Section 1. Any Maybe Impeached Upon Committing The Following Conditions

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ARTICLE - Impeachment

Section 1. Any maybe impeached upon committing the following conditions:

a.) Negligence on duties and responsibilities
b.) Disobeying the constitution and other laws formulated by the
c.) Abuse of authority
d.) Incapacity of his position.

Section 2. Upon the resolution of at least one-fourth of the members of the general
assembly a motion of impeachment shall be undertaken against on or
more of its members.

Section 3. Member or members for which charges for impeachment have been
directed shall be furnished a copy of the allegations not later than ten days
before the given opportunity to present his/her defense in writing before
the meeting shall be allowed to address the general assembly during the

Section 4. Council members shall be considered impeached upon a two third vote of
the general assembly.

ARTICLE - Suspension

Section 1. As an alternative to impeachment, council members may be suspended

a.) They have been found guilty by the general assembly of any of the above
delinquencies in Article IX,
b.) A two-thirds vote of the council members present in the general assembly
meeting approved the suspension upon hearing defense, and
c.) The members to be suspended were informed through a written notice of the
proceedings not later than five (5) days before the meeting is called for that

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