Dependencies vs. Constituents For Tree-Based Alignment: Daniel Gildea

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Dependencies vs.

Constituents for Tree-Based Alignment

Daniel Gildea
Computer Science Department
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627

Abstract such as verb phrases and noun phrases, it served to

Given a parallel parsed corpus, statistical tree- restrict the word-level alignments considered by the
to-tree alignment attempts to match nodes in system to those allowable by reordering operations
the syntactic trees for a given sentence in on binary trees.
two languages. We train a probabilistic tree Yamada and Knight (2001) present an algorithm
transduction model on a large automatically for estimating probabilistic parameters for a simi-
parsed Chinese-English corpus, and evaluate re-
lar model which represents translation as a sequence
sults against human-annotated word level align-
ments. We find that a constituent-based model of re-ordering operations over children of nodes in
performs better than a similar probability model a syntactic tree, using automatic parser output for
trained on the same trees converted to a depen- the initial tree structures. This gives the translation
dency representation. model more information about the structure of the
source language, and further constrains the reorder-
1 Introduction ings to match not just a possible bracketing as in Wu
Statistical approaches to machine translation, pio- (1997), but the specific bracketing of the parse tree
neered by Brown et al. (1990), estimate parame- provided.
ters for a probabilistic model of word-to-word cor- Recent models of alignment have attempted to
respondences and word re-orderings directly from exploit syntactic information from both languages
large corpora of parallel bilingual text. In re- by aligning a pair of parse trees for the same sen-
cent years, a number of syntactically motivated ap- tence in either language node by node. Eisner
proaches to statistical machine translation have been (2003) presented such a system for transforming
proposed. These approaches assign a parallel tree semantic-level dependency trees into syntactic-level
structure to the two sides of each sentence pair, and dependency trees for text generation. Gildea (2003)
model the translation process with reordering oper- trained a system on parallel constituent trees from
ations defined on the tree structure. The tree-based the Korean-English Treebank, evaluating agreement
approach allows us to represent the fact that syn- with hand-annotated word alignments. Ding and
tactic constituents tend to move as unit, as well as Palmer (2004) align parallel dependency trees with
systematic differences in word order in the gram- a divide and conquer strategy, choosing a highly
mars of the two languages. Furthermore, the tree likely word-pair as a splitting point in each tree. In
structure allows us to make probabilistic indepen- addition to providing a deeper level of representa-
dence assumptions that result in polynomial time tion for the transformations of the translation model
algorithms for estimating a translation model from to work with, tree-to-tree models have the advan-
parallel training data, and for finding the highest tage that they are much less computationally costly
probability translation given a new sentence. to train than models which must induce tree struc-
Wu (1997) modeled the reordering process with ture on one or both sides of the translation pair.
binary branching trees, where each production Because Expectation Maximization for tree-to-tree
could be either in the same or in reverse order going models iterates over pairs of nodes in the two trees,
from source to target language. The trees of Wu’s it is O(n2 ) in the sentence length, rather than O(n6 )
Inversion Transduction Grammar were derived by for Wu’s Inversion Transduction Grammar or O(n4 )
synchronously parsing a parallel corpus, using a for the Yamada and Knight tree-to-string model.
grammar with lexical translation probabilities at the In this paper, we make a comparison of two tree-
leaves and a simple grammar with a single nonter- to-tree models, one trained on the trees produced by
minal providing the tree structure. While this gram- automatic parsers for both our English and Chinese
mar did not represent traditional syntactic categories corpora, and one trained on the same parser output
converted to a dependency representation. The trees into ta , their children are re-ordered together
are converted using a set of deterministic head rules in one step.
for each language. The dependency representation
In the final step of the process, as in the tree-to-
equalizes some differences in the annotation style
string model, lexical items at the leaves of the tree
between the English and Chinese treebanks. How-
are translated into the target language according to
ever, the dependency representation makes the as-
a distribution Pt (f |e).
sumption that not only the bracketing structure, but
Allowing non-1-to-1 correspondences between
also the head word choices, will correspond in the
nodes in the two trees is necessary to handle the
two trees. Our evaluation is in terms of agreement
fact that the depth of corresponding words in the
with word-level alignments created by bilingual hu-
two trees often differs. A further consequence of
man annotators. Our model of alignment is that of
allowing elementary trees of size one or two is that
Gildea (2003), reviewed in Section 2 and extended
some reorderings not allowed when reordering the
to dependency trees in Section 3. We describe our
children of each individual node separately are now
data and experiments in Section 4, and discuss re-
possible. For example, with our simple tree
sults in Section 5.
2 The Tree-to-Tree Model
A tree-to-tree alignment model has tree transforma-
tion operations for reordering a node’s children, in- B Z
serting and deleting nodes, and translating individ-
ual words at the leaves of the parse trees. The trans-
formed tree must not only match the surface string X Y
of the target language, but also the tree structure as-
if nodes A and B are considered as one elementary
signed to the string by the parser. In order to pro-
tree, with probability Pelem (ta |A ⇒ BZ), their col-
vide enough flexibility to make this possible, tree
lective children will be reordered with probability
transformation operations allow a single node in the
Palign ({(1, 1)(2, 3)(3, 2)}|A ⇒ XYZ)
source tree to produce two nodes in the target tree,
or two nodes in the source tree to be grouped to-
gether and produce a single node in the target tree.
The model can be thought of as a synchronous tree
substitution grammar, with probabilities parameter- X Z Y
ized to generate the target tree conditioned on the
structure of the source tree. giving the desired word ordering XZY. However,
The probability P (Tb |Ta ) of transforming the computational complexity as well as data sparsity
source tree Ta into target tree Tb is modeled in a prevent us from considering arbitrarily large ele-
sequence of steps proceeding from the root of the mentary trees, and the number of nodes considered
target tree down. At each level of the tree: at once still limits the possible alignments. For ex-
ample, with our maximum of two nodes, no trans-
1. At most one of the current node’s children is formation of the tree
grouped with the current node in a single ele-
mentary tree, with probability Pelem (ta |εa ⇒ A
children(εa )), conditioned on the current
node εa and its children (ie the CFG produc-
tion expanding εa ). B C
2. An alignment of the children of the current
elementary tree is chosen, with probability W X Y Z
Palign (α|εa ⇒ children(ta )). This alignment
operation is similar to the re-order operation is capable of generating the alignment WYXZ.
in the tree-to-string model, with the extension In order to generate the complete target tree, one
that 1) the alignment α can include insertions more step is necessary to choose the structure on the
and deletions of individual children, as nodes target side, specifically whether the elementary tree
in either the source or target may not corre- has one or two nodes, what labels the nodes have,
spond to anything on the other side, and 2) in and, if there are two nodes, whether each child at-
the case where two nodes have been grouped taches to the first or the second. Because we are
Operation Parameterization
elementary tree grouping Pelem (ta |εa ⇒ children(εa ))
re-order Palign (α|εa ⇒ children(ta ))
insertion α can include “insertion” symbol
lexical translation Pt (f |e)
cloning Pmakeclone (ε)
α can include “clone” symbol

Table 1: The probabilistic tree-to-tree model

ultimately interested in predicting the correct target the fan-out of the grammar.
string, regardless of its structure, we do not assign
probabilities to these steps. The nonterminals on the 2.1 Clone Operation
target side are ignored entirely, and while the align- Both our constituent and dependency models make
ment algorithm considers possible pairs of nodes as use of the “clone” operation introduced by Gildea
elementary trees on the target side during training, (2003), which allows words to be aligned even
the generative probability model should be thought in cases of radically mismatched trees, at a cost
of as only generating single nodes on the target side. in the probability of the alignment. Allowing m-
Thus, the alignment algorithm is constrained by the to-n matching of up to two nodes on either side
bracketing on the target side, but does not generate of the parallel treebank allows for limited non-
the entire target tree structure. isomorphism between the trees. However, even
given this flexibility, requiring alignments to match
While the probability model for tree transforma-
two input trees rather than one often makes tree-to-
tion operates from the top of the tree down, proba-
tree alignment more constrained than tree-to-string
bility estimation for aligning two trees takes place
alignment. For example, even alignments with no
by iterating through pairs of nodes from each tree in
change in word order may not be possible if the
bottom-up order, as sketched below:
structures of the two trees are radically mismatched.
for all nodes εa in source tree Ta in bottom-up order
Thus, it is helpful to allow departures from the con-
for all elementary trees ta rooted in εa do straints of the parallel bracketing, if it can be done
for all nodes εb in target tree Tb in bottom-up or- in without dramatically increasing computational
der do complexity.
for all elementary trees tb rooted in εb do The clone operation allows a copy of a node from
for all alignments α of the children of ta and the source tree to be made anywhere in the target
tb do tree. After the clone operation takes place, the trans-
β(εa , εb ) Q += formation of source into target tree takes place using
Pelem (ta |εa )Palign (α|εi ) (i,j)∈α β(εi , εj )
the tree decomposition and subtree alignment oper-
end for
ations as before. The basic algorithm of the previ-
end for
end for ous section remains unchanged, with the exception
end for that the alignments α between children of two ele-
end for mentary trees can now include cloned, as well as in-
serted, nodes on the target side. Given that α speci-
The outer two loops, iterating over nodes in each fies a new cloned node as a child of εj , the choice of
tree, require O(|T |2 ). Because we restrict our ele- which node to clone is made as in the tree-to-string
mentary trees to include at most one child of the root model:
node on either side, choosing elementary trees for a
node pair is O(m2 ), where m refers to the maxi- Pmakeclone (εi )
mum number of children of a node. Computing the Pclone (εi |clone ∈ α) = P
k Pmakeclone (εk )
alignment between the 2m children of the elemen-
tary tree on either side requires choosing which sub- Because a node from the source tree is cloned with
set of source nodes to delete, O(22m ), which sub- equal probability regardless of whether it has al-
set of target nodes to insert (or clone), O(22m ), and ready been “used” or not, the probability of a clone
how to reorder the remaining nodes from source to operation can be computed under the same dynamic
target tree, O((2m)!). Thus overall complexity of programming assumptions as the basic tree-to-tree
the algorithm is O(|T |2 m2 42m (2m)!), quadratic in model. As with the tree-to-string cloning operation,
the size of the input sentences, but exponential in this independence assumption is essential to keep
the complexity polynomial in the size of the input nese to a noun modified by prepositional phrase
sentences. and an adjective-noun relation in English means that
the conversion rules select different heads even for
3 Dependency Tree-to-Tree Alignments pieces of tree that are locally similar.
Dependencies were found to be more consistent 3.1 The Dependency Alignment Model
than constituent structure between French and En- While the basic tree-to-tree alignment algorithm is
glish by Fox (2002), though this study used a tree the same for dependency trees, a few modifications
representation on the English side only. We wish to to the probability model are necessary.
investigate whether dependency trees are also more First, the lexical translation operation takes place
suited to tree-to-tree alignment. at each node in the tree, rather than only at the
Figure 1 shows a typical Xinhua newswire sen- leaves. Lexical translation probabilities are main-
tence with the Chinese parser output, and the sen- tained for each word pair as before, and the lexical
tence’s English translation with its parse tree. The translation probabilities are included in the align-
conversion to dependency representation is shown ment cost for each elementary tree. When both el-
below the original parse trees. ementary trees contain two words, either alignment
Examination of the trees shows both cases where is possible between the two. The direct alignment
the dependency representation is more similar between nodes within the elementary tree has prob-
across the two languages, as well as its potential ability 1 − Pswap . A new parameter Pswap gives the
pitfalls. The initial noun phrase, “14 Chinese open probability of the upper node in the elementary tree
border cities” has two subphrases with a level of in English corresponding to the lower node in Chi-
constituent structure (the QP and the lower NP) nese, and vice versa. Thus, the probability for the
not found in the English parse. In this case, the following transformation:
difference in constituent structure derives primar-
ily from differences in the annotation style between A ⇒ B’
the original English and Chinese treebanks (Marcus
et al., 1993; Xue and Xia, 2000; Levy and Man-
ning, 2003). These differences disappear in the con- B A’
stituent representation. In general, the number of
levels of constituent structure in a tree can be rela-
tively arbitrary, while it is easier for people (whether X Y X Y
professional syntacticians or not) to agree on the
word-to-word dependencies. is factored as Pelem (AB|A⇒B) Pswap Pt (A0 |A)
In some cases, differences in the number of level Pt (B0 |B) Palign ({(1, 1)(2, 2)}|A ⇒ XY ).
may be handled by the tree-to-tree model, for ex- Our model does not represent the position of the
ample by grouping the subject NP and its base NP head among its children. While this choice would
child together as a single elementary tree. How- have to be made in generating MT output, for the
ever, this introduces unnecessary variability into the purposes of alignment we simply score how many
alignment process. In cases with large difference tree nodes are correctly aligned, without flattening
in the depths of the two trees, the aligner may not our trees into a string.
be able to align the corresponding terminal nodes We further extended the tree-to-tree alignment al-
because only one merge is possible at each level. gorithm by conditioning the reordering of a node’s
In this case the aligner will clone the subtree, at an children on the node’s lexical item as well as its syn-
even greater cost in probability. tactic category at the categories of its children. The
The rest of our example sentence, however, lexicalized reordering probabilities were smoothed
shows cases where the conversion to dependency with the nonlexicalized probabilities (which are
structure can in some cases exacerbate differences themselves smoothed with a uniform distribution).
in constituent structure. For example, jingji and We smooth using a linear interpolation of lexical-
jianshe are sisters in the original constituent struc- ized and unlexicalized probabilities, with weights
ture, as are their English translations, economic and proportional to the number of observations for each
construction. In the conversion to Chinese depen- type of event.
dency structure, they remain sisters both dependent
on the noun chengjiu (achievements) while in En- 4 Experiments
glish, economic is a child of construction. The We trained our translation models on a parallel
correspondence of a three-noun compound in Chi- corpus of Chinese-English newswire text. We re-



NR CD CLP NN NN NN jingji jianshe chengjiu xianzhu

Zhongguo shisi M bianjing kaifang chengshi

economic construction

significant achievements in JJ NN


14 Chinese open border cities make NP PP




NN:chengshi NN:chengjiu

NR:Zhongguo CD:shisi NN:bianjing NN:kaifang NN:jingji NN:jianshe



CD:14 NNP:Chinese JJ:open NN:border JJ:significant IN:in

NNS:cities NNS:achievements


Figure 1: Constituent and dependency trees for a sample sentence

Precision Recall Error Rate
IBM Model 1 .56 .42 .52
IBM Model 4 .67 .43 .47
Constituent Tree-to-Tree .51 .48 .50
Dependency Tree-to-Tree .44 .38 .60
Dependency, lexicalized reordering .41 .37 .61

Table 2: Alignment results on Chinese-English corpus. Higher precision and recall correspond to lower
alignment error rate.

stricted ourselves to sentences of no more than 25 differ, we break this figure down into precision:
words in either language, resulting in a training cor-
pus of 18,773 sentence pairs with a total of 276,113 |A ∩ G|
Chinese words and 315,415 English words. The |A|
Chinese data were automatically segmented into to-
kens, and English capitalization was retained. We and recall:
|A ∩ G|
replace words occurring only once with an unknown R=
word token, resulting in a Chinese vocabulary of
23,783 words and an English vocabulary of 27,075 Since none of the systems presented in this com-
words. Chinese data was parsed using the parser parison make use of hand-aligned data, they may
of Bikel (2002), and English data was parsed us- differ in the overall proportion of words that are
ing Collins (1999). Our hand-aligned test data were aligned, rather than inserted or deleted. This affects
those used in Hwa et al. (2002), and consisted of 48 the precision/recall tradeoff; better results with re-
sentence pairs also with less than 25 words in either spect to human alignments may be possible by ad-
language, for a total of 788 English words and 580 justing an overall insertion probability in order to
Chinese words. The hand aligned data consisted of optimize AER.
745 individual aligned word pairs. Words could be Table 2 provides a comparison of results using the
aligned one-to-many in either direction. This limits tree-based models with the word-level IBM models.
the performance achievable by our models; the IBM IBM Models 1 and 4 refer to Brown et al. (1993).
models allow one-to-many alignments in one direc- We used the GIZA++ package, including the HMM
tion only, while the tree-based models allow only model of Och and Ney (2000). We trained each
one-to-one alignment unless the cloning operation model until AER began to increase on our held-out
is used. A separate set of 49 hand-aligned sentence cross validation data, resulting in running Model 1
pairs was used to control overfitting in training our for three iterations, then the HMM model for three
models. iterations, and finally Model 4 for two iterations
We evaluate our translation models in terms of (the optimal number of iterations for Models 2 and
agreement with human-annotated word-level align- 3 was zero). “Constituent Tree-to-Tree” indicates
ments between the sentence pairs. For scoring the model of Section 2 trained and tested directly
the viterbi alignments of each system against gold- on the trees output by the parser, while “Depen-
standard annotated alignments, we use the align- dency Tree-to-Tree” makes the modifications to the
ment error rate (AER) of Och and Ney (2000), model described in Section 3. For reasons of com-
which measures agreement at the level of pairs of putational efficiency, our constituent-based training
words:1 procedure skipped sentences for which either tree
had a node with more than five children, and the
2|A ∩ G| dependency-based training skipped trees with more
AER = 1 −
|A| + |G| than six children. Thus, the tree-based models were
effectively trained on less data than IBM Model 4:
where A is the set of word pairs aligned by the auto- 11,422 out of 18,773 sentence pairs for the con-
matic system, and G the set aligned in the gold stan- stituent model and 10,662 sentence pairs for the de-
dard. For a better understanding of how the models pendency model. Our tree-based models were ini-
tialized with lexical translation probabilities trained
While Och and Ney (2000) differentiate between sure and
using IBM Model 1, and uniform probabilities for
possible hand-annotated alignments, our gold standard align- the tree reordering operations. The models were
ments come in only one variety. trained until AER began to rise on our held-out
cross-validation data, though in practice AER was better English/Chinese agreement overall, but there
nearly constant for both tree-based models after the were still disagreements in the head words choices
first iteration. for a third of all consistently aligned constituent
pairs. Running our alignment system on gold stan-
5 Discussion dard trees did not improve results. The compari-
son between parser output and gold standard trees
The constituent-based version of the alignment
is summarized in Table 3.
model significantly outperforms the dependency-
based model. The IBM models outperform the con- We used head rules developed for statistical
stituent tree-to-tree model to a lesser degree, with parsers in both languages, but other rules may be
tree-to-tree achieving higher recall, and IBM higher better suited to the alignment task. For example,
precision. It is particularly significant that the tree- the tensed auxiliary verb is considered the head of
based model gets higher recall than the other mod- English progressive and perfect verb phrases, rather
els, since it is limited to one-to-one alignments un- than the present or past participle of the main verb.
less the clone operation is used, bounding the recall Such auxiliaries carry agreement information rele-
it can achieve. vant to parsing, but generally have no counterpart in
Chinese. A semantically oriented dependency struc-
In order to better understand the differences be-
ture, such as Tree Adjoining Grammar derivation
tween the constituent and dependency representa-
trees, may be more appropriate for alignment.
tions of our data, we analyzed how well the two
representations match our hand annotated alignment
data. We looked for consistently aligned pairs of 6 Conclusion
constituents in the two parse trees. By consistently We present a comparison of constituent and de-
aligned, we mean that all words within the English pendency models for tree-to-tree alignment. De-
constituent are aligned to words inside the Chinese spite equalizing some mismatches in tree structure,
constituent (if they are aligned to anything), and the dependency representation does not perform as
vice versa. In our example in Figure 1, the NP “14 well, likely because it is less robust to large differ-
Chinese border cities” and the Chinese subject NP ences between the tree structures.
“Zhongguo shisi ge bianjing kaifang chengshi” are
consistently aligned, but the PP “in economic con- Acknowledgments We are very grateful to Re-
struction” has no consistently aligned constituent in becca Hwa, Hao Zhang, everyone at the 2003 John
the Chinese sentence. We found that of the 2623 Hopkins speech and language summer research
constituents in our English parse trees (not count- workshop, and EMNLP’s reviewers for their assis-
ing unary constituents, which have the same bound- tance, criticism, and data. This work was partially
aries as their children), for 1044, or 40%, there ex- supported by NSF ITR IIS-09325646, NSF research
ists some constituent in the Chinese parse tree that infrastructure grant EIA-0080124, and NSF grant
is consistently aligned. This confirms the results of 0121285 to the summer workshop.
Fox (2002) and Galley et al. (2004) that many trans-
lation operations must span more than one parse tree References
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Chinese Parse Trees
Automatic Treebank
Proportion of English constits w/ consistently aligned Chinese constit .40 .42
Proportion of above with heads words aligned .67 .66
Constituent-Based AER .50 .51
Dependency-Based AER .60 .62

Table 3: Comparison of automatically generated and hand-annotated Chinese parse trees.

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