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Optical MEMS: MECH 466 Microelectromechanical Systems

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MECH 466

Microelectromechanical Systems
University of Victoria
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Lecture 19:
Optical MEMS

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 1


Overview of Optical MEMS

Passive MEMS optical components
Active MEMS optical components

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 2

Optical MEMS Applications

Micro-optical systems presently have application in the following

Optical Scanning
- Medicine (minimally invasive surgery)
- Small Space Inspection
Optical Alignment
Optical Communication
- Switching
- Optical Filtering
- Spectrometry (Wavelength Separation)
-Adaptive Optics and Free Space Communication

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 3

Advantages of Optical MEMS

Easy to manipulate light

- Optical systems involve photon re-direction, therefore, since
photons have very little momentum, micro-actuators are easily
able to manipulate photons.

Simplified packaging
- Optical MEMS can be sealed in packages with transparent
housings, which allows light to pass through a glass window.
- This allows the optical device to be protected from dust and harsh
environmental conditions, unlike flow sensors, or micro tactile
sensors, or other MEMS where the source of signal/phenomena
must be in direct contact with the chip surface.

Device size
- Able to pack a large number of devices into a relatively small

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 4

Example Application:
DLP (Digital Light Processing)
The DLP micro-optical projection system was developed by Texas
It uses a matrix of micro-mirrors to selectively switch reflected light,
to form a projected matrix of pixels.

Individual Digital Micro Mirror [Texas Instruments] Constituent Parts of the Digital Micro Mirror [Texas Instruments]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 5

DLP Principle of Operation

Each mirror is 11 x 11 um in size, and a matrix may consist of

1024 x 768 mirrors, or more.

Matrix of Micro-mirrors [Texas Instruments] Individual Micro-mirror [Texas Instruments]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 6

DLP Principle of Operation

By selectively switching the mirrors on and off in the presence of

a light source, the mirrors will reflect the light source ‘toward’ or
‘away’ the optical path that forms the projected image.

Redirection of Light using Mirrors

[Texas Instruments]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 7

DLP Principle of Operation

A good source of detail information for DLP technology is:


DMD Matrix with Ant Leg [Texas Instr.]

Duty Cycling of Mirrors to Create Shades of Grey

[Texas Instruments]

DMD Matrix with Salt Crystals [Texas Instr.]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 8

Complete DLP Projection System

To create the complete projection system, the DMD (Digital Micro-

mirror Device) is used with a light source, optics, a color filter and
a projection lens.

DMD Chip in Package with Transparent Cover

[Texas Instruments]

Constituent Parts of the Complete DLP Projection System

[Texas Instruments]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 9

Optical Communication Systems

A large area of MEMS research is in the area of optical


To understand MEMS optical systems, we must become familiar with

a number of sub-systems that are used within a typical optical
communication system. These are:

- Optical Fibers
- Lasers and laser diodes
- Optical receivers (photodetector)
- Focusing lenses
- Diffraction lenses and gratings
- Mirrors

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 10

Overview of Fiber Optic Cables

Fiber optic cables are an important part of most optical systems.

They carry digital information from one point to another, in the form
of radiation (infrared to visible).
Below is a diagram of a typical fiber optic strand. Only the silica
glass ‘core’ will carry the light signal, which is typically 100 um in

Fiber Optic Strand [Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 11

Passive Optical Alignment

Bulk micromachining of silicon can be used to create fiber optical

alignment fixture systems.
When two fiber optic strands must be coupled together, a precise
alignment is required between the two ends. This ensures low
signal loss between the two fibers.
Bulk micromachining of silicon to form ‘V-groves’ in the substrate,
can be used to precisely align fibers end-to-end.

Fibers positioned in V-groove


© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 12

Fabrication by Anisotropic Etching

SLSP profiles are micromachined into a silicon substrate.

Fibers Positioned in V-groove

[Chang Liu]
SEM Cross-Section of Bulk Micromachined Silicon.
[Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 13

Laser Diode

Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) light is the

most common light source used with fiber optic communication

Edge emitting lasers diodes are formed by a junction of p-type and

n-type semiconductors with a layer of Ca between the two. The
beam emanates from a highly polished edge.

The ‘Divergence’ (beam spreading)

of laser diodes tends to be large.

Illustration of Quantum Well Laser Diode

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria [Chang Liu] 14
Micro Lenses

Lenses refract light for various purposes in optical systems.

An ideal lens shape is shown in the Figure below in (a).

The ideal lens is difficult to fabricate directly using conventional

micromachining, so a number of variations are shown below, (b-e):

Binary Lens

Fresnel Lens

Equivalent lenses made in different ways [Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 15

Binary Lenses

The principle of operation of a Binary lens is as follows:

Light passing through the ‘bulk material’ essentially moves in a

straight line, therefore, if the ‘bulk’ is removed, the operation is
essentially the same.

Hand-Held Binary Lense

[Image from Chang Liu]
© N. Dechev, University of Victoria Lighthouse Binary Lens 16
Example of a Surface-Micromachined Fresnel Lens

Fresnel Lens fabricated using surface micromachining, and assembled

by ‘folding it out of plane’ from the substrate. [D. Scharf]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 17

Optical Communication Systems

An interesting ‘research example’ of a complete MEMS optical


MEMS Optical System [D. Scharf]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 18

Fabrication of Micro-lenses with ‘Polymer Reflow’

Fabrication of ‘Curvey Lenses’ [Image from Chang Liu] Fabrication of ‘Curvey Lenses’
using ‘reflown’ polymers
[Image from Chang Liu]
© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 19

Other Lens Technology

Variable-focus micro-lens using an ‘expandable’ polymer membrane.

As the ‘chamber’ is pressurized, it fills with fluid and expands the

membrane. The different expansion volumes have different radius
of curvature, and therefore different optical NA (numerical

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 20

Fiber Optic Attenuator and Switch

Colorized SEM image of ‘on-off’ fiber optic switch, Colorized SEM image of 1x2 fiber optic switch,
[David Bishop, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies] [David Bishop, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 21


Micro-Mirrors are a critical part of micro-optical systems, as they

facilitate the re-direction of light beams.

A ‘Good’ micro-mirror has a number of important characteristics,

such as:
- High reflectivity (low loss of light signal)
- High flatness (low loss of light signal)
- High stiffness (stays flat during acceleration and deceleration)
- Low mass (allows rapid acceleration and deceleration)

Micro-mirrors are used in:

- DLP systems (Digital Light Projection systems)
- Optical Switching (fiber optic communication systems)
- Scanning (minimally invasive tools with optical scan tips)

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 22

Micro-actuators for Micro-Mirror Systems

Electrostatic Based Micro-Mirror Actuators:

Deformable Reflective Mirror Membrane

Actuated using parallel plat electrostatic actuators
[Image from Chang Liu]

Translating Micro-Mirror
Actuated using Electrostatic Comb-Drives
[Image from Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 23

Communication via Cross-Connect Switching

Consider the idea of traditional telephone communication.

For any one person to contact another person on the telephone
network, an electronic link must be established.
Traditionally, this was done with an operator at a telephone

Switchboard Operator [Image from history-grand-forks]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 24

Communication via Cross-Connect Switching

Once a communication line was established,

it could last for a few seconds, to a few
hours, depending on the communication.
Ultimately, telephone operators were
replaced with electronic switchboards in
the mid-late 60’s.
This technology lasted for a while, but was
again replaced by ‘fibre-optic’ technology,
in the early 80’s that could carry even more
information than could ‘metal electrical
This has led to a ‘fundamental’ switching 1962 Stromberg Carlson switch with 400 lines
problem that remains to this day, although
tremendous industrial R&D is devoted to
this subject.

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 25

Communication via Cross-Connect Switching

The basic problem is shown below:

Photo-transistor Laser-Diode
Light Fibre Light Fibre

Transistor Based

When the light enters the ‘cross-connect’, it must be converted to an

electrical signal, then electrically switched, and then converted
again to an optical signal.
This process ‘takes time’ and occurs for ‘each bit’ of digital
information. Therefore, it places a limit on the amount of
information that can be sent/per unit time.
© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 26
1XN Micro-Optical Cross-Connect Switch

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 27

NXN Micro-Optical Cross-Connect Switch

Incomming Fibre Optic

Light Guides

Outgoing Fibre Optic

Light Guides

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 28

Micro-Optical Cross-Connect Switches

Lucent Technologies Micro-Mirror for Cross-Connect

Two-Axis (pitch and yaw) rotatable

micro-mirror for optical switching
[Image from Chang Liu] An array of Two-Axis mirrors

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 29

Optical MEMS Cross-Connect Switching

Optical mirrors in research

Dual 3D-Micromirror/motor Assemblies [M. Basha, N. Dechev]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 30

Assembly of Optical MEMS Cross-Connect



[M. Basha, N. Dechev]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 31

Assembly of Optical MEMS Cross-Connect




[M. Basha, N. Dechev]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 32

Assembly of Optical MEMS Cross-Connect

[M. Basha, N. Dechev]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 33

Optical MEMS Cross-Connect

400 µm diameter Electrostatic Micromotor [M. Basha]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 34

Free Space Optics for Communication

Free Space Optics (FSO) makes use of medium power laser beams to
transmit information through space (instead of transmitting it
through fibre optic cables.
The motivation to create FSO systems involves a concept commonly
known as “The Last Mile” in communication networks.

Illustration of world wide internet network

[Broadband Access Network]

Local Internet Network

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 35

Free Space Optics for Communication

The last mile refers more generally to the last few miles of cabling
required reach the home or office of an individual user on a
This ‘hard wired’ infrastructure represents the ‘highest cost vs. return
on investment’ of the communication network.
Installing the last few miles of cable may require running overhead
lines, or worse, digging up streets etc...
Imagine the costs of installing the last few miles to one building in
downtown Manhattan, or downtown Los Angeles!

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 36

Free Space Optics System

The FSO systems consists of a transmitting laser (with focal system)

and a receiving laser.
The typical setup and components are shown below:

Images from Lezer wireless [www.lasernetworks.eu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 37

Free Space Optics System

The focal system usually consists of a MEMS-based deformable

mirror element.
The deformable mirror is able to continuously re-focus the laser
signal, to minimize signal loss.
The re-focusing is necessary for two reasons:
(a) to account for atmospheric disturbances due to heating
(b) to account for building sway due to wind or other disturbances.

Deformable Reflective Mirror Membrane

Actuated using parallel plat electrostatic actuators
[Image from Chang Liu]

© N. Dechev, University of Victoria 38

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