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SFA Newsletter October 2019


Patrons of SFA:
Professor Tim Flannery
former resident of Sandringham and Australian of the Year 2007
Professor John Long
Professor of Palaeontology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Flinders University

SFA is free to join. Donations are appreciated for Bayside Fossil research
directly to Museums Victoria The Lost World of Bayside Fossils
using this link:
Museums Victoria Bayside Fossil Fundraiser
(100% tax deductible donation).

"We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the waters and lands on which we live
and work, and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present”
From the president of SFA, Dr Vicki Karalis AM

Dear Friends and Members of the SFA,

We hope you enjoy reading the October 2019
newsletter which includes:

• Exciting images of new fossil finds by Ben

Francischelli junior palaeontologist with
Museums Victoria with a particular interest in the
Bayside fossils. The fossils include a shark and
dolphin teeth, and a natiloid found at Site A and
Site B.
• A delightful short video of Brad Rosswell our
local Sandringham MP interviewing Dr Erich
Fitzgerald at Museums Victoria to view the
incredible fossil findings at Beaumaris and in the
Bayside area. Were the extinct penguins really
as tall as Brad?
• Your opportunity to join the SFA committee if
interested and help us achieve our objectives
and aims. SFA is a charity organisation and our
mission has always been to support Bayside
environmental causes and preserve our cultural
and natural heritage for future generations to
• Plastic pollution and how it has now seeped into
the soil, fish and air!
• Profile of a very special Bayside resident Mark
Slykhuis who swims our local beaches on a daily
basis even over winter, and his work with local
school children connecting and exposing them to
the local culture west of Arnhem Land!
• Intertidal Monitoring at Triangle Reef Ricketts
Point - an opportunity to volunteer.
• A special talk hosted by Marine Care Ricketts
Point by Lisa Goudie on sea sponges.
• How to identify Marine Pests in Port Phillip Bay.
• Bayside Beach Patrol - how you can get more
involved to help keep our beaches clean.

The Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron (BMYS) are celebrating

their 60th Birthday on Sunday October 13th 2019 commencing
at 10am and finishing 4pm. The Commodore and the BMYS
committee warmly extend an invitation to you and the wider
community to join them in their celebration. Please come along
and support the BMYS. SFA and other local community groups
will also be present on the day.
See the BMYS website for more details.

We have recently received information that a fossil symposium will held in early
December at the Melbourne Museum. The date is yet to be finalised and is subject to
availability of space. The half day event will feature a number of experts who will be
talking about their respective fields, from whales to megafauna.
SFA will keep you posted when the Symposium dates and times are finalised.
Benjamin Francischelli from Vertebrate Palaeontology Laboratory/Field Preparator
(Museums Victoria)Image has sent these photos for us to share with our readers from
the new Bayside fossil sites.

Image 1: shark teeth found recently at Site A (Carcharodon hastalis)

Can you spot the fossil amongst the pebbles?
Image 2: Dolphin tooth as found on the foreshore of Site A last week.

Image 3: Shark tooth found from Site A from a recent dive.

Image 4: a rare "Aturia" nautiloid (chambered cephalopod) found recently from Site A
Were the extinct penguins really as tall
as Brad? Please view this short exciting
video highlighting significance of
Bayside Fossils
Exciting things are happening in Bayside thanks to Dr. Erich Fitzgerald
and Museums Victoria! Brad Rosswell recently visited Erich to learn more about the
incredible fossil findings in Beaumaris and the research he continues to undertake in
the local area. Erich's findings in Beaumaris have assisted scientists in unraveling the
evolution of marine life in Australia, dating back over 5 million years. Video can be
viewed by clicking here:

4th August 2019

Inviting new Committee Members of the SFA

Hello Readers.
Sandringham Foreshore is looking for new committee members. If you are interested in
joining our enthusiastic and motivated team to share ideas and help with our
objectives, please contact Dr Vicki Karalis
by email: and include a CV and short
paragraph telling us why you are interested in joining us.
From Fish to Humans, A Microplastic Invasion May Be Taking a Toll
Tiny bits of plastic have seeped into soil, fish and air,
posing a threat to animal and human health
By Andrea Thompson on September 4, 2018 - Scientific American

A Rainbow Runner in the North Pacific Gyre that had ingested 18 pieces of plastic
(2008). Credit: Dr. Marcus Eriksen Gyres Institute

This article is from the second of a three-part series that examines our growing
understanding of the scope and impacts of microplastics pollution.

Mark Browne had a suspicion. He hoped the samples of dried blood taken from a blue
mussel and placed under a special microscope would tell him if he was correct. As a
fuzzy, three-dimensional image of the mussel’s blood cells appeared, there they were,
right in the middle—tiny specks of plastic.

Whereas photos of sea turtles eating plastic bags have become the poster child of the
environmental harm wrought by humanity’s plastic waste, research like Browne’s
illustrates the scope of the problem is far larger than the trash we can see. Tiny pieces of
degraded plastic, synthetic fibers and plastic beads, collectively called microplastics,
have turned up in every corner of the planet—from Florida beach sands to Arctic sea ice,
from farm fields to urban air.

Their size—from about five millimeters, or the size of a grain of rice, down to
microscopic—means they can be ingested by a wide range of creatures, from the
plankton that form the basis of the marine food chain to humans. As Browne’s 2008
study was one of the first to demonstrate, those plastic particles don’t always pass
harmlessly through the body. The finding “was one of those sort of bittersweet
moments,” the ecotoxicologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney says.
“You’re pleased that some prediction you’ve made has come true—but then you’re
devastated” because of the potentially profound ecological implications.

You can read more about this special report on plastics by clicking HERE.


Over the last 6 months or so, I have traveled overseas more than I ever have. One thing
you appreciate more than anything; is how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful, tidy and
friendly community !
I swim most mornings, all year round and whilst some of those colder winter mornings are
a little tough at first, the swim is always worth it.
I see all the walkers, joggers and others going about their morning rituals.
Our beaches would be some of the cleanest inner city beaches in the world. We do get
some plastic and other rubbish, and after heavy rain, the water is a little murky. The regular
crew out and about, will always pick up any rubbish washed up. Most take pride in our
beach and the foreshore area.
I have just come back from one of the remotest beaches in Australia; South Goulburn
Island. The local Bayside school where I work has a wonderful partnership with the local
indigenous community at Warruwi (only town on the island). The beaches here too are
beautiful, but unfortunately you cannot swim because of the crocodiles. I have been
tempted a few times to quickly jump in, but it is just too dangerous. The crocs are always
lurking around & they see you well before you see them.
The area of west Arnhem Land is amazing & more Australians should see this part of the
We have been coming up here for the last 6-7 years and it is a real privilege to expose our
year 8 students to the local culture. We have a number of Warruwi students attending
school and living with homestay families. We are so proud of them and what they are
achieving. One of the girls is finishing year 12 this year and then will continue to study
nursing and health and hopes to go back and work as a nurse in her community.
One of the other girls is a real saltwater girl and her Dreaming is a mermaid. I reckon I
must be part of some sea animal dreaming myself as I don't feel the same without my
saltwater fix in the mornings.
It runs in the family as both my sons have a strong connection to the sea. My oldest son
paddled to work (city) the other morning and was joined by a couple of dolphins! How cool
is that.
Just before I sign off; I bet many bayside residents would not be aware of the quality of the
reef life in Sandy & Black Rock etc. There are amazing reefs that follow the coastline all
the way to Mentone. If I ever want more to see in my swim, I just go out deeper (approx
100-150 from shore) and then the sea life is truly spectacular.
Sea you out there !


You are invited to participate in intertidal monitoring at Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary.

Date: Saturday19th October

Time: 12-2.30pm
Where: Triangle Reef Ricketts Point

Parks Victoria is focussing on an adaptive management process and the data collected
from intertidal monitoring will feed directly into this process; the information collected will
be interpreted and certain threshold levels/factors will trigger management action.

The method we will use to monitor the intertidal reef will be explained in detail during the
session and activities include:

• Taking photos

• Intertidal reef assessment – counting habitat using point intercept method

• Intertidal reef assessment – counting invertebrates

Who can participate?

Anyone interested in learning about the health of intertidal reef in Ricketts Point
Marine Sanctuary and reporting the information back to Parks Victoria.

Equipment needed:
Wet booties/shoes that can get wet and wear appropriate clothing for the

RSVP – by 17th October 2019

Please rsvp by registering as a volunteer and clicking on the event on


ParkConnect is a secure self-service portal offered by Parks Victoria that

advertises all volunteer opportunities in Parks Victoria’s estate.

Direct link: click here

To create an account, go to the above web address

click on ‘sign-in’
click ‘register’
enter your email and set a password (with at least one uppercase and one number),
click ‘register’ update your information with ‘name’, ‘last name’, ‘email’, ‘mobile’,
click ‘update’

click ‘send confirmation email’ click ‘complete registration’

Once you have registered, you will be able to navigate via the above link to find the
intertidal monitoring activity and join the activity.

If you need assistance in creating a ParkConnect login/user account or navigating the

system please contact Ranger Daisy Smith , Ranger
Team Leader Emily Verey or

We look forward to seeing you there.

Marine Care Ricketts Point - Speaker Event

Tuesday 8 October 2019 7pm for 7.30pm start.

Beaumaris Seniors Centre, 96 Reserve Road, Beaumaris.

Sea Sponges of Southern Australia

Lisa Goudie will present an overview of our knowledge about sponges, including their
evolution, diversity, biology and identification, with beautiful images of sponges from Port
Phillip Bay and coastal Victoria.
Lisa studied marine biology at James Cook University and worked as a research
assistant for various government organisations including the South Australian and
Queensland Museums, where she specialised in sponge taxonomy. More recently she
worked at the University of Melbourne with marine natural product chemists in
conjunction with Museum Victoria, collecting and classifying sponges.
Lisa is self-employed as a consultant sponge taxonomist, providing sponge
identifications for government and private organisations. She has written the Museum
Victoria Field Guide - Sponges with co-authors Mark Norman and Julian Finn.
Marine Pest Cards - How to identify marine pests.

We need your help to keep watch for marine pests.

Know your area. Keep a look out. Learn what to look for. Some pests look very much like the
native species. If unsure take a photo and ask Parks Victoria to identify it for you before
removing it.
If you see something unusual, report it.
National register of marine pests is available from the following websites

Marine Care Ricketts Point also have a series of cards available on their website identifying
the Pests that have invaded Port Phillip Bay and showing you examples of the Native species.
Please click on the link below to download a copy to help you to identify the difference
between native and non native marine life.

Bayside Beach Patrol - helping to keep our beaches clean.

Beach Patrol Volunteers meet every month to pick up rubbish that either has been washed in
or dropped in the Marine Sanctuary.
BP 3193 is one of many groups that clean Melbourne's beaches. Visit their website to find a group near you or if there isn't one why not gather a
group of friends or neighbours and form your own. The new free App mentioned below will
show you how to register your group and keep a tally of the type and amount of rubbish you
The next beach clean is this Saturday
When: Saturday, 5 October, 11 am
Where: 100 metres south of Ricketts Point Beachside Cafe

Beach Patrol's new app - "Litter Stopper"

Ross and Ramona Headifen have funded the development of a new app called Litter Stopper
for recording litter collection data. It allows you to enter a clean as your own group and submit
that data. You have the option of submitting under a BeachPatrol group, a Love Our Street
Group or an ‘Other’ group or person. What we want to do is get a lot more attention to the
government on the actual situation of litter/rubbish in the bay and on the streets.
Free to download from your App Store (its the white tile with the turtle), instructions for
use provided.

Free SFA Membership

The Sandringham Foreshore Association is a charitable not-for-profit association. Membership is free. Our
self-acclaimed role is to foster and promote good natural conservation principles to Bayside foreshore
management. Our current focus is to assist public education by aligning ourselves with scientific experts in
fields of conservation and natural environment, and to facilitate effective communication between
community – council and state governments – and established environmental science publications and
position statements.
The role of SFA is to care for and help protect our local beaches and cliffs, but also to educate, raise
awareness and preserve our local archaeological, geological, cultural, indigenous and heritage sites such
as the Beaumaris Bay fossil site.
If you are interested in joining our free membership, to receive notices and our Quarterly Newsletters –
Please respond via our website
Copyright: Sandringham Foreshore Association All rights reserved.

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