Egipto Astral Projection.

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The Mantra Egipto

Our disciples must acquire the power to

project the ASTRAL Body. That power is acquired
by vocalizing for an hour, daily, the sacred mantra:

The vowel “E” makes the thyroid gland

vibrate and confers upon man the power of occult

The “G” awakens the chakra of the liver,

and when this chakra has reached its full
development, a man may then enter and leave the
body whenever he wishes.

The vowel “I”, combined with the letter

“P”, develops clairvoyance in man, and the power which enables man to project the ASTRAL Body through the
Window of Brahma, which is the pineal gland.

The letter “T” strikes upon the vowel “O”, which is intimately related with the chakra of the heart, and thus
man is able to acquire the power to detach himself from this plexus and leave in the ASTRAL Body.

The correct pronunciation of the mantra is: EEEEGGGGIIIIIIPTOOOO.

They, who have not yet been able to project the ASTRAL Body with the keys we have given, are unable to
do so because they do not have that power. So, they must firstly acquire it by vocalizing for an hour daily the
mantra “EGIPTO”.

This mantra develops totally the chakras related with the projection of the ASTRAL Body, and the disciple
thus acquires the power of ASTRAL projection. The disciple will be able to enter and leave the physical body at

Samael Aun Weor. Excerpt from the Book: Tarot and Kabbalah.

Note: If you don’t know what the Astral World is, we suggest you to take the Free Course of Gnosis, you
can subscribe yourself in the section of Courses.

Astral: It is the same world of Dreams, fifth dimension or Eternity.
Chakra: Magnetic centers weakened by our wrong way of living, once activated they confer us again the lost hidden
Mantra: Wise combination of sounds with the power to positively activate the centers related to the awakening of the
consciousness in the world of Dreams, or Astral.

Practice lead by a Gnostic Instructor en mp3:

Instituto Cultural Quetzalcóatl de Antropología Psicoanalítica, A.C.
Gnosis Immortal Wisdom and

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