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Effect of Azithromycin on Pulmonary Function in

Patients With Cystic Fibrosis Uninfected With

Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A Randomized Controlled
Online article and related content Trial
current as of May 10, 2010.
Lisa Saiman; Michael Anstead; Nicole Mayer-Hamblett; et al.
JAMA. 2010;303(17):1707-1715 (doi:10.1001/jama.2010.563)


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Effect of Azithromycin on Pulmonary

Function in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis
Uninfected With Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Lisa Saiman, MD, MPH Context Azithromycin is recommended as therapy for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients
Michael Anstead, MD with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, but there has not been sufficient evi-
Nicole Mayer-Hamblett, PhD dence to support the benefit of azithromycin in other patients with CF.

Larry C. Lands, MD, PhD Objective To determine if azithromycin treatment improves lung function and re-
duces pulmonary exacerbations in pediatric CF patients uninfected with P aeruginosa.
Margaret Kloster, MS
Design, Setting, and Participants A multicenter, randomized, double-blind placebo-
Jasna Hocevar-Trnka, MPH controlled trial was conducted from February 2007 to July 2009 at 40 CF care centers
Christopher H. Goss, MD, MSc in the United States and Canada. Of the 324 participants screened, 260 were ran-
domized and received study drug. Eligibility criteria included age of 6 to 18 years, a
Lynn M. Rose, PhD forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration (FEV1) of at least 50% pre-
Jane L. Burns, MD dicted, and negative respiratory tract cultures for P aeruginosa for at least 1 year. Ran-
Bruce C. Marshall, MD domization was stratified by age of 6 to 12 years vs 13 to 18 years and by CF center.
Intervention The active group (n=131) received 250 mg (weight 18-35.9 kg) or
Felix Ratjen, MD, PhD
500 mg (weight ⱖ36 kg) of azithromycin 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday, and
for the AZ0004 Azithromycin Friday) for 168 days. The placebo group (n=129) received identically packaged pla-
Study Group cebo tablets on the same schedule.
Main Outcome Measures The primary outcome was change in FEV1. Exploratory

VICIOUS CYCLE OF INFECTION outcomes included additional pulmonary function end points, pulmonary exacerba-
and inflammation causes pro- tions, changes in weight and height, new use of antibiotics, and hospitalizations. Changes
gressive lung destruction and in microbiology and adverse events were monitored.
premature death in patients Results The mean (SD) age of participants was 10.7 (3.17) years. The mean (SD)
with cystic fibrosis (CF). Treatment FEV1 at baseline and 168 days were 2.13 (0.85) L and 2.22 (0.86) L for the azithro-
strategies have therefore included mycin group and 2.12 (0.85) L and 2.20 (0.88) L for the placebo group. The differ-
both antimicrobial and anti-inflamma- ence in the change in FEV1 between the azithromycin and placebo groups was 0.02 L
tory agents.1,2 Over the past decade, there (95% confidence interval [CI], −0.05 to 0.08; P=.61). None of the exploratory pul-
monary function end points were statistically significant. Pulmonary exacerbations oc-
has been increasing evidence that azithro- curred in 21% of the azithromycin group and 39% of the placebo group. Participants
mycin, an antibiotic with both antimi- in the azithromycin group had a 50% reduction in exacerbations (95% CI, 31%-
crobial and anti-inflammatory activity, 79%) and an increase in body weight of 0.58 kg (95% CI, 0.14-1.02) compared with
benefits individuals with CF. Although placebo participants. There were no significant differences between groups in height,
the mechanism of action of azithromy- use of intravenous or inhaled antibiotics, or hospitalizations. Participants in the azithro-
cin in CF is not understood, 4 random- mycin group had no increased risk of adverse events, but had less cough (−23% treat-
ized, placebo-controlled trials have been ment difference; 95% CI, −33% to −11%) and less productive cough (−11% treat-
conducted (Australia, Great Britain, the ment difference; 95% CI, −19% to −3%) compared with placebo participants.
United States, and France) in adults and Conclusion In children and adolescents with CF uninfected with P aeruginosa, treat-
children with CF, most of whom had ment with azithromycin for 24 weeks did not result in improved pulmonary function.
chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeru- Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00431964
ginosa.3-6 These studies demonstrated JAMA. 2010;303(17):1707-1715 www.jama.com
that azithromycin was associated with
reduced pulmonary exacerbations,
Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this ar- Columbia University, Department of Pediatrics, 650
increased weight gain, or both, and ticle. W 168th St, PH 4 West, Room 420, New York, NY
improved lung function. Thus, azithro- Corresponding Author: Lisa Saiman, MD, MPH, 10032 (ls5@columbia.edu).

©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 1707

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mycin is currently recommended as ing or at screening; relative decrease in same time schedule. Study drug was
chronic therapy for CF patients infected FEV1 % of at least 20% predicted be- discontinued if a participant had: (1)
with P aeruginosa.7,8 Although 2 previ- tween screening and randomization; use an allergic reaction thought to be due
ous studies did enroll some pediatric CF of antibiotics or high-dose systemic ste- to study drug; (2) a serious life-
patients without P aeruginosa infec- roids within 14 days of screening (de- threatening adverse event, not includ-
tion,4,6 the evidence to support the use fined as ⱖ1 mg/kg/d if participant’s ing hospitalization for a pulmonary
of azithromycin in this CF population is weight was ⬍20 kg or ⱖ20 mg/d if par- exacerbation; (3) an adverse event
incomplete. ticipant’s weight was ⱖ20 kg); initia- considered intolerable by the partici-
We conducted a multicenter, ran- tion of dornase alfa, ibuprofen, aero- pant or the site’s study team; or (4)
domized, double-blind, placebo- solized antibiotics, or hypertonic saline NTM grown from a sputum sample
controlled trial in children and ado- within 30 days of screening; a positive obtained at screening. The study pro-
lescents with CF who were uninfected respiratory culture for Burkholderia ce- tocol included provisions for a step-
with P aeruginosa. We sought to pacia complex or nontuberculous my- down dosing regimen for toxicity
determine if azithromycin improved cobacteria (NTM) within 1 year of thought to be related to study drug,
lung function, reduced pulmonary screening or a positive sputum smear eg, gastrointestinal adverse effects.
exacerbations, and was safe and well- for acid fast bacillus at screening; or ab- Compliance was monitored by the
tolerated in this population of indi- normal laboratory values for ␥- number of pills dispensed and
viduals with CF. glutamyltransferase phosphate, aspar- returned.
tate serum transferase, or alanine
METHODS transferase at least 2 times the upper Clinical Evaluations
Study Centers limit of normal, creatinine greater than Medical history, physical examina-
The trial was conducted from Febru- 1.5 times upper limit of normal for age, tion, and spirometry were obtained at
ary 2007 to July 2009 at 40 CF Foun- or absolute neutrophil count of 1000 the screening visit (14 days before ran-
dation–accredited care centers—31 in or less. domization). Clinical evaluations,
the United States, 9 in Canada, and coor- Ongoing treatment (⬎30 days) with physical examinations and spirometry
dinated by the CF Foundation Thera- dornase alfa, high-dose ibuprofen, aero- were performed at days 0 (randomiza-
peutics Development Network Coor- solized antibiotics, hypertonic saline, in- tion), 28, 84, and 168 (completion of
dinating Center, Seattle Children’s haled steroids, or bronchodilators were therapy). Adverse events and concomi-
Hospital, Seattle, Washington. Institu- permitted during the trial. tant medications were recorded dur-
tional review boards and ethics com- ing each visit and by phone calls
mittees at each participating center Randomization and Blinding conducted at days 56, 112, 140, and
approved the study and each of the par- Participants were randomized (1:1) to 196.
ticipants, their parent(s), or both vol- the azithromycin group or placebo Respiratory tract specimens for
untarily provided written consent to group within strata defined by age microbiological assessment were
participate in the trial. When appro- group (6-12 years vs 13-18 years) and obtained at screening, day 84, and at
priate, assent was also obtained from CF center. The University of South day 168. All participants were
children younger than 18 years of Florida (Tampa) generated randomiza- swabbed for oropharyngeal specimens
age. tion assignments via a centralized, se- at screening and day 168 and from
cure randomization system. The data participants who could not expecto-
Study Participants coordinating center, PPD Inc (Wil- rate sputum at day 84. Additional spu-
Eligibility criteria included a docu- mington, North Carolina), distrib- tum specimens were obtained from
mented diagnosis of CF; participant age uted blinded study drug kits to the cen- those participants who could sponta-
of 6 to 18 years; weight of at least 18 ters. All study personnel and partici- neously expectorate sputum at screen-
kg; forced expiratory volume in the first pants were blinded to treatment ing and at days 84 and 168.
second of expiration (FEV1) of at least assignment. Blood samples to monitor hematol-
50% predicted9; and 2 or more nega- ogy, liver function, and creatinine lev-
tive respiratory cultures for P aerugi- Treatment Regimen els were obtained at screening and at
nosa obtained at least 1 year prior to Azithromycin (250 mg) and placebo days 28 and 168.
randomization, which could include were supplied as identically packaged
a negative screening culture (per- tablets. Participants who weighed Primary and Exploratory Outcomes
formed 7-14 days prior to random- 18-35.9 kg were instructed to take 1 The primary outcome of the study
ization). tablet 3 times per week (Monday, was to determine if azithromycin was
Exclusion criteria included a posi- Wednesday, and Friday) and partici- associated with a change in FEV1 (li-
tive respiratory tract culture for pants weighing 36 kg or greater were ters) from day 0 to completion of
P aeruginosa in the year prior to screen- instructed to take 2 tablets on the therapy (day 168). Exploratory end
1708 JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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points included changes in forced detection of a pathogen at day 168 from between treatment groups. However,
vital capacity (FVC [liters]) and a participant in whom that pathogen enrollment was slower than expected
forced midexpiratory flow rate was not detected at baseline. and to complete the study within the
(FEF 25%-75% [liters/s]), and changes predetermined study period, which re-
in FEV 1 , FVC, and FEF 2 5 % t o 7 5 % Sample Size Considerations flected impending expiration of study
as a percentage of reference values We hypothesized that the difference be- drug and funding, the CF Foundation
(% predicted).9 Pulmonary function tween treatment groups for the pri- Therapeutics Development Network
testing was performed in accordance mary efficacy end point (168-day Coordinating Center principal inves-
with American Thoracic Society change in FEV1) would be 0.08 L or tigators (L.S., M.A., L.C.L., and F.R.)
standards.10 greater, with an observed standard de- and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Thera-
Additional exploratory end points viation of 0.215 in each group as noted peutics Inc elected to complete enroll-
included time to first pulmonary in previous clinical trials.5,13 Thus, with ment when approximately 260 partici-
exacerbation, proportion of partici- a sample size of 150 per group, the pants were randomized. This decision
pants experiencing an exacerbation, study had 90% power to detect this pro- was made independent of knowledge
hospitalization rate, and initiation of posed treatment effect. This corre- of interim study results and based on
new oral, intravenous, and/or inhaled sponded to an estimated 4% to 6% dif- the estimation that a sample size of 130
antibiotics. Pulmonary exacerbations ference in the relative change in FEV1 per treatment group would provide 85%
were defined a priori using previ-
ously described clinical criteria
Figure 1. Flow of Study Participants
(eTable 1 available at http://www.jama
.com), with the exception that the du- 324 Patients assessed for eligibility
ration of minor criteria symptoms was
at least 3 days in the current trial.11 61 Excluded
18 Pseudomonas aeruginosa–positive
Treatment for pulmonary exacerba- within 1 year prior to or at screening
tions was at the discretion of site in- 11 Abnormal liver function enzyme levels
8 Clinically unstable
vestigators, but the signs and symp- 8 Oral antibiotic use within 14 days
toms that prompted initiation of new of screening
7 Considered ineligible by site investigator
antibiotics were collected to deter- 9 Other
mine if the criteria for a pulmonary ex- 2 FEV1 % predicted <50%
2 Macrolide antibiotic use within 60
acerbation were fulfilled. Exploratory days of screening
end points also included changes in 2 Withdrew consent
1 Body weight <18 kg
body weight, height, and body mass in- 2 Unknown
dex (BMI [calculated as weight in ki-
lograms divided by height in meters 263 Randomized

131 Randomized to receive 132 Randomized to receive
Safety outcomes included adverse azithromycin placebo
events obtained by open-ended ques- 131 Received azithromycin 129 Received placebo
3 Did not receive placebo
tions of participants; laboratory evalu- as assigned
ations for elevated liver function en- 2 Parental consent
zymes, creatinine, or absolute neutrophil 1 Had unstable health
count, and changes in microbiology.
28-d Follow-up 28-d Follow-up
Standardized microbiologic evalua- 131 Attended 128 Attended
tion of throat cultures, sputum cul-
tures, or both for potential bacterial 84-d Follow-up 84-d Follow-up
127 Attended 127 Attended
pathogens was performed by the Cys-
tic Fibrosis Therapeutics Develop- 168-d Follow-up 168-d Follow-up
ment Network Center for CF Microbi- 125 Attended 124 Attended
ology, Seattle Children’s Hospital,
5 Withdrew from study 3 Withdrew from study
Seattle, Washington.5 Sputum was also 1 Adverse event 1 Participant decision
cultured for NTM. Testing for macro- 2 Participant decision
2 Physician decision
2 Physician decision
2 Lost to follow-up
lide-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and 1 Lost to follow-up
macrolide-resistant Haemophilus influ-
131 Included in primary efficacy 129 Included in primary efficacy
enzae was performed according to cur- and safety analyses and safety analyses
rent guidelines. 12 Treatment-emer-
gent pathogens were defined as new FEV1 indicates forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration.

©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 1709

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plan. The primary efficacy and safety were performed as appropriate for all
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of
Participants According to Treatment Group analyses were performed with the statistical models. P ⬍ .05 was con-
No. (%) modified intent-to-treat population, sidered statistically significant for all
defined as all randomized participants analyses, which were derived using
Azithromycin Placebo who received at least 1 dose of study either SAS version 9.1.3 (SAS Insti-
(n = 131) (n = 129)
Age, mean (SD), y 10.7 (3.25) 10.6 (3.10)
drug. For the primary efficacy analy- tute, Cary, North Carolina) or R sta-
Participants aged 91 (69) 91 (71)
sis, we used a piece-wise, linear, tistical package version 2.9.1 (R
6-12 y repeated-measures regression model Foundation for Statistical Comput-
Participants aged 40 (31) 38 (29) using generalized estimating equations ing, Vienna, Austria).
13-18 y with robust variance estimation.14,15 Safety outcomes were monitored
Female 54 (41) 59 (46) The regression parameters and their throughout the study by a data moni-
Genotype robust variance estimates were used to toring committee from the CF Foun-
⌬F508 57 (43) 61 (47)
Homozygous derive the model-based average dation data and safety monitoring
⌬F508 40 (30) 40 (31) change from baseline to day 168 for board. One planned interim analysis to
Heterozygous each treatment group, and compared monitor patient safety was performed
Other 15 (12) 9 (7) using a .05 level of significance after half of the total number of ran-
(non ⌬F508)
Unknown 19 (15) 19 (15)
2-sided t test with corresponding 95% domized participants completed 3
FEV1 % predicted
confidence interval (CI). A piece-wise months of study drug.
⬍50 1 (1) a 0 (0) linear model with change point at day
50-80 18 (14) 8 (6) 28 was assumed a priori based on pre- RESULTS
81-110 84 (64) 93 (72) vious successful studies of therapies Participants
⬎110 28 (21) 28 (22) for CF, including azithromycin,5,13,16 Of the 324 participants screened for this
FEV1 % predicted, 97.7 (16.40) 99.6 (13.65) in which an acute improvement in study, 263 (81%) were randomized; 131
mean (SD) the active treatment group was were randomized to the azithromycin
Weight, mean 37.4 (14.45) 37.7 (15.02)
(SD), kg
observed by day 28 followed by a lin- group and 132 were randomized to the
Height, mean 142.6 (17.91) 141.4 (17.62)
ear pattern of decline, improvement, placebo group. Overall, 131 partici-
(SD), cm or stabilization for the remainder of pants in the azithromycin group and
BMI, mean (SD) b 17.7 (2.95) 18.1 (2.94) the treatment period (day 28 through 129 participants in the placebo group
Dose received (by kg) day 168). received study drug (FIGURE 1). The
250 mg 77 (59) 67 (52) The 168-day change in exploratory median number of participants ran-
500 mg 54 (41) 62 (48)
pulmonary function measures was com- domized per center was 6 (range, 2-14)
(ⱖ36.0) pared using 2-tailed sample t test, across the 40 study centers that
Chronic medication use ␣=.05, and the relative change in FEV1 screened participants for eligibility.
Dornase alfa 84 (64) 81 (63) was calculated as: Three participants randomized to the
Inhaled 20 (15) 15 (12) [FEV1 atday168−FEV1 atday0]⫻100 placebo group did not receive study
Ibuprofen 9 (7) 11 (9)
[FEV1 at day 0] drug and were therefore not included
Hypertonic saline 24 (18) 28 (22)
Time to first exacerbation was as- in the modified intent-to-treat popula-
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expira-
sessed using Cox proportional haz- tion. The baseline characteristics of par-
tory volume in the first second.
a Participant had an FEV % predicted of 57% at screening
ards regression and graphically dis- ticipants were similar in the treatment
and an FEV1 % predicted of 48% at randomization. This played using Kaplan-Meier estimates. groups, including the proportions of
change did not meet the exclusion criteria of a relative de- Between-group comparisons of pro- participants in each group using chronic
crease in FEV1 % predicted of at least 20% between
screening and randomization.
b BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height
portions were performed using ␹2 tests concomitant medications (TABLE 1).
in meters squared. or the Fisher exact test as appropriate, Retention of participants was high, with
with corresponding 95% CI derived only 5 and 3 participants withdrawing
using the Newcombe-Wilson method.17 from the azithromycin and placebo
power to detect a 0.08-L difference be- Differences between groups in the lin- groups, respectively (Figure 1). Excel-
tween treatment groups with the as- ear rate of change from baseline in lent adherence was observed during the
sumptions used in the initial sample size height, weight, and BMI were esti- study; on average, 90% and 91% of the
planning. mated and tested using repeated mea- weekly dosages were used in the
sures regression with robust variance azithromycin and placebo groups, re-
Statistical Analysis estimation.15 spectively.
Analyses were conducted by the CF All secondary analyses were con-
Foundation Therapeutics Develop- sidered exploratory and thus no Pulmonary Function
ment Network Coordinating Center adjustments for multiple compari- The mean (SD) baseline and 168-day
according to a prespecified analysis sons were performed. Diagnostics FEV1 was 2.13 (0.85) and 2.22 (0.86) L
1710 JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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for the azithromycin group and 2.12 Anthropomorphic Measures CI, −19 to −3; P = .01); fewer partici-
(0.85) and 2.20 (0.88) L for the pla- During the 168-day study period, par- pants in the azithromycin group expe-
cebo group. The primary end point ticipants in the azithromycin group had rienced these events compared with
analyses estimated a 0.02-L increase in a greater increase in weight (0.58 kg those in the placebo group. Nausea, di-
the 168-day FEV1 change from base- treatment difference; 95% CI, 0.14- arrhea, and wheezing occurred with
line in the azithromycin group as com- 1.02; P = .01) and in BMI (0.34 treat- similar frequency in the 2 groups. Nau-
pared with the placebo group, which ment difference; 95% CI, 0.15-0.52; sea occurred in 11 of 131 (8%) azithro-
was not statistically significant (95% CI, P ⬍.001) than participants in the pla- mycin participants and in 12 of 129
−0.05 to 0.08; P=.61; FIGURE 2). Simi- cebo group. There was no significant (9%) placebo participants (−1% differ-
larly, there were no statistically signifi- difference in changes in height be- ence; 95% CI, −8% to 6%), diarrhea oc-
cant treatment effects observed in the tween the 2 groups (0.04-cm treat- curred in 6 of 131 (5%) azithromycin
change in the exploratory pulmonary ment difference; 95% CI; −0.41 to 0.33; participants and in 11 of 129 (9%) pla-
function end points (TABLE 2). P = .83). cebo participants (−4% difference; 95%
CI, −11% to 2%), and wheezing oc-
Pulmonary Exacerbations, Safety
Antibiotic Use, Thirteen treatment-emergent, seri-
Figure 2. Change in FEV1 From Baseline to
and Hospitalizations ous, adverse events occurred in the End of Study
Compared with the placebo group, the azithromycin group and 18 occurred in
azithromycin group had a 50% reduc- the placebo group; 12 of 131 azithro- Azithromycin
tion in pulmonary exacerbations (95% mycin participants (9%) and 14 of 129 0.12 Placebo

Change in FEV1, L
CI, 31%-79%; P = .003; F IGURE 3). placebo participants (11%) experi- 0.08
Overall, 28 of the 131 azithromycin enced at least 1 serious adverse event 0.04
participants (21%) and 50 of the 129 (−2% treatment difference; 95% CI, −9% 0
placebo participants (39%) experi- to 6%; P=.68). These events were con- –0.04
enced an exacerbation (−18% treat- sistent with CF-related complica- 0 28 84 168
ment effect; 95% CI, −28% to −6%; tions. The differences in the incidence Time, d
No. of participants
P = .003). The azithromycin group of combined nonserious and serious ad- Azithromycin 131 131 127 125
Placebo 129 128a 127 124
also had a −27% difference in the ini- verse events in the 2 treatment groups
tiation of new oral antibiotics com- are shown in TABLE 3. The only ad- Mean change of forced expiratory volume in the first
pared with the placebo group (65/ verse events that significantly differed second of expiration (FEV1). Error bars indicate 95%
confidence intervals (CIs). The 168-day treatment dif-
131 [50%] vs 99/129 [77%], between the 2 groups were cough ference was 0.02 L (95% CI, −0.05 to 0.08; P=.61).
respectively; 95% CI, −38% to −16%; (−23% treatment difference; 95% CI, a One placebo participant was missing an FEV

P ⬍ .001). During the study, few par- −33 to −11; P⬍ .001), and productive measurement at day 28, but underwent subsequent
measurements in the study and was included in the
ticipants were treated with intrave- cough (−11% treatment difference; 95% analysis.
nous or newly initiated inhaled anti-
biotics, or both, and there were no Table 2. Change from Baseline to Day 168 in Exploratory Pulmonary Function Measures
significant differences between treat- Mean (SD)
ment groups. Intravenous antibiotics
were initiated in 11 of 131 (8%) Lung Function Azithromycin Placebo Difference P
Parameter (n = 125) a (n = 124) a (95% Confidence Interval) Value
azithromycin participants vs 14 of FEV1 % predicted
129 (11%) placebo participants (−3% Baseline 97.7 (16.4) 99.6 (13.7)
treatment difference; 95% CI; −10% 168-Day change −0.5 (11.7) −1.9 (11.5) 1.4 (−1.5 to 4.3) .34
to 5%; P = .54), and inhaled antibiot- FEV1 relative change, %
ics were newly initiated in 15 of 131 168-Day change 5.4 (13.3) 3.4 (12.4) 2.0 (−1.2 to 5.2) .22
(11%) azithromycin participants vs FVC, liters
Baseline 2.6 (1.1) 2.6 (1.0)
21 of 129 (16%) placebo participants 168-Day change 0.10 (0.30) 0.06 (0.28) 0.04 (−0.04 to 0.11) .33
(−5% treatment difference; 95% CI, FVC % predicted
−13% to 4%; P = .29). The percent of Baseline 104.4 (15.2) 105.1 (12.8)
participants hospitalized was also 168-Day change −0.9 (11.7) −2.3 (10.9) 1.4 (−1.4 to 4.2) .34
comparable between the 2 groups FEF25%-75% predicted
with 12 of 131 (9%) in the azithro- Baseline 88.5 (29.5) 90.9 (25.5)
mycin group vs 13 of 129 (10%) in 168-Day change −0.4 (20.9) −0.5 (23.5) 0.14 (−5.4 to 5.7) .96
Abbreviations: FEF, forced expiratory flow; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second; FVC, forced vital
the placebo group hospitalized (−1% capacity.
a At day 168, 125 of 131 participants in the azithromycin group and 124 of 129 participants in the placebo group
treatment difference; 95% CI, −8% to
had pulmonary function measured.
7%; P=.84).
©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 1711

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curred in 10 of 131 (8%) azithromy- ticipant who had dose modifications

Figure 3. Proportion of Participants
Exacerbation-Free From Baseline to End cin participants and in 9 of 129 (7%) that resulted in permanent discon-
of Study placebo participants (1% difference; tinuation of study drug.
95% CI, −6% to 7%). The majority of
1.0 adverse events were described as mild Microbiology
to moderate by the investigators. There At baseline, the microbiology profile

were no significant differences be-

Placebo was comparable between the 2 treat-
tween treatment groups with respect to ment groups (T ABLE 4); 37 of 131
abnormal changes in laboratory azithromycin participants (28%) and 46
parameters. of 128 placebo participants (36%) har-
Baseline 28 84 168
Dose modification of study drug bored macrolide-resistant S aureus. Af-
Time, d occurred in 3 of 131 azithromycin ter randomization, 1 participant in the
No. of participants
Azithromycin 131 122 111 69 participants (2%) and 6 of 129 pla- azithromycin group was found to be
Placebo 129 117 97 47
cebo participants (5%). All individu- positive for P aeruginosa from the
als with dose modifications remained screening culture and withdrew from
Hazard ratio (0.50; 95% confidence interval, 0.31-
0.79; P=.003) was from a Cox proportional hazards in the study including 2 azithromy- the study. One participant in the pla-
model. cin participants and 1 placebo par- cebo group was positive for NTM and
was discontinued from study drug, but
Table 3. Most Frequently Occurring Serious and Nonserious Adverse Events in Azithromycin remained in the study.
and Placebo Groups a The only significant differences in
No. (%) treatment-emergent pathogens be-
Azithromycin Placebo Risk Difference, % P
tween treatment groups occurred with
(n = 131) (n = 129) (95% Confidence Interval) Value macrolide-resistant S aureus and H in-
Cough 63 (48) 91 (71) −23 (−33 to −11) ⬍.001 fluenzae with 27% (95% CI, 14%-38%;
Nasal congestion 45 (34) 42 (33) 1 (−10 to 13) .79 P ⬍ .001) and 7% (95% CI, 2%-13%;
Headache 30 (23) 40 (31) −8 (−19 to 3) .16 P = .01) more emergence of these or-
Pyrexia 30 (23) 41 (32) −9 (−19 to 2) .13 ganisms, respectively, in azithromy-
Pharyngolaryngeal pain 29 (22) 43 (33) −11 (−22 to 0) .05 cin participants as compared with pla-
Rhinorrhea 25 (19) 36 (28) −9 (−19 to 1) .11 cebo participants. At baseline, 31
Vomiting 22 (17) 31 (24) −7 (−17 to 3) .17 azithromycin and 23 placebo partici-
Upper abdominal pain 17 (13) 20 (16) −3 (−11 to 6) .60 pants produced sputum and at the last
Productive cough 10 (8) 24 (19) −11 (−19 to −3) .01 day of the study period, 32 azithromy-
Fatigue 9 (7) 13 (10) −3 (−10 to 4) .38 cin and 19 placebo participants pro-
Pulmonary function 8 (6) 16 (12) −6 (−14 to 1) .09 duced sputum for NTM culture. No
a The most frequently occurring adverse events were a priori defined as adverse events occurring in at least 10% of participants in either treatment group
participants in either the azithromycin or placebo group. had treatment-emergent NTM. There

Table 4. Proportion of Participants With Microorganisms Present in Respiratory Cultures at Baseline and Treatment-Emergent at Day 168
at Day 168,
Present at Screening, No. (%) No./Total No. (%) a

Azithromycin Placebo Difference P

Microorganism (n = 131) (n = 128) b Azithromycin Placebo (95% Confidence Interval) Value
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 (1) 0 2/125 (2) 3/120 (3) −1 (−6 to 3) .68
Staphylococcus aureus 97 (74) 95 (74) 10/33 (30) 15/31 (48) −18 (−39 to 6) .20
S aureus, macrolide-resistant 37 (28) 46 (36) 33/89 (37) 8/76 (11) 27 (14 to 38) ⬍.001
S aureus, methicillin-resistant 7 (5) 20 (16) 9/118 (8) 4/101 (4) 4 (−3 to 10) .39
Haemophilus influenzae 3 (2) 4 (3) 5/122 (4) 4/116 (3) 1 (−5 to 6) ⬎.99
H influenzae, macrolide-resistant 1 (1) 4 (3) 10/124 (8) 1/116 (1) 7 (2 to 13) .01
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 11 (8) 7 (5) 8/115 (7) 8/113 (7) 0 (−7 to 7) ⬎.99
Achromobacter xylosoxidans 8 (6) 8 (6) 4/118 (3) 2/112 (2) 2 (−3 to 7) .68
Burkholderia cepacia complex 0 0 1/125 (1) 0/120 1 (−2 to 4) ⬎.99
a The denominator for each microorganism is based on the number of participants with results available at both baseline and day 168 who were negative for the microorganism at
b Culture results were available for 128 of 129 placebo participants at screening; 1 participant did not have a specimen processed by the core laboratory at baseline, but did have
a simultaneously obtained specimen processed by the site’s local microbiology laboratory, which was negative for P aeruginosa.

1712 JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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were no statistically significant differ- of P aeruginosa recently conducted in sputum levels of IL-8 did not differ be-
ences between treatment groups in the children with CF aged 1 to 12 years.11 tween the 2 treatment groups. Future
eradication of the pathogens dis- This definition uses clinical character- studies should continue to assess the
played in Table 4 (eTable 2). istics expected to delineate a pulmo- mechanism of action of azithromcyin
nary exacerbation in children with rela- in patients with CF.
COMMENT tively mild lung disease, but has not Azithromycin was well tolerated.
This is, to our knowledge, the largest been formally validated. Our observa- There was no increase in serious or non-
study conducted to date to examine the tion that the azithromycin group had serious adverse events among partici-
potential benefits of azithromycin in CF a reduction in the initiation of new oral pants receiving azithromycin. Specifi-
patients uninfected with P aeruginosa. antimicrobial agents, but not in the ini- cally, nausea, diarrhea, or wheezing,
In this study population of relatively tiation of intravenous antibiotics, pro- which were observed more frequently
healthy children and adolescents (mean vides indirect support that this case defi- in the azithromycin group in our pre-
FEV1 % predicted 97%), azithromycin nition successfully identified mild vious trial,5 occurred with similar fre-
did not improve lung function, al- exacerbations. However, future stud- quency in the azithromycin and pla-
though detection of improvements in ies are needed to further evaluate this cebo groups in the current trial and
lung function could be limited in this case definition. occurred in fewer than 10% of partici-
study population with mild lung dis- To date, the mechanism of action of pants in either group. In contrast, cough
ease. However, analyses of explor- azithromycin in CF remains uncer- and productive cough occurred less fre-
atory end points demonstrated that tain. As suggested by previous clinical quently in the azithromycin group, con-
when compared with the placebo trials4-6 and confirmed in this trial, sistent with the reduction in pulmo-
group, the azithromycin group had a azithromycin does not eradicate CF nary exacerbations as defined in this
50% reduction in pulmonary exacer- pathogens. Earlier in vitro studies trial.
bations, 27% reduction in the initia- showed that azithromycin decreased ex- During the 6-month study period,
tion of new oral antibiotics (other than pression of proinflammatory cyto- azithromycin was not associated with
azithromycin), 0.58-kg weight gain, and kines, but had a variable effect on anti- significant changes in microbiology.
0.34-unit increase in BMI. There were inflammatory cytokines and altered There was no increase in treatment-
no differences in treatment groups in bacterial characteristics such as pili, fla- emergent Gram-negative pathogens,
use of intravenous or inhaled antibiot- gella, exoproducts, and P aeruginosa including P aeruginosa, or in methicil-
ics or hospitalizations. quorum sensing.20,21 Azithromycin has lin-resistant S aureus. However, treat-
Previous studies of azithromycin in been shown to reduce neutrophil re- ment-emergent macrolide-resistant
CF have mainly focused on patients cruitment in response to P aeruginosa S aureus and macrolide-resistant non-
with P aeruginosa infection, although infection in non CF animal models22 typeable H influenzae were increased in
2 trials included pediatric participants and to reduce neutrophilia and inter- the azithromycin group. This finding
who were not chronically infected with leukin (IL)-8 in patients with bronchi- was expected as others have demon-
P aeruginosa.4,6 While azithromycin was olitis obliterans syndrome.23 In CF strated macrolide-resistant S au-
associated with a reduction in the num- airway epithelial cells, azithromycin reus26-28 as well as macrolide-resistant
ber of pulmonary exacerbations, a re- down-regulated IL-8 transcription and commensal flora 29 associated with
duction in the use of oral antibiotics, protein expression and reduced DNA chronic azithromycin treatment in CF
and/or an increase in time to exacer- binding of the IL-8 transcriptional regu- patients. The clinical implications of
bation, these previous studies did not lators nuclear factor-␬B (NF-␬B) and macrolide-resistant S aureus and non-
use a priori definitions for pulmonary activator protein-1 (AP-1).24 In ⌬F508 typeable H influenzae in CF are un-
exacerbations. However, there is no homozygous CF mice, azithromycin known, but numerous alternative
standardized definition for a pulmo- has also been shown to reduce base- agents exist for these pathogens and
nary exacerbation, especially in pa- line inflammation as well as P aerugi- macrolide antibiotics are not gener-
tients with mild lung disease.18 Previ- nosa lipopolysaccharide-induced in- ally used to treat CF pulmonary exac-
ous trials conducted in CF patients with flammation.25 However, human data erbations.
moderate to severe lung disease have supporting the anti-inflammatory ef- There are some potential limita-
generally defined pulmonary exacer- fects of azithromycin in CF are scarce. tions to this study. The generalizabil-
bations as those events requiring intra- We previously demonstrated that lev- ity of our findings may be limited be-
venous antibiotics as such exacerba- els of neutrophil elastase in sputum cause participants had mild lung
tions have been linked to mortality.19 were stable in CF participants treated disease. Participants could have been
The definition used for pulmonary with azithromycin, but increased by 0.2 misclassified as uninfected with P ae-
exacerbations in the current study was log10 µg/mL in CF participants treated ruginosa because the majority only had
developed by a working group of CF with placebo, suggesting a potential oropharyngeal cultures obtained, al-
clinicians for use in an eradication trial anti-inflammatory effect.5 However, though the negative predictive value of
©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 1713

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oropharyngeal swabs has been shown Statistical analysis: Mayer-Hamblett, Kloster. Pediatric Pulmonary); A. George F. Davidson, MD,
Obtained funding: Saiman, Marshall. and Maggie McIlwaine, MCSP (BC Children’s Hos-
to be as high as 95%.30 We did not use Administrative, technical, or material support: Saiman, pital); Allen J. Dozor, MD, and Ingrid Gherson,
serologic studies to assess P aerugi- Hocevar-Trnka, Goss, Rose, Burns, Ratjen. MPH (New York Medical College); Albert Faro,
Study supervision: Saiman, Anstead, Lands, Rose, MD, and Mary Boyle, RN, MSN (Washington Uni-
nosa status. Treatment-emergent patho- versity in St. Louis); Jonathan Finder, MD, and Judy
Marshall, Ratjen.
gens were only assessed at the end of Safety monitoring and data review: Goss. Fulton, MPH, RD, LDN (Children’s Hospital of Pitts-
the trial by the core microbiology labo- Financial Disclosures: Dr Saiman reports having served burgh); Deborah Froh, MD, and Robin Kelly, RN
on advisory boards for Aridis, Bayer, Chiesi, Gilead, (University of Virginia at Charlottesville Children’s
ratory and not assessed at other time MPex, Novartis, Pfizer, SmithKlineBeecham, and Hospital); Michelle S. Howenstine, MD, and Terry
points during the trial. Because few par- Transave and receiving research funding (institu- Barclay, RN, BSN (Riley Hospital for Children); Tom
tional) from Bayer, Chiesi, Johnson & Johnson, the Na- Kovesi, MD, and Anne Smith, RN (Children’s Hos-
ticipants spontaneously expectorated pital of Eastern Ontario); Thomas Lahiri, MD, and
tional Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Con-
sputum, this trial did not fully assess trol and Prevention, and CF Foundation Therapeutics, Emily Keller, BS (Vermont Children’s Hospital);
Larry C. Lands, MD, PhD, and Jennifer Frei (Mon-
the risk of treatment-emergent NTM. Inc. Dr Anstead reports receipt of funding (institu-
treal Children’s Hospital); Craig Lapin, MD, and
tional) from CF Foundation Therapeutics, Inc. Dr
Finally, changes in quality of life or Mayer-Hamblett reports receipt of funding (institu- Ginny Drapeau, BSN, RN (Connecticut Children’s
patient-reported outcomes were not tional) from CF Foundation Therapeutics, Inc and the Medical Center); Brian Lyttle, MD, and Anne-Marie
National Institutes of Health. Dr Lands reports hav- Lyttle, RN, (Brian Lyttle’s private practice); Karen
studied. ing served on advisory boards for Novartis and Solvay. McCoy, MD, and Patricia Olson, RN (Nationwide
Among a group of children and ado- Ms Kloster reports receipt of funding (institutional) from Children’s Hospital); Marcel Milot, MD, and Chan-
CF Foundation Therapeutics, Inc. Ms Hocevar-Trnka tale Martineau, (CSSS de Chicoutimi); Kathryn S.
lescents with CF uninfected with P ae- Moffett, MD, and Sue Collins, MSN, RN (West Vir-
reports no disclosures. Dr Goss reports having served
ruginosa, treatment with azithromycin on an advisory board for Transave Inc without receiv- ginia University); Mark Montgomery, MD, FRCP
for 24 weeks, compared with placebo, ing financial reimbursement, receipt of research fund- (C), and Dianne MacLean, BS (Alberta Children’s
ing (institutional) from CF Foundation Therapeutics, Hospital); Samya Z. Nasr, MD, and Dawn Kruse,
did not result in improved pulmonary Inc, the National Institutes of Health, Firlands Foun- CCRC (University of Michigan); Mary E. Nosewor-
function. In the evaluation of explor- dation, and Transave Inc, and SEER Pharmaceuticals thy, MD, and Kimberley Manning ( Janeway Chil-
for clinical trial participation. Dr Rose reports receipt dren’s Health & Rehabilitation Hospital); H. Worth
atory end points, azithromycin was as- of research funding from CF Foundation Therapeu- Parker, MD, and Nicola Felicetti, RN (Dartmouth
sociated with a significant reduction in tics, Inc and the National Institutes of Health (Na- Hitchcock Medical Center); Linda Pedder, MD, and
tional Center for Research Resources Clinical and Rosamund Hennessey (McMaster Health Sciences
pulmonary exacerbations and a signifi- Centre); Elizabeth Perkett, MD, Michelle Robinette,
Translational Science Award to the University of
cant increase in weight gain. Further Washington). Dr Burns reports receipt of research fund- FNP-BC, and Cathy Tuzeneu, RN,BSN (Vanderbilt
studies of azithromycin are warranted ing (institutional) from Chiesi, Transave, Gilead, CF Children’s Hospital); Adrienne Prestridge, MD, and
Foundation Therapeutics, Inc, and the National Insti- Catherine Powers, RD, LDN (Children’s Memorial
to further investigate its potential use in tutes of Health. Dr Marshall reports having partici- Hospital); Diana R. Quintero, MD, and Brilliant
this population. pated as an advisor to the executive study team and Nimmer, BS (Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin);
serving as a representative of CF Foundation Thera- Peggy J. Radford, MD, and Natalia Argel, BSN,
Author Affiliations: Department of Pediatrics, peutics, Inc. Dr Ratjen reports having served on ad- RN-BC (Phoenix Children’s Hospital); Felix Ratjen,
Columbia University, and New York Presbyterian visory boards for AOP, Bayer, Boehringer/Ingelheim, MD, PhD, and Renee Jensen, RRT (The Hospital for
Hospital (Dr Saiman), New York, New York; Gilead, Inspire, MAP, Novartis, Pharmaxis, Roche, Sick Children); Warren E. Regelmann, MD, and
Department of Pediatrics, University of Kentucky, Vertex, and receipt of research funding (institu- Patricia Grover, RN (University of Minnesota);
Lexington (Dr Anstead); Departments of Pediatrics tional) from Inspire, Novartis, Roche, CF Foundation Clement L. Ren, MD, and Marissa Dixon, BS (Uni-
(Drs Mayer-Hamblett, Goss, Rose, and Burns), and Therapeutics, Inc, the National Institutes of Health, the versity of Rochester Medical Center); George
Medicine (Dr Goss), University of Washington, Canadian CF Foundation, and the Canadian Institute Retsch-Bogart, MD, and Caroline O’Connor, BA
Seattle; Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutics Development of Health Research. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Edu-
Network Coordinating Center (Drs Mayer- Funding/Support: This study was funded by CF Foun- ardo Riff, MD, and Judy Marciel, MSN, RN (East
Hamblett, Goss, and Rose, and Mss Kloster and dation Therapeutics, Inc. (CFFT). The CFFT Thera- Tennessee Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Pulmonary
Hocevar-Trnka), and Cystic Fibrosis Therapeutics peutics Development Network (TDN) was funded by & Respiratory Care); Ronald C. Rubenstein, MD,
Development Network Center for CF Microbiology the CFFT to manage this trial on behalf of the study PhD, and Erin Hogge, BS-RRT (The Children’s Hos-
(Dr Burns), Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, principal investigators (LS, MA, LCL, and FR) and the pital of Philadelphia); Lisa Saiman, MD, MPH, and
Washington; Department of Pediatrics, McGill Uni- TDN Coordinating Center (CF Foundation Therapeu- John D’Agostino, RN (Columbia University);
versity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Dr Lands); tics Development Network Coordinating Center) was Michael Schechter, MD, MPH, and Jeannie
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Bethesda, Maryland, the regulatory sponsor of the study. The CF Founda- Peabody, RN, BSN (Emory University); L. Terry
and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Johns tion Therapeutics Development Network Coordinat- Spencer, MD, and Summer Adams (Children’s Hos-
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, ing Center leadership (NMH and LMR) participated pital Boston); Dennis C. Stokes, MD, and Barbara
Maryland (Dr Marshall); and Division of Respiratory on the executive committee for the study along with Culbreath, RN, BSN (University of Tennessee
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital for the principal investigators and participated in discus- LeBonheur Children’s Medical Center); and Laurie
Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, sions and decisions pertaining to the study. Drug and Varlotta, MD, and Marcella Aramburo, BA (St.
Ontario, Canada (Dr Ratjen). placebo were supplied by Pfizer, Inc, which was not Christopher’s Hospital for Children).
Author Contributions: Dr Saiman had full access to otherwise involved in any aspect of the study. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics Develop-
all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for Role of Sponsor: CFFT did not participate in the design ment Network Coordinating Center (Project Office
the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data and conduct of the study; the collection, manage- and Clinical Coordinating Center): Lynn Rose PhD,
analysis. ment, analysis, or interpretation of the data; nor the Chris Goss, MD, MSc, Terry Hough, MD, Jasna
Study concept and design: Saiman, Anstead, preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. Hocevar-Trnka, MPH, Morty Cohen, RPh, Olena
Mayer-Hamblett, Lands, Burns, Marshall, Ratjen. Online-Only Material: eTables 1 and 2 are available Boyarska, BS, Kimberly Gilmore, ND, Barbra Fogarty,
Acquisition of data: Saiman, Anstead, Mayer-Hamblett, at http://www.jama.com. and Lynne Larson, MS; Biostatistics and Clinical Data
Lands, Hocevar-Trnka, Rose, Burns, Ratjen. AZ0004 Azithromycin Study Group Investigators: Management Unit (BCDM): Nicole Mayer-
Analysis and interpretation of data: Saiman, Anstead, James D. Acton, MD, and Lorrie Duan, RN BSN Hamblett, PhD, Margaret Kloster, MS, Ann Fowler,
Mayer-Hamblett, Lands, Kloster, Hocevar-Trnka, Goss, (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital); Ran D. Anbar, MD, MA, Julie Fox, Barbara Mathewson, MS, Rohini Rao,
Marshall, Ratjen. and Valoree Suttmore, BS (SUNY Upstate Medical MS, and Ilonka Evans, MS.
Drafting of the manuscript: Saiman, Anstead, University); Michael Anstead, MD, and Barbara University of South Florida Database Management
Mayer-Hamblett, Lands, Kloster, Hocevar-Trnka, Owsley, RC (University of Kentucky); Philip Black, and Randomization: Jeffrey Krischer, PhD, June Tran,
Ratjen. MD, and Candy Schmoll, RN, BSN (The Children’s MS, Franz Badias, BS, David Cuthbertson, MS, Bruce
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- Mercy Hospital); Barbara Chatfield, MD, and Jane Gainer, MS, Michael Abbondondolo, MS, Jamie Mal-
tellectual content: Saiman, Anstead, Mayer-Hamblett, Vroom, BS (University of Utah); John Colombo, loy, MS, Veena Gowda, BS, Ken Young, BS, and Ping
Lands, Goss, Rose, Burns, Marshall, Ratjen. MD, and Deb Heimes, RC (UN Medical Center- Xu, MPH.

1714 JAMA, May 5, 2010—Vol 303, No. 17 (Reprinted) ©2010 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded from www.jama.com at HINARI on May 10, 2010


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