Magazine 6

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MAGAZINENo. 6 - March 2019 - Newsletter

No. 6 - March 2019 - Newsletter


















Alberto Fasana

Fagor Automation is a company with over 35

years of experience in the development and
manufacturing of equipments for machine
automation and control. Since ever, our product
range has included CNCs for milling machines
which have allowed us to gain a reputation for
quality, reliability and performance. But in recent
years this sector has been further strengthened
with investments in product, performance and
market development.

In a milling machine market scenario that includes a global import-ex-

port of about 1.9 billion euros, almost doubled if we consider internal
consumption in the producing countries, and an average growth forecast
of 6% for the next 3 years, we believe Fagor Automation’s investments in
milling technology are the basis of the success we deserve. A success
that is strengthened day by day with a constantly growing market pres-
ence, with an increasing number of customers and machine tool build-
ers, and with machines ranging from the simplest machining centers to
complex multi-tasking milling machines.
When Fagor Automation chose to dedicate its MAGAZINE no.6 to
milling solutions, I immediately understood that it would have been a
difficult task: the greatest difficulty would have come from not having
enough pages to describe all that our products can offer our customers
in terms of range, services, performance, solutions and flexibility.
But then I remembered how our motto, «Milling Tailored Solutions»,
could help me. In a nutshell, it perfectly sums up the philosophy of our

4 No. 6 - 2019

Company. When a customer choose Fagor Automation, he can be

sure that he will find a solution customized to his needs, whether it
is a product, a service, or support to setup or use and program the
machine. But how are we able to translate these words into reality?
You can find the answer inside this magazine, but it is my goal to give
you an outline.
A «tailored» product? You can find out how, thanks to a range of
CNCs starting from the CNC 8060, upto the powerful CNC 8065,
along with digital drives, motors and encoders, Fagor Automation is
well suitable to equip the most simple as well as the most demanding
«Tailored» performance? The control of machines up to 32 axes, up
to 4 independent channels, up to 4 tool magazines, together with the
control of combined mill-turning machines, and now also the hybrid
(additives) is not enough? Then add also different programming
languages, ISO, parametric, conversational and ProGTL3, all available
1.98 B € in any CNC model. Let’s also think about the most advanced milling
performance, such as HSSA high-speed cutting, RTCP with stand-
∆6%-3 YEARS ard and custom kinematics, head and table autocalibration, adaptive
power control, solid 3D graphics, real-time collision and such a pow-
MILLING MARKET erful i4.0 connectivity. A great range of features for our customers
who can choose the most suitable options for their machines.
«Tailored» services? Fagor Automation has a network of subsidiar-
ies in 50 countries around the world which allow us to support our
customers in any stage of the machine life. Starting from studying the
most suitable equipment for the machine model, then supporting the
commissioning of the machine, up to training the workshop pro-
grammers and providing customer service in the destination country
where the machine is sold.
Where has this philosophy led us? Nowadays we can say, without
fear of being proven wrong, that a Fagor Automation customer is not
just a customer but, I would say more properly, also a partner, with
whom we develop the best solution for his specific machine. To prove
this fact, I wished to involve in this magazine some «testimonials»; to
do that, the only difficulty we met was the lack of pages, that forced
us to choose, between so many companies that are using our prod-
ucts with reciprocal satisfaction, some sample in order to display, at
the same time, the variety of machines (by size and technology) and
the countries where we operate.
It will be an interesting reading, get comfortable, let’s start!


He’s been working in Fagor Automation since 2010, when he started the
Italian TAT (Technology Application Team), in Ivrea (TO-Italy), with the aim to
developed the «Project Milling».
His career, all spent working in the CNC industry, allowed him to gain a deep
experience in CNC business, mainly in the milling sector.

No. 6 - 2019 5
6 No. 6 - 2019

MOLD: selected
technology that
empowers you

Rui Orfao is the Application Manager for Milling

Technology at Fagor Automation HQ. He works at a
one of Fagor Automation’s Portuguese subsidiaries.

For several reasons, mold production has always focused around cutting-edge technology can
been one of the most complex tasks for a shop make this is happen.
floor. First of all, it’s almost always a unique Our CNCs incorporate the latest hardware
piece and for this reason there’s no room for and software platforms: touch screen with
any type of error, nor is there any time to make an ergonomic interface, several programming
changes to the production process. Second, the languages, automatic kinematic calibration,
quality of mechanization will affect not only the 5-axis features, simulation with high-resolution
mold itself, but also every piece created by the 3D graphics, volumetric compensation, high-
mold. Third, with the continuous improvements speed machining, and on-the-fly adjustments for
in material science (new plastics, metals, resins, dynamic behavior (acceleration, jerk)...
etc.) mold technology is constantly changing
and adapting. Finally, competitiveness is forcing After mentioning all these developments, I’m
producers to always find new ways to reduce proud to present the Pack Mold. On the one
the time to market. hand, it is a collection of features that are
designed and optimized among each other
For all these reasons, from a company point of to achieve the best results while, on the other
view, I would say that nowadays mold produc- hand, it represents a warranty of quality that the
tion must focus on achieving the best synergies,
CNC is well configured to the highest standards
knowledge, technology and innovation. This
required by the mold mechanization market.
means that relationships between mold manu-
facturers and suppliers are becoming more and Let me introduce these features one by one!
more indispensable and only global companies

No. 6 - 2019 7

Simulation using 3D solid rendering the geometric dimensions of rotary heads and
graphics tables. These values can be activated in order
to find the best calibration taken just at the
One of the industry’s future trends is the
exact moment in which the machine will start
virtualization of the production process. The
the mechanization process. Moreover, the most
Fagor CNC simulator can replicate the exact
recent development in this field is an advanced
environment that is mounted on the machine, as
compensation method for non-linear errors that
it’s possible to load the very same configuration
allows for best precision in rotary heads, as well
data taken from the machine. This tool is very
as for hirth gear teeth.
powerful for different reasons. For instance,
those in charge of programming the machine at
the CAM or production levels can simulate the
program with extreme accuracy, so as to reveal
a wrong path or to evaluate production times.
Moreover, this «virtual machine» can detect col-
lisions and trajectory errors, as well as verify the
dynamic behavior of the machine. Finally, the
simulator can also load an STL with the geome-
try of the workpiece to be machined or save the
STL resulting from the machining simulation for
further analysis or documentation purposes.

High Speed Surface Accuracy - HSSA

Fagor’s high-speed features are continuous-
ly improving. Besides the well-known HSSA
philosophy, where the goal is to achieve the
best dynamic performances and accuracy, pack
mold includes several new algorithm tunings
expressly made for mold milling. In addition, the
CNC integrates the powerful DYNOVR (Dynam-
ic Override), allowing for «on-the-fly» dynamic
management adjustments during mechaniza-
tion, meaning there is no need to interrupt the
program. This is available by simply using a
slider that controls acceleration, jerk and filters
Kinematic auto-calibration in a harmonious way to adapt them according to
workpiece weight, hardness or the vibrations of
In 5-axis milling, all the mechanical errors are the mechanization process.
multiplied by a factor of between 2 and 10, due
to the effect of rotary axes «amplify the move-
ments». There’s no way around this, apart from
making the best possible calibrations, and as
often as possible.
With the integration of KINCAL technology, the
precision of 5-axis machining is guaranteed by
simply running an automatic calibration cycle
that uses a fast and safe process to calculate

8 No. 6 - 2019
Change dynamic
behavior «on the fly»

High Speed,
accurate milling

Maximum 5-axis

No. 6 - 2019 9
Best machining


10 No. 6 - 2019

Dynamic Machining Control - DMC know-how. Moreover, customers can populate

the database with their own additional specific
To maximize the performance of machine and
data when the technology requires customized
tools, there is nothing better than the au-
materials, tools or operations. And the database
to-adaptive feed control that pack mold offers
can be exported/imported among all the work-
as a DMC feature.
shop machines.
The CNC monitors the spindle power, in order
to adapt the axis feed through an artificial Connectivity Industry 4.0
intelligence algorithm. This always exploits the
full cutting force borne by the tools without ever For some years now we have been talking about
exceeding it. And the result? It never exceeds the Fourth Industrial Revolution, coined Industry
the maximum tool cutting conditions, slows tool 4.0, which gathers together concepts such as
wear, and reduces or prevents vibrations. In the «Internet of Things», «Cloud storage and
essence, it effectively maximizes the efficiency computing» and «cyber-industry». From a CNC
of the machining process, reducing milling times system point of view, this means one thing only –
and extending tool and machine life. connectivity. And the more open it is the better.
I have no doubt in saying that this is not really a
Fagor Machining Calculator - FMC «revolution» for Fagor Automation, but instead
Tool cutting data can be provided from a CAM I’d say it’s an «evolution». All of our systems
system, tool supplier or based on the experience – even the older ones – are already built for
of a programmer. However, what do you do connectivity, which can’t be said for the majority
when none of these conditions are possible? In of our competitors.
this case, FMC offers the programmer help! Probably this is the field where better we
The feature looks like a fully integrated «calcu- respect our motto «tailored milling solution»:
lator of technological parameters» (feed and the CNC offers several connection protocols,
speed) that also estimates the cutting power as well as data storage/exchange methods, all
of the mechanization process. Based on an included in the software. The customer is free
integrated data base, a list of materials and to choose the most suitable for his application,
mechanization operations, FMC allows the that´s it, the CNC adapts to the shop floor, and
operator to choose both the best tool during the is not the customer´s environment that needs to
editing process and the best cutting parame- be changed because of the CNC. And of course
ters – all this is done quickly and simply – being we can provide pre-cooked solution with the
useful for any of us with limited a technological new package «Fagor Smart Factory»

As far as I know, currently there is no other CNC in the market that
can provide such a rich set of mold production features all in one
package that meets the needs of any milling machine, from the
smallest 3-axis machining center up to the most complex and large
milling-boring machines.
No doubt to invite our present or potential customers to ask for
this «Pack Mold» in their machine. Surely they will find out for
themselves how Fagor Automation can make them even more

No. 6 - 2019 11
LAZZATI is one of the world’s leading manufacturers
of large-size hydrostatic horizontal boring and milling
machines; mostly 5-axis moving column machines with
large dimension rotary tables and milling heads. The
headquarters and offices are located in Rescaldina
(Milan, Italy). A long tradition of mechanical production
of exclusively large-size machines has endowed this
company with a maturity and operational potential
that have made it a major international market leader
in the most prestigious sectors such as aerospace,
automotive and energy.

12 No. 6 - 2019




Manfredi Rovai, CEO of Lazzati

Mr. Rovai, in 2019 you will be celebrating You have remained an Italian family-
LAZZATI’s 80th birthday. It is a company run company with 100% domestic
that has been in operation since 1939 production. How did you manage this
and that has always been producing ‘Italian miracle’?»
high quality hydrostatic machine tools. The company is family-owned, that is quite com-
How did you achieve such an important mon structure of Italian machine tool builder.
milestone and how do you plan to evolve The ‘Italian miracle’ came from the quality of our
in the near future? products, assured by our production process,
We are globally recognized in the machine tool mixed with selling strategy and customer
sector thanks to a long tradition of research and support. We select the best components in the
development for our quality and for high levels market, no matter whether they are produced
of technological development. in Italy or worldwide so as to fully integrate our
Our company was born and is located in Lom- company in the global market; some manufac-
bardy, in the north-west of Italy. Since the foun- turing steps of simplest parts of our machines
dation, we have dedicated our efforts entirely are carried out externally by associated com-
and exclusively to the construction of machine panies, while the most strategic aspects of the
tools, maintaining the highest levels of technical production are all carried out in-house. Only in
and quality standards. this way we can control the most critical and
delicate phases, and assure quality and perfor-
Thanks to many years of activity we have mance of our products.
gained the experience that allowed LAZZATI to
become a leader in major international markets LAZZATI and Fagor Automation:
by specializing in large-scale moving column a union that seems to work well! What do
boring and milling machines suited and appre- you think?
ciated in the most demanding sectors ranging We are very satisfied with our collaboration
from automotive to aerospace, from energy to with Fagor Automation. They can provide us
earth-moving and, of course, general mechanics. with the CNCs and the motors, the drives and
Our future will be guaranteed through continu- the feedback systems for our machines, as
ous investments in research while, at the same well as the absolute linear and rotary encoders
time, we safeguard the technical and cultural for axes, heads and tables. Fagor Automation
heritage we have acquired along the way. was a pleasant discovery for us and for those

No. 6 - 2019 13

Fagor CNC has been appreciated
for use in turning operations since
ever: for us this ended up being a
very strategic advantage»

customers who require a numerical control

that permits on-the-unit programming simple
and powerful the same time. Thanks to the
ProGTL3, the latest programming language
introduced by Fagor Automation, the 8065M
Power CNC allows us to fully satisfy those users
who require simple programming to create truly
complex pieces.
But we cannot forget that the Fagor CNC has
been appreciated for use in turning operations
since ever: for us this ends to be a very strategic
advantage. Often our machines are equipped
with automatic head change, as well with a
D’Andrea turning head and the possibility to
use both milling and turning cycles provided by
the CNC software, gives our customer the flexi-
bility of having a mill-turn hybrid machine.

It seems that the LAZZATI and Fagor

Automation philosophies have several
common points, doesn’t it?
The philosophy that LAZZATI has followed
throughout its long tradition places the custom-
er at the center of its world. So, in this sense,
it matches well with Fagor Automation motto
«Open to your world»: our products are nearly
always tailored on our customer’s needing, just
like Fagor products and services are. Probably
that explains well the reasons for the excellent
results achieved with the installation of the com-
plete Fagor package on our large-size hydro-
static horizontal boring and milling machines.

In conclusion, what are the

characteristics of the Fagor CNC that
makes the difference for you?

14 No. 6 - 2019

I would say that this CNC is appreciated by The second is definitely the ergonomics and
our customers for several reasons. But there futuristic design and features of the HBH4
are two prerogatives of the system that I would wireless handwheel, which allows the operator
point out most. First the excellent functionality to approach the work area without dragging a
cumbersome cable, and execute several oper-
of the FCAS anti-collision system, which detects
ations almost like if he was in front of the CNC,
collisions already during programming and
like move axes, jog axes, execute MDI blocks,
simulation phase, while it avoids collisions both reference the axes and measure tool length. All
during execution as well as in manual move- these operations can be to execute remotely on
ments in JOG AXIS or MDI mode, slowing down the small touch screen: a great advantage for
axes feed, up to stop them near an obstacle. those who work on large-size machines like ours!

No. 6 - 2019 15
AWEA Mechatronic Co. LTD,
founded in 1986, is one of the largest
and most dynamic machine tool
manufacturers in Taiwan. It has earned
its outstanding reputation in Taiwan
and worldwide and, nowadays, is one
of the few listed companies in stock
exchange in the sector.
16 No. 6 - 2019

VER 100,000 m2



Over the past 15 years, AWEA’s production has plant, located in the Central Taiwan Science
grown tenfold and, in line with this success, it Park (CTSP). This plant manufactures vertical
has expanded its facilities and broadened its machining centers, among a wide range of other
global business network. Its head offices are products and services. The plant in Hsinchu
located in the city of Hsinchu (Taiwan). There is manufactures mostly large machines, includ-
also another production plant in Taichung and ing the 5-axis gantry milling machines with
in 2014, has been inaugurated another facto- bridge structures, as well as horizontal drilling
ry covering 66,800 square meters in Suzhou machines, «whose quality has been praised by
(China). In total, there are more than 100,000 buyers from all over the world» says Mr.Lin, add-
square meters destined to the manufacturing ing that «AWEA has always strived to achieve
of a significant and wide range of products, the highest quality from its own production
including small 3-axis vertical machining centers, processes, choosing worldwide manufactured
5-axis milling centers with roto-tilting table and located in the most technologically advanced
large 5-axis dual rotary head machines. countries, able to provide us the best mechan-
ical components and, of course, we adopt the
Awea is certified to comply the quality and
same philosophy for electronic components».
safety requirements for international markets.
It also made significant efforts to enhance its That’s why AWEA began its collaboration with
corporate social responsibility, with a special Fagor Automation for the equipment of its
emphasis on environment protection, energy machines. Fagor Automation supplies AWEA
saving, education and social welfare. with CNC systems, DRO, servo drives and
motors, as well as linear and angular feedback
Jason Lin, Sales Manager of Awea, states that
systems. This entire range of products has al-
«over the last two decades, we have expe-
rienced continuous growth due to the high lowed AWEA «to satisfy the needs of the most
demand of our products. This is a clear sign demanding users in terms of performance and
that we are doing things right. To manage this usability».
growth, we have developed a comprehensive Fagor Automation introduced recently among
management system combining research, de- its offer, the so-called Pack Mold: AWEA’s Sales
sign, production, assembly, testing, monitoring, Manager’s opinion about using it on milling CNC
sales and services.» is that «it offers great advantages». According
To keep up with this sustained growth, AWEA to Lin, this Pack Mold «bundles up a range of
has invested heavily in the new Taichung features derived from combining the 35 years
of experience of Fagor Automation in designing

No. 6 - 2019 17

CNC with its latest technical developments. the different production needs of those markets
Summing up all these features, the CNC re- (people doing small part series, high productiv-
sponds to customers and machines needs in ity processes, programs developed directly on
highest-demand milling machining». the CNC or from the technical office…) Apart of
«The Pack Mold has helped AWEA to improve the standard ISO code programming, conver-
machines performance and productivity by sational and interactive programming ways are
intervening in various aspects: simplified and offered to ease the way the operator develops
more powerful programming languages that the programs. The part programming time is
turn to reducing program preparation effort; significantly reduced. Additionally many tools
better milling speed that permits to reduce will be offered by Fagor to check the program
mechanization time, combined with more prior to the machining. Among these tools the
accuracy to achieve a higher quality level of the 3D high resolution graphics must by highlighted
production processes,» says Lin. since they offer very realistic solid representa-
tion of the resulting part before the machining
Different markets have different demands and process. It also offers the possibility to section
this means new challenges for Awea. Fagor the part to have a better view of the final result.
Automation offers a wide variety of solutions for

18 No. 6 - 2019

The Pack Mold has

helped AWEA to
improve machines

Going to the machining process, the high-speed

milling algorithms of Fagor Automation can
ensure high level surface and accuracy. Fagor
Automation offers also interesting tools such as
the Dynamic Override that allows the operator
to fix issues during the real machining. This tool
allows to modify the behaviour of the machine
during accelerations and decelerations. For very
heavy parts it will eliminate vibrations, maintain-
ing the programming speed and obtaining shiny
Mr. Lin points out that, apart from all these
Edward Yang, AWEA President
features, same importance goes to the FMC
(Fagor Machining Calculator): «we can always
work under perfect cutting conditions thanks
to the rich database of materials and processes
already integrated in the CNC and the customer tion based on the actual and present conditions
can even add his own specific technology. And, of the machine, the same that he is going to use
with the new self-adaptive feed control, the to mechanize»
DMC (Dynamic Machining Control), the machine Mr. Lin’s opinion about the Fagor Pack Mold
can work always in the best proper cutting option is very positive: «At AWEA, thanks to the
power, changing feed and speed in order to features that the Pack Mold carries on, we’ve
keep milling conditions as close as possible to noticed a significant improvement in the quality
the ideal ones». during our milling tests, together with the big
Finally, the RTCP auto-calibration cycles are advantages that we can see for our custom-
very useful in achieving the utmost accuracy for ers, especially for molds and the 5-axis parts
5-axis machined parts. The periodic calibration production. This is just another testimony of
of heads and tables is essential, but without the how successful the alliance between AWEA and
proper functionality, it’s a process that needs a Fagor Automation has become. It has always
long time and requires specialized profession- given us excellent results, and it’s getting better
als. Using the same words of Mr.Lin, «with these and better»
cycles, in a few minutes, FAGOR CNCs allow
the user to make an accurate and quick calibra-

No. 6 - 2019 19
For this interview, we are very pleased
to introduce Mr. Jack Chen, Managing
Director of PRIMINER Machine Tools
Dongguan Co.Ltd, who will tell us
about his company and give us
his opinion of Fagor Automation’s
products and partnership
20 No. 6 - 2019


Mr. Chen, could you please tell us more in their sectors; these are the pillars of our
about your company? success. An open and results-oriented company
The group PRIMINER Machine Tools was found- culture throughout all levels is the basis for the
ed by a global team working in the field of CNC consistent high-level reliability of our products.
machine tools which had been manufacturing Only employees that have been regularly
products for over 15 years. Nowadays, we pro- trained and that are involved in the development
duce CNC machining centers at a top price-per- of the production process can fully understand
formance ratio in four different locations around any present and future requirement. For exam-
the world. One of the company plants is located ple, this is the case for our German and China
near Hongkong in China, which is a major hub teams where we offer an intensive and perma-
for our production capacity, and there is another nent exchange program between these two key
in Indonesia. We also have offices in Taiwan and locations.
Germany, which is our strategic European head-
quarters, both of which provide Priminer with its It seems you pay particular attention not
global sales and service network. We are proud only to R&D, but also to the quality of the
to rely on an international team of competent components, is this right?
and highly motivated staff who are always open This is very true! Of course, the mechanical
to new ideas. And our corporate culture reflects and electronic design of machines is really very
these same attitudes. Our management has important. But then, the more you produce the
always had what I’d call an «open ear», willing to more important overall quality becomes. We
listen to the opinions raised by all upper or low- always do our best to control our own internal
er ranked employees. We have and we put into quality: for instance, we age every casted part
practice a flat organizational structure, which of a machine for about 6 months to ensure
benefits from everyone’s experience. maximum structural stability and we still have a
production phase for the manual scraping of all
In your opinion, where does PRIMINER’s surfaces that will affect machine precision and
success come from? accuracy.
Through the adoption a «Quality System Man- Also, for external components, we need a policy
agement» that follows international standards, that can guarantee the same levels of quality.
a highly motivated team of specialists takes
advantage of serial production and reliable We select our suppliers very carefully according
top-level suppliers with global leading positions to our own internal criteria. Reliability, quality

No. 6 - 2019 21

and prices are checked in detail. We are more

interested in establishing a long-term partner-
ship and build loyalty with our partners, instead
of just being customers. We have found that
these efforts are rewarding; in this way we can
pass this advantage over to our customers.
Just to give you an idea, for our own machines,
we assemble linear guideways made by Bosch
Rexroth and Hiwin, coupling supplied by R+W
Mr. Jack Chen,
Germany, ballscrews from Hiwin and Pmi, both
Managing Director of PRIMINER
global suppliers based in Taiwan, all of which
provide our machines with high dynamic and
accurate axes movements.
Which Fagor CNC feature comes to
With regard to crucial components, mind as the most interesting for your
what can you say about CNCs and Fagor machines?
Automation? The answer is not an easy one. We have quite
We are already thinking and planning for the a wide range of machine types, from the simple
future. A growing in-house R&D department, 3-axis machining center, up to gantry/bridge
with experienced engineers, is developing types or 5-axis milling machines. So, during our
our machine concepts which ensures that we tests, we explore the whole range of features
are prepared for the upcoming trends in the that Fagor CNC can offer us for milling ma-
machine tool business - we listen to the market. chine control. All gave us very good results,
Flexibility of CNC controllers is a must for us so, if I now have to choose one, it’s going to be
and we only go with the market leaders. We difficult. But, if you really push for an answer, I
don’t compromise on anything! would say that the operation and programming
For this reason, not so long ago, after long and features are really a competitive advantage of
thorough tests on performance and quality on this type of controller. As a matter of fact, for
its CNC package, we included Fagor Automa- other CNCs we could talk about the program-
tion as one possible variant for our machines. ming language, while for Fagor we can talk
There are several markets in which this CNC is instead about programming features. The user
the perfect solution for our customers. It brings can choose between various programming
together high-level features, both for 3 and levels, starting with standard ISO codes and in-
5-axis milling machines, and simplicity. What cluding probably the richest conversational lan-
else can a customer ask for? Without a doubt, guage I’ve ever seen and the powerful ProGTL3
this is helping us to broaden our product offer language that allows the definition of even 3D
and allowing our customers to improve their surfaces while using only a few G-codes. And
productivity. all these languages can even be mixed together

The way a
machine is built
affects the way it
22 No. 6 - 2019
inside the same program, for instance when defining different mechani-
zations where each is done in an optimum way.
For a company like PRIMINER, which operates within an international
market and well prepared to attract further customers, the opportunity
to offer our products with such a broad variety of programming languag-
es is definitely an enormous added value, which allows us to offer our
machines for various shop floors, for those that are programmed off-line
through CAM systems and those that require a fully integrated program-
ming environment within the CNC.

In conclusion, how would you describe your partnership with

Fagor Automation?
If you have read our company’s motto, it says «the way a machine is built
affects the way it performs». In essence, this is what our philosophy is
based on. We are convinced that this is more than just a business: quali-
ty is also an ethical commitment we provide for our customers.
In line with this approach, we have found that Fagor Automation is a
company that shares the same business vision, in terms of its products,
services and support. As time goes on, we have been forging a stronger
partnership, where we can continue to keep offering improved perfor-
mance, precision, quality and productivity of our machines

No. 6 - 2019 23
«80% of our customers
come back to trust once
more in our machines»

Xabier Mendizabal,
R&D Director of SORALUCE

24 No. 6 - 2019


SORALUCE is a world leader in milling, boring and

turning technologies. Over its 55-year history, it
has made constant, innovative and groundbreaking
contributions to engineering, positioning the
company to become a reference in the sector.

Clear examples of this are its revolutionary mentation of turnkey projects, designing and
DAS+® active damping technology available the creation of complete lines based on quality,
only on SORALUCE machines and the efficiency and customer costs.
innovative VSET system for raw part alignment. Xabier Mendizabal, R&D Director of SORA-
SORALUCE is part of DANOBATGROUP, the LUCE, has stated that «SORALUCE has contrib-
machine tool division of the MONDRAGON uted to the developments of the machine tool
Corporation, one of the most important sector over its 55 years of intense activity. To
European business groups. be successful and to be a reference company,
SORALUCE is a company that continues to it is just not enough to meet customer expecta-
grow quantitatively and qualitatively, where it tions, we must push beyond them. This means
currently has one of the more comprehensive designing and manufacturing new products,
and advanced ranges of products and services offering «best in class» services, customizing
in the market. The company stands above the solutions and leading the sector on a technolog-
rest because of its technical capabilities in cus- ical level. Also, we contribute to improving the
tomizing every product based on the specific productivity and profitability of every one of our
needs of the customer, as well as the imple- customers.»

No. 6 - 2019 25




This European brand has installed more than cause of this we are currently working exclusive-
2,900 machines, almost half of these are in ly with the top brands in the market and among
Germany, which is one of the most demanding these is Fagor Automation.»
markets. Moreover, 80% of its customers come
Within the broad selection of SORALUCE
back to trust once more in the company’s prod-
machines, those used for milling and boring are
ucts, a sure sign of its know-how.
becoming increasingly more relevant. These
The most demanding and innovative machines are always equipped with at least a
standards double 90/45degree rotary spindle and quite
The R&D Director at SORALUCE, explained that often with other spindles that can be changed
the company is always committed to «incor- automatically.
porating the most demanding and innovative «The growing demands of our customers
standards in our equipment, with the aim of wanting to achieve higher precision machining
ensuring the technological supremacy of our is a challenge, to which we respond accord-
machines». ingly with a package called «Accura Head».
«Some of the most outstanding components This package can quickly and easily calibrate
and functionalities of our machines are the DAS the kinematics of the machine, which always
(Dynamic Active Stabilizer), Adaptive Con- allows the milling process to provide a high
trol, Ram Balance, 3D thermal compensation, precision finish, even when the spindle and the
Balancing System table, modular quill, DHC tool are tilted,» explained the R&D Director of
(dynamic head calibration) and its Accura Head SORALUCE.
extension are just to name a few. Many of these Mendizabal stated that «there is a very close
benefits are some of SORALUCE’s proprietary collaboration between Fagor Automation
and exclusive developments and have been and SORALUCE, as it is one of the most sort
patented, explained «Mendizabal. after brands for these types of machines.
The R&D Director at SORALUCE clarified that Fagor Automation provides us with a great
it is essential that their machines come with «a competitive advantage since they offer all the
fully reliable CNC that provides absolute guar- equipment needed by the machine: rotary and
antees, one that we can use for high-precision linear encoders, motors, drivers and of course
machining. We are very demanding and be- the CNC itself. Since SORALUCE manufactures

26 No. 6 - 2019

55 years of intense activity
has contributed to the
developments of the
machine tool sector»

high-tech machines, the Fagor model that we have chosen is the most
powerful - the CNC 8065 Power.»
«Apart from controlling multiple axes and spindles, execution channels
and managing combined machines, the user-focused features of the Fagor
Automation CNC allow us to have a differentiated and robust offer compared
to our competitors. Other functionalities that I would like to highlight are the
various programming methods, their ability to manage highly realistic 3D
graphics and their HSSA (High Speed Surface Accuracy) machining sys-
tem,» mentioned SORALUCE’s R&D Director.
«Due to the closeness and the strong collaboration with Fagor Automation
over the many years, our global recognition has been reinforced worldwide
for both of us. From SORALUCE’s perspective, we hope to continue growing
together and strengthening our partnership,» concluded Mendizabal

No. 6 - 2019 27

Crash prevention avoids machine
and pieces damages, prolonging
life of all mechanical parts, and
liminting machine´s downtimes.

No. 6 - 2019 29

As machine tools evolve, we are seeing more not only during simulation process, before
and more physical components being added to running the execution, but also in manual and
them. Meanwhile, production time is becoming automatic modes, and also during movements
every day more important for cost impact and done in tool inspections (when the execution
time-to-market pressure. The machine set- is suspended by the operator, in order to verify
up time can be relatively long for particularly the tool’s cutting conditions, often moving axes
complex operations, mostly when there are a for their position and then, moving them back to
large number of components moving at once, or the interruption point).
when axes movements can generate collisions
The FCAS operation is very easy. First, the
among the various machine parts. The conven-
machine is modelled by defining both the
tional methods by which the operator monitors
machine’s elements, the physical connections
for possible collisions are not the most efficient
between them, and the «collision rules» in order
in terms of time or process reliability. For this
to define which parts can potentially crash with
reason, the use of collision check software
others. This solution allows even to manage
packages is continuously growing. These tools
polymorphic machines, that means machines
simulate the cutting process of the machine that
where mechanical parts can be, for instance,
executes the given program; but this means that
be mounted/unmounted (take as example an
the collision detection is the result of an off-
automatic head change device). All this setup is
line simulation process, done by a stand-alone
done in a configuration phase, that means, by
system, and this simulation can be more or less
the machine tool builder.
close to reality depending on how accurate is
the machine modeling, with respect to the real Then, from the operator’s point of view, the use
one. Moreover, the simulation is performed is very simple. The monitoring can be activated
under certain machining conditions and when or disactivated, depending from the desired way
any of them changes (take as example the tool of operation, and when active, the axes move-
length, origin shift, etc..), then the simulation ments are continuously monitored: any posi-
must be repeated. tioning that would cause a collision, cause the
machine to slow down the velocity, up to stop
To answer these needs, Fagor Automation the movement before the collision occurs.
has introduced the Fagor Collision Avoidance
System (FCAS). The FCAS performs real-time One big advantage of the FCAS, compared
monitoring for all of the machine components to off-line systems is that it is available in all
at risk of collision. This monitoring is performed operating modes. That’s very important, for

One big advantage of the

FCAS, compared to off-line
systems is that it is available
in all operating modes.

30 No. 6 - 2019

instance, in manual mode where the movements are not written in

the program, but axes are moved according to jog or handwheel
commands. As well in this case the axes feedrate are monitored
so that, if a collision between one or more components is about to
occur, then the machine will stop using acceleration and jerk control.
When the collision threshold has been reached, the FCAS does not
allow axes to move in the direction of the collision. On the other
hand, in automatic mode, each block of the part-program is moni-
tored (in look ahead) to ensure that the machine will never run the
risk to collide.
Of course, the FCAS can also be used via the simulation channel of
the CNC, during program test before the real machining, or on an
external PC running a Fagor CNC Simulator, providing a much faster
off-line simulation. If the part-program contains a collision, the FCAS
will prompt an error writing the block number that, in case of ma-
chining, would cause the collision, in order to permit a fast and easy
reprocessing of the part-program.
No need to underlying how useful this feature can be: crash pre-
vention avoids machine and pieces damages, prolonging life of all
mechanical parts, and limiting machine’s downtimes.

No. 6 - 2019 31

Fagor Automation releases the new
Series 3 absolute linear encoders. The
ongoing process of developments has
been due to the experience gained
from the Series 2 and other new
innovative features have also been
implemented. These improvements
and innovations have had an impact
on all the technologies incorporated in
an encoder, in terms of its mechanics,
optoelectronics and software.

32 No. 6 - 2019

From a mechanical perspective, attention is example, those of the S3 series no longer have
immediately drawn to the S3 series reader head a fastening screw between the endcap and
as it is small in size, which can be installed in- the aluminium extrusion. Extrusion geometries
side reduced spaces. The threaded head option have also been modified by reinforcing vari-
has been kept for the various mounting options ous parts in order to improve the response to
without the need to use nuts. This feature was different frequency vibrations. For both cases,
already included in the previous series, which the elimination of the selectable reference mark
was enthusiastically received by the market, as models has been done to reinforce the walls of
it eliminates the need for the manufacturer to the extrusion. Given geometry of the G3 model,
use nuts. The small-sized G3 series reader head other sections of the extrusion have also been
is the same as its predecessor and includes reinforced, such as the profile-to-machine fas-
electrical and air connectors on both sides, so tening area, achieving a vibration resistance of
either outlet direction can be chosen without 300 m/s2 in a wide range of frequencies. Also,
having to manipulate the head. exclusive protective lips for these new families
are standard additions on all models. Geomet-
Modifications have also been made to both the
ric optimizations have been made to allow for
endcaps, incorporating small improvements in
changes to the section of the profiles, although
the design compared to the previous series. For

No. 6 - 2019 33

New end caps design improving

the robustness of the product.
Smaller reader head dimensions
for more constraint spaces.

the main innovation consists in the use of a fluoropolymer that

is highly resistant to hydrocarbons and other chemical agents
commonly used for machine tools.
Also, the G3 fastening system visually stands out, where the
TDMS TM system has been replaced with a specific flexible
extrusion machining process in a longitudinal direction. Now
it stands up to the performance required for changing tem-
peratures, providing greater rigidity for the fastening between
the profile and the machine, which also helps to improve its
response to vibrations.
Improvements have also been made to the optoelectronic
sub-assemblies essential for encoder performance in hostile
working environments. Aspects regarding optical reading and
the inclusion of proprietary technology embedded in the opto-
electronics have been enhanced, resulting in a very significant
improvement in their resistance to condensation arising from a
combination of temperature and humidity. This environmental
phenomenon can be produced under normal circumstances,
although it is more likely to occur inside the encoder during
periods of inactivity. Results have shown that this new technol-
ogy exceeds the expected anti-condensation and anti-vapor
capabilities, by minimizing their effects and achieving optimal
encoder performance and operation.
For both families, there is a a broad range of available connec-
tivity with multiple drive and control systems (the largest in the
market), which has recently incorporated new digital communi-
cation protocols as standard features.
Overall, the new series S3 and G3 offer greater product protec-
tion against external factors, allowing for maximum performance
in terms of accuracy and repeatability

The use of nuts four mounting the

reader head is unnecesary.
Your machine with our products
will perfectly perform under
hostile working conditions.

34 No. 6 - 2019
Ensa was established in 1973 for the
manufacture of large components for the
Spanish civil nuclear program. Initially
focused on manufacturing and providing
services for state plants, later the
company had the necessary experience
for its internationalization during the early
eighties following the nuclear moratorium.

36 No. 6 - 2019

Currently, 70-90% of its production is destined to the

international market. Due to its strong multi-system vocation,
Ensa’s equipment is presently operating safely and reliably in
more than ninety nuclear power plants around the world.

How and when did you become acquainted

with Fagor?
Our relationship with Fagor Automation dates
back to the very beginnings of Ensa with the first
machine equipped with its CNC, which gave us a
competitive advantage in our market. Over the last
15 years, Ensa has entrusted in Fagor Automation
Company: Ensa Group (Nuclear Equipment
and it has been adopted as its standardized CNC and Enwesa Operaciones).
for its machines and it will continue to do so into
the future. Address: Factory - Avenida Juan Carlos I, 8.
39600 Maliaño. Cantabria, Spain.

Employees: Ensa - 460 and Enwesa - 332

How is ENSA positioned in its market/
Ensa encourages a «passion for improvement» and Number of plants: 12.
has the infrastructure, technology and a qualified
Sector: Nuclear and thermal energy compo-
team capable of achieving the highest standards
nents and power plants.
in engineering, design, manufacturing and service
provision in its field and sector. Activity: Ensa is a multi-system supplier
of nuclear components with national and
Within its DNA there is a commitment towards international experience. Its components
R&D, to always strive to be at the technological are manufactured using multiple technolo-
forefront. It is involved in innovative projects for gies, including some of their own designs in
nuclear waste management and the development accordance with the most demanding stand-
ards, regulations and requirements.
of nuclear fission and fusion energy, being the first
European company to deliver a component for the It has extensive experience in the manufac-
ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental ture of steam generators, reactor vessels,
Reactor) pressure switches, containers, fuel racks,
headers, heat exchangers, etc.
What do you like about Fagor Automation? It also offers customized solutions for nuclear
There are many good reasons for choosing Fagor power plants and other nuclear facilities from
products. the beginning of operations to their final
decommissioning, such as equipment supply,
Speed and efficiency of its technical service, to- maintenance, repair activities and waste
gether with an immediate response time and a high treatment.
degree of professionality.
Number of machines: 20
Its technological developments compared to other
competitors. For example, the availability of very Number of machines with Fagor CNC
and Feedback Systems: 13
long absolute linear encoders, being much longer
The key machines for Ensa, such as the verti-
than those produced by any other encoder manu-
cal lathes and boring machines, are equipped
facturer. with Fagor numerical controls. All the boring
An easy-to-use CNC with a very intuitive interface machines, Innse 1, Innse 2 and Aries, as well
as the machines at the Advanced Technology
and programming languages. Workers find it very Center and including the auxiliary workshop
easy to use and it is easy to make adjustments and (lathe Pinacho and Zayer). Finally, retrofitting
put a machine into service (vertical lathe and milling machines) has
already planned and will mount Fagor CNCs.

No. 6 - 2019 37
Customer service and collaboration represent the
core values of the company, working extensively with
customers for the entire design, manufacturing, and
prototype development process. Socially involved in
creating employment, Rapid Design is continually seeking
individuals who are driven, energetic and enthusiastic
about contributing their creativity to a cutting-edge firm.


38 No. 6 - 2019

Firmly convinced that «Our company can only be as good as our

people», Rapid Design Group enables their employees to contribute
to innovate the firm. «We want you to succeed, so we empower our
employees in an environment that fosters collaboration - We promote
personal and professional development, allowing creative individuals to
share their design ideas while also learning from the expertise of others».

How and when did you become acquainted Fagor 8060 and 8065 CNC controls, then the parts are
with Fagor? finished on high-performance Challenger MM-430 and
The Director of Manufacturing at Rapid Design, Vitaliy MM-800 & Leadwell V60 Vertical Machining Centers.
Arabsky, had his first encounter with Fagor Automation The Fagor CNC lineup is armed with a simple to use
when he was still working for another company in 2001. interface that allows manufacturers to quickly and
That company purchased a lathe equipped with a CNC easily take advantage of today’s advanced technology.
8055. It was love at first sight, because of the simplic- For part finishing, a host of performance features are
ity, reliability, capabilities and the support from Fagor. available including Adaptive Real-time Feed & Speed
For this reason, when the new company was formed control (ARFS) in which the CNC analyzes the machin-
in 2011, Rapid Design invested in other machines con- ing conditions such as spindle load, servo power, tooltip
trolled by Fagor CNCs, up to the latest investments. temperature and adapts both the axis feedrate and the
spindle speed for maximum machining performance to
How is Rapid Design positioned in its market/ ensure a consistent part finish.
In conclusion, there are multiple reasons why we utilize
In competitive markets, the first step is to realize that
clients are experts in their field; accordingly, Rapid the Fagor CNC. With it being simple and easy to use, it
Design works with its clients through the entire design, helps us reach our efficiency goals. All of our personnel
manufacturing and prototype development to allow like the controller, so there will be no changes. In addi-
them to bring their tools to market. Customer service tion, the support from their primary engineering team
combined with a very open dialogue represents the has always been amazing
core value of the company: for these reasons, Rapid
Design has a great reputation as a supplier for the oil
and gas companies.

What are the main reasons for choosing Fagor?

We like the simplicity with which we can create even
the most complex profile cycles, directly on the CNC
itself. This method is very intuitive and efficient.
Features that allow for optimum part finish are com- Company: Rapid Design Group Inc.
bined with Fagor Automation’s exclusive IIP Program-
Address: 7502 42 St, Leduc, AB T9E 0R8, Canadá
ming (Interactive Icon-based Pages) Conversational
Programming. Employees: 35
The interactive conversational programming method Number of plants: 1
simplifies the process by allowing the operator to
Sector: Engineering design and Manufacturing of
chose the operation based upon an operation associ-
tools for oil and gas industry
ated ICON key. The operator simply enters in the data
directly off the blueprint. This tool allows users with no The company and its activity: Rapid Design
prior CNC programming experience to quickly learn operates in 14,000 sq.ft. facility and is focused on
and perform operations. Fast and easy operation is also continual innovation in both engineering and manu-
accomplished utilizing an easy pop-up browsing oper- facturing of downhole tools. Providing manufacturing,
designing and consulting services for the oil and
ation philosophy ensuring your navigation through the
gas industry. Specializing in downhole drilling and
CNC capability is simple and straightforward. Custom
completions, it uses state of the art technology to
browsing is also allowed in which you have the ability develop and produce parts in a timely and cost-effec-
to filter the information the operators wish to utilize and tive manner.
hide other non-essential information. All generated code
follows the ISO G-code format most are familiar with. Number of CNC machines: 23

Our typical production process is: first create the Number of machines with Fagor CNC and
product on Leadwell Turning Centers equipped with Feedback Systems 15

No. 6 - 2019 39
IMA’s mission is to invest in
technologies that will improve the
quality of life on the planet, reduce
food waste, increase access to more
effective drugs and allow greater
respect for the environment.

40 No. 6 - 2019

IMA is located in the heart of Packaging Valley, the advanced

mechanics and industrial automation cluster in Emilia-Romagna,
Italy, and its philosophy is based on research and innovation.
Since 1961, for more than 50 years the company has produced
hi-tech automatic machines for the processing and packaging of
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, tea and coffee.

A solid Group made of solid companies piece rotation, ideal for 3+2 axis milling, up to high
The Group has about 5,500 employees, of whom about definition 3D graphics that show not only the axis
2,300 are overseas; it is present in around 80 countries, movements, but also how the part will result from
supported by a sales network made up of 29 branches the process. To conclude, we would say that we are
(Italy, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ger- very satisfied with Fagor CNC: its performances,
many, Austria, Spain, Poland, Israel, Russia, the United together with the good technical support that the
States, India, China, Malaysia, Thailand and Brazil), more Italian subsidiary has always given us, definitely
than 50 agencies, and counts 39 production plants justify the choice that we made
around the world.

How IMA has become a leader in its market?

Our leadership position is the result of significant
investments in R&D and constructive dialogue with
end-users and the Group’s ability to expand internation-
ally, conquering new markets. The IMA Group owns more
than 1,700 patents and patent applications throughout
the world. Company: IMA S.p.A.

When and how did you encounter Fagor? Address: Via Emilia, 428/442 - 40064
IMA first came across Fagor CNCs not so long ago. The Ozzano dell’Emilia (Bologna), Italy
Italian CNC market was dominated for many years by a
well-known Italian brand that has now disappeared. In Employees: 5,500
2011, Fagor set up a team of professionals in Italy and
started its so-called «milling project» to develop specific Number of plants: 39
types of performance that could expand the business in
the milling market. When we knew about the opportunity Sector: design and manufacture of
to buy new machines equipped with the ProGTL3 lan- automatic processing and packaging
guage, and the possibility to reuse our CNC programs,
as well as to reduce operator training on this CNC, we
started to invest in machines with Fagor. Our choice was
The company and its history:
Established in 1961, IMA is world leader in
also confirmed as a good one when we found out that the design and manufacture of automatic
several of our suppliers had bought, or were about to machines for the processing and packaging
buy, machine tools equipped with Fagor CNC. of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, tea and
The first machine designed by IMA was for
Which are key reasons for choosing Fagor?
We have to say that Fagor is not an exclusive choice
the packaging of powdery products into fold-
on our part: we need to be open to different brands,
ed paper envelopes. In 1963 the Vacchi family
different machines and different technologies. Also
purchased 52% of IMA, transforming it into a
because we have to exploit the particular characteristics
joint-stock company to promote its industrial
that any particular brand can offer. But talking about
Fagor, the most obvious advantage for us was the
compatibility of ProGTL3 programming language with IMA S.p.A. has been listed on the Milan Stock
other CNCs, together with the ability to import and Exchange since 1995 and in 2001 joined
convert part-programs from other machines. But we soon the STAR segment; the Group closed 2017
discovered many other interesting feature: for instance, with consolidated revenues of 1,444.7 million
we were surprised by its powerful performances in 5 euros, and an increase of 10.2% over the
axis milling. Starting from automatic cycles to calibrate previous year. Exports accounted for more
heads and tables, passing through 6 different choices for than 88%.

No. 6 - 2019 41
FARMI’s mission is to be a reference company for
customers, employees, suppliers and business partners
and to maintain customer trust and loyalty through the
offer of new integrated solutions, short delivery times,
accessible prices, quality and technical support.

42 No. 6 - 2019

Farmi is a well-positioned
company in the mold sector,
due to it capacity to work
with large dimensions.

How and when did you become acquainted

with Fagor?
The latest of our purchased machines are equipped with Fagor
systems. It was a nice surprise to discover how this CNC can
assist in our manufacturing processes. Some of these are deep
drilling boring machines that are really indispensable in plastic
injection mold production. Thanks to the combination of its state-
of-the-art features provided by this control, together with the
Company: FARMI - Reparações, Lda
simplest operation and programming that we have ever seen on a
CNC, we have managed to significantly reduce the time-to-mar- Address: Cova das Raposas, Zona
ket for our products. Industrial de Pêro Neto, 2430-403
Marinha Grande
How is FARMI positioned in its market/sector?
In the mold sector, FARMI ranks 49th in the list of the 50 largest Employees: 49
mold companies, according to what was published by the maga-
Number of plants: 1
zine Molds & Plastics.
The repair of machinery and industrial equipment represents Sector: Mold making, Metalworking,
70% of FARMI’s turnover. Repairing and Servicing.
FARMI is a well-positioned company, due to it capacity to work
with large dimensions. The company and its activity:
FARMI tries to embrace diverse projects and avoid market oscil- FARMI is a family owned company that
lation, aspiring to be a pioneer in various metalworking sectors. began its operations in 1990.
The core business was the manufacture
One of FARMI´s priorities is to find solutions for our customers,
of accessories for the repair of machin-
whatever the material may be, as long it’s possible to work on ery and industrial equipment. In 1997,
their own machinery or their business partners. the company opened its own production
plant in Pero Neto, Marinha Grande.
This change has led to the expansion
What are the main reasons for choosing Fagor?
Farmi is deeply committed to R&D. The company participates in of its operational areas, as well as
several European projects relating to process/project optimi- the acquisition of more sophisticated
zation and production innovation. Our relationship with Fagor equipment allowing for precision and
Automation started through the purchase of machines equipped accuracy in all its projects. FARMI
with its CNC and Feedback Systems, until it became a real part- is currently a Service Provider in the
nership. Nowadays, it allows our engineers to access the latest metal-mechanics and mold industry.
Throughout its 29 years of experience,
available technologies focused on our processes.
it has become a reference company in
For example, we were among the first customers to use the DMC
milling, turning, grinding, erosion and
(Dynamic Machine Control) features of the CNC. It consists in the deep drilling services.
axis feed adaptive control which depends on the power con-
sumption of the spindle. With this technology, we have taken the Number of CNC machines: 14
utmost advantages in tool life and in machining time optimization.
Besides this, while using the DMC, the CNC can detect when a Number of machines with Fagor
CNC and Feedback Systems: 4
tool starts to exhibit symptoms of wear by increasing the cutting
Deep hole drilling is crucial in plastic
force . In this case, the feed is automatically optimized in order mold manufacturing. Every drilling ma-
not to go beyond the predicted cutting force. chine in the workshop is equipped with
Finally, it can also optimize tool start/stop movements, minimiz- FAGOR CNC8065 systems, including
ing tool vibrations and, accordingly, minimize tool wear, prolong- some key milling machines for the manu-
ing its life and allowing costs savings on tools. facturing process.
Summing up all these advantages, there’s no doubt for us about
Fagor technological supremacy when talking about improving our
competitiveness and productivity

No. 6 - 2019 43
44 No. 6 - 2019


From the first patents back in 1983 and

until now, the Additive industry has
been a part of what is called the «Fourth
Industrial Revolution».

The constant rise in costs of raw materials and rial inputs, speeds, etc.). This has allowed us to
the need to create ever more complex struc- be the only CNC manufacturer to be at FORM-
tures have created the need to search for alter- NEXT, the industry’s most prominent trade fair
natives when making parts in a «subtractive» in the world, held in Frankfurt, Germany.
manner or by milling. Since this is an industry undergoing constant
Since the beginnings of the additive industry, developments, there is some concern about the
and by looking forward at the needs of its models or types of machines that the market
customers, Fagor Automations has the strategic will require in the medium term, even though
goal of being at the forefront. It has invested in «hybrid» machines are the reason behind the
its R&D departments, created partnerships with investment of many well-renowned companies
Technological Centers and companies to devel- that utilize different technologies (LMD, SLM,
op special applications and to control variables WAAM, etc.). This is why Fagor Automation’s
used during this process (temperatures, mate- CNC experience with systems that use various

No. 6 - 2019 45

cutting and material removal manufacturing pro- perfect part, the Fagor CNC will finish the piece
cesses and additive manufacturing capabilities using high-speed and continuous 5-axis machin-
make us the perfect partner in the sector. ing algorithms.
The Additive Manufacturing Pack for the Fagor Among the multiple functionalities incorporated
8065 CNC is the most open system on the mar- in the Fagor additive pack, what stands out is its
ket, which can intelligently control and optimize open system and multi-process support, techno-
manufacturing processes. Fagor CNCs can be logical tables for manufacturing process variable
easily configured for multitasking machines, management, laser power control (analog or
which is often the case for most additive ma- PWM) and closed loop process control
chines in the industry. Despite all the advantag- Over the upcoming years, subtractive and addi-
es of additive technology, an optimal surface tive technologies will coexist as complementary
quality has not yet been achieved for parts and processes for most applications. Fagor Auto-
this is the reason why many machines must mation is prepared to provide solutions to both
incorporate milling technologies. After complet- technologies, either separately or for a combina-
ing the additive process, in order to obtain the tion of both

46 No. 6 - 2019
The Additive
Pack for the Fagor
8065 CNC is the
most open system
on the market

No. 6 - 2019 47
w w w. f a g o r a u t o m a t i o n . c o m
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any printing or transcribing errors in the catalog
and reserves the right to make any changes to the characteristics of its products without prior notice.

Fagor Automation, S. Coop.

Bº San Andrés, 19
E-20500 Arrasate - Mondragón - SPAIN
Fagor Automation holds the Tel.: +34 943 039 800
ISO 9001 Quality System Certificate and the Fax.: +34 943 791 712
ER-073/1994   Certificate for all products manufactured. E-mail:

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