Lesson 1: Prepare Egg Dishes

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A cleaning program that is an overall system should

Tools, Utensils and Equipment needed in Egg Preparation be to organize all your cleaning and sanitizing tasks. The
program should also help identify your cleaning needs, set up a
master cleaning schedule, select the supplies and tools to use,
1. Channel Knife – a small hand tool used generally in decorative
and train yourselves to make the best of your skills.
works such as making garnishes.
2. Colander- a perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless
Cleaning is the removal of visible soil while sanitizing
steel, aluminum or plastic, used to drain, wash or cook
means reducing the number of harmful microorganisms by using
ingredients from liquid.
very hot water or a chemical sanitizing solution. To be effective,
3. Offset spatula -a broad- bladed implement bent to keep the
cleaning and sanitizing must be two-step process. Surfaces
hand off hot surfaces. It is used for turning and lifting eggs, pan
must first be cleaned and rinsed before being sanitized.
cakes, and meats on griddles, grills, sheet pans, and the likes
and also used to scrape and clean griddles.
There are many cleaning products or agents and a
4. Pastry brush – a small implement used to brush the surface of
variety of equipment in the market. Choose the best for your
unbaked pastries or cookies with egg white, egg yolk or glaze.
workplace and follow instructions in the label.
5. Rubber spatula or scraper – a broad flexible plastic or rubber
scraper, that is rectangular in shape with a curve on one side. It
is used to scrape off all the contents of bowls and pans from the
• Here are some points to support your workplace training:
sides and fold in beaten eggs in batter or whipped cream.
✓ Clean in a logical order
6. Sieve – a screen – type mesh supported by a round metal
✓ Different cleaning tasks require different methods.
frame used for sifting dry ingredients like starch and flour.
Getting things wrong can cause damage to surface,
7. Spoons: solid, slotted and perforated – large stainless steel
harm to yourself, and spread bacteria and dirt.
spoons holding about 3 ounces used for mixing, stirring, and
✓ Many cleaning agents are harmful. Their contact with
serving. Slotted and perforated spoons are large, long-handled
your skin or eyes or breathing in the fumes can cause
spoons with holes in the bowl used to remove lager solid
a serious illness.
particles from liquids.
✓ Mixing one agent with another can be very dangerous.
8. Wire whip or Whisk – a device with loops of stainless steel wire
A chemical reaction can be set up, or in some cases.
fastened to a handle. It is used for blending, mixing, whipping
Place utensils in rack and immerse in hot water at
eggs or batter, and for blending gravies, sauces and soups.
1700F for. Thirty seconds. (A gas or electric heating
elements is needed to hold water at this temperature.)
✓ Drain and air dry. (Do not towel dry. This may
1. Egg poacher – a miniature Bain Marie with an upper dish
contaminate utensils.)
containing indentations each sized to hold an egg or contains
separate device for poaching.
2. Omelet Pan – a heavy-based frying usually of cast iron or
• Mechanical Dishwashing
copper, with rounded sloping sides used exclusively for
The steps in washing dishes by machine are the same
omelets and never washed after used but cleaned with
as in the manual methods. Except that the machine does the
absorbent paper.
washing, rinsing and sanitizing.
3. Measuring cup- a kitchen utensil used for measuring liquid or
1. Scrape and pre-rinse.
bulk solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar.
2. Rack dishes so that the dishwater spray will strike
4. Measuring spoon – used to measure an amount of an
all surfaces.
ingredient, either liquid or dry, when cooking. Measuring
3. Run a machine for a full cycle.
spoons may be made of plastic, metal, and other materials.
4. Set the sanitizing temperature at 1800F for
5. Sauce pan – deep cooking pan with a handle use primarily for
machine that sanitize by heat and at 1400F for
cooking sauce.
machine that sanitizes by chemical disinfectant.
6. Mixing bowl – these containers have smooth, rounded interior
5. Air – dry and inspect dishes. Do not touch food-
surfaces with no creases to retain some mixture and is used for
contact surfaces.
mixing ingredients.
In cookery, egg refers to poultry or fowl products. The
• KITCHEN EQUIPMENT versatility of eggs is evident in its presence in numerous food items.
1. Oven – a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, Eggs may be eaten cooked in its shell, fried, or poached or may-be
heating or drying. combined with other ingredients to produce another dish.
2. Electric mixer – a hand-held mixer which usually comes with
various attachments including a whisk attachment for whisking In baking, egg acts both as an emulsifier and leavener.
cream, batter and egg whites and sugar.
The egg’s protective coating or mucin layer which aids in the
3. Refrigerator – a kitchen appliance where you store food at a
maintenance of its freshness by covering the small holes in the shell
cool temperature.
is called Bloom.
6. Membranes
• Bloom is removed during washing so it is not advisable to wash - there are two kinds of membranes, one just under the
eggs prior to storage unless it is very dirty. shell and the other covering the yolk. These are the Shell
• Removal of the mucin layer will expose the holes making the Membrane and the Vitelline membrane. Just inside the
egg susceptible to bacterial penetration and dehydration, thus shell are two shell membranes, inner and outer. The air
hastening deterioration of its quality. cell formed due to the contraction of egg as it cools, is
• Eggs are produce commercially in farms with a few hundred found between the two layers of this shell membrane.
laying chickens, or in large complexes with thousands of later. - The outer membrane - sticks to the shell while the inner
• Small and micro-sized backyard poultry either in small poultry membrane sticks to the albumen. During storage, the egg
cages or as free range chicken are also producing eggs. losses water by evaporation, causing the air cell to
• Egg is indeed a convenient food for any meal in and out of the enlarge.
house. - The vitelline membrane – is the covering that protects
the yolk from breaking. The vitelline membrane is weakest
at the germinal disc and tends to become more fragile as
Physical Structure and Composition of Eggs the egg ages. Every cook has experienced that the yolk of
eggs that are no longer fresh easily break.

7. Yolk
The yolk or the yellow to yellow– orange portion
makes up about 33% of the liquid weight of the egg.
The egg yolk is formed in the ovary. On the surface
of the yolk, there is a small white spot about 2 min
in diameter. This is the germinal disc and it is
present if the eggs is infertile. In infertile eggs, the
germinal disc contains the genetic materials.


Egg is needed one of the nature’s complete food. It
contains high quality protein with all the essential amino acids,
all of the vitamins except vitamin C, and many minerals. Egg
products are particularly good for fortifying food low in protein
quality. Except for mother’s milk, eggs provide the best protein
naturally available. Egg protein is often used as a reference
standard for biological values of their proteins.

Egg quality has two general components:
4. Chalaza a. Shell Quality (Exterior Quality)
- this is the ropey strands of egg white at both sides of the b. Interior Egg Quality.
egg, which another yolk in place in the center of the thick Interior egg - quality has a direct bearing on the
white. They are sometimes mistaken a for egg functional properties of eggs.
imperfections or beginning embryos, which of course they Shell Quality – has direct influence on
are not. The twist in the chalaza is meant to keep the microbiological quality.
germinal disc always on top whichever way the egg may
turn. The more prominent the chalaza the fresher is the EGG GRADING
egg. Grading is a form of quality control used to classify eggs
for exterior and interior quality. In the Philippines, the grade
5. Germinal Disc designations are A, B, C, and D.
- this is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to
the center of the yolk. The germinal disc is barely EGG SIZE
noticeable as a slight depression on the surface of the Several factors influence the size of the egg:
yolk. When the egg is fertilized, sperm enter by way of the a. Breed
germinal disc, travel to the center and a thick embryo b. Age of hen
starts to form. Since table eggs are not fertilized, this is c. Weight
not easy to recognize as when the egg is fertilized. d. Feed
e. Environmental factors.
Native chicken have much smaller eggs than USE OF EGGS IN CULINARY
commercial breeds. Some commercial breeds Egg is cooked in many ways. It can be the main protein
have bigger eggs than others. Of the same breed, dish; it can be a main or accessory ingredients in dishes from
new layers tend to have smaller eggs compared to appetizers to desserts. It can cooked by dry heat, moist heat,
older hens. Pullets that are significantly underweight with or without oil, as simply or as elaborately as one’s
at sexual maturity will also produce small eggs. inclination for the moment. Indeed it can be eaten anywhere.
Better fed hens lay larger eggs than underfed ones.
The environment factors that lead to smaller eggs EFFECT OF HEAT ON EGGS
are heat, stress and overcrowding. 1. Coagulation of proteins: white at 60-65°C, yolk at 65-
The eggs sizes are: 70°C.
a. Jumbo, ✓ Beyond this temperature, over coagulation at the
b. Extra large interface and water is squeezed out causing shrinkage
c. Large resulting in a tough product.
d. Medium 2. Formation of greenish discoloration at the interface of the
e. Small yolk and white when egg is overcooked.
f. Peewee ✓ Due to the reaction between the iron in the yolk and
Medium, large and extra large are the sizes the hydrogen sulfide liberated from the sulfur
commonly available. containing ferrous sulfide.
✓ Reaction is favored by:
Philippine Standard of Quality for Chicken Eggs a. High cooking temperature
Quality A B C D b. Prolonged cooking
factor ✓ Reaction is prevented by immediate cooling of
Clean Clean Moderately Moderately the egg (e.g. immersing in cold water) after
Unbroken Unbroken stained stained cooking
Shell Normal Normal Unbroken Unbroken
shape shape Slightly May be
abnormal abnormal
shape shape USES OF EGG
Depth of 0.3 Depth of 0.5 Depth of Depth of 1 1. Cooked and served – as is, e.g.
cm or less cm or less 1.0 cm or cm may be ▪ In the shell – soft cooked (5 minutes
Air cell Particular Practically less loose or simmering) or hard cooked (15 minutes
regular regular May be bubbly simmering)
loose or ▪ Poached – cooked in simmering water, addition
bubbly of salt and vinegar hastens coagulation
Clear Clear Clear May be ▪ Fried – keep low to moderate temperature
Egg white firm Reasonably May be weak and ▪ Scrambled – addition of sugar delays
firm slightly watery coagulation; addition of liquids and acids
decreases coagulation point.
▪ Omelet
Learning Outcome 2: Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes
2. Eggs as emulsifier
Market Forms of Egg Lecithin and lysolecithin are responsible for the
There are three market forms of eggs namely: fresh, remarkable ability of egg yolk to act as an emulsifying
dried (whole, egg whites/egg yolks), and frozen (whole, egg agent: both are phosphoproteins containing polar and
whites/egg yolks) non-polar ends such that:
a. Fresh Eggs or Shell eggs – may be purchased a. the polar end holds water
individually, by dozen or in trays of 36 pieces. b. the non-polar end holds the fat, thus, prevent oil
b. Frozen eggs – are made of high quality fresh eggs. droplets in suspension from coalescing.
They come in the form of whole eggs with extra yolks
and whites. Frozen eggs are pasteurized and must be 3. As binding, thickening agent and gelling agents
thawed before use. ▪ Eggs are useful as binding, thickening and
c. Dried eggs – are seldom used. Their white are used gelling agents because they contain proteins
for preparing meringue. Dried eggs are used primarily that are easily denatured by heat.
as ingredients in food industry. They are not ▪ Using whole egg requires lower coagulation
commonly sold directly to consumers. temperatures resulting in stiffer gel
▪ Addition of sugar, raises coagulation
temperature producing softer, weaker gel
▪ Softer gel is produced with the addition od
scalded milk and acid.
▪ In cooking custards, Bain Marie, double boiler foam formation (reduced volume) thus, increases the
or steamer is used to avoid boiling which can time necessary for beating.
produce a porous custard. f. Sugar also increase the stability of foams but delays
▪ Soft custards are produced by constant foams formation (reduced volume), thus, it should be
stirring. added after foaming has started and soft peaks are
formed; sugar retards the denaturation of egg white.
4. As foam g. Addition of soda increases stability and volume
▪ h. Addition of salt lowers quality of the foam
▪ When egg is beaten albumen id denatured, air i. Type of egg: duck eggs do not foam well because
is incorporated as white is stretched into thin they lack ovomucin.
films. j. Dilution of egg white by water produces bigger volume
▪ With continued beating, the air cells are but lesser foam; this produces more tender cakes, but
subdivided and volume is increased. in meringues, syneresis occurs.
▪ Protein network dries up and stabilizes the gas k. Applications of foam in cookery
or air foams. (if only egg whites are used, the ✓ As leavening e.g. in angel cake, sponge cake,
color turns white and soft peaks are formed. chiffon cake
The egg proteins collect at the air/ liquid of the ✓ As meringue, e.g.:
air bubble and undergo surface denaturation.) a. Soft meringue for topping of cream,
chocolate, or lemon pie, requires a
If whole eggs or only egg yolk are used, the color becomes proportion of two tablespoons sugar per
pale yellow with continued beating; volume is increased (but egg white
not as much as when only whites are used); no surface b. Hard meringue for confection, base of
denaturation occurs. fruit pies or Sans Rival Cake, requires a
With further beating of egg whites, liquid drains out, proportion of ¼ cup sugar per egg white.
air bubbles coalesce and foam breaks. ✓ Structural and textural agent – tenderness and
The same changes occur when the foam is allowed fluffiness to products, e.g. fluffy or foamy,
to stand too long. soufflé, divinity, foam cakes, popovers
Maximum stability is reached at soft stage while
maximum volume attained is at stiff stage 5. As coloring and flavoring agent
Egg Products:
➢ Stages in foam formation 1. Balut from duck eggs
a. Frothy – large air bubbles that flow easily 2. Pidan eggs
b. Soft Foam – air cells are smaller and more 3. Century eggs
numerous; foam becomes whiter; soft peaks are 4. Pickled eggs
formed when beater is filled.
c. Stiff foam – peaks hold their shape; when bowl is EGGS MAY BE COOKED IN A LOT OF WAYS:
tipped, it holds, moist and glossy Egg dishes
d. Dry – moistness and glossiness disappear; specks ✓ Eggs cooked in as shell
of egg white are seen. Hard and soft- cooked eggs are cooked this way.
Eggs should only be simmered and not boiled to
prevent over coagulation which would cause the
FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN FOAM FORMATION eggs to be tough. The optimum cooking time for
(LEAVENING AGENT) eggs in shells is 20 to 25 minutes. To avoid
a. Beating time and temperature: as the time of beating cracking of the eggs during cooking, refrigerated
increases, both volume and stability of the foam eggs should be warmed at ambient temperature
increases initially, then, decreases; white can be before cooking. Before boiling, water at room
beaten/whipped more readily at room temperature temperature should be used.
than at refrigerator temperature – refrigerated eggs
are more viscous, thus, hard to beat/whip. ➢ Sometimes yolks of eggs may become greenish during
b. Eggs beaten at room temperature whip better cooking. This color is due to the formation of iron sulfide.
resulting in bigger volume and finer texture Darkening often occurs in eggs wherein the pH of the
c. Whole eggs or egg yolk require more beating to albumen is high. It may also be a result of cooking too long
produce a good foam. at very high temperature.
d. Stored eggs foam faster but produce smaller volume ➢ To avoid this, fresh eggs should always be used. Eggs
than fresh eggs. should be cooked with a minimum period and cooled
e. Acids (e.g. cream of tartar, 1 t per cup) increase the immediately in running water after cooking.
stability of foams, but when added too early, delay
✓ Eggs as a thickening agent and binder. Put cold eggs into already simmering water and
When used as a binder or thickener, the hydrophilic simmer to 3 to 4 minutes.
colloids of yolks and whites, due to the presence of
proteins are converted into a hydrophobic colloids MEDIUM- COOKED EGGS
thus turning it into a gel. Put cold eggs into already simmering water and
At high temperature, the gel toughens. This simmer for 5 to 7 minutes.
explains why the white becomes an opaque mass
when cooked at a temperature of 62°C. for egg
yolk, coagulation starts at 65°C. POACHED EGGS
Poached eggs are prepared by slipping shelled eggs
✓ Eggs as leavening agent into barely simmering water and gently cooking until the egg
Baked products such as sponge cakes, chiffon holds its shape. The fresher the egg, the more centered the
cakes, meringues, and soufflés make use of eggs yolk, the less likely the white is spread and becomes ragged.
as leavened resulting in a light, airy texture. This is
explained by the incorporation of air during the Poached eggs can be prepared in advance and held
bating of eggs. safely throughout a typical service period to make the workload
Foam is formed when the albumen surrounds a easer during service. Slightly under poach the egg, shock them
colloidal system of air bubbles. When beating egg in ice water to arrest the cooking process, trim them, and hold
whites, overbeating must be avoided as this tends them in cold water. At the time of service, reheat the eggs in
to stretch the albumen and would result in a dry, simmering water. Eggs are most often poached in water,
watery appearance. though other liquids, such as red wine, stock, or cream, can be
also used.
Eggs may be considered as “functional
foods”. Functional foods are foods that may have health Add vinegar and salt to the water to encourage the
benefits beyond their traditional nutritional value. Eggs as egg protein to set faster. Otherwise, the egg whites can spread
functional food contain lutein and zeaxanthin that reduces the too much before they coagulate.
risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Eggs may also belong to “designer foods”. STANDARD QUALITIES OFPOACHED EGGS AND
Designer foods are foods that have been modified through COOKED EGGS
biotechnology to enhance their quality of nutritional value. Eggs 1. Bright, shiny appearance
as designer food contain omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids 2. Compact, round shore, not spread or flattened
and vitamin E. so learn now and explore the various egg 3. Firm but tender whites
dishes below. 4. Warm, liquid yolks


Although the term boiled may appear in the name, ✓ Tools/equipment needed:
eggs prepared in the sell should actually be cooked at a bare a. Saucepan
simmer for best results. Eggs are cooked in the shell to make b. Skimmer
hard and soft cooked and coddled eggs. They may be served
directly in the shell or they may be shelled and used to make ✓ Ingredients needed:
another preparation, such a deviled eggs, or as a garnish for • 1 gal/ 3.84Lwater
salads or vegetable dishes. • 1 tbsp/15g salt
• 1 floz. /30ml distilled white vinegar
Select a pot dep enough for the eggs to be • 20 eggs
submerged in water. Have on hand slotted spoon, skimmer, or
spider to remove eggs from the water once they are cooked. ✓ Procedure
1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items. Be sure that
eggs are chilled until ready to poach.
CODDLED EGGS 2. Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for bring it to a bare simmer.
30 seconds. 3. Break each egg into a clean cup, and then slide the egg
carefully into the poaching water.
4. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and 5. Over hard
opaque. Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is completely
5. Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, plot set.
them on absorbent toweling, and trim the edges if desired.
6. Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use. A good cooked FRIED EGGS
and poached egg has a compact, glossy, tender white, and ✓ Tools/equipment needed:
unbroken, thickened yolk. a. Sautépan (preferably non-stick)
b. Dish, turner
✓ Critical factors: ✓ Ingredients Needed:
a. Quality of the egg • Fresh egg
b. Temperature • Oil or clarified or whole butter, a needed for frying
c. Amount of liquid • Salt, as needed
d. The way the egg is put in the pan
• Ground black pepper, as needed
✓ Procedure
Fried eggs call for perfectly fresh eggs, the correct heat
1. Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best results.
level, an appropriate amount of cooking fat, and a deft hand.
2. Break the eggs into a dish.
Fried eggs may be served sunny side up (not turned) or over
3. Add about 1/8 inch fat to the sauté pan and set it to a
(turned once). Fried eggs may be basted with fat as they fry.
moderate heat. Too much fat will make the eggs greasy.
using very fresh eggs is the only way of ensure a rich flavor
Less aft will cause them to stick, unless a pan with the
and goof appearance of the finished dish.
nonstick coating is used.
4. When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into the pan.
5. Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan,
1. White should be shiny, uniformly set, and tender, not
and baste the eggs with the fat as they cook. Season the
browned, blistered or crisp at edge.
eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.
2. Yolk should be set properly according to desired
doneness. Sunny side up yolks should be yellow and well
rounded. In other styles, the yolk is covered with a thin
• Eggs over easy, Medium or hard: turn the eggs over near
layer of a coagulated white.
the end of their cooking time with a spatula and cook them
3. Relatively compact, standing high. Not spread out and
on the other side until done as desired:
a. 20 to 30 seconds for over easy,
4. A fried egg should have a yolk covered with a thin film of
b. 1 minute for over medium
coagulated egg white and still remain slightly fluid.
c. 2 minutes for over hard.
5. The egg white should be opaque, firm and tender, not
chewy, crisp or brown.
6. A perfectly fried egg is a glory to behold – crispy edges
▪ Glossy
and a wobbly, pinkish yolk.
▪ Moist
7. It will provide a fried egg with a slightly crispy, frilly edge;
▪ Tender
the white will be set and the yolk soft and runny
▪ Eggs brown and crisp
▪ Eggs white blistered
1. Sunny side up
▪ Eggs odd-shaped
Cook slowly without flipping until white is completely
▪ Eggs sticking
set but yolk is still soft and yellow. Heat must be low
or bottom will toughen or burn before top is
completely set.
2. Basted
Scrambled eggs can be made in two ways:
Do not flip. Add a new drops of water to pan and
1. The eggs can be stirred constantly over low heat for a soft
cover to steam cook the top. A thin film of
delicate curd and a creamy texture
coagulated white will cover the yolk which should
2. Stirred less frequently as they cook for a larger curd and
remain liquid.
a firm texture.
3. Over easy
Whether prepared to order or to serve on a buffet
Fry and flip over. Cook just until the white is just set
line, scrambled eggs must be served hot, fresh and
but the yolk is still liquid.
moist. Choose eggs that are fresh, with intact
4. Over medium
shells. Adding a small amount of water or stock
Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is partially set.
(about 2tsps/10ml per egg) to the beaten eggs will Grated or crumbled cheeses will melt sufficiently from the
make the puffer as the water turns to steam. of the eggs, and are often added just bore an omelet is rolled or
Milk or cream may be used to enrich the eggs. folded.
Scrambled eggs can be seasoned with salt and
pepper, and/or flavored or garnished with fresh THESE FACTORS FOR MAKING QUALITY OMELETS
herbs, cheese, sautéed vegetables, smoked fish, or 1. High heat
truffles. This is an opposite to the basic principle of low
Eggs can be scrambled in a sauté pan or on a temperature egg cookery. The omelet cook fast that
griddle. Nonstick surfaces make it easy to prepare its internal temperature never has time to get too
scrambled eggs with a minimum amount of added high.
fat. Pans used for eggs should be reserved for that 2. A conditioned omelet pan
use only, if possible. The pan must have sloping side and be of the right
A table fork, wooden spoon, or spatula is needed size so the omelet can be shaped properly. It must
for stirring the eggs in cooking. be well seasoned or conditioned to avoid sticking.

➢ Do not overcook scrambled eggs or hold them BAKED EGGS
too long Baked eggs are also quick and easy to prepare.
➢ Overcook scrambled eggs are tough and watery 1. Place a little butter in a custard cup. Put the cup in 175°C
and will turn green in steam table. (350°F) oven until the butter melts.
➢ Scrambled eggs should be soft and moist. 2. Break an egg into the cup, and sprinkle with salt and
pepper, then top the egg with a little mix.
3. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until the egg white is
• For flavor variations, the following ingredients may be
added to scrambled eggs before serving: Prepare poached egg individually following the procedures
a. Chopped parsley or other herbs below.
b. Grated cheese ✓ Tools/ Equipment Needed:
c. Diced ham a. Sauce pan
d. Crumble bacon b. Skimmer
e. Sautéed diced onions and green bell pepper ✓ Ingredients Needed:
f. Diced smoked salmon a. Eggs
g. Sliced cooked breakfast sausage b. Distilled vinegar
A good scrambled egg must not be tough nor ✓ Procedure
burned but completely coagulated. 1. Prepare mise’ en place.
2. Add 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoon distilled
OMELETS vinegar per quart of water if eggs are not very
The rolled, or French style, omelets start out like fresh. This will help to coagulate the egg white
scrambled eggs, but when the eggs start to set, they are rolled faster and keeps a better shape.
over. A folded or American style, omelet is prepared in much 3. Bring water to a simmer.
the same manner, though it is often cooked on a gridle rather 4. Break eggs one at a time, into a dish or a small
than in a pan, and instead of being rolled, the American omelet plate and slide into the simmering water.
is folded in half. 5. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes, until whites are
coagulated but yolks are still soft.
There are two other styles of omelets, both based upon a 6. Remove eggs from pan with slotted spoon or
beaten, mixture of eggs, cooked either over direct heat or in an oven. skimmer.
Choose eggs that are fresh, with intact shells. As with scrambled 7. Drain well and trim off ragged edges.
eggs, the ability of the egg to hold its shaped is irrelevant, but fresh 8. Serve immediately.
eggs are preferable. Omelets can be seasoned with salt, pepper, and (to hold for later service, plunge immediately into
herbs. Clarified butter or oil is the most common cooking fat. cold water to stop cooking. Rteheat briefly in hot
water at service time.)
Omelets may be filled or garnished with cheese, sautéed
vegetables or potatoes, meats, and smoked fish, among other things.
These fillings and garnishes are incorporated at the appropriate point
to be certain they are fully cooked and hot when the eggs have been
LEARNING OUTCOME 3: PRESENT EGG DISHES people within the training institution but also to others
Part of serving food is representation. It should appeal to who will be affected.
your mouth, noise and eyes. You don’t have to be a trained chef to
learn the basic of plating, which is the art of presenting food in an Goods OHS practice
attractive way. 1. Disaster plan – there should be plan in place to deal with
any emergency.
SEVEN SIMPLE WAYS TO PRESENT FOOD LIKE CHEF 2. Training and Providing Relevant Information.
1. Set the table properly. Your day-today meals might be 3. Work and storage areas, should be designed,
free-for all, but if you’ve got gusts coming over, it’s nice to constructed, and equipped to ensure that there is
have the knives and forks in the right places. minimum risk to archive material or staff. It should be kept
2. Choose your plates wisely. Make sure your serving plates free of food and drinks, harmful contaminants, pollutants,
are big enough to let each food item stand out, but small or vermin radiation.
enough that the portions don’t look tiny. 4. Near Miss and hazardous incidents and accident
3. Read the clock! A fool proof way to arrange food on plate investigation.
is to place the carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread, etc) at 5. Report of Notifiable accidents, incidents and dangerous
11 o’clock , the vegetables at 12 o’clock , and the protein occurrences.
at 6 o’clock from the diner’s point of view. This will also 6. First aid
help you portion correctly, if you remember that 7. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
vegetables should cover about half of the plates, starch
one fourth, and protein one fourth. BASIC FOOD MICROBIOLOGY
4. Just like with centerpieces, it’s good to have a little bit of Certain microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, are able
height, but don’t overdo it or your guests won’t know how to invade the human body and cause illness and sometimes
to proceed! If you have a mound of mashed potatoes death. Because contaminated foods are the major sources of
(mid-height), you may want to learn your pork chop organisms transmitted to people, it is essential that food
against is so that it is standing up (high), with a row of production must have a clear understanding of food
snow peas (low) in front. Or, top some rice (Low) with microbiology and the conditions involve in it.
sliced grilled chicken (cut into a few diagonal slices, and
fan them out) (mid-height) and across asparagus over top ➢ Food-borne illness – is a disease that is carried and
of it (high). transmitted to people by food.
5. Be odd. Don’t be strange, buts things generally look more ➢ Food-borne infection – is a disease that results from
interesting when they’re in sets of odd numbers, rather eating food containing harmful micro-organisms.
than even numbers. ➢ Food-borne intoxication – is a disease that results from
6. Play with color and texture. Even if you’re just serving eating food containing toxins from bacteria, molds or
Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, a green certain plants or animals.
paper napkin can make this simple meal look really
7. Play with Height. This chicken stir-fry with broccoli looks BORNE ILLNESS ARE:
more interesting because of the high mound of rice sitting 1. Failure to properly refrigerate food
next to it. 2. Failure to thoroughly heat or cook food
8. Garnish appropriately. Don’t lose sight of the recipe you 3. Infected employees/workers because of poor personal
made in the first place! Any garnish on the plate should be hygiene practices.
edible and should enhance the flavor of the main dishes. 4. Food prepared a day or more before they are serve.
Grilled salmon might be served with a lemon wedge, for 5. Raw, contaminated ingredients incorporated into foods
example, Garnishes, like the cut-up fruit with the fried egg that receive no further cooking.
below, are also a great way to add color or texture. 6. Cross-contamination of cooked food through improperly
cleaned equipment.
7. Failure to reheat food to temperature that kills bacteria.
8. Prolonged exposure to temperature favorable to bacterial

✓ Occupational health and safety (OHS) – is a cross - Aside from food safety we should also be aware of
disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, the different hazards in our workplace such as kitchen, hazards,
health and welfare or people engaged in work or electrical hazards and others. To avoid or control these kind of
employment. hazards the following should be observed:
✓ Knowing OHS is essential to minimize the hazards
and risks not only to students, trainers and other 1. Use a caution when working around hot oil.
2. Get trained in the proper use and maintenance of your
deep fryer.
3. Observe all safety, procedures and wear all protective LEARNING OUTCOME 4: STORE EGG DISHES
equipment provided for your use while preparing hot items. Storage is done to maintain the quality of food, prolong
4. Use gloves, scrapers, and other cleaning tools with the shell life, maintain an adequate supply of food and ensure its
handles. safety for consumption. Proper storage of food is crucial in keeping
5. Use the correct grease level and cooking temperature for food’s safe because the manner and temperature off storage will
your deep fryer. affect the food’s susceptibility to bacterial growth, other contaminants
6. Keep stove surfaces clean to prevent grease flare-ups. and infestation.
7. Avoid reaching over or climbing on top of fryers and other
hot surfaces. Clean vents when oil is cool. Storing food will not improve its quality, it will only delay
8. Keep floor surfaces clean and dry to prevent slipping or the rate of deterioration, and thus the proper period of storage should
falling onto hot surfaces. also be observed. Eggs should be stored properly to prevent
9. Wear slip-resistant shoes. Floors should be cleaned often increase in alkalinity and bacterial growth.
with grease-cutting solutions.
10. Do not work closely to hot fryers when the floor is wet. They should be stores in an oval, dry place to retard
11. Do not spill water or ice into hot oil as this may cause a deterioration, as enzymatic activity is greater at room temperature.
flare-up Keeping eggs as fresh as possible depends on the care taken by the
12. Do not overfill or pour excessive amount of frozen fires into farmer, wholesaler, and grocer to refrigerate them at all times.
dep fryer at one time.
13. Overfilling causes excessive splashing and bubbling over After you have chosen your eggs by size, grade,
of hot oil. freshness, and type, proper storage will help maintain their quality.
14. Do not pour excess ice from fry packages into the fryer.
15. Do not overheat the oil; use only manufacturers
recommend cooking temperatures. KIND OF STORAGE
16. Do not move or strain hot oil containers; wait until the oil is 1. Cold storage- (refrigerated storage, deep chilling, freezer
cool. storage) keeping potentially hazardous foods cold enough
17. Extinguish hot oil/grease fire by using a class k fire to prevent bacteria from flowing. The temperature of the
extinguisher. freezer compartment must be at 0°F or less, and the eggs
should be stored in an area of the freezer where there is
the least amount of temperature fluctuation.
HERE ARE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO HANDLE EGGS: 2. Dry storage should be dry, cool, well-ventilated, free from
Purchasing: do not buy dirty, cracked, or outdated eggs. insects and rodents, clean and orderly. In the absence of
✓ Storage: refrigerators, eggs may stored at room temperature for
1. Store at 45°For below. about seven days. Left-over egg yolks and egg whites
2. Store in closed container should be kept in containers that will prevent drying.
3. Store away from storing odors.
4. Refrigerate leftover egg dishes in shallow containers. TIPS FOR STORING RAW AND COOKED EGGS:
5. Do not allow dripping to contaminate eggs. 1. Put eggs in the refrigerator as soon as possible after
✓ Preparation/cooking: 2. Keep them in their covered carton (large end up) to
1. Keep r refrigerated before and after cooking. preserve moisture and assure darkness. Do not put them
2. Keep everything clean in the egg box at the door of the refrigerator.
3. Use only clean, not cracked eggs. 3. Keep eggs away from strong odors. These can be
4. Cook thoroughly. absorbed through the shells, which are porous.
5. Wash container used for egg thoroughly.
6. Use egg separator. Whole eggs can be beaten slightly and placed in a container
with a tight seal and stored in the freezer for up to one year.
✓ Service transport: 1. Egg whites also can be stored for up to a year in a tightly
1. Service promptly after cooking sealed container in the freezer.
2. Keep cold food cold, hot food hot 2. When storing egg yolks in the freezer, a small amount of
3. Use ice or cold packs when tranposrting. sugar or salt should be added to prevent the yolks from
4. Avoid eating raw eggs of food that contain raw eggs. becoming too thick and gelatinous over time.
3. Add a pinch of salt per yolk if the yolks will be used for
savory dishes, or add a ¼ teaspoon of sugar per yolk if
the yolks will be used for sweet dishes.
4. Do not wash eggs before storing them. This destroys the
mineral-oil film that coats the shells and helps keep them
5. Dip the eggs in oil to cover the pores and to delay its
deteriorative changes, reduce mold penetration and retard
6. Do not keep eggs longer than 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
7. Left- over raw yolks can be refrigerated in a tightly
covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator for
several days or as long they do not have any odor. They
can also be frozen, although when thawed the white is
thinner. However, you can use them successfully in
recipes calling for egg whites.

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