Math 20-2 - Course Outline

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Math 20-2 - Course Outline

Instructor: Jose Vallecillos

School Phone: (403) 320-7565

Evaluation and Major Topics:

The following is a list of the topics that will be covered along with the percentage
of the final grade that each topic is weighted.

Topic %
4 Radicals 11
6 Properties of Quadratic Functions 11
7 Solving Quadratic Equations 12
5 Statistical Reasoning 9
8 Proportional Reasoning 7
2 Angles and Triangles 7
3 Acute Triangle Trigonometry 11
1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning 7

*Please note: Each chapter mark will be comprised of 30% Check Ups and 70% Chapter Test

Principles of Mathematics 11 – Nelson 2011

Required Materials
 Pencils – Calculations are to be done neatly in pencil; show clear process
 Eraser
 Binder and Paper (or notebook)
 Graphing Calculator
 MUST BE on the list approved by Alberta Learning (can access
information on the following website)
***Please note that instructions given in class will only apply for the
TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver***
 extra set of batteries (4 AAA)
 Other
 Supplies such as geometry sets, graph paper and extra calculator
batteries will be needed at various times, so please have them in
your locker

Teacher Website
 I have a weebly website that you can access from
PLEASE check it to see any missed work, important upcoming dates, and to
download materials from class, especially if you have been absent.
Extra Help
 I am available most days during at least 1 Flex period (see posted
schedule). As well, extra help at other times can always be arranged on an
as needed basis.

How Parents can help

 Assist students with organization, task completion and home study
 Sign up for POWERSCHOOL and track student progress
 Keep an open line of communication with the teacher (e-mail)


It is extremely important that all assigned work be completed!!! Not all work is
taken in for marks, as assignments are often reviewed in class, however, the
assigned work is where you will obtain the required practice of applying the
concepts covered in class.

Assessment Policies
(Borrowed from Brad Henke)
There are 2 reasons for assessments: formative and summative. Formative assessments
are meant to help you (the student) learn, and to help me (the teacher) better guide future
instruction. These are composed of in class questioning and discussion, assigned practice
questions (not for marks), as well as Checkups (for marks) that are completed in class on the
most recent material.

Formative assessments are very important in the learning process. They are used to
bridge the learning process between teacher led instruction, and student led practice. It is for
this reason that the majority of formative assessment is not taken in for marks.

While a majority of formative assessment is not taken in for marks, the in class checkups
will be marked. These will be written at the beginning of classes, and students are allowed to
use their notes to assist them. They are short assessments that address the most recent
material covered. These are marked so that I can see how well each individual understands the
material, and how the class over all grasps the concepts. The checkups cannot be resubmitted
for marks, but can be redone in an effort to better understand the material covered, before
writing the chapter test on that material.

These Checkups will go in to the student’s Powerschool mark as an indicator of their

understanding of current material. If the student can demonstrate that they have improved
their understanding on a larger assessment, these Checkup marks can be exempt.

The second type of assessment is summative. Summative assessments are meant to

indicate your final understanding of a topic or a course. These assessments consist, mostly, of
chapter tests and a final exam. Summative assessments are intended to be completed
independently, using only your previously learned skills as assistance.

While summative assessments are used as final grades, this does not mean that they are
immediately finalized.
Resubmissions and Rewrites

While the checkups cannot be resubmitted for a new mark (i.e. corrections made and
marked), the checkups are very important tools in your learning, and demonstrating a deeper
understanding of material.
If you find that you submit a checkup that you didn’t do as well as you had hoped, or felt
you should have done, you are invited and welcome to bring the checkup in during flex. I will
go over it with you to answer any questions you have. This allows us to use it as another
learning tool, in order to assist you when you write the chapter test.

Your summative assessments (chapter tests) may be rewritten, after going through a
formal process to further your learning, or to demonstrate that your test mark does not
accurately reflect your actual topic knowledge.

If you wish to rewrite a chapter test, you must fill in a Rewrite Request Form. This form
will guide you through the necessary process of improving your topic knowledge before doing
the rewrite. This will include spending a necessary amount of time with me at flex (I will assess
when this is complete), and going through the previous checkups on that topic.

When your request form is completed, it must be submitted, at least a full day before the
rewrite is to be done. You must complete where and when you intend on doing the rewrite. If it
is not completed at that time, you will not get another opportunity.

If you rewrite a test, the second mark will be taken, so please ensure that you know the material
better than the original test.

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