Marxism Poetry of Poetry: in The Engiash 1930s and The Marathi
Marxism Poetry of Poetry: in The Engiash 1930s and The Marathi
Marxism Poetry of Poetry: in The Engiash 1930s and The Marathi
Chapter- V
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The act of reading is' always a prejudiced act. We read a text and
approach the text within prejudices and preconceived priorities. And hence,
the act of reading is a process moving across such notions, associations and
affinities. It became a comprehensive process of reading multiple literatures
and cultures as well. It means that the act of reading is in fact a process of
exploring the world literature. We can see this in T.S. Eliot's poem The
Waste Land' in which he refers to 'The Bhagvad Gita'. In the 'Cantos' by
* Ezra Pound, there is a reference to some Chinese work of art or Pound’s
fascination for Tagore's work and James Joyce's interest in Koran reflect the
scope of comparative literature. Those can be termed as examples of the
world literature. He remarks that the whole mankind is an heir to the legacy
of poetic creation. In 1827, Goethe advised the writers to broaden their
concept of literature and go beyond the borderlines of national literature.
Mr. T.N. Kolekar expresses a view that the comparative literature has
already established itself as a discipline of study in the later part of the
twentieth centuiy. Afterwards, attempts have been made to theorize and
define the nature and importance of comparative literature. In this regard,
the comment of A. Owen Aldrige, a famous comparatist and theorist, is
worth mentioning here. He says:
Besides die influence of these theories, scholars and critics also continued
to debate the desirability and justifiability of comparative literature. When
the new critical theories aroused a serious challenge to the comparative
literature in die western world, it started to flourish in the eastern countries
like India, China, Japan and Taiwan. In India, the nationalist movement
aroused a proper intellectual and artistic mood. This mood influenced all the
regional literatures of the country. It created spirits and perspective for the
comparative study of great and good works of literatures from the
neighbouring states within India. The comparative study of literature was a
voluntary choice in European countries. However, in the Indian context, it
was the cultural and artistic necessity of its multicultural and multilingual
A famous Indian critic Ganesh Devi remarks that the preference for
the comparative study of literature in India was but an offshoot of the
emergence of the modem nationalistic temper in India. Ahead to this, one
Indian critic, Swapan Mujumdar gives his view that the desire for a
nationalist literature facilitated the rise of the comparative literature in India
and the other third world countries in the Asian and African continents.
The analysis of the poetry of the English poets of the thirties like
W.HAuden, Stephen Spender and Cecil Day Lewis reveals that their poetry
of the 30s is obviously the poetry of socialistic nature. At the same time, the
analysis of the 'poetry of the Marathi poets after 1947 like Mr. Vinda
Karandikar, Sharachandra Muktibodha and Narayan Surve shows that their
poetry is Marxist in attitude. Since die. poetry of these English and Marathi
poets has the basis of philosophy of Marxism, we can compare their poetry
and see the similarities and differences in it by keeping in view the
following objectives:
War that took place during 1914-1918 made a greater impact on the politics,
society and economy of England as well as Europe. After the First World
War many political and war events took place. These included the rise of
Fascist and Nazi dictatorships in Italy and Germany. In 1922, Mussolini, a
dictator, seized the power of Italy. Like Mussolini, the German dictator,
Adolph Hitler captured the power of Germany. Hitler's policy of
rearmament put Germany back to work. However, the same policy became
a threat to the peace and liberty of Europe. With the help of these two
dictatorships, Franco had started a civil war against the Popular Front
government (elected democratically) in Spain. It was necessary to save the
Spanish government. The communists during this period had taken an
increasingly selfish part in continuing this war. Here, it was necessaiy to
save the Western man from a global disaster by political method. For this
purpose, the Spanish' War was the last chance to do so. During this period,
there was also the threat of war from Japan to Western Europe. The
outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 also contributed to the growth
of political turmoil and disturbance in Europe during the period of 1930. In
short, anarchical political condition, depression and large-scale
unemployment became the legacy of the First World War.
takes place. W.H. Auden acknowledged the role of the artist in changing the
challenging situation with utmost vigour. He was of the view that the
exercise of aesthetic faculty must be well timed with social demands. He
further expected that a writer should write with a firm sense of moral
commitment. In the words of Mr. Pandey, "The artist with his call for
resistance to every thing that undermines the principle of corporate
civilized living, can play a highly effective role in such situations." (Pandey
: 1982,16).
Thus, the poets of the ’Auden group' observed closely the ills of the
contemporary society. This observation prepared the ground for their poetic
movement of the thirties. The poets associated with this movement were
socially conscious young writers who shared in common a profound sense
of crisis, saw the future with serious alarm and felt an urgent need for
action. When Auden published his collection of poems 'Poems', Spender
published his 'Poems' in 1933 and Lewis published his 'Transitional Poems'.
The names of these three poets were linked together by writers and they
were called as 'the pioneers of a new literary movement'. (Pandey : 1982,
These three poets had one common background. At first, they were
public school boys and they were brought up in a liberal atmosphere.
Secondly, they were close observers of the anomalies and contradictions of
contemporary social, political and economic life. Thirdly, all of them took
the stance of rebellion against their own class. All of them took this task as
their- responsibility. Their sense of social awareness had conditioned the
formulation of the poetic theory of these poets. The picture of the misery of
contemporary man made these poets to think of poetry as a vent for private
dreams. They expected that poetry should help them to get over the sense of
social chaos. They wanted poetry for expressing the destiny of man in
political terms. In short, the involvement of these poets with social and
political situation enabled them to adopt communism as a means of solving
The political events like the Second World War1, the Quit
India Movement, the Indian Freedom Movement, the United Maharashtra
Movement, the Indo-Chinese War, war with Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, the
Indo-Bangla War, the establishment of democratic republic in India etc.
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Here, we have to bear one important thing in mind that the poets like
Auden, Spender and Lewis were deeply disturbed by the troubles of their
times. Their troubles included - the great economic depression, the First
World War, the Spanish Civil War, the rise of Nazism and Fascism, the
problems of mass unemployment, mass starvation, the General strike in
England, industrial decay and poverty and the imminence of the Second
World War. They wanted to find out solution to all these social, political
and economic problems of their times. Resultantly, they were fascinated
towards Marxism and their poetry became Marxist poetry. The
establishment of Communist Party of India in 1925 took place under the
influence of the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was because of the Russian
Revolution, the wind of communism started to blow powerfully in India and
among other Asian countries. The establishment of the communist party in
India, the publication of the Magazine 'Kranti', toe rise of toe middle class,
toe different movements of workers' class in India etc. were aroused under
toe influence of toe Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
The middle class society assumes central place in the social poetry of
English poets of the 1930s and Marathi poets after 1947. Due to
industrialization, the rise of workers' class took place. The industrial
workers' class belonged to the middle and lower sections of society, hi most
of the Marxist poems of Auden, Spender and Lewis, we come across the
picture of the contemporary industrial society. In this industrial society; we
see workers, technicians, labourers, sweepers, clerks, office boys etc. The
workers' class was a part of society at large which included so many other
types of workers. It was a mass society in which we can include all other
types of employees, labourers, fishermen, security guards, insurance, bank
employees, tea-stallers, hawkers, vendors, coolies etc. hi the poetry of
Auden, we see the depiction of lower-middle class people, their horrible
working and living conditions, their exploitation by the established classes
in the society. Like Auden, Spender also throws light on the life of
workers, labourers, unemployed youths and their different socio-economic
problems. He throws light on the exploitation of these workers by the
capitalist class in his poetry of the 30s. Lewis also throws light on the
different types of working class men in his poetry of the 30s, The sacrifice
of the soldiers for their nation, the struggle of workers for their rights, the
problems of contemporary middle and lower class society etc. have become
an indispensable part of the poetry of Lewis. Since all these three poets
were deeply influenced by the horrible condition of common man in the
industrialized society, they closely depicted the it in their poetry of the 30s.
In short, in toe social poetry of these English and Marathi poets, toe
mass society occupies a prominent place. The depiction of different types of
workers belonging to mass society in toe poetry of these poets, undoubtedly
shows their attachment with toe mass society.
Auden, Spender and Day Lewis looked upon Marxism as a panacea for
social ills. However, very soon all these poets experienced disillusionment
with this philosophy when they found that their dream of establishing a
world of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity was shattered. After his
migration to America, Auden was attracted to Christianity. He was
influenced by the Christian philosophy of Kierkegaard, the defender of
Christianity. His quest for the idea led him to accept the philosophy of
religious faith. Like Auden, Spender and Lewis also realized the futility of
Marxist philosophy after the Spanish Civil War. They accepted the fact that
Marxist philosophy could not be the whole ideology for solving the
problems of the world. In fact, the events like the outbreak of the Second
World War, the threatening ©mergence of fascism put these poets in a state
of confusion and hence they were deviated from Marxist philosophy.
Spender turned towards introspection and personal values. He welcomed
the profession of editorship. Lewis also accepted criticism as a new
profession after his disillusionment with Marxism. In fact, all these poets
belonging to the Auden group composed verses of Marxist outlook in the
thirties. All of them tried to combine Marxist philosophy with Fraud's
psychology. They were social poets reacting to the conditions of their time.
However, in the words of B.Prasad, "The fascination with communism did
not last long and each went his own way, Auden into Christianity, Spender
into editorship, Mac Niece into broadcasting, and Day Lewis into Criticism
" (Prasad : 2001,185)
In this way, the social poetry of these English and Marathi poets
displays a good number of common things. It is on the ground of the
depiction of these common things in their social poetry, the poetry of the
English and Marathi poets has established a fabric of closer relationship
with each other. Eventhough the poetry of both of these groups of poets
hails from different countries and continents, there are many common
things that we come across in their poetry. The socialistic or Marxist
attitude of all these poets Iras brought together to these poets of different
regions, different periods. No doubt, the social poetry of these poets has a
number of things displaying the common base of their social poetry.
However, it does not mean that their poetry is totally similar. Since these
poets belong to two different countries and two different times, it is possible
that they must have influenced by different tendencies of theft times. in this
regard, we find some differences between the social poetry of the English
and Marathi poets. They are listed below:
First World War, the World economic depression, the Spanish Civil War,
the hatred for Fascist and Nazi dictatorship and appeal towards
communism. In their social poetry all these English poets have portrayed
evils in the contemporary English Society. The problems of industrial
workers and the conflict between the capitalist class and the workers' class
has also been closely depicted in their poetry.
In their poetry, the Marathi poets like Muktibodh, Karandikar and Surve
have concentrated mainly on the social, political and economic conditions
after 1947. These poets have taken into account their own country and for
different problems after 1947. The contemporary social, political and
economic conditions existing in India aroused a sense of social awareness in
these poets and under the influence of these conditions they composed their
poetry of socialist attitude. Many national and continental developments
made deep impact upon these poets. The world level events like the Second
World War, imperialism and colonialism influenced the poetry of these
poets. The events like the Quit India Movement, Indian Independence,
Indian Freedom Movement, Indo-Pak War, Indo-Bangla War, Indo-China
War, Goan Freedom Movement, United Maharashtra demonstration ■ and
many other national events influenced their poetry. The problems in
contemporary Indian society had become a thing of deep concern for the
Marathi poets and they depicted these problems in their poetry.
problems in case of class, caste, colour, region and religion and Marathi
poets concentrated on the problems aroused due to these conflicts. Marathi
poetry not only depicts the- struggle between the capitalists and workers,
owners and labourers but it also focusses on the conflict between the upper
caste and lower caste in Indian situation. They highlighted the pains and
suffering caused to the downtrodden due to the under-treatment given to
diem by die well-established classes in India. They also highlighted the
conflict between the landlords and landless labourers, between the middle-
class and lower class society in Indian situation. In the social poetry of these
Marathi poets, we come across the problems of casteism, regionalism,
regional language, regional culture etc. In short, the English poets have
concentrated on class-conflict whereas the Marathi poets have concentrated
on class conflict, caste conflict, regional conflict and religious conflict
existing in Indian situation.
References :
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