Rethinking School
Rethinking School
Rethinking School
Sarang M. Chauhan
Schools are places where we learn. A place where students are educated and train for the future
preparation. Students spend their most of the time in school, so the school feels like home. In
school architecture, walls act as a physical barrier towards the environment and restricting to the
social expression. For changes in our society toward the digitalization and globalization with
respect to nature and sustainable approach, we need to rethink on educational Environment. The
walls of the schools should be rethought to bringing the community into the school in a effective
way and also providing the physical space for experience from outside at school can create new
way of learning and it may be more relevant for our contemporary culture.
The relationship between the student and their physical environment of school in social
and cultural context can suggest meaningful approach to school architecture. It is more important
to know how children psychologically and physically interact with environment of school and
how this environment is influence by local culture and tradition. During school age children are
naturally more interested towards the enjoyment and their ability to enjoy themselves and sense
of enjoyment. Nowadays school only focus on theoretical knowledge so there is a change in the
environment. A good design makes a direct connection between the exterior of the school and
children’s aspiration, inspiration, motivation and self-esteem. It was felt that school building
should contribute to the aesthetic sensibility of the child by showing him standard beyond those
of his own home. Considerable of health in school, the school environment needs to more
connected with nature. Also the light can affect mood and natural daylight is today considered a
perceived importance of social interaction and community in children’s learning. it was believed
that open environment is encourage the natural sharing of facilities and space.
Learning is that the central activity of faculties and universities. generally that learning
occurs in school rooms (formal learning); different times it results from lucky interactions among
learning. It will bring individuals together; it will encourage exploration, collaboration, and
discussion. Or, area will carry associate unspoken message of silence and disconnection. The
influence of physical area on human action has been studied from each psychological and
physical views. the sector of environmental psychological science explores such topics as place
attachment, psychological comfort with area, and the psychological feature and sacred effects of
area. those that study area from a physical viewpoint have an interest within the effects on
activity of sunshine, temperature, and physical closeness. From the literature applied to learning
Concerns regarding failure rates, reduced levels of abstract understanding, and high
absence are all reasons why colleges and universities have searched for alternatives to traditional
lectures because the primary mode of instruction .As a result, a comparatively new field of study
has emerged that examines the influence of learning areas on pedagogue behavior, student
engagement, and student learning outcomes. This field of learning areas primarily appearance at
however area influences pedagogue and/or student behavior. whereas room style is a crucial
issue, many other factors would possibly influence what happens within the room (e.g. teaching
philosophy, pedagogue behavior, and students’ prior learning experiences). Finally, because
space could be a major value element of instructional delivery, gaining a higher understanding of
however area influences the learning method is important for instructional establishments
making resource allocation choices. Prior research shows that pedagogue information, academic
discipline, and individual pedagogy will influence teaching behavior. A artist approach is
student-centered and supported the expectation that knowledge is developed or created through
expertise. Instructors bring their philosophies into the room, that successively, can influence the
kinds of learning activities that occur within the classroom and, ultimately, influence student
Classroom in order to provide as home base for child but simultaneously to provide
experiential learning and adventure as children venture out. The term sustainability in design
consideration for today’s perceived environmental threat and has not previously explicitly
the conservation of energy and resource, reuse of waste, conservation of nature, respect through
involvement and the creation of buildings of long-term value. children are highly conscious of
the environmental debate and, for them, it is important for their school buildings to meet the
environmental challenges. It has been noticed that the current institutional courses of action to
help specialized and professional training programs for populace beneath 25 years old is
deficient. The social worthiness of professional instruction is likewise low. Currently, over 62%
of the population in the nation is in the working-age crowd (15-59 years). Only 10% of this
workforce (7.4 crore) is prepared, which incorporates about 3% who are officially prepared and
7% who are casually trained. In created nations, gifted workforce is between 60-90% of the
complete workforce.
It has been noticed that the present educational program followed in schools doesn't
enable children to obtain applicable aptitudes which are fundamental to become employable. The
draft Policy features that the evaluation rehearses in the instruction framework center around
repetition learning and testing the understudies' capacity to duplicate substance information,
instead of on comprehension.
AIM - Creating ecosystem of experiential learning and proposing that we are naturally
capable to learn and that experience play a critical role in knowledge construction.
-Removing the margin of inside and out i.e. Nature as an integral part of
primary school architecture and furniture design in a social and cultural context, Pages
From -1 To 250.
Kimberly M. Sawers, David Wicks, Nyaradzo Mvududu, Lane Seeley, Raedene Copeland(2016).
Philosophy?,Pages From-26-29