Architectural Entourage: Avsten1S Mejia, Mica Ela D. Date Grade ARC193 Arch. Emy Vicencio 09-7-2019

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AVSTEN1S Mejia, Mica Ela D.

Date Grade
ARC193 Arch. Emy Vicencio 09-7-2019

The Architectural Entourage

is a collection of digital-born

images of people and

objects for use in student

work. Architecture students

refer to these images as

“entourage”, and use them to

provide scale, depth, human

interest and mood in finished Plan

architectural renderings and In the field of architecture an architectural plan is a design and planning for a
building, and can contain architectural drawings, specifications of the design,
designs. The figures have
calculations, time planning of the building process, and other documentation.
been cut out and saved in

PNG format to preserve

transparent backgrounds.

This collection is maintained

by the UO Portland Library &

Learning Commons, and is

available only to University of

Oregon students, faculty and

An “elevation” is a drawing that shows the front or side of something. A floor plan, by contrast, shows a space
from above – as if you are looking down on the room from the ceiling. Thus, you see the tops of everything,
but you cannot view the front, side or back of an object. An elevation gives you the chance to see everything
from the other viewpoints.
Elevations are essential in kitchen design, as well as other detailed renovations. Without elevation drawings,
you cannot see the details of your new cabinetry, the size of each drawer or the location of each cabinet. A
floor plan simply cannot communicate all of this information adequately.

Importance of Elevation
Elevation is as much a first impression which you
must ensure will impress and not put off potential
buyers. Elevation is very important whether you
plan on selling your home or just want to enjoy it

An architectural perspective is a collection of activities, tactics, and guidelines that are used to ensure that a
system exhibits a particular set of related quality properties that require consideration across a number of the
system’s architectural views. A perspective provides a framework to guide and formalize this process. This
means that you never work with perspectives in isolation but instead use them with each view to analyse and
validate the qualities of your architecture and to drive further architectural decision making. We describe this as
applying the perspective to the view.
Importance of Perspectives
Perspective drawings act as a proof of the authenticity of an architecture studio. It proves that the architect is a
good old team leader and falls among the likes of men like Brunelleschi, who along with being master builders
were also master artists and visionaries.

 Conceptualizing is the foremost process in designing a space.

 The visualizing process in architecture, especially in the office studios, appears to be dominated by
technology, more often than not.

 University of Oregon. (n.d.). Oregon Digital. Retrieved from
 (2019, February 7). Architectural plan. Retrieved from
 Larsen, T. (n.d.). What Is an Elevation Drawing? Retrieved from
 Jackson, T., Brozio, K., Jackson, M., & Back, J. (n.d.). The Importance of Elevation. Retrieved from
 Rozanski, N., & Woods, E. (n.d.). Perspectives. Retrieved from https://www.viewpoints-and-
 Klassic, J. (2017, March 15). The Role Of Perspective In Architecture. Retrieved from

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