Chap 2 Reviewer
Chap 2 Reviewer
Chap 2 Reviewer
Gathering of all corroborating audit evidence – adequate planning of the auditor doesn’t help in
accomplishing this.
True / False
The client should plan the audit work so that the audit will be performed in an effective manner. True
The auditor should develop and document an overall audit plan describing the scope and conduct of the
audit. True
True / False
Obtaining knowledge of the entity business is an important part of the planning the audit work. True
The auditor’s knowledge of the entity’s business assist the identification of events, and practices which
may have a material effect on the financial statements. True
True / False
The overall audit plan and the audit program should not be revised during the course of the audit. False
The auditor should develop and document an audit program setting out the nature, timing and extent of
planned audit procedures required to implement the overall audit plan. True
True / False
According to PSA 300, the auditor may discuss elements of planning with those charged with
governance and the entity’s management. False
The audit plan sets the scope, timing and direction of the audit guides the development of the more
detailed overall audit strategy. True
The overall audit strategy is more detailed than the audit plan and includes the nature, timing and
extent of audit procedures to be performed by engagement team to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence to reduce audit risk to an acceptable level. False
Analytical procedure is not required in – substantive test procedure during evidence gathering
Analytical procedures used in planning an audit should focus on – enhancing the auditor’s
understanding of the client’s business
In designing audit programs, an auditor should establish specific audit objectives that relate primarily to
the – Financial statements assertions
Procedures which not performed as part of planning an audit engagement – test of control
There is an inverse relationship that exist between the acceptable levels of detection risk and the –
assurance provided by substantive tests
True / False
Supervision involves developing an overall strategy for the expected conduct and scope of the audit.
True / False
Planning involves directing the efforts of assistants who are involve in accomplishing the objectives of
the audit and determining whether those objectives where accomplished. True