Garbage Disposal Rules and Regulations: Kaga City Office

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Garbage disposal rules and regulations

Kaga City Office
Resident Service Division
Community Safety Section
41-Ni, Minamicho Daishoji Kaga
Garbage disposal rules and regulations
※ Please take out your garbage before 8:00 am on the garbage collection day.
Type How to sort out the garbage How to take out garbage correctly

Vegetable garbage, fish bones, egg shells, shells, ・ Use Kaga City’s designated
waste papers (tissue papers, shredded paper, thermal garbage bags.
papers, etc.), plastic products (video cassettes, CDs, ※ Available from local supermarkets,
toothbrushes, etc.), rubber products (long rubber convenience stores or other retail shops.
Combustible waste

boots、rubber gloves, etc.), leather products (shoes and

Let’s compost kitchen waste!
bags, etc.), paper diapers, foam polystyrene, clothes, Kaga City offers an information session to
and etc. a town (machi) which would like to have
Plastics with food or dirt remains (cooking oil kitchen waste collected separately. The
session teaches the manner of separating
containers, mayonnaise bottle, toothpaste tube, etc.)
and collecting food waste. Please make a
request to Community Safety Section
加賀市指定 through a head of your ward.
●英語表記 ●韓国語表記
●中国語表記 ●ポルトガル語表記

● 収集日の朝8時までに、決められた場
お ● 袋の口はしっかりしばってください。
● この袋で事業所のごみは出せません。
● もえるごみ以外は入れないでください。
願 ● 水切りをしてから入れてください。
● 古紙類、プラスチック・紙製容器包装
い は 分別して資源ごみに出してください。

Glass cups, plate glass, heat-resistant glass, eyeglasses, oil ・ Use transparent(semi-transparent)

bottle, fragments of a bottle, and etc. garbage bags. Do not use black
colored bags or cardboard.
Incombustible waste

※For Yamanaka district, there are

Frying pans, pots, small home electric appliances (radio containers for each type of
Garbage collected by the City

cassette player, word processor, dryer, and etc.) incombustible. Please separate them.
・Broken glass or sharp objects such
as knives are harmful; wrap such
objects in a newspaper
The total measurements of height, width, and depth ・Remove batteries from home electric
must be with 100 cm with the weight being less than appliances.

Containers of shampoo and detergent, containers ・Rinse and clean containers.

of instant food, plastic trays of meat or vegetables, ・If you cannot make containers
containers of eggs and tofu, package cushioning, clean, take them out as
Recyclable Garbage

plastic shopping bags, wrapping papers of sweets, Combustible. ( ※ For Yamanaka

Plas tic containers

film for wrapping cigarettes and chocolates, clean district, bottles and caps/lids will
plastic wrap, net or bubble wrap for oranges, caps be categorized as Incombustible)
or lids of tubes and detergents, and etc. ・ Use transparent(or semi-
transparent) plastic bags.

Paper boxes, paper bags, wrapping papers, mounts ・ Dispose papers with
(hard papers), and etc, including similar items, even
if they don’t have ‘Paper’ mark. aluminium foil or plastic
Recyclable Garbage

coatings as Combustible. (ex. an

envelope with cellophane.)
Paper Containers

・ Please use transparent (or

Paper box Paper bag Wrapping Mounts
semi-transparent) garbage bags
Paper for small paper items .
・Please bind lager paper items
with magazines and flyers using
Paper mark paper strings.
Type How to sort out the garbage How to take out garbage correctly
・You can take out aluminium and steel cans Keep them separate in different
together bags and place them in each
・Food and beverage containers only container at your local garbage

Empty Cans
Machine oil containers → Incombustible station.

◆How to take out empty cans,

bottles and PET bottles.
① Empty all food or liquid
・Separate into 3 types according to its colors.
・Food and beverage containers only.
・Cosmetics, insecticides , cooking oil and broken bottles
→ Incombustible
・Caps made of plastic → Plastic containers
Empty Bottles
Garbage collected by the City

・Caps made of metal → Incombustible

② Rinse and clean
Recyclable Garbage

《Empty Cans and Bottles》

・Caps and labels made of plastic→ Plastic container 《Pet bottles》

・Caps made of metal→ Incombustible

Pet bottles

※Remove plastic caps and plastic wrap

・Separate this kind of garbage into 3 types, namely: Rinse, dry, flatten and
Cardboard, Newspapers, Magazines and fliers. bind with paper strings.
・Thermal papers, shredded papers →Combustible
Milk cartons

Used papers

・Bind together with paper strings.

cardboard newspapers magazine and flyers

In case of spray cans, make sure
Containers of spray (Hair mousse, Insecticide, etc.)
that they are empty and make a
Compact gas cylinders
Lighter/gas cartridges for lighter hole to release the air. (Do not
bring these cans close to fire. It’s
recommended to open the hole
Hazardous waste

while holding the can under

Wrap up objects like fluorescent lamp, thermometer,
mirror in newspapers or with cardboard when

・Items that cannot be collected:

・Car batteries
・Propane gas cylinders
Oversized Bicycles, furniture, futon, carpet, tree branches (the twigs that cannot fit into the
Waste designated bags or if there are a lot of them)
The total measurements of height, width, and depth must be with 100 cm with
the weight being less than 30kg.
Garbage that CANNOT be collected by the City

Business Waste ・Garbage originating from offices, factories, shops or restaurants

Animal Carcass ・Pet carcass (Large Animal Carcasses are not acceptable)
●You must arrange transportation for these garbage to the disposal facility below.【Paid service】
Waste Management facility in Kaga(℡73-5600 Kumasaka town)
Open:9:00~16:00 ※Closed: Wednesday, Holidays, Aug 15th ,and Dec 31st ~Jan 3rd
Green City Yamanaka(℡78-5374 Yamanaka Onsen Hasedamachi)
Open: 9:00~16:00 ※Closed: Wednesday, Holidays, Aug 15th ,and Dec 31st ~Jan 3rd
Garbage Disposal Service Charge:
※Waste disposal fees will be charged even if designated garbage bags are used.
500 yen for anything less than 50kg; 100 Yen for every 10 kg exceeding 50 kg
Extra 500 Yen will be charged for spring mattress or sofa.
700 Yen for the disposal of each animal carcass.
You can request garbage collection and transportation from any company recognized by the city of Kaga
【Paid service】
Kaga Seiso Ltd. (℡74-1910 Shomachi) Kayo Seiso Ltd. (℡76-0131 Hogamachi)
Kidachi Corp. (℡77-2119 Nakadai-machi) Kintaro Movers Ltd. (℡77-2551 Yamashiro Onsen 1-4)
Nakaguchi shoten Ltd. (℡76-2505 Yamashiro Onsen1-5)
Hokuyo Rikuso Ltd. (℡77-2209 Nishijima machi)
Hokuriku Seiso Ltd. (℡77-6637 Yamashiro Onsen 8-3)
Mizushima Bussan Ltd. (℡74-4818 Daishoji Banbacho)
Yamashita Shoten (℡72-3814 Daishoji Kamifukuda-machi)
Yamanaka Kankyo Service (℡78-3335 Yamanaka Onsen Ueno-machi)

Garbage that cannot be collected by the City can be given to the store of original purchase or retailer.

The following garbage will not be collected at your local garbage station.
Garbage that CANNOT be disposed by the

・Motorcycles, Agricultural machines ・Agrichemicals ・Paint and thinner ・Tires ・Gas cylinders
・Batteries ・Fire extinguishers ・Kerosene, Gasoline, Oil ・Personal computers

Home appliances specified by the Law for Recycling of Specified Types of Home appliances (Home Appliances
Recycling Law)
Washing machine, Dryer (clothes), TV (Flat panel display included), Air conditioner (both for inside and
outside units), Refrigerator, Freezer, and etc.

Industrial waste from business activities

※Please ask an authorized company to handle the collection, transportation, and disposal.

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