A330 RR Trent 700 T7lm04r80-Ata-31 & 77
A330 RR Trent 700 T7lm04r80-Ata-31 & 77
A330 RR Trent 700 T7lm04r80-Ata-31 & 77
Section Objectives
On completion of this section, you should be able to: -
• Identify the Trent 700 instrumentation.
• Locate the instrumentation on the Trent 700 engine.
• Describe the engine information available on the flight deck.
• List the measurements required for operating the Trent 700 engine.
Flightdeck Indications
Alert messages
Alert messages indicate conditions or faults that require crew • Amber Master Caution illuminated.
procedures or crew awareness. There are three classes of
• Amber message on E/WD with crew drill in cyan.
• Single Chime.
• Class 1.
• CLR push button on ECAM control panel illuminates.
• Class 2.
• Automatic display of affected system on lower ECAM.
• Class 3.
Class 1 level 1.
Class 1 Messages
This is the lowest level and requires the crew to be aware but
There are three levels of Class 1 message, distinguishable by
no action is required. They are indicated by:
different display indications to ensure immediate crew
recognition. • Amber message on E/WD.
Class 1, level 3. • CLR push button on ECAM control panel illuminates.
This is the highest level and requires immediate action by the • Automatic display of affected system on lower ECAM.
crew: They are indicated by:
Class 2 Messages
• Flashing Red Master Warning.
These are faults within a system that the flightcrew need to be
• Red message on the E/WD with crew drill in cyan. aware of but will not affect aircraft safety. For these faults the
reminder message “STS” will appear on the E/WD.
• Continuous repetitive chime.
Class 3 Messages
• CLR pushbutton on ECAM control panel illuminates
These are the lowest class of faults. There is no indication to
• Automatic display of affected system on lower ECAM. the flightcrew but are held in the ECC non-volatile memory
(NVM) until cleared (normally A Check).
Class 1, level 2.
This is the intermediate level and requires the crew to be
aware with possible action required by the crew. They are
indicated by:
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Trent 700 Line Maintenance Engine Indicating
Component Location
The following components are fitted in the shaft speed
system: -
• The LP shaft phonic wheel (60 teeth) is installed to the rear
of the LP compressor front roller bearing in the front
bearing housing.
• The IP shaft phonic wheel (60 teeth) is installed on the IP
Compressor front stubshaft in the front bearing housing.
• Three LP speed probes in the front bearing housing (N1).
• Three IP speed probes in the front bearing housing (N2).
• The dedicated alternator on the front face of the external
gearbox (N3).
EPR Trimming
During pass off testing of an engine it is run at a designed
thrust. However the EPR indication of different engines being
run at the same thrust will be different due to the
manufacturing tolerances of the tail bearing housing.
Therefore to enable the EPR indication for all engines to be
the same, for a given thrust, EPR trimming is required.
This is done by entering any one of 32 different trims into the
EEC by means of a data entry plug. Each trim is allocated a
code that is etched onto dataplate located on the right hand
side of the tail bearing housing. This code is also etched onto
the main engine data plate located on the left side of the rear
The CNA can also have an affect on the EPR indication for a
given thrust. The CNA is grouped into 4 bands depending on
its nozzle area with each band being given a code. This code
is etched onto the main engine data plate and onto the CNA
data plate.
During engine repair or overhaul of the tail bearing housing or
if a complete CNA or core engine is replaced, then the main
engine data plate must be checked to ensure that the EPR
trim code is the same as the trim codes etched on the CNA
and the tail bearing housing.
EPR Trimming
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Trent 700 Line Maintenance Engine Indicating
EGT Trimming
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Trent 700 Line Maintenance Engine Indicating
Vibration Monitoring
Purpose Remote Charge Converter (RCC)
The purpose of the engine vibration monitoring system is to The RCC is located on the left side of the fancase on a
provide a flightdeck indication of the state of balance of the bracket adjacent to the Thrust Reverser Ground Safety
engine main rotating assemblies during steady state running Switch. The RCC amplifies the electrical signal from the
conditions. This information can alert operators to existing or vibration transducer before being inputted to the EIVMU for
impending engine problems. The system also enables on- processing. The signal is then sent to the flight deck for
wing trim balancing of the LP assembly. display on the lower ECAM screen.
The vibration system consists of the following components: - Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring Unit (EIVMU)
• Dual Channel transducer installed on the right side of the The EIVMU is a dual channel unit that receives a vibration
intermediate case (module 03). signal from the vibration transducer via the RCC. The EIVMU
also receives engine speed signals that enable it to calculate
• Remote Charge converter (RCC) installed on the left side the following vibration levels:
of the LP Compressor Case (module 07).
• Broadband (total engine vibration)
• Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring Unit (EIVMU)
installed in the avionics bay of the aircraft. • N1
• Trim Balance Probe installed in the front bearing housing. • N2
Vibration Transducer • N3
The vibration transducer is a dual output accelerometer and Trim Balance Probe
contains two piezo-electric crystal stack elements. Each stack The trim balance probe sends a once per revolution signal for
element is subjected to a mechanical load from an electrically the LP Shaft to the EIVMU. This is used to find the vibration
insulated seismic mass. During operation of the engine, phase angle that is required for Trim Balancing.
vibration causes the seismic mass to apply pressure to the
crystal stack elements to generate electrical signals that are in
proportion to the engine vibration frequency.
T25 P25
Maintenance Practices
EGT Thermocouple Removal/Installation
• Open C-Ducts.
• Remove all bolts.
• Carefully remove thermocouple and sleeve.
• Keep the sleeve.
• Fit blanks/covers to all openings.
• Remove blanks/covers from all openings.
• Fit sleeve, fit thermocouple.
• Fit bolts to secure sleeve and thermocouple to cooling air
manifold. Torque load to correct figure in the MM.
• Put thermocouple harness in position. Make sure green
harness to the front and white harness is to the rear.
• Fit bolts and torque load to correct figure ion the MM.
• Close C-Ducts.
ETOPS Awareness
Ensure you fit EGT thermocouples correctly and carry out the
correct torque loading, failure to do so may lead to gas leaks
resulting in a fire warning.
Maintenance Practices
P20/T20 Probe Removal/Installation
. Get access to the P20/T20 probe access panel on top . Connect the electrical connectors IAW standard
of the air intake cowl. practices 70-50-02.
. Remove access panel. . Refit access panel and torque load screws to 135 lbf/in
(1,52 mdaN).
. Disconnect air tube connector and fit blanking caps.
. Disconnect electrical connectors and fit blanking caps.
. Disconnect the bonding strap.
. Remove the outer row of nuts.
If you remove the inner row of nuts the probe will fall into the
engine air intake. This can cause injury and/or damage.
. Remove the probe assembly and mounting plate.
Installation of Replacement Probe:
. Remove the mounting plate and packer from the
removed probe and fit to replacement probe.
. Torque load the nuts to 40 lbf/in (0,45 mdaN) and
safety with OMat 238 lockwire.
. Attach the mounting plate to the stud ring assembly
and torque load the nuts to 100 lbf/in (1,13 mdaN).
. Clean mating faces of bonding strap and attachment
point and fit bonding strip. Torque load nuts to 55 lbf/in
(0,62 mdaN).
. Connect air tube connector and torque load to 240
lbf/in (2,71 mdaN) and safety with OMat 238 lockwire.