Context of Situation in Translation: Shuqin Hu
Context of Situation in Translation: Shuqin Hu
Context of Situation in Translation: Shuqin Hu
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 324-326, May 2010
© 2010 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland.
they can co-operate with each other in the process of communication quite harmoniously. But the process of translation
often breaks this harmony. “Translation is displaced and disjoined communication.”( Neubert, 1992:10). In translation,
the original text is deprived of its context and the information it carries is encoded in an entirely different language with
an entirely different context. The reader may not be able to meet the expectation of the author, thus there comes
information gap. The translator’s job is to make up this gap and harmonize the communication. So Nida (1998:308) said,
“For truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism”. When the cultural factors are
incompatible in the target cultural context, the translator has to choose different strategies to cope with this cultural
clash. Li Yunxing (2001:123) generalized several models in the translation of cultural factors: (1) the go-ahead model,
transplanting them directly to the target text; (2) the block model, giving them up; (3) the annotation model, providing
adequate explanation on the cultural factors; (4) the integration model, integrating the expressing modes of both cultures
to create a new language form; (5) the adaptation model, replacing expression in the source culture with that in the
target culture at the expense of the cultural meaning. In order to decide which model to choose, the translator still has to
turn to the sociological parameters, which decide the discourse parameters (the register variables) in turn, namely, the
participants, the setting and the purpose of translation. The following will give a detailed explanation of two different
translation strategies concerning situational context (or register).
Translation two: 3000 crags rise in various shapes—pillars, columns, walls, shaky egg stacks and potted
landscapes…conjuring up fantastic and unforgettable images.
The SLT is a scenery introduction typical of Chinese. By using many elaborate adjectives, parallel structures, and
idioms, it caters to the taste of Chinese readers and meets their mode of thinking. While in an English text of the same
type plain and clear language is expected to be used. Therefore, translation two is more appropriate.
In conclusion, the situational context theory can be used to explain many seemingly opposite concepts in translation
such as foreignization and domestication, faithfulness and naturalness etc. The translator has to analyze the specific
situational context of both the SLT and the TLT. Only by doing this can s/he strike a balance between these dual
concepts and make proper decisions on her/his specific translating strategies. This viewpoint is in accordance with the
“skopos theory” in Germany. One of its scholars, Christiane Nord (see 2001:34) proposes “adequacy” rather than
“equivalence” as the utmost aim and evaluating standard of translation.
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Shuqin Hu was born in Linyi, China in 1978. She received his M.A. degree in linguistics from Ocean University of China, China
in 2003.
She is currently an instructor in the College of Foreign Languages, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao,
China. Her research interests include translation theory and practice.