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Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year: 2019-20 (ODD)


Subject : OOPM Semester: III

Course Outcome CO 1 CO 2 CO 3

Question No. 1 2a 2b 3a 3b Total

Marks Obtained

Marks Allotted 04 07 07 06 06 30



Roll No. :

Signature of Faculty:
Department of Computer Engineering
Academic Year: 2019-20 (ODD)

Subject : Object Oriented Programming Methodology Sem : III

Question Marks CO BT
1. What features make Object Oriented Programming different from 4M CO1 BT4
Procedure Oriented Programming?
2. a. In number theory factorial of a number has intensive use in 7M CO2 BT3
permutations, combinations and probability. So explain and write
how factorial of a number is calculated to calculate permutation and
combination of any number with the help of java program using
recursion with class and object concept.
b. Explain how packages are used to encapsulate a group of classes, 7M CO2 BT3
sub packages and interfaces and how it prevents naming conflicts.
List all in-built packages and demonstrate this concept with one
3. a. Total 20 students are shortlisted for technical activity and they have 6M CO3 BT3
asked to give online examination. Company wants list of students
based on their marks and time taken to complete exam. Write a
Java program to generate list of student as per the requirement.
b. Write a program that reads first name of two people and illustrate 6M CO3 BT3
the following String class methods using this input,
1. substring( n , m)
2. equals(n)
3. compareTo(s)

Course Outcomes (CO) Students’ will be able to :
CO1: To apply fundamental programming constructs to understand object
oriented programming concepts.
CO2: To illustrate the concept of packages, classes and objects.
CO3: To elaborate the concept of strings, arrays and vectors.
CO4: To understand and demonstrate the concept of inheritance and interfaces.
CO5: To interpret and apply the notion of exception handling and multithreading.
CO6: To develop GUI based application to understand event-based GUI handling
Bloom's Taxonomy

BT1- Remember BT2- Understand BT3- Apply BT4- Analyze BT5- Evaluate BT6- Create

Subject In-charge DQA Memeber

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