Hotel 95 Makalah
Hotel 95 Makalah
Hotel 95 Makalah
3. Sherly (A1641129)
Hotel 95 was established in 2002. There are the named of this hotel is not
like what people of pontinak thought that hotel 95 is buid in year of 95. They
named it hotel 95 because the highest floor is 95th floor. This hotel is located on
jalan iman bonjol, Pontianak which is strategic for the guest.
2. Public Area
Maintance and cleaning floor out of room.
Polishes furniture and fixtures.
Sweeps carpets.
3. Laundry
Cleaning uniform.
Cleaning towel, blanket and other.
7 Food and Beverage 1. F&B Product
Prepare the food for breakfast, brunch,
lunch till dinner.
2. F&B Service
Service and deliver the guest with food.
8 Security Escort People In/Out of the Hotel.
Report to Supervisors and Management.
Investigate Disturbances.
Maintain Order.
9 Engineering Maintance the electricity, tecnical of machine,
lighting and other.
10 Banquet Manage the meeting of all division.
Except the quality of services, we also amaze with the fasility and scenary at
there. The 95 hotel is designed so cozy and calm.According the observation, we
saw fasility in the room are completed and nesty. As a profesional hotel, they are
already prepared what the guest need, as a hotel the quest not just the place for
sleep, so they create a concept that guest also has entertainment side. Hotel 95 is
looked has positioning that as the hotel that can enjoy the view of Kapuas river.
As the gift, you directly could enjoy the sunset moment perfectly. Those is our
first attendance to hotel 95, as first Impresion we are so happy to visit there.
3.2 Advice
Don't judgebook by the cover. That is what people said when rate something.
Performance is number one what people looked. We have advice for 95's hotel for
the uniform especially for food and beverage departemen. We though their
performance not profesional as they have. Performance is show a profesionality so
they must have adaptation with change of modernity because their uniform too old
From year by year, the guest of hotel are increased. With the convinience of
access and mobility that make people easy to access the hotel. As the hotel 95's
hotel must expanse the parking area.