Pas 99: 2012 Integreted Management
Pas 99: 2012 Integreted Management
Pas 99: 2012 Integreted Management
PAS 99 Integrated Management.
Management Planning
The PAS takes account of the
six common requirements Implementa-
for management systems Improvement tion and
standards outlined in the ISO operation
Guide 72:
• Policy
• Planning Performance
• Implementation and assessment
• Performance assessment CHECK DO
• Improvement PAS 99 model
• Management review
It also follows the Plan, Do, Check, Act, approach of all the major management systems require-
ments standards. PAS 99 should always be used with the specific requirements of whatever other
management system standards you have, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and BS OHSAS 18001.
Remember: complying with PAS 99 doesn’t in itself ensure that you’re complying with any other
formal or informal management system standards or specifications. However, our assessment
methodology gives you all the support you need to make sure you comply with all the standards
incorporated in your integrated management system.
PAS 99 Integrated Management.
(Environment) (OH&S) (Quality) (Other MSS)
PAS 99 Integrated Management.
Most organisations that have more than one Once the common requirements have been
management system standard/specification identified for the scope required then the vari-
usually start with one system and then add ous requirements need to be brought together
others. so that there is one management system. This
can be time consuming and therefore will
They run these in parallel – often with dupli-
require a plan to be agreed together with help
cation in a number of areas of the common
and cooperation from all interested parties.
requirements. This is not usually the most cost
effective way of managing an organisation.
‘Integratable’ ‘Integrated’
Once you realise that there are common re- When all the common requirements have been
quirements then these need to be identified. At identified and the various different systems
this stage we recommend you agree the scope have been integrated into one system then the
of the integrated management system with all systems can be called integrated. To make sure
interested parties. Will it be the whole organi- that the systems are integrated, an integrated
sation, or part of it? The common requirements internal audit should be carried out on the
should be identified depending on the scope common requirements, not forgetting that
required. This will show how integratable the there will be specific requirements still for the
management systems are. Organise a small standards/specifications used which should
(3-4 people) project team, at this time. Do not still be part of the audit process.
forget that there will still be specific require-
ments of the standards/specifications used There should also be integrated management
that will be in the management system. reviews carried out. These may be part of a
board meeting.
e O Q OM
PAS 99
Common requirements
PAS 99 Integrated Management.
Reduces duplication and bureaucracy Enables improved staff morale and motivation
By having one set of processes it ensures the By involving and linking roles and responsibili-
requirements of the specific standards are ties to objectives, it makes change and new
coordinated, workloads streamlined and dispa- initiatives easier to implement and makes for a
rate systems avoided. more dynamic and successful company.
Demonstrates less conflict between systems Optimises internal and external audits
By avoiding separate ‘empires’ for the likes of By minimising the number of audits required
quality and environment, responsibilities are and maximising the number of people involved.
made clear from the outset.
PAS 99 Integrated Management.
Make contact
1 We can discuss what you need, and recommend the best services for you. We’ll
then give you a proposal detailing the cost and time involved.
Once we have received your completed form, we’ll assign you a Client Manager,
who will be your point of contact through the process – and beyond. They’ll have
an excellent understanding of your business area and will support you as you move
forward to the assessment and certification of your quality management system.
We can carry out an optional gap analysis, also called a Pre-Assessment, of
your existing management system against the requirements of the standard
and identify any omissions or weaknesses that need resolving before formal
Once the assessment has been successfully completed, we’ll issue a certificate of
registration, clearly explaining the scope of your management system. The certificate
is valid for three years, and your assessor will visit you regularly to help you make sure
you remain compliant, and support you in the continual improvement of your systems.
BSI Management Systems Limited
Suite 208, 2nd Floor
Sultan Business Centre
PO Box 26444
Dubai - UAE
T: +971 4 336 4917
F: +971 4 336 0309