Nutrients: Complications Associated With Enteral Nutrition: CAFANE Study
Nutrients: Complications Associated With Enteral Nutrition: CAFANE Study
Nutrients: Complications Associated With Enteral Nutrition: CAFANE Study
Complications Associated with Enteral Nutrition:
Carmina Wanden-Berghe 1, *, Maria-Carmen Patino-Alonso 2 , Purificación Galindo-Villardón 2
and Javier Sanz-Valero 3
1 Grupo de Nutrición Clínica y HAD del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de
Alicante (ISABIAL—Fundación FISABIO), Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, 03010 Alicante, Spain
2 Departamento de Estadística, Universidad de Salamanca, 37007 Salamanca, Spain
3 Departamento Salud Pública & Historia de la Ciencia, Campus de Sant Joan, Universidad Miguel
Hernández, 03550 Alicante, Spain
* Correspondence:
Received: 24 July 2019; Accepted: 26 August 2019; Published: 1 September 2019
Abstract: Objectives: To determine the association between home enteral nutrition (HEN)
administration modality and its complications in patients. Methods: This is a prospective multicenter
longitudinal study including 15 Spanish hospitals, from April 2015 to March 2017. A 4-month
follow-up period was conducted for each patient by home visit. The study subjects were adult
patients who began their nutrient intake by tube feeding, known as HEN, during the recruitment
period. The variables studied included the type and modality of HEN administration and its related
complications, such as vomiting, regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal distention.
Mechanical complications and bronchoaspiration were also evaluated. Descriptive variables were
used for fitting. Results: The study consisted of 306 patients; 4 were lost due to death. Specific
HEN modalities protected against constipation (odds ratio (OR) = 0.4) and regurgitation (OR = 0.4).
The use of a nasogastric tube (NGT) resulted in a lower risk of diarrhea compared to percutaneous
endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) (OR = 0.4) but resulted in a higher risk of tube obstruction (OR = 7.4).
The use of intermittent gravity versus bolus feeding was a protection factor against vomiting (OR =
0.4), regurgitation (OR = 0.3), constipation (OR = 0.3), diarrhea (OR = 0.4) and abdominal distension
(OR = 0.4). The increase in the number of doses was a risk factor for the incidence of regurgitation
(OR = 1.3). Conclusions: Gastrointestinal complications were the most frequent problems, but an
adequate choice of the formula, route, feeding modality, number of doses, administration time, and
dose volume can reduce the risk of these complications.
1. Introduction
Keeping a patient hospitalized for the sole purpose of administering nutritional support has
become an inappropriate decision from a bio-psycho-social perspective, and wasteful for health
institutions and for society from an economic perspective. The introduction of home enteral nutrition
(HEN) involves the concerns of correctly selecting candidates, applying a good training programme
to the patient and the caregiver, ensuring the supply of formula and necessary materials, providing
adequate follow-up and monitoring the quality of patient care [1].
Interestingly, Parsons et al. [2] concluded that for patients admitted to nursing homes, oral
nutritional support could improve the quality of life and nutrient intake more effectively than
dietary advice.
In Spain, HEN is included and regulated in the portfolio of services of the National Health
System [3]. This legislative norm, along with the benefits of HEN itself and the development of
nutrition units and home hospitalization units [4], have made this method of nutritional support (NS)
the primary choice for patients who are malnourished or are at risk of malnutrition and have preserved
digestive system function but cannot meet their nutritional requirements by natural nutrition alone [5].
HEN is a safe procedure [6] whose complications can be predicted and controlled by protocols
that consider the formula prescription, the route of administration, the care, the selection of the formula
to be used and the feeding modality [7]. In addition, NS helps improve the patient’s quality of life [8,9].
Knowing the HEN-related complications is crucial to achieving the objectives of this therapy
and to determining its safety level outside the hospital setting, which justifies this study. For the
nutritional treatment to be carried out effectively and safely, it is essential that the patient and/or the
main caregiver acquires a degree of responsibility in managing the administration of nutrition and,
above all, can detect the first signs or symptoms of possible complications. Caregivers must provide
the first point of care and demand proper healthcare services for the patient.
The different types of complications and possible medical interventions associated with HEN
are already known [7–10]. However, the elements that can influence the incidence of HEN-related
complications have not been determined. Consequently, due to the limited understanding of enteral
formula administration methods and their association with complications, this study aims to determine
the association between HEN administration modality and the complications presented by patients.
2. Methods
2.2. Setting
The study involved 15 Spanish hospitals from 7 different autonomous communities: Valencia,
Madrid, Cantabria, Canarias, Andalucía, Aragón, and Baleares. Recruitment was carried out from
April 2015 to March 2017. The data collection and follow-up period for the patients included in the
study was 4 months and was conducted through home visits.
2.3. Participants
Inclusion criteria: Adult patients (≥18 years) who were admitted to the participating home
hospitalization units or were dependent on nutrition units, who began their nutrient intake by tube
feeding, known as home enteral nutrition (HEN), during the recruitment period.
During the four month follow-up a monthly visit was carried out by the head of each of the
participating hospitals, moment in which the patient or their caregiver reported on the adverse
effects incurred.
All patients had to provide informed consent to be included in the study. In cases where the
patient’s situation did not allow for this, consent was obtained from the primary caregiver.
The participating researchers were granted personalized access (username and password). The
questionnaire variables are listed below.
Variables related to the type and modality of HEN administration.
Type of formula administered: standard, specific and others (hypercaloric, hyperproteic,
hypercaloric-hyperproteic); HEN with fiber: yes or no; Route of administration: percutaneous
endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), nasogastric tube (NGT) and other ostomies (including jejunostomy);
Feeding modality: bolus feeding, intermittent gravity, other modalities (including continuous gravity
or pump feeding); Administration time of each intake in minutes; Number of intake periods per day;
Dose volume (mL); Total daily volume (mL); Washing of the probe: yes or no; Position during intake
(≥45◦ or <45◦ ) and after intake (at least 1 h) [11].
3. Results
The data from 306 patients were included; 4 patients were lost due to death. The descriptive
data of the population is presented in Table 1. The results show that the place of residence was
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2041 4 of 12
primarily the family home (224 patients, 73.2%). With the exception of 16 patients (5.2%), most had
some type of caregiver, generally a relative (226 patients, 73.9%), and this person was usually a woman
(246 cases, 80.4%).
The base pathology did not influence the relationship of the complications associated with the
HEN modality.
No intergroup associations were found between the BMI and the mean of the majority of the
complications: vomiting (p = 0.054), regurgitation (p = 0.415), constipation (p = 0.401), diarrhea
(p = 0.113) and probe obstruction (0.204). However, there were significant differences in abdominal
distension between the normal weight and obese groups (p = 0.040) and for aspiration pneumonia
among the overweight and obese groups (p = 0.031).
Regarding the HEN-related variables, all of the patients were tube-fed, with 254 (83.0%) patients
being exclusively tube-fed, while 52 (17.0%) took in some food orally. The HEN-related descriptive
results and the HEN administration modalities are presented in Table 2.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2041 5 of 12
The most frequent complications recorded in the 4 months of follow-up were digestive,
predominantly abdominal distension, with an IR of 2.4, while regurgitation had an IR of 2.2. Aspiration
pneumonia presented the lowest IR of 0.1. Some significant differences were found, with higher values
in men for abdominal distension (3.5 versus 1.1, p-value 0.001) and constipation (3.5 versus 1.1, p-value
0.001). The number of episodes (n) and the IRs of HEN-related complications are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Number of episodes (n) and incidence rate (IR) of HEN-related complications.
Table 4. Cont.
5. Discussion
This study enabled us to determine the complications associated with enteral nutrition
administration in a considerable number of patients over a period of several months, which is
a strength of this study.
In terms of their pathology, the studied patients presented similar characteristics as those of
previous studies—they were older adults with neurological or oncological disease, with a dependence
on and a need for a caregiver [13,14].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 2041 9 of 12
There was no clear significant association between the BMI and the complications resulting
from HEN, although a greater number of complication episodes in relation to obesity was observed,
a situation already highlighted by Wiggins et al. [15].
Given the median age of the studied population, it is normal in the Spanish socio-cultural context
that the place of residence was primarily the family home, a nucleus with sufficient roots and a caretaker
tradition. Likewise, the fact that the main caregiver is typically a woman has been widely noted in the
scientific literature [16,17] and must be considered when implementing an artificial nutrition regimen,
since it can be a great burden for the caregiver [18].
The greater use of PEG compared to NGT, common in the participating health centers, contrasts
with previous research that observed a greater tendency to use NGT in older adults [1,14,19]. In any
case, gastrostomy is associated with greater efficacy and safety compared to NGT [20].
Bolus feeding continued to be used with a greater frequency, though it could be inferred that
the infusion speed is not easy to regulate, and there could be alterations in the administration that
would lead to some complications. On the other hand, the formula type, the volume administered
and the number of doses were all within normal ranges, and it was not surprising that a formula with
fiber was administered to patients with long-term HEN, a recommended practice in the absence of
contraindicateons [21].
The IR of HEN-related complications demonstrated the intimate relationship with the route and
administration modality. The correct management of HEN reduces these complications and minimizes
laryngopharyngeal reflux [22].
The differences in the observed complications between men and women show an important
gender background. Women typically take better responsibility for their own healthcare, especially
regarding communication between the patient and the doctor, the understanding of the disease, and
their attitudes at the end of life [23,24].
did not find differences in the incidence of complications between both administration modalities.
However, according to scientific evidence, continuous nutrition should always be chosen for infants
with birth weights below 1250 g or infants with haemodynamic deterioration [29].
Likewise, the present study has shown that an enteral diet containing fiber is a protective factor
against intestinal motility disorders [25,30].
It has also become clear that an increase in the number of doses and the volume of the intake
cause greater gastrointestinal problems and that the patient’s position upon intake is related to the
possibility of probe obstruction.
7. Conclusions
It can be concluded that there was a higher incidence of gastrointestinal complications. However,
an adequate choice of the formula type, the route and feeding modality, the number of doses,
administration time and volume of intake can greatly reduce the IR. Therefore, to reduce these
complications, the existence of multidisciplinary teams focused on the follow-up of patients is essential
to optimize the results. However, all health care providers should have knowledge regarding the most
frequent HEN-related complications and the skills to manage these problems.
Author Contributions: All of the authors contributed substantially to the present study. The conception of the
work was carried out by C.W.-B., the design of the study by C.W.-B. and J.S.-V., the data collection and database
preparation by C.W.-B. and J.S.-V., the analysis and interpretation of the data by M.-C.P.-A. and P.G.-V. and the
editing of the first draft by C.W.-B., J.S.-V. and M.-C.P.-A. All authors participated equally in the critical review
and editing of the article and have also approved the final version.
Funding: This research was funded by Fresenius Kabi Spain grant number: CIVIN-01/2015.
Acknowledgments: This work was possible due to the collaboration of Teresa Muñóz Miguelañez and Loubna
Aakki, Quironsalud Hospital of Torrevieja (Hospital Quirónsalud de Torrevieja); Lourdes Beltrán Candela,
Oncology Institute of Alicante (Instituto Alicantino de Oncología); Mariola Sirvent Ochando, Vistahermosa Clinic
of Alicante (Clínica Vistahermosa de Alicante); Margarita Diez Muñiz-Alique, Sierrallana Hospital of Torrelavega
(Hospital Sierrallana de Torrelavega); Miguel Ángel Ponce, Negrín University Hospital of Gran Canaria (Hospital
Universitario Negrín de Gran Canaria); Yolanda Catillo García, University Hospital Virgen de las Nieves of
Granada (Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves de Granada); Juan Ignacio Ramos Clemente, Juan Ramon
Jimenez Hospital of Huelva (Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez of Huelva); Alfredo Zamora Mur, Hospital of Barbastro
(Hospital de Barbastro); Francisca Payeras Mas, Hospital of Mancor (Hospital de Mancor); Maria Merino Viveros,
University Hospital of Getafe (Hospital Universitario de Getafe); Lily Aurora Cáceres Minaya, San Juan de Dios
Hospital in Palma (Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Palma); Montalbán Carrasco Coral, Marques de Valdecilla
University Hospital of Santander (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla de Santander); Cristina Campos
Martín, Virgen Macarena University Hospital of Seville (Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena de Sevilla);
and Alejandro Sanz Paris and Diana Boj Carceller, Miguel Servet University Hospital of Zaragoza (Hospital
Universitario Miguel Servet de Zaragoza).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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