Moral Et Al 2008 J Hydrol
Moral Et Al 2008 J Hydrol
Moral Et Al 2008 J Hydrol
available at
Departamento de Sistemas Fı́sicos, Quı́micos y Naturales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Carretera de Utrera, Km 1,
41013 Seville, Spain
Instituto del Agua, Universidad de Granada, C/ Ramón y Cajal No. 4, 18071 Granada, Spain
Departamento de Geodinámica y Paleontologı́a, Universidad de Huelva, Campus ‘‘El Carmen’’ s/n, 21071 Huelva, Spain
Received 17 July 2007; received in revised form 30 June 2008; accepted 1 July 2008
KEYWORDS Summary Sierra de Segura (Betic Cordillera), with a total area of over 3000 km2, is the
Carbonate aquifer; source of the two principal rivers in southern Spain, the Guadalquivir and the Segura. Due
Hydrochemical to the orographic effect of these mountains, precipitations are considerably more abun-
processes; dant than in nearby lowland areas, where the climate is semi-arid. Sierra de Segura is con-
Mg/Ca ratio; stituted of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks, among which there are thick
Temperature; limestone–dolomitic formations which have given rise to extensive outcrops of permeable
Evolutive model materials. In geomorphological terms, there is a large plateau intensively karstified that
constitutes the main recharge area. Discharge takes place via a large number of springs,
of which the 50 most important add up to a mean spring flow of about 13,500 l/s. The
active geochemical processes in aquifers of Sierra de Segura, with their corresponding
time sequence, are: dissolution of CO2, dissolution of calcite, incongruent dissolution of
dolomite, dedolomitization, exsolution of CO2, and precipitation of calcite. More evolved
water has higher temperature, magnesium content and Mg/Ca ratio; therefore, these
parameters can be utilised as indicators of the degree of hydrochemical evolution. In addi-
tion, a good correlation between water temperature and magnesium concentration (or
Mg/Ca ratio) indicates that an increase in temperature accelerates the kinetics of the dis-
solution of dolomite. Finally, the distribution of the temperatures in the vadose zone,
determined by atmospheric thermal gradient, implies an apparent stratification of the
predominant hydrochemical processes and of the groundwater physical and chemical
ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-1694/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
282 F. Moral et al.
from the west, which means that precipitations are abun- Subterranean discharge from studied aquifers occurs in
dant (over 1000 mm annually) on the western slopes and natural regime through more than 50 main springs, with a
on the summits of the mountain range, while the climate mean flow of between 40 and 1500 l/s. These springs are sit-
is semi-arid to the east of the mountains, with precipita- uated at the foot of the mountains, mainly at altitudes be-
tions lesser than 500 mm/year. tween 900 and 1300 m (Fig. 2 and Table 1).
The climate is of a Mediterranean type, with very dry In the northern sector of Sierra de Segura, fluvial erosion
summers and a rainy season extended from November to has individualized some twenty hydrogeological units,
April, during which over 70% of annual precipitation occurs. mainly of small surface area and with limited water re-
Approximately 90% of surface runoff takes place from sources (100 hm3/year for the whole sector). In the central
October to May. and southern parts, extensive carbonate outcrops and the
The abundance of outcropping carbonate rocks, the rel- considerable development of the karstic morphology on
atively shallow slopes and the large volume of precipitations the plateau created conditions enabling the infiltration of
have favoured an extraordinary development of exokarstic large amount of water, estimated at 330 hm3/year (Moral,
forms in the remains of the plateau (López-Limia, 1987; 2005).
Moral, 2005); in consequence, this is the main groundwater
recharge area of Sierra de Segura. Methods
Given the relation between the isotopic composition of
the precipitation waters and the altitude, Cruz-Sanjulián The experimental data, corresponding to the period 1988–
et al. (1990) concluded that groundwaters infiltrate at an 2004, were obtained from field trips and from chemical
average altitude of around 1600 m, which is coherent with analyses performed in the laboratory. Portable equipment
other geological and geomorphological observations. was used to obtain in situ readings of temperature, pH
284 F. Moral et al.
and electrical conductivity. At the same time, samples of hurst and Appelo, 1999). The computer processing of these
non-acidified water in 500 ml polyethylene bottles were ta- hydrochemical data had two main objectives: (1) to deter-
ken. The measurement of HCO3 and Ca was carried out in mine the saturation indexes of calcite, dolomite and gyp-
the shortest time practicable, although the field campaigns sum, and the partial equilibrium pressure of CO2, and (2)
normally took 3 or 4 days; during this period, the samples to calculate mass transfer along the flow path.
were kept at a low temperature in a portable refrigerator.
The HCO3 content was determined as the total alkalinity,
by titration with HCl 0.05 N and methyl orange as indicator. Physical and chemical characteristics of
The cations were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrom- groundwater
etry (Ca and Mg) and by emission spectrometry (Na and K). A
visible light spectrophotometer was used to analyse SO4 by Table 1 shows the mean water temperature in the main
turbidimetry and the SiO2, by colorimetry. The concentra- springs; the values recorded ranged from 8.5 C in Fuente
tions of Cl ions were determined by argentometric titration, Segura (ref. 22) to 21 C at Los Tubos (ref. 36). The springs
using AgNO3 0.01 N and 5% K2CrO4 as indicator. Since the with the highest flows tended to drain colder waters, with
year 2001, all the ions, except the bicarbonates, were ana- temperatures ranging from 9 to 11 C. In addition, it should
lysed by ionic chromatography. be noted that there are a few weakly thermal springs (water
The hydrochemical calculations were performed using temperature close to 20 C), of which the most significant
the AQUACHEM program (Calmbach, 1997), which makes it are Los Tubos (ref. 36), La Toba de Jartos (ref. 9) and El
possible, in a straightforward way, to use of PHREEQC (Park- Nacimiento (ref. 10) springs.
Figure 2 Carbonate outcrops in the study area and location of the main springs.
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Segura
Table 1 Physicochemical characteristics of spring waters of Sierra de Segura
Ref. Spring Height Ca Mg Na HCO3 SO4 Cl T EC pH log PCO2 SIcalcite SIdolomite Mg/Ca
(m.a.s.l.) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (C) (lS/cm) (molar ratio)
1 El Molino 1000 36.7 11.7 0.9 184.1 3.2 2.0 10.6 253 7.93 2.754 0.133 0.099 0.319
2 Arroyo Frı́o (II) 1000 40.5 13.2 0.9 206.8 2.3 1.9 11.8 263 7.74 2.507 0.049 0.236 0.326
3 San Blas 980 43.9 15.5 1.1 233.8 3.7 2.1 13.0 305 8.42 3.146 0.800 1.327 0.581
4 Era del Concejo 940 54.5 17.4 1.3 277.2 3.3 2.6 14.0 347 8.08 2.720 0.643 0.983 0.526
5 El Ojuelo 820 63.4 16.5 2.2 272.2 16.9 4.2 13.4 414 7.36 2.005 0.027 0.457 0.260
6 La Maleza 880 57.0 19.5 6.0 337.0 22.5 6.0 13.1 522 6.92 1.474 0.433 1.157 0.342
7 Las Pegueras 920 37.0 10.0 3.0 191.0 4.0 4.0 11.0 272
8 El Tejo 1320 53.4 15.1 2.0 243.6 6.2 5.7 10.0 328 7.66 2.369 0.086 0.182 0.282
9 La Toba de Jartos 780 69.3 30.8 54.9 347.6 65.0 89.5 20.7 762 7.27 1.799 0.071 0.084 0.444
10 El Nacimiento 810 71.0 37.0 30.0 353.0 85.5 46.0 17.8 692 7.27 1.789 0.044 0.057 0.521
11 Alcantarilla 880 48.0 9.4 0.9 205.4 3.6 1.6 13.4 279 8.33 3.105 0.714 0.905 0.322
12 Santa Ana 1330 47.2 18.1 1.1 259.1 5.4 1.6 335 8.24
13 El Gorgocı́n 1250 42.2 17.4 1.7 210.8 4.0 3.4 11.7 282 7.84 2.603 0.163 0.094 0.412
14 Cuatro Caños 820 41.7 18.7 2.6 226.2 5.1 4.3 13.7 292 8.07 2.797 0.438 0.717 0.738
15 El Arroyo 950 53.8 22.2 3.2 271.6 3.8 5.3 15.3 376 7.52 2.157 0.094 0.017 0.413
16 Sege 950 53.8 21.9 3.2 271.0 3.2 5.3 15.2 372 7.60 2.239 0.171 0.164 0.407
17 Torcal 1020 49.9 20.3 2.5 252.5 2.9 4.8 13.8 360 7.79 2.467 0.281 0.361 0.407
18 Casa de Arriba 1040 50.9 12.1 1.6 219.3 3.7 3.8 12.3 321 7.79 2.532 0.220 0.020 0.238
19 La Toba 1010 43.9 13.1 2.0 201.4 5.5 4.4 12.7 278 7.66 2.435 0.003 0.350 0.302
20 Cueva del Agua 1240 43.9 10.8 1.7 185.2 3.1 3.8 10.4 228 7.88 2.703 0.155 0.170 0.246
21 Molino de Loreto 1280 45.0 11.8 1.8 204.8 5.1 4.9 10.0 273 7.57 2.350 0.109 0.679 0.260
22 Fuente Segura 1410 45.6 5.1 1.4 168.7 3.1 4.3 8.5 224 7.64 2.509 0.126 1.111 0.112
23 F. del Taibilla Discharge into a stream channel
24 Tobos 1110 50.9 14.7 2.4 241.3 4.8 4.5 11.6 328 7.43 2.509 0.112 0.613 0.288
25 El Cerezo 1175 66.8 14.2 2.0 266.9 4.8 2.4 11.4 383
26 El Berral 1290 48.7 11.4 1.8 217.5 5.3 5.0 9.6 300 7.55 2.307 0.079 0.676 0.233
27 El Muso 1310 45.9 12.8 1.8 222.3 3.9 4.1 10.1 294 7.57 2.315 0.067 0.567 0.279
28 Arroyo Frı́o 1350 47.4 13.3 2.0 236.4 4.0 4.5 9.6 323 7.77 2.493 0.159 0.120 0.281
29 Los Agujeros 1440 58.1 5.8 1.7 224.3 4.5 4.3 10.1 312
30 El Saúco 1380 56.5 4.0 2.0 222.0 2.5 6.5 10.3 304 7.66 2.404 0.118 0.788 0.071
31 Montilla 1480 56.2 2.4 1.8 188.3 5.6 4.8 9.6 267 7.50 2.317 0.119 1.495 0.043
32 San Clemente 1060 54.5 14.5 4.0 259.0 10.0 6.0 12.8 400
33 La Natividad 1090 55.8 15.6 3.0 266.7 6.8 5.9 11.8 360 7.24 1.900 0.223 0.847 0.301
34 Fuente Alta 1140 51.7 9.8 2.8 213.5 7.6 5.4 12.3 298 7.40 2.151 0.170 0.900 0.193
35 En medio 1090 48.0 10.3 3.3 207.8 5.5 5.0 12.7 282 7.82 2.583 0.212 0.075 0.215
36 Los Tubos 1080 53.3 28.9 22.0 300.4 23.9 31.9 21.0 534 7.36 1.924 0.030 0.093 0.545
37 Juan Ruiz 1170 45.2 12.9 1.8 205.1 4.8 4.3 10.2 278 7.72 2.500 0.044 0.333 0.285
38 Nac. Castril 1250 41.7 11.4 1.6 188.4 5.8 4.6 9.5 246 7.98 2.802 0.223 0.005 0.275
39 H. del Morcillo 1100 40.0 16.5 2.0 210.3 3.3 4.0 10.8 262 7.89 2.658 0.178 0.107 0.413
40 La Magdalena 1100 39.0 18.2 1.8 216.8 3.3 4.2 10.1 271 7.73 2.487 0.009 0.190 0.467
(continued on next page)
286 F. Moral et al.
(molar ratio)
altitude of the springs and the water temperature. Compar-
ison of the latter with the atmospheric thermal gradient re-
veals that most of the springs, according to Schöeller’s
criteria, would be classified as ‘‘cold water springs’’ (i.e.,
the water temperature is below that the mean air temper-
ature at ground level; Schöeller, 1962).
The underground thermal gradient was found to fit the
conceptual model of temperature distribution in karstic sys-
tems proposed by Luetscher and Jeannin (2004). These
authors concluded that the temperature in the vadose zone
is determined by the circulation of infiltration waters and,
above all, by the circulation of air; therefore, within an ac-
tive karstic system the temperature tends to be close to
that of the mean air temperature at a point on the land sur-
log PCO2
face at a similar altitude.
The water in the limestone–dolomite aquifers of Sierra
de Segura is characterised as presenting low levels of miner-
alisation, such that the total value of dissolved solids is usu-
ally between 0.25 and 0.35 g/l, with the exception of those
springs associated with thermal systems, where levels of up
Atmospheric thermal gradient
Height (m)
F. Guadalentı́n
Siete Fuentes
M. de Peralta
Aguas Negras
La Canaliega
Los Chorros
La Canal
El Túnel
5 10 15 20 25
Temperature (ºC)
Table 1
Height (m)
altitudes tends to present higher contents of Mg. Obviously, 1200
water with a higher temperature tends to present a higher 1000
Mg content (Figs. 3 and 5). Finally, Fig. 5c leads us to con-
clude that water emerging at lower altitudes usually pre-
sents a higher Mg/Ca ratio. According to some authors, 600
this parameter can be used as a qualitative indicator of 400
the residence time of groundwater (Edmunds et al., 1987; 0 20 40 60 80 100
Cardenal et al., 1994; Kloppmann et al., 1998; Elliott Ca (mg/L)
et al., 1999; Fairchild et al., 2000; Musgrove and Banner, b 1600
2004; McMahon et al., 2004).
The low temporal variability of the physical and chemical
Height (m)
characteristics of the spring water shows that diffuse flow 1200
Partial pressure of CO2 and saturation indexes
of calcite, dolomite and gypsum 0 10 20 30 40
Mg (mg/L)
In most of the springs, the waters were found to be in appar- c 1600
ent equilibrium with a gaseous phase in which the partial
pressure of CO2 was comprised between 10 2.6 and 10 2.3 Height (m)
atm (Table 1), equivalent to a CO2 content of 0.25% and 1200
19-La Toba Range 147–456 7.4–7.9 12.0–13.1 254–310 10–16 35–55 175–214
n = 23 Mean 296.8 7.66 12.6 280 13.0 43.8 201.4
St.D. 75.7 0.16 0.3 13 1.8 5.7 10.9
C.V. 25.5 2.13 2.9 4 14.4 13.1 5.4
21-M. Loreto Range 383–510 7.1–7.8 9.0–10.6 251–302 9–15 36–60 183–225
n = 22 Mean 440.6 7.57 10.0 275 11.8 45.0 204.8
St.D. 40.7 0.20 0.4 13 1.9 5.7 11.3
C.V. 9.2 2.66 4.0 4 16.1 12.6 5.5
F. Moral et al.
34-Fuente Alta Range 70–808 6.9–7.7 11.1–13.1 259–347 5–15 37–67 175–244
n = 31 Mean 209.8 7.40 12.3 301 9.7 51.7 213.5
St.D. 197.6 0.24 0.6 23 2.4 8.6 21.6
C.V. 94.2 3.28 5.2 7 25.2 16.7 10.1
Table 2 Statistical data of main studied springs (n: number of samples; St.D.; standard deviation; C.V.: coefficient of variation, in %)
Q (l/s) pH T (C) EC (lS/cm) Mg (mg/l) Ca (mg/l) HCO3 (mg/l)
50-A. Negras Range 105–578 7.2–7.7 8.5–9.6 255–325 7–19 38–53 191–275
n = 15 Mean 236.1 7.46 9.1 290 14.3 43.6 217.4
St.D. 166.5 0.17 0.2 22 3.0 4.4 21.0
C.V. 70.5 2.32 3.1 7 21.0 10.0 9.6
290 F. Moral et al.
de Jartos, ref. 9; Los Tubos, ref. 36) and six springs oversat- From the model developed by Plummer et al. (1978) it
urated, these being the same springs that present waters can be calculated that, for a PCO2 of 10 1.5 atm and a tem-
that are highly oversaturated with respect to calcite and perature of 10 C, a concentration equivalent to 95% of the
Torcal spring (ref. 17). calcite saturation in a solution can be achieved in 10.7 h
In most springs, the concentrations of SO4 are very low (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999). Applying these values to
(3–6 mg/l) and so the waters are very subsaturated with re- different real conditions, the time needed to reach
spect to gypsum (SIgypsum close to 3). Only in the systems 95% calcite saturation may range from 32 min to 56 h
with very deep flows, such as the thermal systems, does (Dreybrodt, 1981; Buhmann and Dreybrodt, 1985). In this
the index of gypsum saturation present values exceeding respect, Plummer et al. (1979) reported that an aqueous
2 ( 1.72 at El Nacimiento, ref. 10; 1.85 at La Toba de solution reaches equilibrium with respect to calcite in 16
Jartos, ref. 9; 2.05 at La Canal, ref. 48). days.
Laboratory experiments (Busenberg and Plummer, 1982)
predict very low response times for the dissolution of dolo-
Hydrochemical characteristics of the mite. Appelo et al. (1984) proposed an equation to relate
carbonate aquifers in Sierra de Segura the dissolution rate to the index of saturation, and con-
cluded that to achieve 95% dolomite dissolution, a much
Factors conditioning the hydrochemical longer period (51 days) would be required than for calcite,
characteristics of the carbonate aquifers under similar circumstances (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999),
and considerably longer periods of time to reach saturation
The solubility of calcite and dolomite in pure water is very in an aqueous solution (Busenberg and Plummer, 1982;
low. Nevertheless, most carbonates dissolve readily in Drever, 1997).
acidic solutions. The most important acid in karstic pro- Thus it is explained why spring water is normally closer to
cesses is carbonic acid, which is formed from the dissolution equilibrium with calcite than with dolomite (Langmuir,
of gaseous CO2, generally of edaphic origin (White, 1988; 1997) and why it presents a more calcium hydrochemical
Drever, 1997; Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999). facies in the recharge zone (Drever, 1997).
The composition of water in karstic systems is the result Indeed, the difference in the kinetics of the dissolution
of the dissolution of variable quantities of calcite and dolo- of calcite and dolomite means that downstream in the
mite. Some authors have suggested that the Mg/Ca ratio in aquifer a progressive increase in the Mg/Ca ratio in the
water depends on the proportion of calcite and dolomite water occurs and, therefore, this ratio can be used as a
present in the aquifer rock (White, 1988). Thus, Langmuir qualitative indicator of the residence time of the water in
(1971) concluded that the low Mg/Ca ratio in the spring the aquifer (Cardenal et al., 1994; Kloppmann et al.,
water in a sector of Pennsylvania is the result of the ground- 1998; Elliott et al., 1999; Edmunds and Smedley, 2000;
water flow through limestones, while the higher value of López-Chicano et al., 2001; Musgrove and Banner, 2004;
this ratio in the water pumped from various boreholes is McIntonsh and Walter, 2006).
due to the fact that this water is obtained from dolomites. Another factor to be taken into account in the processes
In the same sense, the calculations of Fairchild et al. (2000) of the dissolution of calcite and dolomite is the influence of
suggest that the proportion of calcite and dolomite in an the water temperature. Carbonates present exothermal dis-
aquifer is, together with the transit time, one of the basic solution heat, i.e., their solubility decreases as the temper-
factors influencing the chemical composition of karstic ature increases. This reduction in solubility is magnified by
waters. the fact that the solubility of CO2 also falls as the tempera-
However, in aquifers composed of extraordinarily pure ture rises (Langmuir, 1997). For a CO2 pressure of 10 2.5 atm
limestone, the presence of Mg impurities in the calcite and a pH of 7.6, typically found in groundwater, water that
(0.2% by weight) gives rise to relatively high Mg/Ca ratios is saturated in calcite contains 44 mg/l of Ca at 25 C and
in waters with a long residence time in the aquifer (Edmunds 55 mg/l at 10 C. Palmer and Cherry (1984) reported that
et al., 1987). In nature, carbonate sedimentary sequences an increase in the temperature causes a reduction in the
are made up of a variable proportion of limestone and dolo- equilibrium concentrations of Ca, Mg and HCO3, a reduction
mite layers and, as observed by Langmuir (1997), dolomites in the pH and a lesser transfer of mass within the system as a
are almost always associated with limestones. In summary, whole.
available data indicate that in carbonate sequences there is Furthermore, various authors have demonstrated the
a sufficient quantity of Mg to explain high Mg/Ca ratios, influence of temperature on the rates of mineral dissolu-
even when there is a predominance of very pure limestones. tion, which are significantly lower as the temperature falls
Thus, the proportion of calcite and dolomite in carbonate (Kenoyer and Bowser, 1992). So the rate of dissolution of
aquifers is not the only factor determining the Mg/Ca ratio dolomite is reduced at lower temperatures (Herman and
of groundwater and, in certain conditions, it is not even the White, 1985).
most significant. In the study carried out by Edmunds and Smedley (2000)
In this regard, the kinetics of the dissolution of calcite in the East Midlands Triassic aquifer, it was concluded that
and dolomite is a basic factor. Field and laboratory stud- rising water temperature is an indicator of an increase in
ies have shown that calcite dissolves more quickly than the depth of circulation, of the degree of hydrochemical
dolomite and that calcite is capable of reaching equilib- evolution and of the residence time of the groundwater.
rium from subsaturated fresh water in ten days or less, In the same field, Cardenal et al. (1994) reported that, in
while dolomite may require months or even years (White, a carbonate aquifer in the Betic Cordillera, the water tem-
1988). perature can be used as an indicator of the relative progres-
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Segura 291
sion of the groundwater flow and of the hydrochemical evo- attributed to the existence of other geochemical processes,
lution of the water. such as the dissolution of gypsum or anhydrite from evapor-
In summary, the mineralogic and chemical composition ites of triassic rocks that constitute the regional substratum
of the rock, the residence time and the temperature are of carbonate aquifers.
all basic factors for the understanding of the carbonate dis- The notable differences in the kinetics of the dissolution
solution processes and the chemical composition of of calcite and dolomite lead us to assume that the following
groundwater. two processes successively occur: (1) congruent dissolution
of calcite and small quantities of dolomite (until saturation
Hydrochemical processes in the aquifers of Sierra with respect to calcite is achieved), and (2) incongruent dis-
de Segura solution of dolomite.
As commented above, the dissolution of calcite is a rel-
The lower part of the aquifer systems in Sierra de Segura atively fast reaction (Plummer et al., 1979; Palmer and
contains Cenomanian–Turonian dolomites, some 300 m Cherry, 1984). Therefore, it is to be expected that most
thick, above which there are widely varying thicknesses of of this dissolution will take place a few hours after the infil-
Santonian, Eocene and Miocene limestone and detritic tration of precipitation water and mainly close to the land
rocks. Sometimes, when the clayey detritic layers achieve surface (which would explain the considerable development
an important thickness, it may be possible to distinguish of exokarstic forms in Sierra de Segura and the existence of
an upper limestone sector within the aquifer, characterized an epikarstic zone with a high degree of permeability) and,
by the lower Mg content of the groundwater. to a lesser extent, in deeper zones, within the network of
The low variability of physical and chemical characteris- karstic conduits. Consequently, the springs that drain cal-
tics of groundwaters, the predominantly inertial hydrody- cite subsaturated water have been considered indicative
namics behaviour of springs, and the long drought period of karstic systems where conduit flow predominates and
typical of Mediterranean climate let us to deduce that in where the groundwater has a very brief residence time
most cases estimated residence times of groundwater is at within the aquifer. On the other hand, when the spring
least of several months. water is saturated in calcite, as in Sierra de Segura, it can
The groundwater in the study area mainly comes from the be concluded that there is a predominance of diffuse flow
direct infiltration of precipitation; therefore, when seeking (Shuster and White, 1971, 1972; Jacobson and Langmuir,
to identify the hydrochemical processes and propose a con- 1974; Pitman, 1978).
ceptual model, it is considered that meteoric waters, in Some authors have reported the generalized existence of
equilibrium with the partial pressure of CO2 in the open air water that is subsaturated with respect to calcite in their
(10 3.5 atm), infiltrate into the large limestone–dolomite respective study zones (Langmuir, 1971; Shuster and White,
outcrops on the plateau of Sierra de Segura. 1972; Scanlon and Thrailkill, 1987; Hess and White, 1992).
Taking into account the meteorological data and the soil On the other hand, others have found a predominance of
water budget, it can be stated that, in the main recharge groundwater that is slightly oversaturated with respect to
zone, infiltration takes place from November to May, and calcite (Edmunds et al., 1987; Plummer et al., 1990; Carde-
that the mean temperature of the infiltration water is close nal et al., 1994; Elliott et al., 1999; López-Chicano et al.,
to 4 C. 2001).
As the water circulates through the vadose zone, with an Water that has previously been saturated in calcite
important downward vertical component (sometimes dissolves dolomite slowly. The addition of calcium and
exceeding 700 m), it tends to reach a thermal equilibrium bicarbonate gives rises to oversaturation with respect to
with the subsurface environment, which means the water calcite and its subsequent precipitation. This phenomenon
temperature rises, to 9–12 C in the springs of the most is known as the incongruent dissolution of dolomite, and
important systems. Simultaneously, CO2 is dissolved in has been described in many carbonate aquifers (Wigley,
groundwater until equilibrium is reached with the partial 1973; Freeze and Cherry, 1979; Palmer and Cherry, 1984;
pressure of the air in the unsaturated zone, which appar- Edmunds et al., 1987; Cardenal et al., 1994; Kloppmann
ently in the aquifers of Sierra de Segura fluctuates with et al., 1998; Elliott et al., 1999). The result of this process
the seasons between values of around 10 2.5 atm, in the
winter and 10 1.9 atm in the summer (Moral, 2005). This
seasonal nature of the variations in CO2 content of the air
in the vadose zone is indicative of the edaphic origin of
the CO2. In this region, the production of CO2 in the soil is
maximum during the months of May and June, while the
is an increase in the concentration of bicarbonate and mag- ature and magnesium content). At the same time there is an
nesium ions and a slight decrease in calcium. increase in the Mg/Ca ratio, in the sulphate concentration
Furthermore, we should note that during the downward and in the degree of dolomite saturation.
groundwater flow through the unsaturated zone in Sierra Fig. 8 shows the hydrochemical conceptual model pro-
de Segura aquifers, there is a progressive rise in the temper- posed from the field observations and the laboratory data.
ature, which causes precipitation of calcite and leads to a In this model, it is assumed that the water acquires most
slight increase in the saturation index of dolomite. of its physical and chemical characteristics in the unsatu-
In addition, some springs drain water that is oversaturat- rated zone because most of the increase in water tempera-
ed with respect to calcite (and sometimes to dolomite), ture, the CO2 and calcite dissolution, and, in a lesser
which is attributed to the fact that the water has been in degree, the incongruent dissolution of dolomite, take place
contact with an atmosphere that is relatively poor in CO2 in this zone. In the same sense, Smith and Atkinson (1976)
near the spring (this is known as the CO2 exsolution pro- claim that 50–80% of the dissolution that occurs within a
cess). This phenomenon can be related to the existence of limestone massif takes place in the first 10 m beneath the
a water flow through colluvial materials of scant thickness, land surface.
or through large, karstic conduits that are partially flooded Edmunds et al. (1987), for their part, state in their study
and well communicated with the external atmosphere. Due on chalk that the water acquires its predominant chemical
to the ventilation, there occurs a decrease in the CO2 con- characteristics in the soil and in the upper vadose zone.
tent of the subterranean atmosphere. Finally, Cardenal et al. (1994) report that in large aquifer
On the contrary, the spring at La Maleza (ref. 6) is nota- systems, with a relatively thick vadose zone, the water
ble for presenting water that is very unsaturated with re- can reach equilibrium with respect to calcite and dolomite
spect to calcite. The existence of lignite layers in this zone.
interbedded in the stratigraphic series near the spring and Using the PHREEQC program we have calculated mass
the highest value of the partial pressure of CO2 indicate a transfer from type A (pure water) to type G water.
supply of CO2 of lithologic origin in this zone. Fig. 9 shows that the calculated values reasonably fit the
Finally, spring water whose temperature is relatively experimental values reported in Table 3. The concentration
high (15–19 C) usually is saturated with respect to dolo- of dissolved calcium increases very quickly (from the disso-
mite and present high partial pressures of CO2. In this case, lution of calcite); subsequently it tends to fall (the incon-
we suppose very long residence times and, possibly, the gruent dissolution of dolomite) and, in the deepest-
presence of CO2 from deep origin. Some of these springs circulating systems, increases once again as a result of the
are thermal and present a particular composition that is rise in PCO2 values and of dedolomitization processes. The
indicative of ongoing dedolomitization. This phenomenon magnesium content, and hence the Mg/Ca ratio, increases
has been described by various authors in the Betic Cordillera slowly and progressively, given the kinetics of the dissolu-
(Cardenal et al., 1994; Hidalgo and Cruz-Sanjulián, 2001; tion of the dolomite.
López-Chicano et al., 2001) and in other regions (Plummer, In almost the entire unsaturated zone the partial pres-
1977; Deike, 1990; Plummer et al., 1990; Capaccioni et al., sure of CO2 is high (10–15 times higher than in the external
2001; McMahon et al., 2004). The process consists of the atmosphere) and so it is to expected that most of the CO2
simultaneous dissolution of gypsum (or anhydrite) and dolo- will be dissolved in the shallowest sectors of the system,
mite, while calcite is precipitated. The supply of Ca from that is, in the epikarst.
gypsum into the solution causes an oversaturation with re- As in the case of CO2, calcite dissolves preferentially in
spect to calcite and its subsequent precipitation, which pro- the upper areas of aquifers (the epikarstic zone) and, down-
duces a decrease in the alkalinity, an increase in the stream, precipitates in a more or less regular manner; nev-
concentration of H+, an increase in the P CO2 and, finally, ertheless, processes of dedolomitization produce an
subsaturation with respect to dolomite. To sum up, the ef- increase in the precipitation of calcite. Thus, in thermal sys-
fect of the dedolomitization process is an increase in SO4, tems the global calcite balance indicates that, as a whole,
Ca, Mg and P CO2 , and a decrease in alkalinity and pH.
Proposed hydrochemical model and discussion of
the results Type G
Magnesium (mg/l)
Type F
As remarked in previous sections, both the temperature and 25
Type E
the magnesium content may be considered indicators of the 20
geochemical evolution of groundwater. Taking these two 15
Type D Hydrochemical
variables into account, we have grouped the springs of Sier- 10
ra de Segura from type C, corresponding to systems that 5
drain waters that are colder and with a lower magnesium Type C
content to type G, which drain warmer and magnesium-rich 0 5 10 15 20 25
waters (Fig. 7). Temperature (°C)
Table 3 describes the most significant physical and chem-
ical characteristics of the water in each group of springs. Figure 7 Plot of water temperature versus magnesium
Note that the lower the altitude of the spring, the higher content make possible to define several groundwater types,
the degree of hydrochemical evolution (i.e., higher temper- symbolized by squares.
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the carbonate aquifers of Sierra de Segura 293
Table 3 Mean measured physicochemical characteristics in the different spring water types of Sierra de Segura
Type C D E F G
N 5 12 19 8 3
Representative Fuente Segura Molino de Loreto La Toba (ref. 19), Cuatro Caños (ref. La Toba de Jartos
springs (ref. 22), Montilla (ref. 21), Berral Natividad (ref. 33), 14), Sege (ref. 16), La (ref. 9), Los Tubos
(ref. 31), (ref. 26), Nac. Lézar (ref. 41) Canal (ref. 48) (ref. 36)
Aguamulas (ref. Castril (ref. 38)
Height (m) 1362 1214 1033 885 890
Ca (mg/l) 52.8 48.7 48.5 53.3 64.5
Mg (mg/l) 4.8 12.0 15.2 19.5 32.2
Mg/Ca 0.150 0.406 0.516 0.602 0.822
Na (mg/l) 1.6 2.2 2.1 6.3 35.6
HCO3 (mg/l) 194.0 220.2 229.3 258.1 333.7
SO4 (mg/l) 4.1 4.6 5.3 11.4 58.1
Cl (mg/l) 4.9 4.1 3.9 7.2 55.8
T (C) 9.6 10.2 11.7 14.7 19.8
pH 7.63 7.66 7.72 7.67 7.30
log P CO2 2.450 2.414 2.492 2.333 1.837
SIcalcite 0.045 0.036 0.119 0.190 0.048
SIdolomite 1.054 0.400 0.117 0.152 0.078
x Temperature(°C)
A A 1700 0 5 10 15 20
B M2 B ++ x x
E2 Uc 4
C E2 C 1350 + x
E1 Uc 3
D Uc 4
D 1200 + x
Uc 3
E 1050 + x
Uc 2
Uc 2 900
F Lc
+ x
Uc 1 Uc 1 Height
Lc G (amsl) +x
J 0 10 20 30 40
+ Magnesium (mg/l)
Figure 8 Hydrogeological systems with different degrees of hydrochemical evolution of groundwater. The spring on the left
emerges from a highly karstified system, with cold and calcium bicarbonate groundwater. Spring E drains an aquifer that presents a
greater inertial behaviour, calcium–magnesium bicarbonate and less cold water. Finally, spring on the right is fed by a weakly
thermal system, with calcium–magnesium bicarbonate water, which contains significant amounts of ions from evaporite dissolution
(SO24 , Cl , Na+, etc.). Lithologies: Tk, Triassic lutites and evaporites; J, Jurassic dolomites; Lc, Lower Cretaceous marls, marly
limestones, and sandstones; Uc1, Upper Cretaceous dolomites; Uc2, Upper Cretaceous marly dolomites; Uc3, Upper Cretaceous
dolomites; Uc4, Upper Cretaceous limestones; E1, Eocene marls; E2, Eocene limestones, and sandy limestones; M1, Miocene marls;
M2, Miocene limestones.
the water precipitates more calcite than had previously Thus, the waters in the springs of Sierra de Segura repre-
been dissolved. sent different stages of a general evolutive model. Logi-
On the contrary, the dissolution of dolomite takes place cally, the springs that are representative of each stage, in
in a much more steady manner throughout the aquifer turn, present a certain degree of heterogeneity that can
system. be related to variations in the partial pressure of CO2 in
Finally, the dissolution of gypsum, and if there is any, of the atmosphere of the unsaturated zone, the residence time
halite, only occurs in systems where the groundwater flow is of the water, the groundwater flow velocity, the amount of
deepest, and which are fundamentally of a thermal nature. recharge, etc.
294 F. Moral et al.
30 Mg/Ca 0.4
10 The more important processes in aquifers of Sierra de Segu-
Magnesium ra are the dissolution of CO2, the dissolution of calcite, the
0 0
A B C D E F G incongruent dissolution of dolomite and, to a lesser extent,
the dedolomitization and the exsolution of CO2.
3.5 The kinetics of the dissolution of calcite and dolomite,
Calcite much faster in the case of the former, means that the chem-
3 ical facies of the water evolves from calcium bicarbonate to
CO 2 (gas) calcium–magnesium bicarbonate.
Gypsum The degree of hydrochemical evolution is largely deter-
2 mined by the residence time of the water within the aqui-
mmol/kg water
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