Restatement of Values of Judicial Life
Restatement of Values of Judicial Life
Restatement of Values of Judicial Life
Submitted by:
R.NO 2015116
Independence of judiciary
Nature and Concept of Judicial Accountability
Meaning of Judicial Accountability
Need for Judicial Accountability
Principles and Standards of Judicial Accountability
Factor for Demand of Judicial Accountability and Transparency
Problems in Regards to Making Judiciary Accountability
Conclusion and suggestions
The Indian democracy is built upon the three main pillars namely-Legislature, Executive and
Judiciary. These three institutions are independent and equal and one cannot encroach or
interfere with the functions of others. However, it is to be accepted that judiciary is first among
the equals. When the Executive and the Legislature act beyond their constitutional boundaries,
the judges correct them. The judiciary is one of the institutions on which the noble development
of democracy and rule of law rest. It is the judiciary which keeps every organ of the state within
the limits of the power conferred upon it by the Constitution. It protects the rights of the citizens
giving equal justice to all. It controls the Legislature and the Executive through "Review
Power"1. It has thus creative role to play in the society as the guarantor of the rights and arbiter
of differences Judiciary is the repository of public faith. It is the trustee of the people. After
knocking at all doors, when one fails to get his grievance redressed, judiciary is the only hope
which comes to one's rescue. It is the only temple worshipped by the citizens of the country
regardless of religion, caste, creed or place of birth. In a federal state, there is division of powers
between the Centre and States. In any dispute between the Centre and the State, it is the judiciary
that settles such dispute. Thus, when the judiciary is playing such an important role in our
democracy, its independence and dignity have to be upheld and safeguarded.
K.C. Jena, Judicial Independence and Accountability: A Critique, Indian Bar Review, (4) 2012, Volume. XXXIX, p.9.
Independence is a bulwark of rule of law2. If law is to be
applied equally to all citizens in the country, then it is equally important that the judges should be
independent in applying law and rendering judicial decisions. Judges can be subject to threats
and pressures from litigants, including society’s criminal element. Independence of judiciary is a
recognized principle adopted by most of the democratic countries. Mona Shukla has provided us
with the history of judicial independence in United Kingdom, United States and India.
United Kingdom: The concept first began from here. There had been a long struggle between
the parliament and monarchy to control judiciary. In the 17th century, the parliament passed a
settlement act, which stipulated that the tenure of the judges would be subject to good behaviour
and their removal after an address to both houses of parliament3.
United States: Attempt for independence was seen in the 1985 Basic Principles on the
Independence of Judiciary which states “the Judiciary shall decide matters before them without
any restrictions, improper influence, inducement, pressures, threats or interference, direct or
indirect, from any quarter or for any reason”4.
India: Before independence, judges were appointed by the Crown, yet they had independence
from it. After independence, this principle was taken seriously and it became a part of the Basic
Structure of the Constitution, which cannot be amended. The independence is guaranteed by the
Constitution which holds that the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court hold office till
he attains 658 and 629 years of age. The parliament is authorized to prescribe the privileges,
allowance, leave and pension of the judges of the SC5. The Constitution prescribes for high
qualifications for the judges6 further no judge can be removed from his office by the President
except upon the presentation of him of an address by each house of the parliament for such
removal on the grounds of misbehavior and incapacity. A judge of the SC and HC is appointed
by the President of India in consultation with the CJ of India and such judges of SC and HC as he
David Pimentel, ‘Reframing the Independence vs Accountability Debate’, p.5, in , accessed on 14th of June, 2011.
Mona Shukla, ‘Judicial Accountability: an aspect of judicial independence’ in Judicial Accountability, Regal
Publications, New Delhi, 2010, p. 24
David Pimentel, ‘Reframing the Independence Vs. Accountability Debate’, p.4, in , accessed on 14th of June, 2011
Art. 125 of the Indian Constitution
Art. 124(3) of the Indian Constitution
may deem necessary. The SC is also treated as the court of record. However this independence
has been misused by many and it has also been the reason for the growth of enormous power.
The problem actually lies in the understanding of independence; it should be understood as
independence from executive and legislature and not independence from accountability. The
spirit of independence has been captured very aptly by Lord Woolf, “the independence of the
Judiciary is not the property of the Judiciary, but a commodity to be held by the Judiciary in trust
for the public.”
Sunil Deshta and Kamal Jeet Kaur Sooch, Philosophy of Judicial Accountability: An Introspection, Civil and Military
Law Journal, April-June, 2009 p.54.
Vijaylaxmi Madanabhavi, Impeachment and Judicial Accountability, Indian Bar Review, (3 & 4), July-December
2010, Vol. XXXVII p. 192.
Principles and Standards of Judicial Accountability:
It is said that the very nature of judicial process ensures accountability of judges. Court
proceedings are held in public. Judges have to give reasons for their orders and judgments.
Judgments’ may be appealed against and corrected by the appellate court. It is open to the public
to criticize judgments and contend that they are wrongly decided. Litigants can demand the
recusal of judges if they reasonably suspect bias on their part or can seek transfer of hearing to
another bench. Advocates on opposite sides constantly oversee judicial conduct and oppose
improprieties, if any, in the conduct of proceedings. All these are built in safeguards intended to
ensure accountability in terms of fairness and impartiality in administration justice.
Accountability for all branches of government is the hall mark of rule of law and therefore
judiciary no doubt, has to be accountable. But unlike politicians and legislators, judges cannot be
accountable to the electorate. Their accountability can only be to the law of the land and to their
own judicial conscience. The question is on what principles and standards are they to be tested if
double arises. These principles and standards naturally have to be far above the ordinary in view
of the enormous power judges enjoy to sit on judgment on life and property and over other wings
of government. The standards, therefore, must be such as to attract complete public confidence
on the impartiality and independence of the judiciary. The independence of judiciary which the
Indian Constitution enjoins in full measure allows a unique procedure in appointments,
guarantees tenure and service benefits, and gives certain privileges and immunities to judges
while in office. They are needed for efficient discharge of responsibilities and shall not be diluted
in the name of accountability. If this is to be the case, judges themselves have to set the standards
and ensure their scrupulous observance by self-discipline and internal arrangements. An attempt
was made in this regard by the Conference of Chief Justice in 1996 which resulted in a Code of
Conduct being adopted by a Full Court Meeting of the Supreme Court under the title
"Restatement of Values of Judicial Life”. The sixteen point-Charter states as follows
(i) The behavior and conduct of members of the higher judiciary must reaffirm the People's faith
in the impartiality of the judiciary9.
(ii) A judge should not contest the election to any office of a club or society and he shall not hold
such elective office except in a society connected with the law.
(iii) Close association with individual members of the Bar, particularly those who practice in the
same court shall be eschewed10.
(iv) A judge should not permit any member of his immediate family, such as spouse, son,
daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law or any other close relative, if a member of the Bar to
appear before him or even be associated in any manner with a cause to be dealt with by him.
(v) No member of his family, who is a member of the Bar, shall be permitted to use the residence
in which the judge actually resides or other facilities for professional work.
(vi) A judge should practice a degree of aloofness consistent with the dignity of his office11.
(vii) A judge shall not hear and decide a matter in which a member of his family, a close relation
or a friend is concerned12.
(viii) A judge shall not enter into public debate or express his views in public on political matters
or on matters that are pending or likely to arise for judicial determination.
(ix) A judge is expected to let his judgment speak for themselves; he shall not give interviews to
the media.
(x) A judge shall not accept gifts or hospitality except from his family, close relations and
Bangalore Principals of Judaic Conduct 2007 value:1 independence
Bangalore Principals of Judaic Conduct 2007 value:2
Bangalore Principals of Judaic Conduct 2007 value:5
Bangalore Principals of Judaic Conduct 2007 value4.4
The Veeraswamy case:
The additional immunity with which the judges have cloaked themselves was in the Justice R.
Veeraswamy case, in which it was declared that judges of SC or HC cannot be subjected to
investigation in any criminal offence of corruption, or a FIR be registered against them without
the prior permission of the CJI13.Again it’s not likely that the CJI will allow such permission, as
it can bring shame to the entire Judiciary
(xi) A judge shall not hear and decide a matter in which a company in which he holds shares is
concerned unless he has disclosed his interest and no objection to his hearing and deciding the
matter is raised.
(xiii) A judge shall not engage directly or indirectly in trade or business, either by himself or in
association with any other person.
(xiv) A judge should not ask for, accept contributions or otherwise actively associate himself
with the raising of any fund for any purpose.
(xv) A judge should not seek any financial benefit in the form of a perquisite or privilege
attached to his office unless it is clearly available.
(xvi) Every judge must at all times be conscious that he is under the public gaze and there should
be no act or omission by him which is unbecoming of the high office he occupies and the public
esteem in which that office is held.
V.Arun…………………………. .………………………………petitioner
4 Mona Shukla, ‘Judicial Accountability: an aspect of judicial independence’ in Judicial Accountability, Regal
Publications, New Delhi, 2010, p. 8
2. The Honble High Court of Madras,
Rep. by its Registrar General,
The present petition, which has been filed as a Public Interest Litigation by an advocate,
appearing in person, has approached this Court by relying upon the Restatement of Values of
Judicial Life (Code of Conduct) adopted at the Chief Justices Conference held in December,
1999 and submits that sharing of the dais by the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India and the Acting
Chief Justice of this High Court with the Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
ensuing function to be held on 20th August, 2013 would create a doubt in the minds of the
litigants, as about eight cases are pending against her and therefore, it should be avoided. Petition
filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India for issuance of a writ of mandamus
forbearing the respondents from in any manner allowing, inviting or permitting any of the
accused persons tried before the lower court or the Hon’ble High Court to attend functions of
inauguration of the new building for Alternative Disputes Resolution Centre and laying
foundation stone for a new Administrative Block for the High Court at the High Court Campus.
Mr. A.L. Somayaji learned Advocate General, who is present here, to assist the Court as Amicus
Curiae. He submitted that the present petition filed as a public interest litigation is not
maintainable for the reason that the petitioner has deliberately suppressed the material fact that
he is an active member of a political party and the writ petition in effect is nothing but a publicity
oriented litigation, which should not be encouraged and dismissed summarily in limine with
exemplary costs. He further submitted that the meeting of the Head of the Judiciary of a State
with the Head of the Executive of the State is unavoidable. For the development and proper
implementation of the judicial system in the State, it is all but necessary to have such meetings,
and sharing the dais with the Hon’ble Chief Minister in a function will not send any wrong
message to the society.
High court relied upon a Division Bench decision of the Allahabad High Court in the case
of Pankaj Shrivastava & Another vs. High Court of Judicature at Allahabad & Another reported
in 2011 (5) A.D.J. 863. He further submitted that the Judges of this Court are always known to
rise up to the occasion and do even justice, uninfluenced by any such instances.
Complete agreement with the view expressed by the Allahabad High Court in the case of Pankaj
Shrivastava (supra). In our considered opinion, such meetings do not contravene the resolution
adopted in the Restatement of Values in Judicial Life (Code of Conduct) referred to above.
Moreover, we find that in this Chartered High Court, even on previous occasions, the then Chief
Justices had been sharing the dais with the then Chief Ministers. If we recollect some of the past
instances, we find that in the Centenary Celebrations held in the year 1962, the then Honble
Chief Justice of India along with the then Chief Justice of this Court had shared the dais with the
then Chief Minister. Even in the Sesquicentennial Celebrations held last year, the senior most
Puisne Judges of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and the then Chief Justice of this Court had also
shared the dais along with the Chief Minister. Petition dismissed and the petitioner approach
supreme court through special leave petition. In view of the aforesaid discussion, we are of the
considered opinion that this petition is more of publicity interest litigation than public interest
litigation, and is liable to be dismissed. Accordingly, this writ petition is hereby dismissed.
However, there shall be no order as to costs.
At international level, the United Nations have attempted to issue guidelines for the elimination
of the ethical code of ethics of judges. In April 2000, the United Nations International Crime
Prevention Center and Corruption Against Corruption were convened at the meeting of the
United Nations Convention on Convicts and Criminals. The purpose of the meeting is to
confront the world problem of people who lose faith from the judiciary. The Judicial Group on
Fellowship has been founded as a Judicial Integrity (popularly known as Judicial Integrity
Group). It has created an unauthorized group of Chief Justice and Superior Court judges from
different countries around the world. These judges did not prescribe moral code, but tried to
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express a wide range of conventions concerning judgments in all cultures and judicial systems. It
has recognized universally accepted six values in good behavior of judges around the world.
These values are known as Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct. These values are
universally accepted by international agencies working in international judiciary and by
international agencies working in a judicial course. Bangalore principles have been adopted by a
large number of countries and have served as a model for many countries. Thus, universally
accepted statements of legal standards:
Value 1: Independence Judicial Independence is a prerequisite for the provisions of the law and
the basic guarantee of a fair trial. The judiciary exceeds legal independence in both its personal
and organizational aspects.
1.1 A judge is guided by the truthfulness of the honest judge and aware of the law's conscience,
without any additional effects, inducements, pressures, threats or interference, direct or indirect,
from quarterly or any reason.
1.2 The judiciary is generally independent of society and is related to the harsh parties of the
dispute that deal with judiciary.
1.3 A judge is not only free from inappropriate connections and is influenced by the executive
and legal departments of the government, but it appears as a reasonable observer to be
1.4 In conducting judicial functions, judges are independently treated by judges in the decisions
of independence.
1.5 Encourage a judge to safeguard the legal obligation to organize and improve organizational
and functionalities, Judiciary independence.
1.6 Judiciary is the basis for judicial independence to judge and promote the judiciary's higher
standards to strengthen public confidence in the judiciary.
2.1 A judge shall make his or her legal obligations in favor of, without prejudice or bias.
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2.2 A judge must ensure that the legal profession and lawyer's faith in the impartiality of
judiciary and judiciary can be met by the desire to meet and reveal his desire.
2.3 Since a judge is so reasonable, the judges themselves must lead themselves to reduce cases
when hearing or deciding to disqualify cases.
2.4 A judge can either judge or be judged in advance, that the judge can influence the outcome of
such an inquiry or to undermine the manifest fairnessProcess. The judge should not make any
comment on the public distribution to influence any person or judicial inquiry of the issue.
2.5 The judge does not determine the impartiality of matter or participate in any inquiry,A
reasonable observer can be seen as the judge cannot judge the impartiality of the matter.
2.5.1 Controversial factual facts regarding the trial involve real bias or bias regarding party or
personal knowledge;
2.5.2 A lawyer has previously been a lawyer or a witness in the case of dispute.
2.5.3 Judge or Judge's Family Member has the financial interest of the result in the case of the
3.1 A judge must ensure that his behavior is blamed in the eyes of a observant observer.
3.2 The conduct and conduct of a judge must reinstate the public's faith the integrity of the
judiciary. Justice should not be done but must be completed.
Value 4: Prosperity and the form of ownership, the activity of a judge requires all the
4.2 In a continuous public examination, a judge should accept individual limits to the general
citizenship, It should be done freely and willingly. In Panicou, a judge who is in accordance with
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the honor of the judiciary himself or herself Office. A judge, in his or her personal relationships
with individual members
4.3 Avoid situations where legal profession, regularly practicing in judicial court, or suspect or
suspect favoritism or partiality.
4.4 A judge must not participate in the decision of a case in which a member of a judge's family
represents a lawyer or has any connection with the case.
4.5 A judge cannot allow a judge's judge or member of a judge's residence to receive other
members of the legal profession.
4.6 Like any other citizen, a judge has the right to freedom of expression, belief, association and
assembly, but judges in the use of such rights always protect the judiciary's respect and maintain
its independence and judicial independence.
4.7 A judge informs himself of the judge's personal and loyalty financial interests and the judges
will make reasonable efforts to inform the family of the financial interests of the family.
The Judge does not allow the judge's family, social or other relation to the right to judge the
judge's judicial conduct and judgment as a judge.
4.9 The jury's office may not use or permit the use of a judge judge's personal interests, the
judge's family member or anyone else or others to give the impression to others. A special
position to influence the judge in the management of jurisdiction.
4.10 Confidential information obtained in judiciary judiciary can not be used or disclosed by the
judge for any other purpose Law, judicial system, judicial administration or related matters, to
lecture, to teach and to participate; A public trial should be seen before the relevant authorities in
respect of law, judicial system, judicial administration or related matters; Be a member of an
officer, or other government commission, committee or advisory body, if it is not incompatible
with a lack of impartiality and political neutrality; Participate in other activities if such actions
are not removed from the respect of the judicial office or otherwise interfere with the
performance of legal liabilities.
Value 5: Equal to all equality before the Court indicates the proper functioning of the judiciary.
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5.1 Variations, economic status, and other causes, including sex, color, gender, religion, national
origin, caste, disability, age, marriage statute, sexual orientation, social and social, and social
rights ("irrelevent grounds")
Value 6: Competence and Diligence Competence and diligence are prerequisites to the due
performance of judicial office. The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over all other
activities. A judge shall devote the judge’s professional activity to judicial duties, which include
not only the performance of judicial functions and responsibilities in court and the making of
decisions, but also other tasks relevant to the judicial office or the court’s Operations. A judge
shall take reasonable steps to maintain and enhance the judge’s knowledge, skills and personal
qualities necessary for the proper performance of judicial duties, taking advantage for this
purpose of the training and other facilities which should be made available, under judicial
control, to judges. A judge shall keep himself or herself informed about relevant developments of
international law, including international conventions and other instruments establishing human
rights norms.Along with the Code of Conduct, a Full Court Meeting of the Supreme Court on
May 7, 1997 adopted two other Resolutions which are significant steps towards curbing judicial
Firstly, it was resolved that an in-house procedure should be devised by the Chief Justice of India
to take suitable remedial 253 action against judges who violate judicial norms including those
mentioned in the sixteen point "Restatement of Values of Judicial Life". Accordingly a
Committee of Judges was constituted by the Chief Justice of India which evolved an acceptable
in-house procedure. The Committee felt that such a procedure would serve a dual purpose. In the
first place, the allegations against a Judge would be examined by his peers and not by an outside
agency and thereby, the independence of the judiciary would be maintained. Secondly, the
awareness that there exists a machinery for examination of complaints a judge would preserve
the faith of the people in the independence impartiality of the judicial process.
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acquisition of a substantial nature is made, it shall be disclosed within a reasonable time. The
declaration so made should be to the Chief Justice's Court. The Chief Justice should make a
similar declaration for the purpose of the record.
The Supreme Court had rightly asserted that “A single dishonest judge not only dishonors
himself and disgraces his office but jeopardizes the integrity of the entire judicial system.” This
brings us the section on why do we need accountability. A campaign issued by the people’s
convention on Judicial Accountability and Reforms had mentioned, “The judicial system of the
country far from being an instrument for protecting the rights of the weak and the oppressed has
Become an instrument of harassment of the common people of the country…. The system
remains dysfunctional for the weak and the poor… (and has been) displaying their elitist bias.”
Mona Shukla has listed down three promotions done by Judicial Accountability: 1. It promotes
the rule of law by deterring conduct that might compromise judicial independence, integrity and
impartiality. 2. It promotes public confidence in judges and judiciary. 3. It promotes institutional
responsibility by rendering the judiciary responsive to the needs of the public it serves as a
separate branch of the government.
There are several reasons that have been identified for the failure of accountability:
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According to the Indian Constitution, the only way through which the members of the higher
judiciary that is the Chief Justices and Judges of Supreme Court (SC) and High Courts (HC) are
accountable or can be removed is through impeachment. Many regard impeachment as a failure,
but before moving into that it is important to see the constitutional provisions. Under Article
124(4), the process of impeachment is carried out only on the grounds of proven misbehaviour or
incapacity. The Judges Inquiry Act, 1968 states that a complaint against a judge is to be made
through a resolution signed either by 100 members of the Lok Sabha or 50 members of the Rajya
Sabha to their respective presiding officers. There is a three member committee comprising two
judges one from SC and the other Chief Justice of India if it is against a HC judge; and two SC
judges if it is against a sitting judge at the apex court.
Investigations are carried out before making a recommendation to the house. If the committee
has concluded for the impeachment process to take place, the matter is discussed in both
houses14. The alleged judge is also given opportunity to rebut the charges. After the debate is
done and the judge is heard, the house decides to put the motion to vote, a resolution passed by
2/3rds majority in both houses. This whole process has to be completed in a single session. After
the resolution is passed, it is sent to the president who then orders for removal.
Given this provision, the story ends with no one being judge has been impeached till date.
However it will be a misjudgment if one thinks that the judiciary is free from corruption. The
loophole is the entire process of impeachment itself. It is undoubtedly lengthy and cumbersome.
Many have even regarded this as a complete failure.
Reasons: To begin an impeachment one needs signatures to pass the resolutions. However, that
becomes quite an impossible task since many MPs have their own pending individual or party
cases in these judges court, so they are not willing to risk themselves. Conclusive documentary
evidences are also required before they put their signatures to the motion15. In one of his
interviews, Prashant Bhushan cites an example where in an impeachment proceeding against
Justice Bhalla, the BJP declined to sign because L.K. Advani had been acquitted by him in the
Mona Shukla, ‘Judicial Accountability: an aspect of judicial independence’ in Judicial Accountability, Regal
Publications, New Delhi, 2010, p. 7
Background paper for the Seminar on Judicial Accountability, ‘Securing Judicial Accountability’ p.1,in accessed on 4th of July, 2011
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Babri Masjid demolition case16. One can also not forget the Justice Ramaswamy case, which had
been charged with misusing of courts fund, yet the Congress refused to cast their vote. Few
points that definitely proves his misbehavior
. 1. “That he is misappropriated some of the furniture, carpets, and some other items purchased
from the court’s funds for his official residence costing more than Rs 1,50,000 and did not
account for the same at all.
2. “That he misused public funds to the extent of Rs 9.10 lac by making the court pay for non-
official calls made on his residential telephones at Chandigarh during his 22 months in office as a
Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court.
3. “That he gave unjustified promotions to several members of subordinate staff of the HC whom
he misused for aiding and abetting his acts done for his personal gain.17” He was the first judge
to face impeachment proceeding but it failed even though there were conclusive evidences
against him. The Investigating Committee comprising the judges themselves doesn’t seem the
correct mechanism. It has often been said that the judges act together like a ‘trade union’, so
they generally wouldn’t like to charge their fellow colleagues of corruption. A solution to this
can be the National Judicial Commission, an independent institution. Such a commission will
have their own investigating machinery. Thus it will also not harm the independence since the
judiciary is not accountable to either the executive or legislature. I do agree with the special
2/3rd majority. This will maintain the independence and also adds the seriousness to the issue. It
is important to understand that at the end of the day judiciary is an important organ with huge
responsibilities. An organ with extraordinary functions demands to be treated differently. A
simple majority on the other hand can prove to be detrimental to independence.
Shoma Chaudhury, ‘Half of the last 16 Chief Justices were corrupt’, p.1, in accessed on 4th
of July, 2011.
3 Frontline, ‘Motion for presenting an address to the President under Clause(4) of the Article 124 of the
Constitution’, vol.10, no.11, May22-June4,1993, p.18 in accessed on 5th of
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3. Contempt of Court:
The contempt of court can be seen as a means to protect the independence of the court, however
it is mostly seen that the court has used this as a means of shielding themselves from any
criticism. Contempt is defined as any act that is offensive and critical to the dignity and the
authority of courts. According to Oswald, “contempt of court is so manifold in its aspect that it is
difficult to lay down the exact definition of the offence.18” Contempt can be classified into two
Civil: means willful disobedience of any, judgment, decree, direction, order or any other
processes of court.
Criminal: means publication of any matter or the doing of any other act whatsoever which
scandalizes or tends to lower the authority of any court. It has often been referred that contempt
of court for much part is a hangover from the British rule.
During the British rule, India was not free and democratic, but today the situation has changed.
Questions therefore arise as to how can laws of those days be applicable today. There is also
problem with the definition, as there is no definition as to what constitutes scandalizing the court
as what was regarded scandalous earlier may not be regarded today. The Contempt of Court Act
1952 has also been criticized on the basis that it infringes two important fundamental rights of
the citizen, namely, the right to personal liberty and the right to freedom of expression. Given
this allegation one is reminded of two important cases that took place:
Arundhati Roy case: the problem arose as a result of the decision of the SC, which ordered the
concerned state governments to raise the height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam up to 90 ft. This came
as a great disappointment to the Narmada Bachao Andolan as it would lead to more submergence
of the nearby villages. This was severely criticized and a notice of contempt was served against
Arundhati Roy, Medha Patkar and advocate Prashant Bhushan. The three however asserted that
they were exercising their freedom enshrined in the Constitution. The court held Arundhati Roy
Mona Shukla, ‘Judicial Accountability: an aspect of judicial independence’ in Judicial Accountability, Regal
Publications, New Delhi, 2010, p. 10
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guilty and sentenced her to one day imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 200019. What was shocking
and rather patriarchal was condescendingly referring her as a “woman” whom they had treated
leniently by giving her one day punishment.
Mid-Day journalists had published documentary evidences against Justice Sabharwal, who
passed the orders of sealing commercial properties in residential areas in Delhi, after his sons had
got partnership with leading shopping malls. These orders stood for their benefits. Yet no action
was taken against him. It was only after the convictions of four Mid-Day journalists for
contempt, by Delhi HC, that the news got coverage in the mainstream media. This shows a fear
in the media which has deterred them from investigation against corruption in judiciary. The fact
is that this power is like a Damocles’ sword which hangs over the neck of the people, particularly
the media20.
One of the ways the Judiciary can be held accountable is when the people have the right to know
what exactly they are doing. This comes naturally in a democratic form of government. In the
famous “Raj Narain Vs Indira Gandhi” case, the foundation for the RTI was laid by the SC. It
stated “the people of the country have the right to know about every public act … this is derived
from the concept of freedom of speech… To cover it with the veil of secrecy the common
routine business is not in the interest of the public21.” This is chief safeguard against corruption.
There are in fact, in many countries where public disclosure of asset is required as a measure for
good government. In the US, the Ethics in Government Act 1976 requires the annual disclosure
of financial information by all related to policy making responsibility. This issue of asset
declaration arose when Subhash Agarwal, inquired about the information whether the judges
were complying with the 1997 “Code of Conduct”. The Central Information Commission had
directed the information officer of the court to obtain the information from the CJI’s office and
S.P. Sathe. “accountability of Supreme Court”, p.1384, Economic and Political Weekly, 13th April, 2002 in accessed on 4th July, 2011
0 Prashant Bhushan (on behalf of the Committee on Judicial Accountability), ‘Committee on Judicial
Accountability’ , p.2 in accessed on 4th
July, 2011
Prashant Bhushan, “judicial accountability”, p.1 in
nd.pdf , accessed on 4th July, 2011
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provide it to the applicant. This prompted the SC to file a writ petition in the Delhi HC, claiming
that asset disclosure was exempted under RTI act on the basis that this information was disclosed
by the judges to the Chief Justice under “fiduciary relationship”22. The double standard of the
courts on RTI Act was seen when although the courts were included in the definition of Public
Authorities most of the HCs did not even appoint Public Information Officers (PIOs) even
months after this act came to force. Moreover information regarding the appointment of Class 3
and 4 employees by the High Court had been denied under the Delhi HC rules that provide for:
5. Exemption from the disclosure of information- the information specified under section 8 of the
act shall not be disclosed and made available and in particular the following information shall
not be disclosed:- (a) Such information which is not in the domain or does not relate to Judiciary
functions and duties of the court and matters incidental and ancillary thereto.
The judiciary claims that any outside body having disciplinary powers over them who
compromise their independence so they have set up an “in-house mechanism” investigating
corruption. This was proposed by the Judges Inquiry Act Amendment Bill 2006 which provided
for a National Judicial Council consisting of the CJI, two senior-most judges of the SC and two
CJ’s of HCs as members to enquire allegations. The problem which arises is that in this in-house
procedure the judges regard themselves as a ‘close brotherhood’ and therefore are unwilling to
take any step against them. What is objectionable is Section 33, which says not to disclose any
information relating to the complaint to any person in any proceeding except when directed by
the Council. This will make it impossible to publicise the charges. Moreover, even if it finds a
judge guilty of serious misconduct, it can only recommend impeachment which again goes for
voting in the parliament, ultimately failing as we saw in the Ramaswamy case. The only positive
feature of the bill is that it initiates an enquiry into the allegations of misconduct of a judge.
Prashant Bhushan, “judicial accountability”, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. XLIV No.37, 12th September,
2009, p. 9 in
nd.pdf , accessed on 4th July, 2011.
20 | P a g e
Judicial activism:
The lack of accountability has been especially egregious when in recent times we see the higher
judiciary making inroads into and passing orders which are within the domain of the executive
and legislature. For instance laying down policy regarding demolition of Jhuggis from Yamuna
Pushta, hawkers, cycle rickshaws etc. are to name a few23. Last year the Supreme Court directed
the centre to release five
million tons of food grains immediately for distribution, because millions of tons of food grains
were lying in the open for years because of inadequate storage capacity38. To cite another
striking example is when the SC issued a notice to the union govt. regarding the steps taken by it
to ameliorate the plight of Indian students who were being racially attacked in Australia. It is to
be noted that foreign policy is non justifiable, but that did not put a stop to the court’s action.
Another example of interference was when the SC issued a notice questioning the proliferation
of the Mayawati statues, worth crores of rupees, in Uttar Pradesh. Just like foreign policy,
budgetary allocations are non-justifiable. In 2006, SC issued guidelines to reform the police
administration which is completely a state subject. A more recent case being the judgment given
by the Supreme Court in appointing two former justices to superintend the Special Investigating
Team (SIT) on black money issue of the government. The SC is right in holding the government
accountable, but imposing such a judgment is not justified. It is in a way encroaching in the
spheres which is not allocated to it by the Constitution. Second, the SIT comprising of only
judges also doesn’t seem the correct mechanism; the members should belong from both judicial
and non-judicial background. Third, the Supreme Court should have examined the claim of the
charges initiated by the petitioners against the RBI, rather than legitimizing it. After all it has
questioned the integrity of an institution.
Prashant Bhushan (on behalf of the Committee on Judicial Accountability), ‘Committee on Judicial
Accountability’ , p.1 in accessed on 4th
July, 2011
21 | P a g e
If someone had alleged the SC in a similar manner of having close association with any other
institution (like the way the RBI has been associated with the UBS), it would have counter
attacked it, with its power of contempt of court. It is to be noted that although the decisions may
be well intentioned but the ‘micro-managing’ nature of the judges has to be curbed.
Other causes: Appointment system: in 1993, a nine judge bench of SC laid down a new system
for making appointments of judges in HC and SC. This gave enormous powers to the collegium
of senior judges of the SC to select and make recommendation to the government for these
appointments24. There is no transparency in the process, no system followed for preparing the
shortlists or for choosing among eligible members. The whole process is entirely ad hoc and
arbitrary, which has lead to political favouritism when appointments were in the hands of the
executive and nepotism when it has been in the hands of the judiciary. Apart from the above
there are other serious loopholes like Inaccessibility- highly expensive beyond the reach of
common man, who can hardly afford the long duration of the entire procedure. Another problem
is the Pending of cases: one judge of the HC in Delhi calculated that 464 years will be required
to clear the arrears with the present strength of the judges in that High Court. In Allahabad HC,
more than eight and a half lakh of cases are pending. The above problems, are evidence of the
grave situation in the judiciary and it certainly calls for accountability. It is important to have
accountability that will slightly compromise the judge’s independence than to have an increase in
corruption due to lack of accountability. The need of the time is to come up with solutions before
there is a decay of the judiciary. Some of them are discussed below:
Shanti Bhushan, ‘Clean up the Judiciary’, pg 1 in
accessed on 5th July, 2011
22 | P a g e
close relation or a friend is concerned. A judge should not speculate in shares, stocks or the
Growing dissatisfaction with the failure of in-house mechanism, it has been rightly felt that an
independent mechanism like the NJC would help in achieving the much needed accountability.
The suggestion for a NJC has been made by the 80th Report of the Law Commission of India
and the 121st report of the Law Commission of India. This body will consist of five members:-
(i) One member nominated by a collegiums of all the judges of Supreme Court.
(ii) One member nominated by collegiums of all Chief Justices of High Court
(iv) One member nominated by a collegium of the Speaker, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok
Sabha and the leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha
(v) One member nominated by a collegium of Chief Vigilance Commissioner of the Central
Vigilance Commission (CVC), Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) and the Chairperson of
the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)26.
(vi) They will work as full time members. They will have investigating machinery, where
charges against judges will get investigated. According to the committee on judicial
accountability, this commission will also select judges for appointment to HC and SC, which will
be notified for public information. Thus in this way independence is maintained as they are not
accountable to the Parliament or the Government.
This will replace the previous Judges Inquiry Act. It will be headed by a former Chief Justice of
India, where the public can lodge complaints against erring judges, including the Chief Justice of
Hon. Satya Brata Sinha, ‘Judicial Independence, Fiscal Autonomy and Accountability’ , p. 11 in (SB Sinha).pdf accessed on 14th June, 2011
Prashant Bhushan (on behalf of the Committee on Judicial Accountability), ‘Committee on Judicial
Accountability’ , p.7 in accessed on 4th
July, 2011
23 | P a g e
India and the Chief Justices of the High Courts. The five-member committee will be appointed
by the President. Here the President is bound to accept PM’s recommendation. Now if this
recommendation is done by a three member committee two from government and one
recommended by the leader of the opposition, then the minority dissent will also be addressed.
On receiving a complaint, the committee will forward it to a system of scrutiny panels, which
will have the powers of a civil court. If the charges are serious, the committee can request the
judge concerned to resign. If the judge does not do so, the oversight committee will forward the
case to the President with an advisory for his removal. The bill mandates that the judges should
not have any close association with the individual members of the bar. All the details concerning
the investigations will be put up in the SC and HC websites
The above mentioned extreme activism is not justified as the courts should be concerned with the
legality of the law only. It raises accountability question since they are not directly elected by the
people, neither they are answerable to the executive or legislature. Furthermore, on what grounds
are the bench that decides a case selected is also not clear. We can learn from the USA judicial
courts where there is a private meeting of nine judges deciding on a petition, if four justices vote
to grant the petition, the case proceeds, otherwise it ends27. Similar clear cut methods are also
desired in our country. This surely calls for the curtailment for activism after all one cannot just
start doing others function, which is against the principle of separation of powers. It may be
argued by the courts that because of incapacity of the other two organs, they are indulging in
activism and this is being proved by the growing number of cases filed in the PIL, however this
explanation does not justify in what the judiciary is doing. There should be suo-moto cognizance
but preferably after some delay and it should be followed by recommending an array of
alternatives. Its role should be more of advisory, accepting or rejecting it would on the other
hand depend on the two organs. What is therefore required is judicial restraint, i.e., limitation on
judicial decision making, other than those explicitly imposed by the Constitution or statutes
9Supreme Court of United States, “process” in
24 | P a g e
It is high time that the Contempt of Courts Act be amended. The Contempt of Courts
(Amendment) Bill, 2003 was introduced in the Lok Sabha and the same was referred to the
Parliament Standing Committee on Home Affairs for examination and report. The committee
received several memoranda containing suggestions, few are discussed below. a. Accused should
be given reasonable opportunity to defend himself according to law.
c. The Act should be amended to remove words, ‘scandalizing the court or lowering the
authority of the court’ from the definition of criminal contempt28.
It is to be noted that the recently introduced amendment of truth may be a good defense in
contempt action while mitigating a problem, but it does not solve the issue, because one often
needs to prove the truth of the allegation before the same judge against whom the allegation has
been made, thus the whole exercise become meaningless.
The merits of accountability are being well recognized in the society today and this is taking the
shape of campaign against corruption and for judicial accountability. It is a well-accepted fact
that it is the common man who is the main consumer of all judicial decision; therefore they have
the full right to have a clean Judiciary.
Media is considered to be the forth pillar of democracy. Earlier media had always been silent
because of the threat of the Contempt of Court Act, but with the amendment of this act, it seems
that the freedom of expression will not be infringed. It is true that the media has its own negative
sides but one cannot fail to give credit to its positive aspect, for instance in the investigating role
it played in the Jessica Lal case. The way it brought the truth out was indeed incredible. The
0 Mona Shukla, ‘Judicial Accountability: an aspect of judicial independence’ in Judicial Accountability, Regal
Publications, New Delhi, 2010, p. 16-17
25 | P a g e
negative aspects can be solved through a common ethics for media with regard to honesty and
Judicial reforms issues were also raised by the NGO’s. Some that were discussed are:
With the Lokpal bill being in news, it becomes necessary to look at what it thinks about judicial
accountability. To begin with there are two versions of Lokpal bill. In the Government version,
the judges are not brought under scrutiny. It will be only an advisory body and therefore the
Lokpal cannot register an FIR on any complaint. The Lokpal will comprise of three members and
all will be retired judges, now this committee will be selected by politicians themselves29. The
Civil Society version brings the judges under its jurisdiction. Complaints can be initiated by
Lokpal itself or from the public directly. The Lokpal will comprise of 11 members which will be
broad based. According to me, the Lokpal should only take matters relating to politicians and
bureaucrats and not judges. For the judges an entirely different, independent and exclusive
mechanism should be there. Second, I have a problem with the government version of three
members, the 11 member of civil society is more workable and less biased, and thus it will not be
dominated by any one institution. Third, if the judges are included, then the public shouldn’t be
allowed directly to initiate action, the grievance should be processed by the committee, this will
then manage frivolous cases from infringing independence of judiciary.
This is recognized as an effective method whereby parties who are involved in a dispute, upon an
agreed rules and regulation, share of expense, try to reach a settlement. A qualified arbitrator
Draft Lokpal Bill- Civil Society Version”, The Hindu, in accessed on 6th July, 2011
26 | P a g e
who is a licensed professional and expert in that area is hired to solve the issue. The parties
involved also decide that after the completion of the resolution it may further not be appealed.
This saves them from the prolonged litigation experience. In India, arbitration involving
commercial disputes is being recognized as an effective method. Equitable solutions are reached
more quickly than litigation, at less costs and it allows parties to adopt whatever procedures they
choose for the resolution of the disputes. The courts in India have offered full support and
encouragement for arbitration; they do not review the merits of an award in arbitration, unless
requested by any party and only under restricted grounds of challenge laid down in the
Arbitration Act.
This report has come up with certain recommendations. Some of which are discussed below:
Increase in number of working days: considering the huge number of pendency which has been
discussed above it becomes necessary to increase the number of working days. This introduction
must be done at all levels of judicial hierarchy and it must begin from the apex court. Speedy
justice is a right of every litigant and this has been guaranteed in Article 21 of the Constitution.
In fact it has been rightly said that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. Therefore effective steps
have to be taken; an attempt has been made by Gujarat state and Delhi to have evening courts.
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR): with new demands emerging, sometimes the existing ones
fail, the ADR has emerged out of this vision. Provisions has been made in the Legal Service
Authorities Act for settling cases through Lok Adalats these are voluntary mediating agencies
where by lawyers, retired judges and social activists can take up pending cases in the lower
courts and secure a settlement.
Technology: Modern technologies help to collect a lot of information and also build judicial
database, which enables us to assess the performance of judiciary as an institution30.
Law Commission of India, “Reforms in Judiciary”, Report No. 230, August 2009, p.13-14 , 23 in accessed on 14th June, 2011
27 | P a g e
transfers, privileges etc. Caracas Conference, 1999: this passed a plan of action upholding the
principle of rule of law, independence of Judiciary and human rights.
After referring to the UN Basic Principles on the Judiciary formulated six values: independence,
impartiality, integrity, equality, propriety and competence and diligence. Under each value the
principle describe considerations and situations of which judges are aware of. It recommended
certain points: That civil society and policy makers should utilize these standards as a basis of
their engagements with governments and judiciaries. Attempt must be made to bring to attention
of all judiciaries about Bangalore Principles and encourage their adoption. Discussion among
national judges on the issues of judicial conduct and accountability must also be encouraged31.
8 David Pimentel, ‘Reframing the Independence Vs. Accountability Debate’, p.15, in , accessed on 14th of June, 2011.
28 | P a g e
The fact that independence may need some interference shows that there are other ideals i.e.
unbiased and fair trials, more important than the former and these ideals can be achieved only
through an accountable judiciary. Independence should be used only as a means to achieve this
end and not an end in itself. If accountability is not taken seriously we can witness a dangerous
nexus between corrupt judges and politicians which will bring an end of democracy. It is also
important to keep in mind that accountability in judiciary is different from the other two organs,
the distinctive nature of the office demands separate treatment and this is in view of the nation’s
benefit. The main task of judiciary is to dispense speedy justice and bring relief to the litigant. It
is through this way that public trust can be maintained. As the saying goes ‘let justice be done,
even though heaven fall’. However it is not that the judiciary has completely failed; Lok Adalats
and Nyaya Panchayats have definitely helped the people in having an equal and fair justice. A
judge can ultimately be deemed accountable if she/he adheres to the normative and ethical
principles of her society and culture.It was once said by the former President K.R. Narayan that,
“It is not an exaggeration to say that the degree of respect and public confidence enjoyed by the
SC is not matched by any other institution in the country.” This trust can be maintained only
when the judiciary is constantly subjected to people’s ‘ombudsmanning’.61It has to accept that
criticism is a way of reinforcing accountability and therefore it must be tolerant. The best judicial
reform would be the one where judiciary functions according to the philosophy of the
Constitution. An organized public opinion and campaign is required to bring about greater
29 | P a g e