Celebrity Vampire: What To Do If You See A Vampire:: Gather Up Some Garlic: Don T Answer The Door

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Vampires are immortal creatures said to prey on the living, hoping to drink their blood.
If you are bitten by a vampire, it is said that you will become one. Many cultures believe in vampires
and vampire-like creatures, and have for centuries. The modern-day image of a vampire is of a being that
sleeps in coffins, lives in a large, isolated castle in Eastern Europe, and dresses in a long cape with a high
collar. Most of these beliefs are influenced by early horror films about vampires,
such as Nosferatu and Dracula.


Gather Up Some Garlic:
Though vampire folklore Vampires hate garlic.
had existed in cultures
all over the world for Don‛t Answer the Door:
centuries before it was It is said that vampires will not enter
written, Bram Stoker‛s your home unless you invite them in.
1897 novel Dracula
popularized vampire Open the Blinds:
mythology in the Vampires cannot live in sunlight.
Western world.


2. A vampire is walking down your street, and he‛s heading towards your house!
What would you do?

a) Chase him away.

b) Throw your leftover Halloween candy out the window at him.

c) Go to the grocery store and stock up on garlic.

3. If you were going to dress up as a vampire for Halloween, name three things you would wear.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

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