What You Should Know
What You Should Know
What You Should Know
"What You Should Know About SCR Power Controllers" was written as a practical guide to the selection and successful
application of SCR controllers. As such, it is not meant as a comprehensive discussion of power controllers and their
functions. If you require more in-depth information on this subject, please contact us at:
Phone: 952-474-6200
Fax: 952-474-6070
WATS: 800-765-2799
© Copyright, Control Concepts, Inc., 1988, 1992, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2002
Since the development of SCR power controllers in the
late 1950s, the power handling capabilities of SCRs
(silicon controlled rectifiers) have advanced from a few
hundred watts to many megawatts. So, too, the use of
SCR power controllers in industrial applications has
increased dramatically and they are now used in almost
every major industry.
Infinite resolution
Power, current or voltage can be controlled from zero to
100% with infinite resolution. This capability allows
extremely accurate, stepless control of the process.
SCRs emit about 1.5 watts of energy in the form of heat
per ampere conducted. Failure to dissipate this energy
is perhaps one of the main sources of SCR failure. The
reliability of SCRs decreases about 50% for every 10
degrees centigrade increase of it's semiconductor
temperature. Other critical parameters such as the dv/
dt (See glossary) rating and the blocking voltage rating
Figure 2.2. AC "Back to Back" Switch also decrease rapidly with temperature.
The heat generated by the SCR must be dissipated,
thus, all controllers have some means to cool the
Three types of construction styles are available: the SCRs. Typically an aluminum heatsink with fins to
disc or hockey puck, the module, and the stud mount. increase the surface area is used to dissipate this
Modern SCR controllers generally use either the hockey energy to air. Controllers with relatively small current
puck or the module construction. capacities rely on natural convection; larger current
capacity controllers use a fan to force air past the fins
Hockey puck SCR's to increase the rate heat is dissipated. Occasionally,
The hockey puck style is an assembly that has SCR controllers with very large current ratings use water
essentially the same physical shape as a hockey puck. cooled heatsinks.
The construction provides excellent cooling of the
semiconductor material and is generally used in higher
current applications.
4.0 BASIC CONTROL MODES Zero-cross: The term zero-cross or synchronous
The power delivered to a load may be regulated or operation of SCRs is derived from the fact that the
proportioned by SCR power controllers using either the SCRs are turned on only when the instantaneous value
phase-angle or the integral cycle (zero-cross voltage of the sinusoidal waveform is zero. In zero-cross
switching) control mode. Each control mode has its own operation, power is applied for a number of continuous
specific advantages and disadvantages and each half-cycles and then removed for a number of half-cycles
application should be reviewed to determine the most to achieve the desired load power in the same manner
compatible mode of control. as power would be controlled with a mechanical switching
device. The difference is that the SCR controllers always
Phase-angle: In phase-angle control each SCR of the switch power when the instantaneous value of the
back-to-back pair is turned on for a variable portion of the applied voltage is zero. Also, the frequency of the on-off
half-cycle that it conducts (Figure 3.1). Power is regulated cycles can be extremely fast because there is no limit
by advancing or delaying the point at which the SCR is to the number of switching operations the SCR can
turned ON within each half cycle. Light dimmers are an perform.
example of phase-angle control. Zero-cross controllers can provide two rather distinctively
different types of control. Time proportioning control is
sometimes used when switching large amounts of
current can cause voltage variations which affect ambient
lighting or other equipment. The disadvantage is that
power is applied in longer bursts which can in turn cause
control problems and shorten heater life. Distributive
control is typically somewhat less expensive, provides
a much faster cycle rate giving better controllability and
longer heater life. It can also be used with much faster
responding loads than can time proportioning.
Cost: 3-phase Appreciably higher 2-leg control is appreciably less due to lower
circuit cost and because only 2 of the 3
supply lines require SCRs. 3-leg control is
slightly less because of circuit cost.
Type of loads: Transformer coupled loads, fast Resistive loads only. Power can not be applied
responding loads, loads with large to a transformer. Moderately fast loads can
resistance changes, loads requiring be controlled with distributive control.
current limiting, or soft start.
Power factor: Theoretical value equals (% of Resistive loads only. Power can not be applied
(Ref Section 5) applied power/100)0.5. Power factor to a transformer. Moderately fast loads can
observed on typical utility meter is be controlled with distributive control.
very close to theoretical power. Theoretical value equals (% of applied power/
100)0.5 Power factor observed on typical utility
meter approaches unity.
RFI and Harmonics: Higher harmonics are generated and Harmonics and RFI are very low.
(Ref Section 5) the potential for RFI is higher.
1 10 10.90 1 60 59.70
2 20 0.00 2 120 0.00
3 30 14.10 3 180 31.80
4 40 0.00 4 240 0.00
5 50 34.71 5 300 10.60
6 60 50.00 6 360 0.00
7 70 29.80 7 420 10.60
8 80 0.00 8 480 0.00
9 90 8.49 9 540 6.40
10 100 0.00 10 600 0.00
11 110 4.50 11 660 6.40
12 120 0.00 12 720 0.00
13 130 2.88 13 780 4.60
14 140 0.00 14 840 0.00
15 150 2.03 15 900 4.60
16 160 0.00 16 960 0.00
17 170 1.50 17 1020 3.50
18 180 0.00 18 1080 0.00
19 190 1.18 19 1140 3.50
20 200 0.00 20 1200 0.00
21 210 0.09 21 1260 2.90
22 220 0.00 22 1320 0.00
Note: The 1st or fundamental harmonic of zero-cross
is 10 Hertz because power is applied for 3 cycles and
removed for 3 cycles at 50% power.
Load configurations and considerations for single-phase Phase-angle
control should be obvious from the previous discussion. Phase-angle control of three-phase requires a total of 6
However, there are several unique load configurations power switching devices. These devices can be
and some important considerations which need to be configured as hybrid (3 SCRs & 3 diodes), 6 SCR in-line
examined in three-phase applications. or 6 SCR inside delta.
IL = line current IP
IP = phase current IP
9.0 ENCLOSURE SELECTION For example, if the power to be dissipated by forced air
As is true of any solid-state device, the reliability of an cooling is 900 watts and the maximum allowable
SCR power controller is greatly increased if operated temperature rise within the enclosure is 15oF then the air
within its temperature range and if kept free of flow required would be:
contaminates. Therefore, the selection of the enclosure
and the means to cool it are very important. CFM = 3.16 X 900 = 189.6
The enclosure should have proper ventilation or cooling COOLING WHEN A SEALED ENCLOSURE IS
to dissipate the heat generated by the equipment within REQUIRED
it. An SCR power controller dissipates about 1.5 watts If the enclosure must be totally sealed because of water
per ampere of current it controls. Therefore, a 100 amp tight requirements, or extremely dusty conditions, etc.,
single-phase controller dissipates about 150 watts, a 2- then other means of cooling such as air to air exchangers,
leg 100 amp zero-cross controller dissipates about 300 water to air exchangers or air conditioning units
watts and a 100 amp 3-phase phase-angle controller specifically designed for cooling electrical enclosures
dissipates about 450 watts. The heat generated within can be used. (A kilowatt-hour equals 3413 BTUs)
the enclosure can be dissipated by one of the following:
10.0 FUSING AND DISCONNECT MEANS CONDUCTANCE - The ability of a material to conduct
The proper selection of fuses and other protection electricity. Conductance is the inverse of resistance.
techniques can greatly affect the reliability of SCR
controllers. Some SCR controllers are provided with CURRENT FEEDBACK - A means to maintain the
fuses to protect the SCRs, some controllers have applied current to the load. The applied current is
electronic fusing, and low cost controllers are provided maintained as a linear function of the command signal
with no SCR fusing. It is important to note that fuses regardless of line voltage and load changes.
provided with the controller are intended to protect the
SCRs and may not be the correct fuse for load protection. CT - Current Transformer; a device used for sensing
The type of fuse depends, of course, on the load and the current. Its output is an electrically isolated signal
local and national codes. In general a fast acting fuse proportional to the measured current.
such as the JJS or JJN fuses provided by Bussmann
have proven to be a good compromise for reliability, cost di/dt - The rate of rise of applied current to an SCR as
and protection. The vendor of the controller should be the unit turns on.
able to recommend the type of fuses required for any
specific application. DIODE - A semiconductor which allows current to pass
SCRs have a small leakage current in the off state. in one direction only.
Therefore, it is imperative that a mechanical disconnect
be used to completely remove power prior to servicing. DISTRIBUTIVE CONTROL - A means of controlling the
Controllers with over-current trip can be configured to on/off time of the SCRs to obtain a desired power output
operate shunt trip or under voltage trip circuit breakers to the load.
to remove power in the event a load fault occurs.
dv/dt - Refers to the maximum rate of rise of applied
11.0 MAINTENANCE voltage across an off SCR that will NOT cause a false
The SCR controller should be inspected periodically to turn-on. Usually stated as volts/second.
determine that the electrical connections are tight and
that the heat sinks are clean. The ability of the heat sink FORWARD DROP - The voltage drop across a
to dissipate heat is greatly reduced if dirt and grime have semiconductor when that device is conducting current
accumulated on it and it must be cleaned if dirty. in its normal forward direction.
Normally the cause of dirty heat sinks is failure to
provide filtered air to air cooled enclosures or failure to GATE - The signal terminal of an SCR. The terminal
clean the filters. used to turn on an SCR.
The electrical connections on new installations should
be periodically inspected and tightened per the HEATSINK - Device used to transfer heat away from
manufacturers instructions. Proper maintenance of the either an SCR or Diode.
equipment will greatly increase the reliability of the
controller. HYBRID - Refers to a particular arrangement of SCRs
and Diodes in an SCR power controller. Three SCRs
12.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS and three Diodes.
ANODE - The positive power terminal of an SCR or
Diode. I2T - Amperes squared times seconds. Refers to the
subcycle current characteristics of either an SCR or a
AVE - The average value of a particular parameter such fast clearing fuse.
as voltage or current.
INLINE - Refers to the manner in which the SCRs are
CATHODE - The negative power terminal of a SCR or connected in three-phase applications.
INSIDE-DELTA - Refers to the manner in which the
CURRENT LIMITING - A means to limit the maximum SCRs are connected in three-phase applications.
amount of current applied to the load.
INRUSH CURRENT - That current which surges into a
COMMAND SIGNAL - An input variable applied to an low impedance load or that which is drawn by a
SCR power controller to adjust its output. transformer during saturation.