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Research Guides


Citation Basics
Citation Styles & Tools: Which citation style should I use?
basics) Quick help on citing sources and tools for storing and organizing sources.

MLA Style 8th

Edition What are the citation styles? PRO Tip
There are (3) major citation styles used in academic writing: Citation styles dictate
more than just in-text
APA Style citation and reference list
(// Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting. They also
style) American Psychological Association (APA) have rules for how to
Chicago, which supports two styles: structure your paper and,
Chicago Notes
Notes and Bibliography in some cases, the cover
& Bibliography
Author-Date. sheet for your paper.
There are many other citation styles used in speci!c academic journals. To explore additional Don't worry, each citation
styles, check out the Other Citation Styles page style has its own manual
( to help you !gure out
Chicago exactly how it all works.
Style "
Which citation style should I use?
To !nd more information
on speci!c citation styles
and their corresponding
ad) The citation style you choose will largely be dictated by the discipline in which you're style guide, check out the
writing, and for most assignments your instructor will assign a style to you. However, as pages linked in the table.
Other Citation Styles
you progress through your academic career, you may !nd more "exibility in choosing a
style that works for you. It's always best to check with your instructor and colleagues as
to what style is appropriate. If you have "exibility, use the guide below to help you
Quick Citation Generators decide.
cite) Humanities: English, Art History, Philosophy, Music, Social Sciences, Education, Engineering, etc. History, or the Humanit
Religion, Language, Linguistics, Etc.
Citation Management
Software Try: MLA Try: APA Try: Chicago Notes & B
MLA style uses parenthetical in-text citations and a APA style uses parenthetical in-text citations and a Chicago notes utilizes fo
tools) "Works Cited" list at the end of a paper to link "References" list at the end of the paper to link text to sources.
sources sources
Citations in UW Libraries
The humanities place emphasis on authorship and These disciplines place emphasis on the date of Typically accompanied b
interpreting primary sources in a historical context. creation or publication, in an e#ort to track currency
The author's name is the !rst piece of information and relevancy. The date is listed immediately
preceding title and publication information on the following the author's name in the "References" list.
"Works Cited" list at the end of the work.

For more information on the MLA style and how to For more information on the APA style and how to For more information on
use it, check out the MLA style page use it, check out the APA style page check out the
( ( page
style). style). (http://guides.lib.uw.e

Last Updated: Apr 30, 2019 1:41 PM URL: ! Print Page
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