410009f TR Electrical Installation

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA

Phone: (818) 734-5300  Fax: (818) 734-5320  Web: www.capstoneturbine.com

Technical Reference
Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Capstone Turbine Corporation

21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Telephone: (818) 407-3600
Facsimile: (818) 734-5382
Website: www.capstoneturbine.com

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Table of Contents
1.  Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5 
2.  Reference Documents ............................................................................................................ 6 
3.  General Requirements ............................................................................................................ 6 
3.1.  Protective Earth (PE) / Chassis Ground ........................................................................ 6 
3.2.  Grounding the Microturbine Neutral............................................................................... 7 
3.2.1.  Grounding Location .......................................................................................... 7 
3.2.2.  Grounding Potential .......................................................................................... 7 
3.3.  Overcurrent Protection & Disconnecting Devices .......................................................... 8 
3.4.  Power Bay Connections ................................................................................................ 9 
3.5.  MultiPac Power Connections ....................................................................................... 15 
4.  Grid Connect ......................................................................................................................... 16 
4.1.  Phase Sequence ......................................................................................................... 17 
4.2.  Transformer Applications and Impedance ................................................................... 17 
4.3.  Allowable Connections ................................................................................................ 17 
5.  Standalone Mode .................................................................................................................. 20 
5.1.  Output and Load Specification..................................................................................... 20 
5.2.  Phase Sequence ......................................................................................................... 20 
5.3.  Transformers for Highly Non-Linear Loads.................................................................. 20 
5.4.  Transformer Sizing Recommendation ......................................................................... 21 
5.5.  Generic Diagrams of Isolation Transformer Installation............................................... 21 
5.6.  Allowable Connections ................................................................................................ 24 
6.  Dual Mode ............................................................................................................................. 24 
6.1.  Installations Requiring 4-Pole Motorized Grid Breaker ................................................ 24 
6.2.  Allowable Connections ................................................................................................ 24 
7.  C65 Hybrid UPS .................................................................................................................... 25 
7.1.  Surge Protection Device .............................................................................................. 26 
7.2.  Allowable Connections ................................................................................................ 26 
8.  Input Impedance ................................................................................................................... 30 
8.1.  Example 1: Model C30 - Considering 1 Microturbine .................................................. 30 
8.2.  Example 2: Model C65 - Considering 1 Microturbine .................................................. 30 
8.3.  Example 3: Considering 3 Microturbines ..................................................................... 31 

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

List of Figures
Figure 1. Recommended Device Layout ...................................................................................... 9 
Figure 2. C30 User Connection Bay .......................................................................................... 11 
Figure 3. C65 User Connection Bay .......................................................................................... 11 
Figure 4. C65 HUPS User Connection Bay ............................................................................... 12 
Figure 5. C200 User Connection Bay ........................................................................................ 13 
Figure 6. C1000 User Connection Bay ...................................................................................... 14 
Figure 7. Power Connections: MultiPac System – Ground Rod At Each Unit ........................... 15 
Figure 8. Power Connections: MultiPac System – Common Ground Rod ................................. 16 
Figure 9. Connection to 480V Wye Service - Direct Connection ............................................... 18 
Figure 10. Connection to Non-480V Wye Service – Autotransformer with Grounded Neutral... 18 
Figure 11. Connection to Wye-Wye Service: Isolation Transformer .......................................... 19 
Figure 12. Connection to Wye-Delta Service: Isolation Transformer ......................................... 19 
Figure 13. Connection to Non-480V Wye Service – Autotransformer with Floating Neutral ..... 20 
Figure 14. Isolation Transformer Installation Example ............................................................... 22 
Figure 15. Isolation Transformer Installation Example ............................................................... 22 
Figure 16. Isolation Transformer Installation Example ............................................................... 23 
Figure 17. Paralleling Transformers Installation ........................................................................ 23 
Figure 18. Stand Alone Connections: Three-Phase Loads ........................................................ 24 
Figure 19. Dual Mode Connections: Using an Isolation Transformer ........................................ 25 

List of Tables
Table 1. Referenced Documents ................................................................................................. 6 
Table 2. Overcurrent Protection Sizing ........................................................................................ 8 
Table 3. N – L1 – L2 – L3 – DC Terminal Block Specifications ................................................. 10 
Table 4. Protective Earth (PE) / Chassis Ground Terminal Block Specifications....................... 10 
Table 5. Grid Connect Allowable Configurations Matrix ............................................................ 17 
Table 6. HUPS Allowable Connections ...................................................................................... 26 

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

1. Introduction
This document presents electrical installation information for the Capstone MicroTurbine
Capstone Microturbines (with the exception of the C65 Hybrid UPS) provide two operational
 Grid Connect Mode (GC)
 Stand Alone Mode (SA)
GC mode provides alternating current (AC) electrical power in parallel with a utility grid or with
another generation source. GC mode includes built-in utility-synchronization capability and
protective relay functions. In this mode, the microturbine acts as a current source, controlling its
current output to meet the commanded power output at the rated voltage.
SA mode provides alternating current (AC) electrical power for standby, backup, or remote off-
grid purposes. In this mode, the microturbine acts as a voltage source, regulating its voltage
output to the configured voltage and frequency settings.
A Dual Mode (DM) connection option (which requires a Dual Mode System Controller), is
available and allows automatic transition between GC and SA modes.
Multiple systems can be combined and controlled as a single larger generating source,
commonly known as a MultiPac. Operation as a MultiPac is available for SA, GC, and Dual
Mode operation.
The C65 Hybrid UPS product is unique since there are two AC connections, one for grid and
one for critical load. The grid connection operates in a mode very similar to GC mode, and the
critical load connection operates in a mode very similar to SA mode. This product’s unique
electrical configuration is considered separately in Section 7.
This document describes proper electrical interconnection for the Alternating Current (AC)
output versions only. Refer to our Hybrid Electric Vehicle documentation for Direct Current (DC)
model installation instructions.

CAUTION: All of the allowable utility service connections for the various
microturbine operating modes are presented in this document. Consult Capstone
if your utility service connections do not agree with those presented in this

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

2. Reference Documents
Table 1 provides a list of Capstone documents referenced in this Technical Reference.
Table 1. Referenced Documents
Document Part No Description
400017 C65 Microturbine User’s Manual
400030 C30 Microturbine User’s Manual
410000 C30 Electrical Technical Reference
410001 C60/C65 Electrical Technical Reference
410032 MultiPac Technical Reference
410033 Protective Relay Functions Technical Reference
410066 C200 Technical Reference
410072 C1000 Technical Reference
460062 C200 CARB Product Specification
480009 C30 and C60 HEV Application Guide
523646 C200 with HRM Outline and Installation (O&I) Drawing

3. General Requirements
It is the responsibility of the installer to supply all ancillary electrical equipment such as electrical
cable, switchgear, transformers, and disconnects through which the microturbine delivers its
output power. The equipment must be capable of safely handling the maximum potential loads,
and must meet all applicable local and national regulations. This section outlines general
requirements for all Capstone products.

WARNING: It is essential that the installer consult all of the applicable codes and
industry standards before connecting the interface wiring for the microturbine.
Notice that a qualified electrician may be required to perform this work.

3.1. Protective Earth (PE) / Chassis Ground

All Capstone Microturbine products must have protective earth (PE) grounding for the chassis.
A separate ground lug is included in the user connection bay for this purpose. Commonly this
PE is provided by a ground rod installation. Using a single PE connection for multiple
microturbine chassis grounds is acceptable. This PE may or may not be the same ground used
for the microturbine neutral; if it is not, the PE for the chassis ground and the ground for the
neutral should be at equivalent potentials, with respect to earth.
All electrical wiring, including protection and grounding, must conform to all local and national
electrical codes and regulations.
All drawings in the document will indicate the protective earth (PE)/ chassis ground by “PE/G”.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

3.2. Grounding the Microturbine Neutral

All installations, for both GC and SA modes, must have the neutral wire properly grounded. This
provides a ground reference for proper operation. Neglecting to properly ground the
microturbine system (that is, no neutral-to-ground connection, or more than one neutral-to-
ground connection) can cause damage to the microturbine system.
All electrical wiring, including protection and grounding, must conform to all local and national
electrical codes and regulations.

3.2.1. Grounding Location

It is recommended to ground the neutral wire(s) in only a single location, unless local code
requires more than one connection. For example, it is sometimes required by local code to
ground the neutral before the conductor leaves one building and travels into another, in case the
neutral is broken during earthmoving activities. In the case of multiple grounding points, these
grounding points should be at equivalent earth potentials; otherwise circulating currents can
occur and provide a poor reference for operation.
For GC installations, the recommended location of the neutral-to-ground connection is at the
utility service panel or the utility service transformer. A neutral-to-ground connection is often
already present at the wye utility service transformer.
For SA and DM installations, the recommended location of the neutral-to-ground connection is
at the microturbine service panel. Use of four-pole breakers may necessitate multiple neutral-to-
ground connections, and more information is provided on this subject in Section 6. If multiple
neutral-to-ground connections are required, please contact Capstone Applications Engineering
for approval.

3.2.2. Grounding Potential

WARNING: A solid earth ground1 of the microturbine neutral is MANDATORY

for successful operation.

A high-resistance ground should not be necessary, due to the very low fault current contribution
of the microturbine(s)2. However, a high-resistance ground may be possible, and will require a
modification to the microturbine as well as additional external surge protection equipment (to be
supplied by the installer). Please contact Capstone Applications Engineering for approval.

WARNING: Any high-resistance grounding scheme MUST BE APPROVED BY


Measurable at 5 ohms or less ground resistance per NEC, NFPA, and IEEE recommendation
Approximately 2X nominal current

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

3.3. Overcurrent Protection & Disconnecting Devices

Overcurrent protection is required for each microturbine, usually by circuit breaker or fused
disconnect. This overcurrent protection device must be installed between the microturbine and
the electrical service panel. The type and fault-current ratings of the device must meet
maximum current and voltage ratings for each microturbine model as well as meet all local
codes and specifications. Recommended sizing for overcurrent protection devices is as follows:
Table 2. Overcurrent Protection Sizing
Microturbine Model Recommended Trip Setting3
C30 60 Arms
C65 (UL, HUPS, and all other) 125 Arms
C65 (CE) 150 Arms
C200 400 Arms
C600 1200 Arms
C800 1600 Arms
C1000 2000 Arms

If a fused disconnect switch is used instead of circuit breaker, time delay fuses are not required.
Fast acting, current limiting fuses are recommended. It is recommended to install the fuses on
the microturbine side of the switch.

CAUTION: A lockable disconnect device should be located within sight of the


Any disconnect device should always have lockout provisions to facilitate safe maintenance
operations. In the case that the service panel and microturbine are very near, it may be
acceptable to use the overcurrent protection device as this lockable disconnect; please note that
most circuit breakers will require additional hardware to become “lockable”. In the case of a long
distance between the microturbine and the service panel, this should be a separate lockable
switch. Figure 1 shows the recommended configuration for a four unit multipack of

Recommended trip setting based on 125% of maximum microturbine steady state current as
listed in the C65 Electrical Technical Reference (410001). For example, the nominal steady
state current of a C200 is 310 Arms. 125% x 310 Arms = 387.5 Arms. This is rounded up to

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

To Primary Service Panel

or Utility Service

Service Panel


To To To

Note: Locate the lockable

disconnect within viewing
distance of the microturbine


Figure 1. Recommended Device Layout

Always refer to the latest national and local codes relative to your location to determine the
proper connection requirements.

3.4. Power Bay Connections

The User Connections Bay for each microturbine model is shown below.
NOTE: In accordance with UL 2200, the conductor gauge and torque
specifications for both N – L1 – L2 – L3 – DC and grounding terminal blocks are
listed in Table 3 and Table 4 respectively. This is applicable for copper and
aluminum conductor types.

NOTE: Final selection of conductor sizing must respect all local and national
codes. The wire gauge information in Table 3 and Table 4 is only a listing of
physical capabilities of the terminal blocks, and should not be substituted for a
proper engineering analysis for conductor gauge..

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Table 3. N – L1 – L2 – L3 – DC Terminal Block Specifications

Wire Size Torque Spec4 Max # of
Microturbine (AWG / MCM) (mm2) Conductors
Connection (Lb-in) (N-m)
Min Max Min Max per phase
6 2/0 13 67 180 20.3 1
C200 / 500
4 21 250 375 42.4 1
C600/C800/ 600
2 34 300 375 42.4 4
C1000 MCM

Table 4. Protective Earth (PE) / Chassis Ground Terminal Block Specifications

Wire Size Torque Spec4
Microturbine (AWG) (mm2)
Connection (Lb-in) (N-m)
Min Max Min Max
C30 / C65 14 2 3 34 120 16.9
C200 14 2/0 3 67 180 20.3
C600 / C800 / Installer must land ground wire on ground bus bar
C1000 using appropriate hardware

Torque value listed is based upon maximum wire size using UL486 recommendation. Smaller
torque values may be possible for small gauge wire. Refer to UL486 for recommended torques
using wire gauges smaller than the maximum torque.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 2. C30 User Connection Bay

Figure 3. C65 User Connection Bay

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

DC Battery
(+) Terminal
DC Battery
(-) Terminal


Auxiliary DC
Gas Pack
with Fusing

Figure 4. C65 HUPS User Connection Bay

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 5. C200 User Connection Bay

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Phase A Bus Bar

Phase B Bus Bar

Phase C Bus Bar

Neutral Bus Bar

Ground Bus Bar

Figure 6. C1000 User Connection Bay

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

3.5. MultiPac Power Connections

Refer to the MultiPac Technical Reference (410032) for details on MultiPac operation. Power
connections between the MultiPac systems will be necessary, and these connections must
consider the proper phase wiring, neutral wiring, and grounding connections between the
various systems. Refer to Figure 8 for electrical connection diagram for permitted MultiPac
Protective earth (PE) / chassis grounding can either be a ground rod at each unit (as shown in
Figure 7), or can be a single, common ground rod at the service panel (as shown in Figure 8).
For simplification of the following connection diagrams in this document, this multipac is
represented electrically by a set of terminals L3, L2, L1, and N labeled “Single or Multipac

Figure 7. Power Connections: MultiPac System – Ground Rod At Each Unit

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Viewable Microturbine or Single Unit or

Lockable Multipac Multipac
Disconnect Service Panel Connections

MT Circuit Main Circuit

Breaker Breaker
Microturbine #1

L3 L3
L2 L2
L1 L1

MT Circuit
Microturbine #N



NOTE: All wiring shown should be connected regardless of connection type.

Figure 8. Power Connections: MultiPac System – Common Ground Rod

4. Grid Connect
Table 5 presents the various allowable connections for the Grid Connect operating mode. The
table will show important attributes for comparison including standards compliance, wiring, etc.
No 3-wire delta utility service connections are allowed5. For details on each configuration, refer
to the figure number shown for that configuration.

No three-wire delta utility service connections are allowed because the phase-to-ground
voltages float, and over time, these voltages (with respect to ground) become unbalanced and
cause microturbine nuisance trips. In addition, the phase-to-ground voltages can reach levels
that can break the insulation in the IGBTs-to-ground and cause equipment failure.

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Table 5. Grid Connect Allowable Configurations Matrix

Standards Compliance Utility Service
Figure No. Transformer Type
UL1741 CE/Other Wye Delta

9 X X X None
10 X X X Autotransformer with Grounded Neutral
11 X X X Wye/Wye Isolation
12 X X X Wye/Delta Isolation
13 X X Autotransformer with Floating Neutral

4.1. Phase Sequence

The output phase sequence is L1 to L2 to L3. Notice that improper phase sequence
connections may cause the microturbine to trip. It is the installer’s responsibility to verify the
proper phase connections between the microturbine and the grid.

4.2. Transformer Applications and Impedance

A voltage transformer for the microturbine will be required if the circuit voltage is outside the 400
to 480 Volts AC range.
All GC mode installations with transformers between the microturbine and the grid6 must
consider maximum grid impedance. Proper sizing of transformers in the installation is required
to limit the impedance seen by the microturbine. For impedance limits required for installation of
each microturbine model, refer to the Electrical Specification documents referenced in Table 1.
Refer to Input Impedance on page 30 for example calculation of the impedance of the line run
and transformers to the utility source.

4.3. Allowable Connections

Figure 9 through Figure 13 present the permitted utility (or transformer) connections for Capstone

To a point in the distribution grid where the voltage is 6 kV or higher

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Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Single Unit
or Multipac




Figure 9. Connection to 480V Wye Service - Direct Connection

Figure 10. Connection to Non-480V Wye Service – Autotransformer with Grounded


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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 11. Connection to Wye-Wye Service: Isolation Transformer

Figure 12. Connection to Wye-Delta Service: Isolation Transformer

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 13. Connection to Non-480V Wye Service – Autotransformer

with Floating Neutral

5. Standalone Mode
5.1. Output and Load Specification
The microturbine output consists of three phases and a neutral. The current in each phase need
not be balanced, as long as the electrical current limits per phase are respected. Loads may be
connected phase-phase or phase-neutral. The nominal Stand Alone voltage setting is available
between any two phases.. For current and voltage specifications of each microturbine model,
refer to the Electrical Specification documents referenced in Table 1.

5.2. Phase Sequence

For SA installations, the output phase rotation sequence is L1 to L2 to L3. Notice that improper
phase connections can damage the connected loads or cause microturbine trips. Capstone
cannot be held responsible for equipment damage caused by improper connections. It is the
installer’s responsibility to verify the proper phase connections between the microturbine and
the load(s).

5.3. Transformers for Highly Non-Linear Loads

For any SA installation with highly non-linear loads, an isolation transformer is required. This
transformer functions as a harmonic filter and provides additional benefits for motor starting and
kVA margin.
Highly non-linear loads are defined as:
 Any loads causing the site current THD to be greater than 8%

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

 Non-linear lighting loads: Fluorescent ballasts and sodium lamps

There are two major benefits that are worth consideration. First, the energy storage in the
transformer windings will reduce voltage drop during DOL (across-the-line) motor starts.
Second, for 400V applications, using an operating voltage of 480V on the microturbine side of
the transformer will provide up to 20% higher kVA margin available for starting large electric
For sites requiring an isolation transformer, the recommended configuration is as follows:
- Delta connection on microturbine side.
- Wye connection is recommended on load side. However, delta connection on load side
is also acceptable if required by installation.
- 480 volts output setting on microturbine side (may not be commercially available in your
country, so 400V is acceptable, but this limits any motor starting benefits).
- Impedance between 4-8%. Lower impedance will provide overall better voltage
regulation, but may require a soft start ramp to be configured on the microturbines for
installations with 3 or more microturbines.
Autotransformers are not allowed as an alternative to the required isolation transformer,
since they do not provide the galvanic isolation and delta winding which minimize the
transmission of harmonics.

5.4. Transformer Sizing Recommendation

For any SA installation requiring a transformer, the following sizing recommendations are
provided. Per the discussion in Section 5.3, the recommended configuration is one or two large
transformers after the paralleling of the microturbines, so these recommended sizes can be
summed based on the total number of units connected to the same paralleling bus.
o 45 kVA per C30 system
o 112.5 kVA per C65 system
o 300 kVA per C200 system
o 900 kVA per C600 system
o 1200 kVA per C800 system
o 1500 kVA per C1000 system

5.5. Generic Diagrams of Isolation Transformer Installation

Figure 14 through Figure 16 represent examples of allowed configurations for SA and DM
installations. Capstone recommends any transformers should be placed after the paralleling of
the Multipac.
Figure 17 represents a connection that is not recommended, but may be possible. If individual
transformers are used before the paralleling of the microturbines, these transformers must be
matched with identical impedance, kVA rating, wiring sequence, and phase difference (primary
to secondary).

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 14. Isolation Transformer Installation Example

Figure 15. Isolation Transformer Installation Example

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 16. Isolation Transformer Installation Example

Figure 17. Paralleling Transformers Installation

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

5.6. Allowable Connections

Figure 18. Stand Alone Connections: Three-Phase Loads

6. Dual Mode
An installation designed to switch between GC and SA operation is identified as a Dual Mode
installation, and must meet the installation requirements for both GC and SA operation,
including the required isolation transformer for SA operation. Automatic transfer between
modes may be accomplished with the optional Capstone Dual Mode System Controller. Refer to
the Dual Mode System Controller Technical Reference (410071) for details.
Whether manual or automatic, the electrical conversion from one mode to the other must be
planned with care, particularly the neutral and ground connections. Safety requirements, code
requirements, and functional requirements must all be met.

6.1. Installations Requiring 4-Pole Motorized Grid Breaker

In some parts of the world, 4-pole circuit breakers are required, which will break the neutral wire
as well as the three phases. Given the requirement of grounding the neutral wire in both SA
mode and GC mode (discussed in Section 3.2), there may need to be a neutral-grounding relay
capable of keeping the neutral grounded when the DMSC switches the motorized breaker open.
This construction and theory of operation is discussed in the Dual Mode System Controller
Technical Reference (410071). The below allowable connections assume 3-pole breakers, but
are otherwise valid for 4-pole breaker installations, assuming the proper neutral-grounding

6.2. Allowable Connections

Figure 19 presents indirect connection using the Dual Mode System Controller. The DMSC is
installed between the isolation transformer and the protected loads, and the utility or local

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Single Unit or Dual Mode

System Wye Utility Service or
MultiPac Isolation Local Transformer
Connections Transformer

L3 Refer to
L2 Figures 10 & 11
for isolation
L1 transformer
N details

Must be Protected PE/G

continuous Loads
with the utility

Figure 19. Dual Mode Connections: Using an Isolation Transformer

7. C65 Hybrid UPS

The C65 Hybrid UPS microturbine comes with two AC power connections, the GLCM and
LLCM. The GLCM connection should connect to the utility grid source, and the LLCM output
should connect to the critical load bus. Due to the unique design of the C65 Hybrid UPS
microturbine compared to other Capstone products, external isolation transformers are required
on both connections to avoid momentary short circuit through the internal power electronics.
The required LLCM and GLCM AC power connections must be three-phase, four wire un-
grounded wye.

WARNING: The neutral wire should NOT be grounded at the microturbine

connection bay or at either isolation transformer. The only ground connection
should be the chassis ground connection at each C65 Hybrid UPS microturbine.
This is due to the fact that the positive DC bus is grounded internally. The chassis
grounding is required per normal installation guidelines listed in Section 3.2.
CAUTION: The maximum length for the conductor between each microturbine AC
connection and the isolation transformer is 10 meters.

All conductor should be run using grounded conduit. Exceeding this length could result in
excessive EMF generation, which could interfere with operation of sensitive electrical
equipment. Contact Capstone Applications Engineering with any questions.
The DC external battery should be connected with proper polarity of positive and negative
verified. There should be no power grounding on the external battery string, since this is
provided internally to the Hybrid UPS Microturbine. For the DC battery connection, a DC circuit

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

breaker disconnect must be included between the batteries and the unit. See the C65 Hybrid
UPS Application Guide (Refer to Table 1) for more details on battery system specification.
Three- or four-wire connections are allowable, as shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21. For four-
wire connections, the critical loads need not be balanced as long as the current limits per phase
are not exceeded.

WARNING: Three-wire critical load connections are allowable as long as the

neutral on the critical load side of the isolation transformer is grounded AND the
critical loads are BALANCED. No unbalanced critical loads are allowed for 3-wire
critical load connections.

7.1. Surge Protection Device

Due to the unique internal architecture of the C65 Hybrid UPS system, a surge protection device
must be installed on the grid-side connection of the isolation transformer for each unit.
Capstone will provide the device required for UL installations as well as any other 4-wire
480Y/277V installations. All other wiring configurations will require an alternative surge
protection device, which must be specified with the assistance of Capstone Applications
Engineering. The spec sheet and installation documents from the manufacturer are listed in
Appendix of the C65 Hybrid UPS Application Guide (480049).
The required connections for the surge protection device are described in detail in Figure 20
through Figure 22 below. The device should be mounted with leads as short as possible,
recommended not to exceed 1m in length.

7.2. Allowable Connections

Table 6. HUPS Allowable Connections
Grid Critical Load
Connection Connection Isolation
Figure Wiring UL2200/1741 Surge Protection
No. Compliance Device
4-wire 3- 4-wire 3-wire Windings

Yes Supplied by
16 X X Wye/Wye
Yes Contact
17 X X Wye/Wye Applications
No Contact
18 X X Wye/Delta Applications

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 20. 4-Wire HUPS Installation

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Figure 21. 3-Wire HUPS Installation with Wye/Wye Transformers

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

Optional Lockable Isolation Transformer Circuit Utility

Disconnect Breaker


Electrical Connection Bay

Optional Lockable Isolation Transfer (Wye-Wye) Circuit

Disconnect Breaker
Critical Load


Service Panel
Critical Load
DC Battery

+ to External
- Battery System


Figure 22. 3-Wire HUPS Installation with Wye/Delta Transformers

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

8. Input Impedance
Refer to Table 1 for the Electrical Specification documents listing input impedance requirements
of each microturbine model
Examples of the total electrical input impedance calculations which detail the values considering
the microturbine output looking towards the utility are provided in the following paragraphs.

NOTE: Input impedance calculations are for Grid Connect operation only.

8.1. Example 1: Model C30 - Considering 1 Microturbine

Total Impedance for all conductors: ZL = 0.5%, ZR = 1.0%

480 V 208 V 240 V 5 kV
30 KVA

45 kVA 45 kVA 60 kVA

ZL1 = 5.6% ZL2 = 6.4% ZL3 = 5%
ZR1 = 1.7% ZR2 = 1.9% ZR3 = 1.6%

Inductive: ZL (Total) = 5.6% (30/45) + 6.4% (30/45) + 5% (30/60) + 0.5% = 11%

(Value exceeds acceptable limit of 10%)
Resistive: ZR (Total) = 1.7% (30/45) + 1.9% (30/45) + 1.6% (30/60) + 1% = 4.22%
(Value is within acceptable limit of 5%)

8.2. Example 2: Model C65 - Considering 1 Microturbine

Total Impedance for all conductors: ZL = 0.5%, ZR = 1.0%

480 V 208 V 240 V 5 kV
65 KVA

75 kVA 75 kVA 100 kVA

ZL1 = 5.6% ZL2 = 6.4% ZL3 = 5%
ZR1 = 1.7% ZR2 = 1.9% ZR3 = 1.6%

ZL (Total) = 5.6% (65/75) + 6.4% (65/75) + 5% (65/100) + 0.5% = 14.2%

(Value exceeds acceptable limit of 10%)
ZR (Total) = 1.7% (65/75) + 1.9% (65/75) + 1.6% (65/100) + 1% = 5.16%
(Value exceeds acceptable limits of 5%)

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Capstone Turbine Corporation  21211 Nordhoff Street  Chatsworth  CA 91311  USA
Technical Reference: Capstone MicroTurbine Electrical Installation

8.3. Example 3: Considering 3 Microturbines

Total Impedance for all conductors: ZL = 0.5%, ZR = 1.0%

480 V

480 V
MicroTurbine #1
30 kVA

45 kVA
ZL1=5.6%, ZR1=1.7%

480 V 480 V 4160 V 34.5 kV
MicroTurbine #2
30 kVA

45 kVA
500 kVA 2000 kVA
ZL2=5.6%, ZR2=1.7%
ZL4 = 7.2% ZL5 = 5%
ZR4 = 1.8% ZR5 = 1.3%
480 V
MicroTurbine #3
60 kVA
65 kVA

112.5 kVA
ZL3=4.3%, ZR3=1.4%

Note: In these calculations, the number 120 represents the sum of the Microturbine
outputs (30+30+65)
Microturbine #1 (30 kVA):
ZL (MT1) = 5.6% (30/45) + 7.2% (125/500) + 5% (125/2000) + 0.5% = 6.3%
(Value is within acceptable limits)
ZR (MT1) = 1.7% (30/45) + 1.8% (125/500) + 1.3% (125/2000) + 1% = 2.7%
(Value is within acceptable limits)
Microturbine #2 (30 kVA):
ZL (MT2) = 5.6% (30/45) + 7.2% (125/500) + 5% (125/2000) + 0.5% = 6.3%
(Value is within acceptable limits)
ZR (MT2) = 1.7% (30/45) + 1.8% (125/500) + 1.3% (125/2000) + 1% = 2.7%
(Value is within acceptable limits)
Microturbine #3 (65 kVA):
ZL (MT3) = 4.3% (65/112.5) + 7.2% (125/500) + 5% (125/2000) + 0.5% = 5.1%
(Value is within acceptable limits)
ZR (MT3) = 1.4% (65/112.5) + 1.8% (125/500) + 1.3% (125/2000) + 1% = 2.3%
(Value is within acceptable limits)

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