Basic Concept

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Microfluidics is the science of manipulating fluid flow through

channels having dimensions of less than 1 mm. The flow of a fluid through a
microfluidic channel can be characterized by the Reynolds number, defined as

Re = (2.1)

where L is the length of the channel, V is the average velocity flow, ρ is the
density of the fluid, µ is the viscosity of the fluid. The Reynolds number,
which determines the turbulence of flow, is extremely low at small scales,
meaning that the fluid flow pretty much stays laminar. As the size of channels
in which a liquid flows becomes smaller and smaller, local effects such as
surface tension, laminar vs turbulent flow, Reynolds number and surface
chemistry play a larger role in the physics and the chemistry of the reactions
under investigation. Due to the small dimensions of microchannels, the Re is
usually much less than 100, often less than 1.0. Laminar flow provides a
means by which molecules can be transported in a relatively predictable
manner through microchannels.

2.1.1 Importance of Microfluidics

The study of microfluidics becomes significant because of the

following reasons.

• Reduction in size

• Handling of less amount of fluids

• The reduced consumption of chemical reagents

• Low power consumption

• Safety

• Reliability

• Portability

• User friendly

2.1.2 Advantages of Microfluidics

The advantages of microfluidics are summarized below.

• Work with small volume

• Increase in speed of reaction

• Lower power consumption and better performance

• Integrated with other devices – Lab on a Chip

• Ease of disposing of devices and fluids

• Reduction of cost for the reagent

• Higher surface to volume / Low Reynolds number

• Minimize the size of the chip


2.1.3 Applications of Microfluidics Chemical synthesis

A microchannel reactor is a device in which chemical reactions

take place in a confinement with typical lateral dimensions below 1 mm; the
most typical form of such confinement are microchannels. Microreactors are
studied in the field of micro process engineering, together with other devices
(such as micro heat exchangers) in which physical processes occur. The
microreactor is usually a continuous flow reactor in contrast to a batch
reactor. Microreactors offer many advantages over conventional scale
reactors, including vast improvements in energy efficiency, reaction speed
and yield, safety, reliability, scalability, on-site/on-demand production, and a
much finer degree of process control. Separation and analysis

Many chemical and biochemical analysis methods involve

performing a sequence of processes that can be broadly classified in terms of
sample preparation, reactions, and product analysis. Since the reaction
products often contain mixtures of multiple chemical species, subsequent
analytical steps must be capable of separating and identifying the individual
components. Electrophoresis, which relies on inducing detectable differences
in migration behavior between charged species under the influence of an
applied electric field, has proven to be a highly versatile analytical technique
owing to a favorable combination of characteristics including relatively
simple hardware design and compatibility with a wide range of analytes
including biological macromolecules.
17 Biodetection

Biodetection refers to the field of medical diagnostics, food quality

and biological warfare detection. The aim of microfluidic detection devices is
to miniaturize and parallelize classical immunologic and genomic detection
assays. Micro and nanofluidic devices dedicated to biodetection can be
divided into two major classes: (i) sample preparation devices in which a
preconditioning of the sample can be obtained (matrix change,
preconcentration, cell lysis, purification, etc…) and (ii) biosensors devices in
which the presence of the targeted analyte is transformed into an electrical or
optical signal. On-chip real time PCR, enzyme or classic ELISA immuno-
sensors, and microarrays are among the most promising technologies for
biological agent or markers detection. Single cell biology

Microfluidic is a well understood physic domain and can now be

used to develop tools for cell biology. By simply miniaturizing macroscopic
systems and taking advantage of the possibility of massive parallel
processing, some microfluidic chips enable high-throughput biological
experiments. Specific effects of laminar flow at the micron-scale also enable
spatial control of liquid composition at subcellular resolution, fast media and
temperature changes, and single cell handling and analysis. Microfluidic
technology enables studies of cell behavior from single- to multi-cellular
organism level with precise and localized application of experimental
conditions unreachable using macroscopic tools. Micro droplets

Multiphase flows generate a high interest in microfluidics as the

laminar flows facilitate the generation of monodisperse droplets. Emulsions

and double emulsions can be used for nanoparticle synthesis, drug

microencapsulation (lipid vesicles), and active substance encapsulation.
Microdroplets can also be used as single microreactors in biodetection
system. The amplification of single DNA strands can be obtained to increase
the sensitivity of the biodetection schema.

Alternatives to the above closed-channel continuous-flow systems

include novel open structures, where discrete, independently controllable
droplets are manipulated on a substrate using electrowetting. Following the
analogy of digital microelectronics, this approach is referred to as digital
microfluidics (Velve-Casquillas et al 2007). Microfluidic rheology/rheometry

Working with low Reynolds numbers enables to properly

investigate viscous liquids especially non linear visquous effects. A number
of microfluidic rheometry systems have been investigated and they enable an
alternative to conventional characterization methods. The study of fluids
transport across micro-nanofluidic porous media is also of high interest for oil
recovery applications. Finally, a number a fundamental questions around the
slip velocity at the solid liquid interface can also be investigated using
microfluidic devices together with particle velocimetry techniques. Optofluidics

Optofluidics refers to manipulation of light using fluids, or vice-

verse, on the micro to nano meter scale. By taking advantage of the
microfluidic manipulation, the optical properties of the fluids can be precisely
and flexibly controlled to realize reconfigurable optical components which are
otherwise difficult or impossible to implement with solid-state technology. In

addition, the unique behavior of fluids on micro/nano scale has given rise to
the possibility to manipulate the fluid using light.


A Microfluidic device consists of various components such as,

microchannels, micoronozzles, micropumps, micromixers and microvalves.
These devices handle very small volumes of fluid and can be integrated into
microfluidic chip or Lab-on-a-Chip. The following figure shows a
microfluidic device which consists of microfluidic valves and hydrophobic
vents fabricated by Mathies and Lagally (2001). In this device, sample is
loaded from the right by opening the valve using vacuum (30 mmHg) and
forcing the sample under the membrane using pressure (10-12 psi); vacuum is
simultaneously applied at the vent to evacuate the air from the chamber. The
sample stops at the vent, and the valve is pressure-sealed to enclose the
sample. Dead volumes for the valves and vents are ~50 nL.

Figure 2.1 Schematic diagram of micro TAS (Lagally 2001)


2.2.1 Microvalves

Microvalves are used to rectify fluidic flows, used in pairs in directing

fluid flow in and out of a micropump or individually in a microchannel.
Microvalves can be classified into static and dynamic. Static microvalves
are mostly mechanical check valves consisting of a micromachined orifice
and a deflectable sealing element. This sealing element can be a plate, a ring
mesa, a cantilever or a float. Dynamic microvalves have micronozzles and
microdiffusers functioning as valves. These are known as dynamic passive
valves. The electrostatic valves can be used to direct pressure to pneumatic
microvalves that reduce the ancillaries typically needed to operate pneumatic
actuators (Tice et al 2011).

Figure 2.2 Micro Valve (Tice et al 2011)

2.2.2 Micro Mixer

A mixer must have the ability to mix two or more fluids thoroughly
and in a reasonable amount of time. For effective mixing, the contact
area between the fluids must be increased and the distance over which
diffusion acts must be decreased. In biomedical and chemical analysis, a
sample solution is often to be tested with a reagent. The two solutions should
be well mixed to make the reaction possible. While in macroscale, mixing is

achieved with turbulence, mixing in microscale relies mainly on diffusion due

to the laminar behavior at low Reynolds numbers.

Figure 2.3 Micro Mixer designed by Nguyen et al (1998)

2.2.3 Micropump

Micropumps are used in numerous fields such as chemical process

control, medical drug delivery systems, environmental control, and
biotechnological applications to name a few. In all of these applications, the
main requirement is that of low energy consumption needed so that systems can
be portable and battery-powered. The ability to turn off the flow or to deliver
small and precise amount of liquid is needed for drug delivery system, such as
microsyringes for diabetics or in a chemical analysis system.

Figure 2.4 A valveless micropump manufactured by IDEX corporation

2.2.4 Micronozzle

The micoronozzles were designed to be operated with supersonic

gas flows. In the initial stages of this investigation, however, they were
operated with a liquid in order to assess the spatial resolution capabilities of

the µPIV technique without having to push the temporal envelope

simultaneously (Nam-Trung Nguyen 2006). Consequently, the converging-
diverging geometry of the micronozzle served as a very small venturi. The
micronozzles were fabricated by Robert Bayt and Kenny Breuer (now at
Brown University) at MIT in 1998.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.5 a)DWP b) and c) Micro nozzle (developed by TopSpot


The above figure shows the Dispensing Well Plate which is used
for pressure-based actuation dispensing from 10 nL up to several mL (Stefan
Haeberle et al 2007). The TopSpot is a pressure-based actuation for
dispensing volumes in the lower nL range, TopSpot Vario uses direct
displacement principle via an elastomer, a polymer having low Young’s
modulus, for dispensing of volumes from 100 pL to 1400 pL.


In macroscopic scale, liquid flow in a pipe can be laminar,

transitional or turbulent, depending on the Reynolds number (Re). When
the Re is small (less than 2100), the flow is laminar and when it increases the
flow reaches a transitional phase where the flow is partly laminar with
intermittent bursts of irregular behaviour. When the Re is further increased
(above 4000), the flow becomes turbulent, having random fluctuations with

particle mixing. The velocity has unsteady components normal to the channel
axis as well as the predominant component along the channel (Munson et al
1998). For microdevices, which has dimensions in the order of microns, the Re
is very small (less than 1), even if the velocity is not. The flow is laminar,
moving in smooth streamlines. It is rarely turbulent. In this analysis, only liquid
flow is considered, so compressibility effect is neglected. The flow is treated
as incompressible flow. In incompressible flow, density is constant with
respect to pressure as well as temperature. Although density is sensitive to
temperature changes, in this analysis the temperature is regarded as a
constant. The flow is further restricted to Newtonian fluid, specifically water,
in which case the viscosity is constant.

2.3.1 Microchannels

As a fluid enters a microchannel, it undergoes two distinct

regions of flow. In the beginning, it goes through the entrance region where
the flow profile undergoes changes from flat shape to a more rounded and
eventually to the characteristic parabolic shape. Once it reaches this position
where the profile is parabolic, it is in the fully developed region of the flow. Entrance Region

The entrance region of a microchannel is one in which the flow is

not fully developed. It is also know as the inlet flow region. The length from
the inlet to the fully developed flow region is known as the entrance length.
For a circular duct, the entrance length LFD is given by (Shah and London
1978) in (Schetz, 1993):

LFD 0.6
= + 0.56 Re (2.2)
D 1 + 0.035 Re

If the entrance is well-rounded, the velocity profile is nearly

uniform. As the fluid enters the channel, boundary layers form at the
entrance. Fluid at the walls of the channel slows down while the fluid in the
centre accelerates, according to the continuity law. Due to viscous effects,
the boundary layers thicken downstream and join together until the channel is
filled with these boundary layers. At a certain position in the channel, xL, the
flow profile develops into a parabolic shape. There is an excess pressure drop
across the entrance length due to the increased shear forces in the entrance
boundary layers as well as the acceleration of the core. Fully Developed Laminar Flow

Once the fluid enters this fully developed region, the velocity flow
profile remains the same parabolic shape. The pressure gradient is constant
throughout this region. The velocity profile and pressure gradient is
independent of the inlet conditions. The flow rate for laminar flow in a circular
pipe is given by the Hagen-Poiseuille equation (Zengerle and Richter 1994):

π r4
Q= ∆p (2.3)

where r is the radius of the pipe, l is its length, ∆p is the applied pressure
difference and µ is the viscosity of the fluid. Although equation (2.3) is for
circular pipe, it can be applied to channels with square as well as rectangular
cross-sectional areas of aspect ratios close to 1 if the radius is replaced by
hydraulic diameter Dh given by:

Dh = (2.4)
2(b + h)

2.3.2 Diffusers and Nozzles

Nozzles and diffusers form part of the non-moving part

micropump, acting as passive valves. Passive valves aim to have the fluid
flow in one direction only. It should ideally have zero resistance in one
direction and infinite resistance in the other direction. Nozzles are the channels
that have slowly converging walls while diffusers have gradually expanding
walls. Diffusers were designed to increase pressure and reduce kinetic energy.
As a fluid enters the diffuser, its flow velocity decreases and the static
pressure increases. Diffusers can be conical, pyramidal or planar. The flow in
a diffuser is complex and is dependent on several factors such as the diffuser’s
geometric parameters, inlet Reynolds number, inlet boundary- layer blockage
factor, inlet turbulence, and pulsations. The three most important parameters of
diffusers and nozzles are area ratio, angle and inlet boundary-layer blockage
factor Bt = ABL/Al , where ABL is the wall area blocked or displaced by the
retarded boundary-layer flow in inlet. Its performance decreases with
blockage (White 1994).

Figure 2.6 Geometry of Conical Diffuser

Nozzles transform pressure energy into kinetic energy. As a fluid

goes through a nozzle, its flow velocity increases while its static pressure
along the axis decreases. The fluid accelerates through the nozzle and the

inlet velocity profile distortions become smoothed. Since the pressure

decreases and the length is too short, fully developed flow cannot form in the
nozzle. The effect of friction and turbulence is also reduced (Schetz and
Fuhs 1999). The Geometry of nozzle is presented in Figure 2.6.

Diffusers transform kinetic energy into pressure energy. Since the

velocity decreases and the pressure increases in the flow direction, boundary
layer separation can occur at the wall, especially when the area ratio between
inlet and outlet A2/A1 is large. The fluid particles are moving through higher
pressure area. If the Reynolds number is large, a boundary layer forms close to
the wall where the particles velocity is smaller than the average velocity, due to
dissipation. As they move further in, the pressure increases until they reach
a point at which they can no longer advance and will eventually flow
backwards. This forms a boundary layer separation where vortices form
and are kept in motion by friction stresses and by turbulent stresses exerted by
the unseparated flow. This separated flow is usually unsteady. As for the
particles in the unaffected core, they are in effect flowing in a smaller cross-
section of the channel, experiencing a smaller pressure increase than
expected. The friction stresses experienced by the separated flow leads to
additional pressure loss. The ratio of the actual pressure increase to that of the
theoretical pressure increase is the diffuser efficiency and is given by (Spurk,

Figure 2.7 Boundary Layer Separation in Diffuser



2.4.1 Electric Double Layer

Most substances acquire a surface electric charge when brought

into contact with an aqueous electrolyte solution (Ronald F. Probstein 1995).
Any aqueous electrolyte solution, such as sodium chloride (NaCl) or
potassium chloride (KCl) can conduct electricity. Such electrolytes even exist
inside the human body, in the form of salts, containing sodium and potassium
ions. When dissolved in an aqueous solution, the salts dissociate completely
into ions. The pH of the aqueous electrolyte determines the charge on the
surface of the solid.

When considering silicon oxide as the solid substance, a fraction of

the silanol group SiOH at the surface, change to SiO- or SiOH2+, creating a
negative or positive charged surface respectively. The term zeta potential can
be given to the charge, which appears on the surface of the solid.

Figure 2.8 Electric Double Layer

The charged surface affects the distribution of ions inside the fluid,
by attracting ions of opposite charge (counter-ions) and repelling ions of
similar charge (coions). This results in a high concentration of counter-ions in
a layer close to the wall, known as the inner diffuse layer or Stern layer as the
idea was proposed by Stern in 1924. This layer is typically around 1 nm

(Ren et al 2001) thick and the ions are not mobile, they adsorb to the silicon
through Coulomb forces as well as chemical affinity for the surface. Further
away from the surface, lies another layer, where the concentration of counter-
ions is also higher than that of the co-ions. This layer is known as the outer
diffuse layer. Ions in this layer are mobile and attracted through electrical
forces. The inner and outer layers lying close to the wall are known
collectively as the Electrical Double Layer (EDL), this can be seen in
Figure 2.8. The thickness of the EDL is determined by the strength of the

2.4.2 Electrokinetic

Electrokinetic (Henry Bruus 2008) is the description given to the

four phenomena resulting from attempting to shear off the outer diffuse layer
of the EDL. Electroosmosis

When the microchannel is filled with the electrolyte solution,

counter ions (+) are gathered into very thin Debye layers by channel surface
charges (-). When an electric field is applied from outside, the counter ions
are pulled into the electrode (-). The motion of the ions is transferred to the
electrolyte solution, and the solution moves to the electrode along with the
counter ions because the microchannel flow is a viscous flow, the Reynolds
number of which is far less than 1. This is the electroosmosis phenomenon. Electrophoresis

If particles with neutral surface charges are exposed to an external

electric field, the charges are separated from the particle surface through
polarization. If this external electric potential is uniform, the forces on both

electrodes become equal and accordingly, no movement is made. However, if

the external electric potential has a gradient - that is, if it is a non-uniform or
asymmetric electric field - even neutral particles are subject to a move by the
generated net force. This is known as electrophoresis. Streaming potential

The generation of an electric field by ionised liquid flowing past a

solid surface is streaming potential which is the opposite of electro-osmosis. Sedimentation potential

The generation of an electric field by charged particles moving with

respect to a stationary solid surface is called sedimentation potential that is the
opposite of electrophoresis.

Figure 2.9 Electroomosis and Electrophoresis

All the electrokinetic effects occur as a result of the EDL, however

the importance of including how the electrokinetic forces affect the fluid flow
through channels is dependent on the length scales of the channel (Patankar
and Hu 1998). Traditional fluid dynamics does not take into account the
electrokinetic effects, as they are negligible at this scale, however at micro-
scale, it is important to include these effects. In this thesis, it is assumed, as in
(Dutta P et al 2002) that the fluid is a continuum and has a Knudsen number <

0.1. The Knudsen number is defined as the ratio of mean free path of
molecules to characteristic dimension.

Electroosmotic flow occurs when the ions in the outer diffuse layer
of the EDL move in response to an externally applied electric field. The
electric field acts upon the ions in this layer, forcing them to move towards
the appropriate electrode. The bulk of the fluid, in the center of the channel, is
dragged along by the moving ions through viscous forces. This creates a plug-
like flow, characteristic to electroosmotic flow as seen in the following figure.

Figure 2.10 Diagram outlining the difference between the plug-like

velocity profile, characteristic of EOF and the velocity
profile generated by pressure driven flow.

The flat profile is created through the driving force, which in

electro-osmosis is the internal potential distribution of ions, being uniformly
distributed throughout the channel. The pressure drop encountered in laminar
flow due to frictional forces along the walls is not present in EOF. The flat
plug-like profile minimises the dispersion of substances, hence allowing
efficient transport of substances through long micro-channels. If mixing was
the aim, extra objects could be incorporated into the flow path, so as to break
up the smooth flow produced by electroosmosis.

2.4.3 Zeta Potential

The zeta potential (given the Greek symbol ζ) is defined as the

value of the electrical potential on a plane located between the inner diffuse
layer or Stern layer, and the outer diffuse layer. The plane between the Stern
layer and the outer diffuse layer is called the Stern plane. Hence, the potential
at the Stern plane can be called the zeta potential (Hunter 1981). The zeta
potential can be varied through the pH of the buffer solution; therefore, in
order to produce effective pumping through electroosmosis, the choice of
buffer is important.


In this chapter the basic concepts of microfluidics is described. The

importance, advantages, applications are elaborately discussed. The use of
microfluidic devices such as, microvalves, micromixer, micropump and
micronozzle are analysed. Fluid flow through different microfluidic devices is
also referred.

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