Department of Backward Classes Welfare

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10/22/2019 Print - Application

Government of Karnataka

Department of Backward Classes Welfare

Student Application cum Verification Report for
Post-Matric/Food & Accomodation/Fee Concession (OR) Nursing
Renewal 2019-20

1. Application No: 2019 0196 5709 2. Application Date: 22-10-2019 3. Caste Category / Caste: CAT-IIIA / Reddy(Sl.No-1-(j))

4. Student Name : VIGNESH APTHI 5. Gender : Male

6(a). Father Name : RAJENDRA C 6(b). Mother Name : SANDHYA C L

7. Address & Mobile No : CHALLAKERE TALUK ,Challakere , Hiremadhure ,CHITRADURGA & 73XXXXXX15

8. SSLC HT No : 40XXX37 9. Pass Year: 2015-CBSE Board 10. Date of Birth: 04-05-1999

11.Family Annual Income (in Rs.): 18000 12. SATS ID : -NA- 12(a). Ration Card : -NA-

13.College Details(college Nature) : Basaveshwara Medical College & Hospital , Chitradurga,Chitradurga , (Private College) ,Rajiv Gandhi
University of Health Science, Bangalore
14. Course Name /Course Year /Duration of Course : MBBS / III Yr / 5 Yrs

15. College Admission No / Admission Date(of this year): / Admission Through 1700025666 / 01-
16. Distance (in Kms.) : 35
06-2019 / Government Quota
18. Scholarship Applied for: 1.Post-Matric/Food &
17. Scholarship Type : Day Scholar
Accomodation,2.Fee Concession
19. Bank Name / IFSC Code: STATE BANK OF INDIA /SBIN0040112 20(a). Bank A/c No : XXXXXXX3750
(c).Aadhaar No. / Name / Demo Aadhar Status:
(a).Income Caste Cert. No. : RD003827XXXXXX7 (b).Cat-1 Caste Cert. No.: -NA-

I. Declaration and Aadhaar Consent

I hereby consent for the use of my Aadhaar number of XXXX / XXXX / 3297 , provided in the application for Scholarship, to carryout Identity
Validation,to make Direct Benefit Transfer of Scholarship to the Bank Account and also to seed the said Aadhaar number into ePASS Scholarship.
Further, I also consent to obtain its Aadhaar Number and to use the Aadhaar number, so obtained, to carryout Identity validation and also to make
Direct Benefit Transfer of Scholarship to the Bank Account."
I hereby certify that that above information furnished is true. I have not availed any other scholarship for this purpose from any other sources. I
shall abide by the terms and conditions of the sanction of the scholarship. If any discrepancies are found later, I hereby abide for refund of the
scholarship amounts claimedand also am liable for action by the Department .

Signature of the Student

Date :

II.Verification Report of College Principal

This is to certify that the information furnished above is verified with the records and found to be correct. He / She is a bonafide student of our
college studying in MBBS / III Yr (Course & Course Year) during 2019-20 .

Signature of the Principal

Date :
(With College Seal)

III.Verification Report of Verification Officer/

I have verified the contents of scholarship Renewal application with reference to the college records and original certificates, physically
identified the student verified the following certificates

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Caste : Income: SSLC: TC: Ration Card:

SATS Yes No Yes No Bank Yes No Yes No Previous Yes No

Aadhaar: PHC:
ID: Passbook: Marks:
Other Details/Certificates if any:
I recommend for sanction of : 1/2
10/22/2019 Print - Application
Post-Matric/Food & Accomodation/Fee Concession (OR) Nursing

I do not recommend the sanction of scholarship for the following reasons. (Please specify)

I have physically verified the SSLC Certificate in person

Date : Signature of the Verification Officer

October 22, 2019 09:52:15 PM 2/2

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