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Aspects Weight Criteria Score

1 2 3 4
Fluency Speaking with Speaking too Speaking Speaking
many pause slowly generally with fluently
normal speed

Pronunciati Speaking words Speaking with Speaking with Speaking with

on incomperhensibly incorrect several correct
Pronunciation incorrect Pronunciation
but still Pronunciation
Accuracy The serious errors The errors The speech is The errors
in speech make present in still present in
the message speech would understood speech are so
difficult to frequently although it minor so that
understand create consists of the message
confusion many errors would be easily
Clarity Often mumbles or Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly
cannot be and distinctly and distinctly and distinctly
understood, more most of the nearly all the all the time, no
than one time, no more time, no more mispronounced
mispronounced than one than one words
words mispronounce mispronounce
d words d words
Performanc Speaking in Mumbling, flat Speaking in Speaking
e skill volume which is expression and soft voice but clearly and
almost inaudible, less can be loudly, good
no expression and communicative understood, expression dan
can not good communicative
communicative expression and

1 = 25 – 54 : poor

2 = 55 – 69 : okay

3 = 70 – 84 : good

4 = 85 – 100 : very good

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