2011 Agency Samplex
2011 Agency Samplex
2011 Agency Samplex
Agency, Trust and Joint Ventures b.) The agent acts as representative and
Samplex Compilation: 2011-2012 not for himself; Q: What is the essential difference between a
Atty. Joaquin P. Obieta c.) Consideration or remuneration of true contract of agency and a true brokerage
the agent; contract? (2011, 2012)
Note: Same as the midterms rev, for the MCQ I did not d.) Agent acts within the scope of its A: An agency is empowered to enter into
include the choices anymore. Essay answers are not authority juridical acts on behalf of the principal, whereas,
sure, some of them are from bluebooks, and I have no are essential elements of agency except: a broker represents the purported principal but
intention to impair anyone’s intellectual property. (2011, 2012) without power to enter into juridical acts in the
A: C. Consideration or remuneration of the name of the principal.
Note #2: Please read with case doctrines, in case of bad agent.
faith. Good luck to us! Q: When in the commission issued by the
Q: When may an agent appoint a substitute? principal to the agent, he states that he
MCQ (2011, 2012) “withholds no power and that the agent’s
Q: Since an agent assumes no personal A: If the principal has not prohibited him from powers are beyond powers of
liability on the contract he enters into in the doing so. administration,” then what is the agency
name of the principal, if the agent indeed is a constituted? (2011, 2012)
minor, then the agency entered into is: (2011, Q: What is the essential feature of Agency as A: A general power of attorney.
2012) distinguished from other similar contracts?
A: Valid until annulled. (2011, 2012) Q: When under a “Special Power of
A: It is a relationship whereby one party pursues Attorney” the agent has been given the
Q: The termination of the agency through juridical acts in the name of the other party. power to sell the principal’s land in Taguig
revocation by the principal: (2011, 2012) covered by TCT ####, under such terms
A: Is at the will of the principal made known to Q: What is the liability of two or more agents and conditions as the attorney-in-fact deems
the agent, even if such at of revocation is who are appointed simultaneously by the reasonable and convenient,” and the agent
contrary to the terms of the agency instrument. same principal? (2011, 2012) purchases for himself the land under a formal
A: Not solidary. (Solidary only if stipulated) Deed of Absolute Sale, what is the status of
Q: When to principals have jointly appointed the contract? (2011, 2012)
a common agent for the same transaction, Q: A provision on the Power of Attorney A: The contract of sale to the agent is void for
then revocation by one of them without the providing that “the appointment of the agent being in violation of his fiduciary obligations to
consent of the other: (2011, 2012) is irrevocable for a period of 8 years, and any the principal.
A: Terminates the entire agency relationship. attempt before the end of that period to
terminate the agency shall be null and void,” Q: When an agent acts in the name of the
Q: The following is? (2011, 2012) principal and within the scope of his
a.) Consent, express or implied of the A: Valid, but cannot prevent the principal form authority – (2011, 2012)
parties to establish the relationship; revoking the agency, nor the agent from A: The agent has complied with his duty of
withdrawing from the agency. obedience.