This document contains two lists of members of the Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps unit at Lambung Mangkurat University in Banjarmasin. The first list includes 27 committee members with their names, student IDs, faculties, study programs, and roles. The second list includes 20 participant members with the same details. Both lists provide contact information for the event coordinator, equipment manager, and commander at the end.
This document contains two lists of members of the Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps unit at Lambung Mangkurat University in Banjarmasin. The first list includes 27 committee members with their names, student IDs, faculties, study programs, and roles. The second list includes 20 participant members with the same details. Both lists provide contact information for the event coordinator, equipment manager, and commander at the end.
This document contains two lists of members of the Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps unit at Lambung Mangkurat University in Banjarmasin. The first list includes 27 committee members with their names, student IDs, faculties, study programs, and roles. The second list includes 20 participant members with the same details. Both lists provide contact information for the event coordinator, equipment manager, and commander at the end.
This document contains two lists of members of the Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps unit at Lambung Mangkurat University in Banjarmasin. The first list includes 27 committee members with their names, student IDs, faculties, study programs, and roles. The second list includes 20 participant members with the same details. Both lists provide contact information for the event coordinator, equipment manager, and commander at the end.
SUB UNIT BANJARMASIN Markas: Jl. Brigjend H. Hasan Basri, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin – 70123 (Kal-Sel)
Lampiran 1
NO NAMA NIM Fakultas / Prodi KET
1. Musahadah 1810414220039 FISIP / Ilmu Komunikasi Panitia 2. Wita Oktarina P 1810414320046 FISIP / Ilmu Komunikasi Panitia 3. M. Sahid 1810129210028 FKIP / Pend. IPA Panitia 4. Saniah Zahro 1810129220017 FKIP / Pend. IPA Panitia 5. Linda 1810129220023 FKIP / Pend. IPA Panitia 6. Garin Aji Nugroho 1810115310011 FKIP / Pend. Geografi Panitia 7. Rudini 1610115210015 FKIP / Pend. Geografi Panitia 8. Herlina Yuriska 1710118320012 FKIP / Pend. Matematika Panitia 9. Achmad Fredi 1810118310029 FKIP / Pend. Matematika Panitia 10. Wafa Islamiyah 1710118220031 FKIP / Pend. Matematika Panitia 11. Mardhiah 1610128120007 FKIP / Pend. IPS Panitia 12. Fitria Nazmi 1810127220024 FKIP / PKH Panitia 13. Harisah A1F115011 FKIP / PKH Panitia 14. Lukman Hakim 1610124310010 FKIP / Pend. Seni Pertunjukan Panitia 15. Siti Rukmanah 1810119120010 FKIP / Pend. Biologi Panitia 16. Weni Amalia 1810111120006 FKIP / Pend. Sejarah Panitia 17. Nor Ipansyah A1A2150328 FKIP / PPKN Panitia 18. Rudy A1A215033 FKIP / PPKN Panitia 19. Putriana KN A1A215031 FKIP / PPKN Panitia 20. Al Rasyid A1A315001 FKIP / Pend. Ekonomi Panitia 21. Nor Azizah 1710131220018 FKIP / Pend. Ilmu Komputer Panitia 22. Lia Permata Halim 1710313220056 FEB / Akuntansi Panitia 23. Akhmad Nasholeh 1800311310004 FEB / Akuntansi Panitia 24. Ahmad Firdaus 1810131210001 FKIP / Pend. Ilmu Komputer Panitia 25. Merina 1810131120014 FKIP / Pend. Ilmu Komputer Panitia 26. M. Maulana 1810131110010 FKIP / Pend. Ilmu Komputer Panitia 27. M. Marden 1710413310021 FISIP / Ilmu Pemerintahan Panitia
CP : CO Acara (Herlina) : 085820615726
Ketuplak (Mardhiah) : 085786615836 Komandan (Lukman) : 087709134440 KORPS SUKARELA PALANG MERAH INDONESIA UNIT UNIVERSITAS LAMBUNG MANGKURAT SUB UNIT BANJARMASIN Markas: Jl. Brigjend H. Hasan Basri, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin – 70123 (Kal-Sel)
Lampiran 2
NO NAMA NIM Fakultas / Prodi KET
1. Ulfa Mutmainah 1910118320015 FKIP / Pend. Matematika Peserta 2. Riska Ainiyah 1910129320002 FKIP / Pend. IPA Peserta 3. Silvia Rahmawati 1910129120013 FKIP / Pend. IPA Peserta 4. Meyda Aulia 1910129220015 FKIP / Pend. IPA Peserta 5. Dewi Melati 1910115120014 FKIP / Pend. Geografi Peserta 6. Khusnul Khatimah 1910115120015 FKIP / Pend. Geografi Peserta 7. Nur Alif Zahrotul M 1910115320016 FKIP / Pend. Geografi Peserta 8. Aulia Rahmi 1910113220028 FKIP / Pend. Ekonomi Peserta 9. Ani Syahfitri 1810123320002 FKIP / Pend. BK Peserta 10. Nurul Hafizah 1810123220040 FKIP / Pend. BK Peserta 11. Rida Maulida 1810123220024 FKIP / Pend. BK Peserta 12. M. Ridha Anshari 1910119210020 FKIP / Pend. Biologi Peserta 13. Ramdi Yani 1910413310011 FISIP / Ilmu Pemerintahan Peserta 14. M. Yazid 1910413210002 FISIP / Ilmu Pemerintahan Peserta 15. Randa 1910413210055 FISIP / Ilmu Pemerintahan Peserta 16. M. Rizqy 1910411210016 FISIP / Ilmu Adm. Publik Peserta 17. Abdul Lathif 1910411210007 FISIP / Ilmu Adm. Publik Peserta 18. Khairullah 1910415210010 FISIP / Sosiologi Peserta 19. M. Azhari 1910415210039 FISIP / Sosiologi Peserta 20. Nisa Nurdiana 1910412220028 FISIP / Ilmu Adm. Bisnis Peserta