1 Scope QU 000001
This specification lists substances whose use in QU 000002
materials and components, in the interests of
personnel and environmental safety, are either QU 000003
prohibited or limited. QU 000004
These restrictions are based on existing legislation QU 000005
or self-imposed regulations.
2.3 Additional.
The aim of this specification is to restrict/stop the
usage of the substances listed, to facilitate VDA 232-101
compliance with current and future regulations.
1.1 Material Description. Not applicable.
3 Requirements
The list contained in this technical specification is
1.1.1 Material Identification. Not applicable.
based on legal requirements and VDA 232-101 “VDA
1.2 Cross-Reference of Replaced GMIO & NAO
List for Chemicals Subject to Declaration“ (from the
Association of German Automobile Manufacturers)“.
Delta Motors
All substances that are listed in this standard in Table
GM do Brasil 1 and Table 2 that could exist in the product or could
GM Holdens HN 1000, Clause J be emitted from the product, must be declared.
ISUZU Content limits are specified for all substances both
ITDC QU 000000 forbidden and requiring declaration. Unless otherwise
specified this limit amount is 0.1 % by mass for both
declared and forbidden materials. For amounts
below this limit a declaration is not required. This
1.2.1 Specifications Qualified to this Material percentage is to be calculated for the single
Specification. Not applicable material/surface treatment level part, not the
1.3 Symbol. Not applicable
All substances in the list marked with an “F” are
1.4 Typical Application. This specification applies to
forbidden above the reporting limit specified in the
materials and components specified by the
table or 0.1% by mass if a limit is not listed. These
purchaser and for items where the design is held by
substances may be forbidden for all uses or for
the supplier (black box).
specific applications due to legal or internal
2 References
If technical requirements make the use of these
Note: Only the latest approved standards are substances absolutely necessary, a deviation from
applicable unless otherwise specified. this regulation must be agreed upon between the
2.1 Normative. supplier and the responsible department at the
ISO 11014
All substances in the list marked with “D“ must be
2.2 GM. declared at levels above the limit noted in the table or
© Copyright March 1999 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved
Page 1 of 17 May 1998
0.1% by mass if a limit is not given in the table. All 3.4 Requirements on other Stages during Life
influences of their use for the specific application Cycle. Subparagraphs were not applicable
shall be evaluated to achieve the highest possible
level of safety and environmental compatibility. 4 Manufacturing Process
These substances must be replaced by other
substances, not listed herein, as soon as the Not applicable
advance of technology, availability and economics
permit. Periodic reviews of the “D” listed items shall 5 Rules and Regulations
be conducted, the frequency of which will be
established by the purchaser. 5.1 Legal Regulations. For use of this
material/specification the valid laws and other
3.1 Requirements on Delivery. Independent of this regulations and recommendations in the country of
regulation, the supplier bears the responsibility for usage have to be followed.
ensuring that the materials and components
delivered meet the relevant legislations and 5.2 Language. In the event of any conflict between
regulations of the countries to which it is supplied. the English and domestic language regarding this
document, the English language will take
The requirements defined in this specification apply precedence.
according to clause 3.1.1 for all new materials and
components supplied, unless otherwise specified on 5.3 Restricted and Reportable Substances.
the drawing. These requirements also apply to re- Not applicable
sourced or re-designed materials and components.
5.4 Inspection and Rejection. All shipments of
3.1.1 Chemical Requirements. See Table 1 and materials or parts under contract or purchase order
Table 2. The table is given in both alphabetical order manufactured to this specification shall be equivalent
and by group (ie. metals, CFC’s, etc.), respectively. in every respect to the initial samples approved by
Questions regarding the presence of these engineering. There shall be no changes in
substances can be resolved by using the test method formulation or manufacturing process permitted
listed in the note column of Table 1 and Table 2 or by without prior notification and approval by engineering.
testing metals by atomic absorption, organics by gas Lack of notification by the supplier constitutes
chromatography, and fibers by polarized light grounds for rejection of any shipment. While samples
microscopy if no test method is listed. may be taken from incoming shipments and checked
for conformance to this specification, the supplier
3.1.2 Mechanical Requirements. Not applicable shall accept the responsibility for incoming shipments
3.1.3 Physical Requirements. Not applicable meeting this specification without dependence upon
purchaser’s inspection.
3.1.4 Additional Requirements. This specification
requires the submission of data sheet 1 in Appendix 5.5 Initial Source Approval. No shipments shall be
A. The substances and the materials/components made by any supplier until representative initial
they are used in must be detailed. If the substance is production samples have been approved by
marked with an “F”, the form must be signed by the Materials Engineering as meeting the requirements
department listed in the contact list for the Unit the of this specification.
part is being supplied to. If the material/component 5.6 Safety Data Sheets. Completed copies of the
being supplied does not contain any of the Material Safety Data Sheets meeting GM information
substances listed in Table 1 and Table 2, check the requirements, consistent with ISO 11014 standard
appropriate box and submit the form as a declaration must be submitted with any new material
of compliance to the unit contact as listed in the submissions or where a composition change has
address list. See also “Deviation”. occurred.
3.2 Processing Requirements. Subparagraphs
were not applicable 6 Approved Sources
3.3 Performance Requirements. Subparagraphs Not applicable
were not applicable
© Copyright March 1999 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved
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Table 1 - Restricted (F) and Reportable (D) Substances- List in Alphabetical Order
Substance Category CAS No. Rating Note Example - occurrence
Acetamide Acetamide 000060-35-5 D solvent admixture, softener stabilizer
Acrylamide Acrylamide 000079-06-1 D residual monomer
Acrylonitrile Acrylonitrile 000107-13-1 D Will be F in the future. residual monomer
Actinolite Fibers/Asbestos 13768-00-8 F QU 000004 friction lining, gaskets, insulation
o-Aminoazotoluene Salts Azo dye Group F found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
lubricants, rubbers, plastics
4-Aminobiphenyl Aminobiphenyl, 4- 000092-67-1 D Salt regulated with azo found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
dye lubricants, rubbers, plastics
4-Aminobiphenyl Salts Azo dye Group F found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
lubricants, rubbers, plastics
2-Amino-4-nitrotoluene Salts Azo dye Group F found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
lubricants, rubbers, plastics
Amosite Fibers/Asbestos 12172-73-5 F QU 000004 friction lining, gaskets, insulation
Aniline Aniline 000062-53-3 D dye
Aniline Salts Aniline Group D
Anthophylite Fibers/Asbestos 17068-78-9 F QU 000004 friction lining, gaskets, insulation
Antimony Metals 7440-36-0 D
Antimonous trioxide Flame retardant 001309-64-4 D flame retardant
Arsenic Metals D
Arsenic compounds Metals Group D > 400 metal refinement, metal adhesive, leather and
ppm textile refinement, wood preservative, color
and melting coating
Auramine 000492-80-8 D cotton
Barium Metals D
Barium compounds except Metals Group D pigments, additives in lubricants
Barium sulfate
Benzidine Azo dye 000092-87-5 F > 100 Salt regulated with azo found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
ppm dye lubricants, rubbers, plastics
Benzidine Salts Azo dye Group F found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
lubricants, rubbers, plastics
Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene 000056-55-3 D > 10 Will be F in the future. bituminous coal tar, mineral oil, bitumen,
and other PAH ppm softener oil
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene 000205-99-2 D > 10 Will be F in the future. bituminous coal tar, mineral oil, bitumen,
and other PAH ppm softener oil
Benzo(j)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene 000205-82-3 D > 10 Will be F in the future. bituminous coal tar, mineral oil, bitumen,
and other PAH ppm softener oil
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene 000207-08-9 D > 10 Will be F in the future. bituminous coal tar, mineral oil, bitumen,
and other PAH ppm softener oil
Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(a)pyrene 000050-32-8 D>1 Will be F in the future. bituminous coal tar, mineral oil, bitumen,
and other PAH ppm softener oil
Beryllium Metals D
Beryllium compounds Metals Group D electronic parts
Brominated flame retardants Flame retardants Group D
Bromochlorodifluoromethane CFC 000353-59-3 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
(Halon 1211)
Bromotrifluoromethane CFC 000075-63-8 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
(Halon 1301)
1,3-Butadiene Butadiene 000106-99-0 D residual monomer
Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) Phthalates 000085-68-7 D
Cadmium Metals 007440-43-9 F > 75 QU 000001 Only if pigments, polymer stabilizer, surface
ppm, D ≤ intentionally added for D protection of metals
75 ppm
Cadmium compounds Metals Group F > 75 QU 000001 Only if pigments, polymer stabilizer, surface
ppm, D ≤ intentionally added for D protection of metals
75 ppm
Carbon Tetrachloride CFC 000056-23-5 F
Chloraniline Group D hardener or cross linkage agent for polymers
Chloraniline and epoxy resin
p-Chloraniline Salts Azo dye Group F found in textile and leather dyes, antioxidants,
lubricants, rubbers, plastics
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene 000053-70-3 D > 10 Will be F in the future. bituminous coal tar, mineral oil, bitumen,
and other PAH ppm softener oil
Isothiazolinones Biocide Including D found in adhesives, paints, binders, varnishes
Biocides 1570-64-5 D
Chlorocresol (ortho-)
Biocides 59-50-7 D
Chlorocresol (meta-)
Formaldehyde Biocides 000050-00-0 F QU 000002 biocide, adhesives, residues and fragments on
1,3-Butadiene Butadiene 000106-99-0 D residual monomer
1,1,-Difluoroethene (R1132a) CFC 000075-38-7 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2- CFC 000076-11-9 F
1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2,2-Trifluoro- CFC 026523-64-8 F
1,1,1-Trichloroethane CFC 000071-55-6 F
1,1,1-Trifluorotrichloroethane CFC 000354-58-5 F
1,1,2- or 1,2,2-Trichloroethane CFC 000079-00-5 F
1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,2-Tetrafluoro CFC 000374-07-2 F
Bromochlorodifluoromethane CFC 000353-59-3 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
(Halon 1211)
Bromotrifluoromethane CFC 000075-63-8 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
(Halon 1301)
Carbon Tetrachloride CFC 000056-23-5 F
Chloropentafluoroethane (R115) CFC 000076-15-3 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Chlorotrifluoromethane (R13) CFC 000075-72-9 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Dibromotetrafluoroethane CFC 000124-73-2 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
(Halon 2402)
Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) CFC 000075-71-8 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Dichlorohexafluoropropane CFC 000661-97-2 F
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane CFC 001320-37-2 F
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (R114) CFC 000076-14-2 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Heptachlorofluoropropane (R211) CFC F
Hexachlorodifluoropropane CFC 076546-99-3 F
Monochloroheptafluoropropane CFC F
Pentachlorofluoroethane (R111) CFC 000354-56-3 F
Pentachlorotrifluoropropane CFC F
Tetrachlorodifluoroethane (R112) CFC 000076-12-0 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Tetrachlorotetrafluoropropane CFC 002268-46-4 F
Trichlorofluoromethane (R11) CFC 000075-69-4 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Trichloropentafluoropropane CFC 004259-43-2 F
Trichlorotrifluoroethane (R113) CFC 000076-13-1 F QU 000003 refrigerating or foaming agent, propellant
Chloraniline Group D hardener or cross linkage agent for polymers
Chloraniline and epoxy resin
Chlorepoxypropane Chlorepoxypropane 000106-89-8 D residual monomer
(Epichlorohydrin) (Epichlorohydrin)
Colophony 8050-09-7 D
Colophony (Rosin)
Creosote 8001-58-9 D
Actinolite Fibers/Asbestos 13768-00-8 F QU 000004 friction lining, gaskets, insulation
Amosite Fibers/Asbestos 12172-73-5 F QU 000004 friction lining, gaskets, insulation
Appendix A
Data Sheet 1
Address List
Unit Contact:
Adam Opel AG Holdens GM NAO Car Group
ITDC, Central Laboratories Central Laboratory Materials Engineering
mail code: PKZ: 85-70 Mail Point 350 480-205-161
65423 Rüsselsheim 241 Salmon St 30007 VanDyke
Australia USA
Christine Haber Phil Stirling Jack Relyea
06142 / 771745 61 3 9647 1714 (810)492-1291
06142 / 774484 61 3 9647 1286 (810)492-6354
Unit Contact:
Saab GM do Brasil Ltda GM NAO Truck Group
Materials Technology Materials Eng. - Chemical Lab.
mail code: TVLEA 16-1 Cx. Postal 197
S-461 80 Trollhattan Sao Caetano do Sul - SP
Cristina Nordstrom Antonio Carlos Haddad
0520-84893 55 11 4234 7871
0520-78150 55 11 4234 7981
Unit Contact:
mail code: