Impact of Trai Tariff Order On Cable TV Sector: Fta-Channels/articleshow/57461892.cms?from MDR
Impact of Trai Tariff Order On Cable TV Sector: Fta-Channels/articleshow/57461892.cms?from MDR
Impact of Trai Tariff Order On Cable TV Sector: Fta-Channels/articleshow/57461892.cms?from MDR
The Trai (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) tariff order regarding pricing of pay channels and
provision for making the availability of A-la- carte channel mandatory has caused disruptions in Tv
Distribution and Broadcasting Industry. According to new rule if a channel is made a part of Bouqet
then it’s a la – carte price cannot be more than Rs. 19. These regulations have caused widespread
disruptions in the television sector1. While the Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India (TRAI)
which is the Regulator for this sector says that these reforms are for Consumer Welfare and for
giving choice to of Channels. Trai Chief RS Sharma in an editorial of a newspaper says “ The
customer is king. And the king has a good life, but only when he is allowed to rule,” he even
compares the Broadcasting and distribution with food delivery services and substantiates his point
by saying consumer should pay for only what she wishes rather than “full meal which is pre-
configured with a limited set of options,” and “if you only want two of the seven items in the thali,
you should have the option to order those without having to pay more than the thali itself.”
He argues that earlier Consumer was Forced to watch the Tv channels which were provided to him
by the Multi system operators (MSO’s) , Now with the advent and implementation of new tariff
order , things are going to change. Now the consumer will have choice what channels to watch and he
could accordingly pay for that. He has also emphasised in several of his press conferences and articles
that the Main purpose of Digitalisation i.e Closing Of Analogue signals and transmission of Tv
channels by digital signals was to give control to consumers of what they want to view, the present
tariff order is only a small step in that direction. According to the Regulator Now with Consumers in
control of channels he will pay only for channels which create good content and this would force the
Broadcasters to invest in quality content otherwise they have to shut their channels to prevent losses.
This new policy will create Competition among the channels and also which in turn will benefit the
Consumer. Until now the Broadcasters were creating Bouqets which were priced substantially less
compared to individual channels due to which consumer mostly opted for Bouqets. The broadcasters
have reacted to the order with caution with some of them challenging the order of Trai . While the
Supreme Court has upheld the order of Trai but some the MSO’s and DTH operators are
challenging the validity of the rule regarding Bouqet and Individual channels in the SC. Whatever
be the verdict, we need to see what is and what could be the impact of this Regulation, while many of
the Households are complaining about the Blackouts , the Broadcasters are worried that their Tv
viewership is down because of the tariff order. Many of the customers are saying about the foul play
on the part of MSO’s who are deliberately not giving consumers the option with regard to choosing
of channels and insisting on choosing their own Bouquets which is a Violation of Tariff order.
Though this tariff order was passed with an intent to protect the consumers but many of them now
protesting this order on ground of blackouts. Whatever is the intention of Trai but in reality there is
bound to be increase in monthly bill of consumer as in a typical middle class Indian family there are
many members apart from husband wife who have different channel preferences which cannot be
accommodated in a set of 20- to 25 channels . The Trai order has created disruption in the market but
the most affected among the populace are Housewifes, grandparents , families from disadvantaged
backgrounds who have still not shifted or do not want to shift to digital medium . Youth are least
affected as they are mostly into platforms such as Netflix etc. Therefore it becomes imperitive for
TRAI to monitor, review and implement the order in a transparent manner which could prevent the
exploitation of consumer which is one of the main objective of this policy
Statement of purpose
The Making of is the law starts from the Legislation. Legislation is foundation of the legal system. It
is from this point that the Law Commences it's Journey Inside the Legal System. A better
understanding of law can come to any one only by going through and analysing the process of Law
making. Therefore it becomes imperative on part of a law student to intern with a legislative research
Organisation. A legal professional needs to apply the law inside the legal system for which he needs
to be well versed with the statues, its intention, objectives so that he can apply or even try to justify
his arguments. Law is only a tool or way which helps to solve disputes or maintain peace and
tranquility in the society. Law cannot be viewed or applied in isolation.
I, being a law student and a prospective lawyer or an administrator , it is important for me to know
about the law , how it works, what factors led to enactment of a law. All these questions can only be
answered through an internship with a legislative research Organisation such as PRS Legislative
With regard to my candidature , i believe that i have the necessary skills such as being up to date and
puctual in work assigned to me, trying to critically analyse the issues. I think that given a chance I
will not dissapoint you