FoA Core Rule Book - Web
FoA Core Rule Book - Web
FoA Core Rule Book - Web
The immense Greenflame Forest was once populated only by the wood elves: stewards of nature and protectors of the
realm of fey. They mysteriously departed this world nearly a century ago, emptying their cities built among the trees.
Afterward, their pristine settlements were repopulated by the other races and culture slowly returned.
In their absence, a figure known as “the Magi” emerged from a mysterious portal, carrying an artifact called the Fate
Spool. Its power is capable of bending souls to her will. Now, the entire forest kneels to this enigmatic sorceress. All who
enter her realm slowly succumb to her presence, eventually enslaved. The cities have been lost, haven now only to her
mindwiped, who work tirelessly on hulking automatons, enormous constructs fueled by the souls she has bound.
There are few pockets of resistance left. Wayposts have been established along the perimeter of her domain, and would-
be heroes carefully venture into the heart of her power seeking to unseat her. The few who return speak of a name in their
mind, a woman known to them as “Adrimon”. The six heroes who faced her last came close to destroying her, but in the
moment of their demise they sacrificed themselves, vowing a blood oath that just might lead to her undoing.
These oaths gave power to the heroes’ equipment, creating powerful relics that diminish Adrimon’s magic, but they have
been broken to pieces and scattered throughout the land. Re-forge the fragments and her undoing will be swift!
Enter the forests to gather the fragments, create the relics, and you will
have a chance to destroy the sorceress once and for all. Move quickly, lest
your mind fall to her power. You may be the only hope left.
© 2017 Mariucci J. Designs, LLC • HEXplore It is a trademark of Mariucci J. Designs, LLC • All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Welcome...................................4 Settle an Event.............................34 Relics & Fragments...............63
The Object of the Game...............4 The Magi Phase...........................35 Relics.............................................. 64
Dry Erase Markers.........................4 Fragments.................................... 66
Dice...................................................4 Combat...................................37
Combat Round Overview...........38 Destinations...........................67
Setup.........................................6 Declare Hero Actions..................39 Skill Destination Types............... 70
Choose your Hero..........................7 The Battle Mat............................ 42 Destination Rewards.................. 64
Select your Role..............................8 Opponent Types.......................... 44
Select your Race.............................9 Favored Opponents....................45 Game Options.......................73
Role Mat Explained.....................10 Soul Laced Opponents.............. 46 Valor Score....................................74
Gear Upgrade Rings................... 13 Influencing Opponents...............47 Play Styles.....................................76
Game Board Setup...................... 14 Opponent Actions....................... 48 Dual Boards: FoA + VotDK.........78
Game Board Explained.............. 16 Encounters................................... 49 Living Card Campaign...............85
Game Placards............................20 Bosses..............................................51
Starting Location........................ 22 Resolution Phase..........................54 Cleaning your Dry Erase Mats.... 86
Location Tokens........................... 24 Combat Example.........................55
Hero Death...................................57 Index.......................................87
Game Play.............................25 Rewards.........................................58
Game Turn Overview................. 26 Keywords.......................................59
Move Your Heroes....................... 27 Conditions....................................60
Roll Your Skills.............................. 28
Roll a Circumstance.................... 32
60 - 180+ 1-6 14+
Welcome to the Forests of Adrimon, the second title in the HEXplore It gaming universe.
We’re proud to bring you to the Greenflame Forest, where you’ll create powerful heroes
capable of overthrowing Adrimon, a terrible sorceress who controls the Fate Spool.
Setup: Overview
1 Choose your hero, then fill in your Role mat
• Each player selects a Role and a Race.
• Fill in your Role mat, with scores modified by the Race you selected.
Choose your hero
Each player selects their hero by combining two character options: their Role and their Race. A player’s Role is
their profession while their Race defines their heritage and species. This combination drives their strengths and
weaknesses, defines their special Abilities, and determines their play style.
Mastery Backpack
Cost Gold
Favored Opponent
You excel against this foe. When facing it, you deal extra Health or
Energy damage to your opponent (see page 45 for detail). Record
this on your Role card.
Racial Modifiers
These are the Vitals, Abilities, and Skills that are modified by your
Race. When you’re ready to create your hero, add your Racial
Modifiers to your Role Base Scores (see page 8).
Modifiers Racial Ability
Each Race has a unique special Ability which consumes either
Health or Energy to use. These Abilities may be used at any time
(as specified), usually once per Game Turn (see page 26).
Ability Food Rating
The amount of Food you’ll consume if you fail your Survival roll
each Game Turn. Record this on your Role card.
Food Rating
Role Mat Explained See page 39 for more information on the Vital icons that
appear on your Attack Ability.
Gold Gold
Each hero may carry up to a total of 100 times their initial Food Rating in Gold.
A hero with an initial Food Rating of 0 may carry up to 100 Gold.
Each hero begins the game with 0 Gold. 1
Each hero may carry up to a total of 5 times their initial Food Rating
A hero with an initial Food Rating of 0 may carry up to 5 Food.
Each hero begins the game with 0 Food.
If you succeed on a Survival roll during the Skill Phase, then you must have found food in the wil-
derness. If your Survival roll fails and your Food Rating is 1 or more, your hero will need to consume
food from your reserve. It is important to stock up, in case you fail your Survival rolls.
Gold and Food icons can be found on many cards in the game. When you see icons on cards like
the ones shown here (above right), each hero receives the reward. In the example above, each
hero would gain 1 Gold and 1 Food.
Your hero may obtain several items while you adventure in the Forests. You can keep track of them in
the backpack area of your Role mat. There is no limit to the number of items your heroes may carry.
Gear Upgrade Rings 9
• There is a ring of numbers around the edge of each stat on the Role cards. 8 6
• These numbers indicate the Gold cost to upgrade the rank.
• Starting at the top most edge, each increase becomes more costly, moving clockwise around
the ring. For instance, in the example to the right, the first Gear Upgrade would cost 4
Gold, then the next 5 Gold, and so on.
• Abilities begin at a cost of 4 Gold, Skills at a cost of 3 Gold, and Vitals at a cost of 2 Gold.
• Heroes may only gain a total of 6 Gear Upgrades for each stat.
• Power Up cards (or other effects) are separate rewards that do not count against your Gear Upgrades.
• Gear Upgrades are not available for purchase until the heroes unlock Ashul’s Workshop.
HEXtiles (E-N)
4 Map Circumstance
Quadrants Bar
Magi’s Acropolis Compass
(in this example, the heroes Destination
rolled a 5 on the six-sided die) Deck
Relic Power Up
Bar Deck
HEXtiles (E-N)
There are 10 additional HEXtiles to explore. When
you move to a border on the game board, draw a
random HEXtile and place it on the board in any ori-
entation you choose.
Dark Forest
Great Trees
Any tree that is nearly the same size as a hex.
Mountain Peak
Any mountain whose peak extends above
the hex. These locations are uncrossable (see
page 27).
Elowen’s Grove Fey Realm
The Fey Realm, Portals, & Elowen’s Grove
The Fey Realm is located in another dimension, hidden from the world. Elowen
is a powerful dryad who helps the heroes in their quest to unseat the Magi. The
Grove is the middle location of the Fey Realm HEXtile. This tile begins in play but
does not attach to any other HEXtiles or quadrants.
Entering the Fey Realm: As long as at least one Circumstance card con-
tains Elowen’s symbol and is on an open Circumstance slot, the heroes may use Por-
tals to enter the Fey Realm (see page 32).
The Portals into the Fey Realm are numbered 1 through hex and have light green borders.
Two of the portals are also Boss locations and thus have both a red and light green border Portal Locations
(shown at right). These Portals continue to function if the Boss is defeated or Influenced.
When the group moves to a Portal location on the game board, immediately enter the Skill phase. If Navigate is suc-
cessful, the group passes through and emerges on the hex in the Fey Realm that shares the Portal number. If the roll is
unsuccessful, they Wander (see page 29) away from the Portal and do not enter the Fey Realm. After the group passes
through a Portal, they may use any unused Movement to reach Elowen’s Grove or another Portal after the Skill phase.
Two miniatures are included in the Forests of Adrimon.
The Group Miniature: This mini represents your heroes. You’ll use it to move
your group across the game board.
The Magi’s Acropolis: The Magi’s Acropolis represents Adrimon’s lair. It consists of
a single hex surrounded by hexes on all sides. It is always placed (centered) on top of one
of the five Enthralled Cities, rolled randomly at the beginning of the game (see page 14).
All six hexes surrounding the Acropolis are considered to contain roads for the purpose of
Moving Cautiously (see page 27).
Game Placards
There are 4 game placards that define several mechanics and game locations. Set these aside and
consult them when you need them.
Use the Purchase Value column when you need to convert the value of Na-
ture’s Essence into Gold. You may sell Nature’s Essence for its Selling Value
in Wayposts. There is no limit to how much Nature’s Essence the group may
Essence Vine 10 5
Dark Relics: Elowen has warned the heroes of three Dark Relics found
in the world. Consult Elowen’s Grove card when you locate one. You may
choose to keep it, or trade it to her.
Starting Equipment
You have mysteriously escaped the Magi’s clutches and grabbed what you could when you es-
caped the city. Each hero rolls their ten-sided dice a set number of times based on how many
heroes are in the game, and consults the Searching For Gear section on the Enthralled Cities
placard for what you found.
Heroes may trade any items, Gold, and Food with one another after all rolls are made. You’ll
also find that each starting location is different. Your heroes will gain a separate bonus based
on the Enthralled City they begin near. Check the next page for details.
Searching for Gear Initial Rolls
# of Heroes Gear Upgrade Rolls Item Rolls
1-2 3 3
3-4 2 3
5-6 1 2
City 1 - Elashor: Elashor’s hot springs have restorative abilities. Bathing in the bubbling water makes
one feel rejuvenated. Each hero gains +3 ranks to distribute to their Vitals (in any way they wish).
City 2 - Myrin: Myrin used to be a rich city on top of a gold mine. After its destruction, the natural resource
has decreased but is still present. Each hero gains either 5 additional Gold or 5 additional Food.
City 3 - Connak: The best apprenticeships for the art of smithing used to be found in the city Connak.
Hammers sounded on steel from dawn to dusk and into the night. Each hero gains a +1 rank increase to an
Ability of their choice.
City 4 - Darcassan: Darcassan is the city of scholars and teachers. Through years of study and discipline, they
mastered anything they put their minds to. Each hero gains a +1 rank increase to a stat of their choice.
City 5 - Keletheryl: Experiments and science were the two passions of Keletheryl. Each hero gains an item
from a Waypost or Elowen’s Grove worth 5 Gold or less.
Acropolis: A castle rigged with traps and labyrinths stands before you. You were lucky to get out alive. Each
hero gains a +1 rank increase to a Skill of their choice.
Location Tokens
Hex Token: These tokens show you which bosses (or other event locations) you’ve cleared. A loca-
tion with a Hex token becomes a normal location.
Destination Locations: These tokens are placed on your current revealed Destination locations.
Enthralled Wayposts: These tokens are placed on Wayposts that have fallen to the Magi’s
mindwiped. These locations are now considered to be Enthralled Cities.
Ashul’s Workshop: This token is Ashul’s Workshop, a location which can be built by the heroes,
where they may purchase Gear Upgrades (see page 13).
Paragon’s Hall: This token is the Paragon’s Hall, a unique Circumstance card. This location
token reveals a new Relic that may be crafted by the heroes.
Root System: These tokens represent the Root System, a unique Circumstance card. Moving
onto one of these tokens allows you to immediately move the heroes to any other Root
System token at the cost of 1 Movement..
Sentinel Token: These tokens represent the Sentinels. Each time the Fate Cycle increases, a
Sentinel appears on the corresponding Battle Site (see page 36).
Play 25
Game Turn Overview
1 Move your Heroes (together as one group)
4 Settle an Event
• If you are on a Destination, Enthralled City, Waypost, Battle Site, Elowen’s Grove, or Boss
location, you’ll consult its corresponding placard or card and complete the Event.
• You begin play moving up to 4 hexes per turn (you may move less if you choose).
• There are four types of Movement, defined on the Game Play placard.
• If you move to the edge of the board, add a new
HEXtile (see page 16). Placing a HEXtile Moving Cautiously
does not end your Movement.
Movement along a river.
Uncrossable Terrain
There are some tiles that you may not move into.
Movement along a river, then a road.
Mountain peaks are uncrossable by the heroes*.
Moving Cautiously
If you spend up to your entire movement following a river and/or road, or if you
move only one hex during the turn, you are Moving Cautiously. Moving in this
fashion ensures you are in no danger of Wandering (see page 29).
While Moving Cautiously, you may also choose to discard the Circumstance Movement along a road.
card played during the Circumstance phase of the Game Turn (see page 32).
This is the reward for moving carefully!
*If you’re playing with the Valley of the Dead King, you may gain
Climbing Gear which allows you to move through mountain peaks. 27
2 Roll your Skills
• During the Skill phase, each hero rolls their Skill dice at the same time. If each roll result is
less than or equal to the hero’s matching Skill rank, the roll is successful.
• A roll of a hex is a result of 1 and is a Critical Success. A Critical Success always succeeds.
• Starting at rank 12, and every rank thereafter, the Critical Success range increases by 1 (hex
or 2 at rank 12, hex through 3 for rank 13, hex through 4 for rank 14, etc).
• A roll of 10 always fails and is a Critical Failure.
• Modifiers applied to your Skill roll may result in a Critical Success or Critical Failure.
• If a hero’s Skill rank is equal to or lower than the current Fate Cycle, that hero may not roll that
Skill and treats it as a Critical Failure with no result (see page 35 for info on the Fate Cycle).
• If all three Skill results are hexes, you are exceedingly fortunate, and you may draw one
Power Up card to give its bonus to all heroes!
Navigate Skill
• If the group has Moved Cautiously (see page 27), the group may choose not to roll the Navigate
die during the Skill phase.
• Half of the heroes (rounded up) must succeed this roll to avoid Wandering.
• If any hero rolls a Critical Success on their Navigate Skill, they save the group
from Wandering this turn or they find an Essence Vine they may attempt to
Harvest. If multiple heroes roll this, each hero may apply one of the bonus
If the group Wanders, roll the six-sided die. The group has missed their target,
and now moves 1 additional hex in the direction indicated by the Wander
Compass. For instance, if a 3 is rolled, the group Wanders (moves 1 hex)
in the direction of the roll, in this case down one.
If the group Wanders into an Event location (an Enthralled City, Battle
Site, Waypost, Boss, Elowen’s Grove, or Destination), the Event is played
normally. If the group’s Wander result would place them off the map or
on impassable terrain (on a mountain peak), they instead remain where
they are on the game board.
Roaming 5 1
Some effects will force or allow the group (or other game pieces) to Roam.
When this happens, roll the six-sided die twice. The first result becomes the 4 2
direction of Movement (shown on the Wander Compass), and the second be- 3
comes the number of hexes moved. Wander Compass
Explore Skill
• If your Explore roll succeeds, your hero gains 2 Gold worth of treasure.
Survival Skill
• If your Survival roll succeeds, you forage well enough in the wilderness and do not need to con-
sume Food this turn.
• If your Survival roll fails, you must consume Food from your inventory equal to your Food Rating.
• If your Food Rating is 0, you may choose not to roll the Survival die during the Skill phase.
• If you roll a Critical Success on your Survival Skill during the Skill phase, your hero need not con-
sume Food, and either: each hero Heals 1 lost Energy, or you find an Infused Seed that you
may attempt to Harvest. If multiple heroes roll this, each hero may apply one of the bonus
If a hero fails their Survival roll and doesn’t have enough Food for the turn, they begin to Starve. After the Skill
phase during the first Game Turn in which you have less Food than you need to eat, mark the first of three levels on
the starving meter indicated by the Energy symbol. After the Skill phase of each subsequent Game Turn with inad-
equate Food, cross off the next symbol (moving left) on the Starving meter. You may only gain one level of Starving
per Game Turn, unless otherwise stated.
Starving Level 1: Your hero cannot use Energy. Place a mark over your current Energy as a
reminder that you cannot use Energy.
Starving Level 2: Your hero cannot use Energy nor roll Survival (all Survival rolls Critically Fail).
Place a mark over the Survival die graphic as a reminder that you cannot roll Survival.
Starving heroes must consume any Food they receive. To end a level of Starving,
purchase or gain Food equal to your Food Rating and immediately consume it.
In doing so you will lose one level of Starving. If you are still Starving, next turn
consume your Food Rating in Food again to shrug off the effect entirely.
You can always share Food, Gold, and items freely to members of your group while outside of combat. 31
3 Roll a Circumstance
• A Circumstance is rolled (the six-sided die) after the Skill phase unless you end Movement
Unavoidable cards
Cards with the “Unavoidable” ribbon may not be avoided when you roll them during the Cir-
cumstance phase, even if you Moved Cautiously.
Circumstance Types
Afflictions: Afflictions are negative Circumstances that effect the group. You may be affected by more than one
Affliction at a time. Affliction cards remain active for a number of turns specified on the card. They can be removed
in one of a few ways; if a hero rolls a Critical Success on their Survival Skill during the Skill phase or if the group uses a
Healing Surge at a Battle Site. Some Afflictions will tell you to draw an additional Circumstance.
Nature: Nature cards are environmental situations that affect the group. Only one may be in play at any time.
4 Settle an Event
• If you end Movement on a Waypost, Enthralled City, Battle Site, Elowen’s Grove, Boss, or
There are nine Boss locations on the map (outlined in red). A Boss event occurs when the group ends Movement on a Boss loca-
tion, triggering combat with the Boss. The heroes may move through a Boss location on the map without initiating combat with
them. Defeating Bosses offers great rewards!
Hex Tokens: After you’ve defeated a Boss, place a Hex Token on the location. Bosses may only be defeated (or
Influenced) once.
Destinations are challenges that the heroes can face and complete in order to gain access to the Fragment deck. Completing
these will help you empower your heroes.
The Magi Phase
Fate Tracker (1-6) Fate Cycle
6 2
• The Magi resides in the center hex of her Acropolis. The heroes may
go there to initiate the final battle. 5 3
• Each Game Turn the Fate Tracker increases by 1. 4
• After each 6th increase, the Fate Cycle increases by 1, the Tracker
resets to 0 turns (erase the outer ring), and a Sentinel is created (see page 36).
• If the Fate Cycle is ever equal to or higher than any hero’s Skill, that hero automatically
Critically Fails when required to roll that Skill (no roll is made). A hero may roll their Skill
again if they manage to increase their rank higher than the Fate Cycle.
• If the Fate Cycle is equal to or greater than all Skills of a hero, the hero becomes mindwiped.
• Adrimon Teleports to the heroes and initiates combat with them during the Event phase of
each Game Turn when the Fate Cycle increases to 10 or higher.
Mindwiped Heroes
Mindwiped heroes may no longer participate in combat and are treated as being dead for purposes of rewards
they would receive (see page 57). If a mindwiped hero dies, they may not be Revived. During the Magi phase of
each Game Turn, roll the Fate die. If you roll a hex, mindwiped heroes disappear from the group, never to return.
Remove the hero from the game. Each turn they remain with the group, increase the value needed to leave by one.
For example, on the second turn they disappear on a roll of a hex or 2. On the third they’ll disappear on a roll of a
hex, 2 or 3.
Sentinel Token
Magical constructs built by the If the heroes move through a hex containing a Sentinel,
mindwiped and enchanted by they must fight it during the Movement phase, augment-
the Magi herself, the Sentinels are ing the battle according to the table on the Sentinel plac-
Adrimon’s ultimate weapons. ard. Any unused Movement they have remaining may be
Combat 37
Combat Round Overview
1 Declare Hero Actions
• Each player declares which of the four Abilities their hero will use during the combat
round and declares their action total (damage, healing, etc).
• One player records each hero’s total on the Battle Mat.
• You do not need to specify a target at this time if your Ability requires one.
• Roll any Favored Opponent damage.
Opponent Actions
• The Encounter or Boss action is selected randomly, using the six-sided die.
• Determine the target(s) and damage dealt.
Combat can occur in any phase
3 Resolution of the Game Turn.
• All actions take effect simultaneously. Combat is very straightforward,
• Record damage dealt to both the heroes and the opponent. even though many alternatives
will arise.
• Apply Conditions, if any.
Skim through this section, check
If your Opponent is still alive, proceed to the out the combat example on
page 55, then use the rulebook
Next Combat Round carefully to guide you through
your first few battles.
1 Declare Hero Actions
• Each player selects one of the four Abilities their hero will use during the combat round and spends
any Energy necessary to activate it.
• Player actions occur in no particular order, they interact at the same time.
• You do not need to specify a target if your Ability requires one.
• One player should record all numbers on the Battle Mat (see page 42).
Vital Icons
The Four Abilities
When using your basic Attack Ability, choose to inflict a type of Vital (as indicated
by the Vital icons shown on your Attack Ability). Your hero will inflict the chosen
type of damage equal to your Ability rank. In the example shown here, the Soul
Reaver may use their Thread Strike to deal either Health or Energy damage (not
both). You may choose the type of damage dealt each time you use the Ability.
When using your basic Defend Ability, your hero reduces each attack damaging them equal to the rank. If using one
of your Masteries, one or more Energy is spent to power the Ability. Each Mastery is unique to each Role. Masteries
only deal the type of damage specified in their description (you may not alter the damage type, even if your basic
Attack is used by the Mastery).
Heroes do not need to specify a target until the Resolution phase. Additionally, some Abilities offer choices on how
they can be used. In these situations you do not need to specify how you’re using the Ability. For example, the His-
torian can simply say “I’m using Ancient Rituals” and wait to choose who he affects until the end of the round. This
means that during the Resolution phase he can decide how he’s using the Mastery.
Target types
Heroes and opponents all have various abilities that can effect each other in unique ways. The
following list defines the various types of targets which can be targeted by abilities.
Ally: An ally is considered to be any other member of a hero’s group (for instance, other
heroes, Escorts, or Summons). An Ability or effect which targets an ally cannot
target yourself.
Hero: A hero is considered to be any living hero. An Ability or effect which targets a hero
can only effect heroes.
Group: All members of the heroes’ group (including the heroes and all allies).
Opponent: Any foe who means to harm the heroes or their allies.
Target: A target can be any character involved in an aspect of game play, including (but
not limited to): heroes, opponents, and allies.
Calculating Effects
During this phase of combat, you will be calculating the effects of your action. Heroes who are
damaging an opponent will declare the damage dealt (record it on the Battle Mat). Those who are
not damaging an opponent will apply the effects of their Ability during the Resolution phase.
Rounding Numbers
Unless otherwise specified, anytime an action or result is halved or cut into a fraction, round down
to a minimum of 1.
Racial Abilities during combat
Heroes may use their Racial Ability during any phase of combat, so long as they can pay its cost, without
interrupting their action for the round.
resolve during the Resolution phase unless otherwise stated. Food is considered an item, and a number of
units up to your hero’s Food Rating can be consumed in combat, if necessary.
Heroes who Flee may not re-enter combat and do not receive any rewards, even if the Opponent is de-
feated by other members of the group. If you attempt to fight an Opponent you’ve previously fled from,
their Vitals are reset to full.
The Battle mat
• Use the Battle Mat to keep track of the heroes’ Movement speed, group items, Game
Turns, Combat Rounds, Escorts, your opponent’s Vitals, and more.
• You may modify the game’s Difficulty here.
How to use it
We recommend that one player keeps track of the Battle Mat throughout the entire game. During the Declaration
phase of combat, players will note how much damage they’re doing to their opponent(s). The player in charge
of the Battle Mat will record this damage in one of two areas: the top area is damage that can be Defended
against, while the bottom is reserved for damage that cannot be Blocked or Defended (like Favored Opponent
Your opponent’s Vitals and all damage dealt will be modified by the amount indicated on the Difficulty bar.
The heroes also receive a Difficulty penalty to their Skill rolls. Increasing the Difficulty allows the group to roll
the Fate die when they receive a Fragment. If the result is less than (or equal to) the number specified by the
Difficulty, the group gains an additional Fragment. Difficulty cannot increase beyond Epic.
42 Optional Rule: The game’s difficulty increases by 1 if you run out of Power Up cards and must reshuffle.
Miscellaneous Fate Tracker Healing Surges Soul Shield Miscellaneous
1-8 tracker (see page 35) (only 1 per Battle Site) (see page 44) 0-10 tracker Hero
Favors Movement
Normal / Cautious
(Hexes per turn)
Health &
(see page 45)
Relics Obtained & Escorts Game Difficulty Bar Health & Energy damage that
Wielder Requirement (see page 60) cannot be Negated
Opponent Types
• Opponents are either Encounters or Bosses. Encounters are ranked in Level from 1
to 6. Bosses are much harder and ranked in Level from 1 to 10.
• All opponents are assigned one of seven types:
Constructs: Constructs are given life through unnatural and unknown sources.
Creature: Creatures are natural animals and beasts.
Dangerous Opponents
You may find that certain opponents are labeled Dangerous. This means that the opponent you’re fac-
ing is more difficult than normal. When fighting a Dangerous opponent, increase the game difficulty
by 1 for that combat. After this battle the game returns to the current difficulty, it does not stay at the
increased difficulty level. While uncommon, it is possible for an opponent to raise the Difficulty level
several times in one combat.
Favored Opponents
• Each hero has an advantage over a specific type of opponent de-
termined by their Race.
• When facing your Favored Opponent in combat, roll the six-sided
die during the Declaration phase of each combat round and
record it on the Battle Mat as damage that cannot be Reduced
or Negated (in the bottom section).
• Favored Opponent damage is a unique damage source.
• You may choose whether the damage dealt is applied as Health,
Energy, or against Influence. If you choose to deal Energy dam-
age, your roll result is doubled.
• A roll of a HEX is 6 damage.
• Favored Opponent damage may HEXplode.
HEXploding Dice
You may find certain Abilities, items, or other situations specify
that a die can HEXplode. This happens when you roll a hex (or
another number as indicated) on the die. When this happens you
may roll again and add the new result to the total. There is no
limit to how many times you may reroll a HEXploding die.
Soul Shielded Opponents
• Soul Shielded opponents have a different Health icon.
• Opponents who are Soul Shielded must have their Soul Shield re-
duced to 0 before they can suffer Health and Energy damage or
be Influenced (see next page).
• Any Favored Opponent damage dealt is transferred to the Soul Shield.
• The Soul Shield suffers damage from both Health and Energy attacks
and is treated as a separate target. Excess damage and Conditions on
Influencing Opponents
• Some opponents can be saved from the Magi’s mind control.
• Each savable opponent has a third type of Vital called Influence, displayed between their
Health and Energy values.
• In order to Influence an opponent, you must reduce their Influence value to 0.
• To do this, the group must Heal the opponent using Abilities or items.
• When the group Heals a savable opponent, it will not restore their Health or Energy, but
instead reduce their Influence by an equal amount of the Healing they receive.
• Healing effects that Influence an opponent are not reduced by their Block or Defend.
• Opponents cannot affect their own Influence value while Healing themselves.
• Be careful though, many opponents will become more difficult as you attempt to Influence
them. If successful, you will end combat and gain a new ally. You’ll gain unique rewards
for each.
Heroes who attempt to Influence her must spend 1 Energy per round. If the heroes manage to save Hathow-
yr: Once per Fate Cycle, the heroes may call on Hathowyr during the Movement phase to double their
Movement speed, or to move to any great tree on the game board. This movement is considered Cautious.
2 Opponent Actions
• Opponents differ in the number of combat options available to them. Encounters have
three options while Bosses have six.
• Roll the six-sided die each round of combat and consult the action key to determine what
action your opponent takes.
• If the Ability rolled requires Energy, they spend the Ability’s Energy cost this phase. If the opponent
doesn’t have enough Energy, their action defaults to another Ability (see page 49 and 51).
• If the group faces more than one opponent, roll the action die once for each opponent in any order.
Opponent Targeting E
Opponent Abilities may target Individual or Group targets.
Individual: Abilities that effect individual targets (single, dual, triple, or multi-target attacks). Target dice are
rolled to determine the target(s). Each target may only receive one Individual attack per round,
unless otherwise stated.
Group: Abilities that effect each hero and their allies. Target dice are not rolled for group attacks.
Target Dice
You may need to determine a target for an opponent’s action, or to determine who wins a single reward. For situations
like these, each hero (and ally in the case of targeting in combat) rolls a ten-sided die. Compare your result with the
others. The one with the highest roll becomes the target. In the case of a tie, the ones who tied roll again (without
modifiers) until a target is chosen. When choosing multiple targets, the highest rolls become the targets; re-roll as
needed to break ties.
• Encounters are opponents found in the Circumstance deck whose Level ranges from
1 to 6.
• After the Declaration phase, one player rolls the six-sided die and consults the Action
Key to determine what action the Encounter takes.
• Encounters have three combat options:
Attack (red): This is the Encounter’s basic attack. It costs no Energy to use.
Encounter Action Key
Mastery (purple): The Encounter’s Mastery costs 1 or more Energy to use denoted
Energy Cost by the gray hex in the upper left corner of the Mastery icon.
Default Action: If the Encounter doesn’t have enough Energy, it cannot use its
Mastery and its action defaults to the Attack Ability instead. The action’s target-
1-3 2 ing type remains the same, but the numeric effects (Damage, Heal, Raise, Block,
1 Defend, etc.) are reduced by half.
4-5 1 Special (dark gray): The Encounter’s Special Ability costs no Energy to use and is
generally the strongest attack it can perform.
2 The numbers under each Ability icon indicate the damage the Encounter deals
to its targets.
Default Action 49
Opponent Opponent Encounter
Encounter Actions Health & Energy Type Level
Each Ability explains its targeting type (In-
dividual Target or Group), Damage type
(Health or Energy), any keywords associ-
ated with the attack, or other miscellaneous
effects. Group
In the example shown here, suppose the
group rolls a hex on the six-sided action die:
The heroes would face the Giant Fox’s Spe- Basic Attack
cial. Description
Two different targets suffer 3 Health dam- Description
age, 2 of which cannot be lowered (Piercing:
2). The Giant Fox also reduces the damage
it suffers from each attack by 1 this round Energy Damage
(Defend: 1). Required Action Key
for Mastery (roll six-sided die)
Hex Token
• Bosses are difficult opponents whose Level ranges from 1 to 10. They are
found in various locations on the map, outlined in red.
• If a Boss is defeated, the hex location is cleared and the Boss cannot be refought.
• After the Declaration phase, one player rolls the six-sided die and consults the
Action Key to determine what action the Boss takes. Bosses have six combat options and
one passive:
Attack (red): This is the Boss’s basic Attack. It costs no Energy to use.
Defend (orange): This is the Boss’s basic Defend. It costs no Energy to use.
Masteries (purple and blue): The Boss’s Mastery costs 1 or more Energy to
use denoted by the gray hex in the upper left corner of the Mastery icon. If the Boss
doesn’t have enough Energy, it cannot use its Mastery and its action defaults to the
Attack or Defend Ability instead (as per the small icon on the action’s name title).
Like Encounters, a defaulted action is reduced in potency (see page 49).
Boss Specials (white and dark gray): The Boss’s Special Abilities cost no
Energy to use and are generally the strongest attacks it can perform.
Passive: The Passive Ability is unlocked only if you’re playing on Moderate Dif-
ficulty or greater.
Boss Action Key
Bosses Action Key
(roll six-sided die)
Type Energy
Default Action
Passive Ability Descriptions Fragment Single Group Reward
52 Reward Rewards
Boss Actions
Each Ability explains its targeting type (Individual
Target or Group), damage type (Health or Energy),
Skill rolls, any keywords associated with the attack,
or other miscellaneous effects.
If Tharanos has at least 4 Energy remaining, the
heroes would face his Rotten Breath attack. If he
doesn’t have the Energy, his action would default to
his basic Defend, Leaking Sap.
3 Resolution Phase
• The group’s and opponent’s actions all take place at the same time during this phase.
• During this phase, heroes and opponents select any unselected targets (if any) for their Abilities
and all remaining action results are tallied (damage is dealt, Defended against, Healed, etc).
• Resolve any/all actions in any order you choose.
• When facing multiple opponents, opponent actions will resolve separately in any order.
Effects that reduce damage are calculated first. Then all remaining damage and Healing are calculated into one total.
The final result is then applied to the target. Resolve all damage to each group member and opponent(s) as necessary.
Conditions are applied after all damage is calculated. Combat resumes with the start of a new round and continues
until the opponent(s) or heroes are defeated.
Negative Vitals?
When a combat phase ends, any negative Vital values are brought to 0.
Combat Example
The Stormcaller and Verdant Keeper have stumbled upon the “Mind-
wiped Villagers!” Encounter while playing on Easy Difficulty.
Thus, the Mindwiped Villagers Vitals are increased by 10 (+5 per hero). The Mindwiped Villagers begin combat with 15
Health and 14 Energy. They also have a Soul Shield of 15, as they have the black Soul Shield symbol instead of a Health
symbol. Their Vitals are recorded on the Battle Mat.
uses Freezing Rain to deal 10 Energy dam- 15 14
age and inflict the Drained Condition on 15
their opponent for the next 2 rounds. This
damage is recorded in the Soul Shield sec-
tion of the Battle Mat since the opponent
has an active Soul Shield.
The Verdant Keeper chooses to use Petal Storm. She rolls the Fate die as per
her rank 4 Ability and rolls a 2. She adds the die result to the Villagers’ Level for
a total of 3. Since her Petal Storm is rank 4, her Mastery is Strengthened. Her
Petal Storm deals 8 Health damage. The damage is recorded in the Soul Shield
section of the Battle Mat.
Both heroes spend the 1 Energy cost for using their Masteries.
Opponent phase: The players roll the six-sided die, and roll a 4 for the Mind-
wiped Villager’s action. Each hero will lose 3 Energy (2 base plus 1 for the Easy
Difficulty rating). Because the Ability also states “Piercing: 1”, 1 of the 3 damage
dealt cannot be reduced. Our heroes are not Defending this round, so they’ll suffer
all 3 damage.
The Mindwiped Villager’s spend 1 Energy to use this Ability. This loss is recorded in
the Energy section of the Battle Mat.
Hero Death
• If a hero dies, they are temporarily out of the game. The other heroes may attempt to
Revive them in several ways.
• The other heroes gain access to the fallen hero’s backpack, Gold, and Food, at any time
outside of combat, or during combat while performing a Defend action.
• Any Gold, Food, or items a fallen hero would receive as a reward is divided between the
other heroes outside of combat.
• Power Up card rewards are still taken by the deceased hero, but they are kept face down
until the hero is Revived.
• If the heroes defeat their opponent(s), they’ll gain the reward shown on the card or placard.
Influence Reward: This is a group reward that heroes receive only when they Influence their opponent.
In the example below, the group would receive one Fragment card and each hero would roll target dice. The hero with
the highest roll would gain +2 ranks to their Attack Ability, and the second highest would gain the Workshop Supplies.
Additionally, each hero in the group would gain 7 Gold, 1 Food, and 1 card drawn from the Power Up deck.
Keywords Keyword
Alters the target of an attack and/or effect back
Keywords appear bolded in white on various game onto the attacker. An attack or effect may only be
components. Reflected once.
Regen: X As Heal, except the Healing occurs during the
Keyword Description Declaration phase of each round. Regen cannot
stack with itself. Applicable only during combat.
Block: X Reduces total damage taken during the Resolu-
tion phase by the Block amount, beginning with Revive: Brings back a deceased target and restores them
Energy damage. to full Vitals unless otherwise stated.
Boost Temporarily increases a numeric effect as specified. Strengthen Permanently increase a numeric effect when
specific criteria are met.
Defend: X Reduces each incoming damaging effect by the
Defend amount during the Resolution phase. Summon Creates an ally for the summoner. During
combat, this ally acts on behalf of the summoner.
Heal: X Increases current Health and/or Energy (as speci-
It may become a target, and may be damaged
fied) up to the target’s maximum by the Heal
and/or killed.
amount during the Resolution phase of combat,
or anytime outside of combat. Sustain You may spend 1 Energy each round to power
the effect and may use other Abilities while the
Negate Stops and removes an effect or attack, and all of
Sustained Ability continues throughout subse-
its side effects.
quent rounds. Unless otherwise stated, only one
Nonlethal Nonlethal damage cannot drop a Vital to 0, instance of the Sustained effect may be active
instead dropping it to a minimum of 1. at any time.
Piercing: X Deals damage which cannot be Defended or Teleport: X Instantly move to a new location up to the Teleport
Blocked by the Piercing amount. amount or where specified. Unless otherwise
stated, Teleport may be used during any phase,
Raise: X As Heal, except the total Healing may exceed the but when used during the Movement phase, the
target’s maximum Vitals, temporarily increasing the group is considered to be Moving Normally.
total by the Raise amount. Unless otherwise stated,
Raised Vitals remain through the duration of the Unyielding Targets may be targeted more than once by this
Game Turn in which they were gained, or until lost. attack. Roll for targets for each attack made.
Many opponents do more than just cause damage. The Conditions on the next few pages may also affect
your group (or your opponents). Unless otherwise noted, damage dealt resolves before applying Condi-
tions during the Resolution phase. Each Condition may also have one or more of the following qualities:
Affects Any: Conditions with this icon can affect your allies or opponents.
Persists: Conditions with this icon remain active after combat ends.
Stacks: Conditions with this icon may be gained more than once. Apply the numeric effects multiple
times unless otherwise noted.
Bleeding Bleeding targets lose 1 Health during the Declaration phase of each round. Bleeding continues
until the target receives Healing or until combat ends.
Bound Bound targets are tied to the life force of another being. Anytime the ally they are bound to suf-
fers damage, Bound targets lose the equivalent type and amount of Vitals. Loss of Vitals due to
being Bound is only applied once if two targets are Bound to each other.
Burned Burned targets lose 3 Health at the beginning of the Declaration phase of each round and Heal
3 less Health each time their Health is Healed. The Healing reduction stacks but the Health
damage dealt does not.
Confused This Condition resolves before damage is dealt. Roll any die during the Resolution phase of each
round. Confused targets lose their action if the result is an even number, or have the numeric
effects of their action reduced by half if the result is an odd number.
Condition Qualities Description
Disarmed Disarmed heroes lose their weapon. They may attempt to reclaim it each round by taking a
Defend action and rolling a ten-sided die against their Attack rank (as if it were a Skill). While
Disarmed, heroes may only deal damage equal to their base Role and Race modifiers.
Disoriented Disoriented heroes suffer an increased chance of a Critical Failure for Skill rolls. Their Critical
Failure range increases by 2 each time they become Disoriented (8-10 for first, 6-10 for second,
Drained Drained targets lose 3 Energy at the beginning of the Declaration phase of each round and
Heal 3 less Energy each time their Energy is Healed. The Healing reduction stacks but the
Energy damage dealt does not.
Encased Encased targets are no longer targetable by opponents in combat, but the constraint that
Encases them can be targeted by themselves or their allies. Encased targets may only use their
Attack each round, targeting only the constraint. This Condition includes a number in parenthe-
sis. This is the number of Health damage that must be dealt to free the target. This Condition
may not be removed through other means.
Entangled Entangled heroes must succeed on a Navigate roll during the Declaration phase of each
round in order to act normally. If they fail, they may only Attack or Defend, and do so with a -3
Frightened Frightened heroes may only use their Defend action and do so with a -3 penalty. Roll Survival
during the Resolution phase of each round of combat. If successful, the Condition ends.
Knocked Down Heroes who are Knocked Down cannot act and Critically Fail Skill rolls until after they spend a
round Defending to get back up. They may not use (or give) an item while Defending in this way.
Poisoned Poisoned heroes lose 1 Health at the beginning of the Declaration phase of each round of combat
and at the beginning of each Movement phase. They must also roll and succeed on a Survival roll in
order to use Energy. If you Succeed on any 3 Survival rolls, remove the Condition from yourself.
Condition Qualities Description
Soul Laced Soul Laced targets are bound to the life force of their opponent. At the end of the Resolution
phase, the opponent gains (or Raises if they already have) a Soul Shield equal to the sum of the
target’s current Vitals. The opponent’s Health remains unaffected. If the Soul Shield suffers any
damage throughout a round, Soul Laced targets suffer Piercing Energy Drain equal to twice the
opponent’s Level. This Condition ends when the opponent loses their Soul Shield and may not
be removed through other means.
Swallowed As Encased except that Swallowed targets may not be targeted by allies. Any damage the
Swallowed target deals depletes the opponent’s Health value as if it were normal damage. This
Condition includes a second number in parenthesis. This is the number of Health damage that
the Swallowed target suffers during the Declaration phase of each round of combat.
Tethered Tethered targets will die if their Health and/or Energy drop to 0.
Unconscious Unconscious targets cannot act. At the end of each round, that target rolls a six-sided die. If the
result is a hex, they awaken. Each round the chance to wake increases by 1. Heroes may force an
Unconscious target to wake by taking a Defend action, but may not use items while doing so. The
round after they awaken, the target suffers a -3 penalty to all Ability ranks.
Vulnerable Vulnerable targets gain +2 to their target die result while in combat and suffer 1 extra damage
when damaged.
Reforging Relics
Wielder Requirements
A hero must meet the Wielder Requirement in order to wield the Relic when
they receive it. For each Relic the group possesses, raise the rank requirement
to wield or reforge additional Relics by 2. The wielder does not lose the Relic if
the requirement increases, but a new wielder must meet the new requirement.
You may carry Relics until you are able to wield them.
Relic Abilities
Each Relic grants unique Abilities to its wielder.
Relic Ability: Each Relic grants a unique Ability that can be used once per
combat, or once per Game Turn.
Soul Shield: Relics reduce the effectiveness of Soul Shields. Reduce an op-
ponent’s Soul Shield by the amount specified during the Declaration
phase of each round of combat.
Against the Magi: Each Relic grants a bonus against the Magi, usable in Relic Abilities
the final combat. Wielder Bonus
Wielder Bonus
Each Relic also grants a bonus to the hero wielding it. While the hero carries the Relic
and meets its requirement, raise the rank of the stat shown by the amount specified. The
wielder bonus is lost if the Relic is transferred to another hero.
• Fragments are pieces of broken Relics, and are rewarded in many ways.
• You’ll need to find all Fragments that belong to a Relic in order to reforge it.
• Each Fragment grants each hero an extra reward, selected from 3 options.
• The group keeps all Fragments found, even if the Fragment belongs to
a Relic that is not currently in play. Fragment Number
Fragment Number
Each Fragment has two numbers in the upper right corner of the card; the
Fragment number, and the total number of Fragments in the set. Gather
all Fragments in the set to reforge them into a Relic.
When the heroes gain a Fragment, each hero chooses 1 of the 3 rewards
to immediately gain. Each hero may choose their own reward.
Each Fragment also contains a short paragraph detailing the story of what
your heroes encounter when they find the Fragment for the first time.
• Each time the heroes end Movement in a Waypost, draw 1 new Destination for each
Relic in play and place face up on the slot.
• You may only ever have up to 4 Destinations in play on each slot.
• There are several types of Destinations: Bounty, Incursion, Keeper, and Skill Destinations.
• If the group ends Movement on a location related to their Destination, you may attempt to complete
it during the Event phase of the Game Turn. Destination
• Destinations usually are discarded immediately when they are completed. Location
• Completing a Destination rewards one or more Fragment cards.
Keeper Destinations
Keepers are Elowen’s followers, who assist her and fight back against the Magi. Giving
aid to a Keeper will allow you to trade a specific type of Nature’s Essence for items
found in Elowen’s Grove. In the example to the right, completing this Keeper Destination
would allow the heroes to trade only Infused Seeds. You may trade a type of Nature’s Grove Trade
Essence immediately after you complete the Destination, or while you are Escorting a Allowance
Keeper. Generally these Destinations do not require any Skill rolls to complete.
they perform each combat round. The example to the right shows an ally that has 8
Health and Attacks each round for 2 Health damage. Escorts may be Healed.
Skill Destination
Skill Destinations
on If the Destination is related to a Skill, the group rolls the Skill die shown
n on the card.
In the example to the right, the heroes would roll their Survival Skill. If
any one of the heroes succeed, the group completes this Destination.
If the heroes all fail their roll, they may try again next Game Turn.
In addition, if any of the heroes roll a Critical Success (see page 26),
they also earn a bonus reward. In the example shown here, any he-
roes who roll a Critical Success gain a +1 to their Energy Ability rank.
Critical Destination
Success Bonus Rewards
Dual & Triple Skill Destinations
Some Destinations require you to roll more than one Skill. One hero in
the group must succeed on all Skills listed in order to be successful. For instance, a Dual Navigate/Survival Des-
tination requires at least one hero to succeed on both their Navigate and Survival rolls.
Some Destinations offer an extra bonus for doing more than what is required to complete it. Challenges
are written under the normal Destination requirement. You may attempt to complete a Challenge after
you successfully complete the Destination. The Challenges are optional and do not need to be completed
to obtain the Destination rewards. However, if you do attempt a Challenge, you may not discard the Des-
tination until after you’ve completed it.
Some Destinations have consequences if each hero fails their Skill rolls. If this happens, you will have to face the
situation written on the card. If you succeed and complete the Risky situation, you automatically complete the
Destination and receive its rewards. You may choose to fail your Skill rolls in order to force a Risky situation.
After completing a Destination of this type, the group may choose to push their fate. If you do,
look at the Fragment card drawn. If the card shares the Destination’s corresponding stat as one of the three
optional rewards, each hero receives a rank up of that stat, otherwise increase the Fate Tracker by 1. Hidden
Power cards are optional and thus the group may choose not to push their fate.
Twisted Fate Destinations (Automatic) 6
The combination of the Magi’s magic, wild magic, and the fallen hero’s emotional
connection has altered this area strangely. 5
The spirit of the fallen hero assists in obtaining a piece of their equipment. 5
Destination Rewards
Destinations are discarded once completed and the group has chosen whether or not to complete the Chal-
lenge. Each completed Destination gives the rewards shown on the bottom right hand corner of the card. Each
Destination gives the group at least one Fragment card and occasionally extra rewards such as Gold, or a
chance to Harvest Nature’s Essence.
There are four map quadrants, labeled A through D, and ten HEXtiles labeled C D
E through N. Look for the white filled in hex in each graphic to give you the gen-
eral area, then look at the color icon matching the map hex to find your location.
Game Options
Valor Score
• A point of Valor is awarded when specific milestones are achieved while playing any
HEXplore It game. Valor is not unique to the Forests of Adrimon.
• A player’s Valor score is equal to the total Valor gained while playing any game in the series.
• All players playing a game of HEXplore It have a Valor score equal to the player with the highest Valor score.
• Valor may only be gained once per source (ie, all the players achieve only 1 Valor point for defeating
Adrimon, no matter how many times they’ve vanquished her), and cannot be modified by other
game effects.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Using Valor
Each time you play the Forests of Adrimon, consult the table below. You’ll gain the highest tier bonus and all
lower tier bonuses based on your total Valor score. These bonuses only affect the current game being played.
Play Styles
The following rules are included as options to supplement your gaming experience.
Double Up
This version of play presents adaptations to power up your heroes more quickly.
Here are the changes you’ll adopt for the Double Up game:
1) The group begins the game with the Charm of the Autumn Court (an item from Elowen’s Grove).
2) The group begins the game with 3 Destinations revealed per Relic instead of 2.
3) The Fate Tracker increases after every 5 Game Turns instead of after every 6 Game Turns.
Marathon One Player
Playing the marathon version prolongs the game, but also There are two ways to play using this style. The first
gives the players the opportunity to interact with more is to use two (or more) heroes. This is the easier op-
game content. Expect the Marathon game to spread out tion and requires no special rule changes. The sec-
over the course of 6 or more hours. ond way to play the one player game is to do so
Here are the changes you’ll adopt for the Marathon game: with only one hero.
1) Each of the four Relics begin face down on the Here are the changes you’ll adopt for the One
Relic mat. The group must travel to each corre- Player / One Hero game:
sponding Battle Site in order to reveal them (flip
them over). 1) During the Declaration phase of combat
2) Wayposts reveal up to a maximum of 3 Destina- you may choose to spend 1 Energy to per-
tions per Relic instead of up to 4. form the Defend action at half rank and
3) Players must destroy each boss to win the game, take another action simultaneously. You
but may do so in any order. may still only use one item per round.
4) The Difficulty increases by one after the players 2) The hero begins the game affected by a
defeat every other boss (from Starter to Easy after Spirit Tether Ritual (an item from Elowen’s
boss 1, to Moderate after boss 3, etc). Grove).
3) When rolling Skill dice to attempt a Desti-
Multiple Heroes nation, roll twice and apply both results.
If you’d like to create two heroes and play both, ask the
other players if it is allowable. If the group agrees to this If you find this play style is too difficult with the hero
style of play, any player can play two heroes at once. of your choice, try combining it with the Double Up
play style.
Dual Boards: FoA + VotDK
If you have both the Forests of Adrimon and the Valley of the Dead King, you can
integrate the two games to play both at once. Playing the Dual Boards version will
give you an entirely different play experience. You’ll have to take care to avoid both
the Dead King and the Magi. One of the two bosses will eventually overpower the
other! Amass your strength as quickly as you can, for you’ll have to face both in order
to win the game.
Game Setup
VotDK Quest Bar
1) Combine the four quadrants from each game and place
in any orientation you choose to create your map. Shuffle FoA Destinations VotDK Quests
and place the HEXtiles from each game face down in
separate stacks.
4) Place the FoA Circumstance bar on the other FoA Circumstance Bar
side of the table. Place the FoA Circumstance
deck face down on the first slot. Draw two Cir- FoA Circumstances VotDK Circumstances
cumstances each for the second and third slot.
Place the VotDK Circumstance deck face down
on the hex slot. Draw two Circumstances each
for the fourth and fifth slot.
Starting Location,
Equipment, and Gold
• Roll any die at the beginning of the game.
• If you roll an odd number, your heroes begin in a City in the Valley. Gain the starting items from VotDK.
• If you roll an even number, your heroes begin outside an Enthralled City in the Forest. Gain the starting
items from FoA.
• Additionally, the heroes gain a Movement item based on their location.
• If you begin in a City, the heroes gain Reliable Mounts.
• If you begin outside an Enthralled City, the heroes gain Elven Riding Saddles.
Altered Rules
Rolling for Circumstances
Playing Circumstances:
When you roll for a Circumstance, roll a ten-sided die instead
of the six-sided die. See the graphic here to determine which
card is played based on your roll.
HEX 2 4 6 8 10
Additionally, the group may choose to face both Circumstances
that appear in the slot, beginning with the result rolled. If both 3 5 7 9
Circumstances are Encounters, resolve both in one combat. When
you use an effect to cycle these cards, you’re cycling the slots, so using a
Luck Stone on slot 3 (numbers 4 and 5) would discard all cards in that slot.
• Revealing HEXtiles: When you draw a HEXtile, draw one from both the Forests and the Valley stack. Choose
one to play and place the other HEXtile on the bottom of the opposite stack.
Game Locations:
• Wayposts: Quests may also be turned in at Wayposts.
• Ruins: When facing the 9th Ruin Event “Boss Lair”, randomly decide a tied result between Boss Levels.
• Bezzelquark’s Black Market: When rolling to open the Black Market, include all Forest Bosses you’ve vanquished.
• Bezzelquark’s Black Market: Bezzelquark recognizes the worth of Nature’s Essence and will purchase it from you
for twice the Selling Value (see page 21).
Card Decks:
• When a card’s effect would have you draw more cards, draw from the same Volume (VotDK or FoA).
• The Dead King will not target or initiate combat with the heroes before confronting the Magi.
• The Dead King moves at a speed of 2 + 1 for every Fallen City.
• The heroes may not target the Dead King until they have obtained at least 3 Talismans, and have increased
the Difficulty to Moderate.
• The heroes may not target Adrimon until they have acquired at least 2 Relics, and have increased the Difficulty
to Moderate.
• If you begin the game in a City, use the Valor table from the Valley of the Dead King.
• If you begin outside an Enthralled City, use the Valor table from the Forests of Adrimon.
The Dead King & Adrimon Game Events
• When one of these events occur, alter the game as indicated below:
3 If the Dead King gains 3 Fallen Cities first: Adrimon’s mindwiped invade the Fallen City
that is closest to her Acropolis, converting it into an Enthralled City instead. The Dead King moves
slower, but still considers it a Fallen City for the purposes of counting these game events.
6 2
5 3
If the Magi’s Fate Cycle becomes 3 first: The Dead King’s Movement speed increases
4 by 1.
6 When the Fate Cycle becomes 6 or the Dead King gains 6 Fallen Cities: Roll a
ten-sided die and add the Fate Cycle. If the result is equal to or lower than twice the number of
Fallen Cities, the Dead King recognizes Adrimon’s influence and immediately targets the Acropo-
6 lis. When he arrives he seizes control of the Magi’s Fate Spool and remains in the center of the
6 2
5 3 Acropolis for the rest of the game. The Fate Cycle continues to increase normally. If the result is
higher, Adrimon mindwipes the Dead King.
If the heroes defeat the Dead King or the Magi before one of the above events:
Draw 2 Power Up cards and give twice the bonus to each hero and ignore any additional events. If
the Magi is defeated, the Fate Cycle stops and is set to 0. Enthralled Cities become Wayposts.
One Boss to rule them All
When the second boss event occurs, check to see which of the two overcomes the other.
If you feel you’re powerful enough, you can choose to fight both bosses at the same time during the final battle. 83
Living Card
Continue your journey into the Forests of Adrimon
through our Living Card Campaign to ensure you’ll
always have fresh content to add to your adventures!
City 1 - Elashor: Elashor’s hot springs have restorative abilities. Bathing in the bubbling water makes
one feel rejuvenated. Each hero gains +3 ranks to distribute to their Vitals (in any way they wish).
City 2 - Myrin: Myrin used to be a rich city on top of a gold mine. After its destruction, the natural resource
has decreased but is still present. Each hero gains either 5 additional Gold or 5 additional Food.
City 3 - Connak: The best apprenticeships for the art of smithing used to be found in the city Connak.
Hammers sounded on steel from dawn to dusk and into the night. Each hero gains a +1 rank increase to an
Ability of their choice.
City 4 - Darcassan: Darcassan is the city of scholars and teachers. Through years of study and discipline, they
mastered anything they put their minds to. Each hero gains a +1 rank increase to a stat of their choice.
City 5 - Keletheryl: Experiments and science were the two passions of Keletheryl. Each hero gains an item
from a Waypost or Elowen’s Grove worth 5 Gold or less.
Acropolis: A castle rigged with traps and labyrinths stands before you. You were lucky to get out alive. Each
hero gains a +1 rank increase to a Skill of their choice.