through
t5. A ‘1’ for t1 and f1 under o1 means that fault f1 can be detected by t1 at the output o2. A
‘0’ for t1 and f1 under o2 means that fault f1 cannot be detected by t1 at the output o2. In
this way, we can make a table for different vectors, then we can use it to make a more
complex diagnostic tree. As this table can distinguish different outputs, we can decrease the
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