Epstein Assertiveness Skills Inventory
Epstein Assertiveness Skills Inventory
Epstein Assertiveness Skills Inventory
Robert Epstein
You are about to take a test that comprehensively measures the skills and
behaviors that make up assertivenss. Designed by Dr. Robert Epstein (follow
on Twitter at @DrREpstein), one of America's most distinguished research
psychologists, this test will show you how assertive you are overall and which
of thirteen Assertiveness Styles best describes your unique mix
of assertiveness, passiveness, and aggressiveness.
If you are conducting research and would like to collect raw data for a group
that is taking this test - for a business, research study, classroom activity, or
other purpose - please see our Group Testing Instructions
The test will take you about 10 minutes to complete. Before we get to the test
itself, we'll ask you a few basic questions about yourself. This information is
being collected to enable us to improve future versions of the test.
*Required response
*Your age:
*Your location:
Select location:
*In general, how much success have you had in your personal life?
Very little 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
great deal
*In general, how much success have you had in your professional life?
Very little 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
great deal
For each of the following questions, select the answer that best applies to you.
*16. When I'm not sure someone has understood what I said:
a. I usually rephrase what I said.
b. I usually pretend not to notice his or her confusion.
c. I might berate him or her for not getting it.