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NYIF Investment Banking Certification Program Brochure

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1. About the Program ………......………………………..........……………1

2. Program Structure ………………………………………………………..….2
3. Program Schedule …………………………………………….………........4
4. Curriculum ………………………………………………………………..........5
Curriculum Description
5. Foundation Courses ….………………………………………….……….…8
6. Specialisation I - Capital Markets ………………………………..…...9
7. Specialisation II - Fund Management ..……………………….......10
8. Specialisation III - Valuation ……………………………………………..11
9. Specialisation IV - Mergers and Acquisitions …..……………….12
Mini-MBA level Investment Banking Education from the Experts at
Wall Street
Accelerate your knowledge of valuation and
investment banking, prepare for a future in finance
and standout for interviews with financial institutions
In 1922, NYIF started at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one of the
world’s first dedicated program for training professionals in finance. Today,
after almost 100 years NYIF remains leader in the field of financial training
and education. NYIF alumni now number over 50,000, in over 200 countries
and work in major financial institutions and business corporations

Starting in February 2019, NYIF is bringing a tailor-made Mini-MBA level

programme in business finance, valuation, and investment banking to
prepare fresh graduates and final year Masters students for a successful
career in these rewarding professions.

In the NYIF Investment Banking Certification you will learn practical, and
comprehensive understanding of Capital Markets, Fund Management,
Valuation, and Mergers & Acquisition (M&A).

The 12-week intense learning program has 12 courses, with 4 running each

Program Structure
The NYIF Investment Banking Certification is a 12-week intensive program, covering 12
courses where you will learn directly from industry experts, market practitioners, and
seasoned finance professionals about business finance, valuation and investment banking.
The program is designed to develop the essential expertise that every investment banking
What to Expect analyst and investment professional needs.

NYIF Investment Banking Certification is designed for students from a wide range of
backgrounds, including business, economics, engineering, sciences, and mathematics. The
NYIF Investment Banking Certification is ideal for you if you are a fresh graduate, or Masters
student looking for a short-term yet comprehensive, and cost and time effective program to
Ideal for develop solid skills in corporate finance, valuation, and investment banking.

Blended learning from the best of Wall Street – an eclectic mix of online and offline classes
with NYIF’s list of global financial experts and industry practitioners, followed by a bootcamp
in New York where you will take in-person classes, interact with financial leaders, and visit
Pedagogy Wall Street financial institutions.

12 weeks

Rolling admissions – NYIF Investment Banking Certification program will be offered quarterly,
starting in January each year. NYIF will accept applications throughout the year and
applicants can enrol in any upcoming new session.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of a recognised bachelor’s degree in any


1. Online-Only Enrolment : USD 990

2. Online with In-Person NYC Bootcamp : USD 1990
Fee Structure

After Graduation
NYIF Alumni All NYIF Investment Banking Certification graduates will get membership in the NYIF Alumni
Membership Club along with the lifelong benefits of networking, access to continued learning
opportunities, NYIF conferences, seminars, and webinars, etc.

NYIF Career Take advantage of our career-support services to maximize business skills and accelerate your
Support Services entry into internships and jobs with financial institutions. Get access to mentorship, refine
your soft skills through our business etiquette, financial interview, mock interview coaching.

Program Schedule – 3 Phases
1 2 3
Weeks 6-11 (more details on next slides)
Weeks 1-5 Track 1 - Choose any Two Specialisations, OR Week 12*
Track 2 - NYIF-selected courses from all 4 Specialisations

Course 1 : Finance for Managers Interactive sessions with

Track 1: Specialisation I – 3 courses
Industry Specialists
Course 2 : Financial Statement
Analysis Track 1: Specialisation II – 3 courses
In-person classes at New York
Course 3 : Free Cash Flow Modelling Four courses - one from each
Track 1 Specialisation III – 3 courses specialisation
(Both track 1 and track 2 students
Course 4 : Quantitative Methods take two courses)
and Techniques for Finance
Track 1 Specialisation IV – 3 courses
+ Essential Career Skills for
Investment Banking and Finance Visits to Wall Street Financial
Track 2: NYIF selected 6 courses Institutions

Foundation Specialisation *New York Graduation

Courses Tracks Bootcamp

*Optional : Enrollment in the New York Bootcamp is optional. All applicants can apply for the boot camp at New York
during the time of initial enrolment in the program. For cost details please refer to the fee section.
Those students who do not attend the boot camp can access the classes via online.

4 Foundation
Courses 5 Specialisations 16 Elective Courses

1. Finance for Managers Track 1 1. Fundamentals of the Securities Industry

2. Financial Statement Analysis 1. Capital Markets 2. Equities
3. Free Cash Flow Modelling 2. Fund Management 3. Fixed Income Securities
4. Quantitative Methods and 3. Valuation 4. Derivative Instruments
Techniques for Finance 4. Mergers & Acquisition (M&A) 5. Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds
6. Hedge Funds and Private Equity
+ Essential Career Skills for Track 2 7. Wealth Management
Investment Banking and Finance 1. NYIF Signature Track in Financial 8. Portfolio Management
Markets, Valuation and M&A 9. Corporate Finance
10. Business Valuation
11. Corporate Credit Analysis
12. Measuring Risk: Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives
and FX
13. M&A Concepts and Theories: An Introduction
14. M&A Concepts and Theories: Advanced Topics
15. M&A - Structuring the Deal
16. M&A – Advanced Modelling of Acquisitions

Design your own path to specialisation.

Build solid foundations for
Choose either of the two tracks –
understanding finance with 5 courses
1. Track 1 – Choose ANY two of the four
• 4 courses covering key disciplines
specialisations (4 elective courses
of business and finance
in each : 3 online +1 at bootcamp)
• 1 course in interviewing and Deep-dive learning in 8 selected electives
2. Track 2 – Signature track, NYIF
career management for
selected mix of 8 elective courses
investment banking and finance.
(6 online + 2 at bootcamp)
TRACK 1 - Combine any Two Specialisations TRACK 2 - NYIF Signature Track

I. Capital Markets Financial Markets, Valuation and M&A

1. Fundamentals of the Securities Industry 1. Equities
2. Equities 2. Fixed Income Securities
3. Fixed Income Securities

II. Fund Management

1. Mutual Funds and ETFs
2. Hedge Funds and Private Equity
3. Wealth Management

III. Valuation
1. Corporate Finance 3. Corporate Finance
2. Business Valuation 4. Business Valuation
3. Credit Analysis

IV. Mergers & Acquisition (M&A)

1. M&A I : An Introduction 5. M&A : An Introduction
2. M&A II : Advanced Topics 6. M&A - Structuring the Deal
3. M&A : Structuring the Deal
NYIF Bootcamp Courses (Take Two) NYIF Bootcamp Networking Sessions

I. Capital Markets ü New York Institutional Visits

1. Derivative Instruments (Bootcamp)
ü Meet the industry leaders

ü Moderated Discussions
II. Fund Management
1. Portfolio Management (Bootcamp)

III. Valuation
1. Measuring Risk (Bootcamp)

IV. Mergers & Acquisition (M&A)

1. M&A : Advanced Acquisition Modelling
Curriculum Description
Foundation Courses
Finance for Managers Free Cash Flow Modelling

1 This introductory curriculum provides

managers with a basic understanding of 3 This course teaches students how to employ
free cash flow concepts to analyze corporate
financial management. It demonstrates how performance and do evaluation analysis to
to read and understand key elements of make better capital budgeting and
financial statements and reports, such as acquisition decisions.
balance sheets, income statements and cash
flow statements. Participants also learn how
to apply basic financial and accounting
principles to budget preparation and analysis.

Financial Statement Analysis Quantitative Techniques for Finance

2 This course teaches participants how to

compare companies financially, understand
4 In this course participants learn about key
quantitative methods and techniques used in
cash flow, and grasp basic profitability and financial and investment analysis. The course
risk analysis concepts. covers topics on time value of money, basic
statistics of sampling and estimation,
hypothesis testing, probability distribution,
correlation and regression techniques.

Foundation Courses
Essential Career Skills for Investment
Banking and Finance

+ This course will improve your financial

fluency so that you speak like a seasoned
professional when starting or advancing your
career. Learn about the different sectors and
sub-sectors across the financial industry. In
addition to industry jargon, discover how
hiring decisions are actually made and the
strategies to control the narrative and tell
your story in the most compelling way

Elective Courses -
Specializations Paths
I. Capital Markets
Fundamentals of the Securities Fixed Income Securities

This curriculum provides a broad perspective of
the inner workings of Wall Street and the securities
3 This course provides a solid introduction to
credit risk, bond-rating systems, bond trading
terminology, techniques and strategies, the yield
industry. It focuses on the products, markets, curve and the factors that affect it, and the role of
vocabulary, and players, the primary and the Federal Reserve system and its impact on
secondary markets for securities including bonds. It covers the corporate, municipal, and
investment banking, the stock exchanges and over- government bond markets, focusing on the
the-counter transactions, margin, settling, concepts, functions, and operations of these
clearing, and industry regulations. markets.

Equities Derivative Instruments (Bootcamp)

2 A detailed introduction to equity securities, this

course covers the types, characteristics, and risks 4 This course explains the fundamentals of
different derivative instruments - forwards,
of common stock, preferred stock, and other futures, options, swaps. The participants learn
equity-related instruments such as rights, about tools used in hedging and speculative
warrants, and convertible bonds. Each type of strategies, as well as ways in which these tools
security is presented from the perspective of both are used by both individual and institutional
investors and issuers. The course also covers investors around the world. The course also
equity indexes, index options, and index mutual covers futures pricing, the Greeks and the
funds. various options positions, and explains the basic
structure of plain vanilla swaps and how
corporations use swaps to manage their risk.

II. Fund Management

Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Wealth Management

Funds (ETFs)
This course introduces the global mutual fund
industry, exploring the types of mutual funds, the
3 In this course participants learn about key
quantitative methods and techniques used in
financial and investment analysis. The course
fund selection process, and the structure of mutual
covers topics on time value of money, basic
fund companies. As the popularity of exchange-
statistics of sampling and estimation, hypothesis
traded funds explodes, this course also examines
testing, probability distribution, correlation and
the trends that are shaping the industry, including
regression techniques, and time-series analysis.
indexation and the use of ETFs to globally diversify
investment portfolios

Hedge Funds and Private Equity Portfolio Management (Bootcamp)

2 Developing, offering, marketing, and investing in

hedge funds is one of the fastest growing and least 4 This introduction to portfolio management
theory lays out the different types of investor
understood sectors of the asset management characteristics and their implications for
industry. This course presents a comprehensive portfolio construction. This course also provides
and accurate picture of the hedge fund industry, insights into the relevance of the portfolio
various hedge fund strategies, hedge fund management process for fixed income, equity,
operations, and considerations for hedge fund and money market securities.

III. Valuation
Corporate Finance Corporate Credit Analysis

1 This introductory course draws upon both finance

theory and practical applications to help 3 The course Corporate Credit Analysis takes a
diagnostic approach—it teaches participants
participants understand key concepts that underlie what to look for when assessing the financial
analysis and execution of financial decisions. health of a corporation. Participants explore the
Starting with the objectives of the firm and its implications of financial and non-financial credit
Chief Financial Officer, the course teaches students and business risks on corporate credit. They
how to apply time value of money principles, the learn how to structure a loan and the best
capital budgeting framework, and analysis of methods for monitoring and standardizing credit
financing options when making financial decisions. control procedures. At every stage of the series,
students are asked to apply credit analysis
Business Valuation theories to practical case studies drawn from

different countries and industrial sectors.
This curriculum teaches the fundamentals of
valuing public and private companies through a
Measuring Risk: Equity, Fixed Income,
case study approach. It covers the different
methodologies and focuses on the Discounted Cash Derivatives and FX (Bootcamp)
Flow (DCF) method as participants build a DCF This course is a survey of risk measures and risk
analysis for an actual acquisition, using each measurement practices applied to individual
component of the DCF model: projected free cash securities and portfolios. It covers two key areas
flows, Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of risk management - Risk by Asset Class and
and terminal value. The course concludes with an Portfolio Risk Measurement. The course
introduction to sensitivity and scenario analysis, provides further insights with a case-study on
which is used to expand on the base case valuation. risk reporting of a publicly traded financial

IV. Mergers and Acquisitions

M&A Concepts and Theories: An M&A - Structuring the Deal


1 This course provides an overview of the major

facets of the Mergers & Acquisitions industry and 3 This course focuses on structuring the deal from
multiple perspectives involving common to
the skills engaged in executing transactions from unusual transactions and provides an
the deal's inception to post-merger integration. understanding of the practical transaction
Students will explore the various reasons why structures for Mergers and Acquisitions and
people do deals; how to find deals along with an their financial tax, legal and accounting
understanding of the global M&A market. implications.

M&A Concepts and Theories: M&A – Advanced Acquisition

Advanced Topics Modelling (Bootcamp)

2 This course provides a further in-depth inquiry

into the major facets of the Mergers & Acquisitions 4 This course teaches students advanced Excel
techniques to create a 3-stage valuation model
industry and the skills engaged in executing for acquisitions and leveraged buyouts (LBOs).
transactions from the deal's inception to post-
merger integration.


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