Heartland Connect Merchant Manual
Heartland Connect Merchant Manual
Heartland Connect Merchant Manual
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ II
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................. 1
TRANSACTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Credit Card Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 1
PIN Debit Transactions ........................................................................................................................ 1
Check transactions ................................................................................................................................ 1
Recurring Billing .................................................................................................................................. 2
REPORTING ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Current Batch ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Closed Batches ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Recurring Billing .................................................................................................................................. 2
Find Transactions ................................................................................................................................. 2
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 3
Hardware .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Software ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Peripherals............................................................................................................................................ 3
CONNECT BASICS..................................................................................................................................... 4
OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................. 4
GETTING STARTED WITH CONNECT ............................................................................................................ 4
LOGGING IN ................................................................................................................................................ 4
License Agreement ................................................................................................................................ 5
Change Password ................................................................................................................................. 6
THE MAIN MENU........................................................................................................................................ 7
SCREEN TABS ............................................................................................................................................. 9
NAVIGATION .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Using the Mouse ................................................................................................................................... 9
Using the Keyboard .............................................................................................................................. 9
GETTING HELP ......................................................................................................................................... 10
PROCESSING CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS............................................................................... 11
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................ 11
IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTE:................................................................................................................... 11
SALE TRANSACTION ................................................................................................................................. 12
Sale Receipt......................................................................................................................................... 14
PRE-AUTH TRANSACTION ........................................................................................................................ 15
PreAuth Receipt .................................................................................................................................. 17
CREDIT CARD RETURN TRANSACTION ..................................................................................................... 18
Return Receipt..................................................................................................................................... 20
FORCE AUTH TRANSACTION..................................................................................................................... 21
Force Auth Receipt ............................................................................................................................. 24
VERIFY TRANSACTION ............................................................................................................................. 25
ADJUSTMENT TRANSACTION .................................................................................................................... 27
Adjustment Receipt.............................................................................................................................. 29
VOID TRANSACTION ................................................................................................................................. 30
CREDIT CARD FIELD DESCRIPTIONS ......................................................................................................... 32
CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION RECEIPT FIELD DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................... 34
CVV INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. 35
VISA CVV2 .......................................................................................................................................... 35
MasterCard CVC2 .............................................................................................................................. 35
Discover CID ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Welcome and thank you for choosing Heartland Connect as your payment
Heartland Connect is a “virtual terminal” that can process credit, debit, and EBT
cards across a secure internet connection. Additionally, Connect provides easy-
to-use reporting. Heartland Connect is not a shopping cart, like other virtual
terminals, but does offer some great benefits:
Secure online transactions
Auto close (Batch Settlement)
Recurring billing
Level 2- B2B ( Use of business and corporate credit cards)
Unlimited users with one Merchant ID
Security levels to restrict user functionality
Simple navigation
Easy Setup
Versatile reporting
Credit and debit card acceptance
EBT acceptance
Check acceptance
Cash Accounting
Credit Card Transactions
Sale, Pre-Auth, Return, Force Auth and Adjustment transactions
Magnetic stripe reader swipe of the card or key enter the card
PIN Debit Transactions
Sale and return transactions
A PIN pad and card reader are needed to complete a PIN debit sale as
PIN debit sales cannot be hand keyed
Check transactions
Sale, verify and void
Key entered or attach a check reader for verification or verification with
electronic check conversion
Current Batch
Displays a summary of the current batch – a total of all card types
Export the current batch transactions to XML, Tab Delimited, Excel or
Sort the current batch by customer ID, reference #, invoice #, customer
name, payment type, user and others
View specific transactions within the current batch to reprint the
transaction receipt, void the transaction or perform a new charge to that
Closed Batches
Reference closed batches
Export to Excel, PDF, Tab Delimited or XML
Issue a Return
Recurring Billing
View all customer accounts, a specific account or a range of accounts,
based on payment type, billing date range or amount
Sort by transaction status which includes approved billings, all billings or
Search for credit cards that are about to expire
Find Transactions
Find specific transactions to perform voids, refunds, force auth complete
and adjustment transactions.
System Requirements
PC with Internet Connectivity
Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 or higher
o Firefox and Safari are NOT supported browsers
Windows XP, Vista, & Windows 7
Card Readers
USB with keyboard emulation
Serial port card reader
Heartland E3 Card Reader
Pin Pad
VeriFone 1000SE
Check readers
Magtek Mini MICR
Magtek MICR Image
Receipt Printers
Epson Receipt Printer
Star Receipt Printer
Connect Basics
This chapter provides basic information about Heartland Connect, such as
Logging In, the Main Menu, and basic navigation.
Note: Heartland Connect uses the secure HTTP (HTTPS) protocol. Make sure
you include the https:// when you type the web address. Connect will not run on
an unsecured connection.
Logging In
After you enter the web address to access Heartland Connect, a log in screen
Note: If you do not have a Username or Password, you need to contact your
servicing manager or Heartland Payment Systems.
License Agreement
The first time you log in, the License Agreement displays:
Read the End-User License carefully and then click Accept. The User Settings
screen displays for you to change your password.
Change Password
To comply with industry standards, Heartland Connect requires “strong
passwords.” The password must be a minimum of 8 characters and include at
least 1 digit (0-9), 1 lower case letter (a-z), and 1 upper case letter (A-Z). You
must use alphanumeric characters; special characters (!@#$%^&*) are not
To change your password, do the following, enter your Current Password, New
Password, and then Verify New Password. Click Change Password.
End of Day: For displaying Batch Total information for Checks, Credit/Debit.
Also used to submit the batch for settlement if auto close is not set up.
Batches: For running reports on batches that were previously closed. You can
view transactions as far back as the first transaction that was processed on
Heartland Connect.
Find Transactions: For locating transactions for returns, capturing pre-
authorizations, voids, and adjustments.
Manage Users: For adding, changing or deleting Users or Employee logins.
Tools: For manually uploading a batch from an Excel type format.
Preferences: For setting up devices, granting access, modifying passwords, and
setting security.
Email: For contacting Heartland for support.
Logout: For exiting Heartland Connect.
Screen Tabs
From the Main Menu, you can access additional navigation options with the tabs
arranged on the top of the screen.
You can use your mouse to navigate through Heartland Connect. You can
access all of Heartland Connect’s functions by selecting menu titles or screen
To enter information into Heartland Connect, use the mouse to select the desired
field and your keyboard to enter data. On screens with multiple fields, use the
Tab key on your keyboard to move to the next field.
Getting Help
You can reach Heartland Technical Support at the following address:
Or call our 24 hr support center at 888-963-3600 for any assistance.
This helps you, the merchant, ensure your compliance with Heartland’s Merchant
Processing Agreement as well as card brand regulations that prohibit merchants from
processing a credit (refund) without a matching debit (sale). This regulation helps deter
inside fraud (such as employees illegally giving credits to their own cards or their friends’
cards) and outside fraud (such as cardholders getting inappropriate credits).
This notification can be seen on the main login page of Heartland Connect.
Sale Transaction
Use the credit card sale when a customer uses a credit card as payment for
goods or services. Heartland Connect records the card information and dollar
amount and transmits this information to Heartland Payments. Heartland
contacts the credit card issuer, receives an authorization, and displays an
Note: If you are a healthcare provider, please ensure that patient demographic
information is not stored as this would violate the health insurance privacy and
portability act (HIPAA).
To enter a sale, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, click Virtual Terminals.
2. Select Credit.
3. Enter information into the required fields. See Credit Card Field
Descriptions on page 32 for more information. Actual fields that display
may vary depending on the merchant setup.
4. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can display a map of the cardholder’s address by clicking Map
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
See Credit Card Field Descriptions on page 32 for definitions of these fields.
Sale Receipt
Pre-Auth Transaction
Use the pre-auth transaction when the final amount of the purchase is not known.
Connect authorizes an estimated amount. When the final amount is known, use
the Force Auth Transaction described on page 21 to enter the final amount of the
transaction. Pre-auths are not settled.
Note: If you are a healthcare provider, please ensure that patient demographic
information is not stored as this would violate the health insurance privacy and
portability act (HIPAA).
To enter a pre-auth, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Virtual Terminals.
2. Select Credit.
3. Select PreAuth.
Enter information into the required fields. See Credit Card Field Descriptions on
page 32 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary depending
on the merchant setup.
4. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
See Credit Card Field Descriptions on page 32 for definitions of these fields.
PreAuth Receipt
4. Enter information into the required fields. See Credit Card Field
Descriptions on page 32 for more information. Actual fields that display
may vary depending on the merchant setup.
5. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
See Credit Card Field Descriptions on page 32 for definitions of these fields.
Return Receipt
See Credit Card Transaction Receipt Field Descriptions on page 34 for definitions
of the fields on this receipt.
4. Enter information into the required fields. See Credit Card Field
Descriptions on page 32 for more information. Actual fields that display
may vary depending on the merchant setup.
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
See Credit Card Field Descriptions on page 32 for definitions of these fields.
Verify Transaction
Note: When using the Verify option, zip code is required for all non-Visa
cards. Non-Visa cards will only receive zip code verification. It’s also
recommended that the Street Address is included when Verifying a
Discover transaction.
Adjustment Transaction
Use the adjustment transaction in restaurants to add or change the tip amount on
a previously authorized transaction. Heartland Connect uses the PNRef number
of the original transaction for adjustments.
Note: If you don’t know the PNRef number for the transaction, you can use the
Find function to locate it. See Find Transactions on page 91 for more information
on finding transactions.
To do an adjustment, follow these steps:
8. From the Main Menu, select Virtual Terminals.
9. Select Credit.
10. Select Adjustment.
11. Enter the PNRef of the original transaction. This can be found on the
receipt in the Transaction # field.
12. Enter the new Tip Amount.
13. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
Adjustment Receipt
Void Transaction
Use a void to cancel a transaction stored in an open batch. For transactions in a
closed batch, see Credit Card Return Transaction on page 18.
Note: You have to find the original transaction before you can void it. See Find
Transactions on page 91 for more information on finding transactions.
To perform a void, follow these steps:
1. From the Credit Transactions find window, click on the Ref # (PNRef) of
the transaction you want to void.
Field Action
PNRef This number uniquely identifies each transaction. Use this
number to perform voids, adjustments, refunds, and
reprints. This number is the same as the Transaction # on
the receipts.
Description This is where you can key a brief description of the product
or services that were provided. *Not applicable for
merchants in Health Care Industry
CVV Information
Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover use this code to try to reduce
fraud in Card Not Present transactions. It shows that the person using the card
has physical possession of the credit card.
The CVV2 (Card Verification Value) is the last three digits after the credit card
number on the back of the card in the signature area.
MasterCard CVC2
The CVC2 (Card Validation Code) is the last three digits after the credit card
number on the back of the card in the signature area.
Discover CID
The CID (Card Identification) is the last three digits after the credit card number
on the back of the card in the signature area.
3. Slide the card through the card reader. Connect fills in the information for
the Card Number, Expiration Date and Card Holder fields. Enter
information into the remaining fields. See Debit Card Field Descriptions
page 43 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary
depending on the merchant setup.
4. Click Process.
5. Connect prompts for the customer to enter his/her PIN on the PIN Pad:
6. Have the customer enter his/her PIN and press enter on the PIN Pad.
The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
4. Slide the card through the card reader. Connect fills in the information for
the Card Number, Expiration Date and Card Holder fields. Enter
information into the remaining fields. See Debit Card Field Descriptions
page 43 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary
depending on the merchant setup.
5. Click Process.
6. Connect prompts for the customer to enter his/her PIN on the PIN Pad:
7. Have the customer enter his/her PIN and press enter on the PIN Pad.
The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
3. Slide the card through the card reader. Connect fills in the information for
the Card Number, Expiration Date and Card Holder fields. Enter
information into the remaining fields. See EBT Card Field Descriptions on
page 52 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary
depending on the merchant setup.
4. Click Process.
5. Connect prompts for the customer to enter his/her PIN on the PIN Pad:
6. Have the customer enter his/her PIN and press enter on the PIN Pad.
The approval displays. You can print a receipt by clicking the Print
Receipt field.
See EBT Card Transaction Receipt Field Descriptions on page 53 for definitions
of the fields on this receipt.
4. Slide the card through the card reader. Connect fills in the information for
the Card Number, Expiration Date and Card Holder fields. Enter
information into the remaining fields. See EBT Card Field Descriptions on
page 52 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary
depending on the merchant setup.
5. Click Process.
6. Connect prompts for the customer to enter his/her PIN on the PIN Pad:
7. Have the customer enter his/her PIN and press enter on the PIN Pad.
The approval displays. You can print a receipt by clicking the Print
Receipt field. See the Food Stamp Sale Transaction beginning on page 45
for more information on the approval screen and the Food Stamp Sale
Receipt on page 47 for a sample of a receipt.
4. Enter the required information. See EBT Card Field Descriptions on page
52 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary depending on
the merchant setup.
5. Click Process.
6. You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field. See the Food
Stamp Sale Transaction beginning on page 45 for more information on the
approval screen and the Food Stamp Sale Receipt on page 47 for a sample
of a receipt.
4. Slide the card through the card reader. Connect fills in the information for
the Card Number, Expiration Date and Card Holder fields. Enter
information into the remaining fields. See EBT Card Field Descriptions on
page 52 for more information. Actual fields that display may vary
depending on the merchant setup.
5. Click Process.
6. Connect prompts for the customer to enter his/her PIN on the PIN Pad:
7. Have the customer enter his/her PIN and press enter on the PIN Pad.
The approval displays. You can print a receipt by clicking the Print
Receipt field. See the Food Stamp Sale Transaction beginning on page 45
for more information on the approval screen and the Food Stamp Sale
Receipt on page 47 for a sample of a receipt.
7. Have the customer enter his/her PIN and press enter on the PIN Pad.
The approval displays. You can print a receipt by clicking the Print
Receipt field. See the Food Stamp Sale Transaction beginning on page 45
for more information on the approval screen and the Food Stamp Sale
Receipt on page 47 for a sample of a receipt.
3. Enter information into the required fields. See Check Transaction Receipt
Field Descriptions on page 67 for more information.
4. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
See Check Transaction Receipt Field Descriptions on page 67 for definitions of the
fields on this screen.
4. Enter information into the required fields. See Check Transaction Receipt
Field Descriptions on page 67 for more information.
5. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
*Note: Your Business Name will appear in the Subject Line of these emails.
See Check Transaction Receipt Field Descriptions on page 67 for definitions of the
fields on this screen.
4. Enter the PNRef number from the original transaction and click Process.
The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
2. Select Checks.
3. Enter information into the required fields. See Cash Field Descriptions on
page 72 for more information.
4. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
See Cash Transaction Receipt Field Descriptions on page 73 for more information.
Cash Tender Receipt
4. Enter information into the required fields. See Cash Field Descriptions on
page 72 for more information.
5. Click Process. The approval displays.
You can print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt field.
You can send the cardholder an email receipt by entering the
cardholder’s email address in the YourEmail@email.com field and
then clicking E-Mail Receipt. To email a receipt to multiple recipients,
simply separate each address with a semi-colon (;).
See Cash Transaction Receipt Field Descriptions on page 73 for more information.
Recurring ACH is only used if you are set up for the ACH check service program.
This is a “checkless” processing technique in which merchants receive payment
for products or services directly from their customers’ accounts. The customers
are required to provide their checking account information in order to set up
recurring ACH.
Note: If you are in the Health Care industry, please ensure you do not enter or
store protected health information.
Add a Customer
To add a customer, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Recurring Billing.
2. Select Add Customer.
Field Action
Customer ID Unique ID to identify the customer.
First Name Customer’s first name.
Last Name Customer’s last name.
Company Name of the customer’s company. *Not Applicable for
Health Care industries. Field will be disabled
Title Customer’s title. *Not Applicable for Health Care industries.
Field will be disabled
Department Department at the customer’s site. *Not Applicable for
Health Care industries. Field will be disabled
Email Customer’s email address.
Daytime Phone Customer’s daytime phone number.
Evening Phone Customer’s evening phone number.
Mobile Phone Customer’s mobile phone number.
Fax Customer’s fax number.
Status Active or Inactive.
Address Line 1-3 Enter up to 3 lines of address information.
City, State, City, state, and zip or postal code.
Province, Postal
(Zip) Code
Country Use the drop-down box to select the country.
Note: If you are a healthcare provider, please ensure that patient demographic
information is not stored as this would violate HIPAA.
3. Enter the credit card information and enter the address information. You
can also choose the ‘Copy Address From Customer’ feature and that will
carry over the address that you inputted during the Customer Setup step.
4. You can use the Verify tab to verify that a Visa card is valid prior to
proceeding with the Credit Card information. You can utilize this tab for
other entitlements (MasterCard, AMEX & Discover) as well for validating
the customers Zip Code.
o Note: When using the Verify option, zip code is required for all non-
Visa cards. Non-Visa cards will only receive zip code verification.
5. To use the payment information for a later time, click Save Payment Info
to return to the Primary Contact screen. If you want to charge the
customer right now, select Charge Now.
6. If you selected Charge Now, enter the amount:
Check/ACH Information
To add check/ACH information, do the following:
1. From the Primary Contact screen, click Add Credit Card or ACH.
2. Select ACH.
See Credit Card Field Descriptions on page 32 for definitions of these fields.
Contract Information
To add contract information, follow these steps:
1. From the Primary Contact screen, select Add Contract. The following
screen displays:
Field Action
Contract ID Unique ID to identify this contract.
Contract Name Name of the contract.
Start Date Use the calendar option to select a start date for the
Number of This option will only appear if the “Have Connect
Payments automatically calculate…” option is flagged. Once flagged,
the recurring billing program will allow you to input the
number of payments that you want to accept from the
End Date Use the calendar option to select an end date for the
Subtotal The amount of the contract.
Tax The tax amount for the contract.
Field Action
Amount Due The total amount of the contract.
Each Payment
(Read Only)
Status Active or Inactive.
Which Account Use the drop-down box to select which account to bill for this
should be Billed contract.
for this Contract?
Add New Credit Select to add new payment information for this contract.
Card or ACH Info
Execute this From the drop-down list, select how often this contract
Contract should be executed.
If a transaction is Indicate how many times Heartland Connect should attempt
ever declined . . . to reprocess declined transactions for this contract. A zero
(0) means do not reprocess.
Would you like to Indicate if you would like to send an email for approved
receive a transactions. The email used is what was provided to
confirmation Heartland for when the Merchant account was setup within
e-mail . . . Heartland Connect
Would you like to Indicate if you would like to send an email for declined
receive a transactions. The email used is what was provided to
confirmation Heartland for when the Merchant account was setup within
e-mail . . . Heartland Connect
Would you like Indicate if and when you would like to send an email to the
transaction customer for transactions.
receipts to be E-
mailed to the
2. If you chose to have Connect automatically calculate the End Date based
on the Number of Payments entered, then once you choose “Add
Contract”, a verification screen will appear and will display the End Date.
You will have the option to edit the Number of Payments and Recalculate
the End Date or Accept and Continue.
*Note: Here you can Print a Contract or Print the entitlement Card Payment Info. This is for
your convenience if you wish to utilize these features
View Customers
To view recurring billing customers, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Recurring Billing.
2. Select View Customers. The Find Customers screen displays:
3. In the Search By field, use the drop-down box to select how you want to
4. Depending on your search criterion, enter the value in the Search Value
5. Select Active Customers, Inactive Customers or All Customers.
6. Click Find Customer(s).
7. Click the Customer ID of the customer you want. The selected customer
*Note: Here you can Print a Contract or Print the entitlement Card Payment Info. This is for
your convenience if you wish to utilize these features
View Contracts
To view contract information, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Recurring Billing.
2. Select View Contracts. The View Contracts screen displays:
3. You can enter information in any of the search fields or simply leave them
blank and click Find Contract(s) to display a list of all contracts.
*Note: You can also Print a Contract. This is for your convenience if you wish to utilize this
4. Choosing the Payment History option will display all transactions that were
initiated by that particular customers recurring billing cycle. Here the user
can also download the payments into a Tab-Delimited File if they wish.
The Tab-Delimited File can also be converted into an Excel doc as well.
5. Click the Contract ID of the contract you want. The selected contract
Field Action
Choose All, Approved, or Other.
Customer ID Enter the customer ID for a report on a specific customer.
Billed Amount, $ Choose Is Equal To, Is Greater Than, or Is Less Than and
the billed amount.
Date Range, Choose All, Month-to-Day, Previous Month, Last 30 Days,
From Last 60 Days, Last 90 Days, or Year-to-Day. Type in the
range of dates in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Pay Method Choose All, Credit Card, or ACH.
3. Click Find Billing(s).
Field Action
Customer ID Enter the customer ID for a report on a specific customer.
Expiration Dates Choose Current Month or Next Month and the expiration
(MMYY), From date range in MMYY.
Status Choose All, Active, Inactive, or Pending.
3. Click Find Expired Items.
Find Transactions
This chapter explains how to find in a batch do can do the following transactions:
Repeat Sale
Find Transactions
To use the find function, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Find Transactions.
2. Depending on the type of transaction you are trying to find, select Credit,
Debit, EBT, Check, or Cash.
3. You can narrow your search in a number of ways or you can simply leave
the fields blank to see all transactions.
You can select a pre-defined date range from the Date Range drop-
down list.
You can modify Start Date and End Date.
You can use the calendar to select a particular date. Or, use the ≤ or ≥
links in the month bar to switch the month, and click on any date link in
the calendar for a particular date.
4. Fill in the transaction information for the rest of the filter fields. The less
information you enter, the more matches you will get.
Choose a Transaction Type (Trx Type) from the drop-down list.
Choose the option to Exclude Void transactions or not (by default, this
box is checked).
Choose a card Payment Type from the drop-down list.
Choose a Status from the drop-down list.
5. Click Submit.
Field Description
Ref # The reference number (PNRef) assigned to each
Customer ID Identifies a customer.
Inv # Invoice number associated with the transaction.
Date The date and time the transaction was processed.
Result The response. APPROVED, DECLINED, etc.
Payment Type Card type. VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, etc.
Account Type Card type. VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX, etc.
Account # Last 4 digits of the card account number.
Name The customer’s name.
Type Type of transaction. Sale, ForceCapture, Credit, Void, etc.
Status Status. APPROVAL, etc.
Approval Code Approval Code from Heartland.
Auth Amt The dollar amount.
Capture Amt The amount captured for settlement.
Tip Amt The tip amount.
User The name of the user who processed the transaction.
Register The register number used for the transaction.
PO Num # The PO number.
Description If entered, the Description Name entered at the time of sale
will appear.
This chapter explains how to display and print summary and detail reports:
Card Type Summary or Detail report
Payment Type Summary or Detail report
Date Range Summary or Detail report
User Summary or Detail report
Full receipts review/reprint
Individual transactions review/repeat/reprint receipt
Current batch
Previous batch
3. You can narrow the range for the report in a number of ways or you can
simply leave the fields blank to see all transactions.
You can select a pre-defined date range from the Date Range drop-
down list.
You can modify Start Date and End Date.
You can use the calendar to select a particular date. Or, use the ≤ or ≥
links in the month bar to switch the month, and click on any date link in
the calendar for a particular date.
You can choose by the User who entered the transaction.
You choose by the Register.
4. Click Submit.
For each payment type (Credit, Check, Debit, EBT), the report shows activity by
transaction type (Auth, Credit, Sale, etc.), as well as settlement information.
Field Description
Card Type Card type.
Sale Count Total number of sales for each tender type.
Sale Amount Total amount of sales for each tender type.
Return Count Total number of returns for each tender type.
Return Amount Total amount of returns for each tender type.
Total Amount Net amount (sales – returns) for each tender type.
Trans Type Transaction type.
Trans Count Total number of transactions for each transaction type.
Amount Dollar amount of a sale.
Auth Amount Dollar amount of an approval or authorization request.
Tip Amount Dollar amount of tips.
Capture Amount Captured amount.
Field Description
Settle Count Total number settled for each transaction type.
Settle Amount Total settled amount for each transaction type.
5. To print this report, use print button or click File – Print in the browser.
Detail Report
To run a Detail Report, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Find Transactions.
2. Select Credit, Debit, EBT, Check or Cash.
3. You can narrow the range for the report in a number of ways or you can
simply leave the fields blank to see all transactions.
You can select a pre-defined date range from the Date Range drop-
down list.
You can modify Start Date and End Date.
You can use the calendar to select a particular date. Or, use the ≤ or ≥
links in the month bar to switch the month, and click on any date link in
the calendar for a particular date.
4. You can also use the filter fields to narrow the report or leave them blank
for all transactions.
5. Click Submit.
Field Description
Ref # The reference number (PNRef).
Customer ID Customer ID.
Inv # Invoice number.
Date Transaction date.
Result Response (APPROVED, DECLINED, etc.).
Payment Type VISA, AMEX, EBT, etc.
Account Type VISA, AMEX, EBT, etc.
Account # Last 4 digits of the account number.
Transit # Routing/Transit Number.
Check # Check number.
Name Customer’s name.
Type Sale, Authorization, Credit, etc.
Amt Check amount.
Approval Code Approval or error code.
Auth Amt Authorization amount.
Capture Amt Captured amount.
Tip Amt Tip amount.
User User that processed the transaction.
Register Register number.
PO Num # Customer’s PO number.
Description If entered, the Description Name entered at the time of sale
will appear.
6. To print this report, use print button or click File and Print in the browser.
7. Click the Ref # field (PNRef) to display additional information about a
Exporting Reports
You can export your detail report to several formats:
Tab Delimited
To export a report, follow these steps:
1. Run a Detail Report. See Detail Report on page 95 for more information.
2. Select the desired format from the Report Format drop down box.
3. Click Download.
4. Click Open to view the file immediately, or click Save to save the report.
XML Sample
PDF Sample
Excel Sample
Batch Review
You can review summary information for the current and previous batches.
Field Description
Payment Type Payment types.
Deposit Amt Total amount of sales for each payment type.
Deposit Qty Total number of sales for each payment type.
Return Amt Total amount of returns for each payment type.
Return Qty Total number of returns for each payment type.
Net Amt The net amount (sales – returns) for each payment type.
Net Qty The net quantity (sales – returns) for each payment type.
3. To print this report, use print button or click File and Print in the browser.
3. Select the batch. Enter 0 (zero) for the current batch or 1 for the previous
batch in the Batch Sequence Number field.
4. Click Submit.
Field Description
Tender Type Payment types.
Sale Count Total number of sales for each tender type.
Sale Amount Total amount of sales for each tender type.
Return Count Total number of returns for each tender type.
Return Amount Total amount of returns for each tender type.
Total Count Total number of sales and returns for each tender type.
Total Amount Net amount (sales – returns) for each tender type.
5. To print this report, use print button or click File and Print in the browser.
Batch Upload
To upload a batch file, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Tools.
2. Select Batch Upload.
3. Select the file type from the drop-down box. Tab Delimited is the default.
Note: As the warning indicates, once you upload a batch file, changes in
reports may not change immediately because the host processes batch files
every hour on the hour.
4. Click Browse to find and upload the file.
5. Click Upload.
Batch Import
You can manually upload a batch from an excel file, known as Tab Delimited.
The purpose of this function is to import the file into Heartland Connect so you
can upload it to Heartland.
Note: The maximum number of transactions in any batch upload is limited to 990
transactions that are uploaded for settlement and deposit.
Batch Upload Format Example
The following example is for a Batch Upload using Excel.
Note: If the file is already in tab delimited format, skip to the notepad section and
These are the fields for uploading to Heartland Connect. Note the required fields
3. Select location to save file. Select Tab Delimited as the Save as type..
4. Click Save.
5. Click OK.
6. Click YES. This saves the file in notepad in tab delimitated format.
10. Click Browse and locate the file you want to upload.
Note: Once you upload a batch file, the executable called OfflineBatch.exe
completes the job. The executable scans for ready batch files and then
processes the transactions it finds, readying them for settlement. Once you
enable this process, it is automatic. The server processes batch files every 20
minutes on the hour. Until that time passes, you cannot see the transaction until
after the batch is run.
**If the batch upload was NOT successful you will see an error message
display on the screen, and you will also receive an email notification to the
merchant email address on file that it was not successful. Please correct
any errors and resubmit the entire batch upload, no transactions will have
Connect Setup
This chapter explains how to set up Connect for the following functions:
Add New User
Find and Edit Users
Change Password
Receipts Setup
Security Setup
Heartland Connect allows merchants to set up security for each function. There
are four different security levels, with Level 1 allowing the least access and level
4 the most access. Level 1 functions are for clerks and level 4 are for supervisory
staff. As an example, if a user is setup with Level 3 access, they can perform
tasks of a user that has 1, 2 and 2 security level access. Level 4 access users
can perform all tasks listed in the Security Settings.
To set up security, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Preferences.
2. Select Security.
3. Use the drop-down box next to each item to select the proper security
level required for users to access this function. 1 is the lowest (least
access) and 4 is the highest (most access).
Security Settings Description
Inquiry User can Inquiry a Gift Card for balance (if applicable)
Tools User can access the Tools folder, which houses the
Batch Upload option and Receipt Templates
Current Batch User can view the Current Batch within Connect
Field Action
User Name User’s name.
Security Level User’s security level. This user will only have access to
functions that you assigned to this level in Security Setup on
page 108.
System Level You cannot change this field.
First Name User’s first name.
Last Name User’s last name.
Phone Number User’s phone number.
Email Address User’s email address.
Street Address 1 First line of user’s street address.
Street Address 2 Second line of user’s street address.
City User’s city.
State Select the state from the drop-down list.
Province User’s province, if applicable.
Postal Code User’s postal code.
Country Select the user’s country from the drop-down list.
Time Zone Use the drop-down list to select the user’s country.
3. You can enter as much or as little information as you want. Click Find.
4. You can use the and arrows under each column name to sort the list.
To manage the user, click User Name.
6. Make any changes and click Save User. See Add New User on page 110
for more information.
Change Password
New users have to change their password the first time they login. To change
the user password, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Preferences.
2. Select Password.
3. Enter your Current Password, New Password, and then Verify New
Password. For compliance, use strong passwords: it must be a minimum
of 8 characters and include at least one digit (0-9), one lower case letter
(a-z) and one upper case letter (A-Z). Only alphanumeric characters are
allowed and your password must not contain any special characters.
4. Click Change Password.
Receipt Setup
To create a message for printing on receipts, follow these steps:
1. From the Main Menu, select Tools.
2. Select Receipt Templates.
Device Setup
This chapter describes how to set up a card swipe, PIN Pad, check readers, and
The serial card reader plugs into the serial port on your PC. If your PC does not
have a serial port, you will need to use a USB to Serial Convertor. See USB to
Serial Converter Setup (Windows XP) on page 127 for more information for the
Windows XP operating system or USB to Serial Converter Setup (Windows Vista
on page 132 for the Vista operating system.
Serial Card Reader Setup in Heartland Connect
To set up a serial card reader in connect, follow these steps:
3. Use the drop-down list in the Card Reader Type to select Serial.
The default settings should work. Serial ports are always COM Port 1. If
you are using a USB to Serial Convertor, you will need to find the com port
for the COM Port field. See Check Your COM Port (Windows XP) on page
169 or Check Your COM Port (Windows Vista) on page 171 for more
4. Click Save.
Power Adaptor for Serial to Pin Pad 1000se
Serial to Pin Pad 1000se Connector (1)
4. Use the drop-down list in the Pinpad Type field to select Verifone 1000.
5. Select DUKPT.
6. Use the drop-down list in the Flow Control field to select Software. The
setup window should look like this:
7. If you are using a USB to Serial Convertor, you will need to find the com
port for the COM Port field. See Check Your COM Port (Windows XP) on
page 169 or Check Your COM Port (Windows Vista) on page 171 for more
information. Also see USB to Serial Converter PIN Pad Settings on page
135 for the settings to use for the USB to Serial Converter with the PIN
Pad. When you are done, click Save.
Do not place the MICR Reader or MICR Imager within 6 inches of a
computer monitor or power supply. These devices may cause undesirable
interference with the check reading operation.
1. Connect the Connector Cable to the Mini MICR.
2. Connect the serial end of the Connector Cable to your PC
3. If you are using the USB to Serial Converter, connect the serial end of the
Connector Cable to the convertor cable and the other end of the convertor
cable to USB port on your PC.
4. Connect the Power Cord to a power outlet.
If the Mini MICR Check Reader was purchased from Heartland, it comes
configured to work with GETI Check Services. For information on other
card services, contact Heartland Payment Systems.
4. Use the drop-down list in the Check Reader Type field to select Serial
5. The default settings should work. If you are using a USB to Serial
adapter, you will need to find the com port for the COM Port field. See
Check Your COM Port (Windows XP) on page 169 or Check Your COM
Port (Windows Vista) on page 171 for more information. Also see USB to
Serial Converter Mini MICR Reader Settings on page 136 for the settings
to use for the USB to Serial Converter with the Mini MICR Reader. When
you are done, click Save.
4. Use the drop-down list in the Check Reader Type field to select Magtek
MICR Imager and use the following settings:
6. If you are using a USB to Serial Convertor, you will need to find the com
port for the COM Port field. See Check Your COM Port (Windows XP) on
page 169 or Check Your COM Port (Windows Vista) on page 171 for more
information. Also see Windows 7 & Vista Drivers
7. The Windows 7 and Vista Drivers for Heartland Connects supported
hardware (Serial-to-USB cable, Epson and Star Printers) can be found in
the Drivers tab of Device Setup which is housed under the Preferences
In order to download the applicable driver, simply click on the hyperlink needed
and follow the prompts.
8. USB to Serial Converter MICR Imager Settings on page 137 for the
settings to use for the USB to Serial Converter with the MICR Imager.
When you are done, click Save.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Install.
3. Select No, not this time. Click Next. The wizard prompts for installation
5. Click the + next to Ports (COM & LPT) to expand the list. The Prolific
USB-to-Serial Comm Port should display.
6. Note the port number (COM5 in the example) because you will need it to
install your peripherals. Right-click on Prolific USB to Serial Com Port
and select Properties.
7. Select Port Settings.
3. Insert the mini CD you received with the converter. Windows begins copy
the necessary files:
5. Click Close.
3. Click the + next to Ports (COM & LPT) to expand the list.
4. Note the port number (COM5 in the example) because you will need it to
install your peripherals. Right-click on Prolific USB-to-Serial Com Port
and select Properties.
5. Select Port Settings.
In order to download the applicable driver, simply click on the hyperlink needed
and follow the prompts.
6. Choose Run
7. Choose Next
11. Choose EPSON TM-T88IV Receipt and a Port Type of Create a USB
Port and choose Next
12. The TM-T88IV printer should now show in your available printers.
Now choose Next
14. Epson Advanced Printer Drivers will begin installing (this may take
several minutes)
2. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
4. Click Add.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Next.
9. Click Finish.
8. Close the printer’s cover and then push down both sides of the printer
cover making sure that the cover is securely closed. Leave the excess roll
paper for now, because when the printer’s power button is pressed the
cutter automatically cuts the paper.
4. Enter your name and the name of the organization. Click Next. The next
TSP100 Setup window displays.
5. Select Typical. Click Next. The next TSP100 Setup window displays.
7. Click Finish.
8. Plug the TSP100 into a power outlet and an available USB port on your
PC. Turn on the printer and press the power switch.
9. The following icons displays in your system tray.
10. Windows installs the necessary software and indicates the printer is ready
for use.
NOTE: It is highly recommend that you unplug the printer from the power
receptacle whenever you do not plan to use it for long periods of time.
6. Double-click Setup.
9. Enter your name and the name of the organization. Click Next. The next
TSP100 Setup window displays.
10. Select Typical. Click Next. The next TSP100 Setup window displays.
15. Windows installs the necessary software and indicates the printer is ready
for use.
5. Click Extract.
6. Extraction begins.
7. Double-click setup.
8. Click Run.
9. Click Continue. See Star Printer Drivers Installation (Windows Vista from
CD) on page 157 for more instructions.
2. Locate the Star Micronics TSP 100. Right-click the icon and select Set as
Default Printer. Then select Properties.
Note: You do not need to set up the margins in Heartland Connect if you already
set them up.
2. Make sure that the following Heartland URL is added to the trusted sites:
https://reports.secureexchange.net. If it is not, enter the URL in the Add
this Web site to the zone: and click Add.
3. Click OK.
4. Next, verify the Active X settings. Go to Security and click Custom Level.
The following settings are recommended to allow for the Active X
component to work properly when using check readers.
6. Write down the COM port in parenthesis next to USB Serial Port (in the
example above, COM3).
5. Write down the COM port in parenthesis next to USB Serial Port (in the
example above, COM3).
When processing a transaction I receive the following error message: An
error occurred while attempting to process this transaction. Object
reference not set to an instance of an object.
o This occurs when a special character is entered within the Virtual
Terminal that Connect is unable to process. Remove all indications
of a special character and attempt to re-process the transaction
When processing a transaction I receive the following error message: An
error occurred while attempting to process this transaction. Value cannot
be null. Parameter name: String.
o This is an issue with the file build and requiring Level II date and
tax information for commercial cards. Please contact your
Regional Servicing Team for assistance.
When processing a transaction I receive the following error message:
DECLINE-1005. Transactions not allowed by merchant
o This indicates that you do not allow a repeat sale from being
processed. To enable repeat sales, please contact your Regional
Servicing Team
When processing a transaction I receive the following error message: An
error occurred while attempting to process this transaction. Object
referenced not set to an instance of an object
o This error message indicates that a special character, such as the
‘&’ symbol is being used in the Description field. Remove and
replace with ‘and’ (for example) and reattempt the transaction
When processing a transaction I receive the following error message:
Unable to process: Card Number is truncated
o This is caused by an invalid card number being stored on a profile
in recurring billing. Contact your customer to confirm the correct
card number.
When processing a transaction I receive the following error message:
Layout Indicator Error.
o This is due to the browsers compatibility mode being disabled. To
fix, click on the compatibility mode icon located to the right of
browsers search bar.
A Overview, 4
Credit Card Adjustment Transaction, 23
ActiveX Setup, 151 Credit Card Adjustment Transaction Receipt, 24
Add Contract, 73 Credit Card Force Auth Transaction, 20
Add Customer, 65 Credit Card Force Auth Transaction Receipt, 22
Add User, 99 Credit Card Info, 67
Credit Card Pre-Auth Transaction, 14
Credit Card Pre-Auth Transaction Receipt, 16
B Credit Card Return Transaction, 17
Basics Credit Card Return Transaction Receipt, 19
Change Password, 6 Credit Card Sale Transaction, 11
Getting Help, 9 Credit Card Sale Transaction Receipt, 13
Getting Started, 4 Credit Card Transactions
License Agreement, 5 Adjust, 23
Logging In, 4 Adjustment Receipt, 24
Main Menu, 7 CVV Information, 30
Navigation, 9 Entering, 10
Tabs, 9 Force Auth, 20
Batch Import, 92 Force Auth Receipt, 22
Batch Upload, 92 Pre-Auth, 14
Batch Upload Example, 92 Pre-Auth Receipt, 16
Receipt Field Descriptions, 29
Return, 17
C Return Receipt, 19
Card Reader Setup, 104 Sale, 11
Cash Return Transaction, 61 Sale Receipt, 13
Cash Return Transaction Receipt, 62 Transaction Field Descriptions, 27
Cash Tender Transaction, 59 Void, 25
Cash Tender Transaction Receipt, 60 Credit Card Void Transaction, 25
Cash Transactions Current Batch Summary Reports, 89
Cash Tender, 59 CVV Information, 30
Cash Tender Receipt, 60 American Express CID, 31
Overview, 59 Discover CID, 30
Receipt Field Descriptions, 64 MasterCard CVC2, 30
Return, 61 VISA CVV2, 30
Return Receipt, 62
Transaction Field Descriptions, 63 D
Change Password, 6
Check COM Port in Windows Vista, 155 Debit Card Return Transaction, 35
Check COM Port in Windows XP, 153 Debit Card Return Transaction Receipt, 37
Check Reader ActiveX Controls Setup, 115 Debit Card Sale Transaction, 32
Check Reader Control Download, 113 Debit Card Sale Transaction Receipt, 34
Check Sale Transaction, 49 Debit Card Transactions
Check Sale Transaction Receipt, 51 Overview, 32
Check Transactions Receipt Field Descriptions, 39
Overview, 49 Return, 35
Receipt Field Descriptions, 58 Return Receipt, 37
Sale, 49 Sale, 32
Sale Receipt, 51 Sale Receipt, 34
Transaction Field Descriptions, 57 Transaction Field Descriptions, 38
Verify, 52 Detail Report, 85
Verify Receipt, 54 Device Setup
Void, 55 Card Reader, 104
Check Verify Transaction, 52 Check Reader ActiveX Setup, 115
Check Verify Transaction Receipt, 54 Check Reader Control Download, 113
Check Void Transaction, 55 MICR Imager, 111
Check/ACH Info, 70 MICR Imager in Connect, 112
Connect Basics Mini MICR, 109
Find and Edit User, 100 Receipt
Find Transactions Setup, 103
Overview, 81 Receipt Fields
Find Transactions, 81 Account Number, 29, 39, 48, 58
Agreement Message, 58
Authorization Code, 29, 39, 48, 58
G Batch Number, 29, 39, 48
Card Type, 29, 39, 48
Getting Help, 9
Cardholder Signature, 29, 48
Getting Started, 4
Cash Back, 39
Check Number, 58
I Convenience Fee, 29
Customer ID, 29
Introduction, 1 Date and Time, 29, 39, 48, 58, 64
Overview, 1 Description, 29, 39, 48, 58, 64
Reporting, 2 Entry Method, 58
State, 57 U
Status, 80, 82
Status, 79 USB to Serial Adapter
Street Address, 27, 57 Installation in Windows XP, 115
Subtotal, 27, 63, 73 USB to Serial Converter
Tax Amount, 27, 63, 73 Installation in Windows VistaXP, 120
Time, 63 Verification in Windows Vista, 121
Tip Amount, 27, 38, 63, 82 Verification in Windows XP, 118
Title, 66
Total Amount, 27, 38, 47, 63, 73
Type, 82 V
User, 82 View Contracts, 77
Voucher Number, 47 View Customers, 75
Zip Code, 27, 57, 66
XML Format, 88