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United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2019

Concept Note
Theme — “Acting together to empower children, their families and

communities to end poverty”

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption for it to be meaningful and effective. Most impor-
of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN- tantly, children’s opinions, particularly the voices of
CRC) on 20 November 1989. This landmark human most vulnerable children, should be listened to and
rights treaty sets out the civil, political, economic, taken seriously in the development of effective poli-
social and cultural rights of every child, regardless of cies and strategies to prevent and eradicate child
their race, religion or abilities. poverty. When children and young people learn to
In particular, the Convention recognizes the right communicate opinions, take responsibility and make
of every child to a standard of living adequate for decisions, they develop a sense of belonging, justice,
the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and so- responsibility and solidarity.
cial development. Poverty hurts children’s develop-
ment and, in turn, leads to lower income and health “How to protect children’s rights without protecting
in adulthood. When child poverty is recognized as a parents’ rights? We cannot talk about children with-
denial of children’s human rights then people in po- out talking about their parents and families… It’s
sitions of responsibility and power are legally bound like a tree, the parents are the base and the children
to promote, protect and fulfil children’s rights. the branches. We must care for the children but for
Above all, it is imperative to recognize and address the parents as well, so that the base is solid.”

the specific discriminations experienced by the girl ATD Fourth World Montreal, Canada
Children must be recognised as full actors in The participation of children can only be fully
their own well-being rather than be passive objects realized when the state fulfils its obligations, and
of choices made on their behalf. Indeed, child partic- families and communities are empowered sufficient-
ipation is one of the core principles of the UNCRC, ly through effective poverty reduction opportunities
which asserts that children and young people have and initiatives to enable them to create a nurturing
the right to freely express their views and to partici- and safe environment where children can realize
pate in, and access all relevant information, in rela- their full potential and freely exercise their human
tion to decision-making processes affecting their rights.
The theme this year reminds us that our efforts to
Participation can occur at various levels where overcome poverty must address the fulfilment of all
children can provide insights that others cannot au- the rights of children as spelled out in the UNCRC.
tomatically provide. Children’s participation must Childhood is a special time in everybody’s life. It is a
be systematic, structured and adequately resourced time when children should be encouraged to learn,
October 17
play and develop physically and intellectually by Whereas the process of consultation gathers chil-
their family and an extended community of adults dren's views on a particular issue or question, par-
in a safe and caring environment. A nurturing ticipation means that children actually join in in de-
childhood experience is an essential element in the cision-making.
development of healthy and productive future gen- The commemoration of October 17 each year
erations. demonstrates how we can achieve greater participa-
Yet, today the reality for millions of children is tion by enabling people from all walks of life to
that they are being robbed of a meaningful child- come together to respect the human rights and dig-
hood. Through no fault of their own, children living nity of people living in poverty. The participation of
in poverty are deprived of their rights to survival, children and young people has always been encour-
health and nutrition, education, participation, and aged and supported as an integral part of October
protection from harm, exploitation and discrimina- 17 observances at the United Nations and around
tion. For these hundreds of millions of children who the world. This recognizes the important roles chil-
suffer the daily deprivations of poverty, the promise dren can play by sharing and applying the valuable
of childhood laid down in the Convention on the knowledge they have acquired from their personal
Rights of the Child has not been fully achieved. daily struggle to overcome poverty.
The United Nations’ Agenda 2030 is laying the
foundation for poverty reduction and ensuring that
no one is left behind. An integral part of efforts to
Celebrated since 1987 as the World Day for
end poverty is the implementation of social protec-
Overcoming Extreme Poverty and recognized by the
tion systems which specifically include and address
United Nations in 1992, the International Day for the
the needs, concerns and rights of children and their
Eradication of Poverty promotes dialogue and un-
families. Currently, most children living in poverty
derstanding between people living in poverty and
are not covered by social protection. To lift children
their communities, and society at large. “It repre-
and families out of poverty and promote social in-
sents an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts and
clusion and empowerment, we need to expand so-
struggles of people living in poverty, a chance for
cial protection coverage, and ensure they are well-
them to make their concerns heard and a moment to
designed, appropriately funded, accessible to all
recognize that poor people are in the forefront in the
those in need, and adequate to meet the basic needs.
fight against poverty.” (United Nations, Report of
However, government policies alone cannot cre- the Secretary General, A/61/308, para. 58)
ate the social inclusion and social dialogue that is
More information about initiatives, events and
fundamental to reaching those left furthest behind
activities to mark October 17 around the world can
and overcoming poverty in all its dimensions. The
be found at: and UNDESA
Tapori Children’s Network, for example, demon-
strates the important ways in which children can
come together to empower themselves and to partic-
ipate more effectively in their families and commu-
nities as agents of change. Such initiatives must be International Committee for October 17

supported and encouraged by governments and 12, rue Pasteur F-95480 Pierrelaye, France

communities as the building blocks for social inclu-


It is crucial that children's participation be rec-
ognized as a process and not a one-off event. Too Note: The views in this document do not necessarily represent
often consultation is mistaken for participation. those of the United Nations or its Member States.

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