Aspirin For Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention Trial: Effect of Aspirin On Length of Stay in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Aspirin For Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention Trial: Effect of Aspirin On Length of Stay in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Aspirin For Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention Trial: Effect of Aspirin On Length of Stay in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention
trial: effect of aspirin on length of stay in the neonatal
intensive care unit
David Wright, PhD; Daniel L. Rolnik, MD; Argyro Syngelaki, PhD; Catalina de Paco Matallana, MD; Mirian Machuca, MD;
Mercedes de Alvarado, MD; Sofia Mastrodima, MD; Min Yi Tan, MD; Siobhan Shearing, RM; Nicola Persico, MD;
Jacques C. Jani, MD; Walter Plasencia, MD; George Papaioannou, MD; Francisca S. Molina, MD; Liona C. Poon, MD;
Kypros H. Nicolaides, MD
BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia is a major pregnancy complication with RESULTS: In the trial there were 1620 participants and 1571 neonates
adverse short- and long-term implications for both the mother and baby. were liveborn. The total length of stay in neonatal intensive care was
Screening for preeclampsia at 11e13 weeks’ gestation by a combination substantially longer in the placebo than aspirin group (1696 vs 531 days).
of maternal demographic characteristics and medical history with mea- This is a reflection of significantly shorter mean lengths of stay in babies
surements of biomarkers can identify about 75% of women who develop admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit from the aspirin than the
preterm preeclampsia with delivery at <37 weeks’ gestation and 90% of placebo group (11.1 vs 31.4 days), a reduction of 20.3 days (95% con-
those with early preeclampsia at <32 weeks, at a screen-positive rate of fidence interval, 7.0e38.6; P ¼ .008). Neonatal intensive care of babies
10%. A recent trial (Combined Multimarker Screening and Randomized born at <32 weeks’ gestation contributed 1856 (83.3%) of the total of
Patient Treatment with Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Pre- 2227 days in intensive care across both treatment arms. These occurred
vention) has reported that in women identified by first-trimester screening in 9 (1.2%) of the 777 livebirths in the aspirin group and in 23 (2.9%) of
as being at high risk for preeclampsia, use of aspirin (150 mg/d from the 794 in the placebo group (odds ratio, 0.42; 95% confidence interval,
first to the third trimester), compared to placebo, reduced the incidence of 0.19e0.93; P ¼ .033). Overall, in the whole population, including
preterm preeclampsia, which was the primary outcome, by 62% (95% 0 lengths of stay for those not admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit,
confidence interval, 26e80%) and the incidence of early preeclampsia by the mean length of stay was longer in the placebo than aspirin group (2.06
89% (95% confidence interval, 53e97%). The surprising finding of the vs 0.66 days; reduction of 1.4 days; 95% confidence interval, 0.45e2.81;
trial was that despite the reduction in preeclampsia the incidence of P ¼ .014). This corresponds to a reduction in length of stay of 68% (95%
admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, which was one of the confidence interval, 20e86%).
secondary outcomes, was not significantly affected (odds ratio, 0.93; 95% CONCLUSION: In pregnancies at high risk of preeclampsia adminis-
confidence interval, 0.62e1.40). tration of aspirin reduces the length of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit
OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the effect of prophylactic use of by about 70%. This reduction could essentially be attributed to a decrease in
aspirin during pregnancy in women at high risk of preeclampsia on length the rate of births at <32 weeks’ gestation, mainly because of prevention of
of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. early preeclampsia. The findings have implications for both short- and long-
STUDY DESIGN: This was a secondary analysis of data from the term health care costs as well as infant survival and handicap.
Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial to assess evi-
dence of differences in the effect of aspirin on length of stay in neonatal Key words: aspirin, Combined Multimarker Screening and Random-
intensive care. Bootstrapping was used for the comparison of mean length ized Patient Treatment with Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia
of stay between the aspirin and placebo groups. Logistic regression was Prevention trial, first-trimester screening, health economics, neonatal
used to assess treatment effects on stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. intensive care, preeclampsia
The statistical software package R Babies born at <32 weeks’ gestation Impact on cost
was used for data analyses.25 The R contributed to 1856 (83.3%) of the total In a population of 10,000 pregnancies
packages lme426 and boot27 were used of 2227 days in NICU across both undergoing first-trimester screening for
for mixed effects logistic regression and treatment arms; these occurred in 1.2% PE, at a screen-positive rate of 10%, 1000
bootstrapping. of livebirths in the aspirin group and in pregnancies would be classified as high
2.9% in the placebo group (odds ratio, risk. If these 1000 pregnancies had not
Results 0.42; 95% CI, 0.19e0.93). Admission to received aspirin and the mean length of
In the ASPRE trial there were 822 par- NICU occurred in all 32 babies born at stay in NICU was 2.06 days, the expected
ticipants in the placebo group and 798 in <32 weeks’ gestation, in 23 (67.6%) of total length of stay would be 2060 days. If
the aspirin group.21 There were no sig- 34 born at 32e34 weeks, in 13 (12.5%) they had received aspirin the expected
nificant differences between the aspirin of 104 born at 35e36 weeks, and in 34 total length of stay would be 660 days. It
and placebo groups in baseline charac- (2.4%) of the 1401 born at 37-42 weeks. is difficult to attach specific costs to daily
teristics.21 In the placebo group, there Prolonged stay in NICU for 14 days lengths of stay but, if we assume $4000,
were 16 miscarriages or pregnancy ter- contributed to 1914 (85.9%) of the total of then the cost saving from such care by a
minations at 24 weeks’ gestation, 12 2227 days across both treatment arms; policy of screening 10,000 pregnancies
stillbirths at 24 weeks, and 794 live- these occurred in 1.0% of livebirths in the and treating the high-risk group with
births. In the aspirin group, there were aspirin group and in 3.0% in the placebo aspirin would be $4000 (2060 e
14 miscarriages or pregnancy termina- group (odds ratio, 0.30; 95% CI, 660) ¼ $5.6 million. This is equivalent to
tions, 7 stillbirths, and 777 livebirths. 0.11e0.81) and this is a reflection of the $560 per patient screened, which is well
Rates of admission to NICU and reduction in the number of babies born at in excess of the cost of screening.
length of stay by treatment group are <32 weeks’ gestation. The length of stay in
shown in the Figure and Table. There NICU varied for individual babies from 1- Comment
was no significant difference in rates of 230 days; it was 1-3 days in 39 (38.2%) of Principal findings of this study
admission to NICU between the aspirin the 102 babies, 4-6 days in 11 (10.8%), 7 The ASPRE trial demonstrated that, in
and placebo groups (6.2% vs 6.8%; days in 52 (51.0%), 14 days in 32 women with singleton pregnancies
odds ratio, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.63e1.42). (31.4%), and 21 in 23 (22.5%). identified by means of first-trimester
However, the total length of stay in The effect of aspirin in reducing the screening as being at high risk for PE,
NICU in the aspirin group was sub- length of stay in NICU was partly the prophylactic use of aspirin reduces
stantially shorter than in the placebo mediated by a reduction in the rate of PE the incidence of preterm PE and early PE
group (531 vs 1696 days). This is a (Table). The incidence of babies by approximately 60% and 90%,
reflection of significantly shorter mean admitted to the NICU after delivery respectively.21 This secondary analysis
lengths of stay in babies admitted to because of PE was 2.3% (18 of 794) in the demonstrated that use of aspirin reduces
NICU from the aspirin group than placebo group and 0.3% (2 of 777) in the the length of stay in NICU by approxi-
from the placebo group (11.1 vs 31.4 aspirin group (odds ratio, 0.11; 95% CI, mately 70%. This reduction could
days), a reduction of 20.3 (95% CI, 0.02e0.50). In the pregnancies deliv- essentially be attributed to a decrease in
7.0e38.6) days (P ¼ .008). In the whole ering at <37 and <32 weeks’ gestation the rate of births at <32 weeks’ gestation,
population, including 0 values for those the admission to NICU was 2.0% and mainly because of prevention of early PE.
not admitted to the NICU, the mean 0.9%, respectively, in the placebo group The consequence of reduction in
length of stay was 2.06 days in the and 0.1% and 0% in the aspirin group length of stay in NICU is substantial
placebo group and 0.66 days in the (odds ratio, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.01e0.50 and saving in health care cost which is well in
aspirin group; therefore, aspirin odds ratio, 0.00; 95% CI, 0.00e0.56, excess of the cost of population screening
reduced the mean length of stay by an respectively). Aspirin also had a nonsig- and treatment of the high-risk group
estimated 1.40 days (95% CI, nificant effect in reducing the length of with aspirin. The study provides the
0.45e2.81 days; P ¼ .014). stay in NICU in pregnancies without PE basis for formal health economic studies.
The reduction in total length of stay in with delivery at <32 weeks’ gestation
NICU in the aspirin group could essen- (odds ratio, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.26e1.36). Strengths and limitations of this
tially be attributed to a decrease in the There were 16 (2.0%) babies from the study
rate of births at <32 weeks’ gestation, placebo group (8 after spontaneous ASPRE was a large multicenter trial that
mainly because of prevention of early birth, 7 after iatrogenic birth for fetal was powered for the primary outcome of
PE, and consequent decrease in number growth restriction, and 1 for maternal preterm PE and the statistical power for
of babies with prolonged stays of 14 indications) and 9 (1.2%) from the detecting less frequent outcomes is inev-
days (Figure and Table). After 32 weeks’ aspirin group (6 after spontaneous birth, itably poor. This secondary analysis was
gestation there is flattening in the cu- 2 after iatrogenic birth for fetal growth triggered by the apparent contradiction
mulative length of stay in NICU for both restriction, and 1 for maternal that although aspirin use was associated
the aspirin and placebo groups (Figure). indications). with a major reduction in preterm and
Admission to neonatal intensive care unit in the trial groups
55 1700 55
45 1400 45
15 500
10 300 10
5 5
0 0 0
24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Gestation at birth (w) Gestation at birth (w) Gestation at birth (w)
Cumulative number of babies admitted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) according to gestational age at birth for placebo (blue circles) and aspirin
(red circles) groups. Cumulative NICU: number of all babies admitted (left), length of stay (center), and number of babies with length of stay >14 days.
Wright et al. Secondary analysis of ASPRE trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.
early PE there was no evidence of reduc- 450e2810 days. Assuming a cost of Our approach to screening is to use
tion in NICU admission. In this respect, $4000 per day, the corresponding in- Bayes theorem to combine information
the findings that first, babies born at <32 tervals for the cost saving would range from maternal factors with biophysical
weeks’ gestation contributed >80% of from $1.8-11.2 million, which equate to and biochemical measurements obtained
total length of stay in NICU; second, the between $180-1120 per screening test. at 11e13 weeks’ gestation to derive the
incidence of birth at <32 weeks was lower patient-specific risk. The method, which
in the aspirin group; and third, in the Prediction and prevention of PE detects around 75% of cases of preterm
aspirin group the total length of stay in The traditional approach of identifying PE at false positive rate of 10%, was
NICU was substantially reduced, are not women at high risk of PE who could originally developed from a study of
surprising. potentially benefit from the prophylactic 58,884 pregnancies,13,14 updated with
However, it has to be recognized that use of aspirin is based on maternal data from prospective screening in 35,948
this is an unplanned secondary analysis characteristics and features of the med- pregnancies,15,16 and subsequently vali-
and, because of the small number babies ical and obstetrical histories.28,29 How- dated in 2 independent data sets derived
with longer lengths of stay, there is ever, the performance of such screening from multicenter studies in 8775 and
considerable uncertainty in the estima- is poor. With the method recommended 25,797 pregnancies, respectively.32,33
tion of the difference in mean length of by the National Institute for Health and Prophylactic use of aspirin was previ-
stay between the aspirin and placebo Care Excellence in the United Kingdom, ously thought to reduce the risk of PE by
groups. Including 0 lengths of stay for the detection rate of preterm PE is about only 10%.17 However, recent evidence
those not admitted to the NICU, the 40% at screen-positive rate of 10% and suggests that the target for first-trimester
95% CI for the difference in mean length with the method recommended by the screening should be severe PE leading to
of stay ranged from 0.45e2.81 days. In a American Congress of Obstetricians and preterm birth, rather than all PE. In
screened population of 10,000 pregnan- Gynecologists in the United States the ASPRE, use of aspirin was associated
cies, treating 10% screened positive, this detection rate is 90% but at a screen- with a 62% reduction in the rate of
CI translates into an interval from positive rate of 67%.28-31 preterm PE with no significant effect on
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