Ordinary Differential Equation
Ordinary Differential Equation
Ordinary Differential Equation
Regd.No: 11007673
Section: D1001
P(t) = P0ekt, P
∫ dP/P (1− M ) = ∫ kdt.
Where P0 is the initial population,
i.e. P(0) = P0. Therefore, we The partial fraction techniques gives
conclude the following: 1
if k>0, then the population grows
and continues to expand to infinity, ∫ dP/P 1− MP = ∫ ( P1 + MP )dP
( )
that is, 1−
lim P(t) = +∞; ,
t→+∞ which gives
if k<0, then the population will ln |P|−¿ ln ¿ 1− ∨¿ ¿ ¿ = kt + c.
shrink and tend to 0. In other words
we are facing extinction. Easy algebraic manipulations give
Clearly, the first case, k>0, is not adequate P
= Cekt,
and the model can be dropped. The main 1−P/ M
argument for this has to do with where C is a constant. Solving for P, we
environmental limitations. The get
complication is that population growth is
eventually limited by some factor, usually P= .
one from among many essential resources. M +Cekt
When a population is far from its limits of If we consider the initial condition P(0) =
growth it can grow exponentially. P0 (assuming that P0 is not equal to both 0
However, when nearing its limits the or M), we get
population size can fluctuate, even C = P0M
chaotically. Another model was proposed
to remedy this flaw in the exponential M- P0,
model. It is called the logical model (also which, once substituted into the expression
called Verhulst-Pearl model). The for P(t) and simplified, we find
differential equation for this model is
P (t) = MP0
dP P
= kP ( 1 - ). P0 + (M-P0)e-kt
dt M
It is easy to see that
where M is a limiting size for the
population (also called the carrying limP(t)=M
capacity). Clearly, when P is small t→+∞
compared to M, the equation reduces to
However, this is still not satisfactory
the exponential one. In order to solve this
because this model does not tell us when a
equation we recognize a non-linear
population is facing extinction since it
equation which is separable. The constant
never implies that. Even starting with a
solutions are P=0 and P=M. The non-
small population it will always tend to the
constant solutions may obtained by
carrying capacity M.
separating the variables
dP Some other Applications to
P = kdt Engineering and Sciences:
P (1− )
Historically, it has been the needs of Historically, the source of Fourier
the physical sciences which have series.
driven the development of many Quantum theory studies the
solutions of the Schrodinger
parts of mathematics , particularly (differential) equation. Also
analysis. The applications are includes a good deal of Lie group
sometimes difficult to classify theory and quantum group theory,
mathematically, since tools from theory of distributions and topics
several areas of mathematics may be from Functional analysis, Yang-
applied. We focus on these Mills problems, Feynman
diagrams, and so on
applications not by discussing the Statistical mechanics, structure
nature of their discipline but rather of matter is the study of large
their interaction with mathematics. scale systems of particles,
Mechanics of particles and including stochastic systems and
systems studies dynamics of sets of moving or evolving systems.
particles or solid bodies, including Specific types of matter studied
rotating and vibrating bodies. Uses include fluids, crystals, metals, and
variational principles (energy other solids.
minimization) as well as .Relativity and gravitational theory
differential equations. is differential geometry, analysis,
Mechanics of deformable solids and group theory applied to physics
considers questions of elasticity on a grand scale or in extreme
and plasticity, wave propagation, situations (e.g black holes, and
engineering, and topics in specifics cosmology).
solids such as soils and crystals. Astronomy and astrophysics : as
Fluid mechanics studies air, water, celestial mechanics is,
and other fluids in motion: mathematically, part of Mechanics
compression, turbulence, diffusion, of particles, the principle
wave propagation, and so on. applications in this area appear to
Mathematically this includes study be concerning the structure,
of solutions of differential evolution, and interaction of stars
equations, including large-scale and galaxies.
numerical methods (e.g the finite- Geophysics applications typically
element method). involve material in mechanics and
Optics, electromagnetic theory is fluid mechanics, as above, but for
the study of the propagation and large scale problems (this deals
evolution of electromagnetic with a very big solid and a large
waves, including topics of pool of fluid).
interference and diffraction. Systems theory; control study the
Besides the usual branches of evolution over time of complex
analysis, this area includes systems such as those in
geometric topics such as the paths engineering. In particular, one may
of light rays. try to identify the system- to
Classical thermodynamics, heat determine the equations or
transfer is the study of the flow of parameters which govern its
heat through matter, including development – or to control the
phase change and combustion. system – to select the parameters
(e.g. via feedback loops) to achieve
a desired state. Of particular
interest are issues in stability
( steady state configurations) and
the effects of random changes and
noise( stochastic systems). While
popularly the domain of
“cybernetics” or “robotics”,
perhaps, this is in practice a field of
application of differential (or
difference) equations, functional
analysis, numerical analysis, and
global analysis (or differential
Observe that the branches of
mathematics most closely allied with
the fields of mathematical physics are
the parts of analysis, particularly those
related to differential equations. The
other sciences draw on these as well as
probability and statistics and,
increasingly, numerical methods.