Bahasa Inggris Quiz

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1. he benefit of a computer network are..

a. Sharing hardware resources easily d. A and B true

b. Sharing information easily e. A,B and C true
c. Sharing input easily
2. There are many types of computer network, except:
a. LAN d. BAN
b. WAN e. MAN
c. MAN
3. There are many types of network topology, excepr;
a. Bus and Ring d. Star and Bus
b. Star and Mesh e. Buss and Mehs
c. Ring and Star
4. A piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a
computer network is....
a. NIC d. RAN Card
b. LAN Card e. A and B true
c. NEC
5. There are the devices to create a computer network, except;
a. NIC d. VGA
b. Repeater e. Router
c. Hub
6. The art and scientce of writing hidden messages in such a way that no-one apart from
the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message;
a. Stenography d. Steganography
b. Crytography e. All answer are false
c. Crytology
7. A Steganography message will appear to be something else, like....
a. A picture d. A and C true
b. A article e. All answer false
c. A message
8. There are some technique steganography, except....
a. Writing a secret message using invisible ink
b. Hidden messages on messenger’s body
c. A picture of a message in microdots or microfilms
d. A copy file to another file
e. In computer era, steganography can be done by inserting a secret document into
other document
9. The origin of steganography from....
a. Greek d. America
b. Russia e. Germany
c. England
10. The steganography usually use for...
a. Covered d. Backup
b. Hiddn Writing e. A and B true
c. Copy
11. The pratice and study of creating a secret information...
a. Stenography d. A, B and C true
b. Cryptography e. All answer are false
c. Steganography
12. A cryptography is used in applications present in technologically advanced societies,
the examples....
a. Security of ATM cards d. A, B and C true
b. Computer passwords e. Hidden Message
c. Electronic commerce a message
13. A machine called enigma to encypt and decrypt the massages in the world war II
used by....
a. German d. Italy
b. America e. Russia
c. France
14. The example of cryptography....
a. Greek d. Login
b. Enigma e. A, B and C true
c. Enogmist
15. The a secret text resulting from encrytion process is ....
a. Hidden writing d. A and B true
b. Chiper text e. No answer
c. Hidden text
16. What is the internet....
a. A worldwide connection of millions of computers connceted to thousansa of
different networks
b. Each computer on the internet
c. Server
d. Browsing
e. All the answer are false
17. Many kind of internet services, mentioned that...
a. Browser d. B and C true
b. World Wide Web e. Wireless Network
c. FTP
18. There are the examples of search engine....
a. Google Crhome d. Opera
b. Mozila Firefox e. All the answer true
c. Internet Explorer
19. The examples of search engine...
a. IRC d. A, B and C true
b. Yahoo Messenger e. All the answer false
c. Google Talk
20. What is the function internet address domain....
A. The domain name service address
B. Host machine has a special internet protocol address (IP address) that uniquely
identifies that computer
C. The domain name service address othe the IP address
D. A, B and C true
E. All answers false
21. Method of creating, transmitting, or storing primarily text-based human
communications with digital communications systems is....
a. Server d. FTP
b. Email e. WWW
c. Attach File
22. The are several part of email...
a. Header d. A and C true
b. World Wide Web e. address
c. Message Body
23. There atre examples of the email address, except....
a. d.
b. e. All answers true
24. What kinds of document that could attach file to email....
a. Images d. Music file
b. PDF file e. All answers true
c. DOC file
25. What is the meaning of the BCC....
a. Bling Carbon Copy
b. Bline Carbon Copy
c. Blink Carbon Copy
d. Blind Carbon Copy
e. All answers true
26. What is the website...
a. A site (location) constain a collection of pages on the World Wide Web
b. A side for information on the World Wide Web
c. A site for search information
d. A tool design to search for inforrmation on the World Wide Web
e. All answers true
27. The function of website....
a. Bring information resources to the user
b. Give directions to your place of business
c. Introduction for your profile
d. Searching information
e. A, B and C true
28. A program that searches documents for specified keywords....
a. Website d.
b. Search engine e. All answers true
c. Web Page
29. A document written in Hypertext Mark-Up Language (HTML)....
a. Website d.
b. Search engine e. All answers true
c. Web Page
30. The examples of search engine....
a. Bing d. Yahoo
b. Google e. All answers true
c. Ask

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