Topic 10 Nonlinear Systems and Their Linearizations
Topic 10 Nonlinear Systems and Their Linearizations
Topic 10 Nonlinear Systems and Their Linearizations
The models thus far are developed from systems that can be described
approximately by linear, time-invariant differential equations.
We will formally define the terms linear and nonlinear and show how to
distinguish between the two.
Most of the materials used in this slide are from Control Systems Engineering (4th ed, by Nise).
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A linear system possesses two properties: superposition and
The property of superposition means that the output response of a system
to the sum of inputs is the sum of the responses to the individual inputs.
Thus, if an input r1(t) yields an output c1(t) and an input r2(t) yields an
output c2(t), then an input r1(t) + r2(t) yields an output c1(t) + c2(t).
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Figure 2.45
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Figure 2.46
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x f ( x ( t ), u( t ), t )
y g ( x ( t ), u( t ), t )
Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
Autonomous nonlinear system (time-invariant)
A nonlinear system is said to be autonomous if f does not depend explicitly
on time t, i.e., if the system’s state equation can be written as
x f ( x ( t ), u( t ))
Equilibrium point
A state x* is an equilibrium state (or equilibrium point) of the system if once
x(t) is equal to x*, it remains equal to x* for all future time under the
condition that there is no input.
x * f ( x * , u( t )) 0 with u(t) =0
A linear system x Ax can have only a unique equilibrium when A is a
nonsingular matrix; equilibrium points of infinity, which are contained in the
null-space of the matrix A, when A is a singular matrix.
A nonlinear system can have several (or infinitely many) isolated equilibrium
For example, x1 x2 Therefore, the equilibrium x2 0
b g points are given by x1 k , k
x2 x2 sin x1
MR 2 R Kwang-Hyun Cho
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Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
Local Stability and Global Stability
If asymptotic stability holds for any initial states, the equilibrium point is
said to be asymptotically stable in the large. It is also called globally
asymptotically stable.
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If V(0)=0 and the above property holds over the whole state space, then
V(x) is said to be globally positive definite.
If, in a ball ║x║<R, the function V(x) is positive definite and has
continuous partial derivative, and if its time derivative along any state
trajectory of a system x f ( x ) is negative semi-definite, i.e., V ( x) 0
then V(x) is said to be a Lyapunov function for the system.
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Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
Lyapunov’s Direct Method to determine the stability
Theorem (Local Stability): If, in a ball ║x║<R, there exists a scalar
function V(x) with continuous first partial derivatives such that
V(x) is positive definite (locally in ║x║<R)
V(x) is negative semi-definite (locally in ║x║<R)
then the equilibrium point x*=0 is stable. If the derivative V(x) is locally
negative definite in ║x║<R, then the stability is asymptotic.
representing nonlinear spring term. Assume that the mass is pulled away
from the natural length of the spring by a large distance, and then released.
Will the resulting motion be stable?
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Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
Example: A nonlinear mass-damper spring system (Cont.)
It is very difficult to answer this question using the definitions of stability,
because the general solution of this nonlinear equation is unavailable.
The total mechanical energy of the system is the sum of its kinetic energy
and its potential energy:
1 1 1 1
V ( x) mx 2 k0 x k1 x3 dx mx 2 k0 x 2 k1 x 4 0, for x 0 and x 0
2 0 2 2 4
It is obvious that the energy function V(x) is positive definite for any position x.
The rate of energy variation during the system’s motion is obtained easily by
differentiating V(x) and using the dynamical equation of the system
k0 x k1 x 3 x b x 0
V ( x) mxx
Limit Cycles
Nonlinear systems can display oscillations of fixed amplitude and fixed
period without external excitation. These oscillations are called limit cycles,
or self-excited oscillations.
The second order nonlinear differential equation mx 2c x 1 x kx 0
where m, c, and k are positive constant, is the famous Van der Pol equation.
Let x1 x and x2 x
The corresponding state space description can be described as
x1 x2
x2 kx1 2c x12 1 x2 / m
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Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
The Matlab code for simulating the system can be shown as
m = 1;
c = 2;
k = 10;
[T1,Y1] = ode45(@(t,y) Vandepolsystem(t,y,m,c,k), [0 20], [-3 0]);
[T2,Y2] = ode45(@(t,y) Vandepolsystem(t,y,m,c,k), [0 20],[5 0]);
plot(T1,Y1(:,1),'-.', T2,Y2(:,1),'-','LineWidth', 5)
xlabel('t', 'FontSize', 50, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
ylabel('x(t)', 'FontSize', 50, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
title('Response of Van der Pol Oscillator', 'FontSize', 40, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
set(gca, 'FontSize', 30, 'FontWeight', 'bold')
legend('The initial condition 1: x(0)=0, x''(0)=0', 'The initial condition 2: x(0)=5,
function dy = Vandepolsystem(t,y,m,c,k)
dy = zeros(2,1); % a column vector
dy(1) = y(2);
dy(2) = ( -k*y(1)-2*c*(y(1)^2-1)*y(2) )/m;
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0 5 10 15 20
m=1, c=2, and k=10
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Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
The phase plane method is concerned with the graphical study of second-order
autonomous systems described by
x1 f1 ( x1 , x2 )
x2 f 2 ( x1 , x2 )
where x1 and x2 are the states of the system, and f1 and f2 are nonlinear functions
of the states. Geometrically, the state space of the system is a plane having x1 and
x2 as coordinates. We will call this plane the phase plane.
With time t varied from zero to infinity, the solution x(t) =[x1(t), x2(t)] can be
represented geometrically as a curve in the phase plane. Such a curve is called a
phase plane trajectory, i.e., phase portrait of a system.
Phase Portrait of Van der Pol Oscillator
A pitchfork bifurcation unstable
0 α
Kwang-Hyun Cho
Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
For stable linear systems, small differences in the initial conditions can only
cause small differences in the output. Nonlinear systems, however, can
display a phenomenon called chaos, by which we mean that system output
is extremely sensitive to the initial conditions.
0 20 40 60 80 100
t Kwang-Hyun Cho
Properties of nonlinear dynamic systems
The corresponding state space description can be described as
x1 x x2
x 6sin t 0.1x2 x15
The Matlab code for simulating the system can be shown as
function dy = chaoticsystem1(t, y)
dy = zeros(2,1); % a column vector
dy(1) = y(2);
dy(2) = 6*sin(t) - 0.1*y(2) - y(1)^5;
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A designer can often make a linear approximation to a nonlinear system.
Linear approximations simplify the analysis and design of a system and
are used as long as the results yield a good approximation to reality.
For example, a linear relationship can be established at a point on the
nonlinear curve if the range of input values about that point is small and the
origin is translated to that point.
The process of linearizing nonlinear systems is important, because by
linearizing nonlinear equations, it is possible to apply numerous linear
analysis methods that will produce information on the behavior of those
The linearization procedure presented here is based on the expansion of the
nonlinear function into a Taylor series about the operating point and the
retention of only the linear terms.
Because we neglect higher order terms in the Taylor series expansion,
these neglected terms must be small enough; that is, the variables must
deviate only slightly from the operating condition.
Linearization procedure
The first step is to recognize the nonlinear component and write the
nonlinear differential equation.
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When we linearize a nonlinear differential equation, we linearize it for small-
signal inputs about the steady-state solution obtained while the small signal
input is considered as nonexistent. This steady-state solution is called
equilibrium and is selected for the further linearization process.
Next we linearize the nonlinear differential equation, and then we take the
Laplace transform of the linearized differential equation, assuming zero initial
Finally, we separate input and output variables and form the transfer function.
Let us first see how to linearize a function.
Figure 2.47 [ f ( x ) f ( x0 )] m a ( x x0 )
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Example 2.26
Linearize f ( x) 5cos x about x x0
We first find that the derivative of f(x) is
df/dx = -5sinx.
At the given point, the derivative is -5.
Also, at that point, f(x0) = 0. Thus from
Eq. 2.180, the system can be represented
as f(x) = -5δx for small excursions of x
about π/2. Figure 2.48
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f ( x) m x x0
x Eq. 2.183
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d 2 x d x
4 d x
4 d x Eq. 2.187
2 Eq. 2.186
dt dt 2 dt dt
By substituting following equations into Eq. 2.182
f ( x ) cos x , f ( x 0 ) f cos , ( x x0 ) x
4 4 4
we get:
d cos x
cos x cos x sin x Eq. 2.188
4 4 dx x
4 Kwang-Hyun Cho
Substituting Eqs. 2.186-2.189 into Eq. 2.185 yields the following linearized
differential equation:
d 2 x d x 2 2 Eq. 2.190
2 x
dt dt 2 2
Even though the nonlinear Eq. 2.184 is homogeneous, the linerized Eq.
2.190 is not homogeneous. It has a forcing function on its right-hand side.
Another observation about Eq. 2.190 is the negative sign on the left-hand
side. The study of differential equations tells us that since the roots of the
characteristic equation are positive, the homogeneous solution grows
instead of diminishing to zero. Thus, this system linearized about x = pi/4 is
not stable.
Kwang-Hyun Cho
Example 2.28 Transfer function-nonlinear electrical network
v(t) is a small alternative voltage source.
Find the transfer function VL(s) / V(s), for the electrical network shown in
Figure 2.49, which contains a nonlinear resistor whose voltage-curent
relationship is defined by:
ir 2 e 0.1vr
Solution : We will use Kirchhoff’s voltage law to sum the voltages in the
loop to obtain the nonlinear differential equation.
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the loop, where ir = i, yields
ir 2 e 0.1vr v r 10 ln ir
di 1
L 10 ln i 20 v ( t ) Eq. 2.191
dt 2
At the steady state the voltage across the inductor will be zero, since vL(t)
= Ldi/dt and di/dt is zero at the steady state, given a constant battery
Hence, the resistor voltage is 20 V. Using the characteristics of the resistor,
we find that ir = i = 14.78 A. This current, i0, is the equilibrium value of the
network current.
Hence : i i0 i
Substituting this current into Eq. 2.191 yields:
d ( i0 i ) 1
L 10 ln ( i0 i ) 20 v ( t ) Eq. 2.192
dt 2
Use Eq. 2.182 to linearize ln ( i0 i ) :
d ln i
1 1 2 1 1
ln ( i0 i ) ln i0 i i i Eq. 2.193
2 2 dt i i i0 i0
i i0
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or 1 i 1
ln ( i0 i ) ln 0 i Eq. 2.194
2 2 i0
Substituting into Eq. 2.192, the linearized equaion becomes:
d i i 1
L 10 ln 0 i 20 v ( t ) Eq. 2.195
dt 2 i 0
Letting L = 1 and i0 = 14.78, the final linearized differential equation is:
d i
0.677 i v ( t ) Eq. 2.196
Taking the Laplace transform with zero initial conditions and solving for δi(s),
we get:
V (s)
i(s) Eq. 2.197
s 0.677
The voltage across the inductor about the equilibrium point is:
d d i
v L (t ) L ( i0 i ) L Eq. 2.198
dt dt
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Near this point, the higher order terms may be neglected. Noting that
z f ( x , y ). We find that a linear mathematical model of this nonlinear
system near the operating point (x, y, z ) is:
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z z a( x x ) b( y y )
f f
a b
x x x , y y
y x x , y y
Example 7-3
Linearize the nonlinear equation:
z xy
in the region 5 ≤ x ≤ 7, 10 ≤ y ≤ 12. Find the error if the linearized
equation is used to calculate the value of z when x = 5 and y = 10.
Since the region considered is given as above, choose x 6, y 11
Then, z xy 66. Let us obtain a linearized equation for the nonlinear
equation near this point.
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Expanding the nonlinear equation into a Taylor series about this point and
neglecting the higher order terms, we have:
z z a( x x ) b( y y )
f f
a y 11 b x 6
x x x , y y
y x x , y y
z 11x 6 y 66 49
The exact value of z is z = xy = 50. The error is thus 50 - 49 = 1. In terms
of percentage, the error is 2%.
Kwang-Hyun Cho
Linearization – State space representation
The ability to represent nonlinear systems does not imply the ability to
solve their state equations for the state variables and the output.
The key to linearize about an equilibrium point is, once again, the
Taylor series.
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f 2 ( x1 , x2 ) f ( x , x )
a21 , a22 2 1 2
x1 x x ,x x
x2 x x ,x x
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
Linearization – State space representation
Example 3.7
Consider the simple pendulum shown in Figure 3.14(a). Mg is the weight, T
is an applied torque in the θ direction, and L is the length of the pendulum.
Assume the mass is evenly distributed, with the center of mass at L/2. Then
linearize the state equation about the pendulum’s equilibrium point – the
vertical position with zero angular velocity.
First draw a free-body diagram as shown in Figure 3.14(c). Summing the
torques, we get:
d 2 MgL
J sin T Eq. 3.79
dt 2 2
Here J is the
momentum of inertia
of the pendulum
around the point of
Select the state
variables x1 and x2 as
phase variables.
Figure 3.14
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Let us proceed now to linearize the equation about the equilibrium point, x1
= 0, x2 = 0, that is θ = 0 and dθ/dt = 0. Let x1 and x2 be perturbed about
the equilibrium point, or
x1 0 x1 Eq. 3.81(a)
x2 0 x2 Eq. 3.81(b)
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Linearization – State space representation
from which
sin x1 x1 Eq. 3.83
Substituting Eqs. 3.81-3.83 into Eq. 3.80 yields the following state
x1 x 2 Eq. 3.84(a)
x 2 x1 Eq. 3.84(b)
2J J
which are linear and a good approximation to Eqs. 3.80(a)-(b) for small
excursions away from the equilibrium point.
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