Is 1893 Latest Updates
Is 1893 Latest Updates
Is 1893 Latest Updates
Part - I 1 3
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Beams and columns
Alternatively, in IS:16700-2017*, the reduction factors are
given as :
a) For factored load cases
Slabs: Ieff = 0.25 Igross
Beams : Ieff = 0.35 Igross
Columns : Ieff = 0.7 Igross
Walls : Ieff = 0.7 Igross
b) For un-factored load cases
Slabs: Ieff = 0.35 Igross
Beams : Ieff = 0.7 Igross
Columns : Ieff = 0.9 Igross
Walls : Ieff = 0.9 Igross
(7.2 & Table 6, IS:16700-2017)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Fixed Supports:
Raft foundation: Support to be provided at the column
ends (located at top of the raft)
Pile cap for multiple piles: Support to be provided at the
column ends (located at top of the pile cap)
Isolated footing: When it is founded on hard rock, the
column end may be modelled as fixed (located at the top of
the footing)
Single pile: Fixed support of the column is recommended
at a depth of five to ten times the diameter of pile,
STAAD: For Beams depending upon the type of soil, from the top of pile cap.
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Pinned supports:
Isolated footing: Support to be provided at the column
ends, (located at the bottom of the foundation).
Spring supports:
Spring supports can be provided with spring constants ,
eg., as per ASCE/SEI 41 (2006)
In General
Engineering judgement must be exercised in modelling the
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Slabs and Masonry walls Diaphragms
The weight of slabs are distributed, as 2-way load This method is to be resorted to, only if the slab is stiff
distribution, on the supporting beams. enough to act as a rigid diaphragm
The weight of masonry walls are applied as uniform This is to be ascertained as per criteria specified in
load on the supporting beam 7.6.4, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Diaphragms Diaphragms
Since the slabs are not modelled by plate elements, the Diaphragms have to be checked whether they can be
structural effect due to their in-plane stiffness (7.6.3 (b), considered rigid (7.6.4, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) by
IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) can be taken into account as Rigid considering a floor independently,
Diaphragms by modelling the floor with shell elements & meshing it,
SS4 onwards)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
A floor diaphragm is considered to be flexible, if it deforms
such that the maximum lateral displacement measured from the
chord of the deformed shape at any point of the diaphragm is
more than 1 .2 times the average displacement of the entire
diaphragm (7.6.4, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016).
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
This method is to be resorted to, only if the slab is stiff
enough to act as a rigid diaphragm
This is to be ascertained as per criteria specified in
7.6.4, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
ETABS: Floor Diaphragm STAAD: Floor Diaphragm
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Masonry infills are modelled by - For URM infill walls without any opening, width, Wds of equivalent
diagonal strut is:
equivalent diagonal struts with
pinned ends (, IS:1893(Part 1)-
2016) - Where Lds is the (diagonal) length of the strut and
- Where.. (continued on next page)
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
The properties of the diagonal struts are modelled according The properties of the diagonal struts are modelled according
to the following: to the following:
- Modulus of Elasticity as per, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016 - where (continued from previous page)
- Em = modulus of elasticity of the materials of the infill
- Ef = modulus of elasticity of the materials of the RC frame,
- Where fm is the compressive strength of masonry (MPa), given by - Ic = moment of inertia of the adjoining column,
- t = thickness of the infill wall
- Where fmo is the strength of mortar in the masonry, as per IS:1905-1987
and fb is the strength of bricks in the masonry, as per IS:1077-1992
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Masonry walls (Table 6 (i), IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) :
The properties of the diagonal struts are modelled according The Structural Plan Density (SPD) should be
to the following:
estimated when unreinforced masonry (URM)
- In case of infill walls with openings, no reduction in strut width is
required (IS:1893-2016, Cl.
infills are used.
When SPD of masonry infills exceeds 20%, the
- But it is known that openings reduce the stiffness of the diagonal strut,
and the reduction is to be incorporated by suitably reducing the width of effect of URM infills shall be considered by
the strut. explicitly modeling the same in structural analysis
- The procedure given for calculating Wds is found to be developed by (by diagonal struts).
Mainstone & Weeks (1971) by utilising the formulae by Smith & Carter
(1969) .
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Static analysis:
Where the Horizontal acceleration Sa/g is determined
from the Response spectrum curve (Fig.2A, IS:1893(Part
1)-2016) -- Modified
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Static analysis:
Static analysis: Where the Horizontal acceleration Sa/g is determined from the
Response spectrum curve (Fig.2A, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016
The Design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah is Modified)
calculated from (6.4.2, IS:1893 (Part 1)-2016)
Separate Response Spectrum curves are given for Seismic
Coefficient Method and Response Spectrum Methods (Fig.2A &
2B, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) New
Zone factor Z (Table 3 & Fig. 1, IS:1893 (Part 1)-2016) Also the both the Response Spectrum curves are horizontal
Importance factor I (Table 8, IS:1893 (Part 1)-2016) straight lines after T = 4s. Modified (Earlier, the code was
silent on the portion of the curve for T > 4s)
Response reduction factor R (Table 9, IS:1893 (Part 1)-2016)
Horizontal Acceleration coefficient Sa/g
But the above is insignificant in case of Fig.2A, IS:1893(Part
1)-2016 since the Seismic Coefficient Method is only applicable
for regular structures having T < 0.4s (6.4.3, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) -
- New
Unless, of course, the method is to be used for Base Shear correction (to
be covered later)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Static analysis (cont ): Static analysis (cont ):
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Static analysis: Static analysis (cont ):
The time period of the structure is determined using Where the type of soils are
(7.6.2 (a) & 7.6.2 (c), IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) Type I (Rock or Hard soil): N > 30, among other descriptions
Buildings with RC walls (7.6.2 (b), IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) --New
Aw = total effectie cross-sectional area of
RC wall in the first storey in m2
N >15 for poorly graded, among
Awi = cross-sectional area of RC other descriptions
wall i in the first storey in m2 Type III (Soft soils): N < 10
Lwi = length of RC wall i in the first (Table 4, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
storey in m
(both for walls parallel to direction of earthquake)
Where the N values are taken as the weighted average
of N values of soil layers up to 30m below ground level
(, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) -- New
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Static analysis:
The time period for irregular configurations is calculated for
parameters determined as per the following figures (Fig.5 ,
IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) --New
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Static analysis (cont ): Static analysis (cont ):
Where (VB)min is to be determined from , given as the The base shear is determined by (7.2.1, IS:1893(Part 1)-
percentage of weight of the building (Table 7, 2016)...
IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)...
II 0.7
III 1.1 ... but subject to the condition that VB (VB)min (7.2.2,
IV 1.6 IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) New ...
V 2.4
Design lateral force for each level is determined by (7.6.3,
(VB)min = W IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)...
... which is, in effect, as good as saying, for eg., for a
structure in Zone III, Medium soil, I = 1.0 and R = 5,
that T should be taken as not more than Tmin = 1.98s
(by back calculating from to Sa/g, and Sa/g to Tmin) ... Where Wi is the seismic weight (to be covered) of the storey at
height hi
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height 18 m
Period 0.6554 sec
Sa/g 1.5258
Ah 0.0407 = (ZI)/(2R) x sa/g
= (0.16*1)/(2*3) * 1.5258
Levels W (kN) h (m) Wh2 Wh2) Qi (kN)
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 23.57 3 212.13 1.5541 0.0632
3 23.57 6 848.52 6.2163 0.2529
4 23.57 9 1909.17 13.9866 0.5691
5 23.57 12 3394.08 24.8651 1.0117
6 23.57 15 5303.25 38.8516 1.5807
7 23.57 18 7636.68 55.9464 2.2763
W 141.42 (kN) 19303.83 141.42 kN 5.7539 kN
Vb 5.7539 (kN)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
The forces are applied
Seismic Coeff. method
Define & Apply Seismic Define Seismic parameters:
parameters: Z, I, R
Direction Structure Type or
T Tx & Tz
Z, I, R Soil Type
Soil Type Damping ratio
Direction (X, Y,Z), factor
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
The earlier edition clause that Live load reduction for upper
floors (as per 3.2, IS:875(Part 2) - 1987) shall not be applied
further for mass calculation in now missing it was
mentioned in 7.3.3, IS:1893 (Part 1) 2002
STAAD: Seismic coeff. method
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Load combinations: will be covered later
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ETABS: Gravity Loads Bending Moment ETABS: Seismic Force in Z direction Bending Moment
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ETABS: Gravity Loads Shear Force ETABS: Seismic Force in Z direction Shear Force
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STAAD: Gravity Loads Shear Force
STAAD: Run Analysis 129 131
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
STAAD: Gravity Loads Bending Moment STAAD: Seismic force in Z direction Bending Moment
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Continued in Part-II
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Seismic Analysis/Design of Continued from Part-I
Multi-storied RC Buildings
using STAAD.Pro & ETABS
according to IS:1893-2016 Analysis as per IS:1893-2016
Presented by .
Rahul Leslie Response Spectrum Method
Deputy Director,
Buildings Design,
(Dynamic Analysis)
DRIQ, Kerala PWD
Trivandrum, India
Part - II 1 3
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Zone factor Z
Importance factor I
Response reduction factor R
Spectral Acceleration coefficient Sa/g 6 8
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Response spectrum analysis (cont ): Response spectrum analysis (cont ):
Where the Horizontal acceleration Sa/g is determined from the
Response spectrum curve (Fig.2B, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) Modified In cases where the package has assumed the formula for the
Response spectrum curve up to 4s for all > 4s also ,
Also the Response Spectrum curves are horizontal straight lines if the first mode is having T > 4s, use the User defined Response
after T = 4s. New (Earlier, the code was silent on the portion of Spectrum curve option in the Software Package to define the curve
the curve for T > 4s) compatible to IS:1893(Part 1)-2016
if the first mode is having T<4s, there is no need to use User Defined
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Response spectrum analysis:
Irregularities in modes:
If sum of Mk of first three modes is less than 65% in each
principal plan direction, building is irregular (IS:1893(Part 1)-
2016 ,Table 6, vii, a)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Ak is the design horizontal seismic coefficient
ik is the mode shape value for that floor level
Pk is mode participation factor
Wi is mass at that floor level
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Different types of modes: 1.Translational mode in X direction
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Natural Frequencies
Mode Shapes
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Different types of modes: 3.Torsional mode
Mode 2
Freq. = 4.51039 Hz
Period = 0.22171 sec
Mode shape = 0
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Check Mass Participation ( (a), IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) Calculate Mode Participation factors
For kth mode,
Calculate Mode Participation factors ( (b), IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) Calculate Mode Participation factors
For kth mode,
Pk 1.30049 -0.44635 0.26529 -0.18718 0.12223
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0.3688 -1 0.8614 -0.0466 -0.8364 23.57 8.692 -23.57 20.303 -1.097 -19.71
4 0.5796 -0.9604 -0.239 0.999 0.0268 23.57 13.66 -22.64 -5.6354 23.547 0.631
5 0.7631 -0.4111 -1 -0.2653 0.8128 23.57 17.99 -9.689 -23.57 -6.253 19.16
6 0.906 0.3663 -0.382 -0.9023 -0.9892 23.57 21.35 8.6335 -9.0113 -21.27 -23.32
7 1 0.984 0.8038 0.6064 0.4154 23.57 23.57 23.192 18.946 14.292 9.791
88.83 -36.55 20.447 -14.35 10.12
0 0 0 0 0
Pk 1.300 -0.4464 0.2653 -0.1872 0.1222
0.54 6.6043 15.992 23.57 23.57
The vertical lines represent modes (right most is the 1st mode)
3.206 23.57 17.488 0.0511 16.49 The point where the lines touch the RS curve represents the Spectral
7.919 21.74 1.3474 23.524 0.017
value (Sa/g) of the mode
13.73 3.9826 23.57 1.659 15.57
19.34 3.1623 3.4452 19.19 23.07
23.57 22.819 15.228 8.6658 4.067
( = Pk*Sa/g )
68.3 81.879 77.072 76.66 82.78
Note that although the 2nd mode has a higher Spectral value than that
of the 1st, the 1st has a higher effective Spectral value than the 2nd.
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
0 0 0
Eg: - for mode 1 : 0.151 23.57 0.144
Levels Qik (kN)
0.369 23.57 0.351 1 0 0 0 0 0
0.0311 x 1.30049 x = kN
0.58 * 23.57 0.552 2 0.144 0.223 0.206 0.16 0.091
0.763 23.57 0.727 3 0.351 0.421 0.215 0.007 -0.08
0.906 23.57 0.863 4 0.552 0.404 -0.06 -0.16 0.002
1 23.57 0.952 5 0.727 0.173 -0.25 0.042 0.074
6 0.863 -0.15 -0.1 0.144 -0.09
7 0.952 -0.41 0.201 -0.1 0.038
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
From each Analyse for forces, and combine the forces to get final forces
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Calculate Analyse for forces, and combine the forces to get final forces
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Combining Modes:
(b) Direct method
(Supported by FEMA 356, etc.
for Non-linear Static Analysis*)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Combination of modal responses with
93.223 % 33 Hz
99.922 % 0.077 %
Modal Combination Missing Mass
(ABS+SRSS*, SRSS,CQC, etc.) Correction
Combination of
Periodic and Rigid modes
*To be discussed
(Lindley-Yow, Hadjian, etc. )
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Combination of modal responses: Combination of modal responses (cont ):
* SRSS method may be used, provided the modes are not close to each other
by more than 10% in frequency. (ie., the difference between the
frequencies of the consecutive modes are not less than 10% of the lower
frequency) Same as IS:1893-2002 provision
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
H (m) 1 2
20 0.6 0.4
Eg. for level 7, Values for are given by table 40 0.4 0.6
ABS = 0.952 + -0.41 + 0.201 + -0.097 + 0.038 = 1.702 Intermediate values can be 60 0.2 0.8
obtained by interpolation 90 0.0 1.0
*Absolute Combination method is used in the Ten Percent method
application in SRSS method, when the modes are close to each other Note: 1 + 2 = 1
by more than 10% in frequency. (ie., the difference between the
frequencies of the consecutive modes are not less than 10% of the Eg. for level 7,
lower frequency), as an alternative to replacing SRSS with CQC ABS&SRSS = 0.6 x 1.702 + 0.4 x 1.063 = 1.447
Same as IS:1893-2002 provision
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Combination of modal responses (cont ): Combination of modal responses (cont ):
4. SRSS with grouping 5. Out-of-phase response combination (cont..)
The ABS value of modal responses of modes with close b) Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) -- Der
frequencies (ie., their frequencies separated by not more
than 10%) are taken and the modal responses replaced by The Cross modal coefficient is calculated by (, IS:1893(Part
the ABS value 1)-2016)
The SRSS value of the modes and the values taken
The method is prescribed in IS:1893-2016 as an alternative
to CQC method (, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
Frequencies and are considered
close if their difference does not exceed where is the damping ratio (= 0.05)
10% of the lower frequency (3.1, and = j i , ie., the ratio of frequencies
IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
Eg., if freq. are 1.44, 4.52, 4.93, 8.13, 11.9, 12.4, 15.38 (Note: )
then SRSS is taken for quantities corresponding to
frequencies 1.44, ABS(4.52, 4.93), 8.13, ABS(11.9, 12.4),
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Presented by Rahul Leslie
Building Building
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Presented by Rahul Leslie
Combination of modal responses (cont ):
Cross modal coefficient for CQC method. Note that the coeff
Is equal to 1 for modes with i=j (ie., squaring the modal
value), while
It has a very low value for i (ie., cross multiplying
values of two modes)
It has a higher value for i when the modal frequencies
are close (shown in bold)
In case of Ten Percent Method, the coeff. for close freq.
modes is taken as being equal to 1
modes i, j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Freq. (Hz) 1.44 4.52 4.93 8.13 11.9 12.74 15.38
1 1.44 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 4.52 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 4.93 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
4 8.13 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
5 11.9 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
6 12.74 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
7 15.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
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Torsional Mode
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Directional Combination of
Modal Responses
Mode along X
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Directional combination of modal responses: Directional combination of modal responses:
As per IS:1893, directional combination need to be The directional combination need to be done also
done only when the lateral load resisting members when vertical earthquake is considered (,
are not oriented along horizontal orthogonal, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
directions (, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
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2. SRSS Method
The method combines the directional components by
SRSS method. The method is prescribed as an alternative
to SAS method (, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
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Earthquake in Vertical Direction Directional combination of modal responses:
Vertical earthquake is to be considered for any of the The Design vertical seismic coefficient Av is calculated from
(6.4.6, IS:1893 (Part 1)-2016)
following conditions (, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) :
a) In Seismic Zone IV or V
b) Has vertical or plan irregularities
c) Resting on soft soil
This can be easily incorporated as a gravity load. For example,
d) Has long spans in case of Zone-III,
e) Has large horizontal overhangs
Ah = (2/3)*(0.16*1)/(2*5)*2.5 = 0.027
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Mode frequencies an overview: Missing Mass Correction :
Out-of-phase modes In-phase modes
Periodic Response Rigid Response
99.922 % 0.077 %
93.223 % 33 Hz
Missing Mass = 0.077% of total mass
99.922 % 0.077 % Zero Period Acceleration, (Sa/g)ZPA = 1.0 (3.11, IS:1893(Part 1)-
Modal Combination Missing Mass
(ABS+SRSS*, SRSS,CQC, etc.) Correction
* The above formula, as available in the IS:1893-2002 was present in
3.24.1, IS:1893-2016 Draft code (CED 39(7975)), but is missing in
the final IS:1893-2016 code.
However, of one takes (Sa/g)ZPA to be literally equal to (Sa/g)
at T=0, then it is equal to 2.5 in the Spectrum curve for Response
*As per IS:1893-1967 Spectrum analysis.
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
33 Hz 33 Hz
Missing Mass = 0.077% of total mass Missing Mass = 0.077% of total mass
Zero Period Acceleration (3.11, IS:1893(Part 1)-2002)* = 1.0 Zero Period Acceleration, (Sa/g)ZPA = 1.0 (3.11, IS:1893(Part 1)-
Horizontal acceleration coefficient, Ah
102 104
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Missing Mass Correction 0.16 x 1
Ah = X (1.6) = 0.04266
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frequencies > 33 Hz
Thus, storey wise Mass Participation can be obtained for each mode,
from which the total storey wise Mass Participation,
and consequently, the storey wise Missing Mass can be determined. In case one has considered modes up to 33Hz, but
109 ETABS: Set no. of modes 111
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
VB(Dyn.Anal) = 1607kN
VB(Stat.Anal) = 1769kN
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Seismic Load Combinations
138 140
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Load Combinations (Cont.):
The percentage of imposed loads given [0.25 LL 3 kN/m2,
Permissible Increase in SBC of soil :- 0.5 LL > 3kN/m2]
( & Table 1, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) condition in the load combinations specified
[1.2(DL+LL±EL)] where the gravity loads are combined with
Classification for allowable increase in SBC (ie., Type A, B & the earth quake loads (as in 7.3.3, IS:1893-2006, now
C, Table 1, IS:1893-2016) is separate from classification for removed in IS:1893-2016) -- Modified
selection of appropriate Response Spectrum curve (ie., Type I, Further reduction in imposed load as per 3.2, IS:875 (Part 2)-
1987 need not be considered (Note 6, 8.1, IS:875(Part 5)-
II & III, Table 4, IS:1893-2016) -- New 1987 is still in force, although 7.3.3, IS:1893 (Part 1)-2002 is
This is primarily because the depth up to which the now removed).
weighted average of soil properties are to be taken are
different. COMB-I = 1.5[DL+LL]
COMB-IV = 0.9DL±1.5EL
141 143
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
1.5x(DL + EQx)
Force Envelopes
1.5x(DL - EQx)
145 147
1.5x(DL + EQx)
146 148
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Accidental eccentricity:
Minimum Design eccentricity edi to be considered Specifying Accidental Eccentricity
during analysis (7.8.2, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016)
Give eccentricity = 0.05 (ie., 5% of respective dimension)
To include the Dynamic Amplification Factor:
where esi = actual eccentricity
For each storey,
bi = breadth of building
If Accidental eccentricity (0.05b) to be provided is in the
same direction as the Actual eccentricity (e), provide
In case Time History analysis is carried out, the dynamic Accidental eccentricity as 0.5e+0.05b
amplification factor of 1.5 be replaced by 1.0 If Accidental eccentricity (0.05b) to be provided is in the
In earlier code, this reduction was applicable to 3D Response opposite direction as the Actual eccentricity (e), provide
Spectrum analysis also Accidental eccentricity 0.05b
Tick the Accidental Eccentricity / Include Torsion
149 151
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Accidental eccentricity:
161 163
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162 164
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Ref:- Fig.4, IS:13920 ETABS: Concrete Design
165 167
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Selection of method :
Static analysis to be performed for regular buildings
with T < 0.4s (6.4.3, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016).
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Dual Systems (7.2.7, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) : Dual Systems (7.2.7, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016) :
For example, here the total lateral load applied is 77.47 kN, For example, here the total lateral load applied is 77.47 kN,
which, which,
the frame takes 13.73 kN and Therefore, the laleteral loads should be scaled up so that the total Vb
the shear wall takes 63.74 kN becomes 109.28 kN. Under this loading, do the design of frames alone,
and not the shear walls
Shear walls need to be designed only for 77.47 kN total Vb, with 63.74
kN resisted by the shear walls
77.47 kN 109.28 kN
181 183
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Seismic vs Wind: When to include ductile detailing :-
When a structure is analysed for Seismic and Wind
loads, and even if the Load Combination cases Ductile detailing provisions shall be adopted in RCC
including the Seismic (eg., with Wind loading) buildings for
are critical over those with Seismic included, ductile More than 5 stories high in zone III
detailing provisions (as per IS:13920-2016) should Industrial structure in zone III
still be adopted (, IS:1893(Part 1)-2016), if Importance factor > 1.0 in zone III
ductile detailing is applicable in the design criteria.
In zone IV & V
(1.1.1, IS:13920-1993)
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Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Concluding remarks
The best way to implement advanced seismic analysis
techniques is through an analysis software package.
To use a software package, one has to know it
More importantly, one has to know its limitations,
Still more important, one has to know its pitfalls.
Software Demonstrators/Instructors may tell you the
limitations, but not the pitfalls. Mostly it can be learned
only through experience.
The user should have a good base in Seismic Analysis &
Design, and Structural Dynamics. Also a basic
understanding of FEM is desirable.
Also one has to know the code provisions, and have them
ready reference (IS:456, SP 34, IS:1893, IS:13920, IS:875
Part-I, II, III)
Seismic Analysis of Multi-storied RC Building Presented by Rahul Leslie
Thank you!