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April 2008
IAS Manual 2008 IAS Manual 2008
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IAS Manual 2008 IAS Manual 2008
Chapter 1
General Information
Chapter 6
Historical Background Qualifications of Entering IAS
Vision Chapter 7
The IAS Clearance
Chapter 2
Power and Functions Chapter 8
Making of complaints
Chapter 3
Status of IAS as an Investigative Chapter 9
and Adjudicatory Agency IAS Investigation Procedures
Delineation of the Inspection
and Audit Authority of Chapter 10
the IAS and NAPOLCOM Administrative Offenses and Penalties
Distinct Features of IAS
Chapter 11
Chapter 4 Frequently Asked Questions
Organizational Structure
Organizational Set-Up
Organizational relationship
with PNP
Chapter 5
Duties and Functions
Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
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path for its members to effectively carry out its speedily activate the Internal Affairs Service to
mandate to “police the police”. Based on give essence to the provision of the law and
their studies they found out that the most the afore-cited NAPOLCOM Resolution. Series
effective and successful mechanism in of conferences were then held and attended
disciplining of police officers used in other by representatives of all PNP Directorial Staff,
countries is the creation of a police within the PNP Legal Service, the now defunct PNP
police. Inspectorate and Internal Affairs Office and
the PNP Internal Affairs Service.
Upon assumption to office of the newly-
elected President of the Republic of the On December 18, 1998, NAPOLCOM
Philippines, His Excellency Joseph Estrada, he issued Memorandum Circular No. 98-017
appointed ATTY. ALEXIS CORTEZ CANONIZADO prescribing the guidelines to facilitate the
as the First Inspector General on July 1, 1998. organization and operationalization of the
The Inspector General is a lawyer by profession, Internal Affairs Service.
a former Commissioner of the NAPOLCOM,
former Senior State Prosecutor of the Finally, the members of the committee
Department of Justice and Presiding Judge of chaired by P/CSUPT RAZON, came up with the
the Regional Trial Court Branch 39 of San Jose recommendation which eventually led to the
City. issuance of PNP Letter of Instruction 11/99
(Gabay) dated February 16, 1999 which
On August 12, 1998, NAPOLCOM issued prescribed the smooth reassignment of PNP
resolution No. 98-179 designating the Acting personnel, and the transfer of facilities,
Chief, Philippine National Police who was then equipment, firearms, ammunitions, vehicles,
Police Director General SANTIAGO L. ALIÑO, as supplies, records, and other resources of the
the lead Commissioner who shall represent the now defunct Inspectorate and Internal Affairs
Commission in overseeing and coordinating Office, Regional Internal Affairs Office and the
the immediate organization and Provincial Internal Affairs Office to the newly-
operationalization of the PNP Internal Affairs created PNP Internal Affairs Service and
Service during the transition period of 90 days. provisions for their fund support.
Shortly after the assignment of P/CSUPT Meanwhile, a small staff of the PNP
AVELINO I. RAZON as the Deputy Director of Internal Affairs Service was organized through
the PNP Directorate for Plans on October 9, the detail of a few personnel from the
1998 he immediately initiated the move to NAPOLCOM and others are from the offices of
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the PNP Headquarters. The following personnel Ten months after the appointment of
are ; Atty Tereso B Bueno, Atty Fernando G the Inspector General, one year and two
Baria, Atty Arsenio D Albano, Atty Cecilia C months later after the creation of IAS, on May
Miranda, Director Lourdes W Aniceto, Ms 7, 1999, President Joseph Estrada issued
Belinda B Santos, Ms Zenaida M Belleza and Executive Order NO. 101 entitled “ Providing for
Ms. Soledad J Buragay. Two (2) former (ret.) the Immediate Organization and
NAPOLCOM personnel, Atty Alfonso B Umali, Operationalization of the Interim Internal Affairs
and Mr. Jose V Cabrera joined the initial IAS Service of the Philippine National Police.”
staff as consultant on legal and financial Executive Order No. 101 provided for the
matters respectively during its fledging immediate organization and operationalization
organizational phase. of an Interim IAS pending the approval of its
manning and staffing pattern. It empowered
This core group practically laid the IAS to inquire into the state of discipline,
groundwork for the organizational structure of efficiency, economy, training, morale and
IAS form the national to the regional and readiness of the PNP.
provincial levels including its manning and
staffing pattern. Headed by the Inspector EO 101 concerned the status of the IAS
General, the same group spearheaded the as the lead agency for the PNP organization in
nationwide information dissemination for IAS in the campaign against all forms of misconducts
all 16 regions. in the police service. It shall be recorded the
status of an independent, impartial and
Various contentious issues were raised objective investigative and adjudicatory
during the information dissemination agency within the PNP. The agency was
campaign made during this period. Arguments exclusive tasked to formulate, develop and
revolved around issues ranging from the maintain the following programs ;
authority of IAS in relation to other disciplinary
authorities, to the other matters such as a) A career development and
benefits, career developments, incentives, etc. management program for both Uniformed
The discussions about these issues dragged for and Non-Uniformed personnel;
months that it took a toll on the progress of b) A retirement and separation benefit
settling and formally starting the operations of program;
IAS. c) A separate financial and budgetary
management program;
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d) A separate logistics management dated October 1, 1999. The new office was
and services program; and found more suitable and consistent with the
e) Other programs as may be needed, general requisites of client accessibility, security
subject to approval of the Secretary of the and safety. But, because of the very limited
Interior and Local Government. fund support from the national government,
the IAS was not able to cope with the high
monthly rentals and bills incurred at the Makati
Finally, on June 1, 1999, NHQ PNP issued office building.
General Order No. DPL 99-004, setting the
formal amendment of IAS operations on the Although there is still no available office
same date. The order also de-activated the building suitable for the needs of IAS offices, it
Inspectorate and Internal Affairs Office (IIAO) was forced to transfer back to Camp Crame
in various PNP offices nationwide. In turn, the to avoid the accumulation of unpaid
Inspector General issued Staff Memo Nos. 99- obligation. At present, IAS offices are located
001, 99-002, 99-003 and 99-004 to constitute the in three buildings. The office of the Inspector
IAS interim offices at the national, regional, General and the AFMD are at the 2nd floor of
provincial, district and city levels. the NHQ while the office of the Deputy
Inspector General as well as the OSEA, LAD,
The initial seat of office of the Internal PD, IAD and PRD are located at the former
Affairs Service was located inside Camp PCRG office. The third one, the IID is located at
Crame occupying the cramped office spaces the 1st floor PNP Legal Service Building.
of the former IIAO at the National
Headquarters, PNP. The old IIAO office has This arrangement may not be conceive
poor ventilation, lacking in utilities and needed to good and effective management but the
repair. The Inspector General and his staff IAS has no choice considering that there are
occupied a portion of the 2nd Floor of the no available offices inside crame.
Kiangan Hall.
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With 5 With 4 With 6 With 6 With 6 With 6 With 6 With 6 With 6 With 6 With 3 With 5 With 5 With 4 With 4 With 5
District Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l. Prov’l.
Off Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office
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Deputy Chief
Secretary Driver Aide De Camp
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2. Undertakes prosecution of
administrative cases involving
PNP members before summary
hearing officer;
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Chart 11
Provincial/District/City IAS Office
Chapter 6
Qualification in Entering the Internal
Affairs Service
I. Uniform Personnel
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Chapter 7
appointed by the President upon
recommendation of the Chief of the PNP and
duly endorsed by the Commission.
Appointments of personnel who shall occupy IAS Clearance
various positions in the agency shall be made
by the Inspector General and shall be based
on established career pattern and criteria to One of the functions of IAS is to issue
be promulgated by the Commission. clearances to the PNP Personnel. Clearances
Appointments in the Internal Affairs may be can be issued on time to applicants for
issued as permanent, temporary or co- purposes like promotion, reassignment,
terminous with depending on the position retirement, loan, leave, death claims and
applied for and the qualifications of the other purposes. Applications for clearances
appointee. may be procured at the designated
Clearance Section.
III. Prohibitions
A. Procedure
Personnel of the IAS may not join any
other unit of the PNP nor be allowed to sit in a 1. Initially, the applicant will secure an
committee deliberating on the appointment, application form from the Records Section,
promotion, or assignment of any PNP member. Administrative and Finance Management
Division and submit the same for processing
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a. Promotions • RIAS/PIAS/DIAS
• Photocopy of Death Certificate.
• RIAS/PIAS/DIAS Clearance
• Unit Clearance
2. Fill up the Application Form supplied at
b. Reassignment the Clearance Section and submit the same
together with necessary attachments to the
• Memo from DPRM: Subject Request duty staff.
Issuance of Clearance
• DL, DC&D1 Clearance 3. After the application form and the
mandatory requirements have been
c. Retirement thoroughly checked by the Clearance Section,
same shall be forwarded to the Legal Affairs
• Retirement Order Division (LAD), to check if the applicant has a
• RIAS/PIAS/DIAS Clearance case being investigated, pending, undergoing
• Unit Clearance summary hearing, or has any derogatory
d. Loan
4. Finally, the application form and the
• RIAS/PIAS/DIAS Clearance mandatory requirements will be returned to the
• Unit Clearance Clearance Section, AFMD for the preparation
of the clearance. The corresponding remarks
e. Leave Abroad will be indicated in the clearance issued
showing whether the applicant has a pending
• Endorsement from their respective
Chief of Office.
• Unit Clearance
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B. Authorized Signatories
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Chapter 9
IAS Investigation Procedures
A. Pre-Charge Evaluation
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submit his recommendation to the concerned The case shall be deemed formally
disciplinary authority for proper disposition. filed and pending upon receipt and entry
B. Filing and Assignment of Cases for of the same in the official docket of the
Formal Hearing disciplinary authority or IAS. The office
tasked to maintain the docket of
Upon receipt of the approved pre- administrative cases shall inform the PNP
charge evaluation report that the Directorate for Investigation and Detective
respondent should be administratively Management (DIDM) of the pending
charged together with the complete cases, as well as the PNP unit where the
records of the complaint, the office tasked respondent is assigned.
by the disciplinary authority to maintain the
records of administrative cases, shall enter Except in cases filed before the
the case into its official docket by PLEBs, the disciplinary authority or the IAS
stamping on the face of the report or shall within five (5) days from receipt and
complaint the time and date of receipt docketing of the complaint, assign and
and assign a case number to it. transmit the same to a hearing officer.
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and the evidence of guilt is any request for suspension without valid
strong; or grounds shall be held administratively
liable for serious neglect of duty.
b) There is evidence to show that the
respondent is exerting efforts to 3. Entitlement to Reinstatement and
harass, intimidate, coerce, or Salary.
unduly influence the
complainant or his/her witnesses A member of the PNP who may have
into withdrawing his complaint or been suspended from office in accordance
retracting his sworn statement or with R. A. No. 6975 as amended, or who shall
that of his witnesses against the have been separated from office, shall upon
respondent or to tamper with the exoneration from the charges against him, be
evidence. entitled to reinstatement and to prompt
payment of salary, allowances and other
2) Request for Preventive Suspension by the benefits withheld from him by reason of such
PLEB suspension or separation.
In the following cases the superior
officer shall not deny a request for preventive D. Formal Hearing and Disposition of Cases
Summons - Within three (3) days upon
a) When the respondent refuses to heed receipt of the complaint by the Hearing
the PLEB'
s summons or subpoena; Officer, he shall issue the summons to be
served upon the respondent, directing him to
b) When the PNP personnel have been submit his answer within five (5) days from
charged with offenses involving receipt thereof, together with whatever
bodily harm or grave threats; documentary evidence the respondent may
have in support of his defense.
c) When the respondent is in a position
to tamper with the evidence; and Answer - The answer shall be in writing,
under oath and must contain material facts,
d) When the respondent is in a position which may either be a specific denial or
to unduly influence the witnesses. affirmation of the allegations in the complaint.
It shall be accompanied by documentary or
Any superior who fails to act on other evidence, if there be any, in support of
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Hearing Proper
d.) Clarificatory questions may be
Within five (5) days from the pre- allowed, if requested by either
hearing conference, the summary hearing of party, but shall be confined
the case shall proceed. strictly to material and relevant
matters and, insofar, as may be
Order of Summary Hearing compatible with the ends of
The order of the summary hearing shall be as
follows: Submission of Position Papers
a.) The complainant shall adduce The hearing officer may require the
evidence with proper parties to submit their respective position
identification and marking papers within ten (10) days from the date the
thereof of his exhibits; summary hearing is terminated.
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Death of the respondent during the In areas and cases, where the services
pendency of the case shall terminate the of a stenographer are not available to the
administrative proceedings and has the effect disciplinary authority or IAS, a substantial
of exoneration. account of the proceedings duly certified to
as correct by the disciplinary authority or
Upon presentation of a certified true hearing officer shall suffice.
copy of the death certificate, a resolution
dismissing the case shall be issued by the Submission of Report of Investigation
concerned disciplinary authority, appellate
body or IAS, where the case is pending. The hearing officer of the disciplinary
authority and IAS, whenever applicable, shall
Stenographic Records of Proceedings have thirty (30) days to submit the report of
investigation accompanied by the complete
The entire proceedings during the original records from the date the case is
conduct of the summary hearing shall be submitted for resolution. The report of
taken in shorthand or stenotype, if there is a investigation shall contain the findings of facts
stenographer. and the corresponding recommendation.
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Secretary of the Interior and Local or resolution finally disposing of the case when
Government. no motion for reconsideration or appeal is filed
within the prescribed period.
Motion for Reconsideration
E. Service of Notices and Summons
The party adversely affected may file a
motion for reconsideration from the decision All notices and summons to the
rendered by the disciplinary authority within respondent shall be served by handing the
ten (10) days from receipt of a copy of the same to the respondent in person, or, if he
decision on the following grounds: refuses to receive and sign for it, by tendering it
to him. The process server of the disciplinary
a) Newly discovered evidence authority or IAS shall effect said service.
which, if presented, would
materially affect the decision All notices and summons to the
rendered; or respondent shall be personally delivered to him
at his official station or residence. If for any
b) Errors of law or irregularities reason, the respondent cannot be located
have been committed thereat, the notices and summons shall be
prejudicial to the substantial served at his last known address as appearing
rights and interest of the in his personal file with the Administrative
movant. Office.
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appellate body to implement the same, copy 2) the assignment of the specific errors
furnished Director, PNP Finance Service; of fact or law, or both, allegedly committed by
Director, Directorate for Investigation and the disciplinary authority; and 3) the specific
Detective Management (DIDM); and the appellate body to which the appeal is being
respondent’s unit assignment. taken.
Any PNP officer charged with the The appellant shall submit a
implementation of a Decision which has Memorandum on Appeal in three (3) legible
become final and executory who fails to copies not later than fifteen (15) days from the
implement the same shall be liable for serious filing of the notice of appeal, copy furnished
neglect of duty. the other party. However, the memorandum
on appeal maybe submitted upon filing the
G. Appeal notice of appeal. Proof that copy of the
memorandum on appeal was served to the
Appeals from the decisions of the other party must be submitted by the
disciplinary authority, Regional Appellate appellant.
Board, National Appellate Board or
recommendation of IAS which ripened into a b) In all appealed cases, the title of the
decision due to inaction by the disciplinary case shall remain as it was before the
authority, shall be taken by the party adversely disciplinary authority, but the party appealing
affected by filing a notice of appeal and the case shall be further referred to as the
furnishing a copy thereof to the other party appellant and the prevailing party as the
and the appellate body, with the deciding appellee.
authority within ten (10) days from receipt of a
copy of the decision. Dismissal of the Appeal
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3) Misconduct or Malfeasance – is
any wrongful, improper or unlawful
conduct motivated by
premeditated, obstinate or
intentional purpose. It usually refers
to transgression of some established
and definite rule of action, where no
discretion is left except where
necessity may demand; it does not
necessarily imply corruption or
criminal intention.
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enforcement agencies
and their personnel; k) fail to submit a written
report to his superior
f) absent oneself from office officer immediately or
without having filed the within a reasonable time
necessary application for after accidental firing of
leave or secured the his firearm, when time and
approval of the superior circumstances would
officer for a period not permit;
exceeding three (3) days
in a month; l) fail to take custody of
government issued
g) fail or refuse to give his property from a member
name and badge number under his supervision who
when properly requested; is suspended, separated,
retired or dead;
h) fail to report upon
declaration of alert levels; m) fail to conduct within a
reasonable period,
i) fail to report for duty in proper, thorough and
prescribed uniforms with complete investigation
badge, identification when assigned to do so;
card, service firearm and
other required equipment, n) fail to thoroughly search
except those not required for, collect, preserve and
to wear the prescribed identify evidence in any
uniform by reason of the arrest or investigation
exigency of the service; conducted by him;
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being challenged or
d) allow unauthorized threatened is one of
member of the PNP to higher rank, the charge
drive marked or shall be that of Grave
unmarked police vehicles; Misconduct;
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b) engage in regulated
c) use traffic violation reports gambling or games of
duly validated by the LTO, chance, while on duty;
MMDA, or city/municipal
government but are not c) be drunk and disorderly
issued to him for traffic while on off duty, or drunk
enforcement work; while on duty and in
uniform or in recognizable
d) use the official insignia, uniform of the force;
markings and seal of the
police force in any d) maliciously intrigue against
privately owned vehicle, the honor of a co-officer,
without the authority of or indulge in idle gossip or
the Chief of spread rumors that tend to
Police/superior officer; discredit member;
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b) incidents where death, serious physical cause is found to exist, the Regional IAS will
injury, or any violation of human rights conduct summary hearings and thereafter,
occurred in the conduct of a police operation; decide the case. Decisions of the Regional IAS
on findings of probable cause are subject to
c) incidents where evidence was appeal to the National IAS and the decisions
compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or of the latter are appealable to the National
lost while in the custody of police personnel; Appellate Board of NAPOLCOM, or to the
court as may be appropriate.
d) incidence where a suspect in the
custody of the police was seriously injured; and
9. In what particular instance may a PNP
e) incidence where the established rules of member be dismissed from service?
engagement have been violated.
Once found culpable for violation of
any of the cases mentioned in Sec. 39 of RA
7. How does IAS affect the career of a Police 8551 (supra) as well as other administrative
Officer? offenses provided under existing laws and Civil
Service Rules and Regulations.
The IAS shall provide documents or
recommendations as regards to the promotion
10. What liability has the superior or the
of the PNP members or the assignment of any
supervisor of the erring PNP member, if
PNP personnel to any key position. A PNP
member with a pending case with IAS cannot
also be issued a clearance or cannot be
The immediate supervisor or superior of the
suspended or dismissed upon the initiative of
erring PNP member shall be included in the
investigation to determine lapses in
administration and supervision.
8. What exactly is the disciplinary mechanism
in the IAS?
11. Does the IAS perform similar functions as
the People’s Law Enforcement Board
The pre-charge investigation is
conducted by the Provincial IAS. His
findings/recommendations are submitted to
the Regional IAS for review. Once a probable
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The IAS exercises concurrent jurisdiction aside, or unduly delayed by any disciplining
with the PLEB and other disciplinary authorities authority without just cause.
on matters of investigation of cases although
NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No 2007-
13. What is the effect of the creation of IAS to
001 requires it to submit its
the summary dismissal powers of the
resolutions/orders/decisions to the proper PNP
Chief, PNP and Regional Directors?
disciplinary authority for disposition and
The summary dismissal powers of the
In the case of Albao and De Leon vs Chief, PNP and Regional Directors as provided
IAS, et.al., (CA-G.R. SP No. 58225, January 15, in Sec. 42 of R.A. 6975 shall remain valid.
2001). The court ruled that the “PLEB jurisdiction Provided, that the existing jurisdiction over
is concurrent with that of other disciplinary offenses as provided under R.A. 6975 shall not
authorities, including the IAS.” be affected.
In the other case of Rudy L. Celis vs.
Regional Internal Affairs Service, et.al. (CA G.R 14. What is the liability of a disciplining
SP No. 72845, March 26, 2003), the Court held authority who fails to act or who acts with
that “The Internal Affairs Service was created abuse of discretion in the decisions of IAS?
pursuant to Republic Act 8551, otherwise
known as the PNP Reform and Reorganization Any disciplinary authority who fails to
Act of 1998, with the mandate, among others, act or who acts with abuse of discretion on the
to investigate complaints, and gather decisions of IAS shall be made liable for gross
evidence in support of an open investigation neglect of duty.
conduct summary hearings on PNP members
facing administrative charges and to hear and
15. Where can complaints against an IAS
decide the case.”
personnel be brought?
12. Can the disciplinary authority in the PNP A complaint against any personnel or
revise the decision of IAS? office of IAS shall be brought to the Inspector
General’s Office or to the Commission as may
Decisions of IAS in the imposition of be appropriate.
disciplinary measures against an erring PNP
personnel, once final, cannot be revised, set
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16. How does one become a member of the allowed to sit in a committee deliberating on
IAS? the appointment, promotion, or assignment of
any PNP personnel.
Entry to IAS is voluntary and subject to
rigid screening where only PNP personnel who
20. What are the incentives provided by law for
have at least five (5) years experience in law
joining IAS?
enforcement and who have no derogatory
records shall be considered, except members
1. an occupational specialty pay not
of the BAR may enter the service laterally.
to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the basic pay;
2. priority in the quota allocation for
17. Who appoints the members of the IAS?
training and education both here and abroad;
3. separate promotion system to be
Initial appointments of Heads of Offices
established by NAPOLCOM.
in the IAS shall be made by the President.
Thereafter, appointments and promotions shall
be made by the Inspector General based on a
21. Who may file a complaint against the PNP?
career pattern and criteria to be promulgated
by the NAPOLCOM.
Any individual whether a natural or
juridical person who is a victim of police abuses
18. How about the civilian components of the / misconduct or who has knowledge of any
IAS? police irregularities may file a complaint.
Appointment of non-uniformed
22. How is a complaint made?
personnel to the IAS shall be made by the
Inspector General either from within or outside
Generally, all complaints should be
the PNP organization.
submitted in writing and under oath with a
detailed account of the matter complained
19. What are the prohibitions on PNP members about, with enough evidence, will be of great
who join the IAS? help. A complaint which does not disclose the
identity of the complainant will be acted upon
Any personnel who joins the IAS “may only if it merits appropriate consideration, or
not” thereafter join any other unit of the PNP. contain sufficient leads or particulars, enable
Neither shall any personnel of the IAS be the taking of further action.
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