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IS 1367 Part 2

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) 800 21 (£780)} 1 Mhute enc" tomar Aecenrotion Sectlonat Comstties, EDC £14 Rel: woe enreenayS cae teceer-70t 00807 {Tod Reprint JULY 1990) ”_ 4S2 $907 { Part H)- 407% : : 4 Indian Standard TECHNICAL SUPPLY CONDITIONS FOR THREADED STEEL FASTENERS PART Il PRODUCT GRADES AND TOLERANCES {Second Revision } 1. Scope — Specifies tolerances for bolts, screws, studs “and nuts with thread ulam: up to and Including 150 mm ang preduct Grades 4,6 and C. ‘and the ete. 4.1 The product grades are specified without any ret fEatunore dra not required to exhibit any particular uppoarance, such as ‘bright, ' black 42 The tolerances on various grades of fasteners shall be as givan ia subsequent clauses and id on the baslc sizes given In the relevant dimensional standarus. Thesa figures do not sarily contain doteile that are given In the relevant dimensional standard. 1.8 Deviations from the tolerances In the stendard are permitted Inthe product standerds only for Valid technical roarone. 1.4 It le recommended that these tolerances be used for non-standard fasteners és wall. 8 Sane t0r0 ‘| © November 1080, 1s ars BUREAU OF NOIAN STANDARDS SANG BHAVAN. AMALIUR SHAH ZAPAR BoA 32 18 11367 (Part It) 1979 2 Tolerance Level ‘Shank and bearing surface [otner features =o.86 ~ For dimonsions- of u Threed threads see 1S: 4218 13.4 Internal ( nuts) (Part Vi)-1978. For exceptions to tolerance classes mentiuned see product standards. For all nuts of heights > 08 d the minor diameter shat! be within the specified folerances for a minimum of O'S m nominal (only for sizes > M3). . | For all nuts of heights > 0°5 < 08d the minor diameter shall | "be within the specified tolerances for a minimum of 035 m nominal. For provailicg torque type nuts Ihe minor diameter’may exceed ‘the specified tolerance for a maximum height of 0'35 d from the non-resiricted end ‘Only nut end of studs “Only metal end of studs. 2? | mee pitch ofthe. Tolerante 4 2P only fo et oo une aT pree | Snrecsea seat © Jig = maximum Length | Of unthreaded shank Ae a | Sitdsa) ing" aes | nisin’ "camping | | fonam | hep | ono bist? 1814367 (Part 11) -1979 Feature Tolerance for Product Grades Hotes A 8 ¢ & Nominal Length iets Je17, sc 1s0: jst7 In 18 for 0 5150: 21 machine tcrews with |. 13°50 mm & Wriving Geometri ' Vexternai S144 Wiaths across fats - S 1 ee s Tolerance | \i S6o his ! |S60 asap Ine / ' 1 " a ; 6.1.3 Height of heads i | yf : . Hl | | *Shape of iidenta- eH [jews | ins on, by. agree: ment "between | am fo je ig | fastener and Rot. bob. | “supplier. fe Se 4 Height of vauts DM12 21 mm 3 For values tor dy min, see product standard, | dy max ~ 8 effective “Form oi. the run ut at the manu- facturer's dis- cretion. * Thread diameter ann “Farm of the edge to min (rounded ~ or a cheintered ) at 25 | Dmin— 0440) the menutacs 25 5 D min ~ 025 °| “\uteredlscre- 8 | 10 Omin~ 0% "|" tion. 10 16 Dmin — 05 16 24 Dmin —08 Pt 38 Dinin— 4 38 Dmin=12 10,.Other Dimensions Te lees 2 donner ect Form and Position — The tolerances of form and position Indicated In Fig, 1 to 98 do not necessarily Imply th particular mathod of production, measurement oF peuging, Nevert guidelines are given tor measurement and gauging under jot : Imaccordance with the existing system of Inspection the maximum material, principle with. Ite symbol @ is used for Indication of concanteicity, symmetry and straighta ‘The whole system of tolerance for form and position and also th Principle does not sheiy a new tolerance oyster bul only are iroa ne Use of anew symbol. ‘The requirements are mel If the prover [sree measuring principles ae indicated : : ithe, maximum material principle may not be eporoariate to. certain features of coals Producl ts unsuitabilly n regard o acsoptance ol such preteen ea Beg, : ofthe maiimiam material lon of old tolerancing by ied when using gauges or 7 967 ( Part Il) - 1971 . clarance ‘for Product | Tolerance Notes : rs Te Grades Based on * . ————— | Dimension a | 8 ¢ i I 11.4 Concentricity, Symme- Tie fouici@ing) gauge iis lowing gauge may ee | be used for inspection (Ole: ‘ amis | aie | zits | i fe ret aii | ats | fa [A simiar gauge’ with « ar | counterbore — Omar +f. tay be used for eylae drical head scrows. *The'datum feature must | not: be partly. shank | | | party inread. if neces: Bary the datum feature | | d ‘should be placed at, “sufficient distance (SP max) from the- head of | the screw (Clo, avoid thread rune out). | aiTi3 | 2Tte | 2iT1s 4 1S 4367 ( Part It) - 1978 Feature Tolerance {for | Tolerance Notes Frode Grates | Sates on Simension | | , | ama} — | = | a | mars a | | 1a CT. . f—t ame} — | =) ow. aon Wis alae yas to wal tines hotagon’ ot oP ines : Reader sa sere. omal — | [tg | SSR aiti2 | airs | erie aq i + bamig| 2m jar) og | | 1521967 (Part 1). 1979 Feature Tolerance tfor Product | Tolerance’ Noles Grades ..| Based'on |__| pimension A 8 e |. avrg |. airs | 2iTie a | *See page 8. 1 | Fi.8 . The following gauge may be used for Inspecton. Cerin or a mint ami fo = a . tdlae | | See Note for Fig. 4 10 6 or ans | oslo - ‘a.gauge similar to that | od ‘of’ Fig: 10 may be used. aris | = ~ ¢ 10 wt 19: 1967 (Part II) - 1978 Toleance for Wotes é Product Grades ; aA] 8 |e _ | ‘The following. gauging assembly | 3 ' ‘ay be used for inapection” + oS Ho, | 2IT13 | 2ITI4 | 21715. od ‘ hot Fy. 18 co MEASURING Pal The fotlowing gauge may be Yor inspection: | amis] —'| = | | : : j | | : amis} — | , ) | I ams =] i 2itag | aivig | aris Wn 47

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